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Hydrological Sciences Journal Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 59 (6) 2014 1213

Hydrochemical characterization of an acid mine drainage-affected

reservoir: the Sancho Reservoir, Huelva, southwest Spain
J.C. Cern1, J.A. Grande1, M.L. de la Torre1, J. Borrego1, M. Santisteban1 and T. Valente1,2
Centro de Investigacin para la Ingeniera en Minera Sostenible (CIPMS), Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingeniera, Universidad de
Huelva, Ctra. Palos de la Frontera s/n, ES-21218 Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, Spain
Centro de Investigao Geolgica, Ordenamento e Valorizao de Recursos, Departamento de Cincias da Terra, Universidade do
Minho, Campus de Gualtar, P-4710-057 Braga, Portugal

Received 25 October 2012; accepted 9 July 2013; open for discussion until 1 December 2014
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Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor M.D. Fidelibus

Citation Cern, J.C., Grande, J.A., de la Torre, M.L., Borrego, J., Santisteban, M., and Valente, T., 2014. Hydrochemical character-
ization of an acid mine drainage-affected reservoir: the Sancho Reservoir, Huelva, southwest Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal,
59 (6), 12131224.

Abstract The objectives of this study were to discover the relationship between variables in a water reservoir and
the hydrochemical variations related to acid mine drainage (AMD), and to describe the horizontal stratification
related to vertical salinity and variations in metals present in the region. The information obtained may be
used for establishing risk evaluation criteria and to design future remediation strategies, which could be useful for
new dams. The hydrochemical characterization was based on a sampling campaign performed in October 2011. A
total of 28 samples, at 1-m-deep intervals, were obtained. The hydrogeochemical study of the polluted reservoir
shows that the dilution effect is not sufficient to neutralize AMD contributions from mining activity. Sampling
carried out from the surface water to the deepest points reveals stratification of the reservoir that allows it to be
included in the group of monomictic and holomitic lakes.
Key words acid mine drainage; water reservoir; natural attenuations; factor analysis; Iberian Pyrite Belt; stratification;
hydrological characterization; pollution; surface waters; remediation

Caractrisation hydrochimique dun rservoir affect par un drainage de mine acide: le rservoir
de Sancho, Huelva, Sud-Ouest espagnol
Rsum Les objectifs de cette tude taient de dcouvrir la relation entre les variables qualitatives dun rservoir
et les variations hydrochimiques lis au drainage minier acide (DMA), et de dcrire la stratification horizontale
lie la salinit verticale ainsi que les variations des mtaux prsents dans la rgion. Linformation obtenue peut
tre utilise pour tablir des critres dvaluation des risques et pour laborer des stratgies dassainissement
futures, qui pourraient tre utiles pour de nouveaux barrages. La caractrisation hydrochimique a t base sur
une campagne dchantillonnage effectue en octobre 2011. Un total de 28 chantillons, des intervalles de 1 m
de profondeur, a t obtenu. Ltude hydrogochimique du rservoir pollu montre que leffet de dilution nest
pas suffisant pour neutraliser les contributions du DMA de lactivit minire. Lchantillonnage effectu partir
de leau de surface pour les points les plus profonds rvle une stratification du rservoir qui lui permet dtre
inclus dans le groupe de lacs monomictiques et holomictiques.
Mots clefs drainage minier acide ; rservoir deau ; attnuations naturelles ; analyse factorielle ; ceinture de pyrite ibrique ;
stratification ; caractrisation hydrologique, pollution, eaux de surface ; assainissement

INTRODUCTION environmental problem is usually a side effect of

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the most mining for sulphides and coal. Its origin is related
serious types of water contamination due to its nat- to the presence of sulphides, which increase in reac-
ure, magnitude, difficult solution and remediation tivity due to mining and the processing of ore such as
costs (Azcue 1999, Younger et al. 2002). This milling.

