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Structural Response Modification Factors

555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550
Redwood City, California 94065

Funded by
Grant No. ECE-8600721
NCEER Project No. 92-4601

Christopher Rojahn

Andrew Whittaker
Gary Hart


Vitelmo Bertero
Gregg Brandow
. Sigmund Freeman
William Hall
Lawrence Reaveley*
*ATC Board Representative


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In 1986, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) was gineering Panel (PEP) consisting ofVitelmo Bertero,
awarded a grant from the National Science Founda- Gregg Brandow, Sigmund Freeman, William Hall,
tion (NSF) to evaluate structural response modifica- and Lawrence Reaveley (ATC Board Representa-
tion factors (R factors). R factors are used in current tive). Nancy Sauer and Peter Mork provided editorial
seismic building codes to reduce ground motions as- and publication preparation assistance. The affilia-
sociated with design level earthquakes to design force tions of these individuals are provided in the Project
levels. The initial objectives of the project (known as Participants list.
ATC-19) were to: (1) document the basis for the val-
ues assigned to R factors in model seismic codes in ATC gratefully acknowledges the valuable support
the United States, (2) review the role played by R fac- and patience of the NSF Project Officer, S. C. Liu.
tors in seismic design practice throughout the United
States; (3) present state-of-knowledge on R factors; ATC also gratefully acknowledges the valuable input
and (4) propose procedures for improving the reliabil- of participants in the companion NCEER-funded
ity of values assigned to R. ATC-34 Project: The late Peter Gergely (Cornell
University), who served on the NCEER Research
In 1991, the scope of the effort was expanded with Committee and played a key role in acquiring
funding from the National Center for Earthquake En- NCEER support for this investigation; Project Direc-
gineering Research (NCEER) to address and/or docu- tor Andrew Whittaker (University of California at
ment (1) how response modification factors are used Berkeley); PEP members Vitelmo Bertero (Universi-
for seismic design in other countries; (2) a rational ty of California at Berkeley), Ian Buckle (NCEER),
means for decomposing R into key components using Sigmund Freeman (Wiss, Janney, Elstner Assoc.,
state-of-the-knowledge information; (3) a framework Inc.), Gary Hart (University of California at Los An-
(and methods) for evaluating the key components of geles), Helmut Krawinkler (Stanford University),
R; and (4) the research necessary to improve the reli- Ronald Mayes (Dynamic Isolation Systems), Andrew
ability of engineered construction designed using R Merovich (Andrew Merovich & Assoc.), Joseph
factors. The results from the original and expanded Nicoletti (URSlBlume), Guy Nordenson (Ove Arup
objectives described above are documented in this re- & Partners), Masanobu Shinozuka (University of
port. Southern California), and John Theiss (ATC Board
Representative); and consultants Howard Hwang
The primary ATC-19 project consultants, who pre- (Memphis State University), Onder Kustu (OAK En-
pared the major portions of this report, were Gary gineering), and Yi-Kwei Wen (University ofIl1inois).
Hart and Andrew Whittaker, senior-level earthquake
engineering researchers from southern and northern Christopher Rojahn
California, respectively. Their work was overviewed ATC Executive Director &
and guided by an advisory "blue-ribbon" Project En- ATC-19 Principal Investigator

ATC-19 Preface III

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Table of Contents
Preface iii

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives of the Report 2
1.3 Organization of the Report : 2

2. History of Response Modification Factors 5

2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 R Factor Development 5
2.3 Rw Factor Development 8
2.4 Comparison of K, R, and Rw 8

3. Use of Response Modification Factors 11

3.1 Introduction '" 11
3.2 R Factors in SeisnUc Building Codes 11
3.2.1 Europe 11
3.2.2 Japan 11
3.2.3 Mexico 13
3.2.4 Summary 14
3.3 Use of R Factor Equivalents for Bridge Design 15

4. Components of Response Modification Factors 17

4.1 Introduction 17
4.2 Impact of the R Factor on Design 17
4.3 Force-Displacement Response of Buildings 18
4.4 Experimental Evaluation of Force-Displacement Relationships 20
4.5 Key Components of R 21
4.5.1 Strength Factor 22
4.5.2 Ductility Factor 23
4.5.3 Redundancy Factor 27
4.5.4 DaIllping Factor 29
4.6 Systematic Evaluation of R Factors 31
4.7 Reliability of Values for R 32

5. Conclusions and Recommendations 33

5.1 Summary and Concluding Remarks 33
5.2 Recommendations ; 34

Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility 35

Appendix B: Glossary of Terms 49

References 51

Project Participants 53

Applied Technology Council Projects and Report Information 55

ATC-19 Table of Contents v

1. Introduction

1.1 Background designed for service-level actions using allowable

stresses. Reinforced concrete framing systems are
The seismic design of buildings in the United States
designed for ultimate strength-level actions, which
is based on proportioning members of the seismic
are calculated by multiplying the service-level
framing system for actions determined from a linear
actions by load factors. Prescribed seismic forces are
analysis using prescribed lateral forces. Lateral force
calculated in the UBC by dividing the elastic spectral
values are prescribed at either the allowable (work-
forces by a response modification factor (Rw ): values
ing) stress or the strength level. The Uniform Build- for Rw range between 4 and 12.
ing Code (lCBO, 1991) prescribes forces at the
al10wable stress level and the NEHRP Recommended In the NEHRP Provisions, loads are prescribed at the
Provisions for the Development ofSeismic Regula- strength level. In practice, steel framing systems are
tionsfor New Buildings, hereafter denoted as the designed for ultimate-level actions by using al1ow-
NEHRP Provisions (BSSC, 1991) prescribes forces able stress values multiplied by 1.7; reinforced con-
at the strength level. The seismic force values used in crete framing systems are designed at the strength
the design of buildings are calculated by dividing level for ultimate actions. Prescribed seismic forces
forces that would be associated with elastic response are calculated in the NEHRP Provisions by dividing
by a response modification factor, often symbolized the elastic spectral forces by a response modification
asR. factor, R. Values for R range between 1.25 and 8. The
relationship between the response modification fac-
Response modification factors were first proposed by tors in the NEHRP Provisions (R) and the UBC (Rw )
the Applied Technology Council (ATC) in the ATC- is presented later in this report.
3-06 report published in 1978. The NEHRP Provi-
sions, first published in 1985, are based on the seis- When using response modification factors substan-
mic design provisions set forth in ATC-3-06. Similar tially greater than one, the designer makes a signifi-
factors, modified to reflect the allowable stress cant assumption; that is, that linear analysis tools can
design approach, were adopted in the Uniform Build- be used to obtain reasonable estimates of nonlinear
ing Code (UBC) a decade later in 1988. response quantities. This assumption has recently
been questioned and is discussed in detail in ATC-34
The concept of a response modification factor was (ATC, 1995).
proposed based on the premise that well-detailed
seismic framing systems could sustain large inelastic Use of large response modification factors underlies
deformations without collapse (ductile behavior) and a second common assumption of seismic design; that
develop lateral strengths in excess of their design is, that significant nonlinear response and hence sig-
strength (often termed reserve strength). The R factor nificant damage is expected if the design earthquake
was assumed to represent the ratio of the forces that occurs. This assumption is of course a direct result of
would develop under the specified ground motion if using design forces that are significantly less than the
the framing system were to behave entirely elasti- elastic spectral forces. The consequences of this
cally (termed hereafter as elastic design) to the pre- assumption are considered in detail in this report.
scribed design forces at the strength level (assumed
The R factors for the various framing systems
equal to the significant yield level).
included in the ATC-3-06 report were selected
In the UBC, gravity (dead, live, and snow) and envi- through committee consensus on the basis of (a) the
ronmental (wind, seismic) loads are prescribed at the general observed performance of like buildings dur-
service level. Until the recent advent of Load and ing past earthquakes, (b) estimates of general system
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), an ultimate toughness, and (c) estimates of the amount of damp-
strength approach that is just beginning to be used in ing present during inelastic response. Thus, there is
practice, steel framing systems have typically been little technical basis for the values of R proposed in

ATC-19 1: Introduction 1

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ATC-3-06. The commentary to ATC-3-06 notes 5. To develop a rational means of decomposing
that " ... values of R must be chosen and used with R into key components.
judgement" and that " ... lower values must be used
6. To propose a framework (and methods) for
for structures possessing a low degree of redundancy
evaluating the key components of R.
wherein all the plastic hinges required for the forma-
tion of a mechanism may be formed essentially 7. To recommend research necessary to
simultaneously and at a force level close to the speci- improve the reliability of engineered con-
fied design strength." To further underscore the struction designed using R factors.
uncertainties associated with the values assigned to R
for different seismic framing systems, a footnote to The primary audience for this report is licensed pro-
fessional engineers familiar with both current build-
the table listing the response modification coeffi-
cients states, "These (values for R) are based on best ing seismic design criteria and structural dynamics.
However, the report has been written to be under-
judgment and data available at time of writing and
standable to a broad audience, with the intent ofhav-
need to be reviewed periodically."
ing a strong impact on the design professionals and
Given the fiscal and social consequences of wide- the code-change process. The secondary audience for
spread building failure that could occur in an earth- the report is the academic/research community.
quake if poor choices for values of R are used in
design, it is evident to enlightened design profession- 1.3 Organization of the Report
als that the values assigned to R in current seismic
Chapter 2 provides an historical perspective on how
regulations should reflect the most current knowl-
the values of R in use today were developed. The
edge in earthquake engineering and construction
relationship between K factors introduced in the late
practice in the United States. Nearly twenty years
1950 s, R factors introduced in ATC-3-06, and R w
have passed since R factors were first introduced in
factors introduced into the 1988 UBC (ICBO, 1988)
the United States. In this space oftime, much has
is established, and the shortcomings of seismic
been learned about the likely performance of seismic
design using R factors are enumerated.
framing systems in moderate-to-severe earthquakes,
especially following the 1989 Lorna Prieta and 1994 Chapter 3 discusses the use of response modification
Northridge earthquakes. This new knowledge, com- factors for the seismic design of new buildings out-
bined with changing public expectations of accept- side the United States and for the seismic design of
able levels of earthquake-induced damage and new bridges in the United States, to provide perspec-
changes in construction practice, makes 1995 an tive on the conclusions drawn in this report. The fac-
appropriate year in which to publish a formal review tors used in three common framing systems, the
of response modification factors and the ways in European, Japanese, and Mexican codes, are com-
which the factors are used (and misused) in current pared with the corresponding values in the 1991
design practice. NEHRP Provisions (BSSC, 1991). This chapter
includes some conclusions about the likely behavior
1.2 Objectives of the Report ofcode-compliant buildings in the United States dur-
ing severe earthquake shaking.
This report has several key objectives.
1. To document the basis for the values assigned Chapter 4 discusses the impact of R factors on the
to R in current seismic codes in the United seismic design process in the United States, experi-
mental estimates of R for two steel-braced framing
systems, and proposes a new formulation for R.
2. To review the role played by R factors in Unresolved issues associated with the proposed for-
seismic design practice in the United States. mulation for R are described, and strategies for
3. To describe how response modification fac- resolving these issues are proposed.
tors are used for seismic design in other In Chapter 5, the significant issues raised in this
countries. report are summarized, and key conclusions are
4. To present up-to-date information on R fac- drawn. Recommendations for further study complete
tors. this chapter. A list of references follows Chapter 5.

2 1: Introduction ATC-19

Reliable values for R will likely be proposed on the buildings (ATC' s portion of this project is known as
basis ofthe statistical evaluation of reserve strengths ATC-33). The results of the nonlinear static analysis
and system ductility values. Reserve strength and presented in Appendix A are used to calculate draft
ductility can be estimated using nonlinear static anal- strength and ductility factors.
ysis. Appendix A provides an overview of nonlinear
static analysis and presents the results of such an Appendix B contains a comprehensive glossary of
analysis of a nonductile reinforced concrete moment tenns used in this report. Following Appendix B are
frame building. This analysis was performed as part references, a list of the individuals who have contrib-
of the ongoing FEMA-funded Building Seismic uted to the preparation of this report, and infonnation
Safety Council (BSSC) project to develop guidelines on other available ATC reports, including companion
and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of reports and other resource documents.

ATC-19 1: Introduction 3

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2. History of Response Modification Factors

2.1 Introduction mended Lateral Force Requirements"

are intended to provide this protection in
In 1957, a committee of the Structural Engineers the event of an earthquake of intensity or
Association of California (SEAOC) began develop- severity of the strongest of those which
ment of a seismic code for California. This effort California has recorded ... The code does
resulted in the SEAOC Recommended Lateral Force not assure protection against non-struc-
Requirements (also known as the SEAOC Blue Book) tural damage ... Neither does it assure
being published in 1959 (SEAOC, 1959). Commen- protection against structural damage ..."
tary to the requirements was first issued in 1960.
These recommendations represented the profession's The seismic provisions in the 1961 UBC OCBO,
state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of earthquake 1961) were adopted from the 1959 Bluebook. Seis-
engineering; the seismic design requirements in the mic zonation was considered through the use of a Z
1959 Blue Book were significantly different from factor which was set equal to 1.0 in zone 3 (the
previous seismic codes in the United States. For the region of highest seismicity), 0.50 in zone 2, and
first time the calculation of the minimum design base 0.25 in zone 1. The minimum design base shear in
shear explicitly considered the structural system the 1961 UBC was calculated as:
type. The equation given for base shear was
v= ZKCW (2-3)
v= KCW (2-1)
where all terms were defined as above.
where K was a horizontal force factor (the predeces-
sor of R and Rw ); C was a function of the fundamen- 2.2 R Factor Development
tal period of the building; and W was the total dead The development of response modification (R) fac-
load. The K factor was assigned values of 1.33 for a tors, first introduced in ATC-3-06 (ATC, 1978), can
bearing wall building, 0.80 for dual systems, 0.67 for be traced back to the horizontal force factor (Rojahn,
moment-resisting frames, and 1.00 for framing sys- 1988, and Rojahn and Hart, 1988). This section sum-
tems not previously classified. The term C defined
marizes the development process.
the shape ofthe design response spectrum, and was
calculated as follows: The publication of ATC-3-06 defined a benchmark in
seismic engineering in the United States. ATC-3-06
C = 0.05 (2-2) constituted a significant departure from previous
3..11' seismic codes and embodied several new concepts
where T was the fundamental period of vibration in that included: (a) classification of building use-group
the direction under consideration. The Blue Book was categories into seismic hazard exposure groups, (b)
developed as a seismic design code for California national seismic hazard maps, (c) tools for elastic
alone. California was assumed to have uniform seis- dynamic analysis, (d) use of response modification
micity, and a seismic zone factor was not required in (R) factors in lieu of K factors, (e) explicit drift lim-
Equation 2-1. The intent of the Blue Book was to: its, (f) discussion of the influence of orthogonal exci-
tation effects, (g) materials design based on strength
"... provide minimum standards to assure methods instead of allowable stress, (h) provisions
public safety. Requirements contained in for soil-structure interaction, and (i) detailed seismic
such codes are intended to safeguard design requirements for architectural, electrical, and
against major structural failures and to mechanical systems and components. In regard to
provide protection against loss of life response modification factors, ATC-3-06 noted that:
and personal injury... The "Recom-

ATC-19 2: History of Response Modification Factors 5

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1. . R factors were intended to reflect reductions in Aa is the effective peak. acceleration of the design
design force values that were justified on the ground motion (expressed as a fraction of g), R is the
basis of risk assessment, economics, and nonlin- response modification factor, and W the total reactive
ear behavior. weight The factor of2.5 is a dynamic amplification
factor that represents the tendency for a building to
2. The intent was to develop R factors that could be amplify accelerations applied at the base.
used to reduce expected ground motions pre-
sented in the fonn of elastic response spectra to Only horizontal seismic forces were considered in
lower design levels by bringing modem struc- ATC-3-06 for two reasons. First, buildings had
tural dynamics into the design process. Figure always been designed to withstand vertical forces
2.1 illustrates the use of R factors to reduce elas- greater than those produced by mean (unfactored)
tic spectral demands to design force levels. gravity loads, thereby providing assumed reserve
capacity for vertical seismic motions, and second,
Given that R was to be a response reduction factor, it because the analysis and design tools needed to
was decided to place R in the denominator of the account for vertical ground motion effects were not
base shear equation. The end result was that R factors routinely available in the 1970s. Furthermore, ground
were inversely proportional to the K factors used in motion data available at the time suggested that peak
previous codes. The base shear equation for struc- vertical motions were normally less than 2/3 of
tures for which the period of vibration ofthe building peak horizontal motions, leading to the conclusion
T was not calculated took the following form: that the responses caused by vertical motions should
be less severe than those caused by horizontal
v= -yw (2-4) motions.
For structures for which the fundamental building
In this expression, V is the seismic base shear force, period was calculated, the base shear equation in

ATC 3-06 elastic response spectrum for a
0 rock site and 5% damping

Cii 1
Design spectrum for a special
moment-resisting space frame
UI (R =8)
...0E ;-----------
Z / ------ --------------_ ..
Period (seconds)

Figure 2. 1: Use of R factors to reduce elastic spectral demands to the design force level. Each point on the
elastic response spectrum for a rock site (top curve) is divided by R to produce the design spec-
trum (bottom curve) for a given structure type, in this case a special moment-resisting space frame.
where R= 8.

