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I created my hell based on Disney characters. A majority are princesses, and princes, that are typically
praised for their positive characteristics. This project was done from an devils advocate standpoint, which
is why my decision to place certain characters in hell is controversial.

Sin: Heresy
The sin of heresy is the act of going against what the Catholic Churchs beliefs, and teachings are. This sin can be
caused through the practice of other religions or a total rejection of any religion in general. This lack of Catholic
religious beliefs does not result in an instantly immoral or wrong person. However, this rejection unties a
relationship between a person and God. For that reason, heresy is a serious sin, and should not be taken lightly.
As a Native American, Pocahontas held different religious beliefs than that of Christianity. Although a moral and
spiritual person, her belief in Mother Nature, and reincarnation led her to hell. Pocahontas, however, led a moral
life, treated all wildlife well, and people, as equals, which is why she is on the First Level of Hell.
Punishment: For her punishment, Pocahontas is alone on a ship in the middle of a chaotic sea. This is because
she didnt have faith in God during life, therefore she cannot have anything to hope in hell. It also eludes to John
Smith, her suitor who traveled from England to take her, and her peoples land. Lastly, in life she was often
accompanied by various animals that kept her company. In death, she is not able to have that worldly attachment
to such creatures.
Sin: Recklessness
Recklessness can lead to a large amount of issues because it can put so much at stake. Recklessness can ruin so much
very easily, and it is due to a sense of rebellion or boredom. This lack of concern for ones self or others is the reason
they are sinners
Like most princesses, Jasmine goes through a rebellious stage during her teenage years after meeting Aladdin, a
charming prince who swoons her. Even before meeting him, she does dangerous things, for example owning a tiger as a
pet. Later in the plot, Aladdin convinces her to ride on his magic carpet. This is rather risky because Jasmine decided to
trust Aladdin, who she did not know very well. Because of her disregard to recklessly trusting a stranger, she was
ultimately swindled of knowing his true identity. Plus, the action of riding on a magic carpet is a risky action in general.
Her search for recklessly spontaneous actions is what placed her in hell.
Punishment: Jasmine chose to live life dangerously, and without hesitation or consideration for what could happen. In
hell, she must stand on the edge of an infinite cliff, while looking towards the black abyss. She would be in constant fear
of falling and losing control as she plummeted for eternity. This punishment is payment for living life on the edge.
Sin: Overworking
Overworking can lead to the stress of life to become too much for a person to handle. It creates unnecessary anger, and
emotions that lead to arguments, and overall unhappiness. Being a hard worker is a great personality trait, as long as work does
not come before things that should be more prioritized in ones life such as family or religion. The term workaholic describes
what could be classified as sinful if the work one does inflicts them or their mental state. If one spends their life happily working
all the time, there is no sin committed. However, if one is unhappy, complaining, and broken over their life because of work, the
action of overworking becomes a sin. This sin is the counterexample of sloth, and is less severe since at least those who
overwork try to do something with their life. These interrelated sins execute how any action too one-sided can be sinful.
Tiana is a prime example of overworking because she spends all of her time dedicated to work. Her working habits reflect her
goal-setting ethics, and potential, however, she is seen as being completely worn out by the end of her days. Her working habits,
and not setting aside time to enjoy life to a fuller extent is what makes her an offender of overworking.
Punishment: Tianas punishment is having her limbs severed so that she cannot perform any form of work. Circle 3 is disorderly,
with things like dirty dishes stacked up everywhere. The souls there are eternally stuck wanting to clean up. However, they
worked too hard in life that they ignored other priorities, so in death their priorities cannot get done.