2014 IAHS Press

1214 J.C. Cern et al.

Sulphide minerals are stable and insoluble under and maximum temperatures were 11.1 and 23.6C,
reductive conditions. Therefore, pyrite and other respectively.
sulphides stay preserved in anoxic environments, In this type of semi-arid climate, dam construc-
preventing the mobilization of metals and acids. tion is one of the most common solutions to meet
However, when the reactive mineral comes into population and industrial water needs. However, the
contact with oxygen and atmospheric moisture, the vulnerability of the water surfaces to contamination is
sulphide oxidation process occurs (Sinz 1999). A com- much greater than that of underground water (Grande
plex mechanism begins on the mineral surface, which et al. 2010d).
leads to the production of acids and sulphates, as well as Until now, the Odiel River has seldom been
to the mobilization of metals and metalloids (Nordstrom controlled by dams due to its high AMD contamina-
and Alpers 1999, Younger et al. 2002, Banks 2004). tion levels (Olas et al. 2004, Grande et al. 2010a).
At low pH values, the overall sulphide oxidation However, Spanish hydrological plans foresee the
process may be catalysed by acidophilic chemo-auto- construction of two dams in the Odiel River basin
trophic micro-organisms that increase the oxidation for public water supply: the Alcolea Dam (300 hm3;
rate by a factor of 102 (Singer and Stumm 1970, 372719N, 65819W) and the Coronada Dam
Cnovas et al. 2007). The biological action assures (800 hm3; 37434N, 64547W). It is expected
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the oxidation of iron, which acts as a strong oxidant, that untreated waters received by the Alcolea
leading to the intensification of acidity and the main- Reservoir will have high levels of acidity, aluminium
tenance of weathering chain reactions (Nordstrom and other toxic elements. Therefore, it will be useful
and Alpers 1999, Younger et al. 2002). to understand the hydrogeochemical processes that
AMD contamination in the Iberian Pyrite Belt occur in other AMD-affected reservoirs, such as the
(IPB) is widely known for its antiquity and scale Sancho Reservoir (Fig. 1).
(Grande et al. 2010a). The IPB is one of the largest The Sancho Dam was built in 1962 and is fed
metallogenic regions of the world, with numerous by the Meca River (Fig. 1). Its waters are used for
giant and supergiant massive sulphide ore deposits industrial purposes, supplying a pulp mill located
(Sez et al. 1999), comprising 1700 Mt of sulphide 15 km downstream, in San Juan del Puerto (south-
reserves (Pinedo-Vara 1963). Consequently, the west Spain). It has a maximum storage capacity of
regional drainage network is strongly affected by 58 hm3, with a crest length of 224 m and a height of
AMD and acid rock drainage (ARD), as described 56 m a.s.l., and the impounded water covers an area
by several authors: Elbaz-Poulichet et al. (1999, of 4.27 km2. The total watershed area is 314 km2.
2000, 2001), Davis et al. (2000), Grande et al. The Meca River (Fig. 1) receives contaminated
(2003a, 2003b, 2005a, 2005b, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, waters from different subsidiary tributaries affected
2010d, 2010e, 2011a, 2011b), Leblanc et al. (2000), by AMD, mostly from the abandoned Tharsis and
Borrego et al. (2002), Sinz et al. (2002, 2003a, Carpio mines (southwest Spain). These mines define
2003b, 2004, 2005), Olas et al. (2004, 2005a, an important AMD-generating zone, referred to as the
2005b, 2006), Aroba et al. (2007), Jimnez et al. Rivera Meca-Sancho by Grande et al. (2010a), and its
(2009), de la Torre et al. (2009, 2010, 2011), Carro typical AMD properties are presented in Table 1.
et al. (2011) and Grande (2011). In accordance with the above scenario, the
Mining activity was shut down for several years present study has the following objectives:
in the IPB and is now being slowly reactivated.
1. to discover the relationship between the variables
Nevertheless, the regional water courses, such as
and the hydrochemical variations related to AMD
the Odiel River basin, have continued to carry metals
in the Sancho Reservoir;
and sulphates from the continent to the ocean
2. to describe horizontal stratification related to ver-
throughout this time (Sainz and Ruiz 2006).
tical salinity and variations in metals; and
Taking into consideration rainfall intensity
3. to understand the mechanisms that control the
and the duration of the dry period, the Odiel
physico-chemical processes responsible for toxi-
River basin presents a dry Mediterranean climate,
city and a reduction in the mobility of metals.
with annual precipitation around 500700 mm.
Precipitation is rather seasonal, being more fre- The information obtained may be used to establish
quent between October and May. In summer, it is risk evaluation criteria and to design future reme-
almost absent. In the period 19802010, the aver- diation strategies, which could be useful for new
age temperature was 17.4C, while the minimum dams.
Hydrochemical characterization of an acid mine drainage-affected reservoir 1215
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Fig. 1 Location of the study area.

