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Name(s): B.Burcu Vanlolu
Sena Ilgaz
Tuba Yklmaz
Art integrated literature
Unit Title
The Weather(snowy, rainy, cloudy, sunny)
Grade Level
48-60 months
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
At the end of the lesson, 48-60 month children will be able to differentiate
each season from the other seasons according to their features in the
correct way when it is asked.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies,

Technology, Media and Materials)]
Animoto Video(game base ), cartoons, crayons, the other recycle

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies,

Technology, Media and Materials)]
Presentations, games and problem solving
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and
Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Children are expected to learn weathers according to changes in the
seasons, so in this activity we enable children to watch a game base
video which provide an opportunity to learn by playing for children. The
video is prepared by using Animoto. This is a kind of video creator
program which gives a chance to create a video by using different
photos, music etc. We used this tool to create a game related with
seasons for children. After this part, children are expected to create a
season board by using the recycle materials. They share their boards with
their peers.
Individual Learning Activities -

Group Learning Activities Playing season game and preparing

season board
Teacher takes children's attention to weather by saying ''Let's look out
the window and say what the weather looks like today. After children give
their answers, teacher asks '' well, which other weather conditions do you
know and when do you see this weather conditions generally in a year?''
After making discussions about weather conditions, teacher talks about
the game created by Animoto. This game includes photos of seasonal
changes and these photos are ordered in a mixed way. In each photo,
children are expected to assume which season it is or in which season we
can encounter with this weather condition. According to the pictures,
they make an improvisation about the emotions that they feel and
behave in the mentioned season. The game continues till all photos are
seen. After the game, teacher brings the recycle materials such as plastic
cups and plates, colorful ropes, pipes, cotton, paper roll; crayon,
cardboard etc. Later, as small groups, children create each season's
weather condition and share it with the other groups. At the end of the
activity, they can make an evolution of the activity.
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher asks assessment questions to the children to evaluate the
learning process of the activity.
Descriptive Questions: What did we do in the activity?, What kind of
weather conditions did we see?
Affective Questions: How did you feel while working with your peers to
prepare the season board or while playing the game?
Daily- Life Questions: How do each weather conditions affect your life?
Goal Oriented Questions: While preparing your season board, did you
face any difficulties related to using materials? While working with the
group, what did you pay attention to ?
Measurement & Assessment -
Activities for Individual
Measurement & Assessment Children are expected to evaluate their
Activities for Group season board in terms of weakness
Performance and strengths.
Homework (optional) -


Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

Teacher can print out the pictures which are used in Animoto in case of
unexpected situations.

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