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Unit 1 Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus) Unit 11 PART STACKS USING POSITION (BONUS) Upon completion of this unit the student will be able to : * Calculate part stacks using position tolerances with bonus tolerances (with planar or RES datums) it Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus) Explanation ‘Whenever a feature-of-size is located with a tolerance of position, the effects from the tolerance of position must be included in the stack. This unit covers stacks which: * include bonus tolerances + do not involve shift tolerances ‘This type of application occurs when the MMC modifier is used in the tolerance portion of the feature control frame and planar datums are referenced (or the RFS modifier is used in the datum reference.) See figure 11-1 —MMC MODIFIER. 3 PLANAR DATUMS TOLERANCE (OR RFS DATUMS) VALUE FIGURE 11-1." TOLERANCE OF POSITION CALLOUT EXAMPLE (MMC) C ‘Whenever a tolerance of position uses the MMC modifier in the tolerance portion of the feature control frame, it means a bonns tolerance may be available. A key to using bonus tolerance in stacks is to remember that maximum bonus is available only when the toleranced feature-of-size is at least material condition (LMC). 106 ‘OR “TOTAL’ TOL, ZONE ® aa to f 0,7 DIA. "POSITION + BONUS' TOL. ZONE FIGURE 11-2, TOLERANCE OF POSITION TOLERANCE ZONE (MMC) The “actual” feature-of-size (hole, pin, ete.) could be anywhere within the "total" tolerance zone. See figure 11-2. For stack purposes, the actual feature-of-size is consid- ered to be at its extreme location relative to its true position (basic location). Point A (in figure 11-2) shows the extreme location for an MMC feature-of-size — half the posi- tional tolerance value from its basic location. Point B, in figure 11-2, shows the extreme location for a least material condition featute-of-size — half the positional tolerance plus the radial bonus tolerance. The radial bonus tolerance is equal to half the total bonus because stacks use the radius of the feature-of-size. ‘As shown in Unit 10, a tolerance of position uses 3 lines on the stack form. One line {for the position tolerance. One line for the bonus tolerance, and one line for the shift tolerance. This explanation will focus on ways the bonus tolerance is recorded. ne es se 11-2 When recording the bonus tolerance, you must first identify the stack condition. Two stack conditions are possible: 1. Ifonly the centerline of the feature-of-size is used in a stack. 2. If the radius of the feature-of-size is used in the stack. To determine which stack condition exists, look at the entries associated with the position tolerance. If the radius of the feature-of-size is not used, then condition number 1 exists. See figure 11-3 A for an example. If the radius of the feature-of-size is used in the stack, then condition number 2 exists. See figure 11-3 B for an example. If the radius is used, it will appear in one of two places: the stack line immediately proceeding the 3 lines used for the position callout or on the stack line immediately following the 3 lines used for the position callout. Q EBA. LOF BTS. on EOF BLOF ACT. = g it sl OFBACT. O° BTR a B = = kc} i sous. 3 [Ieorere gor sie, a err a Eee epic 6 | EGTA ICED TE I F| oF OTP. OFBACT._—_@ a I aot iH SHIFT i CE OATIE SF 128 2, NO SAFTPLANAR OATUMS B Since the radius of the feature-of-size is | Since the radius of the feature-of-size not used in the stack, stack condition is used in the stack, stack céndition number 1 exists. number 2 exists. FIGURE 11-3, STACK CONDITIONS FOR BONUS TOLERANCES On the stack line which contains the bonus, a number is entered in the “comments no." column. In the "comments box" enter the same number and a code for stack condition and tolerance type. The code is derived from the "bonus/shift" chart shown in figure 11-4, The code consists of two digits. The first digit is a number which represents the stack condition (1 or 2). The second digit is a lewter which represents the type of