Table 1 Statistical data of the variables of the 28 samples obtained at the Rivera Meca-Sancho AMD zone (Grande et al.
2010a). EC: electrical conductivity in S cm-1; Eh: in mV; As and Cd in g L-1; Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and sulphate in mg L-1.
pH EC Eh As Cd Cu Zn Fe Mn SO42-

Minimum 2.15 2560 425 0.0105 20.11 340.7 190.1 25.7 55.9 5317
Maximum 2.72 15 810 623 2.1101 45.26 607.3 556.5 261.0 183.6 11 700
Average 2.43 6035 520.7 0.8938 32.36 443.3 440.9 91.4 147.5 7937
Variance 0.0460411 2.05646E7 4325.07 0.845027 104.524 10 949.8 12 256.8 5257.17 1518.21 4.12289E6

Geological framework sedimentary complex (VSC), and the Devonian pre-

volcanic sediments (PQ group).
The Odiel River is located in the IPB, in the south-
The Culm group comprises the sedimentary
west of Spain (Fig. 2). The IPB covers an area of
and post-volcanic rocks of the IPB (Moreno and
about 6900 km2. It runs from Seville in southern
Gonzlez 2004). Petrographic studies reveal that
Spain to the west coast of Portugal, and contains
fragments of sedimentary and volcanic origin are
numerous Palaeozoic massif sulphide deposits
the major lithic components of the Culm litharenites.
(mainly, Cu, Pb and Zn), the largest in the world
The VSC is the most metallogenically impor-
according to Sez et al. (1999).
tant unit. It consists of a heterogeneous sedimentary
The IPB reveals a highly complex lithology with
series with interbedded magmatic rocks of varying
many different types of rock that vary greatly in their
nature and composition. Among sedimentary rocks,
spatial and temporal distribution. Essentially, there
those of detrital and volcanoclastic origin predomi-
are three major units: the Culm group, the volcano-
nate. The presence of common chemical
1216 J.C. Cern et al.
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Fig. 2 Geological scheme of the studied zone.

sedimentary rocks may also be observed, including Spain). Dissolved oxygen (DO) was measured using
massive sulphides, manganese jaspers and some dis- a Hydrolab Quanta probe.
continuous levels of fossiliferous limestones (Sez Duplicate samples were taken at each depth.
et al. 2010). Three per cent nitric acid was added to one sample
The PQ group has a minimum thickness of to prevent the metals precipitating out before labora-
2000 m and its lithostratigraphic features are the tory analysis, so that they could be analysed without
same throughout the whole IPB, except near the top their concentration being altered. The second sample,
where some differentiation is observed in various to which no type of acid was added, was used for
places. Most of the stratigraphic column units consist sulphate analysis. Following collection, the samples
of dark shales (grey to black) with fine sandstone were immediately refrigerated, transported in poly-
layers (Moreno and Sez 1990, Sez and Moreno ethylene bottles (100 mL), kept in the dark and stored
1997). at 4C until analysis.
Metal concentrations (Al, Zn, As, Sb, Ni, Cd, Cu
and Mn) were determined using an air-acetylene
MATERIALS AND METHODS flame atomic absorption spectrometer (PerkinElmer
The hydrochemical characterization was based on a AAnalyst 800; PerkinElmer, Norwalk, CT, USA),
sampling campaign performed in October 2011. equipped with a graphite furnace and hydride gen-
Sample collection was carried out from the surface erator. Sulphates were determined by ion chromato-
to the bottom of the reservoir; 28 samples were graphy with suppressed conductivity detection
obtained at 1-m-deep intervals. Unlike previous (Standard Methods 4110). All samples were analysed
studies (Sarmiento et al. 2009, de la Torre et al. twice to check accuracy. The results were also com-
2010), which used three sampling points, the pre- pared with those from ENCE (the dam operator
sent study was based on comprehensive stratified company), which performs monthly sampling, and
sampling. identical results were obtained.
A Hydro-Bios water sampler allowed samples to The results of the analyses were submitted to
be extracted at various depths. The temperature, pH, statistical treatment using Statgraphic Centurion XV
EC and total dissolved solids (TDS) were measured package. This allowed a statistical summary to be
in situ, using a portable multiparametric multimeter obtained and, additionally, multivariate factor analy-
(Crison MM 40; Crison Instruments, Barcelona, sis to be performed. Factor analysis was applied to
Hydrochemical characterization of an acid mine drainage-affected reservoir 1217

