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Because Beckett has influenced Pinter in many ways; looking at two plays, which is the

The Homecoming and by Harold Pinter, and End Game by Beckett, both these plays
utilize silence to great degree within the difference between between Beckett and Pinter;
is that Pinters mode in that in that play, looking at comparing these two plays rather than
the playwrights; end game you has a lot of dialogues, which are which are more
absurdist than Homecoming, than the dialogues in Homecoming.

It is a total negation of the dearly held Bourgeoisie values of the British middle class; yes
of course, so there are lots of and this is the constant in all Pinter plays, where you know,
he strikes a blow, against all kinds of establishment particularly the domestic situation.
The he language as well as a themes they are given they are a way of integrating the
establish ideas the conserve the conventional ideas about family life and middle class
situation, because what Pinter tells us is that very often things are not what they appear to
be. How many is superficial is just on the surface, whether it is political harmony or
whether it is friendship between two friends or even you know situation between
husband and wife, brothers and brothers, but everything is suspect.

So, precautions taking against taking things at their face value is the there is a play called
the Lover, a very shot play; are you familiar with that? No, perhaps when we discuss The
Dumb Waiter, I will bring that along and will discuss it in detail. So, thank you so much.

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