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Examination physical postpartum ( parturition 1 .

Washing hands before and after

examination according to who washing good hands among other: a. wet palms
hand as high as middle ages arms use water that flows , take soap then swab
and rub second palms a gentle b. swab and rub also second the back of the hand
alternately c. do not forget the fingers of the hand , rub the sidelines of the
fingers to clean d. clean the end of a finger interchangeably with closing e. rub
and play second the thumb alternately f. put the end of a finger to palms then
rub slowly g. clean second the wrist interchangeably with circuitous way , then
ended with swill all the hands with water a spring and dry wearing a towel or
tissue .2 .Preparation the device: set ttv , set the treatment of injuries
sc , set of the vulva hygiene , set care infuse , set care a breast ( any one )
the meter crooked 3 .Examination common: consider the condition

3 .Public examination: consider the condition of the mother in general , does

mom feel fatigue or mother feel fresh .This affects the reception against the baby
mother and ability mother in a nursing mother and take care of a baby .His vital
signs consider blood pressure , pulse , respiratory and the temperature of the
mother .Check the vital signs every 15 minutes during the first hour after
childbirth or until stable , then run every 30 minutes to hours of next .Pulse and
temperature above normal can show the possibility of infection .Blood pressure
may be slightly inflated because an effort to give birth and blood
keletihan.tekanan declining needed to be alert the possibility of a hemorrhage
postpartum . blood pressure normal blood pressure namely & it; of 140 /
90 mmhg .Blood pressure it can be increased from pre delivery in 1-3 days post
partum .. after they give birth most of the women has been an increase in blood
tekananan while waktu.keadaan this will return to normal for several hari.bila tek

blood pressure blood pressure normal that is & it; 140 / 90 mmhg .Blood
pressure they could increase from pre delivery in the post 1-3 partum ..
immediately after giving birth most of the women increased tekananan blood
while waktu.keadaan it will return to normal for several hari.bila blood pressure
being inferior show the post partum bleeding .Otherwise when high blood
pressure , a guided the possibility of pre-eklampsi that can emerge in the
nifas.namun it is like it is rare . temperature normal body temperature at
less than 38c.pada day to 4 immediately after giving birth mother can
temperatures were up slightly could be because of activity payudara.bila rise to
more than 38 c on the second day of until next hari-hari , must be alert the
infection or sepsis parturition . pulse on the arteries normal parturition is
60-100 .The pulse mother would slow down to about 60 x / minutes on timeout
birth because mother in the state of istirah ~

Pulse normal on the postpartum are 60-100 .The pulse mother will slow until about 60 x /
minute in timeout birth because mother in the state of istiraha full of .This is happening main
on sunday first post partum.pada mother who was nervus can be quick , about 110x / mnt.bisa
also occurred symptoms shock of infections in particular if accompanied a rise in body
temperature . respiratory respiratory normal that is 20 to 30 x / menit.pada generally
respiration slow or even normal.mengapa this , nothing because the mother in a state of
recovery or in a condition istirahat.bila is quick respiration pospartum ( & gt; 30 x / mnt )
likely because of leader of the signs shock .

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4.The head and face hair see cleanliness hair, of hair color, and loss of
hair. the face the edema on the face or not.Consider the of the black
spots eyes the conjunctiva anemis indicated anemia so bleeding the
birth. the nose consider the and ask on the, is the mother is suffering
from rheum or sinusitis.Infection on the postpartum can increases the need for
energy the mouth and teeth like to ask mom do mother experienced
stomatitis, or tooth that perforated.Teeth perforated can be the gateway for
microorganisms and can circulating in systemic the neck the relevant the
an enlargement of the lymph and an enlargement of the tiroid.kelenjar lymph
that enlarges can show the infection, supported with the some others as
hipertermi, pain and swollen ears will evaluate whether the mother is
suffering from infection or existing inflammation of the ear.

5 .Examination thorak a. the breast inspection -- consider size and shape , the size
and shape of do not have effect on the production of breastfeeding , it should be noted when
no abnormality , a like enlargement massive , movement that is not symmetrical in the
changes position--neither the contour or the surface: consider the condition of the surface , an
uneven surface as an absence of depression , retraction or there are scars on the skin of the
breast should be thought the possibility of a tumor . - the color the skin: consider the presence
of redness on the skin that can show the presence of inflammation kalang -- consider the
breast size and shape , symmetrical or not , usually will be spread when puberty and during
pregnancy -- consider the surface of the condition may slippery or creased , when there is a
whitish scales there is a need to the presence of a disease the skin . -- colors: pigmentation
that rises during pregnancy causing shade bark at areol mamm getting darker than before

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Papill mamm -- size and shape: consider the size and shape, length is very berfariasi and
not means kusus.bentuk the putting milk there was some sort of like flat, normal, long and
sunset. -- the surface and color the relevant the surface and color, the surface usually irregular
the plan is scales, a wound or lecet.warna usually occurring hiperpigmentasi in pregnancy
palpation -- consistency consider the consistency the breast, on the pp consistency
more loud because lactation -- mass -- the putting milk the relevant the putting milk,
examination the putting milk it is important in preparing nursing mother.
stimulation products breastfeeding b. the heart and pulmonary auscultation: the
anterior part of value the heart

