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Kirchoffs Rules and Power

Kirchoff- determine current or voltage into or out of any point in a circuit.

Current coming into a point (junction) and current is going out. Current in=Current out.
I1 = I2+I3 If going into a junction containing I2 and I3
All elements in series have equal current.
One way in and one way out- everything along that path has the same current.
Another way of saying continuity equation (fluid flowing out=fluid flowing in)
Conservation of charge (charge coming in= charge going out)- charge is not created or

Voltage Rule- sum of voltages around a closed loop in a circuit must equal 0.
Elements in parallel have same voltage
In a single loop ( Vbat= (-V1) + (-V2) ) (resistors resulting in voltage drop)
When you are going from a low potential to a higher potential, the voltage is
increasing by an amount prescribed by the battery.
As you go across a resistor in direction of current flow, there is a voltage drop as you
go across the resistor (V=IR)
Elements in parallell- allows you to make loop. Elements in parallel have same

Power= Energy disspitation or energy flux coming out of the battery/time.

P= Current x Voltage (Amps*Volts) or Watts
As current goes through resistor, electrical energy is disspitated as thermal energy.
P=IV= V2R (Algebraic equality) or I2R
The first equation is primarily used for batteries. The other two equations are used
for resistors. In the case of the resistors being in parallel, you can use the third equation
as you know what the voltage drop across each one will be.

MC Question (look below)- Current through two resistors in series will be the same.
Rb would have the greater current going through it as it has the lowest resistance.
Which resistor disspiates the least power-
Equilavent resistance for resistors in series is sum of individual resistance.
Equilavent resistance for resistors in paralle is R1R2/R1+R2
Parallel- less resistance overall as you are giving the current more paths to take.
If it has more current and same resistance- more power.
For C and D, we know they have the same current. The power through C and D would be
dependent on their resistance. Since we know Rc>Rd. More power disipitated by Rc, so
least power dissipation by D.
Batteries supply electrical energy to circuits (converted from chemical potential energy)
and resistors dissipate that power as thermal energy.
Voltmeter- has very high internal resistance.
Since you are trying to measure the voltage across the resistor, you want voltmeter to
have the same voltage across it- so we connect it in parallel.
Since you are measuring voltage without interrupting the voltage.
Any measurement device has some internal resistance to minimize its impact on the
Since you want to measure voltage- you want little current branching off into the junction
of the voltmeter. Thus, have voltmeter with high resistance.

Resistors in series
have same
current- so to
measure, place it
in series.
To minimally
affect the current,
it must have low
resistance. Resistors in series add resistance. If you got a 10A resistor and connect it
with 0.01ohm resistor, it will pass through without changing the current going through.
If you want to measure the voltage across R3, connect it paralle to resistor, if you want to
measure current, measure it in series with resistor.
The place where you connect the meter dictates the measurement. Ex: Dont place it next
to battery unless you want values associated with the battery.

To find the current through 2 ohm resistor, connect an ammeter in series with the 2ohm
To determine the current value we would get on the meter, we need to determine
equilavent resistance.
Ex: The top resistor will be 10 ohms as its 2 in series. 10 and 10 in parallel, so use the
equation, so product over sum which is 5 ohms. 5 ohm in series with 2 ohms so total
resistance is 7 ohms. 14 V/7 ohms= 2 Amps.

Power dissipated- I2R or V2/R

Connect a voltmeter in parallel with 6 ohm resistor.
Weird way of doing it:
They considered a closed loop including 6 ohm.

They made a proportioanlity in which 6/10 of the 10 V voltage must be to the 6ohm
resistor. So 6V is the voltage across that resistor. And if you divide that by the resistance,
you get the value for 6W power disspiated.