6 2: History of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

_.-....---------_._--' ---.----r--------.-.--" .
ATC-3-06 was given as: 1.67) ( V) (2-6)
Vw ( 1.33 = 0.9
1.2A y S
V = Ry{).67 w (2-5) where Vw was the allowable-stress design lateral
seismic base shear (1976 UBC) and V was the
In this expression, A y is the effective peak velocity- strength- design lateral seismic base shear (ATC 3-
related acceleration, S is a soil profile coefficient, and 06). The numerical factors in Equation 2-6 accounted
T is the fundamental period of the building. The soil for differences between the allowable-stress design
profile coefficient is used to account for soil proper- and strength design methods: 1.67 represented the
ties that could amplify the bedrock motion; its val- margin of safety in allowable-stress design, 1.33 rep-
ues, as defined in ATC-3-06, range from 1.0 to 1.5. resented the pennissible increase in allowable-stress
The base shear of Equation 2-4 provides an upper design, and 0.9 was the capacity reduction factor for
limit on the base shear calculated using Equation 2-5. flexure in strength design.

Individuals who participated in the ATC-3-06 R fac- Using the expression for Vw as specified in the 1976
tor development process (ATC, 1978, page 8, Struc- UBC (leBO, 1976), it followed that:
tural Design, Details, and Quality Assurance
Committee) have indicated that committee members ZIKCS. w(1.67)
I 1.33
= 0.9Ry{).67
(1.2AS) W (2-7)
first independently developed R values for each
structural system type based on their own experience. where Z was a zone factor, I was an importance fac-
The values of R selected for inclusion in ATC-3-06 tor, K was a horizontal force factor, C defined the
represented the consensus opinion of the experts spectral shape ( 1/( 15 Jh
,and Si was a site
involved in the development effort. coefficient.
The first step in assigning consensus R values was to Substituting Z = 1= T= 1.0, Si = 1.5, Ay = 0.4, and S
set a maximum value of R for the structure types con- = 1.2 in Equation 2-7:
sidered to provide the best seismic perfonnance; that
is, those with the highest reserve strength or ductility.
(1.0)(1.0)K(0.067)(1.5) ( 1.67)
1.33 (2-8)
This category included special moment frames and
dual systems composed of reinforced concrete shear (1.2 x 0.4 x 1.2)
= "--~~.-:-;:~....;..
wall structures with special moment frames capable 0.9R(1.0)
of resisting at least 25 percent of the prescribed seis-
resulted in
.mic forces.
C.W. Pinkham (personal communication), a member (0.1256)K = 0~4 (2-9)
of the team that developed R factors, described the
procedure used to calculate R for special steel
moment frames.
The maximum value of R was determined by equat- R = 5.1 (2-10)
ing Vw computed for allowable stress design per the
1976 UBC (equivalent to the 1974 Blue Book In the 1976 UBC, K was set equal to 0.67 for
(SEAOC, 1974) to V computed for strength design moment resisting frame systems. The corresponding
in ATC-3-06. Implicit in this undertaking was the value of R in ATC-3-06 was thus computed as:
decision not to increase the design base shear to
improve seismic performance, but rather to achieve 5.1 8
R = 0.67= . (2-11)
improved seismic performance by requiring better
The response modification factor for reinforced con-
For special steel moment frames, the maximum value crete shear-wall structures with special moment
of R was computed at a fundamental period equal to frames was also assigned the maximum value of
1.0 second: eight. Values of R for other framing systems were

ATC-19 2: History of Response Modification Factors 7

-----------------------_.._._---_ -_ .. .......
generally assigned on the basis of Equation 2-10, where S is a site coefficient and T is the fundamental
then adjusted in accordance with the consensus opin- period of vibration.
ion of the committee. Framing systems not consid-
ered in the 1976 UBC were assigned R values by If it is assumed that CS = 0.14 and Z = 1 in Equation
consensus opinion of the committee. 2-12, and that C = 2.75 and Z= 0.4 in Equation 2-13,
it follows that
2.3 Rw Factor Development
K(0.14)C = (2.75)0.4 (2-15)
Values for structural response modification factors Rw
for allowable-stress design (RwJ were determined by
and that
the Seismology Committee of the Structural Engi-
neers Association of California (SEAOC) and pub-
lished in the 1988 Blue Book (SEAOC, 1988). (2-16)
SEAOC elected to introduce Rwo rather than R, to
ease the eventual transition from allowable-stress Substituting Equation 2-1 o into Equation 2-16 yields
design to strength design. the following relationship between Rw and R
Similar to R, Rw is inversely proportional to K. The
relationship between values of K in the 1985 UBC
Rw = 7.86
R = 1.54R
. . (2-17)
and values of R w in the 1988 UBC can be demon-
strated as follows. Table 2.1 displays the values of K (/985 UBCJ and
Rw (1988 UBC) for several framing systems.
The equation given in the 1985 UBC (lCBO, 1985)
for calculating the design base shear at the allowable
stress level (VD ) is: Table 2.1 Relationship of K and Rw

VD = (ZIKC5)W (2-12) System 1985 USC 1988 USC

The parameters Z and I are used to quantify the seis-

Bearing wall K = 1.33 Rw= 6
mic zone and the importance of the building occu- Dual steel and
K = 0.80 Rw = 10
pancy, respectively. The parameter S is used to
account for site characteristics, and C is a numerical Ductile steel
coefficient that is a function of the fundamental and concrete
K = 0.67 Rw = 12
period of vibration of the building and the defmed = 1.00
spectral shape. The maximum value of C is set equal
Other K Rw= 8
to 0.12; the maximum value of CS is set at 0.14. K is
a numerical coefficient referred to as the horizontal
2.4 Comparison of K, R. and R w
force factor. With few exceptions, the R factors tabulated in ATC-
The 1988 Blue Book (SEAOC, 1988) and 1994 UBC 3-06 are the same as those in the 1991 NEHRP Pro-
(lCBO, 1994) use an alternative equation for calcu- visions. The exceptions include an increased value of
lating VD , namely: R in the NEHRP Provisions for special concrete
moment-resisting space frames, and the addition of R
factors for concrete intermediate moment-resisting
space frames. The values assigned to R w in the 1994
UBC are the same as those listed in the 1988 Blue
where Z and I are the seismic zone and importance Book. For reference, values ofR in ATC-3-06 and the
factors, respectively. For this example, let! = 1 in 1991 NEHRP Provisions, and R w in the 1994 VBC
Equations 2-12 and 2-13. The factor C in Equation 2- are listed in Table 2-2, for framing systems grouped
13 has a maximum value of2.75 and is defmed as: according to K value.

C = 1.255 (2-14) The link between K, R, and Rw was established in the

ro 67 previous section. Values of the horizontal force fac-

8 2: History of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

----_.. _-----~"'-" ..
tor K represented the consensus opinion of expert ratio cannot be used to uniformly reduce elastic
design professionals and academicians in the late spectral demands to design (inelastic) spectral
1950s. Despite a many-fold increase in knowledge demands (measured typically as base shear), R
and the advent of powerful analysis tools, no sub- must be period-dependent. This dependence is
stantive review of, or changes to, response reduction recognized in the Eurocode and the Mexican
factors have been made since the 1950s. Code (see Chapter 3 for further discussion).
Recent studies by researchers (e.g., Bertero, 1986)
4. The reserve strength (strength in excess of the
and design professionals, including Project ATC-34,
design strength) of buildings designed in differ-
have identified major shortcomings in the values and
ent seismic regions will likely vary substantially.
formulation of the response modification factors used
Given that reserve strength is a key component
in seismic codes in the United States. These short-
of R (see Chapter 4), R should be dependent on
comings include the following:
either the seismic zone or some ratio of gravity
loads to seismic loads.
1. A single value of R for all buildings of a given
framing type, irrespective of building height,
5. Seismic design using the response modification
plan geometry, and framing layout, cannot be
factors listed in seismic codes and guidelines in
the United States will most probably not result in
a uniform level of risk for all seismic framing
2. The use of the values assigned to R for some
framing systems will likely not produce the
desired performance in the design earthquake. These shortcomings and other related issues are
addressed in the remainder of this report.
3. The response modification factor is intended, in
part, to account for the ductility of the framing
system. Recognizing that a constant ductility

ATC-19 2: History of Response Modification Factors 9

Table 2.2 Tabulated Values for K, Rand Rw
Basic Structural System (K factor) R R Rw
V\TC, 1978) rosse, 1991) (leBO, 1994)
Bearing Wall System (K=1.33)
1. Light Framed Walls with Shear Panels 6.5 6.5
a. Plywood walls, 3 stories or less 8
b. All other light framed walls 6
2. Shear walls
a. Concrete 4.5 4.5 6.0
b. Masonry 3.5 3.5 6.0
3. Braced Frames Carrying Gravity Loads 4.0 4.0
a. Steel 6
b. Concrete 4
Building Frame System (K=1.00)
1. Steel Eccentric Braced Frames (EBF) 7.0-8.0 10.0
2. Concentric Braced Frames 7.0
3. Shear Walls
a. Concrete 5.5 5.5 8.0
b. Masonry 4.5 4.5 8.0
Dual System (K=O.80)
1. Shear Walls
a. Concrete with Special Moment Resisting Space
Frame (SMRSF) 8.0 8.0 12.0
b. Concrete with Concrete Intermediate Moment
Resisting Space Frame (IMRSF) 6.0 9.0
c. Masonry with Concrete SMRSF 6.5 6.5 8.0
d. Masonry with Concrete IMRSF 5.0 7.0
2. Steel EBF with Steel SMRSF 7.0-8.0 12.0
3. Concentric Braced Frames
a. Steel with SMRSF 6.0 6.0 10.0
b. Concrete with Concrete SMRSF 6.0 6.0 9.0
c. Concrete with Concrete IMRSF 5.0 6.0
Moment Resisting Frame System (K=O.67)
1. Special Moment Resisting Space Frames (SMRSF)
a. Steel 8.0 8.0 12.0
b. Concrete 7.0 8.0 12.0
2. Concrete Intermediate Moment Resisting Space
4.0 8.0
Frames (IMRSF)
3. Ordinary Moment Resisting Space Frames
a. Steel 4.2 4.5 6.0
b. Concrete 2.0 2.0 5.0

10 2: History of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

3. Use of Response Modification Factors

3.1 Introduction reduce substantially elastic force demands in the

short-period range from 0 to Tl , equation 3.1 shows
The use of response modification factors is not how q varies from q = q at T= Tl' to q=1.0 at
restricted to the seismic design of buildings in the T=O.O.
United States. R factors, or their equivalents, are used
for the seismic design of buildings in Europe, Japan, Inelastic displacement values (ds ) are estimated in
Mexico, and other countries, and for the seismic the 1988 Eurocode as the product of the displacement
design of bridges in the United States. This chapter values (de) computed using the reduced (design)
reviews the use of R factors in seismic building codes seismic forces and the behavior factor q. For T less
in Europe, Japan, and Mexico, and seismic bridge than Tl' the ratio q/q exceeds 1.0 and the inelastic
codes in the United States, in order to place seismic displacement values exceed the elastic displacement
design practice for buildings in the United States in values; for T greater than T}, the ratio q/q equals
perspective. 1.0, and the inelastic displacement values equal the
elastic displacement values.
3.2 R Factors in Seismic Building Codes
3.2.2 Japan
3.2.1 Europe The Japanese 1981 Building Standard Law (IAEE,
The seismic design procedure in the 1988 Eurocode 1992) includes a two-phase or two-level procedure
(CEC, 1988) is a single-level design procedure that for the seismic design of buildings. The first phase
reduces elastic spectral demands to the strength (Level I) design follows an approach similar to that
design level through the use of a period-dependent, adopted in the NEHRP Provisions (BSSC, 1991).
response reduction factor (q) as follows: Steel structures are designed at the strength level,
based on allowable stress design procedures with the
for T < T} T steel allowable stress equal to the yield stress.
1 + l1(Tl~O -1) Strength design is used for reinforced concrete struc-
q = (3-1) tures. The second phase (Level II) design is a direct
T and explicit evaluation of strength and ductility, and
1 + Tl (Tl ~O/ q - 1)
may be regarded as a check of whether these are suf-
ficient for severe ground motions. Timber structures
for T> T} and low-rise structures satisfying rigidity, eccentric-
ity, and detailing limitations do not require Level II
(3-2) design. Other structures, including all structures
between 31 and 60 meters high, are subject to both
Level I and Level II design. Normative practice is for
where T is the fundamental period ofthe building; Tl the seismic framing system to be designed using the
is a characteristic period of the design spectrum Level I procedure and for the Level I design to be
(lower-bound period to the constant-acceleration por- checked (and modified as necessary) using the Level
tion of the spectrum); 11 is a factor related to the sys- II procedure. Structures over 60 meters high are sub-
tem equivalent viscous damping ~ and equal to 1.0 ject to special approval by the Ministry of Construc-
for ~ equal to five percent of critical; ~O is a tion.
pseudo-acceleration spectrum amplification factor
(set equal to 2.5); and q is a system behavior factor In the Level I design, the seismic coefficient at each
that varies as a function of material type, building story ( Cj ) is determined as the product of four vari-
strength and stiffness regularity. Values for q range ables:
between one and five for reinforced concrete framing
systems. Recognizing that ductility cannot be used to (3-3)

