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On the first sunny day of summer Lulu the grey and
cute koala and Bella the jumpy and brown kangaroo had
a nice sip at the cool, blue river.
"Hey Lulu. Do you want to go on a race?", asked Bella.
"Okay", said Lulu with a certain feeling she would lose.
So they ran the race and of course fast Bella won and
Lulu was right for once.
About an hour later Bella shouted at the top of her voice,
"Lets see who can touch the top of that tree first".
"Okay, but only if you dont cheat", said Lulu. "I promise",
said Bella.
Because Lulu was so determined, she climbed to the top
faster than Bella could run. Lulu was so happy that she
closed her eyes while she jumped down the tree saying

Nama : Balqis Tutur Arum

NPM : 11310069

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