the variables, using all the samples in the database, in Taking into account the average concentrations
order to find hydrogeochemical affinities. It was also of the Mecca River (Table 1), sulphates and metals
applied to observations, in order to find affinities are well below the expected values in a mining dam
between the samples. or an AMD stream (Grande et al. 2005a, 2010d,
Valente and Leal Gomes 2009). Arsenic is always
below the detection limit, and Ni and Sb are the
RESULTS metals with the lowest concentrations (about 100
Table 2 shows the volume of data obtained from times less).
sampling, which was carried out at a point in the Table 3 shows the correlation coefficient
Sancho Reservoir, at 28 different point depths, with between pairs of variables, which varies between 1
a distance of 1 m depth between each. In addition, and 1. Depth has a high positive correlation (>0.8)
Table 2 shows the basic statistical parameters (mini- with Pb (0.82), Al (0.88) and pH (0.85). However, it
mum, maximum, average and variance) obtained for has a negative correlation with temperature (0.88),
each parameter. Since As was below the detection DO (0.92) and, although slightly lower, with Zn
limit (<0.001 mg L-1) in all samples, the data are not (0.74). Zinc shows equally high negative correla-
tions with Fe (0.82) and pH (0.9), and positive
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shown. Higher acidity was found in the surface

water; therefore, all samples present pH of less than correlations with temperature, T (0.92) and
4, except at depths below 19 m, where it increases, DO (0.89).
reaching a maximum value of pH 4.67 (Table 2). The EC has high positive correlation with Mn (0.86)
EC has values of between 401 and 472 S cm-1, with and TDS (0.98), and rather lower values with DO
a drop towards the intermediate zone; then there is a (0.75). Lower correlations were found: for Fe with
relative increase towards deeper areas. T (0.76) and pH (0.73); for Al with DO (0.75), T

Table 2 Hydrochemical data of the Sancho Reservoir (October 2011). Statistical data of the variables (S: sample; D: depth
in m; T: temperature in C; EC: electrical conductivity in S cm-1; ions in mg L-1; TDS: total dissolved solids in mg L-1;
DO: dissolved oxygen in mg L-1).
S D Fe Cu Zn Mn Cd Ni Sb Pb Al SO4 T pH CE TDS DO

