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Higher Education Qualification

Bakery & Restaurant

Management System

Student Name :- Gayan Rangana Udayakantha

BCS Registration Number :- 990485926


Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

First I would like to thank BCS for giving a chance to design this
kind of higher educational qualification which is very valuable
to build up as our future careers.

I would like to thank and express my gratitude to everyone who

helped me throughout this project to complete it successfully.
Special deeper gratitude is given to Dr.dayan Rajapaksha, CEO
of Esoft Computer Studies and Mr K.K.uditha Priyanga, BCS
Manager of Esoft Computer studies for their guidance,
suggestions, and advices given to me to accomplish this project.

My sincere appreciation goes to the owner of the Kings Bakers

Mr .Dewapriya and his staff who motivated me about the
process and their functionalities of the bakery and restaurant
and helped me to sort out the problems that I faced while
developing the project.

Finally I would love to thank my friends, specially my beloved

parents for their support, motivation, guidance, inspiration and
encouragement to make this goal a success.

Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015


1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Weaknesses Identification
1.3.1 Objectives
1.3.2 Scope

2.6.1 Development Environment
2.6.2 Operational Environment


3.2.1 Use Case Diagrams
3.2.2 Activity Diagram
3.2.3 Sequence Diagrams.
3.2.4 ER Diagram
3.2.5 Flow Chart
3.4.1 Customer main form
3.4.2 Customer Login Page
3.4.3 Item Master
l. Bakery Item Master

Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
ll. Price Change
3.4.4 Point Of Sale (POS)
l. POS
ll. POS Finalized.
3.4.5 Purchasing
l. Purchase Order
ll . Purchase Order Details
lll. Purchase Order Finalize Details


1. Current States Bakery
2. Bakery Current Stocks
3.6 CODE





Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

3.6.7 Category & Location Interfaces
i. Category
ii. Location Form
iii. Edit Location Form
iv. Delete Location Form
3.6.8 Item Master Interfaces
i. Item Master Update
ii. Item Delete Confirmation Form
iii. Bakery Current Stock
iv. Price Change Form
v. Price Change View Form
vi. Open Stock
vii. Open Stock View

3.6.9 Manufacturing Interfaces

I. Item Manufacture Process
1. Item Manufacture (id generation) form
2. Item Manufact (Add Items)
3. Item Manufact Finalize
II. Manufact Product Form
III. Manufacture Items Edit
IV. Daily Manufacture Products
V. Daily Transfer
VI. View Manufacture

3.6.10 Transport Interfaces

I. Vehicle Details form

Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

II. Transport Transaction

3.6.11 Supplier Details Interfaces

I. Supplier Details Form
II. GRN Details Form
III. Finalize GRN Form
IV. Point Of Sale Finalize form (Payment Form )
V. Order edit Form
VI. Update Quantity Form
VII. Sales Return Form
VIII. POS Current State Form
IX. Day End
X. View Returns & Dispatch

3.6.13 User Controller Interfaces

I. Add User
II. User Module
III. User Activation
IV. User Profile
V. Change Password

3.6.14 Employee Details Interfaces

I. Add Employee

3.7 Reporting Details Interfaces

1. Manufacture Details
2. All Purchase Reports
3. Bakery Current Stocks
4. All Employee Detail
5. Current States Bakery
6. All Bakery Items Details
7. Bakery Items (Batch Vise )



Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

Figure 1.2.1 current system flow
Figure 1.3.1 system Architecture
Figure 2.7.1 Working Schedule
Figure 3.2.1.i open stock & price change module
Figure 3.2.1.ii supplier purchase module
Figure 3.2.1.iii location module
Figure 3.2.1.iv Category Module
Figure 3.2.1.v Manufacture Module
Figure Point Of Sale Module
Figure 3.2.1.vii Transport & Supplier Module
Figure 3.2.1.viii Employee Module
Figure 3.2.1.ix User Controller Module
Figure 3.2.2.i Activity Diagram for User Login
Figure 3.2.2.ii Activity Diagram Adding Item To Bakery Stock
Figure 3.2.2.iii Activity Diagram for Adding Manufacture Products
Figure 3.2.2.iv Activity Diagram for Add Purchase Supplier
Figure 3.2.2.v Activity Diagram for Place Order
Figure Activity Diagram for Day End Process
Figure 3.2.2.vii Activity Diagram for Daily Transfer Manufacture
Figure 3.2.2.viii Activity Diagram for Add Users
Figure 3.2.3 System ER Diagram
Figure Bakery Item Master Flow Chart
Figure Price Change Form Flow Chart
Figure 3.3 Database Design & Structure
Figure 3.4.1 Customer main form
Figure 3.4.2 Customer Login Page
Figure 3.4.3.I Item Master
Figure 3.4.3.II Price Change Form
Figure 3.4.4. I Point Of Sale
Figure 3.4.4.II Point Of Sale Finalize
Figure 3.4.5.I Purchase Order
Figure 3.4.5.II Purchase Order Details
Figure 3.4.5.III Purchase Order Finalize
Figure 4.3 Network Architecture
Figure 4.4 Application Architecture

Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015



Developing information systems for solving problems is now spreading

faster around the world and which increases its popularity among most
of people who depends on the system to make life easier. As Sri Lankan
is still a developing country and this kind of solutions are less in usage.
Kings Bakers is located in Kalutara and worked more than 20 employees
around the city. The owner has bakeries and restaurants in the city and
every day they manufacture food in bakeries and transport to their
restaurants in the city, this process happens manually and they face
many problems regarding this situation like data redundancy, data
inaccuracy, delay of decision making.
The proposed system is to handle the most important parts of bakery
side and restaurant side. This intends to keep a track of the purchasing
items from the supplier until the manufactured items are returned to
restaurants from bakeries. Major advantage of this system is to monitor
the inventory in bakeries and restaurants.
This is a web based centralized system and it is adapted to the 3 tier
architecture with object oriented environment. This is developed using
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 as an IDE and Microsoft SQl Server 2008
as the database server.

Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015


1.2.1 introduction

The Kings Bakers is located in Kalutara and its restaurant located in the western
province. Currently it is operated as a fully manual system and it has many drawbacks
when using the manual process. The bakery manufacture the items (Bread, Short eats,
Beverages and etc.) and deliver to the own restaurant, this process happens every day
and the employees of them manage the products.

In each restaurant, 2 or 3 employees are working and they will handle a Point of Sales
(POS) and other systems. When the customer requests for a purchase order from the
restaurant, they check if the particular order quantity is available. If the quantity exists,
the purchase order can be proceed. If not the manager of the restaurant must inform
the bakery who provides the manufactured items to the restaurant to get them

The bakery provides a vehicle to transport the manufactured items to the restaurant
and it distributes them island wide. This is a huge process that happens in every day.
The existing manual system is not easy to handle the manufacture process daily because
they should know about the ingredients and raw materials that use to manufacture the
items and have to note down the process flow.

Current System Flow:-

Purchase Manufacture Item Purchase Order

Supplier Bakery Restaurant Customer

GRN Provide

1.3.2 Weaknesses Identification

Difficult to handle the immense amount of wasting to manufacture the items.

No daily updates in current stocks in bakeries and the particular restaurants.

Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

Time wasted in gathering the data in stock report for each manufacture items at
the end of the day.
No record about suppliers and item purchases to bakeries.
No re-order level to the produced items when they are selling at restaurant (No
way to identify this item quantity is going to reduce).
Error occurrences in billing calculation.
No history records in orders from customers, purchases items from suppliers and
Inconsistency between income and expenses.
No proper way to handle the accounts.
The bakery owner should have to monitor the restaurant POS (Point of Sale)
whether its working proper way continuously.
Lack of security regarding manual data entries.
Unable to get the feedback of the customers and employees.


The proposed system is a completely automated system which controls all manual
functions. This system avoids misuse activities of users by tracking employee activities.
The system is divided into three parts. It facilitates Bakery owners to get daily reports in
any category and it shows the different perspectives to them. The system tracks the
person who is responsible for delivering the manufactured item from the bakery to the
restaurant by making it possible to identify the person responsible to the

Bakery Process :-
This will handle the process of purchasing items from suppliers;
manufacturing products, employee process and others.
Restaurant Process :-
This process handles the selling of the manufactured products to
the customers, replace orders, edit orders and dispatch the
products and etc.
Customer View Process :-
This is a web based solution where the customers can visit the web
site and check the items they wish to buy from the restaurant.
Customers can give a feedback regarding the restaurant food and
the service

This system is developed in a centralize database environment and which uses with MS
SQL as the database. This is hosted through IIS to connect all the users who wish to access the

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The Following Architecture will show the system flow.

- Bakeries

- Restaurants

- Centerlize Database

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This system is use in different locations, because bakery and its restaurants establish in
different places and its allow to accessibility from anywhere via the internet .the system is fully
control by where the main location is established .the administrator can anytime give the
accessibility to the users .upgrade the system can be done easily because its centralize and all
the data store in same place to management can be easily handle.

