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Teaching Strategies

Name of Strategy How it Works Which students it Materials

works best with

Boos v. Bravos -Used to control the Tends to work best with -Stars
volume of the class the older students - Dry Erase Board
-Discipline the students specifically 4th and 5th - Board
-Used to give the graders
students something to
look forward
** 3 bravos= star
**4 bravos= push-ups
from teacher
**1 boo= bad day :(

Seating Transitions -Seated by different Works best with Polka Dot Mats
row,colors, and a mat younger students Music Notes
-Teaches the students specifically K- 3rd
personal space and how grade
to line up in an orderly

Patriotic & Warm- Up -Changes them every Everyone Sheet Music

Songs month Music Booklets
- Teaches them about
different traditions
-Emphasis on patriotic
songs especially since
this a military area
- Teach the students
new songs to expand

Teaching Philosophies:

My cooperating teacher believes in these 2 methods when teaching. The Japanese Method which
states that you have to nurture to love and it starts when theyre born. She believes that What you
expose to children creates the kid. Mrs. A received free ukulele so she put them in her classroom and
allows them to play music with them and perform in concerts with them. She believes this follows the
method by exposing the students to new innovative things that challenge their minds.
The second method is Carl Orfs method which states that kids need play. Making music is how
kids can play. They need childs play. She allows the students to perform their assessments on
instruments by themselves and with a partner. This gives the students an opportunity to complete the task
but they have a chance to play.

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