1 1 0.816 0.786 2.375 1.516 0.131 0.01043 0.0017 0.778 0.0395 190 25.7 3.55 472 302 6.16
2 2 0.706 0.692 2.467 1.677 0.127 0.01049 0.0019 0.657 0.0278 199 25.7 3.54 465 298 5.94
3 3 0.783 0.807 2.396 1.593 0.144 0.00989 0.0016 0.275 0.0544 197 25.8 3.54 458 293 6.01
4 4 0.723 0.741 2.484 1.559 0.122 0.01004 0.0023 0.804 0.0435 188 25.8 3.57 459 293 5.78
5 5 0.607 0.689 2.463 1.571 0.138 0.01005 0.0031 0.871 0.0637 171 25.8 3.59 445 285 5.58
6 6 0.564 0.627 2.445 1.517 0.142 0.01047 0.0032 0.78 0.0502 172 25.8 3.59 443 284 5.39
7 7 0.61 0.62 2.435 1.523 0.142 0.01045 0.0026 0.636 0.0502 176 25.8 3.51 456 292 5.13
8 8 0.679 0.618 2.429 1.531 0.143 0.01041 0.0019 0.566 0.0502 180 25.7 3.57 449 287 4.72
9 9 0.79 0.663 2.54 1.582 0.146 0.01049 0.0023 0.574 0.0495 181 25.7 3.57 450 288 4.89
10 10 0.651 0.71 2.595 1.519 0.138 0.01044 0.003 0.758 0.0596 178 25.6 3.54 454 291 4.99
11 11 0.54 0.518 2.545 1.496 0.147 0.01036 0.0032 1.214 0.0653 185 25.7 3.5 444 284 4.81
12 12 0.643 0.61 2.629 1.522 0.14 0.01047 0.002 1.063 0.0641 187 25.6 3.56 447 286 5.45
13 13 0.748 0.611 2.678 1.577 0.131 0.01049 0.0031 0.968 0.1042 198 25.7 3.57 443 284 4.86
14 14 0.614 0.614 2.723 1.519 0.135 0.01005 0.0031 0.926 0.1170 198 25.6 3.56 451 289 5.19
15 15 0.67 0.585 2.722 1.59 0.118 0.01033 0.0018 1.065 0.1676 196 25.7 3.55 458 293 5.28
16 16 0.591 0.575 2.639 1.489 0.126 0.01049 0.0031 0.946 0.1615 180 25.3 3.65 445 285 4.5
17 17 0.639 0.526 2.426 1.44 0.119 0.01021 0.0015 0.976 0.0987 172 24.9 3.72 430 275 3.95
18 18 0.643 0.447 2.139 1.272 0.122 0.01043 0.0018 1.106 0.1183 171 23.3 3.83 402 257 0.8
19 19 0.848 0.608 2.104 1.079 0.129 0.01046 0.0026 1.36 0.1226 170 21.2 4.3 401 257 0.93
20 20 0.64 0.418 2.064 1.358 0.131 0.01042 0.0015 1.262 0.1356 181 19.0 4.54 419 268 0.98
21 21 1.16 0.624 1.493 1.339 0.131 0.01036 0.0017 1.443 0.1301 171 17.7 4.5 425 272 0.85
22 22 0.916 0.669 2.014 1.465 0.123 0.01027 0.0021 1.647 0.1030 184 17.1 4.66 425 272 0.68
23 23 0.968 0.673 1.923 1.367 0.108 0.01047 0.0034 1.181 0.1460 171 16.4 4.66 435 278 0.56
24 24 0.947 0.648 1.845 1.454 0.139 0.00947 0.0017 1.193 0.1947 173 15.9 4.6 434 278 0.55
25 25 0.816 0.689 1.829 1.429 0.125 0.01039 0.0012 1.467 0.2018 182 15.3 4.62 436 290 0.42
26 26 0.816 0.689 1.83 1.549 0.126 0.01016 0.0032 1.053 0.1456 187 14.8 4.67 442 283 0.37
27 27 1.042 0.662 1.646 1.452 0.137 0.01018 0.0012 1.27 0.1764 179 15.2 4.61 435 279 0.22
28 28 0.977 0.694 1.730 1.571 0.133 0.00973 0.0013 1.912 0.1404 172 14.6 4.29 441 282 0.16
Minimum 0.54 0.418 1.493 1.079 0.108 0.00947 0.0012 0.275 0.0278 170 14.6 3.5 401 257 0.16
Maximum 1.16 0.807 2.723 1.677 0.147 0.01049 0.0034 1.912 0.2018 199 25.8 4.67 472 302 6.16
Average 0.755 0.6362 2.2717 1.484 0.132 0.01028 0.0023 1.0268 0.1029 182 22.4 3.93 442 283 3.4
Variance 0.02508 0.00763 0.12881 0.01409 9.2E-05 6.61E-08 5.2E-07 0.12669 0.00267 91.2 20.1 0.23 279 116 5.51
1218 J.C. Cern et al.

Table 3 Correlation matrix (D: depth; T: temperature; EC: electrical conductivity; TDS: total dissolved solids; DO:
dissolved oxygen).
D Fe Cu Zn Mn Cd Ni Sb Pb Al SO4 T pH EC TDS DO

D 1.00
Fe 0.57 1.00
Cu 0.28 0.37 1.00
Zn 0.74 0.82 0.07 1.00
Mn 0.47 0.26 0.44 0.45 1.00
Cd 0.38 0.22 0.10 0.22 0.28 1.00
Ni 0.25 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.18 0.13 1.00
Sb 0.23 0.39 0.01 0.42 0.07 0.05 0.27 1.00
Pb 0.82 0.51 0.26 0.65 0.46 0.36 0.19 0.25 1.00
Al 0.88 0.45 0.25 0.57 0.40 0.42 0.28 0.23 0.66 1.00
SO4 0.38 0.23 0.26 0.49 0.59 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.37 0.22 1.00
T 0.88 0.76 0.05 0.92 0.36 0.31 0.35 0.32 0.75 0.73 0.36 1.00
pH 0.85 0.73 0.04 0.90 0.50 0.37 0.24 0.27 0.72 0.72 0.38 0.97 1.00
EC 0.64 0.25 0.59 0.52 0.86 0.27 0.04 0.12 0.59 0.49 0.60 0.48 0.59 1.00
TDS 0.59 0.24 0.61 0.47 0.84 0.25 0.02 0.07 0.54 0.41 0.60 0.42 0.53 0.98 1.00
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DO 0.92 0.66 0.22 0.89 0.61 0.36 0.22 0.29 0.78 0.75 0.51 0.93 0.94 0.75 0.69 1.00

