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Problems of Unemployment

Problem of Unemployment :

Unemployment is serious problem that our government faces. Our leaders are trying their utmost
best to solve it wisely. If it is not solved sooner, a social revolution may take plea to have its
solution. The main cause of unemployment is the repaid growth of populations. Since
independence the populations of India has increased by threes times its total. When people
multiply, there raises the problems of unemployment and it becomes difficult for government to
provide employment to a sufficient number of people. As a matter of principle it becomes the
duty of government to provide employment to all as far as possible and we are blessed that our
government is taking keen interest to solve this series problem of today. As the growth of
populations is going unchecked, jobs and services in a given field commonly remains
insufficient. When our youths do not find employment despite their best efforts, they get irritated
and feel disappointed.

There are three types of unemployment, viz., labor class who are not educated, educated persons
without possessing any technical qualifications and technical persons such as engineers and
technical. Let us implore them one by one.

In case of labor class there are lakhs of people who earn their livelihood daily and gather
themselves on some specific place just to find daily employment somewhere. They are not
disappointed to a great extends. Sometimes they find employment and sometimes they return to
their houses without finding employment. They are habituated to adjust themselves with the
circumstance, though they also become irradiated and disappointed sometimes when problems of
food and clothing arise before them. This is the case with general labor of the cities. As regards
the agriculture labor of the village, theyre also not disappointed to a great extent as they find
seasonal employment very easily in the farms and fields of big farmers.

Since the number of educated persons is increasing day by day, we are not in a position to afford
a venue of work for this growing number. As such our educated persons are very much
disappointed when they wander dark roads in search of employment. As they do not possess any
technical and practical training, they only try to find clerical job which are not sufficiently
according to the increasing number of educated persons. It has become a very ticklish problem
which is being faced by our government.

As regards educated persons, possessing technical qualifications, they tend to be frustrated when
they do not find employment despite their best qualifications. There can be in no two opinions
that they find their employment very easily on the merits of their technical qualifications, but
according to the increasing number of such educated persons also become victims of
unemployment. Education is a very good thing and one must be educated but the irony of it is
that when we offer educations to young people we are not in position to offer jobs to them. This
is the very cause of disappointment among our educated youths.

The educated youth should change their mind also and they should think of self-employment,
rather than searching jobs and services hither and there wasting their energy. In this way very
serious problem of unemployment may be saved to a great extent.

Food Safety

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about their health. It is not a secret that
the proper nutrition is one of the major conditions of a good health. This is why restaurants
where the vast majority of the population has meals regularly should provide their customers
with a really safe food.

Nevertheless, there are restaurants which are really dirty and, therefore, do not guarantee the
safety of food. In such a situation, a citizen task force should make such restaurants as well as all
other to solve this problem. In this respect, a mandatory food safety training requirement for all
restaurants employees seems to be the most effective way of the solution of the problem.

First of all, it should be said that the alternative solutions, such as a stronger enforcement
program by the local health department seems to be ineffective in a long run since this program
rather implies the implementation of some restrictive measures and thorough control from the
part of the health department. This measure is not very effective because it is practically
impossible to control permanently and absolutely all restaurants, which, in all probability, can
find the ways to overcome restrictions.

As for the mandatory safety training requirement for all restaurants employees it is much more
effective because this measure makes employees more conscious of their work and consequences
of the violation of the existing norms in relation to food safety. What is more, this program
involves absolutely all employees from a waiter to a chief. This is why all employees will be
equally prepared to work in restaurants.

At the same time it is important to underline that this program should include the profound
training of employees on food safety, including safe storage, preparation of food, knowing the
meaning of labeling terms used in food, basic principles of hygiene . On learning this
information, employees should practice their knowledge and practice that may be a part of the
training program.

Obviously, this solution will be effective in a long run since employees will fully realize the
potential danger of the violation of the existing norms of food safety and what is more they will
be more responsible as they feel the extent to which the customers of restaurants are dependent
on the quality of their work. Finally, they will realize that it is simply the question of health not
only of the customers but also of their own.


Technical education is different from the education we iderstan4 in ordinary sense. It means
teaching and learning about the use of machinery and methods from schools, colleges Technical
institutes. In other words, it is a process of acquiring practical skills on various works. Technical
education follows the sic or compulsory phase of education. But it is not detached completely
from theoretical education. Vocational training is a simple example of technical education.

Technical education is rather a modern form of education. It emerged with the

development of industries, industries, transport and communication of the modern time. It vides
both theoretical and practical knowledge in using instruments and machines. It imparts special
mechanical knowledge and skills on various fields such as engineering, knowledge and
agriculture. Technical education trains a person to industrious and innovative. It provides
knowledge of technology. The knowledge obtained is thus practical and job-oriented. Technical
education needs to be adjusted to the changes in technologies and new jobs available in markets.

The modern world is the world of engines and machines. Technologies are always
advancing. So, one should have knowledge on how they work and should be used. It is
absolutely to produce technically skilled manpower for all-round development of every country.
It is the only way to build up the economy of underdeveloped or developing countries. The scope
of technical education is so extensive. Science mostly depends on technical minds. In fact,
industrial revolution is based on technical innovations.

