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1.- How has the Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai achieved such radical

The improvements that were achieved were based on leadership and management
practices, based on the following points:
Coherence of leadership
Selection of the right employees
Training and daily information on culture, state, language, skills, etc.
Empowerment and continuity to encourage employees to be creative.
Information support so that your needs are known and met
Recognition and reward, so that employees feel motivated.

2.- To what extent do you agree with Ritz-Carlton's leadership and

management practices? Which of the practices do you find most innovative?

I agree up to 90% due to philosophy, based on efficient service, commitment and

expansion of Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. To achieve
leadership it is very important to have suitable partners and have clear objectives.
The practices that I consider most innovative are:
Training and daily information on culture, state, language, skills, etc.
Empowerment and continuity to encourage employees to be creative.
Information support so that your needs are known and met
Recognition and reward, so that employees feel motivated.

3.- What other factors could contribute to

your satisfaction as a hotel guest?
Experience Commentary
Quality in infrastructure
Satisfaction of staff in a hotel?
Open communication from the head of Asia its collaborators
Motivation of the work team (achievements, schedules and
Good working climate


1.- Work in groups of three. You are HR managers at GS lnternational Hotel

He just took the Katisha Hotel in Buenos Aires and was asked to come up with a
proposal to improve the hotel's staff and customer satisfaction levels. Look at the
chart below and briefly discuss areas for improvement.

A. Employee turnover (industry average) Improvement proposal:

Select suitable partners, with skills, experience, knowledge in the area

of customer service, to interact effectively with customers
Training constantly
Mutual commitment between employees and the company
Establish policies and supervision for compliance
Encourage employees
Organization of tasks and / or functions.

B. Customer satisfaction

In order for our customers to feel satisfied, the improvement proposal is:
Personalized and quality care
Implement communication channels (social networks, call center,
contact forms.
Develop a relationship with customers so that they feel that they are
important (dealing directly with the customer)

C. Anual Annual financial growth

Adequate control of expenditures

Diversification of service and according to services, increase prices,
but the price increase must be given when the service is of quality.
Manage inventories efficiently to have greater control and not generate
unnecessary costs
Analyze profitability and our potential customers to improve our
Improve service for customers to increase
Having technology for

2.- Shortly after the inauguration, the newly appointed Katisha General
Manager has an update meeting with GS International's Director of Business
Development. Listen to the extract from your meeting and make more notes on
the current problems in the Katisha in the chart above.
The most frequent problem is:
Financial growth
Customer satisfaction
Lack of recognition and reward to its collaborators
Lack of constant training
Rotation of staff

Due to these problems our company does not have a good ranking and this affects
the development of katisha to improve these points will require changes.

3.- Work in your groups of three. Take ten minutes to plan your upgrades at the
Katisha Hotel. You've heard of how Ritz-Carlton management turned the
Portman Shangri-La around, and you may want to use the sorne of these
ideas, along with your own.

Internal communication, to raise awareness of new manager ideas

and external, with the purpose of transmitting the corporate image
Quality in service
Clear misin, visin and objetives
Increase new complementary services so that the customer enjoys
their stay in the company katisha.

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