(0.73) and pH (0.72); and for Pb with DO (0.78), T Figures 3 and 4 present the results of factor ana-
(0.75) and pH (0.72). Temperature has a high posi- lysis. Factors I and II explain 78% of the total data
tive correlation with DO (0.93) and negative correla- variance in relation to the studied variables (I: 59%, II:
tion with pH (0.97). Finally, sulphate is not 19%; Fig. 3). Those variables with more weight on the
significantly correlated with the other variables. positive side of Factor I are temperature and Zn, while
Before using the multivariate statistical method, pH, Al, depth, Pb and Fe are on the negative side
all parameters data were standardized with the corre- (Fig. 3). Factor II is defined by EC, TDS, sulphates,
sponding z-score to ensure homogeneity, as follows: Mn and Cu. DO is in a close to intermediate position in
relation to factors I and II, but affects the former more
z x  = (1) than the latter. Finally, the variables Ni, Cd and Sb are
located away from the extremes, so they have no clear
influence on either factor.
where x is the variable value; and and are the In terms of observations (Fig. 4), the following
average and the standard deviation of all data, groups can be distinguished: a first group (G1) con-
respectively. sisting of samples 116 (more superficial), a second
group (G2) defined by samples 1720 and a third

Fig. 3 Factor analysisvariables (D: depth from water

surface; C: electrical conductivity; TDS: total dissolved
solids; DO: dissolved oxygen). Fig. 4 Factor analysissamples.
Hydrochemical characterization of an acid mine drainage-affected reservoir 1219

depth, down to 20 m, there is a sharp increase; pH

tends to stabilize at close to 4.6. EC shows a slow
decline down to 16 m (from 472 to 458 mS cm-1).
From here it decreases until 19 m (401 mS cm-1), and
below that there is a new evolution in depth leading
to increasing values (up to 441 mS cm-1). The TDS
behave similarly. The highest EC and TDS values
were observed at the surface (Fig. 6). DO shows a
slow decrease (between 6 and 5 mg L-1) down to
16 m, then a very rapid decrease down to 17 m
(0.8 mg L-1). Finally, it continues to decline more
slowly towards the deepest point, with values of up
to 0.16 mg L-1. For Al, there is a general increase in
concentration with depth: values increase from the
Fig. 5 Thermal stratification and respective areas in the surface down to 15 m, at which point they begin to
Sancho Reservoir. fall irregularly, until there is a new increase towards
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the end of the column. In turn, sulphate, which is

most responsible for salinity, shows irregular change
(G3) consisting of samples 2128. The thermal stra- throughout the whole profile. However, similar to
tification and its respective areas in the Sancho EC, a maximum can be observed at around 15 m
Reservoir are shown in Fig. 5. (196 mg L-1), with values falling with depth.
The evolution in depth of various factors is The evolution with depth of other ions is
shown in Fig. 6. Temperature is almost stable, vary- shown in Fig. 7: Zn concentration increases initi-
ing from around 26C down to 16 m, and decreasing ally down to 15 m, falls rapidly at about 20 m, and
rapidly at 20 m. From here it continues to fall more then continues to decrease more slowly; Mn
slowly, reaching values of around 15C. The evolu- remains at about the same value down to 15 m,
tion of pH, as mentioned above, is similar to that of then drops quickly at about 20 m and finally fol-
temperature, being stable down to 15 m. Below this lows a smooth, continuous rise; Fe fluctuates down

Fig. 6 Depth vs temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), Al and

Fig. 7 Depth vs Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd and Sb ions.
1220 J.C. Cern et al.

