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Davila/York Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: African Elephants

Topic: African Elephants and their Habitats

Participants: 7 and 8 Year Olds 3rd Grade

Time Period: Approximately 6 hours of class time:

Main Lesson - 3 Hours in class
African Elephant Habitat Diorama - 2
Weeks at Home
Presentations and Closing Day - 3 Hours
in class

Objective: As a result of this lesson, students will be able to

construct and present a African Elephant Habitat
Diorama, for either the Savannah Elephant or the Forest
Elephant, that accurately displays their habitat and
contains all of the basics of an African Elephant habitat
which includes a water hole, a source of food, and
comfort. This will be accomplished over a course of two
weeks at home and may be done using outside resources
such as a shoebox, paint, fake plants, figurines, tiny
rocks, etc.

Standard: 3-LS4-3. Construct an argument with evidence that in a

particular habitat some organisms can survive well,
some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an
experience with appropriate facts and relevant,
descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable

Introduction: First introduce lesson by standing in front of the class

and stomping slowly on the ground. Then proceed to ask
the students what animal stomps on the ground while
they walk. Once they correctly answer Elephant,
continue on to ask them what else do they know about
elephants. Use questions such as:
- What do elephants eat?
- Where do they live?
- What types of elephants are there?
- How long do they live?
- What is their habitat like?

Step-by-step Procedures: 1) Follow the introduction with an upbeat

1) Announce that there will be a slideshow
and that students may take out a piece of paper to
take notes on or write down questions to ask at
the end.
2) Start and go over the slideshow. Take
your time and place emphasis on the two
subspecies and their habitat.
a) Covers what the
importance of Elephants is, the two types
of Elephants, and the two subspecies of
the African Elephant and their habitat.
Conclude the slideshow presentation.
3) Ask the students if they have any
questions regarding the African Elephant and its
two subspecies and answer them. Place emphasis
on any answers that involve their habitats.
4) Proceed to Guided/ Independent Practice.
(See below)
5) After the Independent Practice
Worksheets have been collected, go to the front
of the class and stomp like an elephant again to
get their attention.
6) Praise them for getting their work done
and then announce that their Unit Project will be
based on African Elephants.
7) Have them take guesses on what the
project is on.
8) Proceed to Assessment. (See below)
9) Proceed to the Closure. (See below)

Guided/Independent Practice: Independent Practice:

1) After the slideshow, the students will be
given a worksheet with different categories based
off the slideshow.
a) Covers the vocabulary, the
African Elephant Habitat, and the
subspecies of the African Elephant.
b) Students may use their
slideshow notes.
2) Give the students about 15 minutes to
complete the worksheet and give a 2 minutes
heads up before the time is up.
a) Walk around the
classroom seeing if anyone needs help
and to make sure that everyone is getting
their work done.
3) When the time is up, instruct for pencils
to be placed down and go over the answers on
the Elmo.
a) Ask the class if anyone
needs an explanation for the answers.
b) Students should correct
themselves if they got a question wrong.
4) Collect the worksheets and put aside to be
recorded for Participation Points.
a) Once they are recorded,
place in students cubbies.

Assessment: For their assessment, the students will have a individual

project which is a take home African Elephant Habitat
Diorama that is accompanied by a worksheet.
1) Students will receive the African
Elephant Habitat Diorama instruction sheet
which will be passed out by the teacher.
a) Instruction sheet explains
what they have to do, what the
requirements are, and when the due date
2) Go over the instruction sheet and the
accompanying worksheet and rubric on the
a) Ask if there are any
questions or clarifications as to what the
project is.
3) Notify/ Remind them of the due date.
a) The students will have
approximately two weeks to work on the
project at home.
4) Students will place instruction sheet in
their cubbies to take home.


1) Students will walk in and place their
Diorama on top of the additional worksheet on
their desks.
2) Ask the kids what they thought about the
project and what their favorite part was and what
they found hard.
10) Begin the presentations after recess.
a) Ask for some volunteers to
go first.
i) If there are
no/ no more volunteers, proceed
to draw names out of a hat.
b) Students may use a
notecard to present.
c) Students have a max time
of 3 minutes to present.
11) After every student has presented, the
kids will walk around and look more closely at
each others projects.
a) Allow for 10 minutes and
then instruct them to go back to their
Materials/Equipment: Teacher will need:
- Projector, Projector Screen, Laptop,
Google Slideshow, Class sized amount of the
slideshow worksheet, Class sized amount of the
Project Packets (Includes project instructions,
worksheet, grading rubric), 1 personal copy of
the Project Grading Rubric, 1 personal copy of
the worksheet answers.