1.3.1 Objectives

Generate the code systems to all stocks, purchases and other items to identify the
specific manufactured products and others
Allow customers to post feedback online about the restaurant food or other
manufactured products
Enable the report generation on particular fields
Give the special benefits, discounts to customers who use the web site
Provide a special foods, beverage or current foods, manufactured items from restaurant
using hosted site daily
Users can identify the current stock items, easy to find particular item or manufacture
Administrator of the Bakery can get the details from the manufactured item details
Manufacture unit price will update automatically under its added ingredients of items
Reduce the effort of the manual system activities
Remove all manual and paper work

1.3.2 Scope

Maintain an automated stock handling facility.

Search facilities for quick Items, manufacture, suppliers, orders
Provide necessary reports to the customer as well as management, administrator of the
bakery and restaurants.
Monthly, daily, weekly current stock values.
Create a new manufactured Item and adding items under the manufactured item (The
unit price will automatically calculate using updated adding items).
Keep the records of daily bakeries and restaurant process.
Facilitate of transferring the manufacture d Items from restaurant to restaurant.

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Facilitates to change the manufacture ingredients quantity and automatically the unit
price of manufacture item will be changed.
Track the manufacture transfer to the restaurant from the bakery, vehicle and the
employee (driver).
Facilitates a Day End Process in each restaurant.
Restricted to access the unauthorized users.
Encrypted some confidential data.
Trace the session and identify the user locations.

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This Chapter will focus on the users who should be interacted with at the initial state of the
system. Due to misunderstanding of the nature of the problem can cause incorrect system
development and this chapter will show how the requirements are gathered and project goals
with respect to the system environment.


The main purpose is to identify the requirements clearly during system analysis phase. Getting
useless requirements is meaningless. Therefore a clear understanding of the current situation,
organization structure is a must. The following techniques were used to identify requirements
which make a high quality product end of the system development.

Group Meetings

Interviews :-
This method is used to collect the information from individuals with face to face interaction.
This was conducted with the owner of the bakery and employees who are working in the
restaurant. Sometimes interviews were held in over the phone to gather the details. Sharing
details with both side and formal interview give much effort solve the problem. by using
interviewing as a requirement gathering technique could be very useful because it help to
clarified doubts at same time by asking questions ,it is very useful to get a clear picture about
the users and their designated areas of duty by asking open end questions .

Questionnaires :-
A printed document contains a number of questions that should be answered by the resource
person. The questionnaires contain yes/no questions, multiple choice questions, scaled and
open ended questions. This type of method is used to get the responses from the people who
cannot explain the business to the analysis. This method is very useful to get information from a
large crowd .this method is save the time in both side and most of include close ended

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Observation :-
This method is used to observe the current manual system and to learn about the system. By
visiting the main bakery helped in identifying the process and the weakness of the system. How
the employees interact with the current system is also observed.

Reports :-
This is used to get historical details, annual reports, income and expenses, invoices, bills, tax file
and more about the existing system. These details were used to identify the current status
about the place and to analysis and decide what features should come out with the proposed

Group Meeting :-
This bakery and restaurant is a medium sized organization which have employees working in
different locations. By getting all of them into a discussion regarding the new system is another
method of gathering requirements which helps to identify different perspectives about the
existing system and new system.


Functionalities of the system are listed below and it includes the information in order to satisfy
the business needs. These functionalities express the use of the system. The system consists of
seven main modules and all functionalities are outlined under them.

2.3.1 Open Stock & Purchase Module

Administrator should be able to add a current stock to the system
Administrator should be able to update and delete the open stock in the system.
Administrator should be able to manage one or more bakeries to view the stock
Unique and specific stock code is maintained by the particular location.
Administrator should be able to purchase Items from the supplier and the relevant
purchase code will be generated.
Administrator should able to finalize the purchase order when its return to the
Administrator should able to identify purchase orders, GRN notes apart from
Administrator should able to define a reorder level of Items.

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2.3.2 Location & Category Module

Bakery administrator can add an Item Category prior to add Items to the system.
Generate a Category Code to identify the Categories.
Administrator should be able to update and delete the category if these data not
exists in other tables.
Administrator can able to add two types of location (Bakery or Restaurant).
Administrator should able to view the all the locations (Bakeries & Restaurants) and
update or delete the Basic details Of Locations.
Administrator should be able to active or deactivate the locations.

2.3.3 Manufacture & Price Change Module

Administrator should be able to generate the specific manufacture code.
Administrator should be able to facilitate in adding Items to particular manufacture
Administrator should able to update the quantity of the items.
Administrator can able to change the quantity of the items particular manufacture
products and then then unit price of manufacture products will be change.
Administrator should able to enter the amount of daily manufactured products and
particular items quantity will be reduce automatically.
Administrator should able to transfer the manufacture items to the restaurant

2.3.4 Point Of Sale Module

An employee should able to purchase the order from the customer.
Employee can able to create a specific customer profile for regular customers or
it should have to common profile to other customers.
Employee should able to edit or update the manufacture items when running
particular order process.
Employee should be able to generate specific purchase order id.
Employee should be able to edit the customer order after purchased.
Employee can be able to return the purchase orders from the customer to
regarding the issues of manufacture products.
Employee can be able to day end process which particular restaurant
manufacture items is exists end of the day ,the employee can choose three
option (return bakery, dispatch and transfer to next day), if employee choose to
next day transfer the manufacture items will display is next day stocks.

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Employee has ability to dispatch or return the manufactured items to particular

bakery if it damaged.

2.3.5 Transport &Supplier Module

Administrator should able to generate specific code as admin can manage the
vehicle no and delete the vehicle details.
Administrator should able to add new supplier to the system and can update,
delete from the system.

2.3.6 Employee Module

Administrator should have ability to add, view, update and delete customers
from the system.

2.3.7 User Controller Module

Administrator should be able to add new users to the system.
Administrator should facilitate add a particular location to the employee and
should be choose the current position to the users.
Administrator should be able to add modules to particular users
Administrator should be able to activate the users and have facilitated to the
edit and delete the users.
The particular user should be able to facilitate change the password.


Non-functional requirements are characteristics of limited boundaries of the purposed system
and specific behaviors .this will depend of the system that we use and technical aspects.

Usability -:
This is facilitate to users who can use the system anywhere in the word
and system must be friendly and any person can understand the process
of the system. Well form interfaces, help guidance will be advantage of

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Reliability -:
The system consist many calculations parts and users must working with
correctly and running without any failures. The manufacturing part of the
system consists several item and unit price will be calculate the sum of
the Items.

Security -:
This function must be perform highly in the system because avoid virus
attacks, phishing attacks and more things from the system .data must
secured, it should be encrypted from others to avoid see what is actual
data. Backup the system database in every 24 hours.

Correctness -:
The system data must be accuracy and correctness because users expect
the details without errors and correctness data. Modify stock and other
details must be updated correctly in database.

Maintainability -:
System can add, updates new features without harming to the system.
This is most probably want if new technology release and deal with it.


2.5.1 Customer
A Customer can visit the site and, can use gallery to view recipes of the
particular restaurant to select the restaurants. Sometime system
administrator will give some offers to the particular restaurant and customer
can see these details through image from the customer public site.
Customer can directly contact with restaurant through e-mail and contact

2.5.2 Restaurant Administrator

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This allows to only Restaurant Task .This user can only handle the Point of
Sale ,order Edit ,Day end Process and some other function. This user can
contact with admin of the particular bakery through messages, message
tracker function is allowed to this users. This user can view the past order
and edit the orders if any mistakes happen in transaction.

2.5.3 System Administrator

This is the key person in the system and who controls the whole things in the
system, he manages the all the process and can monitor the every
transaction, purchase items, manufacture items, supplier transaction
controller, reports generates and more etc.


2.6.1 Developments
Hardware Requirements
Intel Pentium core I 3 .0 GHz Processor
125 VGA Card or no board.
200 GB hard disk.
Network Adapter.
Internet Connection.
Keyboard / mouse.

Software Requirements
Microsoft windows 7 ultimate.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Web Pages
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2008.
Cristal Report 9.
Team Viewer 9.
IIS 6.0 Manager.
New Upgrade version of Firefox or Chrome.

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2.6.2 Operations
Main Server will be stored in separate place where all the data will be stored there.

Hardware Requirements
Intel Pentium core I 3 .0 GHz Processor.
500 GB Hard Disk
256 separate VGA.
Internet connection.
UPS (30 min).
Key board /mouse.

Software Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/ 2008.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Web Pages
Team Viewer 9
IIS Manager 6.0.
Monitoring recorder.
Virus Gard.