to nearly 20 m, followed quickly by an increase; distinguished: the epilimnion (the warmest and most
Cu shows a decreasing trend until 20 m, then shallow, with temperatures around 25C, and about
increases suddenly in the opposite direction; Pb, 15 m thick), the metalimnion or thermocline (where a
like Al, increases with depth; Ni and Cd do not sharp drop in temperature is produced, about 10C
show large fluctuations in concentration as the and measuring only 5 m), and the hypolimnion (the
depth increases; and, finally, Sb has very irregular deepest, thickest layer, with a nearly constant tem-
behaviour without showing a clear tendency perature of around 14.5C).
towards an increase or decrease. The fact that the highest values for EC and
TDS were found at the surface could be explained
by evaporation processes and salt concentrations
DISCUSSION produced in the most superficial epilimnion layer.
As the statistical summary reveals, the waters Therefore, the parameters pH, EC, TDS, DO and
of the Sancho Reservoir present typical AMD char- temperature reveal a vertical transition zone, which
acteristics, i.e. low pH and high concentrations of would be located at a depth of approx. 1520 m.
metals. However, this pollution is less pronounced This defines an area called the metalimnion or ther-
mocline, which separates the epilimnion from the
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than that in the River Meca, whose waters it col-

lects, due to dilution processes that occur in the hypolimnion (Fig. 5). In Fig. 7, it can be seen that
Sancho Reservoir. at around 1520 m, corresponding to the metalim-
According to Wetzel and Wilkin (1991) and nion, most of the ions evolve in one direction or the
Wetzel (2001), a relative depth index (equation (2)) other.
can be defined for an aquatic environment. This If we consider temperature and DO (Fig. 6), it
allows the comparison of different types of lakes can be seen that the thermocline and oxycline are in
and gives a preview of certain limnology aspects: the same position. This suggests that oxygen concen-
tration depends more on mixing, due to wind turbu-
p.p lence, than on biological activity. The surface of the
Relative depth 50zm A0 (2) reservoir is quite large (4.27 km2), which would
favour wind action on its waters, leading to an
where zm is the maximum depth and A0 is the surface increase in the depth of the epilimnion (about
area. 15 m). This thicker epilimnion may promote greater
Relatively shallow lakes, which present results connection with the oxygenated surface layer.
of between 3% and 10%, are known as holomictic Therefore, deeper areas are not too disconnected
lakes. These generally undergo mixing at least once a from the oxygenated surface, inhibiting the occur-
year, which affects the entire water column, introdu- rence of reducing conditions.
cing oxygen from the surface to the deepest layers. If Additionally, there is an input of nutrients from
the temperature is above 4C, the lake is called warm the epilimnion. Such nutrients may favour the growth
monomictic. Lakes with a high relative depth, of of algae, increasing the DO. According to Peine and
between 10% and 40%, are called meromictic. They Peiffer (1998) and Wendt-Potthoff and Neu (1998),
are characterized by a permanent chemical stratifica- phytoplankton activity leads to an increase in alkali-
tion, caused by the lack of mixing processes in the nity in lakes and reservoirs. In the Sancho Reservoir,
deepest layer. this may, in part, neutralize the acidity received
In the present case, the Sancho Reservoir, with from AMD.
an area of 4.27 km2 and a maximum depth of 28 m, In the metalimnion, at a depth of approx.
would have a low relative depth of 1.2%. As a result, 1520 m, almost all the oxygen is consumed
it could be included in the group of holomictic lakes. rapidly in the course of stratification of the profile
It would show thermal stratification for most of the (Fig. 6). These anoxic or low DO conditions are
year and a complete homogenization of the whole found in the hypolimnion. These reducing condi-
column in the cold months. Additionally, and taking tions are followed by pH increase in the hypolim-
into account that its temperature is higher than 4C, nion, with values of between 4.5 and 5. At this pH
it would also be considered a monomictic lake. range, reduction and dissolution of Fe(III) phases
The evolution of temperature over depth (Fig. 5) may occur (Younger et al. 2002), such as the
describes this type of lake, in which three areas are oxyhydroxysulphate Schwertmannite:
Hydrochemical characterization of an acid mine drainage-affected reservoir 1221