ATC-19 3: Use of Response Modification Factors 11

._----_._-_._ - .
where Z represents the seismic zone, Rt defmes the Fes is a measure of the regularity of the building.
spectral shape that varies as a function of soil type, There is no displacement check in the Level II
Ai defines the vertical distribution of seismic force design.
in the building, and Co represents the peak ground
acceleration. In regions of high seismicity, Z is equal The regularity factor (Fes ) is calculated as:
to 1.0. Except for wood structures on soft subsoil,
Co is set equal to 0.2. The seismic design shear force (3-6)
in the i-th story (Qi ) is calculated as:
where Fe is a measure of the plan irregularity of the
(3-4) building, and Fs reflects the unifonnity of the distri-
bution of lateral stiffness over the height ofthe build-
where W is the reactive weight above the i-th story. ing. For reference, Fe and Fs range in value between
For Level I design, seismic actions are computed 1.0 (regular) and 1.5 (most irregular). The design
using unreduced seismic forces. Interstory drift is penalties associated with selecting a highly irregular
limited to 0.5 percent of the story height for the pre- seismic framing system are clearly evident.
scribed seismic forces unless it can be demonstrated The ductility factor (Ds ) varies as a function ofstruc-
that greater drift can be tolerated by the nonstructural tural material, type of framing system, and key
components, in which case the drift limit can be response parameters. Materials are identified as
increased to 0.8 percent of the story height. either steel or reinforced concrete; steel-reinforced
In Level II design, the engineer checks plan eccen- concrete is included under the heading of reinforced
tricity, distribution oflateral stiffness, minimum code concrete. Table 3-1 displays values of Ds for steel
requirements (in some cases), and ultimate lateral- seismic framing systems from the 1981 Building
load-carrying capacity of each story. The ultimate Standard Law (BSL). These values range between
lateral load capacity is computed using plastic analy- 0.25 and 0.50. The "behavior of members" rating in
sis and ultimate seismic demands are estimated as: the first column is based on the proportioning of the
structural members. For example, members in ductile
moment frames with excellent ductility have smaller
width-to-thickness (or depth-to-thickness) ratios than
members in ductile moment frames with/air ductility
where Qud is the lateral seismic shear for severe or poor ductility. Stocky bracing members in braced
earthquake motions, calculated according to Equa- frames are associated with excellent ductility and
tion 3-4 using Co equal to 1.0, Ds is a framing sys- slender braces are associated with/air ductility.
tem-dependent ductility factor (less than 1.0), and

Table 3.1 Coefficient Ds for Steel Framed Buildings in Japan's 1981 Building Standard law

Type of Frame

Behavior of Members (1) Ductile moment (2) Concentrically (3) Frames other than
frame braced frame (1) and (2)

A. Members with 0.30

0.25 0.35
excellent ductility
B. Members with 0.40 0.35
good ductility
C. Members with fair 0.35 0.45 0.40
D. Members with 0.40 0.50 0.45
poor ductility

12 3: Use of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

,-----_._-- -
Table 3.2 Coefficient D s for Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings in Japan's 1981 Building Standard Law

Type of Frame

Behavior of Members (1) Ductile moment (3) Frames other than

(2) Shear walls
frame (1) and (2)

A. Members with
0.30 0.40 0.35
excellent ductility
B. Members with
0.35 0.45 0.40
good ductility
C. Members with fair
0.40 0.50 0.45
D. Members with
0.45 0.55 0.50
poor ductility

For reinforced concrete construction, values for Ds for T< TA:

vary between 0.3 and 0.55, as shown below in Table
3.2. For steel-reinforced concrete construction
(termed composite construction in the United States),
values for D s are reduced from those in the table by
0.05. For a reinforced concrete ductile moment frame
to be assigned excellent ductility, columns have to be
designed to be flexure-critical, have a longitudinal Q' = Q (3-8)
reinforcement ratio less than 0.8 percent, and have
low axial 0.35fc) and shear O.lfc') stresses at where T is the fundamental period of the building;
the fonnation of the mechanism. The limiting shear TA is a characteristic period of the design spectrum
stress in beams in an excellent ductility frame is (lower bound period to the constant acceleration por-
0.15fc' . Poor ductility would be assigned to a tion of the spectrum); and Q is a system behavior fac-
moment frame in which the axial and shear stress tor that varies as a function of material type, building
values in the columns are much higher than the limits strength and stiffness regularity (Gomez and Garcia-
noted above, and for frames incorporating shear-crit- Ranz, 1988). Values for Q range between 1.0 and
ical beams or columns. For a shear wall to posses 4.0. The Mexico City Building Code recognizes that
excellent ductility, the wall has to be flexure-critical ductility cannot be used to reduce elastic force
and have a low shear stress O.lfc ) at the formation demands substantially in the short-period range from
of the mechanism. The reader is referred to the oto TA by reducing Q' from Q at period TA , to 1.0
Tables Cl through C4 (reinforced concrete construc- at a period of 0.0 second.
tion), and 01 through 04 (steel construction) in the
Inelastic displacement values are estimated in the
1981 Building Standard Law for more detailed infor-
Mexico City Building Code as the product of the
mation on frame and ductility classifications.
response reduction factor Q and the displacement
3.2.3 Mexico values computed using the reduced seismic forces.
The 1987 Mexico City Building Code uses a reduc- When T is less than TA , the ratio Q/ Q' exceeds 1.0
tion factor to reduce elastic spectral demands to a and the inelastic displacement values exceed the elas-
strength design level. The response reduction factor tic displacement values; when T is greater than TA ,
(Q' ) is period-dependent and is calculated as fol- the ratio Q/Q' equals 1.0, and the inelastic displace-
ment values equal the elastic displacement values.

ATC-19 3: Use of Response Modification Factors 13

Table 3.3 Response Modification Factor Comparison for Rock Sites

Structural System Period Europe a Japan b Mexico c United States

RC Structural Wall T= 0.1 sec. 2.0 2.5 2.5 5.5
T= 1.0 sec. 3.5 2.5 4.0 5.5

RC Moment Frame T = 0.1 sec. 2.3 3.3 2.5 8.0

T = 1.0 sec. 5.0 3.3 4.0 8.0

Steel Moment T = 0.1 sec. 2.5 4.0 2.5 8.0

T = 1.0 sec. 6.0 4.0 4.0 8.0
a. T 1 equal to 0.2 second, TI equal to 1.0, ~o equal to 2.5.
b. Inverse of D s '
c. TA equal to 0.2 second.

3.2.4 Summary differences in the response modification factors sug-

gest that a building designed according to the
The application of response modification factors (or
NEHRP Provisions will likely suffer more damage in
their equivalents) to the seismic design of buildings
the design earthquake than similar buildings
in Europe (1988 Eurocode), Japan (1981 Building
designed for the requirements of either the Eurocode
Standard Law), and Mexico (1987 Mexico City
or the Mexico City Building Code.
Building Code) has been reviewed. In order to draw
broad conclusions about seismic design practice in It is interesting to note that the response modification
the United States from this information, consider factors in the European and the Mexican codes do not
three ductile framing systems of regular configura- account for reserve strength; that is, the factors in
tion, all located on rock sites: (l) a reinforced con- these two codes are intended to be a measure of duc-
crete structural wall, (2) a reinforced concrete tility alone. This is in contrast to the NEHRP Provi-
moment-resisting space frame, and (3) a steel sions wherein the values assigned to R are intended
moment-resisting space frame. Assume that analysis to account for reserve strength and ductility.
at fundamental periods of 0.1 second and 1.0 second
is sufficient for the purpose of comparison. The A direct comparison of the values assigned to
response modification factors determined from each response modification factors in the NEHRP Provi-
code are presented in Table 3.3 together with values sions (R) and the Japanese BSL (1/ Ds) is difficult
of R from the 1991 NEHRP Provisions. Of the seis- because the factors are used differently. In the
mic codes being compared, only the 1981 BSL does NEHRP Provisions, R is used to reduce elastic forces
not use a response modification factor to reduce elas- to the strength (first significant yielding) level for
tic spectral demands to a strength (first significant design. In the BSL, the factor is used in the Level II
yield) design level. Therefore, Table 3-3 lists values procedure to reduce elastic forces for comparison
with the maximum strength of a framing system
for the inverse of Ds .
(often designed using the Level I procedure). This
Table 3-3 shows that the response modification fac- maximum strength, computed using either nonlinear
tors used in the NEHRP Provisions are substantially static analysis or plastic analysis, may exceed the
greater than the corresponding values in the Eur<r design strength at first significant yielding by
pean and Mexican codes. Given that construction upwards of 100 percent (see Chapter 4 for additional
standards in Europe and Mexico are likely compara- information). Assuming that the maximum strength
ble with those in the United States, substantial of most framing systems in the U.S. is two to three
numerical differences between the response modifi- times the design strength, and similar elastic spectral
cation factors, and assuming similar standards of demands, and recognizing that values of R exceed
quality control and structural details, the substantial those of 1/Ds by a factor of between two and three,

14 3: Use of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

---------------------_ __ .
the framing systems resulting from U.S. and Japa- report entitled Seismic Design Guidelines for High-
nese practice will likely be similar. way Bridges. These guidelines were developed by a
team of nationally recognized bridge engineering
Inelastic displacement values are calculated in the
experts. The format of ATC-6 paralleled that of
NEHRP Provisions as the product of the elastic dis-
ATC-3. In particular, it introduced R factors to
placement values computed using the reduced seis-
reduce elastic spectral demands to a strength design
mic forces and a displacement amplification factor
level. The ATC-6 report recommended different val-
that is numerically smaller than the response modifi-
ues of R for framing elements and connections; the
cation factor. The calculated inelastic displacement
values for R being smaller for connections to pro-
values are thus smaller than the elastic displacement
mote plastic hinging in the framing elements and to
values computed using the unreduced seismic forces.
preclude inelastic behavior in the connections. As
A different procedure is used by the European and
such, the ATC-6 design methodology for bridges dif-
Mexican codes wherein inelastic displacement values
fered from the ATC-3 design methodology for build-
are calculated as the product of the displacement val- ings in which one value for R was used for the entire
ues computed using the reduced seismic forces and a building.
displacement amplification factor equal to or larger
than the response reduction factor. The resulting The Caltrans Bridge Design Specification (Caltrans,
inelastic displacement values are equal to or greater 1990) makes use of a period-dependent response
than the elastic displacement values computed using reduction factor, which is termed an adjustment fac-
the unreduced seismic forces. The European and tor for ductility and risk assessment and denoted as Z.
Mexican procedures for computing inelastic dis- The Z factors are used to reduce elastic spectral
placements are more consistent with the results of demands to strength-design actions, so Z performs a
recent research (Miranda and Bertero, 1994) than the similar role to R. Figure 3.1 presents Caltrans Z fac-
procedure adopted in the NEHRP Provisions. The tors as a function of period and structure/component
reader is referred to Report ATC-34 (ATC, 1995) for type. The reduction in values of Z with increasing
additional information on the calculation of inelastic period is based in part on the increase in spectral dis-
displacements. placements with increasing period. For slender col-
umns, large displacements may result in significant
3.3 Use 01 R Factor Equivalents for second-order (or P-b.) effects.
Bridge Design
In 1982, ATC published the ATC-6 (ATC, 1982a)

..... ~
N 6 ......
r... I - Well-confined ductile multi-column bents


c 4
............... Well-confined ductile single column bents
III "'r -
:::l Piers, abutment walls, and wingwalls
I - Hinge restrainer cables (Z=1.0)
\ Well-reinforced concrete shear keys (Z=O.8)
o 1.0 2.0 3.0
Period (seconds)

Figure 3.1: Caltrans Z factors.

ATC-19 3: Use of Response Modification Factors 15

,-----_.-_..-_ .
The Z factors for single- and multi-column bents are either the Caltrans or the AASHTO procedure is
constant for periods less than 0.6 second, and intended to produce columns ofa similar size (Ian
decrease linearly between periods of 0.6 and 3.0 sec- Buckle, personal communication).
onds. The period-dependent trends for Z in the short-
period range are not supported by analytical studies Project ATC-32 is currently reviewing Caltrans' seis-
(Miranda and Bertero, 1994). In particular, although mic design procedures for bridges. Improved Z fac-
Z tends to decrease with increasing period, strength tors are being developed that depend on (a) bridge
reduction due to inelastic behavior is minimal for importance, (b) structure-to-site period ratio, and (c)
very stiff structures, and tends to increase with element type (column, pier, or connection). Values
increasing period. for Z factors for ordinary and important bridge struc-
tures are reported in Table 3.4. These improved Z
Table 3.4 shows the values of Caltrans Z factors and factors are intended to be used with elastic analysis
ATC-6 R factors (for a period of 0.3 second) for results that consider the stiffness degradation that
bridges founded on rock. Caltrans defines the seismic will occur during a major seismic event and flexural
hazard at a bridge site in terms of the maximum cred- capacities that consider probable rather than nominal
ible earthquake whereas AASHTO defines the seis- material strengths. The net result of the proposed
mic hazard using probabilistic techniques based on a ATC-32 design procedures for ductile components is
1O-percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. that most design quantities will often be only nomi-
This difference in the definition of the design earth- nally different than those for current Caltrans
quake is responsible for the larger response reduction designs. The ATC-32 recommendations have not
factors used in the Caltrans procedure, because use of been formally adopted to date by Caltrans.

Table 3.4 Bridge Response Modification Factors

Ordinary Important
Frame type Caltrans Z ATC-6 R Bridges Bridges
Single-column bent 6 3 :5>3
Multiple-column bent ::;3

a. Proposed, not yet adopted

16 3: Use of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

------,--------- ------_._.---_ .
4. Components of Response Modification Factors

4.1 Introduction 4.2 Impact of the R Factor on Design

The commentary to the 1988 NEHRP Provisions The key parameters influencing the response of an
(BSSC, 1988) defines the R factor as " ... an empiri- elastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system are
cal response modification (reduction) factor intended indicated in Figure 4.1, which illustrates a single-
to account for both damping and ductility inherent in story moment frame with massless columns. The
a structural system at displacements great enough to floor mass m is attached to the ground by two elastic
approach the maxim um displacement ofthe system." columns (springs) of combined lateral stiffness k.
This definition provides some insight into the devel- Damping c is introduced by a dashpot linking the
opers' qualitative understanding of the seismic floor and the ground. The SDOF in this model is the
response of buildings and the expected behavior of a horizontal translation of the floor with respect to the
code-compliant building in the design earthquake. ground. The inertial force developed by the floor
mass during earthquake shaking is a function of the
The components of R can be dermed in several ways, properties of the SDOF system (m, k, and c) and the
each dependent on the performance level under con- characteristics of the earthquake ground motion. For
sideration. In this report, only the life-safety perfor- an elastic SDOF system, seismic actions and dis-
mance level is considered explicitly. Section 4.2 placements can be determined using an earthquake
provides a framework for a discussion on the disag- response spectrum - the envelope of the maximum
gregation of R into its primary components by dis- responses of SDOF oscillators to one earthquake
cussing how R is used to link elastic and inelastic ground motion. Response spectra vary widely in fre-
response. Section 4.3 introduces some key issues quency content and amplitude. For reference, the
associated with describing the force-displacement pseudo-acceleration spectra (Clough and Penzien,
response of a building (expanded on by example in 1993) corresponding to the 1 Centro, SCT, Sylmar,
Appendix A). Finally, sections 4.4 and 4.5 address and JMA earthquake ground motions are presented in
the disaggregation of R into its key components. Figure 4.2. These earthquake histories were recorded
during the 1940 Imperial Valley, 1985 Mexico City,
1994 Northridge, and 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earth-
quakes, respectively.

Floor mass, m

Column stiffness, Dashpot. c Column stiffness,

kJ2 k/2

Figure 4.1: Single degree of freedom system.

ATC-19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 17

EI Centro 1940
't \
,.\\ Sylmar 1994
, \'J\' . ------ \orMA 1995
: '
. \:
' .: SCT 1985
c 2 ... i}' t ~:~;.:. ~ ~"""""""':"""""""

~ f f" \: : :
".~ : :
8 1.5 I \ \
co J \:
o I . \: \ .
~ 1 I ,J \.. ., ..\ :
: .
I ....: ..... :;.~._ :: :
, ,.
a.. . '~: ..... :
..... .', ~........ -.......... ..
.... .. - : '0_;-. ~ ...... _
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
. -.
Period (seconds)

Figure 4.2: Sample elastic pseudo-acceleration spectra for 5% damping.