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This chapter concerns about the after the gather requirements and next step is design part. This
chapter will provide how to interact with system development life cycle, methodologies,
interfaces, database structures and more.


3.2.1 Use Case Diagrams
User case diagrams get broad understanding about the users who use the system. User
cases are categorize by the modules and following diagrams will show.

i. Open Stock& Price Change Module

The bakery admin have authorize to add items to stocks and exists current
quantity in item will be added to the system and the authorize persons can be
able to access the delete the item or update the item if gets any issue.
When some time the item price will be change, so the system
users can be able to change the item price related to the item and the system
will create new item batch.

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Use Case name Open Stock And Price Change
Description This use case explains how to add Open Stock And Price Change
record will be added
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 1. Administrator logs in to the system
2. Selects stock control bakery open stock from the
home page
3. Enters the record index of the record that needs to be
4. Clicks on submit button

Pre-conditions 1. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 1. Entered data should get successfully updated in the

Assumptions 1. User enters valid credentials
2. All details updated by the user are accurate

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ii. Supplier purchase Module

Use Case name Supplier Purchase

Description This use case explains how to purchase the manufacture
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 5. Administrator logs in to the system
6. Selects purchasing purchasing order process
purchase order from the home page
7. Select the supplier and the location
8. Clicks on add purchase button
9. Go to the purchase detail form

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10. Add item to purchase from the supplier
11. Add purchase details
12. Go to the finalize purchase form
13. Select branch and purchase no
14. Finalize the purchasing
15. Go to the GRN form
16. Select the location and purchase order no
17. Add GRN button
18. Go to the finalize GRN form
19. Click Finalize button

Pre-conditions 2. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 2. Entered data and selected data should get successfully

updated in the system
Assumptions 3. User enters valid credentials
4. All details updated by the user are accurate

iii. Location Module

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Use Case name Location Module
Description This use case explains how to add location
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 1. Administrator logs in to the system
2. Go to the category & location location form from the
home page
3. Auto generate the location code
4. Fill the details in fields
5. Select employee
6. Select status
7. Select position
8. Click submit button.

Pre-conditions 3. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 3. Entered data should get successfully updated in the

Assumptions 5. User enters valid credentials
6. Location code will be generate automatically
7. All details updated by the user are accurate

iv. Category Module

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Use Case name Category Module

Description This use case explains how to add Category to system
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 9. Administrator logs in to the system
10. Go to the category & location Category form
from the home page
11. Auto generate the Category code
12. Fill the details in fields
13. Select status
14. Select Location
15. Click submit button .

Pre-conditions 4. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 4. Entered data should get successfully updated in

the system
Assumptions 8. User enters valid credentials
9. Category code will be generate automatically
10. All details updated by the user are accurate

v. Manufacture Module

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Use Case name Add New Manufactures
Description This use case explains how to add Manufacture To Bakery
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 1. Administrator logs in to the system
2. Go to the manufacturing manufacturing process
Item Manufacture (id generator) form from the
home page
3. Select the location
4. Select Category
5. Auto generate the manufacture code
6. Type manufacture name
7. Click add button
8. Go to the item manufacture Item Product form
9. Select location ,category and manufacture
10. Add to items selecting item name and type the
11. Click add to list
12. Go to manufacturing finalize form
13. Select the location, category and manufacture
14. Related details show in the grid.
15. Click manufacture button

Pre-conditions 5. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 5. Entered data should get successfully updated in

the system
Assumptions 11. User enters valid credentials
12. Manufacture code will be generate automatically
13. All details updated by the user are accurate

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vi. Point Of Sale Module

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Use Case name Point OF Sale module
Description This use case explains how to place order form the customer
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 1. Administrator logs in to the system
2. Go to the POS point of sale form from the
home page
3. Generate order id
4. Select the location
5. Select customer id
6. Click reserve order button to reserve the order
7. Select restaurant
8. Search manufacture item and select
9. Details will show the fields
10. Type quantity
11. Click add to list button
12. Click next button to finalize the order
13. Select payment type
14. Click submit button to finalize

Pre-conditions 6. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 6. Entered data should get successfully updated in

the system
Assumptions 14. User enters valid credentials
15. order id will be generate automatically
16. All details updated by the user are accurate

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I. Activity Diagram For User Login

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II. Activity Diagram for Adding Item to Bakery Stocks

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III. Activity Diagram for Adding Manufacture Products

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IV. Activity Diagram for Add Purchase Supplier

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3.2.3 Sequence Diagram

i. Sequence diagram for user login

ii. Sequence diagram for add Locations

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iii. Sequence diagram for add category

iv. Sequence diagram for delete records

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v. Sequence diagram for edit details

vi. Sequence diagram for Report Module

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3.2.4 ER Diagram
This diagram shows the graphical representation of the system and shows the relationships
between each entities in the system. This Diagram main entities regarding to the system. This
is data modeling technique and it helps to proceed the business process.

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3.2.5 Flow Chart

1. Bakery Item Master Flow Chart

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2. Price Change Form Flow Chart

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3.3 Database Design & Structure

The general view of Database design define the table of the SQL and its interact with
system. The following diagram will show the tables of the database.

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Database is used to develop Microsoft SQL Server Environment and its relational database
management system. NET, C# and ASP.NET developers use to develop the system using this

DATBASE NAME -: BakeryRestuarant

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I. tblLocation
This is use to define the location when the admin of the system need to define
the Bakeries and Restaurants

Sample Data

II. tblCategory
Category details are store here. Every location having a unique category code
and different location having different category.

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Sample Data

III. tblBakery_Res_Return
Return the manufactured products due to some reasons.

IV. tblBakeryBatchMaster

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add Item to system and batch code, item code and location code are primary
keys and item code is unique to all location and bath code can be different
when the changing prices regarding to the item .

Sample Data

IV. tblBakeryItemMaster
This table is use in commonly to all location and when adding item details the basic details will
be store here.

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Sample Data

V. tblBakeryTransaction

All the bakery transaction, trans type and refer code will be shown what kind of transactions
and item_in and item_out will demonstrate the bakery current stock in quantity and remarks
filed will be identify the detail of transaction

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Sample Data

VI. tbl_customer
Add a customers to the system

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Sample Data

VII. tblEmployee

This shows details of employees and restaurants Admin type column shows to whom these
employee belongs to.

Sample Data

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VII. tblItem_Image

This will show whether admin can update the images of the each item Image path column show
the image path of the system

Sample Data

VIII. tblManufactureFromToLocation

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This uses to transfer the manufactured product another location (Restaurant to
restaurant).from_location is current location and To_location will be the request come from the
location to transfer Manufacture product.
Sample Data

IX. tblManufactureTransfer

Users will add manufacture product in particular location and date. Qty_in field shows how
many products produced for particular date and qty_out field shows how much transfers to the
restaurant and etc.

Sample Data

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X. tblManufacturing

Add Manufacture Products related to the locations.

Sample Data

XI. tblManufacturingDetails

Add Items under the manufacture products.

Sample Data

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tblManufacturingTemp And tblManufacturingTempDetail tables are used to temporary store
the data and when its come to finalize stage related data will be added to the Original Table
tblManufacturing AND tblManufacturingDetails to avoid the misused and duplication data.

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3.4.1 Customer main form

3.4.2 Customer Login Page

Bakery user Restaurant User
Use name admin Use name gayan
Password admin Password gayan123

Particular users have access to the admin panel of this system using this form and when user
enter the invalid detail the following error will be display.

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3.4.3 Item Master

I. Bakery Item Master(Item Master Bakery Bakery Item Master )

This shows add Items to the bakery, selecting bakery location and category (drop box), the item
code will be generate automatically. system facilitate add images regarding the item and unit
(drop box) show the item measurement and other fields are mandatory to fill .clicking save
button data will be add .user can facilitate to select category and click the search button , the
added relevant items will be display in the grid .

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II. Price Change Form (Item Master price Changes price Change)
This uses to change an item prices .when changing the item price automatically create a new
batch. Selecting location code and item name shows the details of exists item and Batch
Quantity filed indicate if user select Change Qty radio button current quantity will be update to
these new prices with new batch ,if select New Qty radio button then create a new batch (the
item having two batches in different prices).

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3.4.4 POS (Point Of Sale)

I. Point Of Sale (POS Point Of Sale )

This form is used when the customer purchase the order firstly user should reserve the order
using clicking reserve order button selecting particular location and customer id fields.
Selecting restaurant the reserve order id will showed and the particular items will showed
related to the restaurant.selecting the item code and batch code ,the selling price,current
quantity fields will be display .using add to cart button can add a maufatcure item to particular
order .Next button will be visible when having manufacture items in particular order and
location .

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II. Point Of Sale Finalize

This shows order details in particular order id ,there will be payment type and when you9b
click one of this, the releated fields will be visible and if user select CASH radion button the
total cash and balance field will be visible.these fields must be filled to finalize the order .