Students will need:

- Note Paper, Pencil, Decent Sized
Shoebox, Fake Plants, Clay, Paint, Construction
Paper, Tiny Rocks, Scissors, Glue, Index Card

Closure: To summarize the lesson on the day the project is due,

go around the class and have everyone share something
that they have learned during the project about African
Elephants. Then ask the kids what their own habitat
looks like and what is included. Compare how just like
elephants, humans have their own habitat that helps
them survive. As the kids leave the class to go home,
have them tell you a fact about African Elephants.
African Elephants & Their Habitats
1) MATCHING Match the Vocabulary term on the left with its definition
on the right.

1. ______ Habitat A. A baby elephant

2. ______ Herd B. Illegal hunting of an animal

for something part of them.
3. ______ Calf
C. The action of clearing a
4. ______ Herbivore
wide area of trees.
5. ______ Poaching
D. A large group of animals
6. ______ Ivory that migrate together.

7. ______ Watering Hole E. An animal that feeds on

8. ______ Vegetation
F. A place where animals
9. ______ Deforestation- drink.

G. The natural home or

environment of a living thing.

H. Tusks of an elephant, used

to make jewelry/figurines .

I. Particular area/habitat
with lots of plants.

2) CIRCLE What belongs in an African Elephant Habitat? Circle the

things below that belongs and be found in an African Elephant Habitat.

Vegetation Ponds Watering Hole Grassy plains Cities

Dumpsters Ocean Trees Predators Mountains

3) MATCHING Fill in the letter of the correct subspecies of the African

Elephant from the right with the description of its habitat on the left.
1.____Lots of vegetation, along the equatorial A. Savanna/Bush
zone of west and central Africa. Dense wooded Elephant
areas. Habitats threatened by climate change
and deforestation

2.___Grassy plains and bushlands, found in B. Forest Elephant

eastern and southern Africa.

African Elephants & Their Habitats


1) MATCHING Match the Vocabulary term on the left with its definition
on the right.

1. ___G___ Habitat A. A baby elephant

2. ___D___ Herd
B. Illegal hunting of an animal
3. ___A___ Calf
for something part of them.
4. ___E___ Herbivore
5. ___B___ Poaching C. The action of clearing a
6. ___H___ Ivory wide area of trees.
7. ___F___ Watering Hole
8. __I____ Vegetation D. A large group of animals
9. __C____ Deforestation- that migrate together.

E. An animal that feeds on


F. A place where animals


G. The natural home or

environment of a living thing.

H. Tusks of an elephant, used

to make jewelry/figurines .

I. Particular area/habitat
with lots of plants.

2) CIRCLE What belongs in an African Elephant Habitat? Circle the

things below that belongs and be found in an African Elephant Habitat.
Vegetation Ponds Watering Hole Grassy plains Cities

Dumpsters Ocean Trees Predators Mountains

3) MATCHING Fill in the letter of the correct subspecies of the African

Elephant from the right with the description of its habitat on the left.

1._B___Lots of vegetation, along the A. Savanna/Bush Elephant

equatorial zone of west and central Africa.
Dense wooded areas. Habitats threatened by
climate change and deforestation
B. Forest Elephant
2._A__Grassy plains and bushlands, found in
eastern and southern Africa.

African Elephant Habitat Diorama!

Dear Parents and Students,

For this Unit Project, we will be creating a African Elephant Habitat

Diorama for African Elephants using a shoebox! This is an individual project that
requires each student to create their own African Elephant Habitat in addition to
filling out the attached worksheet. The students will also be presenting this
African Elephant Habitat Diorama to the class so they must come prepared to
accurately explain their Diorama and what everything is.
As the students have learned, there are two subspecies of African
Elephants: the Savanna Elephant and the Forest Elephant. The students will choose
ONE of the subspecies and then continue to create an African Elephant Habitat
Diorama that contains all of the necessities for their African Elephant to live!
As a class we have gone over what an ideal African Elephant Habitat consists
of. The students may use their notes from the slideshow, any completed
worksheets from class, and any certified educational website or book to help them
in this project.
This African Elephant Habitat is DUE IN TWO WEEKS ON (FRIDAY
MONTH/DAY). We will begin presentations that same day and students may create
a note sheet with talking points. Make sure to include everything an African
Elephant Habitat needs and to be neat, creative, and HAVE FUN!
Good Luck!
Insert Name Here

Suggested Websites:

Suggested Materials:
- Shoebox, Mini Toy Elephants, Construction Paper, Paint, Grass, Fake
Plants, Styrofoam, Small Rocks, Glue, Scissors,


