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New Potential Function for Alkali Halide Molecules

Yatendra Pal Varshni and Ramesh Chandra Shukla

Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 35, 582 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1731973

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New Potential Function for Alkali Halide Molecules

Division oj Pure Physics, National Research Council, Ottawa 2, Canada


Department oj Physics, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India

(Received December 12, 1960)

A new potential-energy function has been suggested for the alkali halide molecules,
U = (-&/r) +P exp( -kr2 ) ,
where P and k are constants. Values of a e, "'eX., and the ionic binding energy Di have been derived for the
following three functions: (1) simple Born-Mayer potential, (2) Rittner potential, and (3) the above
suggested potential. The results obtained with the new function are much better than those obtained
with the Born-Mayer potential, but slightly inferior to those obtained with the Rittner potential.

INTRODUCTION used two types of repulsion terms, viz., exponential

NUMBER of attempts have been made to ap- A exp( -rip) and inverse power b/rn and calculated
A proximate the potential energy curves of the
alkali halide molecules assuming the molecule to be
the rotational constant a e and vibrational constant
w.x. for the two types of repulsion terms and found
constituted of ions. For earlier developments, refer- that the exponential one was better. Similar results
ence may be made to Rittnerl and Varshni. 2 Some years were obtained by Klemperer and Rice. 4 5
ago Rittnerl presented a theory of the alkali halide Pauling6 has given a simple treatment of alkali halide
molecules in the spirit of the Born-Mayer lattice theory. molecules taking into account only terms of the type
This theory has been found to be reasonably successful (a) and (e). However, Varshni and Shukla7 have shown
in describing the ionic bond in the alkali halide mole- that this does not give satisfactory values of a. and
We X
The binding energy is usually represented as con- Recently, Frost and Woodson8 have shown a very
sisting of the following terms: (a) charge-charge interesting connection between the potential-energy
interaction, which gives a term [-e2/rJ, (b) terms functions of two rare gas atoms and corresponding
arising due to charge-dipole interaction, dipole-dipole alkali halides whose ions have similar closed shells.
interaction and quasi-elastic energy stored in the in- As a first approximation they have put
duced dipoles, [-e2(at+a2)/2r4-2e2ala2/r7J, where at U (alkali halide) = (-e 2/r) +U (between rare gas
and a2 are the polarizabilities of the alkali and halide atoms having some closed shells as alkali halide ions).
ions: (c) a van def Waals attraction term [ -c/,.oJ,
(d) kinetic energy terms representing the difference Considering the crude approximation, the results ob-
in translational, rotational, and vibrational energy tained by Frost and Woodson are quite satisfactory.
between the molecule and the free iom; from which it is One important limitation of this approach is that the
composed (these are usually quite small and may be same curve is predicted for two alkali halide molecules,
neglected), (e) a short-range repulsion term. Rittner such as KBr and RbCl, regardless of which inert gas
used a Born-Mayer exponential repulsion term, A structure is contained in which ion.
exp( -r/p), and found satisfactory results for a number In recent years the existence of polymeric species in
of properties of alkali halide molecules. Honig, Mandel, the vapors of alkali halides has been demonstrated in
Stitch, and Townes3 have compared the coefficients of molecular beam experiments,9-12 mass spectrometric
higher powers of (r-r.) in the expansion of the energy 4 W. Klernperer and S. A. Rice, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 618 (1957).
expression in terms of (r-re) as obtained from experi- 5 S. A. Rice and W. Klemperer, J. Chern. Phys. 27,573 (1957).
6 L. Pauling, Proe. Natl. Acad. Sci. India A25, 1 (1956).
ment, with those from Rittner's theory. They found
7 Y. P. Varshni and R. C. Shukla, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London)
satisfactory agreement considering the large un- 76,794 (1960).
certainties in some of the experimental data. Varshni2 8 A. A. Frost and J. H. Woodson, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 80, 2615
* National Research Council Postdoctorate Fellow. On leave 9 R. C. Miller and P. Kusch, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 860 (1956) j
from the Department of Physics, Allahabad University Allaha- 27, 981 (1957).
bad, India. ' 10 M. Eisenstadt, G. M. Rothberg, and P. Kusch, J. Chern.
1 E. S. Rittner, J. Chern. Phys. 19, 1030 (1951). Phys.29,797 (1958).
2 Y. P. Varshni, Trans. Faraday Soc. 53,132 (1957). uP. Kusch, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 52 (1959).
SA. Honig, M. Mandel, M. L. Stitch, and C. H. Townes, 12 M. Eisenstadt, V. S. Rao, and G. M_ Rothberg, J. Chern.
Phys. Rev. 96, 629 (1954). Phys. 30, 604 (1959).