The impact of R on the seismic design of buildings is 4 and 4-1 are thus identical if the response modifica-
clearly seen by comparing the equations for the tion factor R in Equation 2-4 is equal to 1.0. In prac-
design base shear for inelastic response (Equation 2- tice, the design base shear (for inelastic response) is
4) and the base shear for elastic response (Ve): calculated by dividing the base shear for elastic
response by the response modification factor R, a
(4-1) value that generally varies between 4.0 and 8.0. The
substantial difference between the ordinates of elastic
and design base shear spectra is clearly seen in Fig-
where Se,5 is the elastic 5-percent damped pseudo-
ure 2-1.
acceleration response spectral ordinate calculated at
the fundamental period of the building; and W is the 4.3 Force-Displacement Response of
reactive weight, equal to Mg for the simple structure Buildings
depicted in Figure 4.1. Note that W in Equation 4-1 is
the total reactive weight and not the reactive weight A typical force-displacement relationship for a build-
in the fundamental mode. For seismic design in the ing frame is shown in Figure 4.3. This relationship
United States, the spectrum has in the past generally describes the response of the building frame sub-
corresponded to an earthquake ground motion with a jected to monotonically increasing displacements.
10-percent probability of being exceeded in 50 For the purposes of design, this nonlinear relation-
years 1, which is often tenned the design earthquake. ship is often approximated by an idealized bilinear
The elastic spectral ordinate in Equation 4-1 is equiv- relationship. Two bilinear approximations are widely
alent to the term 2.5A a in Equation 2-4. Equations 2- used and these methods are described below. Either
of these methods can be used to estimate yield forces
1. It is anticipated that the 1997 NEHRP Recommended Provi- and yield displacements; the two methods will gener-
sions for the Seismic Regulation ofNew Buildings, under ally produce similar results for most ductile framing
development by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC),
and the NEHRP Guidelinesfor Seismic Rehabilitation of systems.
Buildings, under development by ATC (ATC-33 project) for
BSSC, will incorporate seismic hazard maps that reflect longer The first approximation, developed for characteriz-
recurrence intervals (i.e., ground motions have a 2% probabil- ing the load-displacement relation for reinforced con-
ity of being exceeded in 50 years). crete elements (pauley and Priestley, 1992), assumes

18 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

._---_.----------------.---_._.- - _ .
Ductile response
' y - Brittle response

, ,

Roof displacement (d)

Figure 4.3: Sample base shear force versus roof displacement relationship.

Base shear force (V) Base shear force (V)

Actual response

Vy Vy


ti.y 6m , 6m
Displacement (~) 0 Isplacement (d)
(a) Paulay & Priestley (b) Equal Energy

Figure 4.4: Bilinear approximations to a force-displacement relationship.

a priori knowledge of the yield strength (Vy) of the approximation is illustrated in Figure 4.4b.
frame. The elastic stiffness is based on the secant
stiffness of the frame calculated from the force-dis- The nonlinear relationships presented in Figure 4.4
placement curve at the force corresponding to are described by the yield force (Vy ), yield displace-
O.75Vy The determination of the elastic stiffness (K) ment (~y), maximum force (Va), displacement corre-
is shown in Figure 4.4a. sponding to a limit state (~m)' and the displacement
immediately prior to failure (~u), Displacements ~m
The second method used to approximate the force- and d u are well beyond the yield displacement for
displacement relation of a frame is commonly termed ductile framing systems. The elastic stiffness (Ko) is
the equal-energy method. This method assumes that calculated by dividing the yield force by the yield
the area enclosed by the curve above the bilinear displacement. The post-yield stiffness (K 1) is com-
approximation is equal to the area enclosed by the monly defmed as a fraction (a) ofthe elastic stiffness
curve below the bilinear approximation. This bilinear as follows:

ATC.19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 19

,--------.,-----------'-_ _.- .. ...., ..... .,._ ..

4.4 Experimental EValuation of Force-
(4-2) Displacement Relationships

In the mid-1980s, data from experimental research at

where all tenns in this equation are defined above. the University of California at Berkeley were used to
develop base shear-roof displacement relationships
The ability of a building frame to be displaced for steel braced frames and a draft fonnulation for the
beyond the elastic limit, while resisting significant response modification factor.
. force and absorbing energy by inelastic behavior, is
tenned ductility. Displacement ductility is defmed as The base shear-roof displacement relationships were
the difference between t:.m and t:.y- The maximum established using data acquired from the testing of
displacement ductility is the difference between t:. u two code-compliant braced steel frames; one concen-
and t:.y . The displacement ductility ratio is generally trically braced (Uang and Bertero, 1986) and one
defined as the ratio of t:.m to t:.Y' namely: eccentrically braced (Whittaker et aI., 1987). The
force-displacement curves were developed by plot-
t:. m ting the roof displacement at the time corresponding
~~ = (4-3)
t:. y to the maximum base shear force for each earthquake
simulation and each model.

Using these data, the Berkeley researchers proposed

where t:.m is always greater than t:.y- Brittle failures splitting R into three factors that account for contri-
are characterized by negligible ductility. Brittle fail- butions from reserve strength, ductility, and viscous
ures of this type are common in older construction damping, as follows:
built before the advent of ductile detailing in the mid-
The force-displacement relationship for a building
can be determined either experimentally or analyti- In this expression Rs is the strength factor, RIJ. is the
cally. Experimental evaluation is difficult, extremely ductility factor, and l?f. is the damping factor. Using
costly, and therefore rare. Pseudo-dynamic testing of data from the most severe earthquake simulation test,
full-scale buildings, and earthquake simulator testing the strength factor was calculated as the maximum
of small- to moderate-scale models of buildings, base shear force divided by the design base shear
have provided force-displacement relations for build- force at the strength level. The ductility factor was
ings of different scales. The use of earthquake simu- calculated as the base shear for elastic response
lator test data to evaluate the force-displacement divided by the maximum base shear force and the
response of a building is described in Section 4.4 damping factor was set equal to 1.0.
The experimentally determined values of R for the
Nonlinear finite element analysis software is a cost- concentrically braced frame was 4.5 and that for the
effective analytical tool used by academicians and eccentrically braced frame was 6.0. These values
design professionals to estimate force-displacement were significantly less than the values of 6.0 and 8.0
relationships for buildings. Nonlinear static (or adopted in the 1991 NEHRP Provisions. The experi-
pushover) analysis, somewhat routine in the larger mentally determined values for the strength, ductil-
architectural/engineering firms in Japan since the ity, and response modification factors are listed in
early 1980s, is now being promoted in the ATC-33 Table 4.1. The method used to calculate values for
project as the preferred analysis method for seismic
rehabilitation projects. For reference, a description of
nonlinear static analysis, together with a sample anal- Table 4.1 Experimental Reduction Factors for Steel
ysis of a seven-story reinforced concrete building, is
presented in Appendix A. System R
Concentricallybraced 2.43 1.85 4.5
Eccentrically-braced 2.85 2.12 6.0

20 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

Elastic Spectrum (; =5%)
--tt-------- Required elastic
strength = R\!Rs V d

1---7'--,.'+ ----Lj--fl---- Maximum strength

Design strength( V d )

~-- Period range of


Period (seconds)

Figure 4.5: Experimental evaluation of strength and ductility factors.

the strength and ductility factors is depicted in Figure in the literature. The function ofthis factor is to
4.5. The reader is referred to Uang and Bertero quantify the improved reliability of seismic framing
(1986) and Whittaker et al. (1987) for additional systems that use multiple lines of vertical seismic
infonnation. framing in each principal direction of a building.

4.5 Key Components of R A fourth factor, the viscous damping factor (R~), was
considered for inclusion in the new fonnulation -
Much research (ATC, 1982b; Freeman, 1990; ATC, primarily to account for response reduction provided
1995) has been completed since the first fonnulation by supplemental viscous damping devices. Such a
for R (Equation 4-4) was proposed. Recent studies, viscous damping factor could be used to reduce dis-
including those in the companion Project ATC-34, placements in a nonlinear framing system, but cannot
support a new fonnulation for R; that is, a fonnula- be used to proportionally reduce force demands,
tion in which R is expressed as the product of three especially for highly-damped frames. Recognizing
factors: that seismic design using response modification fac-
tors will remain force-based in the near tenn, the
(4-5) damping factor was excluded from the new formula-
where Rs is the period-dependent strength factor, Ril One objective of this report is to provide the reader
is the period-dependent ductility factor, and RR is the with information regarding the key components (or
redundancy factor. This formulation, with the excep- factors) that influence the numerical values assigned
tion of the redundancy factor, is similar to those pro- to R in the United States. The fonnulation of R in
posed by the Berkeley researchers (see Section 4.4) Equation 4-5 was put forth to provide a framework
and Freeman (1990). The Freeman formulation, for the rational evaluation of these parameters. Any
which was developed independently of the Berkeley evaluation of the key components of R must address
fonnulation, described the response reduction factor the fact that the components are not independent of
as the product of a strength-type factor and a ductil- one another. The background infonnation and
ity-type factor. research data presented in the following subsections
are intended to provide the reader with insight into
The redundancy factor, developed as part of Project
the four key components (i.e., reserve strength, duc-
ATC-34, is proposed in this report for the flTSt time

ATC-19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 21

tHity, damping, and redundancy) as well as the rela- professionals. For example, code-mandated limits on
tionships between these four components. No interstory drift may require the use of member sizes
relative importance should be inferred from the order in flexible (long-period) framing systems that are
in which the material is presented. greater than those required for strength alone - giv-
ing rise to period-dependent strength factors for drift-
The proposed formulation does not specifically
limited framing systems. Also, buildings located in
address the effects of plan and vertical irregularity in
lower seismic zones will likely have different reserve
framing systems. Irregularity could be addressed by strength values than those in higher seismic zones
reducing the response modification factor by a regu-
because the ratio of gravity loads to seismic loads
larity factor similar to that prescribed for the Level II will differ - resulting in zone-dependent values for
seismic design procedure in the Japanese 1981 Build-
the strength factor. Differences in regional construc-
ing Standard Law (see Section 3.2.2 for details). Sig-
tion practices and differences between actual and
nificant force-based penalties (higher design base nominal material strength will also affect the value of
shears) for the design of irregular framing systems the strength factor, but in less predictable ways.
would both discourage the use of irregular framing
and reduce the uncertainties associated with the non- Osteraas and Krawinkler (1990) made some qualita-
linear response of irregularly framed buildings. For tive observations regarding the likely reserve
additional information, the reader is referred to the strength of buildings as follows.
ATC-34 document. "... Small, low-rise (buildings) with non-
4.5.1 Strength Factor structural partitions and architectural
elements whose design is controlled by
The maximum lateral strength of a building will gen-
loading conditions other than seismic
erally exceed its design strength. Merovich (unpub-
will have high (reserve strength) '" The
lished) notes that:
effect of nonstructural partitions ... will
..... In general, members are designed decrease with increasing height, as the
with capacities equal to, or in excess of 'scale' of the nonstructural elements
their design loads. While the degree to becomes small compared to that of the
which their capacities exceed the design structural elements and as the seismic
requirements is a measure of the design loading condition (controls the member
efficiency, all properly executed designs proportions)..."
contain some degree of overstrength or
excess capacity as a consequence of the A method for evaluating the reserve strength of a
design procedure. In some instances, . building follows. Sample values of Rs calculated by
geometry or other detail code provisions different researchers are also included.
will dictate larger member sizes and
Evaluation of Strength Factors
hence greater capacities than those
solely based upon conformity to stress/ Nonlinear static analysis (also termed pushover anal-
strength provisions. In other instances, ysis) can be used to estimate the strength of a build-
design provisions related to displace- ing or framing system (ATC, 1982b; Bertero, 1986;
ment parameters will produce larger Freeman, 1990; Hwang and Shinozuka, 1994; Uang
member sizes than those dictated by and Bertero, 1986; Whittaker et aI., 1990). The pro-
stress/strength provisions. For members cedure used to estimate the strength of a building is
that are sized to resist significant gravity straightforward, but requires the analyst to select a
loads, a substantial percentage of the limiting state of response. Typical limiting responses
overall capacity may be available since include maximum interstory drift and maximum
actual loads are probably at levels far plastic hinge rotation. The steps in the procedure are
below the design value at the time of the as follows:
1. Using nonlinear static analysis, construct the
The strength factor will likely depend on many base shear-roof displacement relationship for the
parameters not immediately obvious to many design building.

22 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

2. At the roof displacement corresponding to the period range to 1.8 at a period of 4.0 seconds, and for
limiting state of response, calculate the base concentric braced frames, the strength factor ranged
shear force Vo in the building. The reserve between 2.8 at 0.1 second to 2.2 at 0.9 second.
strength of the building is equal to the difference
between the design base shear (Vd ) and Vo' Uang and Maarouf(l993) analyzed two buildings
shaken by the 1989 Lorna Prieta earthquake: a 13-
3. Calculate the strength factor using the foHowing story steel frame building and a six-story reinforced
expression: concrete perimeter moment frame building. The
strength factors reported for these two buildings,
R = VVdo after modification to reflect strength design, were 4.0
S and 1.9, respectively.

This method of evaluating the strength factor was Hwang and Shinozuka (1994) studied a four-story,
used to create the estimates of strength factors given reinforced concrete, intennediate moment frame
below. Appendix A demonstrates the use of non lin- building located in UBC seismic zone 2. The design
ear static analysis to construct the base shear-roof base shear for this building was 0.09W. The maxi-
displacement relation for a building and evaluate the mum lateral resistance of the building was calculated
strength factor for that building. to be 0.26W, resulting in a strength factor of2.2 ifno
limits are placed on the damage to the framing sys-
Estimates of Strength Factors tem. (lfthe perfonnance level selected for the design
earthquake were no damage to the structural frame,
The reserve strength in common seismic framing sys-
the strength factor would have been approximately
tems has been studied by a number of researchers
using nonlinear static analysis. The results of some of
these studies are summarized below. The scatter in the reported values for the strength fac-
tor is significant - and too large to be of much use
Freeman (1990) reported strength factors for three
to the design professional community. It is clear that
three-story steel moment frames, two constructed in
coordinated and systematic studies are needed to
seismic zone 4 and one in seismic zone 3. The
develop strength factors of sufficient reliability to be
strength factors, after modification to reflect strength
included in seismic design codes. These studies
design, were reported as 1.9,3.6, and 3.3, respec-
ought be conducted at the national level to effectively
tively. Earlier studies by Freeman (ATC, 1982b) esti-
address the issues identified earlier in this section.
mated strength factors, after modification to reflect
strength design, of approximately 2.8 and 4.8, for 4.5.2 Ductility Factor
four-story and seven-story reinforced concrete
The seismic response parameters of displacement
moment frames, respectively.
capacity, ductility, and ductility ratio are closely
Osteraas and Krawinkler (1990) conducted a detailed inter-related, but often confused. For example, a
study of reserve strength and ductility in three struc- frame with a large displacement capacity might have
tural systems: distributed moment frames, perimeter smaH ductility and a small ductility ratio, and a frame
moment frames, and concentric braced frames. The with a small displacement capacity might have small
framing systems were designed assuming (a) seismic ductility but a large ductility ratio.
loads per UBC seismic zone 4 and soil type $2, (b) Consider the force-displacement relationships for
dead loads of 70 psf, (c) Jive loads of30 psf, (d) a 3- two one-story building frames shown in Figure 4.6.
bay by 5-bay building plan using 24 square foot bays, The nonnalized force-displacement relationships are
and (e) an elastic period computed using a simplified idealized as elastic-plastic, the yield drift ratios are
relation related to building height. Osteraas and assumed to be 0.2 percent (Frame A) and 1.0 percent
Krawinkler reported strength factors ranging from (Frame B), and the maximum interstory drift ratios
1.8 to 6.5 for the three framing systems. For distrib- are assumed to be 1.2 percent (Frame A) and 3.0 per-
uted moment frames, the strength factor ranged cent (Frame B). The key seismic response parameters
between 6.5 in the short-period range to 2.1 at a are listed in Table 4.2 below. The values of the
period of 4.0 seconds. For perimeter moment frames, response parameters are constrained by the interstory
the strength factor ranged between 3.5 in the short- drift limit of 1.5 percent, which is consistent with the

