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Subroutines from Previous Chapters

1 0 0 Cos[ang] 0 - Sin[ang]
R1[ang_] := 0 Cos[ang] Sin[ang] ; R2[ang_] := 0 1 0 ;
0 - Sin[ang] Cos[ang] Sin[ang] 0 Cos[ang]
Cos[ang] Sin[ang] 0
R3[ang_] := -Sin[ang] Cos[ang] 0 ;
0 0 1

Classical Orbital Elements from State Vectors

Note: All returned angles are by default in radians! return angles in degrees by setting the optional 4th input to True.

The Module by default prints out the output, suppress that by setting the 5th optional input to False.

COEfromRVR_, V_, _, odeg_: False, print_: True :=

Moduler = Norm[R], v = Norm[V], vr, h = Cross[R, V], , i, , , , , e, , , vr = ;
= Norm[h];
i = ArcCos ;

= Cross[{0, 0, 1}, h];
= Norm[];
ArcCos [[2]] 0

= ;
2 - ArcCos [[2]] < 0

= v2 - R - r vr V ;
e = Norm[];
ArcCos [[3]] 0
= .
2 - ArcCos [[3]] < 0

ArcCos vr 0
= ;
2 - ArcCos vr < 0

Ifprint, Print"the Specific angular momentum h = " , , " Km 2 /s";

Print"the Eccentricity e = " , e;
Print"the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node = " , / Degree, " ";
Print"the Inclination angle i = " , i Degree, " ", Ifi > / 2, ", The orbit is Retrograde.", ", The orbit is Prograde.";
Print"the Argument of Perigee = " , / Degree, " ";
Print"the True Anomaly = " , / Degree, " ";
Ifodeg, Return{, e} ~ Join ~ , i, , Degree, Return, e, , i, ,

COEfromRV[{-6045, -3490, 2500}, {-3.457, 6.618, 2.533}, 398 600]

the Specific angular momentum h = 58 311.7 Km2 /s

the Eccentricity e = 0.171212

the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node = 255.279

the Inclination angle i = 153.249 , The orbit is Retrograde.

the Argument of Perigee = 20.0683

the True Anomaly = 28.4456

{58 311.7, 0.171212, 4.45546, 2.6747, 0.350258, 0.49647}


Clear[h, e, ]
2 SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb

h2 1 398 600 h2 1
FindRoot7200 == , 1 == e Sin[], 10 000 == , {{h, 1, 100 000}, {e, 0, 1.5}, {, -, }}
398 600 1 + e Cos[] h 398 600 1 - e2
{h 60 180.2, e 0.302333, -5.7603}

{h, e, } = {h, e, } /. %

{60 180.2, 0.302333, -5.7603}

(o = -5.7603035658805855` + 2 ) / Degree


Stumpf Functions

z -Sin z

s[z_] = Sinh -z - -z
z<0 ;

1-Cos z

c[z_] = Cosh -z -1
z<0 ;

PropagateBy in perifocal frame subroutine

PropagateByperifocal[t_, h_, e_, o_, _] := Module{a, , ro, vro, , Eo, Fo, , r}, a = ;
1 - e2
ro = ;
(1 + e Cos[o])
e Sin[o]
vro = ;
= 1 / a;
ro vro
= /. Quiet @ FindRoot 2 c 2 + (1 - ro) 3 s 2 + ro - t, , Abs[] t;

1-e 1+e Eo
Eo = 2 ArcTan Tan[o / 2]; 2 ArcTan Tan + e<1
1+e 1-e 2 a 2

= e-1 e+1 Fo ;
Fo = 2 ArcTanh Tan[o / 2] ; 2 ArcTan Tanh + e>1
e+1 e-1 2 -a 2

2 ArcTan + Tan e1
h 2

= If[ < 0, + 2 , ](* 2 ArcTan Range -,*);

h2 1
r= Cos[], Sin[], 0;
1 + e Cos[]
{, / Degree}

after 60 minutes

PropagateByperifocal60 * 60, 95 154, 1.4682, 30 , 398 600(*check against ex3.6*)

{128.511, 100.04}

PropagateByperifocal[60 * 60, h, e, o, 398 600]

{229.341, 160.491}

So the True Anomaly is 160.491 after 60 minutes.

