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Axel Herrera
March 22,2017

Myths are stories are that are passed down throughout history are told to explain
the unknown. There are two popular myths known as Pandoras Box- Greek myth and
Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian myth, these are very different and similar myths. Both of the
myths use different objects to represent the same and different ideas or deeper
meanings, also they have similar universal themes, and finally both have are started
how humans think similar even if they are from different parts of the world.

In the myths Pandoras Box- Greek myth and Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian
myth both have a type of animal that represents evil. In the Greek myth, moths are
used as symbols of misery, death, and sadness . In the Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian
myth, snake is used as a symbol of evil because Yahweh told the humans that to eat
of whatever fruit he liked, except for fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and
The snake persuaded the woman that she could eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil without dying, and that eating the fruit would give her Yahweh's
knowledge of good and evil. This means that the snake wanted the humans to betray
Yahweh and so he trick Eve into eating the apple. The snake represents the evil that
betrayed Yahweh. The greek myth animal that represent evil are the moths because
when the moths came out of the box poured disease and poverty. Out came misery,
out came death, out came sadness. This means when they came out then all the
problems of the world came. This also means that moths are the cause of all the pain
and poverty that have been all over the world. In the end, both myths have a certain
animal that represent evil.
In the myths Pandoras Box- Greek myth and Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian
myth both have similar universal themes. Both myths show how their is a higher
power and how everything is created by something. In Pandoras Greek myth shows
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Zeus became the leader of gods and gave stars to sky, and life to earth. This means
that Zeus was the higher power of the myth. Also the myths shows that Zeus
summoned his sons Prometheus and Epimetheus. He told them to go to Earth and
create men and animals and give them each a gift. This means that everything that has
live was created by something. In Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian myth shows that On the
day that Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the land was dry and barren until a
mist came up from the earth and wetted the land. Then Yahweh took dust from the
earth and shaped it into the form of a man, and he breathed life into that form, and it
came to life. This shows that Yahweh is the higher power and also the creator of live. In
the end both have similar universal themes.

In the myths Pandoras Box- Greek myth and Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian
myth both shows how humans think similar even if they are from the a different
parts of the world. In the Pandoras Box- Greek myth show how humans are forever
fickle, and betray each other. Humans only wish for power, gifts, and lies. Their only
abilities are deceit and greed. This means that humans have their own way of thinking.
In the Yahweh- Hebrew/ Christian myth shows that In the garden was a snake, and the
snake persuaded the woman that she could eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and
evil without dying, and that eating the fruit would give her Yahweh's knowledge of good and evil.
She ate the fruit, and she gave some to the man too. This means that they were both
convinced to do something even if they warned not to. In the end, humans think similar
even if they are not the same.

In conclusion, the myths Pandoras Box- Greek myth and Yahweh- Hebrew/
Christian myth shows how they are very similar and very different at the same time and
both show humans think in similar ways even if they are different.

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