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Miguel Bonifacio


Honors Journalism

May 25 2017

In today's society!

The news media or news industry equals on trying to focus on delivering news to the

general public or a target public. Which includes broadcast news (radio and television), printing

(newspapers, newsmagazines), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs,

etc.). Life would be inevitably different without it, but with the governments consent to any of

these beliefs and opinions, many would not have the ability to express themselves.

In today's generation it is much easier to access the media to see what is going on in the

society, state, county or any other parts around the world. By just pulling one cellular device,

laptops, tablets, watches, etc, almost everything can be easy to see and read, but are you paying

close attention to what you are reading? If not it can be harder for some to find new sources that

are accurate in today's world. This includes a high level of yellow journalism ( it's a biased type

of journalism which is usually based off of little fact and is sometimes used to provoke people in

general.) Which can take a huge role in media that gets people to reading on what they are

posting, sadly a great majority of our media has let their feelings towards certain people and

politics get in the way of reporting the truth and nothing but the truth. While everyone is more

than entitled to their own opinions and their conviction, it should not block the pathway of the

truth for us.

Alos the freedom of press is one of the hallmarks of our country and is used to prevent

that type of abuse of power. In the first Amendment: Congress shall make no law... abridging

the freedom of speech, or of the press.... There is no reason for the government to supervise the

public when it comes to voicing themselves through the media. No one should feel intimidated

by the government just because they have an attitude over something. Even though more people

should not be stopped from expressing themselves. But there must be a limit towards who is

writing towards the media world wide.

At some point it is exceptionally important to have independent news media that is not

bias for or against the governments perspective. With unbiased, independent, news media our

country will likely be much more informed if they hear all of the sides, instead of just the side

the government wants you to hear. Hearing just the government side of the news would allow

those in office to misuse their power, while gradually diminishing the freedoms of the people.

And some types of media centers more on the government which is something one could be

interested about hearing their speeches towards the government.

If the government had total control of the entire media, then there would be no purpose

on having the first amendment. More than 40 percent of the human race does not have freedom

of the press. Whats really devastating is trying to imagine human beings voice being taken

away from there unworthy opinion upon their society and what worse is there ideas that

may change the world on where they live in. Instead, they will live in an environment where

the government is boss. If this were to happen our judgement will be place where no one

will be able to hear a single breath of words or thoughts. Just the wind would captures their

words and sends it off to a forgotten place called space, where no one will be able to hear

Work cited

Jarratt, Anna A. "Why Is It Important That We Have News Media That Are Independent of the

Government?" Champion News. Anna Jarratt, 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 25 May 2017.

Heyabbby, Merton WI. "Why It's Important to Have News Media That Is Independent of the

Government." Tenn Ink. Heyabbby, 8 Sept. 2015. Web. 25 May 2017.

Cochrem, Tom. "Free Speech." Human Rights Watch. Tom Cochrem, cochrem. Web. 25 May 2017.

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