ATC-19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 23

Ductility of A
r - Code maximum drift
,. of 1.5%

capacity of A
Ductili of B

---- -------------~--- ...\

\.8 +

1.0% 2.0% 3.0%

Drift (% of story height)

Figure 4.6: Definition of terms for two example one-story frames.

ratio, and rotation ductility ratio. For the purposes of

Table 4.2 Seismic Response Parameters for Two this discussion, displacement ductility ratio at the
Example One-Story Frames
system level is used to determine the ductility factor.
Response Parameter Frame A Frame B The calculation of displacement ductility ratio for a
building is demonstrated by example in Appendix A.
Yield drift 0.2% 1.0%
It must be recognized that the ductility factor is a
Drift Capacity 1.2% 1.5% measure of the nonlinear response of the complete
Displacement Ductility 1.0% 0.5% framing system and not components of the framing
system, regardless of which ductility parameter is
Displacement Ductility 6 1.5 used.
Assuming that reliable estimates ofdisplacement
ductility are available, the next step in estimating the
drift limits set forth in the UBC. The drift values in
ductility factor is to derive a relationship between
Table 4.2 are expressed as a percentage of the story
displacement ductility and the ductility factor. This
height. These data illustrate the importance of defin-
step has been the subject of much research in recent
ing response parameters with respect to specific limit
years. The relationships developed by Newmark and
states. By limiting drifts to 1.5 percent, the stiffer
Hall (1982), Krawinkler and Nassar (1992), and
frame (Frame A) is more ductile and has a higher
Miranda and Bertero (1994) are paraphrased below
ductility ratio than the more flexible frame (Frame
as background information for the reader. Although
B). However, if the drift limit state is removed, the broad consensus has not yet been reached on the use
more flexible frame has substantially more ductility of one of the suites of relationships outlined below,
(equal to 2 percent) than the stiffer frame. the latter two sets of relationships best fit the avail-
The ductility ratios (J.1.) can be computed at the sys- able data.
tem, story, and element levels. At the system and
Newmark and Hall Research
story levels, the ductility ratio is normally expressed
in terms of the displacement ductility ratio. At the Newmark and Hall (1982) provided relationships that
element level, ductility ratio can be expressed in can be used to estimate the ductility factor (R~ for
terms of strain ductility ratio, curvature ductility elasto-plastic SDOF systems as follows:

24 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

._-------------_._ - .. ..

... 6 ;. . . _ _;_._.:
;:-._.-: . :J.1=6.
_._:_._ :. _._
o ..
U /.
~ : /: . . : J.1=4 : .
~4 j ' ';";< - ' - ' ; -'-': - ' - ' ; -'_'; _'_'; _._._
13 i-'-:' ""
:J .-_/ :J.1=2
a 2 1...... :..
OL..--.....L-.--"""----L-_--J...._ _~_ _.l..--_--..I._ _--'
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Period (seconds)

Figure 4.7: Newmark and Hall R!J. - Jl - T relationship.

for frequencies above 33 Hz (periods below 0.03 sec- R~ = [c(Jl- 1) + 1] lie (4-10)
RlJ. = 1.0 (4-7)
Ta b
c(T, a) = - - + - . (4-11)
for frequencies between 2 Hz and 8 Hz (periods 1+T a T
between 0.12 second and 0.5 second):
The regression parameters a and b were obtained for
different strain-hardening ratios (tenned a in Figure
4.9) as follows:

for frequencies less than 1 Hz (periods exceeding 1.0

a =0%: a = 1.00 b = 0.42
second): a =2%: a = 1.00 b = 0.37
a =10%: a =1.00 b = 0.29
Note that a equal to 0% corresponds to an elastic
plastic system. The relationships between R!J. and T
Figure 4.7 illustrates the Newmark and Hall relation-
for displacement ductility ratios of 2, 4, and 6 are
ships for displacement ductility ratios of2, 4 and 6.
presented in Figure 4.8 for a strain-hardening ratio of
Estimates for R between 0.03 second and 0.12 sec- 10 percent.
ond, and 0.5 se60nd and 1.0 second can be interpo-
lated between the limiting values given by Equations Krawinkler and Nassar also studied the implications
4-7,4-8, and 4-9. of extending their R!J. - J.1- T relationships to multi-
ple-degree-of freedom (MDOF) systems. Three
Krawinkler and Nassar Research model types were analyzed for target ductility ratios
between 2 and 8: strong column-weak beam, weak
Krawinkler and Nassar (1992) developed a
column-strong beam, and weak first story. Given that
RI1 - J.1- T relationship for SDOF systems on ~o~k
the latter two failure modes are discouraged by the
or stiff soil sites. They used the results of a statistical
model building codes and the NEHRP Provisions.
study based on 15 western United States ground
only the strong column-weak beam results are
motion records from earthquakes ranging in magni-
reported here. The objective of this study was to
tude from 5.7 to 7.7. Developed assuming damping
develop a procedure whereby the maximum story
equal to 5 percent of critical, the Krawinkler and
displacement ductility ratio in a MDOF system could
Nassar equation is:
be limited to the corresponding ductility ratio in the

ATC-19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 25

8 .--------r---,-.-----.---.- - T .- - - - r - - - r - - - , . . - - - - - - ,
.( / -':-'-' ~._.- .:-. _.~ '~-:'6'[-' -. ~. -.-
... 6 /.: : : : : : : .
,g ': .
u. I: -:
_' '_ _- ';-
: -
: ~ =4- :.:-
- :- - - - : _
~ 4 ../"; "": ": : , : : :" , ': .

g II
., :~=2
O ' - - - - " - -..........- -.......- -.........--L.-----'----I..---..I
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Period (seconds)

Figure 4.8: Krawinkler and Nassar R~ - ~ - T relationship.

m 2 r-----..,....------.------r----~--------,
1.5 ............ : : ~ . ."" +---: . .. . .
-- .
_' 0

fg 1
lIE lIE ~=4;a= 0%
ct- - -0 ~=4; a= 10%
0.5 ..........................
~ . .- +- - + ~ = 8; a = 0%
..0 CJ 0 ~ = 8; a = 10%
oo 0 '-- ---' ........ ......... ..I-. ----l

::E 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Period (seconds)

Figure 4.9: MDOF modification factors.

SDOF system. Krawinkler and Nassar concluded that system is approximately equal to the corresponding
the strength demands for SDOF systems must gener- SDOF system strength demand, suggesting that
ally be increased to be applicable for MDOF frame higher-mode effects need not be considered in this
structures. The modification factor, defined as the period range. For buildings with fundamental periods
required base shear strength of the MDOF system exceeding 0.75 second, higher-mode effects will
divided by the inelastic strength demand of the corre- necessitate an increase in the design lateral strength if
sponding first-mode SDOF system, limits the story target ductility ratios are to be satisfied. In general,
ductility ratio in the MDOF system to the target duc- the modification factor increases with increasing tar-
tility ratio. Modification factors for target ductility get ductility ratio and decreases with increasing
ratios of four and eight, and strain hardening ratios of strain hardening. MDOF systems without strain hard-
o percent and 10 percent are presented in Figure 4.9. ening drift more than the corresponding SDOF sys-
The reader is referred to Nassar and Krawinkler tem, and increased lateral strength is required to limit
(1991) for additional information. the story ductility ratio to the target value.

For buildings with fundamental periods less than

0.75 second, the base shear demand on the MDOF

26 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19


::s . : Il = 2 :
o ..- . - .:---- .::-. - - '- -
Nassar & Krawinkler
- - - - Miranda - Rock
.- .- .- Miranda - Alluvium
oL-_---1..._ _"""--_--J._ _.....L..-_----''--_--'-_ _''---_---'
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Period (seconds)

Figure 4.10: Ductility factor comparison.

Miranda and Bertero Research the differences between these relationships are rela-
tively small, they can be ignored for engineering pur-
Miranda and Bertero (1994) summarized and
reworked the RI,J. - Jl. - T relationships developed by a
number of researchers including Newmark and Hall 4.5.3 Redundancy Factor
(1982), Riddell and Newmark (1979), and Krawin-
A redundant seismic framing system should be com-
kler and Nassar (1992), in addition to developing posed of multiple vertical lines of framing, each
general RI,J. - Jl. - T equations for rock, alluviu~, and designed and detailed to transfer seismic-induced
soft soil sites. The Miranda and Bertero equatIons inertial forces to the foundation. Although redun-
presented below were developed using 124 ground dancy is encouraged for lateral force-resisting sys-
motions recorded on a wide range of soil conditions, tems designed in the United States, the trend in
and assumed five percent of critical damping. Their California in recent years has been to construct seis-
equation for the ductility factor is mic framing systems composed of only a small num-
Jl. - 1 ber of vertical lines of seismic framing; that is,
RIl =--+1 (4-12) framing systems with minimal redundancy. This
trend in California is likely a result of poor under-
where: standing by earthquake engineers of the important
role played by redundancy in the response ofseismic
for rock sites: framing systems to severe earthquake shaking.

<I> = 1+ 1 _ ~e-1.5(1n(n-o.6f Few studies have examined the effect of redundant

lOT - Jl.T 2T seismic framing in a quantitative way. However such
studies have been carried out for wind framing sys-
for alluvium sites: 2 tems by Moses (1974). In this study, it was noted that
<I> = 1 + 1 _ 2:.. e -2(ln(n- o.2 ) safety margins for wind framing system collapse
12T - Jl.T 5T modes depend on the sum of several strength and
load variables. Therefore, the reliability of the fram-
.for soft soil sites: ing system will be higher than the reliability of indi-
Tg 3Tg -3(1n(TIT,)-O.25)2 vidual members of the framing system. Moses
<1>= 1 +3T-4Te
concluded that a partial safety factor less than or
and T is the predominant period of the ground equal to one was appropriate for a redundant system,
motio~ (see Miranda and Bertero (1994) for details). and that the required mean member strength could be
reduced in such a system below that necessary for
A comparison of the Nassar and Krawinkler and nonredundant or determinant systems. A mean
Miranda and Bertero R Il - Jl. - T relationships for rock strength reduction factor inversely proportional to the
and alluvium sites is presented in Figure 4.10. Since

ATC-19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 27

denotes a moment
(and plastic ~J
- ,__
denotes an
idealized pin

Mp = 100 k'

Seismic Seismic
framing framing

Frame A Frame B

Figure 4.11: Redundancy in moment frame systems.

square root of the number of independent strength similar to that proposed by Moses (1974) for wind
terms (plastic hinges in the sway mechanism) in the framing systems, the ratio of the nominal moment
redundant wind framing system was proposed. As strength (Mp ) of the beams in Frame A (eight total
illustrated below, similar logic can likely be applied plastic hinges) and Frame B (sixteen total plastic
to seismic framing systems. hinges) should be:
Consider the two framing systems with identical MA In
geometry depicted in Figure 4.11.Frame A is com- -!...B = ~=1.4 (4-13)
Mp 11./16
posed of one bay of seismic framing with each beam
member capable of developing a nominal plastic To achieve a similar level of reliability, the design
moment of 200 units. Frame B is composed of two lateral strength of Frame A should be 40 percent
bays of seismic framing with each beam member higher than that of Frame B.
capable of developing a nominal plastic moment of
As another example, consider the two framing sys-
100 units. Both limit analysis and nonlinear static
tems depicted in Figure 4.12. Frame C is composed
analysis would assign both frames the same maxi-.
mum lateral strength. However, using a methodology

denotes an
I~ Id.a1~"" plo

Frame C Frame D

Figure 4.12: Redundancy in shear wall systems.

28 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

of three bays of fram ing including one flexural wall relative strength and stiffness of the lines of vertical
capable of developing a nominal plastic moment of seismic framing in a redundant framing system, con-
1000 units. Frame D is composed of three bays of sider the base shear force-roof displacement response
framing including two flexural walls, each capable of of the reinforced concrete shear wall-steel moment
developing a nominal plastic moment of 500 units. frame dual system shown in Figure 4.13. This dual
Limit analysis would assign both framing systems system was chosen because many design profession-
the same lateral strength. Using the methodology of als consider the dual system to be a redundant seis-
Moses (1974), the ratio of the design lateral strength mic framing system.
of the shear walls in Frame C(one plastic hinge - at
the base of the wall) and Frame D (two plastic hinges The 1991 NEHRP Provisions state that ..... the
- one hinge at the base of each wall) should be 1.4 moment frame (in the dual system) shall be capable
to achieve a similar level of reliability. of resisting at least 25 percent of the design forces.
The total shear force resistance is to be provided by
Four lines of strength- and defonnation-compatible the combination of the moment frame and the shear
vertical seismic framing in each principal direction of walls or braced frames in proportion to their rigidi-
a building have been recommended as the minimum ties." For the purpose of this discussion, the shear
necessary for adequate redundancy (Bertero, 1986; walls are assumed to be ten times stiffer than the
Whittaker et aI., 1990). It could be possible to penal- moment frames. The design base shear values for the
ize less redundant designs by requiring that higher walls and moment frames are therefore 91 percent
design forces be used for such framing systems. For and 25 percent of the system design base shear (V in
example, if it is assumed that four lines of strength- Figure 4.13), respectively. Assuming that the shear
and deformation-compatible vertical seismic framing walls yield at a roof-drift ratio' (calculated by divid-
should form the basis of the response reduction fac- ing the roof displacement by the building height) of
tors in the UBC and NEHRP Provisions, redundancy 0.2 percent, and fail at a roof-drift ratio of 1.0 per-
could be explicitly accounted for by modifying the R cent, it is evident from Figure 4.13 that the moment
factor in a manner similar to that suggested in Table frames (also termed the back-up frames) neither con-
4.3. tribute substantially to the force-displacement
response of the building nor dissipate significant
The values shown in Table 4.3 are proposed to dem- energy at a roof displacement corresponding to the
onstrate a likely trend, stimulate discussion among displacement capacity of the shear walls. For the
design professionals and researchers, and to promote moment fr:unes to contricute sigr.iticantly to the
research and study. These draft values for the redun- response of a dual system, their stiffness and strength
dancy factor have no technical basis and are not should be similar to that of the shear walls.
intended for implementation in seismic codes or
guidelines. The need to use elements of similar strength and
stiffness applies to all lines of vertical seismic fram-
ing in a building. It is not sufficient to provide multi-
Table 4.3 Draft Redundancy factorsa
ple lines of vertical seismic framing in a building -
Lines of Vertical Draft the multiple lines of framing must be strength- and
Seismic Framing Redundancy Factor deformation-compatible to be capable of good
response in a design earthquake. Seismic frames not
2 0.71 meeting these conditions should probably not be con-
3 0.86 sidered redundant systems.
4.5.4 Damping Factor
4 1.00
Damping is the general tenn often used to character-
a. Values not intended for use in design or
ize energy dissipation in a building frame, irrespec-
tive of whether the energy is dissipated by hysteretic
behavior or by viscous damping.
The use of strength- and defonnation-compatib1e
framing was emphasized in the previous paragraph. Damping accomplished by hysteretic behavior in a
To illustrate the importance of setting limits on the building responding in the elastic range is generally

ATC-19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 29

------,----_----:---_ __
.."_. .".__.. ..
",, " ......
Base Shear r Dual system

,,---------f-\ - Dual system "fails at

defonnation capacity
of shear wall
0.91V #

( Back-up moment frame

Roof Drift Index (%)

Figure 4.13: Force-displacement relationships for a dual system.

termed equivalent viscous damping and is assigned a follows.

