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field notes
From the foundation up. In 2019, The Hastings Center will
celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. It is more than a bit staggering to think how VOLUME 47, NO. 3 MAY-JUNE 2017

far we have come since 1969. When I oated the idea of a center on bioeth-
Editor: Gregory E. Kaebnick
ics to my friend and neighbor, psychiatrist Willard Gaylin, at a Christmas
party in 1968even before the word bioethics was usedI had only Managing Editor: Laura Haupt The Anatomy of Research Scandals
the fuzziest idea of where that would take us. Neither Will nor I had run Contributing Editors: Rebecca Dresser,
Susan Gilbert, and Stephen R. Latham
anything, nor did we know how to raise money to support an organization. BY CARL ELLIOTT
We would and did learn how, but much of what we did in those early years Art Director: Nora Porter

was made up on the y. We not only had to invent an organization but no Editorial Board: or the past two years, I have taught a seminar on sion broadcaster, aired a devastating documentary film by
less to invent a field of research and education on issues still little noticed by Nancy Berlinger, Susan Gilbert, Michael K. medical research scandals. The syllabus looks like a Bosse Lindquist called The Experiments. The film presented
the public or academics. Gusmano, Laura Haupt, Gregory E. Kaeb- highlight reel of exploitation and abuse: children fed damning evidence that Macchiarini had falsified research
Out of curiosity, I recently googled bioethics. I was astonished at what
nick, and Erik Parens, The Hastings Center plutonium-laced breakfast cereal, prisoners dosed with the data, deceived patients, and performed deadly experimental
I found and by the sheer quantity of what is going on. According to some Tod S. Chambers, Northwestern University active ingredient in Agent Orange, mental patients given transplants on patients who did not have life-threatening
searches, there are at least fifty journals in bioethics, rank ordered in terms Rebecca Dresser, Washington University psychedelic drugs and massive electroconvulsive therapy be- illnesses. Four surgeons at the Karolinska Institute had filed
of impact, as well as thousands of articles, rank ordered as well. There in St. Louis fore being sent into curare-induced paralysis and a coma. I an internal complaint against Macchiarini two years earlier,
are also some fifty bioethics blogs. One site claimed that there are over six Carl Elliott, University of Minnesota designed the seminar to crush the idealism of future physi- but the result had been stonewalling and intimidation. Yet
hundred job openings in the field. Joseph J. Fins, Cornell University cians by illuminating the dark patterns that research scan- within weeks of The Experiments, both the head of the Karo-
Many medical and nursing schools have bioethics programs, and prob- Christine Grady, National Institutes of Health dals typically follow. linska Institute and the secretary of the Nobel Assembly had
ably nearly all have at least a course. Bioethics is a popular undergraduate Brad Gray, The Urban Institute
The most recent scandal we examined happened to be resigned. Macchiarini is currently facing criminal charges of
offering as well. I have a granddaughter at Boston University who took a one of the most lurid. In June 2014, when NBC aired its involuntary manslaughter.
Bruce Jennings, Center for Humans and Nature
bioethics course and whose textbook was the wonderful Principles of Bioeth- two-hour special A Leap of Faith, Paolo Macchiarini was As sensational as the Macchiarini scandal is, there is at
Eric Juengst, University of North Carolina
ics, by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress. Her instructor, she was proud a charismatic thoracic surgeon, a mo- least one way in which it is typical: dis-
at Chapel Hill
to say, knew of me. Getting the praise of a grandchild is harder than getting torcycle-riding Italian who did the n senters who try to use internal institu-
Hilde Lindemann, Michigan State University
that of ones peers. seemingly impossible, going where no tional channels to expose the abuse of
Jamie Nelson, Michigan State University
As for the substance of bioethics, not just its numbers, I am sorry that Tia Powell, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
other has yet dared. After performing
a series of novel trachea transplants in Internal channels research subjects rarely succeed. Inter-
nal channels failed with the Tuskegee
Albert Jonsenwho recently won the Centers Beecher Awardhas not Ilina Singh, University of Oxford Spain, Macchiarini was offered a fac- syphilis study, with the unfortunate
written a follow-up to his superb book The Birth of Bioethics, which took the
field up to the 1980s. By then, bioethics was well established but was com-
Benjamin S. Wilfond, Seattle Childrens ulty position at Stockholms prestigious usually fail. experiment at National Womens
Research Institute; University of Washington Karolinska Institute, the home of the Hospital in New Zealand, with the ra-
ing into a time of some significant changes. The most important, perhaps,