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studies,13-19 and other methods. 20 Correspondingly a TABLE 1.-

number of theoretical investigations have also been
made on the subject. O'Konski and Higuchi21 .22 were the w, k, T. B.
Molecules em-I (105/crn) (10- 8 em) em-I
first to investigate (NaClh using the Rittner model.
Milne and Cubicciotti23 have made calculations on LiF 906.2 g 2.4586 1. 545 g 1.378"
alkali halide dimer molecules using the Pauling; model. LiBr 576b 1.2478 2. 1704d 0.5555 d
LiI 501 b 0.9728 2.392d 0.4429 d
Berkowitz24 has extended the theory of O'Konski and
Higuchi and has calculated the molecular structure and NaCl 366b 1.1004 2.361d 0.2179 d
NaBr 302b 0.9591 2.502 d 0.1511 d
infrared-active vibrational frequencies of the dimer NaI 258b 0.7631 2.711 d O.l177d
KF 400' 1.205 2.171 0.2799
Alkali halide ions of the type M2X+ (Milne and KCl 281 b 0.8648 2.667 d 0.1285 d
Cubicciotti25 ) and trimers (Milne and Cubicciotti26 ) KBr 213b 0.7015 2.821d 0.0811 d
have also been treated on the basis of the Pauling model KI (173)b 0.5269 3.048d 0.0608 d
for the monomer. RbF 390' 1.361 2.265 1 0.2107 1
In these studies the potential-energy function of the RbC] 228b 0.7673 2.787 d 0.0876d
RbBr (166)b 0.6703 2.945 d 0.0475 d
alkali halide monomer has been used as the starting RbI (128)b 0.4929 3.177d 0.0328 d
point. Investigations have been made without polariza-
CsF 385' 1.451 2.345 d 0.184d
tion terms (e.g., Pauling model treatments23 ,25,26) and CsC] 209b 0.7201 2.906 d O.072 d
also with polarization terms (O'Konski and Higuchi,22 CsBr (139)b 0.5679 3.072 d 0.036 d
Berkowitz24 ) . However, it is known that the Pauling CsI (101)b 0.3900 3.515 d 0.0236 d
model is not wholly satisfactory for the alkali halide
- ( ) indicate estimated values.
monomers (Varshni and Shukla7). On the other hand b See works cited in references 4 and 5.
there has been some disagreement as to the proper C See work cited in reference 32.

d See work cited in reference 3.

values of the polarizabilities of alkali and halide ions e G. W. Green and H. Lew, Can. J. Phys. 38, 482 (1960).
that should be used in the extended potential-energy 1 H. Lew, D. Morris, F. E. Geiger, and J. T. Eisinger, Can. J. Phys. 36, 171
function. Pauling27 has calculated the polarizability of (1958).
G. L. Vidale, J. Phys. Chern. 64, 314 (1960).
the free ions from the theory of the quadratic Stark
effect, and his values have been checked by Mayer
and Mayer28 using spectral data. Tessman, Kahn, We have found that it is possible to account for the
and Shockley29 have calculated the polarizabilities of potential-energy curve of the diatomic alkali halide
ions in ionic crystals from a study of the indices of molecules by using only two tenus: an attractive term
refraction of alkali halide crystals (see also Hanlon and [ -e2/r ] and a new type of repulsive term P exp( -kr2),
Lawson30 ). There are considerable differences between this type of tenu is often referred to as the "Gaussian
these two sets of values. Klemperer and Rice4,6 have function." Besides its utility for the monomer, a simple
argued that the polarizabilities of the ions used in and compact function has obvious advantages in deal-
calculations of the energy curve should be chosen to ing with dimers and other polymers. We have carried
give agreement with the observed molecular dipole. out calculations for the following three potentials:

13 L. I<'riedrnan, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 477 (1955). U = (-e 2/r) +Be-r1u (Born-Mayer) (1)
14 N. A. lonov, Doklady Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. 59, 467 (1948).
16 T. A. Milne, H. M. Klein, and D. Cubicciotti, J. Chern. Phys.
U = - (e2/r) -[e2(al+a2) /2r4J- (2e2ala2/r7) - (c/r6)
28, 718 (1958).
16 J. Berkowitz and W. A. Chupka, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 653
(1958) .
+A exp( -rip) (Rittner) (2)
17 R. F. Porter and R. C. Schoonmaker, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 2/r)+P
1070 (1958). U= (-e exp( -kr2 ). (3)
18 R. C. Schoonmaker and R. F. Porter, J. Chern. Phys. 30,
283 (1959). In all the three cases we have determined the con-
19W. A. Chupka, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 458 (1959). stants, viz, B, rr, A, p, P, and k by using the conditions
20 A. C. Pugh and R. F. Barrow, Trans. Faraday Soc. 54, 671
(1958) .
21 C. T. O'Konski, J. Chern. Phys. 23,1174 (1955).
(dU/dr)r=r.=O (4)
22 C. T. O'Konski and W. 1. Higuchi, J. Chern. Phys. 23,1175
(1955) . (d2 U/dr2)r.=r.=k., the force constant. (5)
23 T. A. Milne and D. Cubicciotti, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 846
(1958) . We have referred above to the conflicting opinions
24 J. Berkowitz, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 1386 (1958).
26 T. A. Milne and D. Cubicciotti, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 1418 regarding the values of polarizabilities that should be
(1959) . used with such calculation,>. Berkowitz24 has found
26 T. A. Milne and D. Cubicciotti, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 1625
(1959) .
that the differences in polarizability do not change the
27 L. Pauling, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A114, 191 (1927). results very much, but somewhat better agreement of
28 J. E. Mayer and M. G. Mayer, Phys. Rev. 43, 605 (1933). vibrational frequencies was obtained with Pauling's
29 J. R. Tessman, A. H. Kahn, and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev.
92, 890 (1953). values of a. Hence we have also used the Pauling set of
30 J. E. Hanlon and A. W. Lawson, Phys. Rev. 113, 472 (1959). values as given in Rittner. The van der Waals attractive