value equal to five percent of critical. The use of five
percent equivalent viscous damping is reasonable - Consider again the elastic SOOF system shown in
values of equivalent viscous damping ranging Figure 4.1. The equation of motion for this frame is
between five percent (steel frames) and seven percent given as either
(shear walls) (ATC, 1974), and five percent (steel
frames) and eight percent (shear walls) (DOD, 1986), mvt(t) + ev(t) + kv(t) = 0 (4-14)
have been reported. However, given that such damp-
ing is probably heavily dependent on the type and or
arrangement of interior and exterior nonstructural
elements, there is no compelling reason to reduce mv(t) + ev(t) + kv(t) = -mvg(t) (4-15)
seismic demands on selected framing systems to
reflect marginal increases of two to three percent in
building damping. where m, e, and k, are defined in Figure 4.1; yt(t),
v(t), and v(t) are the total acceleration, relative veloc-
The damping factor as discussed in Sections 4.4 and ity, and relative displacement of the mass, respec-
4.5 is intended to account for the influence of supple- tively; and Yg(t)is the ground acceleration.
mental viscous damping devices on the force and dis-
placement response of buildings. This influence has Equation 4-14 can be rewritten as:
been studied by a number of researchers (Riddell and
Newmark, 1979; Wu and Hanson, 1989). These stud- (4-16)
ies have focused on displacement response only, and
data from the Riddell and Newmark studies have and then simplified to read:
been implemented in the 1994 UBC for the design of
seismic isolation systems. vt(t) = -cJv(t)-2co~v(t) (4-17)
However, current seismic design procedures using R
where co = kim and 2co~ = elm
factors are force-based procedures. The addition of
viscous damping to a building frame will always
In this equation, cJv(t) is the hysteretic (or spring)
serve to reduce displacements, but may increase the
force per unit mass developed in the columns of the
inertial forces if the viscous forces become substan-
SDOF system, and 2co~v(t) is the damping force per
tial. This relationship can be demonstrated simply as

30 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

unit mass developed in the dashpot of the SDOF sys-
tem. The solution to the equation of motion for the Table 4.4 Damping Factor as a Function of Viscous
SDOF system is Damping

I Viscous 1994 Wuand

v(t) = _(_1_)
roD 0
Iv ('t)e-~CJ){t-t)sinCOD(t - 't)d't(4-18)
(% critical)
2 0.80
where is the angular frequency; and roD is the
damped angular frequency (Clough and Penzien, 5 1.00 1.00
1993). The maximum value ofv(t) is termed the 7
spectral displacement; the spectral displacement is
10 1.20 1.19
equal to the pseudo-displacement. From Equation 4-
18, it is clear that an increase in damping (I;) will lead 12
to a reduction in the displacement response. 15 1.39
The maximum value of jit(t) is termed the spectral 20 1.50 1.56
acceleration; the maximum value of co 2 v(t) is the
pseudo-acceleration which is typically used in seis- the value assigned to R. Despite the profound influ-
mic design to represent the maximum acceleration of ence of R on the seismic design process, and ulti-
the mass in the SDOF system. From Equation 4-17, it mately on the seismic performance of buildings in
can be seen that the spectral acceleration is approxi- the United States, no sound technical basis exists for
mately equal to the pseudo-acceleration if the damp- the values of R tabulated in seismic design codes in
ing forces (equal to cv in Equation 4-15) are small. the United States. There is an obvious and pressing
If the damping forces are large, the contribution of need to develop a rational technical basis for R fac-
the damping force to the inertial force will become tors if equivalent lateral force design procedures are
significant. The foregoing discussion is limited to the to be retained for seismic design.
elastic response of a SDOF system. The relation
between spring force (= lev in the elastic range) and Ifthe new formulation for R presented in this chapter
damping force (cv ) will be further exacerbated if the is to be implemented in building codes in the United
frame is designed using a large response modifica- States, systematic and coordinated studies are
tion factor, because the value of the spring force will required to support or modify the proposed values for
be limited to the inelastic strength of the frame (= Vo the strength, ductility, redundancy, and damping fac-
in Section 4-3) whereas the damping force can con- tors. Research is also needed to fully characterize the
tinue to increase as the velocity increases. interdependence of the four factors. There is no merit
in replacing unsubstantiated R values with three or
Table 4-4 lists values of the damping factor R~ for four times as many unsubstantiated values for
reducing displacement response only, taken from the strength, ductility, redundancy, and damping factors.
1994 UBC provisions for seismic isolation systems Strength and ductility factors for most seismic fram-
and from the work of Wu and Hanson (1989) for dif- ing systems will likely vary between seismic zones
ferent levels of viscous damping. These factors due to differences in the ratios of gravity loads to
should not be used to reduce hysteretic force seismic loads. Consequently, strength and ductility
demands unless the forces developed in the viscous factors should be evaluated for each seismic framing
elements are explicitly accounted for in the design system in each seismic zone using standardized defi-
process. nitions of reserve strength and ductility. The studies
conducted by Osteraas and Krawinkler (1990) for
4.6 Systematic Evaluation of R Factors three framing systems in seismic zone 4 provide a
good model for how to carry out such studies. For
Response modification factors playa key, but contro-
each seismic framing system considered, multiple
versial, role in the seismic design process in the plan and vertical building geometries must be ana-
United States. No other parameter in the design base lyzed in a systematic manner to provide the data nec-
shear equation (Equations 2-4 and 2-5) impacts the essary to quantify the R factors. The draft procedures
design actions in a seismic framing system as does described above for the evaluation of the different

ATC19 4: Components of Response Modification Factors 31

,-----------------_.,,_.._-_ .....
component factors of R could be used for such coor- have to be established through careful research.
dinated studies.
4.7 Rel1ab111ty of Values for R
Framing systems with less than four vertical lines of
strength- and deformation-compatible seismic fram- It is of paramount importance that revised values for
ing in each principal direction ofthe building, or R and the values for the component strength, ductil-
those possessing minimal torsional redundancy, ity, and redundancy factors be reliable, in the sense
should be penalized through the use of a redundancy that buildings designed using these factors should
factor. Limits must be placed on the relative strength meet the assumed performance level in the design
and stiffness of the vertical lines of seismic framing earthquake. Values for the strength and ductility fac-
in each principal direction of a building. The numeri- tors should be evaluated using a consistent methodol-
cal values assigned to the redundancy factor must be ogy. It is also important that sufficient numbers and
established using reliability theory. types of buildings be analyzed to permit statistical
evaluation and interpretation of the responses. The
Should seismic design practice in the United States values assigned to both R and its component factors
shift to displacement-based procedures rather than should aim to provide either a uniform level of risk
force-based procedures, it may be appropriate to for all framing systems or a level of risk that is con-
include a damping component in the R factor. Before sistently less than a yet-to-be-determined threshold.
this can be done, values for the damping factor will

32 4: Components of Response Modification Factors ATC-19

--.....--------,----- ,----------------------- ._..-.__ ...............

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Summary and Concluding 5. The values currently assigned to R for different
Remarks framing system will probably not result in uni-
form levels of risk for all buildings.
The objectives of this report were three-fold: (I) to
review the role played by response modification fac- The use of response modification factors is not lim-
tors (R factors) in the seismic design of buildings in ited to the seismic design of buildings in the United
the United States, (2) to document the basis of the States. A similar response reduction factor (Z) is used
values of R (and its working-stress equivalent Rw ) by Caltrans and AASHTO for the seismic design of
utilized in seismic codes in the United States, and (3) bridges in the United States. Moreover, response
to propose a method for the systematic and rational modification factors or their equivalents are used in a
determination of values of R for seismic framing sys- number ofcountries for seismic design. In Chapter 3,
tems used in the United States, including the determi- response modification factors in use in Europe,
nation of values for the key components of R. Japan, and Mexico were studied, and the numerical
values of R for three framing systems were compared
The focus of Chapter 2 was the historical develop- with those used in the United States. The investiga-
ment of values for Rand Rw . It was reported that val- tion showed that larger values of R are used in the
ues for R and Rw could be traced directly to the United States than in Europe and Mexico. Given that
horizontal force factor K first introduced into seismic the seismic performance objectives are similar in all
codes in the United States in 1959, and that the val- cases, the conclusion drawn from the study was that
ues for K represented the consensus opinion of expert the values of R in seismic codes in the United States
structural engineers in California in the late 1950s. may not be sufficiently conservative.
The values assigned to K were based on engineering
judgement, and not on detailed analysis - not sur- Chapter 4 described the impact of R on the seismic
prising since the requisite analytical tools were not design process, introduced force-displacement rela-
available to the design professional community until tions for buildings, summarized the experimental
the mid 1970s. This investigation concluded that: evaluation of R for two steel-braced framing systems,
and proposed a new formulation for R. The results of
1. There is no mathematical basis for the response an experimental program at the University ofCalifor-
modification (R) factors tabulated in modern nia at Berkeley were reviewed. These results suggest
seismic codes in the United States. that the values of R tabulated in the NEHRP Provi-
sions for concentrically and eccentrically braced
2. A single value of R for all buildings of a given frames are not sufficiently conservative, and that fur-
framing type, irrespective of plan and vertical ther study is needed.
geometry, cannot be justified.
The new formulation for the response modification
factor splits R into factors related to reserve strength,
3. To ensure consistent levels of damage, values for
ductility, and redundancy. The implications of intro-
R should depend on both the fundamental period
ducing a damping factor into the new formulation
of the building and the soil type on which the
were also addressed. Further, procedures for evaluat-
building is founded.
ing strength and ductility factors using commercially
available analytical tools were proposed.
4. The values assigned to R for a given framing sys-
tems should vary between seismic zones because The lessons to be learned from the 1994 Northridge
the reserve strength in a framing system will and 1995 Kobe earthquakes are clear. First, moderate
probably be a function of the ratio of the gravity magnitude earthquakes can produce elastic seismic
loads to the seismic loads. Also, detailing demands substantially greater than those assumed by
requirements currently vary by zone. seismic codes in the United States. Second, moderate

ATC-19 5: Conclusions and Recommendations 33

,_._-.,------------- ,-------r---.------"--.----.- .
magnitude earthquakes in major urban areas can For this reason, and recognizing that there is no
result in huge social and economic losses. Although sound basis for the values assigned to R in U.S. seis-
damage and loss of older structures was expected in mic codes, it is of paramount importance to establish
these earthquakes, damage to buildings and bridges appropriate values for R through rigorous research
designed to modern seismic standards was not. The and study so that the intended perfonnance of the
degree of loss in both earthquakes was too high - building stock can be realized with a high degree of
the seismic risks can and must be mitigated. One key reliability.
step in the mitigation effort is to improve the reliabil-
This report has proposed a draft fonnulation for the
ity of new construction in a timely manner. One
obvious way to improve the reliability of new con- systematic quantification of R and its component fac-
tors and has recognized the need to quantify the
struction is to improve the reliability of the response
redundancy factor through reliability analysis. A
modification factors used in the seismic codes.
coordinated action plan is currently being developed
5.2 Recommendations (ATe, 1995) to systematically evaluate R for differ-
ent framing systems in all regions in the United
Static lateral force analysis and design procedures are States, and to improve the reliability of current seis-
key components of routine seismic design in practice mic design procedures. The execution of this action
in the United States. One key step in the procedure is plan will require significant funding from federal
the calculation of design forces. These are typically agencies. However, the rapid implementation of this
calculated by dividing the elastic spectral force by a plan will substantially reduce the exposure offederal,
response modification factor (R). Even with the state, and local agencies to substantial loss in future
advent of powerful nonlinear analysis packages, elas- earthquakes in the United States. Further, the knowl-
tic design procedures are likely to be used for much edge gained from these studies should prove useful
seismic analysis and design in the foreseeable future for the evaluation and rehabilitation of older con-
and such procedures necessarily make use of a struction.
response modification factor in one fonn or another.

34 5: Conclusions and Recommendations ATC-19

Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and

A.I Introduction which to calculate the displacement ductility ratio for

the subject building, and how to estimate the ductility
A trend in earthquake engineering practice in the factor.
United States, especially in California, is for the
strength and deformation characteristics ofa building A.2 Nonlinear Static Analysis
to be evaluated using nonlinear static analysis. This
kind of analysis can estimate the likely maximum A.2.1 Introduction
strength and deformation capacity of the building, The two common methods of nonlinear analysis are
identify potential weak and/or soft stories in the nonlinear static analysis and nonlinear response-his-
building, and identify poorly proportioned framing tory analysis. For both methods of analysis, a fram-
elements that give rise to excessive deformation ing system is modeled and analyzed as an assembly
demands at the element level. of elements and components. The data output from
In order to evaluate the probable force-deformation either analysis procedure includes force and defor-
response of a building, member proportions must be mation demands on elements and components.
established or known a priori. For new construction, Nonlinear static analysis is less demanding in a com-
preliminary member proportions are generally estab- putational sense than nonlinear response-history
lished using the procedures set forth in a seismic analysis, but more rigorous than linear methods of
code; for existing construction, member sizes are analysis. In nonlinear response-history analysis, a
known. mathematical model of a building is subjected to dig-
The purpose of this appendix is two-fold: (1) to intro- itized records of earthquake ground motions. The
duce the reader to key features of nonlinear static analysis is generally terminated at the end of the
analysis and (2) to demonstrate techniques for evalu- earthquake ground motion record - often after more
ating strength and ductility factors. Nonlinear static than 2000 time steps.
analysis is one of four procedures proposed by the In nonlinear static analysis, increasing inertial forces
ATC-33 project team (ATC, in progress) for the seis- (or displacements) are imposed on a mathematical
mic rehabilitation of existing buildings - the model of a building. The analysis is terminated once
remaining three procedures being linear static analy- a target displacement is reached - often after fewer
sis, linear dynamic analysis, and nonlinear response- than SO load steps. The target displacement repre-
history analysis. sents a maximum building displacement during
The salient features of nonlinear static analysis are earthquake shaking; brief comments on the selection
introduced below. We first provide a brief descrip- of the target displacement are provided in Section
tion of nonlinear analysis. This is followed by a A.2.7.
description of a nonproprietary computer code for The remainder of Section A.2 is devoted to nonlinear
nonlinear analysis (DRAIN-2DX). DRAIN-2DX is static analysis. The following sections provide the
then used to analyze a nonductile, seven-story rein- reader with an introduction to the subject. Much
forced concrete frame building, constructed in 1966, additional information is available in the literature.
and to evaluate the base shear-roof displacement
A2.2 Basics of Nonlinear Static Analysis
relationship for this building.
For the purposes of seismic analysis, a building
The base shear-roof displacement relationship is ana-
should be modeled and analyzed as a three-dimen-
lyzed in Section AA to estimate the strength and duc-
sional assembly of elements and components. Two-
tility factors for the subject seven-story building -
dimensional modeling and analysis of a building will
with the intent of demonstrating to the reader how to
generally be acceptable if either the torsional effects
calculate the strength factor, the different means by
are small or the three-dimensional effects can be

