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Ingls para Tecnologia Txtil

p. 9

Processes to make fabrics

WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT: Presentation of the definitions of spinning, weaving, knitting

and finishing processes as well as of the corresponding technical vocabulary, in English.

Apresentao dos conceitos dos processos de fiao, tecelagem plana, tecelagem de

malha, e acabamento bem como do vocabulrio tcnico correspondente, em ingls.

Long, long ago, clothes were made of fur...

But nowadays, they are made of fabrics.
But what are fabrics?
Fabrics are structures made of yarns, which are usually perpendicularly interlaced.

Fig 1: Fur. Fig 2: Fabric.

For a long time, yarns and fabrics were made manually...

Fig. 3: Spinning wheel for hand spinning. Fig. 4: Hand weaving.

Ingls para Tecnologia Txtil
p. 10

But nowadays, very high speed machines in huge textile factories are producing
thousands of meters of fabrics per hour.
Usually, these are the processes involved in the production of fabrics: Spinning, Weaving,
Knitting, and Finishing.

Spinning is the production of yarns from natural or man-made fibres.

Yarns are produced and then interlaced or intermeshed for the production of fabrics.

Warp yarns run lengthwise

Filling yarns /
weft yarns run

Weaving is the production of woven fabrics by means of the interlacing of warp yarns
(yarns running lengthwise) and filling yarns ( weft yarns - yarns running crosswise) in
Fabric can also be called cloth. But clothes is the same as garments.

Fig 5: Piece of clothing (garment).

Knitting is the production of knitted fabrics by means of the intermeshing of loops of

yarns running vertically (wales) and horizontally (courses). The devices which make the
loops are the needles.

Finishing is the physical (mechanical) and chemical change of greige fabrics into finished
fabrics. Finishing improves the quality and the appearance of fabrics. Finishing can also
be made when textiles are in the stage of fibres or yarns. The application of colours by
means of dyeing and printing is part of the finishing process.
Ingls para Tecnologia Txtil
p. 11

CONCLUSION: We have learned that spinning is the production of yarns from fibres;
weaving is the production of woven fabrics by interlacing warp and filling yarns in looms;
knitting is the production of knitted fabrics by intermeshing loops of yarns by means of
needles; and finally that finishing is the changing of greige into finished fabrics.
Aprendemos que fiao a produo de fios a partir de fibras; tecelagem plana a
produo de tecidos planos por meio do entrelaamento de fios de urdume e de trama,
em teares; malharia a produo de tecidos de malha por meio do entrelaamento de
laadas de fios por meio de agulhas; e finalmente que o acabamento a transformao
de tecidos crus em tecidos acabados.


EXERCISE 1: Fill in the blanks in the flowcharts below.


Ingls para Tecnologia Txtil
p. 12

EXERCISE 2: Fill in the blanks with words from the box below.

greige fabrics / woven fabrics / knitted fabrics / textile industry / yarns / looms / weft
/ warp / cloth / wales / courses / finishing / loops of yarns / needle

a) "Fabric" can be also called ____________________.

b) The industry which produces fabrics is the ____________________.

c) The spinning process produces ____________________.

d) The weaving process produces ____________________.

e) The machines which produce woven fabrics are the ____________________.

f) The yarns which run lengthwise are the ____________________ yarns and the yarns
which run across are the ____________________ yarns.

g) The knitting process produces ____________________.

h) The knitting machines dont interlace yarns; they intermesh ______________,instead.

i) The metal device that produces loops in knitting is called a ____________________.

j) The vertical series of loops in knitting are the ____________________ and the
horizontal series are the ____________________.

k) Usually, fabrics leave looms as ____________________.

l) The process which changes greige fabrics into finished fabrics is called

EXERCISE 3: Number the parenthesis in the LEFT column according to the

numbers in RIGHT the column.

( ) process(es) used in the production of yarns. (1) Spinning
( ) process of applying usually one colour throughout the (2) Weaving
( ) process(es) used for the production of pattern(s) by (3) Knitting
putting colouring paste(s) onto the fabric.
( ) process of interlocking series of loops of yarn(s) by (4) Printing
means of needles to produce knitted fabrics.
( ) process of interlacing yarns running lengthwise and (5) Dyeing
yarns running across to produce woven fabrics.
( ) processes used to improve the quality and appearance (6) Finishing
of fabrics by passing them through a series of physical
and (or) chemical treatments.
Ingls para Tecnologia Txtil
p. 13


across transversalmente. leave - sair

also tambm. lengthwise - no sentido do comprimento
but mas, porm. (longitudinalmente).
by means of por meio de looms teares.
call - chamar long ago h muito tempo.
can verbo poder. loops of yarns - laadas de fios.
chemical change - transformao machines mquinas.
qumica. made - passado de make.
cloth tecido. make - fazer, fabricar, produzir.
clothes - roupas man-made fibres - fibras feitas pelo
colours cores. homem (artificiais / sintticas).
courses cursos. needles agulhas.
crosswise no sentido da largura nowadays - atualmente, hoje em dia.
(transversalmente). physical change - transformao fsica.
devices dispositivos. printing - estamparia, estampagem.
dyeing tingimento. produce produzir.
fabrics tecidos. run correr.
factory fbrica. same mesmo/a.
filling yarns - fios de trama. spinning fiao.
finished fabrics - tecidos acabados. spinning wheel roda (roca) de fiao
finishing acabamento. textile txtil.
fur - pele de animal. textiles txteis.
garments roupas. usually normalmente.
greige fabrics - tecidos crus. very - muito (intensificador de
hand spinning fiao manual adjetivos/advrbios).
hand weaving tecelagem manual. then ento, depois.
high speed - alta velocidade. these estes, estas.
improve melhorar, aperfeioar wales colunas.
interlace - entrelaar (fios, na tecelagem weaving - tecelagem (plana), tecimento.
plana). weft yarns - fios de trama.
intermesh - entrelaar (laadas de fios, were eram (passado do verbo ser).
na malharia). when quando.
intermeshing entrelaamento (na which que, o/a qual, os/as quais.
malharia) woven fabrics - tecidos planos.
knitted fabrics - tecidos de malha. yarns fios.
knitting - tecelagem de malha, malharia.

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