Sin: Foolishness
Foolishness is a sin because it a lack of using ones intellect, and being careless with ones actions. Foolish people
often fall for tricks that they should be more aware of. They cause problems for themselves, and others, which
can be borderline dangerous. With more consideration for what is going on, foolishness could be avoided. Foolery
leads to a lack of things getting done, and creates more stress for people who dont deserve it. Some people
genuinely dont know better than to act foolish, which is why it cannot be considered as offensive as other sins.
Snow White was tricked into eating a poisoned apple by a witch, which led to her being put into a deep sleep.
The witch seems at fault for her actions. However, Snow White was naive for trusting a complete stranger. She
could have been more intelligent with her interactions with the witch. The witchs actions would have caused
suspicion for a majority of people, therefore Snow White should have been more aware.
Punishment: Snow White was foolish in her ways. In hell, she is lured into a trap that is suspended in midair. She
spends the rest of eternity being attacked and listening to the loud caws of giant crows. Her stupidity led her to
her eternal suffering even in death. The giant crows parallel the animals she was fond of during life. Essentially,
her best friends torture her in hell.
Sin: Deception
There are multiple forms of deception, but the most stripped down version is outright lying to a persons face
when asked a question or asked for the blatant truth. Deception is a crime in its own right because of the
possible outcomes. Lying can have serious consequences for anyone who is not careful enough. Those who
become professionals about lying throughout their lives are the ones most heavily corrupt. At some point, the
sin of lying is not done to protect ones pride, but it done as a game. Deception of any kind is twisted, and white
lies, as innocent as they may seem, are the foundation of any grand scheme of deception.
The Scottish princess Merida disliked the idea of being royalty, and the demanding responsibilities that came with
being an heir to the throne. Merida hated the way her mother treated her in particular. Tempted by fate, she was
led to a witchs hut. The witch gave her a potion that was supposed to change the way her mother treated her.
Her mother turned into a bear after eating food Merida had poisoned with the spell. Merida is responsible for
her mom becoming a wild animal, and for deceiving her. Merida endangered her own parents in order to get
treated differently. Her actions caused havoc amongst the kingdom, and created peril for those around her.
Punishment: Merida focused most of her time perfecting her archery skills during life. In hell, she is treated as
target practice for demons. Her passion in life became her torture in death.
Sin: Trickery
Trickery leads to a misinterpretation of the truth. Because it is a type of lie, it is sinful. Trickery, like most sins, can have different
levels of severity. Trickery is one of the only sins that is seen as a game in todays society, such as simple magic tricks, and pranks
pulled on friends. Even if menial, the act of trickery is a denial of the truth. The truth is what makes things for their intended
purpose. A blockade to the truth is therefore an immoral action.
The sinner Mulan is often thought of as a hero and a savior. However, although her intentions were pure, she lied about being a
man to take her fathers place in the army. For months, she dressed, and acted how I typical male solider would. No females
were allowed in Chinas army when she tricked the generals into believing she was a female. Because it was against the law, she
was almost executed. This shows how severe her actions were against the Chinese government. Throughout the story there are
two opinions about Mulan. The authority figures either totally disagree with her false identity because it is against the law, or
ultimately admire her for her bravery. This cause of disunion is supporting evidence as to why she has a place in hell.
Punishment: Mulans punishment is her being forced to eat live crickets for eternity. This is contrapasso because in life she
carried around a lucky cricket that was given to her by her grandmother to protect her. It takes a meaningful symbol that she
was convinced was lucky during her life, and destroys it in death.
Sin: Betrayal
The worst type of deception is betrayal. It is creating a relationship with another, deceiving them of your intentions, and then
going against them for personal gain. This evil action has been committed by famous characters throughout history, and it seems
to make the perfect villainous character. The double-cross is one of the most famous tactics writers, and directors use to make
their works more interesting. People seem to be very interested in this sin because of the interesting mix of emotions and
actions betrayal can bring on. Betrayal is one of the most hurtful feelings a person could experience. Because of its harmful
effects, it is deemed one of the worst.
Prince Hans from Frozen is one of the most dynamic characters from the movies. He tricks a nave girl into falling in love with him
at a whim. When she needs him the most, Prince Hans reveals that all he wanted from her was her kingdom. He leaves Anna for
dead for his own gain. As clever as his plan seemed, they failed when Anna overcame death by the help of the people who truly
loved her. In the end, Hans was thrown overboard for his actions by Anna.
Punishment: Prince Hans is in a constant state of unbearable pain for the heartbreaking pain he caused during life. The only
person who could save him is Princess Anna, who watches from the sidelines, and who refuses to help. He spends eternity
regretting his unsuccessful actions.
Sin: Thievery
Thievery is a complex sin since it can contain so many causes and reactions. Ultimately it is taking
something that was not willingly given to you. This action of taking something that does not belong to you
is selfish, and unlawful. From the time a person is a child, one of the first things they are told is to not take
from other people. This fundamental moral is why when people commit theft, it is such a large offense.
Some, like the sinner put in Level 6 of Hell, are not lucky enough to be taught this from a young age.
However, as humans, there is a responsibility for everyone to learn things that are socially acceptable and
morally correct.
Aladdin is seen throughout his story as putting on a faade of who he really is. He is also known, and
treated as a common thief before his transformation into a prince. Until his true identity is revealed to
Princess Jasmine, Aladdin is guilty of stealing, not only someones identity but also of stealing Jasmines
right to know who he really is. His actions on earth landed him in hell because he was a deceiver.
Punishment: Aladdin is guilty of essentially trapping his true identity within himself when Aladdin relied on
the help of a Genie to transform him from a peasant to a prince. Because of this, Aladdin is sentenced to
eternity in a genies bottle.