Easier way= since you know 2 Amps is going in and equal resistance on either side of the
parallel circuit, 1 Amp going through each branch. 6 ohm* 1^2amps= 6 Watts

Ideal meter dont affect the values they measure. Real meters do but minimally.
Magnetic Force Vid(not
Magnetic Fields
Electric field is created by either moving or stationary charge.
Current is defined in the direction of positive charges. So if you see electrons moving
to right, current is moving to left. Correct for this!
Magnetic field curl loops around current flow.
For a straight wire, the magneti field is inversely proportional to distance from wire itself.
Vectors do not curve. It is representative of a vector. To get a vector- draw a tangent line
to field line. B= magnetic field vector.
Stronger field lines closer to wire and less farther away.
Moving charges create magnetic fields.
Permanent magnets- current is not actively flowing but still get magnetic field.
All material have some response to magnetic field.
Ferromagnetic materials- strong response to magnetic field- you can make permanent
magnet by putting them inside a magnetic field and allowing magnetic propensity to
have a permanent alignment.
If something is a permanent magnet- it is producing a magnetic field without current
applied to it.
All magnets have North and South pole. Magnetic field lines come out of north pole and
go into south pole.
Unlike positive and negative charges which are monopoles (occur by themselves).
Magnets always exist as dipoles.
Simple Harmonic Motion:
Back and forth motion. Each oscillation is the same.
When restoring force (system back to equlibrium) is proportional to displacement from
equilibrium position
Block attached to spring. If you push spring in, the force of spring pushes back and the
amount of that force is proportional to distance you compressed to spring.
Hookes Law- Restoring force is proportional to distance moved from equilibrium.
Restoring force- thats why you have negative sign. Opposite in direction to direction.
A= maximum or minimum distance during oscillation. Amplitude is constant.
Displacement however changes during movement as it moves between the +/- amplitude.
Period- time to complete one cycle. Return to equilibrium and to same velocity.
Period can be measured from one equilibrium to the other. Or from negative amplitude to
to negative amplitude and vice versa
For a simple harmonic oscillator- the period is constant. Regardless of number of
oscillations you do, the period for each cycle is the same.
In the case of a bouncing ball- changing amplitude- not constant period.
For the case of the bouncing ball the gravitational constant regardless of where the ball is.

Simple harmonic motion- period of the oscillator is not dependent on amplitude.

Whether you compress a block 1cm or compress a distance of 10cm, the amount
of time for one complete cycle to occur will be the same- simple harmonic

For the box- the spring force is greater when you are further away from eq. Changing
force allows the time to be constant irrespective of amplitude.

# of cycles/second. (1/s=Hz)- Reciprocal of

period. (flip the period or frequency)
Spring Frequency formula. The period
would be inverse of the equation on red.

Two forces for two spring meaning two forces added together.
Two springs are attached to one mass.
Force will double.
Frequency is related to spring constant.
F is proportional to spring constant. F is proportional to k.
If force has doubled that means spring constant has doubled.
Frequency equation- Frequency is proportional to square root of k.
Square root of 2k. The factor by which k has increased is root of 2k.
B is the answer.
Chemical bonds are spring oscillators- simple harmonic oscillators.
Period and frequency are inverses of each other.
For simple harmonic motion- frequency and period are constant over time regardless of
Simple harmonic motion energy:
When a spring is disturbed, it stores energy. (potential energy eq- 1/2kx^2)
X= displacement from equilibrium.
Restoring force is conservative- work done by the spring= negative change in elastic
potential energy.
In the abscence of non-conservative force, the motion can be modeled by conservation
of mechanical energy.
Initial sum of KE and PE is equal to final sum.
No energy has been gained or lost by system.

Greatest potential energy at either ends (a and -a)

Kinetic energy at the equilibrium is max.
According to potential E eq= 0. All converted to kinetic at that point.

Maximum speed as a function of amplitude.

Speed as a function of distance questions typically dictate a conservation of energy
KE initial + PE initial= KE final + PE final.
0 + 1/2kA^2= 1/2mvmax^2+ 0
You are going from one end compression to equilibrium.
Initial compresssion to equilibrium final position.
Vmax=sq rt (K/M) * A
Maximum speed is directly proportional to amplitude.

If you pull or push the spring twice as far- you change the amplitude.
Period and frequency are independent of amplitude.
Speed is not.
In order for time to complete oscillation to be independent of distance, the speed
cannot be. If you want to make a larger distance, you need a greater speed in order
to make sure period is independent of amplitude for harmonic oscillator.

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