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ball bearings used in spacecraft systems.

It turns out that rolling dry friction

hysteresis properties that make it impossible for use in linear system mod
Table 4-1 shows the basic translational mechanical system properti
corresponding basic SI and other measurement units.
Engenharia de Computao - 8.o semestre - noturno
Modelos Dinmicos
Prof Maurcio Jos Bordon
EXAMPLE 4-1-1 Consider the mass-spring-friction system shown in Fig. 4-5(a). The linear motion con
horizontal direction. The free-body diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 4-5(b). The
of the system isde Exerccios - P1

/(0 BdM~Ky{t) = * * * >

1) Resolver novamente os exerccios que esto no caderno. dt -'*'' "" df
The last equation may be rearranged by equating the highest-order derivative term t
2) Considere o sistema massa-mola-amortecedor mostrado a seguir. O movimento linear
est restrito direo horizontal. Escreva a equao que modela esse sistema.
dfi M dt MM; MJy>



(a) (b)
Figure 4-5 (a) Mass-spring-friction system, (b) Free-body diagram.

3) O sistema rotacional mostrado na figura consiste de um disco montado em um eixo fixo

em uma de suas extremidades. O momento de inrcia do disco em torno do eixo de
rotao J. A lateral do disco rgida na superfcie e o coeficiente de atrito viscoso
entre as superfcies B. O momento de inrcia do eixo desprezvel mas apresenta
constante elstica torcional K. Determine a equao diferencial que modela este sistema.
4-1 Introduction to Modeling of Mechanical Sys

(a) (b)
Figure 4-16 Rotational system for Example 4-1-4.

TABLE 4-2 Basic Rotational Mechanical System Properties and Their Units

Symbol SI Other
Parameter Used Units Units Conversion
Inertia J kg-m2 slug-ft2 1 g-cm =
lb-ft-sec2 1.417 x 1 0 -
oz-in.-sec2 1 lb-ft-sec2
But from Fig. 4-29

e0(t) = - J idt = erff)

4) Consideremos o circuito RC mostrado na figura a seguir. Determine a equao
diferencial para esse sistema.

+ R -

: ) 'C C e0{t)

Figure 4-29 Simple electrical

180 Chapter 4. Theoretical Foundation and Background Material: Modeling of Dynamic Systems

5) Um objeto retangular composto de um material que est em contato com fludo no seu
EXAMPLE 4-4-1 A rectangular
topo e perfeitamente isolado nosobject is composed
trs outros lados. of a materialasthat
Determine is in contact
equaes with fluid on its
do processo
de transferncia de calor. insulated on three other sides, as shown in Fig. 4-39. Find the equations
process for the following:

Figure 4-39 Heat transfer p

A, p, c, k a fluid and an insulated sol

T/ = Solid object temperature; assume that the temperature distribution is

Tl : temperatura do objeto slido, considerada uniforme na extenso do objeto
Tf = Top fluid temperature
Tf : temperatura do fludo ao topo
l : comprimento do objeto I = Length of the object
A : rea de seo transversal do objeto
A = Cross sectional area of the object
: densidade do material
c : calor especfico do material
p = Material density
k : condutividade trmica c - Material specific heat
h : coeficiente de transferncia convectiva de calor
k Material thermal conductivity
h = Coefficient of convective heat transfer

SOLUTION The rate of heat storage in the solid from Eq. (4-109) is

q = pcAe(d^)
\di )
Also, the convection rate of heat transferred from the fluid is
q = hA{Tf-Tf)
The energy balance equation for the system dictates q to be the same in Eqs. (4-118)

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