Sin: Lack of Self-respect

Self-respect is important because any living human was given a gift from God himself. Humans were given reason and intellect,
an even more precious gift given by God that only humankind received. To not love ones self is to not love Gods creation. This
lack of respect for one of the most thought-out creations is why it is a sin. Most people go through periods of time when they do
not feel worthy of anything, and feel insecure or bad about themselves. But, to constantly change who one is and never settle
for the fact that one was born a certain way for a specific purpose is a lack of happiness. It is an inconsiderate and even selfish
action. These offenders are in the lower levels of hell because of the severity of their crimes.
Ariel shows a lack of self-respect because she spends her life wishing to be somebody shes not. As a mermaid, she doesnt have
the ability to do human things like walking. When she sees a human she becomes infatuated with, Ariel seeks the help from a
sea-witch, who trades Ariels voice for legs. Ultimately, Ariels decision leads to a series of difficulties for the people around her.
The problems she caused could have been avoided if she had listened to her father, and loved herself.
Punishment: Ariel was in the water for most of her life, mentally drowning because she wanted to be human. Through magic,
and a series of violent actions, she ended up becoming a human. Her refusal to love herself for what she was put her in hell. She
spends all of eternity feeling like she is drowning.

Sin: Vanity
Vanity or narcissism is the opposite of the sin of lacking self-respect. It is equally as bad for similar reasons. To take so much
pride in ones appearance is arrogant, and also an abuse of human reasoning. Vanity should not be confused with confidence.
Confidence comes in moderation, whereas vanity is a constant extreme about the attraction of ones self. This sin can be highly
irritating to others, and can make a decent person come across as villainous. There has to be some middle ground in life about
ones levels of respect for themselves, otherwise theyre actions for or against themselves could put them in hell.
Flynn Rider is a character from Tangled who originally acts as an antagonist. From the beginning of the movie it is obvious that
he is enamored with himself. Thinking he can charm his way around anything, Flynn commits crimes such as thievery and
endangering the lives of others to get what he wants. He can also be held accountable for helping Rapunzel leave a place she
was instructed not to. As an end result for his crimes, Flynn is almost killed by Rapunzels mother.
Punishment: Since Flynn spent his life committing crimes through his narcissism, in death he is trapped in a room surrounded by
distorted mirrors. Not only would this cause confusion, but he would also never truly get to see himself for how he really looks.
He loved his appearance in life, and in hell it makes him angry to even think about.

Circle 9 is broken up into 10 ditches. Some of these ditches reflect the 7 Deadly Sins, while others are sins I
found to be the most severe or offensive.

Sin: Envy
Jealousy is a perhaps one of the most dangerous sins because it can spark the desire to commit other offenses that are far more
dangerous or infliction- causing. Envy is also one of the easiest emotions to feel because most people want what others have or
want to protect was they think is theirs. Because humans can be irrational, and have an inclination to be territorial, envy is in the
hearts of most. However, it is those who act on their envy through revenge or rebellion are the ones that get punished for their
feelings. Jealousy can be inevitable, but actions are avoidable. The sinners in this level acted on their feelings of jealousy with
regrettable causes or results.
The princess Moana is drawn to the water from the time she is a baby. It is an undeniable desire to be with the water. At some
point, she finds out that her ancestors used to travel the seas, something she wanted to do. Her findings must have invoked
feelings of jealousy since she knew she would never have the freedom that previous generations had. This mixed combination of
desire and jealously led her to go against her parents will, and set off on an adventure that got her involved in some dangerous
situations. Although for the greater good, her envy for the experience her family had places her Circle 9.
Punishment: Moana will have to suffer for the same longing, and desire that she had in life by watching her memories for all of
eternity while in solitary confinement. Moanas hope for her life on earth will cause her to become crazy.
Sin: Lust
Lust is sinful because it can cause the objectification of another person. This objectification dehumanizes a
person, and decreases them into nothing but a physical thing. Because humans have so much more to offer than
just a physical embodiment. It shows a lack of self-control, as well as a lack of respect. Sometimes the lack of
respect is for ones self, while others it is a disregard of respect for another human.
In the movie Hercules, Meg, or Megara, is a seducer. She tries to entice Hercules because of a deal she made.
Meg had to distract Hercules, and make him fall in love with her, so that Hades, Megs captor, could destroy
Hercules. Because Hercules is intrigued by Megs seductive manner, he is almost killed multiple times in an
attempt to save her. Megs actions are a sin because she acted as a pawn to conclusively try to kill Hercules,
which couldve led to a numerous amount of other evil actions. Meg was also selfish, and had no remorse for her
actions until she began to know Hercules better.
Punishment: Megara pretended to be in trouble with a Centaur while on Earth in order to peak Hercules's
interest in her. Because of this, is punished by actually being constantly chased and attacked by a centaur while
she is in hell. She had no consideration for how things could have ended, had Hercules been killed vicariously
through her decisions.