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3.4.5 Purchasing
I. Purchase Order Process
1. Purchase Order (Purchasing Purchase Order Process Purchase Order)
User must first generate the purchase order no. User can purchase order from this form and
this form provide generate the purchase order no in particular location.

2. Purchase Order Details (Purchasing Purchase Order Process

Purchase Order Details)

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After adding purchase order no; system facilitate to add a purchase item from supplier ,free
quantity field indicate some time supplier willing to give free quantity the bakery .selecting
pending purchase order related other fields will be

3. Purchase Order Finalize Details (Purchasing Purchase Order

Process Purchase Order Details finalize)
After adding the items to purchase order and this form will indicate finalize the purchase order
using finalize button.

3.6.9 Manufacturing
I. Item Manufacture Process
Manufacture process consist three stages, these stage are followings.
1. Item Manufacture (id generation) (Manufacturing Item Manufacture
Process Item Manufact )
User can generate the specific manufacture code regarding the selecting location and particular

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2. Item Manufact (Add Items) (Manufacturing Item

Manufacture Process Item Manufact (add Items) )
Figure 3.6.9 I shows to generate the manufacture id and after selecting the location, category
and manufacture Name, user can add a particular items regarding the product like a ingredients
using add to list button ,quantity field indicate how many quantity will be add to the
manufacture .

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3. Item Manufact Finalize (Manufacturing Item Manufacture

Process Item Manufact finalize )
Figure 3.6.9 II show the include items in particular manufacture product, after that user can
finalize the manufacture product to the system selecting location, category and manufacture

II. Manufact Product (Manufacturingmanufact product)

Users can see the particular location manufactures, included Items detail and the unit cost of
manufacture product. It facilitates to change details to edit details.

Refer the APPENDIX 2 -USER DOCUMENTATION to more about the


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1. Current States Bakery

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2. Bakery Current Stocks

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This is develop by environment (Active server pages ) that involve with C#
language along with HTML,Java script ,CSS for user interface designed and java script
for client validation is open source of web application and use to develop dynamic web pages
epically suit for wed development and can be embedded into html
Below code is commonly used to generate next id
public class POSController
static SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DConnection.dbConnctionString);

public static String genarateOrderId()


String nextId = "OR-0000000001";

SqlDataReader rdr = null;

String query = "SELECT MAX(RIGHT(order_id, 10)) + 1 AS Expr1 FROM
SqlCommand c = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
rdr = c.ExecuteReader();
if (rdr.Read())
if (rdr["Expr1"].ToString().Equals(""))
nextId = "OR-0000000001";
nextId = rdr["Expr1"].ToString();
nextId = "OR-" + nextId.PadLeft(10, '0');
nextId = "OR-0000000001";
catch (Exception ex)


return nextId;

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Below javascript code use to validate the fields in each page

function vall() {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#Button1').click(function () {
var Name, pass, gender, conpass, EmailId, emailExp;

Name = $("#txtLocName").val();
gender = $("#txtDesc").val();
pass = $("#txtAddress").val();
conpass = $("#txtContact").val();
// EmailId = $("#txtmail").val();

// emailExp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-

if (Name == '' && gender == 0 && pass == '' && conpass == '')

alert("Enter All Fields");

return false;
if (Name == '') {
alert("Please Enter Login ID");
return false;
if (pass != conpass) {
alert("Password not match");

return false;
if (EmailId == '') {
alert("Email Id Is Required");

return false;
if (EmailId != '') {

if (!EmailId.match(emailExp)) {
alert("Invalid Email Id");

return false;
return true;

Rest of the coding please refer APPENDIX 5 - CODE .

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This is used in converting the system design to executable program. The logical design converts
into physical design using developing tools. This chapter shows how to handle the physical
system and configure the system to fulfill the requirements.


This breaks into two categories which handle the server side and client side process. These side
have a specific requirements which described as follow.
I. Server Environment
This used to host the application into web and this environment handle all data
processing activities. Below show the minimum system requirements.

Intel Core I 3 or up words Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

4 GB RAM Microsoft SQL Server 2008
320 GB HARD DISK IIS (internet Information Service )
256 MB ON BOARD VGA Windows 2000/2003/2008 Server (OS)
Network Hub
Network Interface card
Network Printer
Network Cable
Internet connection

II. Client Environment

This provides user interfaces for user to interact with the server. The server will
connect with client machine and handle the request and response form the client.

Inter Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz or upwards Operating System Windows 7

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2 Gb RAM Mozilla Firefox Latest Version

120 Gb Hard Disk Windows XP/Vista/7 or any OS
Network card
Internet connection


This system is centralize and the users log the system via the using internet. This
network protected by the firewall and external users can identify the can view the

Sample diagram for the system implementation



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The system is developed by using three tier architecture MVC
(Model View Controller) pattern.




Model - All Database Operations Handle by this Model

View - the interface file consist
Controller the input data from the interface taken into
controller to pass the database.

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Software testing and hardware testing gain to process of validation and verification system.
Testing need to confirm that the system functions are working without any error, misuse
causes. This is mainly focus in customer satisfaction about the system and it helps to identify
the correctness, completeness and quality of the software


I. Unit Testing -:
Unit testing can be done by smallest unit test and get the output if the proper answer is
coming out .unit testing can be done in back box testing and white box testing.

Back box testing -: this is used in checking the system without checking internal
function process.
White Box testing -: this is used in checking internal functions and get the
expected result is coming out

2. Integration Testing -:
Integrate the small units and check the function is working properly. The purpose of this
is to identify the issues with integration.

3. System Testing :-
After integrating the part of the system and whole system test use to confirm that the functions
are working properly in the real environment .this uses to identify the errors in real

4. User Acceptance Testing :-

After system testing need to confirm that the user is satisfy with the system and acceptance
from the user indicate the user is complete satisfy with the system.
There are testing strategies regression testing, alpha testing, stress testing, beta testing and

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5. Module testing :-

Module testing called a dynamic testing .this is use when execution of the software
units. Checking the system module vise


ID Test Testing Expected Result
Description Procedure
Logging Functionality Module
1 Login to the Checking Show error message PLEASE ENTER THE DETAILS TO
Admin Panel logging LOGGING
without enter
the user name
and password
Enter the Show an error message NPUT DETAILS ARE INCORRECT
invalid user PLEASE TRY AGAIN

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Enter the valid Redirect to admin Page with session
user name and
2 Logout from Click the log Redirect to the main customer form using close the session
the system out link from
user profile
3 Access the Enter the URL Redirect to the main customer form
Admin Page of a page
without login
Category & Location Module
4 Open the Check whether The category code will be generate
Category Form the generate
the codes
6 Add a Category Checking each Show to error warning message to each field.
fields are filled
or validate

Fill all the Show successful message

correctly and
click add
submit button
Fill all the Show successful message
detail and not
add to
7 Open the Check The next location code will be show in the field.
location form generate
location code

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8 Add a Location Checking each Show to error warning message to each

fields are filled
or validate
Image )

Test whether show the successful message
the enter
details are
Test whether Show the error
the detail are message
not added
Item Master - Bakery Module
9 Open the Select the The Unique Item Code will be generate
Bakery Item bakery
Master Form location and
category code

10 Add Items Basic Check whether show the mandatory fields to fill it
Details To the particular
Particular fields are filled

Check whether show the success message

the details are
Check whether show the error message
the details are
11 Delete the Check whether The details shown in grid
Items the items
display under
the category
Select the Go to the delete form to delete the item .
Delete link in

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Click the If deleted item the message is show
delete button

If not

12 Update The Check whether The details shown in grid

Items the items
display under
the category
Select the Go to the update form and show the current details of
particular Item particular item .
Code link in
the Grid
Click the Check the validation fields ,if not show the error
update button
If data is added show the update message

If not added data show the error message

Item Master - Price Change

13 Show the Select the The Items in related to location Code will display
current Item Location Code
Select the The Batcher in related to Item name and location will be
Item Name display

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Select the The itme details related to batch Code,item name and
Batch Code loccation will be display in particular fields

14 Add a price Click save Choose the Change Qty radio button or New Qty Radio
change button Button
Check whether If filled proceed the process and show the success message .
the details are

If not show the validaction error messages

Stock Control Module

15 Open the open Check Generate the new stock id in related field .
stocks form generate the
stock id
View the Check whether The particular Item details will be show in related fields.
particular Item selecting
location code,
Item name
and Batch
16 Add Open Stock Check whether
fields and
filled or not

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Click Add If fill ,then process the proceedure and show the success
button message

If not, show the error message .