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6.Examination the abdomen inspection the state of the plan is
there any strie and linia alba.The relevant the state of the abdomen, do pulpy or
hard.A severe abdominal showed contractions of the uterus good so that
hemorrhage can be minimize.The abdomen the pulpy showed the opposite and
can dimasase to stimulate contraction. condition injured sc to be
assessed of whether there are signs infection, if there is to be reported to soon to
get further handling palpation fundus uteri high: immediately
after they give birth tfu 2 cm under central, 12 hours and then back 1 cm above
central and descending about 1 cm every day.The second day of post partum tfu
1 cm under central day to three to four post partum tfu 2 cm under central day
to 5 and 7 post partum tfu middle ages pusat-symfisis day to 10 post partum tfu
impalpable again.Contraction: contraction weak or the stomach palpable soft
showed konteraksi the uterus less than maximum and so it is bleeding.Position:
position fundus is

Position: position fundus do central or lateral.posisi lateral usually impelled by bladders are
of. diastatis rectus abdominis diastasis rectus abdominis is strain in the muscles
rectus abdominis due to enlargement the uterus.If dipalpasi, strain it resembles a crack
extends from prosessus xiphoideus to the umbilicus so as to be measurable length and
breadth.Diastasis this is not can be melded back as before pregnant but can be close to
motivate mother for do gymnastics parturition.Way check diastasis rectus abdominis is to
asked her to sleep supine without cushions and to hold up the head, not fouled.Then palpation
the abdomen from under prosessus xipoideus to the umbilicus then measuring length and
breadth diastasis. the state of the bladder consider the by palpation urne content in
the bladder.The bladder that is round and soft showed the number of urine that tertapung
many and this can disrupt involution uteri, so that it should be dikeluark

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7 .The upper extremity and lower varices see if mother experienced varices or
not .Examination varices very important because of women after delivery have a tendency to
experience varices on some his veins .This is caused by change hormonal . edema
palpation the edema at the extremities . sign homan s sign homan positive
indicated tromboflebitis so that could hinder circulation into an organ distal .Way examine
the homan is ranked mother supine with a limb extension , then didorsofleksikan and ask are
mom undergo pain in betis , if pain so sign homan positive and i have to be motivated to
mobilization of early that circulation smoothly . reflex the patella ask mother sit
with tungkainya hanging freely and explain what will be done .Feel for a tendon below the
knee / the patella .By using hammer ketuklan rendon at the knee the front .The lower limbs
would move a bit as a tendon diket

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reflex the patella ask mother sit with tungkainya hanging freely and explain what is
going to happen .Feel for a tendon below the knee / the patella .By using hammer ketuklan
rendon at the knee the front .The lower limbs will move a bit as a tendon a knock .If the knee
reflexes negative the possibility of patients experienced a lack of vitamin b1 . If the shot was
excessive and capat that this may be a sign of pretax eklamsi .A reflex response often
dikelaskan with a value of 0 to 4 + .4 +: hyper with klonus continuous 3 +: hyper 2 +: normal
1 +: hipoaktif 12 o there is no reflex 8 .The perineum cleanliness cleanliness watch
the perineum mother .Cleanliness the perineum support healing of a wound .And the
existence of hemorrhoidal degrees 1 normal for pregnant women and post delivery .
reeda reeda is an acronym often used to assess the condition of episiotomi or laceration
perinium .Reeda an abbreviation ( redness / reddish , edema , / ekimosis of an ecchymosis , a
discharge / exodus

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And approximate / perlekatan ) to wounds episiotomy .Reddish regarded as normal in
episiotomi and wounds but if any pain significant , required further analysis .Next , edema
excessive can slow healing of a wound .The use of compress ice ( icepacks ) over a period of
after delivery generally suggested . lochea the relevant the number of , color ,
consistency and odor lokhea on the postpartum .The change of color has to be in
accordance .For example mother postpartum day to seven must have lokhea already pink or
whitish .If color lokhea still red so mother having obstructed postpartum .Lokhea that smells
foul indicated infection disaluran reproduction and should be solved soon .

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the lochia rubra the lochia give rise to the first day to fourth the postpartum ,
red and containing blood from perobekan / wound on former implantation the
placenta and fibers of decidua and the chorion the lochia serous the
lochia this its color brownish and appearing in the fifth day until the day ninth ,
containing less blood , and more serum , also composed of leukocytes and tear
or laceration placenta the lochia alba appear on the day the tenth and
reduced in next sunday , its color paler , yellowish white and containing
leukocytes , the mucous membranes cervical and tissue fibers the dead .
varices see whether the varices in the vagina and of the vulva .If anyone made
bleeding is a really great .

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