Clear[h, e, , o]
SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb 3


ro = {20 000, -105 000, -19 000}; vo = {0.9, -3.4, -1.5};

PropagateRVBy subroutine

PropagateRVByt_, R0_List, V0_List, _, prnt_: False :=

Modulero = Norm[R0], vo = Norm[V0], vro, , , f, g, r, , fd, gd, v, vro = ;
2 vo2
= - ;
ro vro
= /. Quiet @ FindRoot 2 c 2 + (1 - ro) 3 s 2 + ro - t, , Abs[] t;

f=1- c 2 ;
3 s 2
g = t - ;

r = f R0 + g V0;
= Norm[r];

fd = 3 s 2 - ;
gd = 1 - c 2 ;

v = fd R0 + gd V0;
Ifprnt, Print" = ", , " = ", , " f = ", f, " g = ", g, " f = ", fd, " g = ", gd;
{r, v}


PropagateRVBy[3 * 60 * 60, ro, vo, 398 600, True]

= -0.000018256 = 53.605 f = 0.986708 g = 10 759.2 f = -2.13308 10-6 g = 0.990212

{{29 417.5, -140 186., -34 886.3}, {0.848529, -3.14275, -1.44479}}

Norm[{29417.464228367604`, -140185.70683002664`, -34886.29466822666`}]

147 426.

Norm[{0.8485290210135613`, -3.1427467663043647`, -1.444789161012586`}]

4 SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb


To COE subroutine

COEfromRVR_List, V_List, _, odeg_: False, print_: True :=

Moduler = Norm[R], v = Norm[V], vr, h = Cross[R, V], , i, , , , , e, , , vr = ;
= Norm[h];
i = ArcCos ;

= Cross[{0, 0, 1}, h];
= Norm[];
ArcCos [[2]] 0

= ;
2 - ArcCos [[2]] < 0

= v2 - R - r vr V ;
e = Norm[];
ArcCos [[3]] 0
= .
2 - ArcCos [[3]] < 0

ArcCos vr 0
= ;
2 - ArcCos vr < 0

Ifprint, Print"the Specific angular momentum h = " , , " Km 2 /s";

Print"the Eccentricity e = " , e;
Print"the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node = " , / Degree, " ";
Print"the Inclination angle i = " , i Degree, " ", Ifi > / 2, ", The orbit is Retrograde.", ", The orbit is Prograde.";
Print"the Argument of Perigee = " , / Degree, " ";
Print"the True Anomaly = " , / Degree, " ";
Ifodeg, Return{, e} ~ Join ~ , i, , Degree, Return, e, , i, ,


h, e, , i, , = COEfromRV[ro, vo, 398 600]

the Specific angular momentum h = 97 463.2 Km2 /s

the Eccentricity e = 1.19794

the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node = 97.9055

the Inclination angle i = 74.2228 , The orbit is Prograde.

the Argument of Perigee = 59.8217

the True Anomaly = 130.657

{97 463.2, 1.19794, 1.70877, 1.29543, 1.04409, 2.28039}

SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb 5

Hyperbolic Kepler Subroutine

KeplerPropagateFt_, h_, e_, _, i_, _, o_, _ :=

e-1 o
Module{F0, Mh0, t0, t, Mh, F, , , r, v, QpX, R, V}, F0 = 2 ArcTanh Tan ;
e+1 2
Mh0 = e Sinh[F0] - F0;
h3 -32
t0 = e2 - 1 Mh0;
t = t0 + t;
2 32
Mh = e2 - 1 t;
F = F /. FindRoote Sinh[F] - F - Mh, {F, Mh};

e+1 F
= 2 ArcTan Tanh ;
e-1 2
= If[ < 0, + 2 , ](* 2 ArcTan Range -,*);
h2 1
r= Cos[], Sin[], 0; v = -Sin[], e + Cos[], 0;
1 + e Cos[] h
QpX = R3[].R1i.R3[];
R = QpX.r;
V = QpX.v ;
{R, V}

State Vectors using Kepler

KeplerPropagateF3 * 60 * 60, h, e, , i, , , 398 600

{{29 417.5, -140 186., -34 886.3}, {0.848529, -3.14275, -1.44479}}



7 (y + Floor[(m + 9) / 12])
JulianDay[y_, m_, d_] := 367 y - Floor + Floor[275 m / 9] + d + 1 721 013 + 1 / 2