Sin: Bestiality
Bestiality is the human action of having a sexual encounter or emotion for an animal. That is not how things are
intended to be, and it is a rather gruesome thought to even consider. People who commit bestiality go against the
order of natures rules, and against the will of God. The sin is overall disturbing as well, which is the reason these
sinners are placed in hell.
Belle seemingly had no other option in order to save her father other than to stay at the Beasts palace in her
fathers place. Originally, Belle is disgusted by the beast and wants nothing to do with him. However, Belle does
eventually start to fall in love with the Beast. The justification for that may be that the beast does have a human
personality, however the beast is still an animal. Because of her desire for an animal, Belle has committed
Punishment: Because of Belles actions in her life, she is transformed into a teacup, much like the talking
furniture, and utensils she encountered at the Beasts castle. She helped to undo their curse, however her biding
will last for all of eternity.
Sin: Complaining and irresponsibility
Complaining is a sin because it is the action of overlooking what God has given us to appreciate. Everyone
complains, and in moderation, it normally is not a huge deal. However, those who complain about every menial
thing, and who chose to slack with their responsibilities because they cant manage them, are heavily sinning. It is
a common sin, however, which is why it is only on the 2nd Circle of Hell.
During The Princess and the Frog, Prince Naveen was almost always depicted complaining and expected others to
do his tasks. He lacked the ability to do things by himself because he was always being pampered before his
father cut him off. He never even attempted to cook or clean, and was not held responsible for anything. Without
the help and persistence from his counterpart Tiana, Naveen would probably continue to expect the world to be
handed to him on a silver platter. Like other characters, he had a huge life change. That does not help the fact
that he must have treated a lot of people awfully during his life prior to his transformation.
Punishment: Naveens punishment, along with other complainers, are given a list with every task they were
ordered to do in life, and must complete them without whining. If the sinners complain, they must start back
from number 1. If they complete the list, they are given someone elses list. If they complain during those tasks,
they are given back their original list.

Sin: Wrath
Wrath can characterized as violence or anger towards another. Anger typically leads to harsh words or actions
that can sometimes be irreversible. Since wrath can have such a pivotal effect on others if not controlled, wrath is
one of the most unforgiveable sins. The sinners who commit wrath are guilty of unjustly hurting the lives of
others. Their sins are amongst the worst.
As his time as emperor, Kuzco was often cruel to people that he ruled over. He was selfish, whiny, irritating, and
rude to his civilians, and workers. He had a major life-changing event when he was turned into a llama by those
who were plotting to kill him. After being saved by a commoner, he did change his ways to be a better person.
However, he never made recompense for his actions against the people he hurt, particularly an elderly man that
he threw out of his castle. Kuzco, although a comical character, was rather evil for a majority of his life on Earth.
His inability to be seemingly nice to people for that time must have caused a lot of pain that he could never truly
make up for, despite his efforts.
Punishment: Kuzco is sent spiraling down a flight of endless steps since he kicked an elderly man out of his
palace, and down a flight of stairs. No one can assist, and save him, like his savior during his life.

Sin: Gluttony
Gluttony is a sin because it is taking more than one needs to survive. Gluttony is a wasteful, and expensive habit
that abuses the gifts that God has given. Gluttony is often times assumed to be someone who is considered unfit
or fat, but gluttony can take on other forms. Gluttony could be considered a type of greed, however whereas
greed is an obsession for more, gluttony is a carelessness for what one has already been given.
Prince Adam, or the Beast, depicts gluttony because of his lavish banquets that he holds at his castle frequently.
The Beast places a lot of value in these feasts. When Belle refuses to show up, the Beast gets rather angry at her
rudeness towards his hospitality. When she finally decides to join him, they dine. Belle is well aware that Adam
shows little etiquette while eating, as he eats sloppily, and gets food everywhere. Food is seemingly a strong
aspect for the Beast. His insatiable, and gross eating habits led him to hell.
Punishment: The punishment for the Beast and other gluttons is that they are starved of their wants for all of
eternity. They are forbidden to receive the item they abused most in life. It is the most obvious punishment for
people who take a lot during life.

