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Student Name: Chanice Dee Ahmet Jones

Pathway: Fashion and Textiles

Final Major Project Title: OBSESSION

You will need to submit this evaluation with your full project hand in
1. Briefly describe the final outcome of your project and the progress you have
made, and if applicable how it differs from your original Project Proposal:
The final outcome of my project is a unisex piece based on the emotional
experience of obsessive, compulsive behaviour. I researched many different
elements of obsession and what obsession we all relate to, such as our
satisfying touch is, and how we connect different textures related to what kind
of emotions they remind us of as well as the ones we subconsciously have
around us depending on our mood.
OBSESSIVE CONNECTION being the satisfying Touch. COMPULSION being
the repetitive weave and compulsion of the same textile technique in many
ways, especially visually contributing to the urge to touch. DISORDER being
the foundation of creating the garment, the process of weaving along with
element of using silicone.
2. What methods have you used to show how your learning has effected your
project eg FMP Blog/ FMP Plan/ sketchbooks etc, and how has this helped
with development of your work:
The methods I have used to show how my learning has affected my project is
via my blog because I had a lot of research to focus on, most being via the
web i.e. documentaries, movies, and exhibition articles. It has helped me map
out my research and focus on a specific path to begin my sketchbook, which
was focused on reflection through textile, design, and mark making in order to
increase a significant flow of design development. Looking back at my FMP
plan table didnt help me during my FMP because I had pre-meditated what I
should have got done by what time, resulting in confusion and panic because
my research took up an increasable amount of my planned time as well as my
garment taking me over three weeks to weave by hand. The progress of
controlled working made me feel less controlled in a way. I set out for my
design concept to not be controlled otherwise it would have resulted in losing
the element of connecting with the audience.
3. List the targets met (from the original FMP Plan and any that were added
- Create an online survey via Chatroulette
- Research our natural obsessions
- Research ways to incorporate a connection with the audience with garment
- Incorporate a space where I can allow an audience to connect with my
garment and asses feedback
-Stepping into the shoes of someone with an obsession/ obsessive disorder

4. Reflecting on your overall final major project, please discuss any

developments which have contributed to the final outcome:
During my online survey, a soft textile during a negative emotional state is
something we all relate to as well as connecting to memories. I wanted to look
at a material that didnt look how it feels, diving into obsessive disorders
further I finalised an idea around a compulsive cleaning addiction and the
emotional turmoil it puts people through, I felt this suited the elements I
needed to connect with the audience the most. The elements I took from this
were cleanliness and latex gloves, but I needed something soft to the touch
after experimenting with different types of latex Silicone was the best suit for
touch, which covered the obsessive disorder.
I researched different artists who have exhibited work based on obsessive
behaviour and Olek Crochet's work really inspired me. My connected to her
piece was a way of showing how we drown in patterns we are used to, but
when exaggerated they become a disorder a repetition of the same
technique over and over, the compulsion of crochet knit. During my research
of disorders, mathematics and the Scientific of human urges, the only way I
could describe my journey is weaving through my emotions hens why
weaving covered the compulsive disorder.
I chose each achingly satisfying cut out of 6 meters of buttery silicone to be
a journey each person I researched had experienced, from melting in distress
to satisfying a painful urge. During the 236 hour process of repetitive cut, spin
and weave, cut, spin and weave by hand I wanted to experience a small
breakdown I would relate to the emotional turmoil I witnessed when
researching movies and documentaries. Although it was tough to get through
every tuck, turn, twist and wrap of my FMP journey it did help me progress
further into reaching my goal garment.
5. Please state what advice you received from others during your FMP, and
discuss what you found particularly useful: you should refer to group reviews,
one-to-one tutorials and feedback from evaluation groups
During my first Tutorial feedback I was very confused and my mind was full of
research I couldnt place anywhere and peers gave me some helpful;

-Mind map starting with the word obsession or how it makes you feel and
start moving away from the word obsession and choose the word that furthest
awaystart from there.
-Take photographs or films
-Ask yourself a question. What are of obsession do you want to look at?
-What artists look into obsession?

My FMP Mid Week Assessment was today and I wasn't happy with what I had
produced. I knew it wasn't enough to just hand in so I rehearsed what I was
going to say, presented my work, critiqued everyone else work and I had half
of my blog done which was better than nothing. My samples are the things
that took up most of my time Form FMP so far I have probably used just under
500 hours weaving for my FMP. We don't have a weaving machine in the
building so it has't been pleasant When talking about my work, even I was
confused, I mixed up pages, got confused and jumped a few pages. It was a
shame I had all of the research but none of it was in my physical book and I
hadn't made a research book to back it up> I had very positive feedback from
my peers, they really enjoyed my mark making, the way I design and my fabric
samples. One of the tutors present for mid assessment started off by saying
"i'm not sure if it was because wasn't looking, I was searching for your blog'
but you missed out these..." I had done what she said I was looking for so the
lack of concentration and pointless feedback annoyed me I have worked hard
to make sure I can present something and she could even look and listen to
my presentation. Dan gave me some advise on what I need to do in order to
make better progress. My feedback overall was.

- Dan:
work is currently a Pass but can achieve higher
-Group of peers:
Merit / Distinction
Samples, experimentation, drawings, primary research.
Context is clear at then beginning then just drifts off.
Not enough research in beginning
connection with experiments and work is missing connect more
-Do drawings from samples so more responsive
-Own interpretations using myself, videos, photos etc
-Work on better direction through concept boards
-Blog Needs to feed into my work more.
-Make sure audience understand the story.
-Drape myself in wool
-Photography myself in yarn shop
-Look at collectors suffocating themselves etc...
My sketchbook was very confusing and I think it's why I was so worried about
it looking good to the point where I had a mental block when I finished each
page, I wasn't going with the flow. I felt like I was drowning in information the
whole time.
I only have three weeks of this project left and have to get an entire new book

6. Key points to take away things to change about my approach (give at

least 2) eg improve time management, what skills you have developed and
how this will affect your future course/career and things to continue doing and
to build on (give at least 2). What are you going to do next year?
(NOTE you may find it useful to refer to this document at the beginning of
your next self managed project.)
If I could go back I would change my first approach to the project by diving
into the one-word research it drowned me in so many different directions of
research and I felt like I couldnt get out of it. For next time I would definitely
brainstorm further in order to find a less broad subject. Time management is
also something I would approach differently, being so controlled with time
didnt help my thought process and natural development due to this I didnt
focus on recording my process of making my garment during my breakdown
which would have been the icing on the cake
Overall I am happy with how it turned because it developed my skills on how
to connect with an audience using a garment and no other visuals, the core
goal I aimed to meet for this FMP project. The obsession has been very
satisfying even though the ups and downs. My next step is to create a further
developed ready to wear collection of my Obsession garment and have a
presentation over the summer with Clare Winnan and Anya Beaumon As the
curators of the event, both who have an existing art exhibition called The
Obsessive Compulsive Practice

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