African Elephant Habitat Diorama

*Complete this worksheet and turn it in with your shoebox habitat!*
DUE: Friday (month/day)

1) What subspecies of the African Elephant did you pick? (circle one)
2) Life Span: ______________ (1 Point)
3) Diet:________________________________________________
(2 Points)
4) Where does this African Elephant live and what does their Habitat
consist of?
(2 Points)
5) What is an advantage of their Habitat?
(2 Points)
6) What is a threat to this African Elephant?
(2 Points)
7) What is a fun fact about this African Elephant?
(1 Point)
8) What materials did you use to create your Habitat Shoebox? (Bullet

9) What was your favorite things about this unit and/or project?

SCORE: + _________ / 10 Points

Shoe Box Habitat Worksheet!

*Complete this worksheet and turn it in with your shoebox habitat!*

DUE: Friday (month/day)

1) What subspecies of the African Elephant did you pick? (circle one)


2) Life Span: 60 to 70 Years

3) Diet: Herbivore (Grass, fruit, roots)

Predators: Human, Lion, Hyena

4) Where does this African Elephant live and what does their Habitat
consist of?

- Central and Southern Africa

- Savanna and floodplains

5) What is an advantage of their Habitat?

- Very social lifestyle, less vulnerable on the open plains.

6) What is a threat to this African Elephant?

- Humans that poach the African Elephants for their ivory tusks are
the biggest threat to their survival along with habitat loss across the

7) What is a fun fact about this African Elephant?

- Their ears are not just for hearing, they are a vital tool in keeping the
Elephant cool in the African heat.

- An adult African Bush Elephant can drink up to 50 gallons of water

every day, and is able to take 1.5 gallons of water into their trunks at a time.

- Multiple Answers
8) What materials did you use to create your Habitat Shoebox? (Bullet

(not graded/ just informative)

9) What was your favorite things about this unit and/or project?.

(not graded/ just informative)

Shoe Box Habitat Worksheet!

*Complete this worksheet and turn it in with your shoebox habitat!*
DUE: Friday (month/day)

10)What subspecies of the African Elephant did you pick? (circle one)


11) Life Span: 60 to 70 Years

12)Diet: Herbivore (Grass, fruit, roots)

Predators: Human, Lion, Hyena

13)Where does this African Elephant live and what does their Habitat
consist of?

- Central and Southern Africa

- Forest, Tropical Jungles

14)What is an advantage of their Habitat?

- their smaller size allows them to move through the thick vegetation
more easily than the larger African Bush Elephant.

15)What is a threat to this African Elephant?

- Humans that poach the African Bush Elephants for their ivory tusks
are the biggest threat to their survival.
- African Forest Elephants are threatened throughout much of their
natural habitat today mainly due to deforestation and climate change and
have been pushed into smaller and smaller pockets of their native lands.

16)What is a fun fact about this African Elephant?

- The tusks of an African Forest Elephant can grow to nearly 1.5 meters
long and generally weigh between 50 and 100 pounds, which is about the
same as a small adult Human.

- Multiple Answers

17)What materials did you use to create your Habitat Shoebox? (Bullet
Points) (not graded/ just informative)

18) What was your favorite things about this unit and/or project?. (not
graded/ just informative)

African Elephant Habitat Diorama

4 3 2 1 Notes:

Neatness Diorama is very neat. Diorama is neat. Diorama has stray marks. Diorama is messy.

Accuracy Diorama is very accurate Diorama is Diorama is missing two Diorama is

and shows the subspecies missing one components. missing three
of the African Elephants component. components and/
habitat along with their or displays the
water and food supply. wrong habitat.

Creativity The student used available The student put The student could have The student used
materials to construct a forth the effort put forth more effort in minimal effort
diorama that was very to construct a creating the diorama. and displayed
creative. creative diorama. little to no

Presentation The student presented The student The student presented The student did
his/her diorama to the present his/her his/her diorama to the not present
class and accurately diorama but class but did not explain his/her diorama
explained the animals could have the animals habitat. to the class or
habitat. Had a clear explained the explain the
speaking voice and strong animals habitat Had a quiet voice, made animals habitat.
eye contact more. Had a little eye contact, and was
somewhat clear unprepared.
voice and good
eye contact.
Color Student used all local color Student mostly Student rarely used local Student used
to model the animal and used local color color to model the animal subjective color
animals habitat. to model the and animals habitat. with no regard to
animal and local color.
animals habitat.

Total Diorama Points:_______/20 Points

Worksheet Points:_________/10 Points

= _____________ / 30 Points

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