Manufactureing Module

17 Open Check whether Generate the unique manufacture code

manufacture the generate
item generate the code
form selecting
location and
category name
18 Add Check whether
manufacture the fields are
code filled

Click add If detail are added show message


If not show error message in fail to added Data

19 Open View the Manufacture Items (add Items ) form

Items (add
Items ) form
Get the items Check whether Show the items in Item Name drop box
details select the
,Category and
Get the current Check whether Show the current quantity field while selecting item name and
quantity field select the item batch
name and

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20 Add Items To Check the type Show the error message if field is not filled or wrong format
particular quantity is
manufacture filled If added data show success message
21 Go to the Item View the item manufacture Finalize Form
finalize form
22 Get particular Selecting the particular category types will be display
manufacture location
Select the Particular manufacture will be display under the location and
category category
Select the View the manufacture details under the grid .
23 Finalize the Click the If added data show the success message
manufacture manufact
button If not show the error message

24 Go to the View the manufacture products form

Products form
Selecting the particular category types will be display
Select the Particular manufacture will be display under the location and
category category
Select the View the manufacture details under the grid and total cost
manufacture price .
25 Click change Go the edit form to change the quantity in particular item .
details in
particular item
26 Click edit Check whether If not filled Show the error messag in lable
button the field is
Type greater Handle the type quantity field .
than the
Click the If added show the success message in label

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If not show the error message

27 Go to Daily View Daily Manufacture Products Form

Products Form
28 View the Selecting the particular category types will be display
manufacture location
Select the Particular manufacture will be display under the location and
category category
Select the View the manufacture details under the grid
29 Add a Check the unit
manufacture in per day field is
current date empty
Click submit If added show the success message in label Added Todays
button current Date Manufacture Productions
If not added show the error message as in label Fails To
Added Todays current date Manufacture
30 Go to the daily View the daily transfer (add Manufact )
transfer (add
Manufact )
31 Click Selecting the particular category types will be display
addToCartBtn location
to transfer
Checking Particular manufacture will be display under the location and
category is category
Checking View the manufacture details under the grid
manufacture is
Checking Select the To Location
whether to
location is
Check whether Select the vehicle no
vehicle no

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Checking Select the employee

employee is
Check whether
fields are filled

If added show the success message in label Added

If not added show the error message Added Fail

32 Click the finalize Checking Particular manufacture will be display under the location and
button to location is category
finalize the exist
manufacture Checking View the manufacture details under the grid
manufacture is
Selecting the particular category types will be display
Checking Particular manufacture will be display under the location and
category is category
Checking the transfer manufacture details will show in the gird .
manufacture is

If transaction is transfer

If transacation not transfer

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Transport Module
33 Go the Check Show the next vehicle code
vehicle whether
details Form generate
vehicle code
34 Click submit Check
button whether
fields are

If details are added

if details are not added

Supplier Module

35 Go to the Check whether View the form and generate the next supplier code
supplier details Generate the
Form supplier code
36 Click submit Check whether
button fields are filled

If data added success message show

If not added data

36 Edit supplier Check whether Edit detail will be update

details supplier
details show in

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Delete supplier Check whether Delete the supplier from the system .
details supplier
details show in
Purchase Module

37 Go to the View the purchsae order form and generate the next
purchase order purchase no
38 Add Purchase Check whether show the message
Button location and
supplier is

If added show message below

If not added show error message

39 Go to the View the purchase order detail form

details form
40 Add purchase Check whether Select the purchase location .
detail location is
Check whether When selecting the location the relevent purchase numbers
purchase no will be display
Check whether When selecting the location the particular items will be
items exists display display in the box .
Check whether When Selecting the items batchers will be display in
batch exists particular field.
Check whether Show error message in particular fileds
fields are filled If data added show successful message

If not added show error message

41 Go to the Show the purchase order detail finalize form

purchase order
detail finalize

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42 Finalize the Check whether Show the bakery locations

purchase order bakery is
Check whether Show order in particular location
order selected If added show the success message

If not added show the error message

43 Go the GRN Show the form and generate next next GRN Code
Details Form
44 Add Return Check whether Show the locations in the field .
Purchases location is
Check whether Show the purchase order id in particular location
the purchase View the purchase item in the grid
order is exists Show the grand total of items
Check Show the error in particular fields .
fields are If added show the success message
If not added show the error message

45 Go the Finalize Show the Finalize Form

GRN form
46 View the return Check whether Locations will be show in particular fields
details location is
Check whether Selecting location and the returns purchase orders will be
return display in particular fields.
orders is Exists
47 Finalize the Click the If the fields are fill, show the success message
order finalize button
If the fields are not fill, show the erro message

POS (Point of Sale) Module

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48 Go to the point View the form and generate the next order id
of sale form
49 Reserve the Check Select the location and Select the customer
order existence of
location and If added show the success message as Resever the Order
If not added show the error message

50 add
Items to Order
Check whether Select the restaurent and particular order id will be display
restaurant is
Check whether Selecting the location particular items will be display in the
items is exists
Check whether Selecting the items, the particular batches will be display the
batch is exists
field and selecting batch the particular items details will be
show the other fields.
Check whether 1.Check the type qantity with current quantity
type the 2.check the validation of the field.

Click the add 1.check the validation of the fields.

to list button 2. if added show the success message.
If not added show the error message in label

If Item exists in particular order ,then the next button will be

enable .
51 Click next 1.go the order finalize form.
button the manufacture items related to order in the gird.
3. show the total amount of manufactures

52 Click the finalize Check whether the warning message under the fields.
button the validation 2. check the null values and show
is done
Check whether the at least one radio button regarding about
payment payments .
process is
If added show the success message

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If not added show the error message

53 Go to the edit Show the edit form

order form
54 Get the order Check whether Show the locations in particular fields
details location is
Check order Selecting the location the particular orders will be show in the
ids is exists combo box.
Selecting the order id ,the particular details will be show the
55 Update the Check whether Clicking the order id from order detail Items Gird ,show the
quantity of the update update quantity form .
manufacture in form is load
particular order
Check whether 1. Show the warning messages if particular field is not
click submit complete
button 2. . check the quantity of current quantity .
working If added redirect to order edit form

If not added show the error message

56 Go to the sales Show the sales return form

return form
57 Get the order Check whether Show the locations in particular fields
details location is
Check order Selecting the location the particular orders will be show in the
ids is exists combo box.
Selecting the order id ,the particular details will be show the
58 Select the Selecting order id from the grid and redirect to the specific
return Manufacture Item Form
59 Click the submit Check whether Show the warning messages under the field.
button fields are
Check the Validate the quantity field with current quantity and type
quantity field quantity.

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If added redirect to the sales return form

If not added show the error message in label

60 Go to the day View the day end form

end process
61 View the Check whether Show the locations (restaurents) in the particular fields
current location is
transaction exists
Selecting the location ,in the current date particular items
will be show in the gird
62 Click the Check whether Show the bakery locations in particular field
transfer button the bakery is
Choose the Show the 3 options and select one of them
one of the
options If transfer show the success messsage

If not show the error message

User Controller Module

68 Go to the add View the Add User Form And generate the next User ID
User Form
69 Click the submit Check whether Show the warning messages when the mandatory fields are
button fields are fill not filled .
If added show successful message

If not show error message

70 Click delete Delete the user form the system .

71 Go the Add View the Form
User To Module
72 Click submit Check whether Show the users in particular field.
button the users is
Check the Show the location

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Before added moduels to location will be display in the gird .

Check whether Show the modules

the modules is
If added redirect to the current page

If not show the error message

73 Go the change Show the current loging profile

74 Click submit Check whether Type the current password
button the current
password is
Check whether Compare the new password and confirm password
new and
If added show the confirm message

If not show the error message .

Employee Details Module

75 Go to the add Show the add employee form
employee form Generate the next employee id
76 Click submit Check the Show the warning messages under the fields if not filled
button validations of
the fields
If added show the success message

If not show the error message

77 Click edit link Check whether The particular gird fields will be enable and update
select the grid
78 Click delete link The particular grid field will be delete

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5.4 Non Functional Testing

Usability Testing :-
This is use to testing via using user interfaces .test the application user interfaces user friendly
or not, there is five components should be include to this testing
Learnability - how the use can interact with the system.
Efficiency - how fast user can accomplish the task
Memorability how the function is going to work again
Error how many error user can find.
Satisfaction - how much user like the system.

Maintainability Testing :-
This is use to how easy to change the application or product

Load testing :-
This is the behavior of the application .this is helps to how many users can use the
system in concurrently.

Stress Testing :-
this is use to ensure software does not crash with some reasons .concurrency pass the
data to the system in seconds to check whether the system can be handle or not

Performance testing :-
This is use to how fast the system can be user without any issues.

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5.5 Deployment
This phase is use to implement the system in operation environment.

