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The Bathroom issue

Transgender rights to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable

using and why this debate is a big political issue right now.

For most of choosing which bathroom we use is easy, we simply open the

door, which represents our gender, and think no more of it. The transgender

community face some challenges. Is it discrimination when they are forced to use

a bathroom that does not represent who they feel they are?Is its our rights

intrude and ask someone's personal business and gender over using a bathroom?

This paper will take a look at whats been said and why as well as try to

understand both sides on this topic.

Its at a civil rights problem

We are going back to a dangerous times of segregation like when only

white people could drink from water fountains. Women have had to fight for

spaces at work to nurse their children, disabled people for access to bathrooms

and in many workplaces for many years. It seems that people can become

invisible if they are a minority or viewed as less important.

Bathroom Bills.

The current banning of transgender people to use the bathroom whose

gender they identify does not take into account their feelings on the matter. Its

very easy for a heterosexual, white, wealthy male to pass a law that in no way will

affect him.(I'm feeling bitter). Conservatives who are for this bill argue that its

not safe for a man, albeit a transgender man, to enter a female bathroom. The

nuance is that the man will in some way harm the women either sexually or

physically. To date there has not been one incident of a transgender person using

the restroom for anything other than its intended purpose. This also echoes the

boy scouts banning homosexual men from being troop leaders for the young

scouts safety. Since most pedophiles are not gay men it once again seems an

dumb ban grounded in myth and not fact.

(Unisex bathrooms.)Transgender people are often told they need to use these,

which again promotes the us and them of this whole topic. It also makes them

feel that they dont belong which must be incredibly painful for them especially

when they have developed and identify with certain pronouns that make them

feel comfortable.

(fact/interesting thing)Congress just introduced the Equality Act, which

would allow members of the LGBT community equal access to the workplace.

Even though there is no specific law banning members of this community it is

clear that they face discrimination.

-All images: Google

-Maddux, Catherine. "North Carolina's 'Bathroom' Law Explained." VOA. VOA, 09 May 2016.
Web. 31 May 2017.

-"Bathroom Bill." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 31 May 2017. Web. 31 May 2017.

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