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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: My favorite city / Evidencia: Mi cudad favorita

Describe your favorite city. Include name, location, site to visited, activities for
doing and traditional food and a picture. / Describa su ciudad favorita favorita.
Incluya nombre, sitios tursticos, actividades para realizar, comida tradicional y
una foto..

Write a paragraph with no more than seven lines using SENA font, Arial 12.
Escriba un prrafo de no ms de seis lneas con letra Arial 12.


My favorite city

Paramaribo is the capital and largest city of Suriname, located on the banks of
the Suriname River in the Paramaribo District. Paramaribo has a population of
roughly 241,000 people (2012 census), almost half of Suriname's population.
The historic inner city of Paramaribo has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site
since 2002. In Paramaribo, you can visit the Zeeland Fort, Paramaribo Zoo,
Surinam Natural reserve, Surinam Museum and Garden of Palms. In
Paramaribo you can do free bank transactions, visit famous restaurants like
Garden of Eden, a Thai restaurant and, of course you must visit Calas beach.
Enjoy Paramaribo exotic seafood like Vatapa, Moksie Alesie and Petjil.

My favorite city is Ccuta, the city where my family lives in Cucuta. The people are very kind. And
the food is delicious. Cucuta is beautiful, it's a small town and not expensive. Is a A city
surrounded by a lot of nature, there are many trees in the city, and the greenest city in Colombia,
the climate is warm, hot and sunny. There are many buses and taxis in Cucuta, so you have no
problems with transportation, Only negative is traffic jams. There is a Cucuta tourist site known as
"Pozo Azul". You can take a tour of nature and At the end of the route there is a blue lake where
you can swim and enjoy the scenery. This site It is near the road called "Ring Road". In Ccuta
the border with Venezuela is closed, They are places to visit, water park, a swimming pool,
soccer field sport. Near the city of Cucuta, there are cold weather villages, rarely visited the town
Chinacota, because there is a lot of nature and it is a very quiet place to rest, you can also rent
cabins rest.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make
sure the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Una vez finalice la evidencia enve al instructor el archivo a travs de la

plataforma, as:

1. D clic en el ttulo de esta evidencia.

2. D clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque el archivo en su
computador. Asegrese de adjuntar el archivo.
3. Escriba algn comentario si lo considera pertinente.
4. D clic en Enviar.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning
guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carcter individual. Recuerde revisar la gua de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cmo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluacin
Describe experiencias de vacaciones pasadas teniendo en cuenta la
estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

Usa los verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado simple con la estructura y

el vocabulario requeridos.

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