Configure the environment

It take some time to setting up the client and server pcs and ,connecting together with
terminals .some applications need to install the server machine regarding the solution ,need to
check the network cables working properly and ping with server pc .check the data transfer rate

Hosting the system

Install the IIS (Internet Information Service ) set up the web application through this and install
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 as a Database Server to set up the data .check the system
work with client pcs

Staff training
The users of the system need to give a training to how to use, how to view reports and more
about the system, the training should run with step by steps

Running The System On Test Environment

Running the system in this environment 14 days to familiar with the system and check the bugs
that come out the system. This system go with parallel because manual system must be
run with that

Client Feedback
After 7 day need get the client feedback of the system and are they satisfaction about the
system, modification and more. If the client is not satisfy well about the system give another
training and involve the system.

Bugs fixing And Live Run

Fixing the bugs from the customer feedback, after approving system to live run.

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Bakery and restaurant management system is centralized system which provides wide range of
solutions to the customers and allow users to connect the system. The main site provides new
updates of particular restaurant details to the customers and system consists three parts
Bakery, Restaurant and customer view part . Every day manufactured items transfer from
bakery to particular restaurants. Stock handling, purchases items and more functions handle by
this system.


Analyzing and gathering requirement to the system was big challenge and time
During the planning of the system it is difficult to define the scope of the
During the implementation change, functions request by the client.
Short knowledge of and take to time to develop the system and create
new concepts regarding to asp.
Time consuming when defining the logics between functions to function.


Gained knowledge in programming with, C# and MSSQL.
This is very use full to rise up knowledge about these language and database language .its
great opportunity to learn these things .SQl command are very help full to solve the
problems .its a wide area and not easy to learn but good experience to knowledge

Learned about how to manage the project and got the idea about how to handle the scope.
During the scope of the project learn how to manage scope of the project and what things
that come to the project are and what the useless

Managed the time with the scope of the project.

Understood about the how to applied the real world.

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Understood about the testing strategies and got the experience about how to test the
current system.
Choosing the development language c#, reduce the complexity than other language
Gained knowledge about how to design the form using frame works.
Managed to handle the MSSQL database server and their operations.
Learned new design patterns (MVC)
Improving a security aspect to the system
While developing the system gain knowledge about the sql injections, encrypt password
other attacks from the unauthorized person.


Strengths -
User friendly and Easy to manage the system.
Increase the flexibility and high performance
Show the summery details using diagrams.
Facilitate to customer can give the feed backs

Weaknesses -
This is not 100% error free.
Browser compatibility issue.
Some cases difficult to understand.
Design frames work issues.

6.5 Problem and solution faced to during the project

There is several problems faced during the project
head of manager busy with the works -: initial stage of the project need to
gather the requirement of the system, but its not easy to contact with him due to
busy environment ,sometimes cancel some meeting regarding this project due
their work

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Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

Changing The Requirements Of The System -: due to management decision

sometime they change the requirements of the system and add more functions
because they were not specified about what are most important things needs of
the system .
Knowledge improvements on ASP.NET and MS SQL
Sometime solving the solutions need some depth knowledge about the
language and SQL, using via internet that is help to solve some problems.

6.6 Future Improvement of the System

Improve the mobile facilities
Normalize the database structure.
Avoid sql injection and hacking
Automated sql backups

Sri Lanka is currently developing country and now a days most of people are using
computerized systems to solve the day today problems. The bakery management
system is one of the system to solve the financial problems, efficiency problem
and more.
This system allows to users to manufacture the items, Point of Sales,
transfer items, stock reports and more plus well documented reports while
working with testing period. It gives errors to me and sometime got more time to
solve it and its good experience to me .System provides benefit to the customer
and take feedback from them that they can manage with developing.

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I. Install .NET 3.5 and 4.0 environment.
II. Install Microsoft SQl Server 2008 or 2005 (when it install define the user logging )
Refer this URL to get more information about the SQL Installation
( (v=sql.90).aspx)
III. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.
IV. Copy the source file folder(BRMNGTsystem)to preferable path.(the folder consist fresh
backup of database and source files)
V. Open the SQL Server Management Studio.
VI. If you wish to create New User To the Sql Server Follow the Figures

Connect the SQL server using Windows Select the Security Logins New Logins to
Authentication create a new User

Type The Login Name That you want and select the
SQL Server Authentication to define the Password

91 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

And go the server roles form and select every check boxes to define the accessibility of users. And after that disconnect the
database and connect again, then user can use the own Login name and password to access the server

VII. Create A New Database Using This Name (BakeryRestaurant)

Right Click the Database and click New Define the Database Name as BakeryRestaurant
Database and click ok.

92 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

And select the created database BakeryRestaurant , right click and restore the database from fresh backup
from the device

Select from device and choose the .sql backup

93 | P a g e
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VIII. There is two way to configure the Web.config file in the project. The user can change
the user id and password through the visual studio OR Notepad.

Using Notepad
i. Go to the Source File Location, BRMNGTsystem and open the Web.config file
through notepad.

Connection string contain the User Id and Password, these two fields must be fill in users computer
sql server user name and password.

If the user name and password not exists in the users computer sql server, then the connection
string must be like this before run the project.

connectionString =Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=BakeryRestaurant;Integrated


And Save the Web.config File

Using Visual Studio 2012

94 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
Go to the source file location and open double click BRMNGTsystem.sln or Open the
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 brows the file location.

After opening visual studio go to the server explorerData Connections right click
and go the modify connection to configure the User Name and Password to Current SQl
Server User Name and Password.

95 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

selecting you server name or clicking drop down box

the related names will be show and if the developer
machine existing in sql password put in this field and
select the database name and click the Test
connection to check the connection is properly done .

if the connection is done the success message will show

96 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

IX. Configure The IIS To The Operating System

Go to the control panel Programs programs and Features and click Turn Windows features on or
off link and tick these below.

After the installation IIS, user must copy the BRMNGTsystem (the source file) into this path .this path will
exist when after install the IIS. (C driver interpub wwwroot) copy the source file into this folder

Open the IIS

97 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

This is use to add a site to the local host. Click site Default
Web Site Add Application

Alias filed that the user can define any name to host site in
locally and physical path define the source file path (it
should be in wwwroot folder).the following figure show it.

After that adding BakeryMNGT, click that BakeryMNGT go to the direct browsing and enable the fields
that figure show below.

98 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

Finally user can run the selecting BakeryMNGT and click the Browse *.:81 (http) locally in user system.

99 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015


This is the main admin page and shows the current statues of all bakeries, restaurants, stock
details etc.

100 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

3.6.7 Category & Location

I. Category
Items need to categorize can easily find. This shows add category before add items, select the
location and status and clicking Submit Button new Details Will be added to grid.

In Advanced Table show all categories and click EDIT link the user can update the detail and
delete link will remove the detail while checking the detail in other tables.

II. Location Form

101 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
This is used to add location and need to select the employee whose own of the location and
position field indicate , if the location belongs to bakery and restaurant . All location details will
be shown below. status indicates whether location is activated or not. After clicking submit
button details will be added.
Successful message will be displayed after adding he details.

III. Edit Location Form

The user can change the location details and facilitate to change the location image .

IV. Delete Location Form

When clicking delete button the confirmation form will be displayed here and the admin can
delete the location.

102 | P a g e
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8.6.8 Item Master

I. Item Master update
Above Item master form the grid view show the all item details and one of the clicking item
code show the update form.

103 | P a g e
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Item Delete Confirmation Form

System facilitate to delete items from the system.

III. Bakery Current Stock(Item Master Bakery Current Stock)

User can view the current item stocks selecting the location, item Name and Batch code .user
can be able to see the total of quantity of the relevant item.

104 | P a g e
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IV. Price Change Form (Item Master price Changes price Change)

This is used to change an item prices .When changing the item price automatically, create a
new batch. Selecting location code and item name shows the details of exists item and Batch
Quantity filed indicate if user select Change Qty radio button. Current quantity will be updated
to these new prices with new batch ,if select New Qty radio button then create a new batch
(the item having two batches in different prices).

105 | P a g e
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V. Price Change View Form

Selecting location code and item code , the relevant batches will be
displayed .

Stock Control
VI. Open Stocks (Stock Control Bakery Open Stocks)

106 | P a g e
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This form is use to if the bakery run in manually need to add a current stocks to the system to
continue the process.

VII. Open Stock View (Stock Control Bakery Open Stocks View)
User can view the opening stocks related to location.

3.6.10 Manufacturing
III. Item Manufacture Process
Manufacture process consist three stages, these stage are followings.
4. Item Manufacture (id generation) (Manufacturing Item Manufacture
Process Item Manufact )
User can generate the specific manufacture code regarding the selecting location and particular

5. Item Manufact (Add Items) (Manufacturing Item

Manufacture Process Item Manufact (add Items) )

107 | P a g e
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Figure 3.6.9 I shows to generate the manufacture id and after selecting the location, category
and manufacture Name, user can add a particular items regarding the product like a ingredients
using add to list button ,quantity field indicate how many quantity will be add to the
manufacture .

