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Is Cleanliness
Shaykh Mehmet Adil Al-Haqqani, Sohbet of the 1rst of June, 2017.

As-salmu alaykum wa ramatu Llhi wa baraktuh. Adhu biLlhi mina sh-

shayni r-rajm. Bismi Llhi r-Ramni r-Ram. A-altu wa s-salmu al
Raslin Muammadin Sayyidi l-awwalna wa l-khirn. Madad y Rasla
Llh, madad y Sdti Abi Rasli Llh, madad y Mashyikhin, dastr y
Shaykh Abdu Llh al-Fiz ad-Dghistn, Shaykh Muammad Nim al-
aqqn. Madad. arqatun -ubah wa l-khayru fi l-jamiyyah.

Adhu biLlhi mina sh-shayni r-rajm. Bismi Llhi r-Ramni r-Ram.

Allh Azza wa Jalla is ordering. Bismi Llhi r-Ramni r-Ram. "Wa
thiybaka faahhir wa r-rujza fa-hjur." (74:4,5) "Inna Llha yuibbu t-tawbna
wa yuibbu l-mutaahhirn."(2:222) Allh loves cleanliness and those who
repent. He orders to keep your clothes clean. Make them clean. Cleanliness
is from mn. Cleanliness is an important thing. The main important thing in
Islm is cleanliness. If you are not clean, no worship will be accepted. Prayers
won't be accepted, ajj won't be accepted. It is required for the worship. And it
is one of the beautiful orders of Islm.

Cleanliness is an order for Muslims. They should keep it. We should be careful
about it. But unfortunately, there is no cleanliness. And dirtiness is from
shayn. Dirt is from shayn. Kufr is dirtiness. They are swimming in dirt.
What we mean by dirt is not only the clothes, you have to clean your inside too.
We make tawbah (repentance) to Allh . When you make tawbah, you clean
yourself. Allh loves those who make tawbah and cleanse, those who keep
themselves clean from outside and from inside. Allh Azza wa Jalla said
unbelievers should not come to Makkah and Madnah after that year. After the
year of the conquest they were given a four months extension. Then He said
they were dirty.

Dirtiness can be physical and a person who doesn't believe becomes dirty too.
He is dirty. There's no reason to imitate him. Our ignorant Muslims sometimes
imitate the foreigners. Their outside is merely a shell. And they can't even keep
their shells clean. There are all kinds of dirtiness. And inside, they are dirty
completely. Therefore, first we should start with the outside cleanliness so that Page 1

our worship is accepted and so the inside is cleaned. And if you don't clean from
outside, your worship won't be accepted. If it's not accepted, it is useless.

Cleanliness is from mn. Therefore, Allh Azza wa Jalla said this. And being
clean suits us, in sha Llh. Clean not only yourself, but also around you. If you
don't throw garbage in the street, the street will be clean. You throw, they
throw, everyone throws. And it's dirty. Neither streets, nor the country is clean.
Everywhere is dirty. Whereas there is a simple way for it. There would be no
need for the cleaners then. If only people were on the way loved by Allh .

May Allh make all of us from the clean ones. May dirtiness be far away
from us. May the dirtiness of kufr and shayn stay far from us, in sha Llh.

Allh Azza wa Jalla He said, Allh " inna Llha yuibbu t-tawwbn wa
yuibbu l-mutaahhirn" (2:222) "wa thiybaka fa-ahhir wa r-rujza fa-hjur"
(74:4-5) This yah, many yah in Qurn-i Karm, showing us and ordering to
be clean. Cleanness it is very important thing in Islm. Only in Islm they are
looking for cleaning, cleanness. No any another religion looking for cleanness.
You can, you cannot do without washing yourself, no ibdah. After washing
yourself, if you don't take every day ablution, wu, also no ibdah for you.
This giving cleanness for you beginning from outside coming to inner side
cleaning, spiritual cleaning.

First you must clean after you be in spiritual also clean because imn it is
cleanness. Imn - Allh like, love people who are clean people from outside
to inside. But shayn he not like this. In opposite he like every dirty thing.
Every dirty thing only shayn and his followers like and love it because who
following shayn not accepting Allh . Allh say for them, this is dirty
people. Dirty, dirtiness with non-believer. Allh say, don't let them come to
My house, Kabah Makkah. For Madinah also for Prophet place don't let
them. This people who are not believer they are dirty. They are not acceptable
in divinely presence. Maybe in world, people they are happy to see them and
love them. They thought they are clean and beautiful but not - it's only small
thing from outside. If you take it you will look very dirty thing.

So important thing for human being, for believer to be clean. Clean yourself
from outside. After inside also it will be clean. To regret, ask forgiveness from Page 2

Allh so you will be clean. And you be lover for Allh Azza wa Jalla "inna
Llha yuibbu t-tawwbn wa yuibbu l-mutaahhirn" (2:222) what meaning:
forgiveness. To ask Him : I accept You forgive me and I will be clean. This
is cleanness of imn and Islm the religion of, last complete religion of Allh
Azza wa Jalla. If you not like this, you are... if you not going out from water,
whole your life you are dirty. Don't think you are be clean and with water and
with soap or shampoo. Cleanness - when you be take this dirty of kufur, non-
believer. When you accept and you are believer you been very clean.

Allh make us clean people all time, in sha Llh. Wa min Allhi t-tawfq al-

Video link: Page 3

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