The rapid success achieved by developed countries such as Japan, the USA and Germany
is mostly due to their technical education. Nepal is backward because it lacks such education.
We are depending on foreign technology and foreign technician. So, we have to pay a lot for
services. Amenities here are poor] organized and distributed. Most of our vast resources are lea,
unused. Our vast human resource is still so unproductive. There is mass unemployment even
among highly educated people. Agriculture is our main economic activity but it is only subsistent
activity. True industrialization has not started yet. Trade deficit is very high. The only way to
face all these challenges is to prioritize and expand technical education.

Technical education will make our human resource more instrumental in our social and
economic development. Our resources wi4l be utilized and living standard will be raised. Even
those going out for foreign employment will get better jobs. We will be able to revive our self-
esteem. To sum up, technical education is essential for young minds to sustain in this
competitive world. Education without technical application is not complete and worthy. This
practical education is the need of all in the modern age. So the government has to adopt a strong
policy of developing and expanding technical education.
Food Poisoning

Food is one of the main elements of life. Humane eat many different kinds of food every
day. however, food sometimes can cause a different kinds of trouble for people. Food poisoning
is the most common serious problem that food can cause, and it is divided into three main types.
Bacterial food poisoning is the first type of food poisoning. It caused by a several types
of bacteria such as: E. coli, salmonella and shigella. Those bacteria produce chemical substances
(toxins) that are resistible for heating, and they cause a wide range of symptoms. From mild
symptoms like nausea and vomiting to threaten symptoms like sever dehydration and even death.
However we can save our health by paying more attention for sanitation and public hygiene.
The second type of food poisoning is a chemical food poisoning, and it is mostly caused
by the abuse of chemical compounds like insecticide. These compounds are absorbed very
quickly in our body and cumulate in the nervous system. Victim could day in a few hours if he
doesnt receive medical care. In this type we need government effort to control insecticide usage.
The third type is Non bacterial food poisoning and it more similar to the second one in
mechanism and symptoms. But it differs in the origin of the chemical compounds. Here the
chemical compounds come from natural resources. For examples: plant, mushroom and fish.
And we ought to be aware about what were going to put in our mouth.
Bacterial, non bacterial and chemical food poisoning are very dangerous. It can damage
for our body. We better raise our awareness about them that way we will be able to save our and
our family lives.

Physical health is a valuable but easily spent resource. Not speaking of serious chronic diseases,
there are a lot of minor, less noticeable threats that can nevertheless affect ones physical
condition and productivity: the common cold, headaches, and nausea are among them. However,
among these minor threats, the most distressing one is perhaps food poisoning, which can easily
incapacitate a person for at least several days.

A person usually gets food poisoning as a result of consuming contaminated or spoiled food and
drinks. It often happens at picnics, in school cafeterias, restaurants, and other similar places.
There are different ways food can get contaminated. For example, meat can become
contaminated by contacting the intestines of an animal being processed; water can contact animal
or human waste and become infected as well. Generally, contamination occurs when food is
improperly processed or stored. Other ways of contamination include dirty hands, improperly-
cleaned cooking utensils, an expired expiry date, and so on. Besides, a person can get food
poisoning when consuming raw or under-cooked productsfruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, or meat
(Medline Plus).

Generally speaking, food poisoning is an intoxication caused by low-quality food. However, a

more meticulous scrutiny reveals that food poisoning has a lot to do with malicious bacterium;
commonly, these bacterium comprise Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria, and some
others. Although they are, in general, not life-threatening, in rare cases there can be serious
complications caused by the exposure to these bacterium, such as reactive arthritis or brain/nerve
problems (Web MD).

Symptoms of food poisoning include fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, general weakness, and
strong abdominal pain or cramps. Usually, the symptoms start within the first several hours after
contamination, but in some cases, food poisoning symptoms can remain hidden for days or even
weeks. The sickness usually lasts up to three days; in the majority of cases, one can treat the
sickness themselves: usually it is enough to adhere to a special diet (often it is is recommended
to eat boiled rice, and drink a lot of strong tea or plain water) and take charcoal pills. However,
there might be cases when it is crucial that a person with food poisoning visits a doctor. The list
of disturbing symptoms includes bloody vomit or stools; diarrhea for more than three days; an
oral temperature higher than 101.5 F; dehydration, severe weakness, and neurological symptoms
such as blurry vision or tingling (Mayo Clinic).

Food poisoning is a common but distressing digestion disorder usually caused by the
consumption of contaminated food. In order to minimize the risks of developing the symptoms,
which include nausea, diarrhea, weakness, fever, and some other manifestations, one should
avoid eating raw or under-cooked food, wash hands before meals, and always check the expiry
date on a product package. Food poisoning is easy to treat, but there are cases when it is better to
seek medical aid; these cases include having blood in ones vomit or stool, dehydration, high oral
temperature, and neurological symptoms.

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