tolerance, "B" for bonus or "S" for shift. An example is shown in figure 11~ The information in the appropriate cell of the bonus/shift chart shows how to record the bonus tolerance on the stack form. Study the stacks on pages 11-7 and 11-8 to see how the bonus tolerance is recorded. NOTE: Becauise the feature-of-size which is used to determine the bonus tolerance value can be on a line after the line for bonus on the stack form, itis easier to complete all of the stack entries and then go back and determine the bonus (and shift) values. — 113 Unit Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus) + dently the stack condition (1 0r2) || «dont the stack condition (1 or2) + Follow the instructions inthe [| Folow th instructions inthe appropriate cel appropriate cain column 8 incolumn S Stack B Stack Ss Conditions | Bonus Values Conditions Shift Values ‘only the canterine | _ Enfar max (radial iFoniy the centering | Enermax. eh 1 pitne foaturectsize) Bonus in ‘ofthe featureotsize | both columns inthe stack | _ both columns used in tho stack (UNC rad VC rad) Enter zero bonus Enior min. sit nthe inthe come ‘column containing the containing te NMC rad. of tho datum MC & LMe MMC rao ive & UMC radius | (MIM rad-VO rad) 2D | radu of ne aad ‘of te datum usod ond festue-otsize | | entar max. rd) nie eet Enter max shit inthe Usd inthe stack | onus inthe column containing the colar contsining UME rad of the datum {no LM ra. (MC rad V6 rad) No shit whan planar datums ar referenced, No borus or sit when@ is shown, "No shift when stacking botwoon part features which are gaged simultaneously. 'No shift because a tolerance is only used whan it's inthe dlracton of the stack pth, ‘Stacks using chained & cafouts must include a location tolerance for each callout When is used, reverse the instructions shown for @) FIGURE 11-4. BONUS/SHIFT CHART Note for stack on page 11-7: When doing this stack the bonus on line G could not be determined until line I was completed. This condition of not being able to complete a bonus or a shift until additional lines are completed is common in stacks. This is an example of why it is easier to complete all of the stack entries first and then go back and determine the bonus (or shift) values. —— 14 Unit 1 Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus) The least material condition (LMC) modifier and projected tolerance zone modifier are used occasionally on engineering drawings. Therefore, it is important to know how to use these modifiers in stacks. First let's discuss the LMC modifier. Two common uses of the LMC modifier are: 1, To control a minimum wall thickness 2. To control minimum clean-up stock of a casting When the LMC modifier is used in the tolerance portion of the feature control frame, it means that a bonus tolerance is allowed. The LMC bonus concept works "in reverse" to the MMC bonus concept. In other words, zero bonus is available when the feature-of-size is at LMC and the maximum bonus is available when the feature-of-size is at MMC. The chart in figure 11-5 shows how bonus from the LMC modifier is accounted for in stacks. LMC Bonus Tolerance Chart For Bonus: + Identity the stack condition (1 or 2) + Follow the instructions in the ‘appropriate cell in column B Entor zero bonus ems nee oo SOR | semen nite, crm FIGURE 11-5, LMC BONUS TOLERANCE CHART “The projected tolerance zone modifier is used to control the orientation of a feature-of-size (usually a tapped hole) for assembly purposes. See figure 11-6 for an example. M10 x 1.5- 6H o1g05ORE DENOTES PROJECTED ‘TOLERANCE ZONE ‘SPECIFIES HEIGHT (OF TOLERANCE ZONE (WITH PROJECTED TOL. ZONE) FIGURE 11-6. PROJECTED TOLERANCE ZONE EXAMPLE ‘As you can see in figure 11-6, the projected tolerance zone modifier relocates the tolerance zone, from being within the part to being above the part. This limits the squareness of the hole without penalizing the location of the hole. This eliminates the angle of the bolt having an impact on the stack, Therefore, whenever the projected tolerance zone modifier is used, the stack is simplified because the angle of the bolt is within the tolerance zone and does not affect the stack. The projected tolerance zone modifier is not shown on the stack form. Its effects, although not shown, are important to the funetion of the product. Unit LL Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus) Examples ‘The stacks shown are examples of 3 bonus conditions described in this unit, Example #1 STACK NO. ‘OF THE TWO SMALL HOLES. 