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Drew Olson Omen a Per LERWC 10302016, jos Austican Lnunignation on eget quot ~The Immigration a ; Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA). the body of law governing current immigration policy. provides for ral we ( Fan annual worldwide limit of 675,000 permanent immigrants, with certain exceptions for close family memberg¢’(americani imily membs "eq(americanimmigrationcounei -org) As of right now, theBmerican immigration policy is loose. bo country leisous df People oe it and yet still when it’s at its limit it still lets people into it. People abuse i i this rule of how family members basicly get a free pass into the states if'a member is a citizen of the country. gration policy off of the color of people's skin, it’s also known as racial When? one Und yew porett?, Profiling. As of right now,the country let nearly million people-in, but add the people who are cheating the The country mainly limits imn system by having family members who live in the country. With the given facts, anyone can see that to have a strong country, there has to be a strong immigration policy. A strong immigration policy will help keep af ye country safe and guarded from foreign invaders or threats, “The nation as a whole has been used and abused by other nations and people, The country needs to lower down and fix the hole that it has in it’s walls, think about the greater good for the nation over all, That means cracking down on the immigration policy, making it stricter so that the country will be safer. “This wide-ranging immigration enforcement bill would make unlawful presence in the United States a criminal act punishable with jal time, greatly expand detention of immigrants, authorize states and local governments 10 create their own immigration enforcement laws, and impose harsher penalties and restrictions for immigration violations, among other enforcement-related provisions."( This bill is exactly what that nation needs to start its journey to salvation and nationally fixing itself. If this bill passes ‘then the egal immigrants that are leaching off the system and once the nation would slowly start to get rd of the il majority of them are gone, the great nation can thrive. The bill will punish the people who sneak into the "nna Slimane ORAS. vy. a5 well as make it ome? Amuclthardt ts ance ME to sneak into the country Tis 1s what the peuple of america news Foccause t will increase the econo cas Ne the economy Supply for house for cruzem, and make more jobs for tras site des quote means that there is a Dull that & trying to he passed, that will maice the united states stronger and up to being the strongest nation i WEST nahin in the world. Nut only As this a hug encoyh problem that perpie have proposed a bil for this but as well as how other people also believe this. Exery person hold their own opinion of what is hetter for the world and what 1s the right thing 19 do, fut i's shocking to see that the majority of both political parties, democrats and republicans, mayaly agree that the immigration system needs to be fixed. Proof given by a research study taken by Pew Research Center, “The USS. immigration system is broken. Strong majorities of Republicans (89%) and Democrats (77%) s3y the ase oN {pic OSUNE PAN 4ATIH APU immigration system needs major changes or needs to be completely rebuilt.“(, shows that the ovenvhelming majority of both groups believe i's time for remodel. This study puts the cards on the table and ‘says that most of the people want change tothe immigration system. If people want it why don't they get it? It's because the {hited Sues ig scared that if they are not thereto protect and save everyone then they will sufler- But the realty is that everyone needs to make sacrifices, even nations. The linited Rates needs to reform the immigration policy and make it so that it's a solitary nation. Once the country does that, then they can start to help people but with a better handle of things. This showed the majority's points of view and what they want, but everyone has a different idea of how to fix it and what it will bring. (There are bounds on what will fix what and how to fix things, different paths for say. But some of them (are tue solutions and can be used to fix things. Such as the right way to fix the immigration policy would to pe Sfengthen it and make i stricter, making so that people have less chance of sneaking in as well as punished properly if they do manage to sneak their way into the country. The ideas of Yynald rump show that if he docs become president he will reform the immigration policy, the way he thinks is that if he reforms it, there will be tons of more jobs given to citizens of america instead of illegal immigrants. He states this on his political web site “9, Tum off the jobs and benefits magnet, Many immigrants come to the U. iMegally in search of jobs, ‘even though fedcral law prohibits the employment of illegal immigrants.”(donaldjtrump com), Which wraps up ‘Olon3 “rym that he wil make isso that jos wil be yiven back to the american citizens are! not the leva immigrants. He Knows that 0 get that, a stronger and more srict immigration policy has to be exeated an put nto enactment. As the study's goes with him and his idea yet the majority of people still don’t think that he is suited for president, Its contradictory when people want major change yet they don't want to elect the person what will bring major chang pare ing major change. On the other hand, with all the evidence and support with this claim, people will still argue against it As said before, every person has their own point of view as well as their own opinions. Even with huge topies Pres, is (opis such as the immigration policy or even racial profiling. A claim unspecified study given by Alex Nowrasteh “a giant shock to Miami's labor market that increased the size ofits population by 7 percent in 42 days — finds large negative wage effects concentrated on Americans with less than a high school tates that the findings found large negative effects on americans. Americans arelupied\pates degree.” (, citizens, therefore they jobs should not be faltered because a rise in population, most likely due to illegal immigration. His own statement has backfired and lead to him proving the point of how immigration is @ major problem for the economy as well as the safety of the united states, There for a, one of the most important things is to strength to immigration policy, even if that means racial profiling ‘The immigration policy of the united states is rather difficult to understand as well as crazily complex. But if looked into it becomes rather simple, easy to express opinions and points of view on. It’s necessary 10 strengthen the immigration policy so that the true citizens get the jobs that illegal immigrants are stealing, Even if it means racially profiling people, everyone must understand that when it comes down to the safety and well being of people, there are not bounds. If it meant the safety to children all over the country, would there be any reason to not guard them. In this one scenario, racially profiling is needed, just to secure the well being and liberties that are given (o the rightful citizens of America,

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