ATC-19 AppendiX A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility 35

1-'---" .._ --
accounted for separately. reinforced concrete floor slab. Similarly, the yield
strength of a wide-flange steel beam should be based
The mathematical model of a building should include
on the likely yield stress rather than the nominal
the following: (a) all elements and components ofthe yield stress.
seismic and gravity framing systems, (b) nonstruc-
tural components in the building likely to possess Connections between framing members should be
significant stiffness and strength, and (c) elements of modeled unless the connection is sufficiently stiff to
the foundation system (footings, piles, etc.) that are prevent relative deformation between the connected
sufficiently flexible and/or weak to contribute to the elements or components and the connection is stron-
response of the building. The distribution of the ger than the connected elements or components.
equivalent lateral static loads (see Section A.2.6) in A.2.4 Nonlinear Static Procedure
the mathematical model should be adequate to cap-
ture all key dynamic effects on the seismic and grav- The nonlinear static procedure requires an a priori
ity framing system, the nonstructural components, estimate of the target displacement. The target dis-
and the foundation. placement serves as an estimate of the maximum dis-
placement of a selected point (node) in the subject
Gravity loads should be imposed on the mathemati- building during the design earthquake.The node
cal model to reflect those loads likely to be present associated with the center of mass at the roof level is
during earthquake shaking. The initial gravity load- often the target point or target node selected for com-
ing conditions (QG) can be described by one of the parison with the target displacement.
following two equations (ATC, in progress):
Nonlinear static analysis is integrated into the four-
QG = 1.1(QD + QL + Qs) (A-I) step nonlinear static procedure as follows:
1. Develop a two- or three-dimensional mathe-
QG = O.9QD (A-2) matical model of the building, as described
in Section A.2.2.
where QD , QL , and Qs are the dead, live, and snow 2. Impose constant gravity loads, and then apply
loads, respectively. Equations A-I and A-2 are static lateral loads (or displacements) in pat-
intended to provide upper- and lower-bound esti- terns that approximately capture the relative
mates, respectively, on the likely gravity loads on an inertial forces developed at locations of sub-
element or component. Other load combinations stantial mass.
(BSSC, 1991) can also be considered.
3. Push the structure using the load patterns of
A.2.3 Modeling Elements, Components, and Step 2 to displacements larger than those
associated with the target displacement (Le.,
The mechanical characteristics (i.e., force-deforma- the displacement of the target node exceeds
tion) of each element and component of the building the target displacement).
should be modeled in sufficient detail that their 4. Estimate the forces and deformations in each
important effects on the response of the building are element at the level of displacement corre-
reasonably represented. In most instances, the sponding to the target displacement (Step 4).
mechanical characteristics estimated for the analysis
will be elastic stiffness, inelastic stiffness, and yield The element force and deformation demands of Step
strength. Failure modes (e.g., shear) that may occur 4 are then compared with the element capacities in a
at deformations smaller than those anticipated in the manner similar to that demonstrated in Section A.3.
analysis should be accounted for in the element or A.2.5 DRAIN Computer Code
component model.
DRAIN-2DX (Prakash et aI., 1992) is a two-dimen-
Elements and components of buildings should be sional, general-purpose, nonlinear, finite-element
modeled using actual rather than nominal geometries analysis program developed at the University of Cal-
and mechanical properties. For example, the mechan- ifornia at Berkeley. The modeling and analysis pro-
ical characteristics of a beam in a reinforced concrete cedures incorporated in DRAIN-2DX are
frame should account for the likely presence of a

36 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility ATC-19

r-----------'--- ,----------
-----------_.. -._--_ - .. .,,"" '

summarized below. The DRAIN-2DX computer The static analysis segment is complete once either
code could be used for Steps 2,3, and 4 of the non- the entire load has been applied or a target displace-
linear static procedure described above. ment value is reached. In dynamic analysis, the time
step can be selected to be constant or variable. Fur-
Building framing systems are modeled as two-
ther options for dynamic analysis include event cal-
dimensional (X-Y) assemblages of nonlinear ele-
culations within time steps and corrections at the end
ments connected at nodes. Unless a node is restrained
of each time step to improve the energy balance or
or slaved to another node, each node has three
degrees of freedom. Elements (and components) are
divided into groups, although alI elements of a given Second-order (or P - A) effects can be modeled in
type (e.g., beam-column) need not be assigned to a DRAIN-2DX by considering geometric stiffness for
single group. Masses are lumped at nodes, so the each element, and including second-order forces in
nodal points should be selected to adequately captUre the calculation ofthe resisting forces. For static anal-
the inertial response ofthe building. By lumping the ysis, the geometric stiffness is modified at each
masses at nodes, the mass matrix is diagonal.The event. For dynamic analysis, the geometric stiffness
damping matrix can be made proportional to the ele- can be kept constant or allowed to vary.
ment stiffness values and nodal masses.
Six element types are currently available in the
Numerous analysis types are available with DRAIN- DRAIN-2DX element library: (I) a truss element,
2DX, including (a) static gravity analysis for com- Type 01; (2) a beam-column element, Type 02; (3) a
bined element and nodal loads, (b) nonlinear static connection element, Type 04; (4) a panel element,
analysis for nodal loads, (c) eigen analysis for the Type 06; (5) a link element, Type 09; and (6) a fiber
evaluation of mode shapes and periods, (d) response- beam-column element, Type IS. Of these six ele-
spectrum analysis, (e) nonlinear dynamic analysis for ments, the most commonly used are the truss, the
ground motions defined by acceleration records, (f) beam-column and the connection elements. Some
nonlinear dynamic analysis for ground motions introductory remarks on these three elements folIow.
defined by displacement records, and (g) nonlinear The reader is referred to Prakash et al. (1992) for
dynamic analysis for specified initial nodal velocities additional information.
(for shock analysis). The program is sufficiently flex-
ible to allow a building (or structure) to be analyzed Truss elements transmit axial loads only and can be
for several analysis segments (or types), thus facili- arbitrarily oriented in the X-Yplane. The inelastic
tating sequential static and dynamic analysis. response of these elements can be specified as either
yielding in tension and elastic buckling in compres-
Loads are input as either patterns for static loads or sion or yielding in both tension and compression. A
as records for dynamic loads. Seven different load two-component parallel model (an element consist-
types are available with DRAIN-2DX, including (a) ing of elastic and inelastic components in parallel) is
static element load patterns - typically used for used to capture strain-hardening effects.
gravity loads, (b) static nodal load patterns consisting
of vertical, lateral. and rotational loads applied on Beam-column elements possess axial and flexural
nodes for gravity and static analysis segments, (c) stiffness and can be arbitrarily oriented in the X-Y
ground acceleration records, (d) ground displacement plane. Shear deformations and rigid-end offsets can
be accounted for in the beam-column element. Yield-
records, including an allowance for multiple support
ing is concentrated in the plastic hinges at the ele-
excitation, and (e) response spectra.
ment ends, and strain-hardening is approximated by a
DRAIN-2DX can perform both static and dynamic two-component parallel model. Different yield
analysis. In static analysis, the load is typically moments can be specified at the two element ends as
applied in a number of steps. The program selects well as for positive and negative flexure - two fea-
load substep sizes within each step by projecting the tures necessary to model reinforced concrete col-
next stiffness change (known as an event) and termi- umns and beams. Gravity and other static loads
nating the substep at that event. The structure stiff- applied to an element can be captured by specifying
ness is then changed at the end of each substep, and end clamping or fixed-end forces. Second-order
. the analysis is continued for the following substep. effects can be included by introducing equilibrium

ATC-19 AppendiX A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility 37

-----------------"--_._..- .....
correction and geometric stiffness as noted above. to inelastic displacements is large - for any given
Three modes of deformation are available to beam- ground motion the ratio of elastic to inelastic dis-
column elements - axial deformation, flexural rota- placements could range between 0.5 and 2.0. A con-
tion at element end 1, and flexural deformation at servative approach to calculating the target
element end 2. A plastic hinge forms when the displacement, in the absence of additional informa-
moment in the element reaches the yield moment. tion, would be to increase the target displacement by
Inelastic axial deformations are assumed not to between 50 percent and 100 percent; that is, to
occur; that is, a beam-column cannot yield in axial assume that the inelastic displacement is equal to 1.5
tension or compression. to 2.0 times the elastic displacement.
The connection element connects two nodes with Nonlinear static analysis makes use offorce-defor-
identical coordinates in theX-Yplane. This element mation relationships for beams and columns that are
can connect either rotational displacements of the generally based on monotonic force-deformation
nodes or the translational displacements ofthe nodes, analysis. This assumption will likely be adequate for
and it can be specified to achieve complex inelastic buildings designed to experience less than three dis-
behaviors. A common applica~ion for this element is placement cycles to between 80 percent and 100 per-
the modeling of beam-column panel zones in steel cent ofthe target displacement. On the other hand,
frames. consider a building in the near-source zone with a
A.2.6 Lateral Load Profiles for Analysis fundamental period of 0.5 second subject to a Richer
magnitude 7.5 event - this building may be sub-
Lateral loads should be applied in patterns that both jected to 10 to 20 displacement cycles to between 80
approximately capture the vertical distribution of percent and 100 percent of the target displacement.
inertial forces expected in the design earthquake and The strength and stiffness of the structural compo-
account for the horizontal distribution of inertial nents and elements in this building will most likely
forces in the plane of each floor diaphragm. Load degrade substantially over the course of the 10 to 20
patterns that bound the plausible distributions ofiner- displacement cycles. The question thus arises as to
tial force should be considered for design. how the design professional should account for the
effects ofcumulative damage. At present, there are
Two vertical distributions of inertial force commonly
no definitive answers for building framing systems
used for nonlinear static analysis are the distribution
(Reinhom, private communication). In the absence of
defined by the first-mode shape ordinates ofthe
definitive data, the design professional should reduce
building and the constant acceleration distribution,
the monotonic deformation capacity of structural
which corresponds to the formation of a weak first
framing elements and components to indirectly
story. For flexible buildings, a vertical distribution of
account for the deleterious effects of prolonged
seismic force that reflects the likely contributions of
strong ground shaking.
higher modes should be considered.
A.2.7 Target Displacement Calculation A.3 Seismic Evaluation of an Example
The method most commonly used to evaluate the tar-
get displacement is based on the assumption that A.3.1 Description of Building
elastic and inelastic displacements are equal; that is,
The building selected for sample analysis is a seven-
the inelastic displacement of a SDOF oscillator with
story reinforced concrete building located in Los
initial (elastic) period T is equal to the elastic spectral
Angeles, approximately 13 miles south ofthe epicen-
displacement calculated using period T. This
ter of the 1971 San Fernando earthquake. This build-
assumption is based primarily on the work of
ing was damaged in both the 1971 earthquake and the
Miranda and Bertero (1994) who demonstrated by
1994 Northridge earthquake.
exhaustive analysis that for periods greater than 0.5
second (for a rock site), mean elastic displacements This building was the subject of detailed analysis fol-
were approximately equal to mean inelastic displace- lowing both the 1971 earthquake (DOC, 1973) and
ments. This assumption should be carefully reviewed the 1994 earthquake (Lynn, private communication).
by the design professional calculating a target dis- The latter analysis effort was funded by the Federal
placement, because the scatter in the ratio of elastic Emergency Management Agency to verify the non-

38 AppendiX A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility ATC-19

,_._--.------------ ._--------------_._-_..---_._ _ _ .. .
linear static analysis procedures being developed for mathematical model of the building. Although some
the ATC-33 project (in progress). The analysis design professionals would choose to exclude the
results presented below are an extension of the interior slab-column framing from the mathematical
FEMA study. The results of this study are contained model of this framing system, it is inappropriate to
in a background report to ATC-33 Guidelines and do so in this instance, as is demonstrated below.
Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation ofBuild-
ings. The second question to be answered is whether the
building can be represented using two-dimensional
The 63,000-square-foot building, designed in 1965, mathematical models; that is, uncoupling the three-
is approximately 62 feet by 160 feet in plan. The typ- dimensional independent framing systems along each
ical framing consists of columns on a 20-foot (trans- principal axis of the building. In the sample building,
verse) by 19-foot (longitudinal) grid. Spandrel beams the torsional response is small- especially so after
are located on the perimeter frames. The floor system the infill masonry walls are removed. As such, Lynn
is a reinforced concrete flat slab, 10 inches thick at (private communication) modeled the three-dimen-
the second floor, 8.5 inches thick at the third to sev- sional building with two two-dimensional framing
enth floors, and 8 inches thick at the roof. The systems - one per building axis.
ground floor is a four inch thick slab-on-grade, and
the foundation is piled. A typical floor framing plan Since the purpose of this appendix is to demonstrate
is presented in Figure A-I. Atypical transverse sec- the use of nonlinear static analysis, only the results of
tion and typical beam and column details are pre- the analysis of the longitudinal framing are summa-
sented in Figure A-2. Interior columns are 18 inches rized. The reader is referred to the aforementioned
square and exterior columns are 14 inches by 20 background report for additional information.
inches in plan. Spandrel beam sizes are shown in Fig- Two exterior frames and two interior frames were
ure A-2. included in the mathematical model of the longitudi-
The seismic framing system is composed of interior nal framing. The mathematical model of one-half of
slab-column moment frames and perimeter beam- the framing system is presented in Figure A-3. The
column moment frames. The design base shear force mathematical models of the interior and exterior
at the working stress level was (DOC, 1973): frames were linked together with rigid struts to simu-
late the assumed rigid floor diaphragm. The reactive
weights assigned to the seven suspended floors are
presented in Table A-I.
v = ZKCW = 1.0xO.67xO.057xW=O.04W
(A-3) A3.3 Modeling of Key Elements
The mathematical model of the frames was com-
The north face of the building, along column line D, posed of columns and beams. Beam-column joints
has four bays of masonry infill between the ground were not included in the model.
and second floor level, all at the eastern end of the
structure, between column lines 5 and 9. For simplic- The reinforced concrete columns were modeled
ity, these infill walls were not included in the mathe- using their gross-section stiffness. The axial force-
matical model described below. (Were this moment yield surfaces were established using stan-
evaluation to be used for the purpose of seismic reha- dard interaction curves, with capacity reduction fac-
bilitation, the infill walls would have been included tors (c\> ) set equal to 1. A strain-hardening ratio of
in the mathematical model.) five percent was assumed for all columns.

The reader is referred to the Department of Com- The exterior reinforced concrete beams were mod-
merce report (DOC, 1973, pp. 359-393) for addi- eled as L-beams. The slab width assumed to contrib-
tional information regarding the design and ute to the strength and stiffuess of the edge beams
construction of this sample building. was set equal to 30 percent of the perpendicular span
(often termed 12 ), The strength and stiffness values
A3.2 Modeling of the Building of the interior slab-beams were calculated using a
The first question confronting the engineer charged slab width equal to 60 percent of the perpendicular
with evaluating the building is what to include in the span. Beam and slab beam stiffness values were esti-

ATC19 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductillty 39





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Figure A-1 Typical floor plan of sample building (DOC, 1973, p. 363).

40 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility ATC-19

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ii!tt-1r Tr-P.: I !
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11 . .r


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J I:
1 =: i!

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a "71
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11 :

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I~ ~ 4(

__ .... ': . .
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l....,.. ~.=<t';j.:.Ao&
1.,- ....::-l'::=:;:;-;;:r. u


Figure A-2 Transverse section and typical details of sample building (DOC, 1973, p. 365).

ATC-19 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility 41

,------------------------_._._--_ _ .
Extenor Frame r Rigid Links

Interior Frame

--<- 1--.[ ....,

Figure A-3 Mathematical model of the sample building longitudinal framing.

shapes are shown in Figure A-4.

Table A-l Sample Building Reactive Weights
A.3.5 Nonlinear Static Analysis Results
Floor level Weight
(kips) The key results of three analyses of the sample build-
ing are presented below. The data from the first two
Roof 1185
analyses are presented to demonstrate differences in
7th 1350 response resulting from the use of different load pro-
6th 1350 files; Analysis 1 uses a triangular load profile, and
Analysis 2 a rectangular profile. The results ofthe
5th 1350
third analysis are presented to demonstrate the
4th 1350 importance of including the interior frame in the
mathematical model. Analysis 3 uses a triangular
3rd 1350
load profile but considers only the response of the
2nd 1548 perimeter (exterior) frame.

mated as one-half of gross stiftbess; flexure yield The base shear versus roof displacement relations for
surfaces were established using nominal material Analysis 1 and Analysis 2 are presented in Figure A-
properties. A strain-hardening ratio of.five percent 5. The strength of the framing system, calculated
was assumed for all beams and slab-beams. using a rectangular force profile, at a roof displace-
ment of20 inches (2.5 percent roof drift), is approxi-
A.3.4 Eigen Analysis Results
mately 10 percent larger than that calculated with a
The modal periods and shapes of the building frame triangular profile. Using the triangular profile
were established using the eigen solver in DRAIN- response data, and the equal energy method (see Sec-
2DX. The first three modal periods and the percent- tion 4.3), the yield displacement was calculated to be
ages of the total mass in each of these three modes approximately equal to 4.5 inches, and the yield force
are presented in Table A-2. The first three mode to be approximately equal to 16 percent of the reac-
tive weight of the building.