AERDetermination_, A_, a_, d_, Ad_, ad_, H_, _, _, f_ :=

Module{R, Rc, Rs, R, , h, , u, r, , Rd, dot, dot, udot, v}, R = ;
1 - 2 f - f2 Sin[]
Rc = R + H;
Rs = 1 - f R + H;
R = Rc Cos[] Cos[], Rc Cos[] Sin[], Rs Sin[];
= ArcSinCos[] Cos[A] Cos[a] + Sin[] Sin[a];
Cos Sin[a]-Sin CosA Cos[a]
2 - ArcCos 0<A<
h= ;
Cos Sin[a]-Sin CosA Cos[a]
ArcCos <A 2

= - h;
u = Cos[] Cos[], Cos[] Sin[], Sin[];
r = R + u;
360.98564724 * / 180
= 0, 0, ;
24 * 60 * 60
Rd = Cross[, R];
dot = -Ad Cos[] Sin[A] Cos[a] + ad Sin[] Cos[a] - Cos[] Cos[A] Sin[a] Cos[];
dot = [[3]] + Ad Cos[A] Cos[a] - ad Sin[A] Sin[a] + dot Sin[A] Cos[a] Tan[] Cos[] Sin[a] - Sin[] Cos[A] Cos[a];
udot = -dot Sin[] Cos[] - dot Cos[] Sin[], dot Cos[] Cos[] - dot Sin[] Sin[], dot Cos[];
v = Rd + d u + udot;
{r, v}
6 SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb

b) LST

17 02
J0 = JulianDay[2017, 2, 20]; UT = 3 + + ;
60 3600

J0 - 2 451 545
T0 = ; GoO = 100.4606184 + 36 000.77004 T0 + 0.000387933 T0 2 - 2.583 * 10-8 T03
36 525

Go = GoO - 360 Quotient[GoO, 360]


G = Go + 360.98564724 UT / 24


= G - 104.883


a) State Vector

AERDetermination604.68, 205.6 , 30.7 , 2.08, 0.15 , 0.17 , 2.187, 39.007 , , 0.00335(*_,A_,a_,d_,Ad_,ad_,H_,_,_,f_*)

{{-220.046, 5499.63, 3824.18}, {1.0248, 2.25551, 1.48497}}

TableForm%, TableHeadings "R in ECI", "V in ECI", None

R in ECI -220.046 5499.63 3824.18

V in ECI 1.0248 2.25551 1.48497

check against ex5 .10

AERDetermination2551, 90 , 30 , 0, 0.113 , 0.05651 , 0, 60 , 300 , 0.00335

{{3830.64, -2216.4, 6604.99}, {1.50357, -4.56099, -0.291536}}



rfromAa_, A_, a_, H_, _, _, f_ := Module{R, Rc, Rs, R, , h, , u, r}, R = ;
1 - 2 f - f2 Sin[]2
Rc = R + H;
Rs = 1 - f R + H;
R = Rc Cos[] Cos[], Rc Cos[] Sin[], Rs Sin[];
= ArcSinCos[] Cos[A] Cos[a] + Sin[] Sin[a];
Cos Sin[a]-Sin CosA Cos[a]
2 - ArcCos 0<A<
h= ;
Cos Sin[a]-Sin CosA Cos[a]
ArcCos <A 2

= - h;
u = Cos[] Cos[], Cos[] Sin[], Sin[];
r = R + u
SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb 7

GibbsDeterminationR1_List, R2_List, R3_List, _, showSteps_: False :=

Module{r1 = Norm[R1], r2 = Norm[R2], r3 = Norm[R3], C12 = Cross[R1, R2],
C23 = Cross[R2, R3], C31 = Cross[R3, R1], , , , S, v2}, = ;
Norm[R1] Norm[C23]

Print"u r1 .C23 = ", ; If > 0.001,

Print"The Initial 3 R vectors appear not to lie in the same plane as u r1 .C23 is much greater than zero!";
Abort[];, Null;
= r1 C23 + r2 C31 + r3 C12;
= C12 + C23 + C31;
S = (r2 - r3) R1 + (r3 - r1) R2 + (r1 - r2) R3;