6. Item Manufact Finalize (Manufacturing Item Manufacture

Process Item Manufact finalize )
Figure 3.6.9 II show the include items in particular manufacture product, after that user can
finalize the manufacture product to the system selecting location, category and manufacture

IV. Manufact Product (Manufacturingmanufact product)

108 | P a g e
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Users can see the particular location manufactures, included Items detail and the unit cost of
manufacture product. It facilitates to change details to edit details.

V. Manufacture Items Edit (Manufacturingmanufact productselect

Change details)
User can change the Items quantity related to the manufacture products, this will validate in
with stock current quantity

109 | P a g e
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VI. Daily Manufacture Products

User can select the manufacture product in particular location and show the ingredients of
items regarding to the manufacture in the gird and user can enter the Unit Pay Day filled to
how many manufacture product quantities are produce in current date. .

VII. Daily Transfer (ManufacturingDaily Transfer Process daily Transfer

(add Manufacture))

110 | P a g e
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User can transfer the manufacture products to particular Restaurants

1.Select the location (Bakery)

2.Select the category
3.Select the manufacture name
4.Select to_location (Restaurants) to transfer manufacture
5.Type the Quantity to transfer
6.Select vehicle
7.Select employee
8.Click the add button (Temporally add the data )
9. If added data show in the grid (again do 1 to 3 steps to add another
manufacture) user can click the finalize button to proceed the process.
If user click finalize button, user need to select the to_location field to finalize
the process.

VI. View Manufacture (Manufacturing Manufacture Views view

manufacture )
User can get the current quantity states, quantity in, quantity out and more using this particular

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3.6.11 Transport
I. Vehicle Details (Transport Vehicle Details from )
User can add a vehicle details and all vehicle details will be shown the grid and can delete the
specific vehicle in the grid selecting delete link.

II. Transport Transaction (Transport Transport Transaction )

System facilitates to view the transport details in selecting particular location and date .This
shows the identify how the transport happen with other location and more.

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I. I. Supplier Details (Supplier Supplier Details )
User can add supplier details to the system. All fields are mandatory to fill. System facilitates to
edit and delete the users.

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II. GRN Details (Purchasing GRN Details)

This form is used to check the quantities of items in particular purchase order no after
receiving supplier goods .user can give discount (if necessary ) .

III. Finalize GRN (Purchasing Finalize GRN )

After checking the received goods, system facilitates the finalize goods and add to stock in the

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IV. Point Of Sale Finalize

This shows order details in particular order id ,there will be , payment type and click one of
this, the releated fields will be visible and if user select CASH radion button the total cash and
balance field will be visible.these fields must be filled to finalize the order .

V. Order edit (POS order edit )

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After adding the orders, the order details will be shown by selecting particular location and
order id and how the payment happen in particular order.

VI . Update Quantity

This is visible when clicking upper form order id (order details item tab) and user can update
the quantity after adding the order

VII. Sales Return (POS sales return )

When customer can return the manufacture items in some reasons due to expire or damages.
Selecting order id and location, the order details will be show in the gird.

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Clicking the grid order id, the return form is visible and system facilitate to add the return
manufactures to the system

VIII. POS Current State (POS POS current State )

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User can view the particular location transactions and Current Stock Details in selection date.

IX. Day End (POS Day Process Day End )

Users must choose the option to what to do for current quantities in
particular manufactures. Point of sale process form will be visible in next day
when this form process done .next day when user try to access the POS form
,the form will be automatically redirect to the day end process form regarding
old quantities .

X. View Returns & Dispatch (POS Day Process view returns

User can view the return manufacture details in particular location.

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3.6.13 User Controller

I. Add User (user controller add User)

This is use to add new Users to the system and Admin Type indicate the particular user related
to which field.
The grid shows all the user details and admin capable to delete the users.

II. User Module (user controller user module)

119 | P a g e
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Admin can add a modules to the users when accessing the system, the system shows the
particular modules to the user when its logged.
Module details will display when selecting user detail and location. In the grid 1 indicate, which
modules can be access to the particular user and clicking edit button admin can put the 1 as to
another module that means the user can access that module .0 means the user cannot access
the module .

III. User Activation (user controller user activation )

This shows all users and clicking edit button, the admin can edit the user details and specifically
can be change the user status

IV. User Profile (user controller user profile )

This shows the current user details and clicking change password user can modify the password

120 | P a g e
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V. Change Password
The current user can change the profile password giving current password.

3.6.15Employee Details

I. Add Employee (Employee Details add Employee)

This is used to add employees to the system and position field indicates the employee type.
System facilitate to edit and delete the employee in the system.


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This report designed using Microsoft visual studio build report tool.
3. Manufacture Details Report

4. Purchases from particular location

5. All Purchase Reports

6. Bakery Current Stocks

7. All Employee Detail Report

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8. All Bakery Items Details

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9. Bakery Items (Batch Vise )

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vii. Transport & Supplier Module

126 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
Use Case name Transport And Supplier Module
Description This use case explains how to transport and supplier details to the
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 15. Administrator logs in to the system
16. Go to the Transport vehicle details form from the
home page
17. Generate vehicle id
18. Fill the fields.
19. Add submit button
20. Go to the Supplier Supplier details form from the
home page
21. Generate supplier code
22. Fill the fields
23. Select the state
24. Add Submit button

Pre-conditions 7. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 7. Entered data should get successfully updated in the

Assumptions 17. User enters valid credentials
18. order id will be generate automatically
19. All details updated by the user are accurate

127 | P a g e
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viii. Employee Module

Use Case name Employee module

Description This use case explains how add employee to the system
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 25. Administrator logs in to the system
26. Go to the Employee details add Employee form from
the home page
27. Generate employee id
28. Fill the fields.
29. Select statues
30. Select position
31. Click submit button

Pre-conditions 8. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 8. Entered data should get successfully updated in the

Assumptions 20. User enters valid credentials
21. employee id will be generate automatically
22. All details updated by the user are accurate

128 | P a g e
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ix. User Controller Module

Use Case name User Controller Module

Description This use case explains how to manage the users
Actor Administrator
Normal course of events 1. Administrator logs in to the system
2. Go to the user Controller add User form from the
home page
3. Generate user id
4. Fill the fields.
5. Select admin type
6. Select status
7. Click submit button

129 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
8. Go to the user Controller User Module form from the
home page
9. Select user
10. Select the location
11. Select the module
12. Click submit button to add modules to specific user

Pre-conditions 9. User should be logged in to the system

Post-conditions 9. Entered data should get successfully updated in the system

Assumptions 23. User enters valid credentials
24. employee id will be generate automatically
25. All details updated by the user are accurate
26. User name and password is encrypted

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Activity Diagrams

V. Activity Diagram for Place Order

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VI. Activity Diagram for Day End Process

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VII. Activity Diagram for Daily Transfer Manufacture

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VIII. Activity Diagram for Add Users

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Flow Chart diagram main Processors

3.1 Purchase Order form flow chart

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5.2 Purchase order details form flow chart

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5.3 Purchase order details finalize flow chart

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3. GRN (good receive note) form flow chart

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3.1 GRN Finalize Form flow chart

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5.1 item manufacture (generate code ) form flow chart

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5.2 Manufacture Item Production form flow chart

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5.3 Manufacture Item Finalize Form Flow Chart

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6. Daily Manufacture Products Form Flow Chart

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7. Daily Transfer Manufacture Form Flow Chart

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8. Point Of Sale (POS) form flow chart

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9. Day End Process Form Flow Chart

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XI. tblMessage
Add Massages to the Locations.

Sample Data

XII. tblModule
This is show the system modules that allows to users.

XIII. tblOpenStock
Bakery is going to transfer the manual system to computerize
system, the bakery users add current stock to the system
to proceed the process.

XIV. tblPOS_order

148 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
This will show the particular location (Restaurants)
have many order and status field indicate the place
order process in particular customer.

Sample Data

XV. tblPOS_orderdetail
This is shows particular order detail under the order,
the manufacture products who buy from the

Sample Data

tblPOS_orderdetail_temp table (same structure in tblPOS_orderdetail ) having a tempore data

unit finish the order process

149 | P a g e
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XVI. tblPOS_PaymentDetails
Add customer payment to the system when the order is

Show Data

XVII. tblPOS_PaymentProcess
add payment process happen between customer and
cashier in restaurants.

Show Data

XVIII. tblPOS_Trans_To_Trans
Add manufacture product from to location another

Show Data

150 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

XIX. tblPOS_Transaction
This shows all transaction happens in restaurants .bakery
send the manufacture to the restaurant and this data will
show here and some others transaction also show here

show data

XX. tblPurchaseOrder
This uses to purchase order from the supplier, total
of the purchase detail will be shown in total field and
status field show the current progress of the
purchase order

151 | P a g e
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Show data

XXI. tblPurchaseDetails
This shows purchase order details under the purchase
order id.

Sample Data

XXII. tblPurchaseReturn
this shows purchase order detail that already received
and compare the purchase order, current situation
confirm the details .like a GRN (Good Receive Note)

Show Data

152 | P a g e
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XXIII. tblPurchaseReturnDetails
This show details of GRN details

Sample Data

XXIV. tblSalesDetails_Return
This shows the return manufacture products
under the order id, and return id, its refer the
tblSales_Return table order_no.