Sin: Laziness
Laziness is known for being one of the seven deadly sins. It is a sin because it shows a lack of appreciation for
what God has given you. Instead of being active, whether thats physically active or emotionally active, the sin of
laziness leads to a life of tired, and uninteresting feelings. One cannot truly understand life if they are lazy with
their actions.
Aurora is faulty for her constant state of sleep, until a prince finds her, and breaks the spell. Ironically, most know
her as Sleeping Beauty, rather than Aurora. This action of sleep is her fault because she could have had more
self-control, which would have prevented her from becoming cursed. People warned her parents, and her from
the time she was born that she would befall an awful fate if she was not careful. It was her responsibility to heed
this advice. Aurora wasted some of her life away through sleeping, which is why she is guilty of being lazy or
Punishment: In her Bolgia, it remains night time. The conditions are seemingly perfect for a peaceful night of
sleep. Except for the fact that there are demons that scream hysterically, which drive the lazy sinners to run
around and seek for a place that is quiet.
Sin: Pride
Pride is a sin because it clouds peoples judgements. It makes them more willing to diminish others for their
actions. It goes against Christian teachings, and overall morality to judge others because one things they are
better than another. Too much pride will lead to a refusal of accepting ones mistakes, and flaws. People with a
large amount of pride will not be able to grow morally, spiritually, or mentally if they already believe they are
Gaston, from Beauty and the Beast, is the obvious antagonist. In the beginning of the story line, Gaston tries
endlessly to woe the women who refuses to be interested in him. Gaston, like other suitors, is arrogant, and
overall a rude character. Pride itself is not a vice, however Gaston seems to feel that he is the best of the best,
which is why he was sent to hell. Unwilling to lose Belle to the Beast, Gaston, along with an angry mob, traveled
to the Beasts castle. Ultimately, he tried to kill the Beast as a type of trophy for winning back Belle. Gaston was
killed in his quest because he could not overcome the anger of a person rejecting him.
Punishment: Gaston is mulled by lions as his sentence in hell. Lions are sometimes assimilated with the trait of
pride, which is why this punishment is ironic. Gaston is also unable to defeat the lions. Defeat is a damaging thing
for people who are prideful because they often do not find themselves worthy of failure.

Sin: Greed
Greed shows a desire for more. It can be very controlling, and hard to get rid of. Someone who is greedy will
always want more because greed is much like an addiction. Instead of ever being content, a greedy person will
always be in discomfort because of the lack of what they feel they deserve. For this reason, greed is one of the
worst sins.
From the time she was young, she had a sole focus, and that was to figure out what the lights in the sky were.
Although she was not greedy for material things, her attachment and obsession over the lanterns cause her to be
characterized as greedy. Her counterpart, Flynn Rider, was also greedy, which is perhaps why they end up such
great partners in crime. Rapunzel sinned because her interest was more than just a goal in mind, it became an
unhealthy lifestyle.
Punishment: Rapunzels tower was her hell on earth during her life because it entrapped her for so long. In the 9 th
Level of hell, Rapunzel is hung from her hair from the tower while caught on fire, illuminated like a lantern.

Sin: lack of self-control

A lack of self-control can be the contributing factor for a massive amount of other sins, if not all of them. That is why it is the 10
Bolgia of Circle 9, the deepest level of hell. A lack of self-control is the primary cause of every sin. It is the inability to use ones
morals, and ethics which have been handed down to one from their parents. Without self-control, nothing can be down in a
decent manner.
Elsa tried for a major part of her life to contain her powers that she knew could hurt others. Eventually, her willpower ceased
and she gave in to the radical powers she had been given. Her lack of self-control froze an entire country, as well as the near-
death of multiple guards who tried to bring her back to Arendale. Sadly, because of her lack of powers, she spent most of her
time regretting who she was, and wishing she didnt have her special gift. Her parents were the prime reason she actively tried
to conceal who she was. Her sins were part of a domino effect started by her parents. She had the priority of learning how to use
her powers throughout her life, but decided not to attempt. This decision is why she was put in hell.
Punishment: For Elsas punishment, She is placed in the hottest area of hell where she is unable to use her gifts that she abused
in life by not properly controlling them. This is a true form of torture for Elsa. Elsa spends the rest of time regretting her
decisions. Her parents are also there, watching her suffer as part of their own personal punishment.

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