Fe8 O8 OHx SO4 y 24  2yH ! 8Fe3 These increases may be related to an iron particulate
(3) dissolution process that promotes the release of other
ySO4 2 24  2y x=2H2 O adsorbed metals.
The only metal that does not follow the above
This mineral has a typical pH formation range of 24 tendency is Zn. Its decreasing concentration seems to
(Bigham et al. 1996, Sidenko and Sherriff 2005), be directly controlled by pH, as indicated by the
which would cause an increase in Fe and H + con- high correlation coefficient between both variables
sumption in the hypolimnion (equation (3)). This is (0.90). One possible explanation could be that it
in agreement with Snchez-Espaa et al. (2009), who was adsorbed by clay, organic matter or aluminium
consider Schwertmannite a major controller of Fe(III) hydroxides when pH increased.
concentrations in the mine waters of the IPB. Additionally, and as can be seen above, factor
Furthermore, a pH increase noticed in the hypo- analysis shows the geochemical affinities between
limnion may be related to sulphate reduction under the two sets of variables (Fig. 3), defined according
anaerobic conditions. This process occurs in the bottom to factors I (59%) and II (19%). These groups may be
of the reservoir, and is related to the organic matter that related to the following processes: sulphate reduction
has accumulated in the sediment (Drever 1997): (F1) and salinity (F2). Since the Sancho Reservoir
Downloaded by [Universitaria De Huelva] at 05:55 11 June 2014

receives major contributions from AMD (Nordstrom

2CH2 Oaq SO4 2
aq 2H aq ! H2 Saq and Alpers 1999, Younger et al. 2002, Lpez-Pamo
(4) et al. 2009), its hydrochemistry is mainly determined
CO2 H2 O
by sulphide oxidation processes. The sulphate reduc-
tion process (F1) may take place in the deepest parts of
It may cause alkalinity (Drever 1997, Heijs and van the reservoir that are depleted of oxygen. Therefore,
Gemerden 2000) and is in agreement with the the major controlled variables are DO and temperature
observed decrease in sulphates and increase in EC. (the positive side), and depth, pH, Al, Pb and Fe (the
In AMD systems, sulphate reduction to sulphide negative side). The proximity between pH and Al
occurs at a pH of between 2 and 3 (Koschorreck suggests that pH is related to precipitation of this ion.
et al. 2003). Nevertheless, Church et al. (2007) show The process has already been described in the IPB by
sulphate reduction at a pH of between 4.0 and 7.5 Lpez-Pamo et al. (2009) and Santofimia-Pastor et al.
when catalysed by anaerobic bacteria. (2011), who indicate that this ion may cause a buffer
Additionally, the anoxic conditions in the hypo- effect, precipitating and increasing H+ concentration.
limnion are associated with an increase in Fe and Mn In terms of salinity (F2), ion sulphate dissolution
concentrations in this zone (Fig. 7). Wetzel (2001) (coming from pyrite oxidation) may be the main
has described a reduction in metal compounds variable responsible for an increase in EC and TDS.
according to the following equations: This process may occur in the shallower areas of the
reservoir, which are richer in oxygen.
CH2 O 4FeOH3 8H ! Fe2 The groups observed in Fig. 4 also satisfy these
CO2 11 H2 O two processes: group G1 brings together the shal-
lower conditions (down to 16 m), which are more
2CH2 O 2MnO2 oxygenated, with more salinity (this high sulphate
(6) concentration and lower pH define the epilimnion);
4H 2Mn2 CO2 H2 O G2 corresponds to conditions in the intermediate
zone (between 17 and 20 m) and defines the meta-
This oxidation of organic matter may contribute to limnion; and G3 brings together the deepest condi-
the increase in EC and dissolved solids observed in tions, the hypolimnion, with higher pH and lower
the deeper layer. In turn, and according to Peiffer oxygen, salinity and sulphate concentration.
et al. (1999) and Tipping et al. (2002), Fe and Mn
increases should be enhanced by the formation of
stable humic complexes. Besides these two metals,
metallic load increase in the hypolimnion is also The hydrogeochemical study of the Sancho Reservoir
evident for Cu, Pb and Al. In the case of Cd, Ni has shown that the dilution effect is not sufficient to
and Sb, with smaller concentrations than those neutralize AMD contributions from the mining activ-
reported above (g L-1), the changes are smaller. ity in the River Meca basin. This is revealed by the
1222 J.C. Cern et al.

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