XXV. tblSite_Gallery
Add images to each locations .image_path indicates
the uploading file location.

show data

153 | P a g e
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XXVI. tblSite_messages
This is shows the customer can make an inquiry online
and these detail will be shown here.

Sample Data

XXVII. tblSupplier
Add Supplier Details To the Database.

Show Data

XXVIII. tblSupplierTransaction
This shows the transactions between supplier and the

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XXIX. tblTransport
This show the vehicle detail regarding to the transaction

Show Data

XXX. tblTransportTransaction
This i shows the details of transaction between location to
location using by vehicle.

Show Data

XXXI. tblUnitMeasure
This i shows measurement of items, manufacture
products and more.

Show Data

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XXXII. tblUser
Add Users To The System.

show data

XXXIII. tblUserModule
Add modules To Users in the system, if the filed having 1
means these fields are available to the user to access the

Show data

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public static int UpdateOpenStockDetails(string locationCode, string openCode, string
itemCode, int batchCode,float typeQty,float totalAmount)
int added = 0;
string sql = "UPDATE tblBakeryTransaction SET item_in="+typeQty+" WHERE
refer_code='"+openCode+"' AND item_code='"+itemCode+"' AND batch_code="+batchCode+" AND
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
int update1 = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (update1 > 0)
string sql2 = "UPDATE tblSupplierTransaction SET item_in=" + typeQty
+ ",amount="+totalAmount+" WHERE refer_code='" + openCode + "' AND item_code='" +
itemCode + "' AND batch_code=" + batchCode + " AND location_code='" + locationCode +
SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, connection);
int update2 = command2.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (update2 > 0)
string sql3 = "UPDATE tblOpenStock SET item_in=" + typeQty + "
WHERE open_stock_code='" + openCode + "' AND item_code='" + itemCode + "' AND
batch_code=" + batchCode + " AND location_code='" + locationCode + "'";
SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand(sql3, connection);
int update3 = command3.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (update3 > 0)
added = 1;
added = 0;

catch (Exception ex)


return added;

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Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
public static int DeleteOpenStockDetails(string locationCode, string openCode, string
itemCode, int batchCode)
int added = 0;

string sql = "DELETE FROM tblBakeryTransaction WHERE refer_code='" +
openCode + "' AND item_code='" + itemCode + "' AND batch_code=" + batchCode + " AND
location_code='" + locationCode + "'";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
int update1 = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (update1 > 0)

string sql2 = "DELETE FROM tblSupplierTransaction refer_code='" +

openCode + "' AND item_code='" + itemCode + "' AND batch_code=" + batchCode + " AND
location_code='" + locationCode + "'";
SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, connection);
int update2 = command2.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (update2 > 0)
string sql3 = "DELETE FROM tblOpenStock WHERE
open_stock_code='" + openCode + "' AND item_code='" + itemCode + "' AND batch_code=" +
batchCode + " AND location_code='" + locationCode + "'";
SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand(sql3, connection);
int update3 = command3.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (update3 > 0)
added = 1;
added = 0;


catch (Exception ex)
return added;

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Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

public static String getCurrentRestaurentStocks(string location )

OpenStock o = new OpenStock();
string state = "";
string sql = "";

if (location.Equals("none"))
sql="SELECT SUM(item_in - item_out) as amt FROM
tblPOS_Transaction WHERE trans_date < '"+DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()+"'";
sql = "SELECT SUM(item_in - item_out)as amt FROM
tblPOS_Transaction WHERE (location_code = '" + location + "') AND trans_date <'" +
DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString() + "'";

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);

SqlDataReader dat = command.ExecuteReader();

if (dat.Read())

if (float.Parse(dat["amt"].ToString())==0)
state = "DONE";
state = "NOT_DONE";
state = "NOT_DONE";
catch (Exception ex)
return state;

159 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

public static POsTranasaction getCurrentbalanceManufactures (string location)

POsTranasaction p = new POsTranasaction();
string state = "";
string sql = "";
sql = "SELECT SUM(item_in)as a,SUM(item_out) as i, SUM(item_in -
item_out) as amt FROM tblPOS_Transaction where location_code='" + location + "' ";

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);

SqlDataReader dat = command.ExecuteReader();
if (dat.Read())
p.ItemOut = float.Parse(dat["i"].ToString());
p.CurQty = float.Parse(dat["amt"].ToString());

p.ItemIn = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
return p;

160 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
public static int TransferToTempTableToOriginalTableOrderDetails(Order o)
int isAdded = 0;
int sequenceId = ManufactureTransferToLocations.getNextPOSSequenceId(o.LocationCode,
POsTranasaction p = new POsTranasaction();
SqlCommand seletCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM tblPOS_orderdetail_temp WHERE
order_id='" + o.OrderId + "'", connection);
SqlDataReader dar = seletCommand.ExecuteReader();

string insertOrder="INSERT INTO tblPOS_orderdetail

(order_id,manufact_code,batch_code,quantity,unit_price,total) VALUES";

string sqlInsertPOSTrans = "INSERT INTO tblPOS_Transaction

ce_id,trans_date,by_user,by_date) VALUES (";

while (dar.Read())
////////////POS TRANSACTION///
string locationcodeTo = o.LocationCode;
string refer_code = o.OrderId;
string trans_type = "ORDER";
string remarks = "ORDERS";
string transDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
string by_user = o.ByUser;
string by_date = DateTime.Now.ToString();
/// END POS TRANSACTION ////////////////////////////////
///// ORDER DETAILS//////////////////////////////////////
string orderId=dar["order_id"].ToString();
string manufactCode=dar["manufact_code"].ToString();
int batchCode=int.Parse(dar["batch_code"].ToString());
float quantity=float.Parse(dar["quantity"].ToString());
float unit_price=float.Parse(dar["unit_price"].ToString());
float total=float.Parse(dar["total"].ToString());
///// END ORDER DETAILS //////////////////////////////////////
insertOrder+=");INSERT INTO tblPOS_orderdetail
(order_id,manufact_code,batch_code,quantity,unit_price,total) VALUES";

sqlInsertPOSTrans += "'" + locationcodeTo + "','" + refer_code + "','" + trans_type

+ "','" + remarks + "','" + manufactCode + "', " + batchCode + ",0," + quantity + "," + unit_price + ","
+ sequenceId + ",'" + transDate + "','" + by_user + "','" + by_date + "')";
sqlInsertPOSTrans += ";INSERT INTO tblPOS_Transaction
ce_id,trans_date,by_user,by_date) VALUES (";
sequenceId += 1;
insertOrder = insertOrder.Remove(insertOrder.Length - 99);
sqlInsertPOSTrans = sqlInsertPOSTrans.Remove(sqlInsertPOSTrans.Length - 177);


SqlCommand commandInsert = new SqlCommand(insertOrder, connection);

int addedOrderDetail = commandInsert.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (addedOrderDetail > 0)
SqlCommand myCommandUpdate = new SqlCommand("UPDATE tblPOS_order SET
status='SUCCESS' WHERE order_id='" + o.OrderId + "'", connection);
int update = myCommandUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (update > 0)

SqlCommand insertPOSTransaction = new SqlCommand(sqlInsertPOSTrans, connection);

int addedPOs = insertPOSTransaction.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (addedPOs > 0) 161 | P a g e

isAdded = 1;
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015

int addedPOs = insertPOSTransaction.ExecuteNonQuery();

if (addedPOs > 0)
isAdded = 1;
isAdded = 0;

isAdded = -1;
isAdded = -2;

catch (Exception ex)
return isAdded;

162 | P a g e
Bakery & Restaurant Management System 2015
public static float getCURRENT_QTY_inBakerySIDE(string locationCode, string itemCode,
int batchCode)
SqlDataReader datar = null;
float curQty = 0;
Item l = new Item();
// SqlConnection connection = new
itemCode = itemCode.Trim();
String query = "SELECT SUM(item_in - item_out) AS tqty FROM
tblBakeryTransaction WHERE (location_code = '"+locationCode+"') AND (item_code =
'"+itemCode+"') AND (batch_code = "+batchCode+")";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
datar = command.ExecuteReader();

if (datar.Read())
curQty = float.Parse(datar["tqty"].ToString());
curQty = 1;
catch (Exception ex)
return curQty;

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