was the growing domination in bioethics of physicians teaching in medical The HASTINGS CENTER REPORT (ISSN 0093- Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiol- n diation experiments at the University
school programs, with a declining inuence in the field from faculty mem-
0334 print; ISSN 1552-146X online) is published ogy. There he began an even more au- of Cincinnati, with the Protocol 126
bimonthly on behalf of The Hastings Center by dacious series of experimental treatments: transplants of a cancer trials at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, and
bers in the humanities, who had been dominant in the 1970s. Philosophers Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., a Wiley Company,
were strong for a time and pushed ethical theory to the forefront of the field, 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 USA. The stem-cellseeded artificial trachea. Those transplants trans- with the Markingson and Huber cases at the University of
but the force of that approach was weakened by social scientists and others Hastings Center, an independent, nonpartisan, non- formed Macchiarini into a celebrity. Minnesota. Of course, it is possible that there are other, as-
with strong interest in empirical work. The 1990s opened our own version
profit organization, addresses fundamental ethical As A Leap of Faith was being filmed, Macchiarini de- yet-unknown cases in which institutions did the right thing
issues in health, medicine, and the environment as
of the regnant culture wars, with a strong backlash from conservatives who they affect individuals, communities, and societies.
clared his love for Benita Alexander, one of the films pro- for mistreated research subjects yet managed to keep the
saw bioethics dominated by liberals fixated on libertarian values and dismis- For more information on the Centers research and ducers. A proposal of marriage soon followed. Macchiarini entirety of the affairs quiet. But if the cases in my course
sive of religious perspectives. That war has faded out. What cooled it a bit, education programs, visit www.thehastingscenter. said he had arranged for the wedding to take place at the are typical, it is only when the press exposes a scandal that
org. Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo, with Pope Francis offici- justice is done.
I think, was the creation through the 1980s and 1990s of religious journals The Hastings Center Report is sent to individual
and blogs, which at least made the culture wars less visible to the public. A and institutional subscribers. For ordering infor-
ating and a guest list including the Obamas, Elton John, When social scientists ask witnesses to corruption or
so-far-enduring feature of bioethics has been the steady succession of federal mation, claims, and any inquiry concerning your and Vladimir Putin. Alexander commissioned a celebrity safety violations why they remained silent, they usually
bioethics commissions, going back to the mid-1970s. Whether the new fed-
journal subscription, please go to http://www.wiley- designer to make her wedding gown, and she quit her job at get one of two answers. First, many people are afraid that or contact your nearest office. NBC to move to Europe. Not until two months before the blowing the whistle will be futile; second, theyre afraid of
eral budget in the Trump regime will continue that fine bipartisan tradition Americas: or 1-800-835-
is not yet known, but it does not look hopeful. 6770. Europe, Middle East, and Africa: cs-journals
wedding was scheduled did Alexander discover that she had retribution. With medical research scandals, unfortunately,
I am now in my mid-eighties, and Will his early nineties. Many of the; +44 (0)-1865-778315. Asia Pacific: been conned. There would be no papal ceremony. The self- both of those fears appear well-founded. One of the most
leading figures of our earlier days have died, and younger people have taken or +65-6511-8000. Periodi- glorifying stories Macchiarini had told her were completely unusual things about the Karolinska Institute scandal is
cals postage paid at Hoboken, NJ, and additional fabricated. the fact that Macchiarini was eventually punished. Many
their place, just as it should be. Bioethics ourishes. offices.
Daniel Callahan POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to the In February 2016, a week after these revelations appeared researchers who mistreat human subjects escape unscathed,
Cofounder and President Emeritus Hastings Center Report, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., in Vanity Fair, SVT, the Swedish national public televi- while the whistle-blowers who spoke out against them are
c/o The Sheridan Press, PO Box 465, Hanover, PA vilified. And until that situation changes, witnesses to mis-
17331 USA. Contents copyright 2017 by The Carl Elliott is a professor in the Center for Bioethics and the treatment will have little reason to speak out.
Hastings Center. All rights reserved. Department of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota. DOI:

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