1 oft [3] o oe AJ BC} oO oO NOTE: ‘This is not a patt from the gearbox assembly This symbol @ is used to show the dimension which is used on the fine of the stack. PART NO. | REV DESCRIPTION FROM/TO E. OF @/ G OF @ ACT. 2.0 Pe OF ACT./¢ OF STP. P27 BONUS 0.0 P27. 2 ‘SHIFT 0.0 P27 OF BT.P/E OF DTP. P-27 EOF BT.P/E OF BACT. P27 BONUS: 0.0 02 P27 2 SHIFT 0.0 0.0 P27, COF BACT TE OFS 2.0) 22, ‘COMMENTS ‘SUB TOTALS, 361 [+] 36.1 4. 28 +] 361 ff] 35.1 2. NO SHIFT/PLANAR DATUMS vesenaoa.( SS NAME __Jamy K. DATE_29DE91 See note on page 11-4. eed 11-7 Example #2 STACK NO. OBJECTIVE: FIND THE MAX AND MIN Di _ ‘CENTERLINES OF THE TWO SMALL HOLES. SHEET_1_oF_1 This is not a part from the gearbox assembly, This symbol @ is used to show the dimension which is used on the line of the PART NO. | REV DESCRIPTION FROM/TO eee ae Ie eee Al P-27 GOF BACT./COFBTP. PU eae Hee 0.05, pl P-27 1 Bonus |+| 02 |-| 02 ic P27 2 sHiet|+| 00 |-| 00 pl P27 GOFBTPIEORSTP. +[ 40.0 _[+[ 40.0 lE| P27 gorgtPigorgact. @|+| 005 [-| 0.05 IF| P27 i Bonus |+[ 02 [| 02 fal_P-27 ef SHIFT [+] 00 [| 00 ‘COMMENTS. suptotas |+] 40.5. fe] 39.5 1.0 1.18 Wom) os Fl ws 2. NO SHIFT/PLANAR DATUMS ceseoon CS NAME ___Jamy K.__ DATE _29DE 91 11-8 Example #3 STACK NO. OBJECTIVE: _FIND THE MAX AND MIN WALL DISTANCE. _ E3 SHEET 1 OF _1 NOTE: This symbol @ is used to show the dimension which is used on the line of the | stack. REV DESCRIPTION FROM /TO x] + MAK is) MN A SUG -A/CB + 6.9 P| 7 O2 B| B-A-/EBT [00 F090 00 Ic € BrP /E Bact [025 |] 0.25 05, D i Bonus |#[_05 05 E 2 SHIFT [+| 0.0 —~\"o0 F| TBAT Sus [8s 05 ‘COMMENTS susroras [+] 295 fF] 0.65 17 4. 2B/ LMC +] 235 |e] 0.68 an veseveon Cd) awe _Jamy K. Dare _29 DE 91 11-9) ion (Bonus) Unit 1 Part Stacks Using Po: Exercises ‘Complete the 3 problems on the following pages and then begin Unit 12. Exercise 11-1 : STACK NO. OBJECTIVE: FIND THE MAX AND MIN DISTANCE BETWEEN DATUM PLANE 8 AND THE EDGE OF THE LARGE HOLE. ‘SHEET _1_ OF _1 “AS -B- 4.4 Deo Alaic| — [8-20 20 - ~ A 16.6 ® 160 P27 >[G0.1 @/Al lc) <= jte PartNo. | Rev J] DESCRIPTION FROM/ TO 2 eae eal ei NAME: DATE SS 1-10 Unit 1 Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus Exercise 11-2 STACK NO. OBJECTIVE: __FINE AND MIN DISTANCE BETWEEN THE EDGE OF ‘THE SMALL. HOLE AND DATUM PLANE C. sHEET_1_ OF DESCRIPTION FROM/TO ‘COMMENTS ‘SUB TOTALS NAME ate. Add Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus, Exercise 11-3 STACK NO. OBJECTIVE: _FIND THE MAX AND MIN DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TOP. ‘SURFACE AND THE HOLE EDGE. iB B56 ($1G0.6 GB) PART NO. | REV ‘DESCRIPTION FROM/TO ‘COMMENTS: SUB TOTALS, vesonson CS NAME DATE 11-12 Exercise 11-4 STACK NO. ‘OBJECTIVE: _FIND THE MAX & MIN DISTANCE X SHEET_1_OF_1 3 fiestas gp ence! a 188 jf 24} —-+| ']Go4 @)a |B |c®) re i $5 ee PART NO. | REV DESCRIPTION FROM/TO ‘SUB TOTALS : i a) NAME. ns DATE —— 11-13 Unit 11 Part Stacks Using Position (Bonus) Summary When a tolerance of position is specified with an MMC modifier in the tolerance portion of the feature control frame, a bonus tolerance is available. The bonus occurs when the toleranced feature-of-size is at least material condition (LMC). There are two different ways of handling bonus, depending on whether the stack uses the centerline of the feature-of-size (stack condition #1), or the radius of the feature-of- size (stack condition #2). If the stack uses the centerline, the max. (radial) bonus goes in both columns. If the stack uses the radius, max. bonus is included in the LMC radius column and zero bonus goes in the MMC radius column. 1-14

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