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Achieve financial savings Identify Hot and cold in the system

Identify hot streams to be cooled & cold stream to be heated

Achieve maximum
Method to optimize heat recovery
energy consumption
What is
Construct Stream table
Pinch Shows operating conditions which includes temperature and heat duty of
Uses thermodynamic Analysis Determine the heat equipment
principles arrangement oh heat
Select minimum approach temperature
Represents the smallest temperature difference that heat exchanger stream
can have

Pinch Shifting of stream data

Calculate the new temperature by using Dtmin obtained previously
Analysis Process
Flow for
Construct temperature interval diagram
Streams are represented by vertical line, where cold stream is blue and
OPTIMISATION Analysis hot stream is red.. Heat duty is also calculated and represented as deficit
for positive value and surplus for negative value.
Construct cascade diagram
Shows the amount of energy in each temperature interval. Excess energy
Heat Reduce energy in a given temperature will be cascaded down to next temperature level.

exchanger consumption
Design Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) based on pinch
network Heat integration between the heat duties of each equipment takes place
Increase economic and new heat exchange design can be achieved.

Integrate streams that is needed to be cooled and heated to

reduce cooling effort and recover heat from the process

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