TableA-2 Dynamic Characteristics in the The locations of plastic hinges in the exterior frames
Longitudinal Direction, Sample at a roof displacement of20 inches are presented in
Building Figure A-6 for Analysis 1 and Analysis 2. The mech-
anisms associated with the two force profiles are dif-
Mode Perbd %o(TotaJ
(sees.) Mass ferent - the triangular profile results in a sway
mechanism involving the lower four stories and the
1 1.33 84 rectangular profile results in concomitant mecha-
2 0.45 11 nisms (i.e., a lower four-story sway mechanism and a
fourth story sway mechanism). Although the exist-
3 0.26 3

42 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility ATC-19

._-------,----------------_ ----_ . ..
------ ..

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3

Figure A-4 Mode shapes of sample building in the longitudinal direction.


. .
0.2 . , . : .. ~.:.:.~ 0":" ~ "....' _. _ .~.~. ':"'": ,-:-.-:.:-:.
.~ 0.15 ...........///
.... : "

__-..... ~,:"":""':7--::::--,_ N._---:_....__.::.... ......_:=.::..;..~.~.:_.:-:::.:;;.:.:: __.~=::.. .....

, .
. .
. . ..

.......I f:~ ;..... ~ ............ ~ ..............

0.1 .
I Analysis 1: Triangular pattern
a3 I . - - - Analysis 2: Rectangular pattern
CD I ., .
0.05 .. l, . . .

OL.- ....l..- ---JL...- .....L.. ----l

o 5 10 15 20
Displacement (inches)

Figure A-S Base shear versus roof displacement relations for sample building analyses 1 and 2.

ATC19 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility 43

---------_._------,.. - _-_ _..

denotes plastic

(a) Analysis 1 (

(b) Analysis 2

Figure A-6 Plastic hinge locations, roof displacement of 20 inches, sample bUilding analysis 1 and 2.
ence of two mechanisms may seem counterintuitive, radian. This calculation was based on a plastic hinge
it should be noted that only the hinges in the perime- length ofO.5d (8 inches) and an axial load equal to
ter frame are shown in Figure A-6 and the force- the sum of the plastic beam shear forces and dead
deformation relationship for the interior frames plays loads above the second story. This maximum rotation
a key role in the force-deformation response ofthe of 0.005 radian was realized at roof displacement
building. values of 12 inches and 10 inches, for Analysis 1 and
Analysis 2, respectively.
A typical column and beam in the second story of the
perimeter frame (denoted C and B in Figure A-3, The maximum rotation capacity of the sample beam
respectively) were each analyzed for the purpose of was estimated to be 0.03 radian, assuming a plastic
demonstrating part of a typical seismic evaluation hinge length ofO.5d (14 inches). This maximum
procedure. beam rotation was reached at roof displacement val-
ues of 19 inches and 16 inches, for Analysis 1 and
For the sample column, the maximum rotation capac- Analysis 2, respectively.
ity of the subject column was calculated to be 0.005

44 Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility ATC-19

r'.- ----.....----------",----
0.25.--------r-----,--,------.-- .....,
Analysis 1: All frames
Analysis 3: Exterior frames only
0.2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ............... '"0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


0.15 ....................... ,. ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


m 0.1
... .. .
' . ..'-. . - - -. - . - -
'... ~ ...

__ ... -- I
... ... ... ... ... ...

~ --'.
0.05 . . . /'" . . . '.. .. . ..
'.' ........ . ~

5 10 15 20
Displacement (inches)

Figure A-7 Base shear versus roof displacement relations for analyses 1 and 3.

This demand-capacity evaluation is simply intended number of columns and a seismic retrofit requiring
to demonstrate the nonlinear static procedure. The the provision of a new seismic framing system. Fur-
sample evaluation is by no means sufficiently rigor- ther, a decision to exclude the interior frame from the
ous for the seismic evaluation of existing construc- analysis model could result in a flexible retrofit solu-
tion. In a full evaluation, all beams, columns, joints, tion incapable of protecting the existing framing sys-
and components should be examined closely. In this tern.
example, the sample column was assumed to be flex-
ure-critical; this column is actually shear-critical, and A.4 Estimation of Strength, Ductility,
it could not accommodate the shear forces associated and R Factors
with a plastic hinge rotation of 0.005 radian.
A4.1 General
To demonstrate the importance of considering all of
The calculation of strength and ductility factors is
the structural framing in the mathematical model,
demonstrated in this section by use of a force-dis-
consider the base shear versus roof displacement
placement relationship established in Section A.3 for
relationships for Analysis 1 and Analysis 3 presented
the seven-story nonductile reinforced concrete
in Figure A-7. The data presented in this figure dem-
moment frame. For the purpose ofthis discussion,
onstrate that the stiffness of the exterior frames and
the results ofAnalysis 1 (triangular load pattern) are
interior frames is similar - that is, the stiffness of
used to derive estimates of the strength and ductility
the interior slab-column frame approaches that ofthe
factors, and the maximum roof displacement is
exterior beam-column frame. It also shows that the
assumed to be eight inches. This roof displacement
strength of the interior frames and exterior frames is
estimate ignores both the likelihood of shear failure
similar. If a designer were to ignore the stiffness and
in the non-ductile columns and the limited deforma-
strength of the interior frames, the fundamental
tion capacity of the interior frame column-slab con-
period of the building would be overestimated by
nections. These assumptions would not be valid were
40% and the target displacement overestimated by a
this an evaluation for the purpose of assessing the
factor approaching two. Such an error in judgment
seismic vulnerability of the building. The displace-
might mean the difference between a ~eismic r~tr~fit
ment capacity of the frame is reduced from 12 inches
involving jacketing and/or strengthemng of a limited

ATC-19 AppendiX A: Evaluation of BUilding Strength and Ductility 45

._---------,,-,--- ,---------_._-_._-,.. _----_ _ .. ,.

(see Section A.3.5) to 8 inches to reflect the likely opercent (consistent with the assumptions made in
degradation in defonnation capacity resulting from constructing the bilinear approximation to the force-
multiple cycles of loading (see Section A.2.7). displacement relationship), the ductility factor calcu-
A.4.2 Strength Factor lated using the Nassar and Krawinkler relation
(Equation 4-10) is equal to 1.3.
The force-displacement relationship for Analysis I is A.4.4 Summazy
reproduced in Figure A-8. The base shear force (Vo)
at a roof displacement of eight inches is approxi- Estimates for the strength and ductility factors for the
mately 17 percent of the reactive weight ofthe build- sample building have been made in the preceding
ing. The design base shear for this building at the two subsections for the purpose of demonstrating
strength level (Vd ), calculated by multiplying the how the results of nonlinear static analysis can be
working-stress design base shear (Equation A-3) by a used to evaluate key components of the response
seismic load factor of 1.40, is approximately 0.06W. modification factor. These estimates of 2.8 for the
Using these data, the strength factor is calculated as: strength factor and 1.3 for the ductility factor, are
likely upper bounds on the probable values if column
Va 0.17W shear strength and joint defonnation capacity are
Rs = Vd = 0.06W = 2.8 (A-4)
considered. Note that if the Krawinkler and Nassar
modification factor for MDOF systems is considered
Note that if the interior frame was not included in the
(see Section and Figure 4-9 for details), the
mathematical model (as was probably the case when
ductility factor will be reduced.
the building was designed), the base shear force at a
roof displacement of eight inches is approximately The seismic framing system in the sample building is
equal to 0.08W, and the resulting strength factor composed of a perimeter beam-column moment
would be equal to 1.3. frame and an interior slab-column moment space
A.4.3 Ductility Factor frame. If the interior space frame is ignored, the
building has good redundancy in the longitudinal
A bilinear approximation to the calculated force-dis- direction, with 16 vertical bays of seismic framing
placement relationship is shown in Figure A-8. This (eight per face) but only marginal redundancy in the
approximation is based on the equal-energy method transverse direction with six vertical bays of seismic
(see Section 4.3 for details) and assumes that the framing. If the interior space frame is included in the
yield force (Vy) is equal to Vo. The maximum dis- evaluation, and assuming that the stiffness and
placement (~m) is eight inches and the yield displace- strength of the interior framing are similar to those of
ment (~y) is six inches. Using these data, the the perimeter framing, the subject building has excel-
displacement ductility ratio is calculated as: lent redundancy (RR equal to 1.0) in both the longitu-
dinal and transverse directions.
~m 8
J.l = ~y = 6 = 1.3 (A-S)
The response modification factor (R) could be calcu-
lated as the product of the strength-ductility, and
The ductility factor can be calculated using either the redundancy factors. For this example, R is equal to:
Nassar and Krawinkler (1991) or Miranda and Bert-
ero (1994) relationships. For the purpose of this dis-
cussion, the Miranda and Bertero equation (Equation
R = R s R IJ. RR = 2.8 x 1.3 x 1.0 = 3.6 (A-7)
4-12) for a rock site is used to estimate the ductility
factor. For a fundamental period of 1.33 seconds and For the reasons cited above, this value for R is
a ductility ratio of 1.3, <I> is equal to 0.76, and the approximate only. Similar buildings constructed in
ductility factor is equal to: the early 1960s will likely have values of R that vary
between 2 and 4. Much additional study (see Chapter
J.l- 1 1.3 -1 5 for details) is needed before values of R can be
RIJ. = <i>'""" + 1 = 0.76 + 1 = 1.4 (A-6) rationally assigned to either new or existing seismic
framing systems.
Using these data and a strain-hardening ratio equal to

Appendix A: Evaluation of Building Strength and Ductility ATC-19


_._---, ------....,.---_._------,.. _._---_._, ..... ,""

0.25 r - - - - - - r - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - ,
- - Analysis 1: All frames
. - - - Bilinear approximation
0.2 ; .

' -'
Maximum base shear
coefficient = 0.17
.~ 0.15 .
.2 .
o I :
... I . . .
~ 0.1 ......... f:::
(fl I
~ /
~ / Design base shear coefficient = 0.06
0.05 / : ; ; .

o L----"-------_..L- .....L...- .....J

o 5 10 15 20
Displacement (inches)

Figure A-8 Base shear versus roof displacement relation for analysis 1.

ATC-19 Appendix A: Evaluation of BUilding Strength and Ductility 47

- - - 0 _ _- -
-------.,---_._----_.__._--_._ .." ........
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms

Acceleration: the material, element, or system level.

Effective Peak Acceleration: A coefficient rep- Element: One of the major parts that compose the
resenting ground motion at a period of about OJ structural system. A structural wall or a moment
sec. frame is an element. The boundary member of a
Effective Peak Velocity: A coefficient repre- structural wall, or the individual column or beam in a
senting ground motion at a period of about 1.0 frame is a component of an element.
sec. Failure: The inability to satisfy a predetennined
Allowable-Stress Design (ASD): A method of pro- limit state. For the limit state of collapse, failure is
portioning structures such that the computed elastic often defined as the displacement at which the resis-
stress does not exceed a specified limiting stress - tance (base shear) of the building falls below 80 per-
also known as Working-Stress Design (WSD). cent of the maximum resistance. Other definitions of
failure could include (a) drifts exceeding predeter-
Base: The level at which the horizontal seismic mined limits, and (b) plastic hinge rotations exceed-
ground motions are considered to be imparted to the ing predetermined values.
Flexure-critical: The failure mode of a component
Base Shear: Total horizontal force or shear at the or element that is governed by flexural response.
Building: Any structure, fully or partially enclosed,
Braced Frame: An essentially vertical truss, or
used or intended for sheltering persons or property.
its equivalent, of the concentric or eccentric type
Critical Damping: The smallest level of damping that is provided in a building frame or dual sys-
for which no oscillation occurs in free vibration tem to resist seismic forces.
Moment Frame: A frame in which members
Damping: A measure of energy dissipation. Damp- and joints are capable of resisting forces by flex-
ing in a structure is typically defined in terms of per- ure as well as along the axis of the members.
cent of critical damping. Types of moment frames are: intermediate
Design Action: The force in an element (axial, flex- moment, ordinary moment, and special moment.
ure, shear, torque) for which the element is to be Frame System:
Building Frame System: A structural system
Design Basis Earthquake: The earthquake that pro- with an essentially complete space frame provid-
duces ground motions at the site under consideration ing support for vertical loads. Seismic force
that have a 10 percent probability of being exceeded resistance is provided by structural walls or
in 50 years. braced frames.
Diaphragm: A horizontal, or nearly horizontal, sys- Dual Frame System: A structural system with
tem designed to transmit seismic forces to the verti- an essentially complete space frame providing
cal elements of the seismic force-resisting system. support for vertical loads. Seismic force resis-
tance is provided by a moment resisting frame
Ductility: A measure of the ability of a material, ele-
and structural walls or braced frames.
ment, or system to deform beyond yield.
Space Frame System: A structural system com-
Ductility Ratio: The ratio of maximum deformation
posed of interconnected members other than
to yield deformation - only applies to deformations
bearing walls that is capable of supporting verti-
larger than yield. Ductility ratio can be introduced at
cal loads and that also may provide resistance to

ATC-19 Appendix B: Glossary of Tenns 49

,--------_._----_.. _--_._ .
seismic forces. greater the number of lines of vertical seismic
Load: framing of similar strength and stiffness, the
greater the redundancy (and reliability) of the
Dead Load (QD): The gravity load due to the seismic framing system.
weight of all permanent structural and nonstruc-
tural components of a building such as floors, Reserve Strength: The difference between design
roofs, and the operating weight of fixed service strength and maximum strength.
equipment. Resistance: The maximum load-carrying capacity,
Gravity Load (W): The total load and the appli- as defined by a limit state.
cable portions of other loads. Risk: Exposure to loss. Risk is defined as the proba-
Live Load (QrJ: The load superimposed by the bility of seismically-induced unacceptable per-
use and occupancy of the buildings, not includ- formance.
ing the wind load, earthquake load, or dead load. Shear-critical: The failure mode of a component or
The live load may be reduced for tributary areas element that is governed by shear response.
as permitted by the building code administered
by the regulatory agency. Story Drift Ratio: The relative displacement of two
adjacent floors, divided by the story height.
Load Factor: A factor by which a nominal load
effect is multiplied to account for the uncertainties Story Shear: The summation of design lateral force
inherent in the determination of the load effect. at the level above the story under consideration.
Strength Design: A method of proportioning struc-
Partial Safety Factor: The factor by which the ele-
tures based on the ultimate strength of critical sec-
ment safety factor should be modified to account for
its presence in the structural system, so that the over-
all failure probability is similar to that desired for the Uniform Risk: A term used to describe equallikeli-
element. hood of loss or damage.
Performance Objective: A level of seismic func- Wall: A component, usually placed vertically, used
tionality that a building owner or occupant expects of to enclose or divide space.
a structure. Sample performance objectives include
Wall System, Bearing: A structural system with
no collapse, preservation of life safety, damage con-
bearing walls providing support of all or major por-
trol, immediate occupancy, and fully functional.
tions of the vertical loads. Structural walls or braced
Redundancy: A measure of the number of lines of frames provide seismic force resistance.
vertical seismic framing in a building. The

50 Appendix B: Glossary of Terms ATC-19

...._ .. _----- . _----------------------

'---..,.------,-_.'----, ----------,-----'------_."----"-_._'-- ..--.,,.

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