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What effect does music have on people?

First of all what is music? Why does it affect people?

According to 1a. The science or art of ordering tones or sounds in

succession, in combination, and in temporal relations to produce a composition having unity and

continuity. 1b.Vocal, Instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony.

For example, it could be choral music, piano music, or recorded music.

Music has also been known to humankind and has had many positive influences

throughout history. For example, it's known to go back to Ludwig Van Beethoven, Plato,

Aristotle, and Shakespeare. Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the

mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.-Plato

(Brainyquote) In this quote Plato is technically saying that music releases people into a whole

new world which can be relaxing. Music is still known from Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, Martin

Luther King Jr, and from many more. One good thing about music, when it hit you, you feel no

pain.- Bob Marley (Brainyquote) I like this quote because when you start listening to a different

genre and the music hits you; then you start to realise you might actually start liking a different

type of music piece. It can also mean when music hits you; you can actually relate to it. Music is

a positive way to release your emotions whether their good, sad, or even bad. It can also help
people relax, think, and even motivate them. Scientists are currently studying why music tends to

affect the brain.

How does music affect the psyche?

Music is known to have potent effects on the psyche. Case in point, one study in 1992

examined on two groups of mental patients at a state hospital whether their psyche would change

after listening to a certain type of music for 21 days. The first group listened to hard rock and

rap. Then the second group listened to easy listening, country, and western music. By and large,

patients who listened to hard rock and rap showed more unsuitable comportment than group two.

Another study showed that singing can improve the brain functionality of seniors suffering from

conditions such as aphasia and Parkinson's disease Saliman wrote. Music can help you fit in with

society it converts your psyche with the crowd. For instance, if you lived out in the country you

would more likely listen to country music and dress like a country girl to get the vibes going.

How does it affect the brain?

Music affects the brain in definite positive ways. We all know music changes our mood
and scientist have been doing research on the chemicals that are released when listening to
music. For instance, the area around the brain called the superior temporal gyrus(STG) is
involved in the experience of music and its connection with the nucleus accumbens is crucial.
The types of genre that a person listens to over a lifetime effects how the superior temporal gyrus
is formed. Although the STG is important it doesn't specify whether a person likes the given
music, but it does store templates from what you have heard before. For example, if a who has
grown up listening to country music is more likely to appreciate a propitious piece of country
than someone who has grown up listening to metal music. How do humans know what music is
satisfying? A study published in the Journal Science suggest that patterns of brain activity can
designate whether a person likes what he or she is hearing. The study showed if the music
triggered the nucleus accumbens, then the more humans seemed to enjoy the music."There is
actually a network of activity that predicts whether or not you're going to buy this music as
you're listening to the music," Salimpoor. Knowing how people get triggered by music through
nucleus accumbens must mean music affects the brain, then it also affects the psyche and body.
Here are the list of where the music affects your brain.
Limbic system emotions and memory
Cerebellum movement
Motor cortex urges
Visual cortex images
Wernicke's broca's area lyrics
According to Neuroscientist Gottfried Schlaug, studies showed that musicians minds

have more bundle of nerves bridging the left side of the brain to the right, than non-musicians.

Thats why music making is also of potential interest in treating neurologic disorders- Schlaug


How does it affect the body?

Music has a huge impact on the human body in variety of ways. For instance, it has been

reported that listening to music can make you smarter and help repair brain damage. Music has

been known as a remedy in different parts of the world. The idea was given by Plato and

Aristotle. Plato proposed using music as a medication to treat anxiety. While Aristotle used

music as a therapeutic tool. Various studies have proven that music can boost endurance

efficiently during exercise. An article called Scientific American had studies that show the

rhythm of the beats per minute has an effect on the motivation. Scientific American wrote On

the occasion, the speed and flow of the lyrics supersede the underlying beat: Some people

workout to rap songs, for example, with dense, swifty spoken lyrics overlaid on a relatively

mellow melody. This information is important for apps that look for people's interest to get their

attention. For example, Spotify has come to a similar conclusions, Spotify is using a technique to

match the beat of a music to the runner's pace. Spotify has arranged music in categories. For
example, if your going on a run Spotify has specific music to that certain subject, or if you're sad

Spotify has a category depending on the type of sadness.


Music has been around for quite awhile and will still be around in the future. Music is a

positive way to release your emotions, health benefits, and help your body function. I would

encourage people to listen to music more frequently at a good volume level not too high or low. I

can personally say that music helps me concentrate while writing. While typing and doing

research the music that I was listening to helped me isolate myself from my surroundings.

Works Cited

"This is your brain on music." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

Mic. "7 Ways Music Affects the Body: Here's How Science Says

Sound Moves Us." Mic. Mic Network Inc., 27 Feb. 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

"Plato Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 24 Mar.


"The Harmful Effects of Music on Body and Mind." The

Unbounded Spirit. N.p., 09 Mar. 2017. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.


Schfer, Thomas et al. The Psychological Functions of Music Listening. Frontiers in

Psychology 4 (2013): 511. PMC. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

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