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April 4, 2017

The County Board of Jackson County, Minnesota met in regular session, in the Jackson County
Courthouse Board Room, 405 Fourth Street, City of Jackson, Minnesota, on April 4, 2017. The
following County Board members were present: James Eigenberg, Don Wachal, Kim Hummel, Cathy
Hohenstein and Scott McClure, Commissioners. County Coordinator Steven Duncan and Trish Schulz,
Human Resources Technician, were also in attendance.


Chair Hummel called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion was made by Commissioner McClure and seconded by Commissioner Hohenstein to

adopt the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by Commissioner Eigenberg to

approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Action 17-082: Approve the March 21, 2017 Board of Commissioner meeting minutes with
correction to date in first paragraph.

Board Action 17-083: Approve all Commissioner disbursements in accordance with Minnesota Statutes
130.01, subd. 4(b), recorded on warrants numbered 81227 through 81357 in the amount of
$248,918.27 - for Revenue Fund, $98,025.78; Road and Bridge, $94,090.96; Insurance, $2,061.50:
Ditch Funds, $30,423.09; Agency, $3,087.00; Library, $7,427.75; and Tax/Penalty, $13,802.19. A
detailed list of claims paid is available at the Auditor/Treasurers Office upon request.

Board Action 17-084: Approve setting Judicial Ditch No. 42 for Redetermination of Benefits Public
Hearing for Tuesday, April 18, 201, at 11:00 a.m. in the Jackson County Courthouse Board Room.

Board Action 17-085: Approve the Application for Exempt Permit for the Jackson Lions Club, with no
waiting period, for a raffle to be held on July 29, 2017 at the Jackson County Fair.

Board Resolution 17-014: Approve accepting a $1,000 donation from the Disabled American Veterans
Chapter #32 & for Veterans van expenses.
County of Jackson )
) SS.
State of Minnesota )

Resolution No.17-014

Resolved by the Board of Commissioners, County of Jackson, and State of Minnesota:

WHEREAS, a donation of funds has been made by the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter
#32, to be used for Veterans van expenses, and;

WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 465, Section 465.03, Gifts to Municipalities
informs that a county governing body shall accept such gifts by resolution and by at least a two-thirds

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Jackson County Board of Commissioners does hereby
approve, by resolution, accepting the one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) donation of Disabled American
Veterans, Chapter #32, to be used for Veterans van expenses.

Passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Jackson, Minnesota this
4th day of April 2017.

Kim Hummel
Jackson County, Minnesota Board of Commissioners


_______________________________ (SEAL)
Steven J. Duncan
County Coordinator of Jackson County, Minnesota

Motion was made by Commissioner Hohenstein and seconded by Commissioner McClure to

adopt Board Resolution 17-015: Proclaiming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Jackson
County. Motion carried unanimously.

County of Jackson )
) SS.
State of Minnesota )


WHEREAS, child abuse is an issue that affects all members of our community and finding solutions
depends on involvement among people throughout the community;

WHEREAS, child abuse prevention works when partnerships created between parents, practitioners,
schools, faith communities, health care organizations, law enforcement agencies, and business community;

WHEREAS, family-serving, youth-focused prevention programs offer positive alternatives for young
people and encourage parents and youth to develop strong ties to their communities;

WHEREAS, all citizens need to be more aware of child abuse and neglect and its prevention within the
community, and be involved in supporting parents to raise their children in a safe, nurturing society.

NOW, THERFORE, the Jackson County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim April as Child
Abuse Prevention Month in Jackson County and call upon all citizens, community groups, religious
organizations, medical facilities, and businesses to increase their participation in efforts to prevent child abuse
and neglect, thereby strengthening the community in which we live.

Passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Jackson, Minnesota this 4th day of
April 2017.

Kim Hummel, Chair
Jackson County Board of Commissioners


_______________________________ (SEAL)
Steven J. Duncan
County Coordinator of Jackson County, Minnesota

Motion was made by Commissioner McClure and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to adopt
Board Action 17-086: Approve setting a Public Hearing to give consideration to Bergen Bar & Grill,
Inc. application for On & Off Sale & Sunday Liquor License for Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 9:05 a.m. in
the Jackson County Courthouse Board Room. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Commissioner Eigenberg and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to open the
public hearing regarding the Jackson County fee schedule additions/revisions, as proposed, at 9:31 a.m.
Motion carried unanimously.