Cross[, R2]
v2 = +S ;
Norm[] Norm[] r2

IfshowSteps, Print["r1 = ", r1, " r2 = ", r2, " r3 = ", r3];
Print["C12 = ", C12, " C23 = ", C23, " C31 = ", C31];
Print["N = ", , " D = ", , " S = ", S];
Print["v2 = ", v2];

getting the GCI r vectors at times 1,2,3

H = 0.5; = -20 ; fe = 0.00335;

r1 = rfromAa1212.48, 165.932 , 8.81952 , H, , 60 , 0. fe

{2633.29, 5143.47, -3337.28}

r2 = rfromAa410.596, 145.97 , 44.2734 , H, , 60.5014 , fe

{2900.92, 5461.79, -2494.82}

r3 = rfromAa726.464, 2.40973 , 20.7594 , H, , 61.0027 , fe

{3111.6, 5673.02, -1618.13}

v2 via Gibbs Method

v2 = GibbsDetermination[r1, r2, r3, 398 600]

ur1 .C23 = 0.000182373

{2.02381, 2.23793, 7.28863}

Norm /@ {r2, v2}

{6668.63, 7.88849}

Clear[H, , r1, r2, r3, v2]


Observation site vector & unit range vector


GaussOrbitDeterminationIterativeR1_List, R2_List, R3_List, 1_List, 2_List, 3_List, t1_, t2_, t3_,

iters_: 1, _: 398 600, plot8th_: False := Module, 1, 3, p1, p2, p3, D0, D11, D12, D13, D21, D22, D23, D31,
D32, D33, A, B, , a, b, , r2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, f1, f3, g1, g3, v2, rng, 2, vr2, c1, c3, 1, 3, , 1 = t1 - t2;
3 = t3 - t2;
= 3 - 1;
p1 = Cross[2, 3];
p2 = Cross[1, 3];
p3 = Cross[1, 2];
8 SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb
p3 [ , ];
D0 = 1.p1;
D11 = R1.p1;
D12 = R1.p2;
D13 = R1.p3;
D21 = R2.p1; D22 = R2.p2; D23 = R2.p3;
3 1
D31 = R3.p1; D32 = R3.p2; D33 = R3.p3; A = -D12 + D22 + D32 D0;

3 1
B = D12 32 - 2 + D32 2 - 12 (6 D0);

= R2.2 ; R2sq = R2.R2;
a = -A2 + 2 A + R2sq;
b = -2 B (A + );
= -2 B2 ;
Ifplot8th, rng = Selectx /. NSolvex8 + a x6 + b x3 + 2 * 1032 , Reals, Positive[[1]];
PrintPlotx8 + a x6 + b x3 + , {x, 0, rng}, PlotStyle {Brown}, PlotLegends "Residual of the 8th order Gauss Polynomial";
r2 = Selectx /. NSolvex8 + a x6 + b x3 + == 0, Reals, Positive[[1]];
IfDimensions[r2] {}, Print"Error!, NSolve didnot find a single positive value for r2, Intervene Manually!";
1 1
6 D31 + D21 r23 + D31 2 - 12
3 3 3
1 = - D11 D0;
6 r23 + 2 - 32

3 3
6 D13 - D23 r23 + D13 2 - 32
1 1 1
3 = - D33 D0;
6 r23 + 2 - 12
2 = A + ;
1 = R1 + 1 1;
2 = R2 + 2 2;
12 32 13 33
3 = R3 + 3 3; f1 = 1 - ; f3 = 1 - ; g1 = 1 - ; g3 = 3 - ;
2 r23 2 r23 6 r23 6 r23
-f3 1 + f1 3
v2 = ;
f1 g3 - f3 g1
Print"After the main Gauss Algorithm \n 2 =" , 2 , " \n v2 = ", v2;
Fori = 1, i iters, i ++, r2 = Norm[2];
2 = Norm[v2];
vr2 = ;
2 22
= - ;
r2 vr2
1 = /. Quiet @ FindRoot 2 c 2 + (1 - r2) 3 s 2 + r2 - 1, , Abs[] 1;

r2 vr2
3 = /. Quiet @ FindRoot 2 c 2 + (1 - r2) 3 s 2 + r2 - 1, , Abs[] 3;

f1 = 1 - c 12 ;
13 s 12
g1 = 1 - ;

f3 = 1 - c 32 ;
33 s 32
g3 = 3 - ;

c1 = ;
f1 g3 - f3 g1
c3 = ;
f1 g3 - f3 g1
D21 D31 * c3
1 = -D11 + - D0;
c1 c1
2 = (-c1 * D12 + D22 - D32 * c3) / D0;
c1 * D13 D23
3 = - + - D33 D0;
c3 c3
1 = R1 + 1 1;
2 = R2 + 2 2;
3 = R3 + 3 3;
SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb 9