County Coordinator Steve Duncan briefly described the proposed additions/revisions to the Countys
fee schedule. Parks Director Jacqueline Knips, Auditor/Treasurer Kevin Nordquist and Sheriff Shawn
Haken were also in attendance regarding fee proposals involving their respective offices.

Kevin Hage and Mike Handzus commented on items and issues related to the fee schedule.

After all persons who wished to do so had stated or filed their views on said revisions and changes,
motion was made by Commissioner Hohenstein and seconded by Commissioner Eigenberg to declare
the public hearing closed at 9:46 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by Commissioner McClure to adopt
Board Action 17-087: Approving additions/revisions to the Jackson County Fee Schedule, as proposed,
effective April 5, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Commissioner McClure and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to adopt
Board Action 17-088: Authorizing the County Coordinator & Land Management Director to fill a
seasonal position in the Land Management Department, Aquatic Invasive Species employee. Motion
carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hohenstein and seconded by Commissioner Eigenberg to

adopt Board Action 17-089: Setting the Public Hearing for consideration of an amendment to the
Jackson County Development Code (Subdivision of Land Section) for Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 10:30
a.m. in the Jackson County Courthouse Board Room. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Commissioner Eigenberg and seconded by Commissioner Hohenstein

to adopt Board Resolution 17-016: Approving the Final Payment for SAP 032-614-047 & SAP 032-
604-048 to Astech Asphalt Surface Tech of St Cloud, Minnesota in the amount of $33,974.55. Motion
carried unanimously.
County of Jackson )
) SS.
State of Minnesota )


WHEREAS, Contract No. 1602 has in all things been completed, and the County Board being fully
advised in the premises,

NOW THEN BE IT RESOLVED, that we do hereby accept said completed project for and on behalf
of the Jackson County Highway Department and authorize final payment as specified herein.

Passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Jackson, Minnesota this 4th day of
April 2017.

Kim Hummel, Chair
Jackson County Board of Commissioners


_______________________________ (SEAL)
Steven J. Duncan
County Coordinator of Jackson County, Minnesota


Commissioner McClure reported on meetings/events involving the Red Rock Rural Water System
(informational gathering), Alba Township, Judicial Ditch (JD) 3 public hearing and One
Watershed/One Plan.

Commissioner Wachal reported on meetings/events involving the SW Regional Solid Waste

Commission, Rural Minnesota Energy Board, Parks and JD 3 public hearing.

Commissioner Eigenberg reported on meetings/events involving the Farmers Union and JD 3 public

Commissioner Hummel reported on meetings/events involving the SW Regional Radio Board, City of
Jackson/Jackson County Joint Facilities Committee, Planning & Zoning and JD 3 public hearing.

Commissioner Hohenstein reported on meetings/events involving Southern Prairie Community Care

and JD 3 public hearing.

Motion was made by Commissioner Eigenberg and seconded by Commissioner Hohenstein to
close the meeting as permitted by Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.05, under attorney-client privilege,
regarding potential litigation. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by Commissioner McClure to re-open
the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Chair Hummel authorized the County Attorney to proceed as directed.


The Final Acceptance Public Hearing was opened by Chair Hummel, with the Jackson County Board
of Commissioners acting as the Drainage Authority for County Ditch No. 124, regarding a presentation
of the Final Construction Report for Jackson County Ditch No. 124, at 11:32 a.m.

Kurt Deter of Rinke, Noonan Attorneys at Law reviewed the purpose of the hearing.

Jackson County Auditor/Treasurer Keving Nordquist confirmed the notification requirements were met
for Jackson County.

Bill Helget of Bolton & Menk, Inc. presented the Final Construction Report.

Chair Hummel opened the hearing for public comment at 11:38 a.m. After all persons who wished to
make public comment had stated their views, a motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and
seconded by Commissioner Eigenberg to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Motion
carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Eigenberg and seconded by Commissioner McClure to approve
acceptance of the contract, as completed in accordance with plans and specifications and direct final
payment of balance due to contractor in the amount of $20,705.38. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to adjourn the hearing was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by Commissioner
Eigenberg at 11:50 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Commissioner Hohenstein and seconded by Commissioner Eigenberg to

adjourn the meeting at 11:51 a.m. The motion carried unanimously.


Kim Hummel, Chair

ATTEST: _______________________________
Steven Duncan, County Coordinator

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