-f3 1 + f1 3
v2 = ;
f1 g3 - f3 g1
Print"After the Iteration No: ", i, " \n 2 =" , 2 , " \n v2 = ", v2;
{2, v2}

form[_, _] := Cos[] Cos[], Cos[] Sin[], Sin[]

RfromH_, _, H_, f_: 0.00335 := Module{R, Rc, Rs, R}, R = ;
1 - 2 f - f2 Sin[]2
Rc = R + H;
Rs = 1 - f R + H;
R = Rc Cos[] Cos[], Rc Cos[] Sin[], Rs Sin[]


R1 = RfromH30 , 0, 0; 1 = form0, 51.511 ; t1 = 0;

R2 = RfromH30 , 0.250684 , 0; 2 = form65.9279 , 27.9911 ; t2 = 60;
R3 = RfromH30 , 0.501369 , 0;
3 = form79.85 , 14.6609 ;
t3 = 2 * 60;

{r2GaussUR, v2GaussUR} = GaussOrbitDeterminationIterative[R1, R2, R3, 1, 2, 3, t1, t2, t3, 0];(*UnRefined*)

After the main Gauss Algorithm

2 ={5725.85, 466.876, 3428.03}
v2 = {-0.435823, 7.76887, -0.246732}

Norm /@ {r2GaussUR, v2GaussUR}(*the direct gauss result with no iterations ie result when last argument iter=0 *)

{6689.89, 7.78499}

{r2Gauss, v2Gauss} = GaussOrbitDeterminationIterative[R1, R2, R3, 1, 2, 3, t1, t2, t3, 3];

After the main Gauss Algorithm

2 ={5725.85, 466.876, 3428.03}
v2 = {-0.435823, 7.76887, -0.246732}

After the Iteration No: 1

2 ={5726.3, 467.897, 3428.62}
v2 = {-0.433884, 7.78582, -0.243593}

After the Iteration No: 2

2 ={5726.24, 467.763, 3428.54}
v2 = {-0.433754, 7.78359, -0.24352}

After the Iteration No: 3

2 ={5726.25, 467.783, 3428.55}
v2 = {-0.433774, 7.78392, -0.243531}


a) Gauss

The Gauss Subroutine in previous problem

Solving for our problem

R1 = {5582.84, 0, 3073.90}; 1 = {0.846428, 0, 0.532504}; t1 = 0;

R2 = {5581.50, 122.122, 3073.90}; 2 = {0.749290, 0.463023, 0.473470}; t2 = 5 * 60;
R3 = {5577.50, 244.186, 3073.90};
3 = {0.529447, 0.777163, 0.340152};
t3 = 10 * 60;

{r26aGaussUR, v26aGaussUR} = GaussOrbitDeterminationIterative[R1, R2, R3, 1, 2, 3, t1, t2, t3, 0, 398 600, True];
10 SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb

3 1031

2 1031

1 1031

Residual of the 8th order Gauss Polynomial

2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 12 000

-1 1031

-2 1031

After the main Gauss Algorithm

2 ={8282.6, 1791.26, 4780.7}
v2 = {-1.07108, 5.89508, -0.618321}

{r26aGauss, v26aGauss} = GaussOrbitDeterminationIterative[R1, R2, R3, 1, 2, 3, t1, t2, t3, 1];

After the main Gauss Algorithm

2 ={8282.6, 1791.26, 4780.7}
v2 = {-1.07108, 5.89508, -0.618321}

After the Iteration No: 1

2 ={8324.37, 1817.08, 4807.1}
v2 = {-1.02162, 5.97827, -0.586464}

Norm /@ {r26aGaussUR, v26aGaussUR}(*the direct gauss result with no iterations ie result when iter=0 not the above one*)

{9729.6, 6.02342}

2 10
gaussplot = Residual of the 8th order Gauss Polynomial ;

So the partial answer given in b is verified

C) Laplace

The Laplace Subroutine

LaplaceOrbitDeterminationR1_List, R2_List, R3_List, 1_List, 2_List, 3_List, t1_, t2_, t3_, _, plot8th_: False :=
Module{L, Ldot, Lddot, , , Rd, Rdd, Ro2r, LEQ, , , rvec, dot, v, rng}, L = 2;
t2 - t3 2 t2 - t1 - t3 t2 - t1
Ldot = 1 + 2 + 3;
(t1 - t2) (t1 - t3) (t2 - t1) (t2 - t3) (t3 - t1) (t3 - t2)
2 2 2
Lddot = 1 + 2 + 3;
(t1 - t2) (t1 - t3) (t2 - t1) (t2 - t3) (t3 - t1) (t3 - t2)
= 2 Det{L, Ldot, Lddot};
360.98564724 * / 180
= 0, 0, ;
24 * 60 * 60
Rd = Cross[, R2];
Rdd = Cross[, Cross[, R2]];

Ro2r = -2 Det{L, Ldot, Rdd} - 2 Det{L, Ldot, R2} // Simplify;
LEQ = Ro2r2 + 2 Ro2r L.R2 + R2.R2 - r2 // FullSimplify;
Ifplot8th, rng = Selectr /. NSolveLEQ r6 -2 * 1032 , r, Reals, Positive[[1]];
PrintPlotLEQ r6 , {r, 0, rng}, PlotStyle {Gray}, PlotLegends "Residual of the 8th order Laplace Polynomial";
= Selectr /. NSolve[LEQ, r, Reals], Positive[[1]];
= Ro2r /. r ;
rvec = L + R2;

dot = -Det{L, Rdd, Lddot} - Det{L, R2, Lddot} ;
v = dot L + Ldot + Rd;
{rvec, v}
SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb 11

Solving for our problem

{r26cLaplace, v26cLaplace} = LaplaceOrbitDetermination[R1, R2, R3, 1, 2, 3, t1, t2, t3, 398 600, True]

3 1031

2 1031

1 1031

2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 12 000 Residual of the 8th order Laplace Polynomial

-1 1031

-2 1031

-3 1031

{{8372.62, 1846.89, 4837.59}, {-0.961285, 5.85949, -0.552471}}

Norm /@ {r26cLaplace, v26cLaplace}

{9844.5, 5.96347}

2 10
laplaceplot = Residual of the 8th order Laplace Polynomial ;
-3 1031 8000

So the norms of laplace output is somewhat close to those obtained by Gauss

D) Comparing Gauss vs Laplace

TableForm{r26aGaussUR, r26aGauss, r26cLaplace, v26aGaussUR, v26aGauss, v26cLaplace},

TableHeadings "r2 Gauss [Km]", "r2 Gauss improved [Km]", "r2 Laplace [Km]",
"v2 Gauss [Km/s]", "v2 Gauss improved [Km/s]", "v2 Laplace [Km/s]", {"I", "J", "K"}
r2 Gauss [Km] 8282.6 1791.26 4780.7
r2 Gauss improved [Km] 8324.37 1817.08 4807.1
r2 Laplace [Km] 8372.62 1846.89 4837.59
v2 Gauss [Km/s] -1.07108 5.89508 -0.618321
v2 Gauss improved [Km/s] -1.02162 5.97827 -0.586464
v2 Laplace [Km/s] -0.961285 5.85949 -0.552471

COEfromRV[#1, #2, 398 600, True, False] &[r26aGaussUR, v26aGaussUR]

{58 591.7, 0.116389, 269.998, 29.9936, 271.139, 189.471}

COEfromRV[#1, #2, 398 600, True, False] &[r26aGauss, v26aGauss]

{59 607.6, 0.0891108, 270.056, 30., 276.124, 184.532}

COEfromRV[#1, #2, 398 600, True, False] &[r26cLaplace, v26cLaplace]

{58 707.2, 0.12169, 270.048, 30.0141, 281.481, 179.29}

TableForm{%%%, %%, %}, TableHeadings "COE Gauss ", "COE Gauss improved", "COE Laplace ", "", "e", "", "i", "", ""

e i
COE Gauss 58 591.7 0.116389 269.998 29.9936 271.139 189.471
COE Gauss improved 59 607.6 0.0891108 270.056 30. 276.124 184.532
COE Laplace 58 707.2 0.12169 270.048 30.0141 281.481 179.29
12 SPC403HW2UpdatedsmallerFont.nb

f) the 8th order polynomials

Show[gaussplot, laplaceplot, PlotRange All]

3 1031

2 1031

1 1031
Residual of the 8th order Gauss Polynomial

2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000

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-1 1031

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