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TABLE II. Values of the repulsion constants. Calculations were made for the rotational constant
(X" vibrational constant W'X" and the binding energy
<T p x k
Di for the above three potentials. The method of calcu-
Molecules (10- cm)
8 (10- cm)
8 (10 16 cm-2) lating (x. and WeXe has been explained in Varshni. 31 The
relevant equations are
LiF 0.2605 0.2739 6.9305 1.4517
LiBr 0.2882 0.3435 7.5302 0.7993 (Xe= -[(Xr./3) +1](6BNw.) (7)
LiI 0.3078 0.3758 8.7714 0.7665
NaCl 0.2852 0.3328 9.2779 0.8322 W.Xe= [~-X2- Y]re2 (W /JLAr.2), (8)
NaBr 0.2939 0.3049 9.5118 0.7597 and
NaI 0.3156 0.3364 9.5909 0.6525
KF 0.2956 0.3184 8.3449 0.8853 Di= -U(r.), (9)
KC] 0.2927 0.3430 10.1115 0.7108
KBr 0.3196 0.3731 9.8266 0.6174 where W =2.1078X 10-16 and
KI 0.3600 0.4199 9.4676 0.5095
RbF 0.2558 0.2938 9.8555 0.9605 X = UIII (re) /Ull (r.)
RbC] 0.3029 0.3558 10.2002 0.6566
RbBr 0.3126 0.3709 10.4216 0.6008 Y = UIV (r.) /Ull (r.).
RbI 0.3589 0.4218 9.8514 0.4880
CsF 0.2319 0.2852 11.1109 1.0103 The experimental data used are recorded in Table I
CsC] 0.3008 0.3614 10.6604 0.6312 and are discussed below.
CsBr 0.3362 0.3964 10.137 0.5371 The expressions for (X" WeX., and D i by the three
CsI 0.3762 0.4414 10.3422 0.4185
potentials are summarized below.
constant c can be obtained from
C=!(X1(X2[I2E/ (12+E)], (6) The potential (1) gives

where 12 is the second ionization potential of the alkali (X.=~ ~(r'/CT-3)6B/ (10)
atom, and E is the electron affinity of the halogen atom. 3 CT r./CT-2 We
Varshni2 has given the calculated values of "c" and
these have also been utilized here.
A number of earlier workers have made calculations =~[ (r./CT )4+3(r./CT ) 3-30 (r./CT )2+36 (r./CT ) +18]~
with the Rittner potential (2). Some of these were 3 (r./CT-2) 2 JLAr.2
based on the older data and in some it was assumed (11)
that p is constant for all molecules. As shown below, and
such an assumption is not quite correct. For these Di= (e2/r.) [1- (CT/r.)]. (12)
reasons we have performed completely new calcula-
tions with the best available data for the Rittner The values of CT are given in Table II and other results
potential also. are shown in Tables III, IV, and V.
Rittner's potential yields the following:

X= (13)


whence (x. and .x. can be calculated. Also2

Di=~{ 1-~)+ 2e (xl;(x2) (!_~)+ 14e2~1(x2(!_~)+ 6C6(!_~) (15)
;::\ r. re 4 r. r. 7 re r. 6 rc
values of p are recorded in Table II and other results are given in Tables III to V.
31 Y. P. Varshni, Revs. Modern Phys. 29, 664 (1957); 31, 839 (1959).

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lQ4Xa. a.XIQ4 a.XI04 a.XIQ4

obs. calc. % calc. % calc. %
Molecules em-I pot. (1) error pot. (2) error pot. (3) error

LiF 197.1a 185.3 -6.0 145.3 -26.3 100.7 -48.9

LiBr 56.41 b 66.09 +17.2 50.41 -10.6 47.63 -15.6
LiI 4O.90b 50.31 +23.0 37.6 -8.1 37.05 -9.4
NaCl 16.1b 18.06 +12.2 14.9 -7.5 13.81 -14.2
NaBr 9.4b 10.89 +15.9 11.0 +17.0 8.45 -10.1
NaI 6.5 b 7.83 +20.5 7.67 +18.0 6.10 -6.2
KF 23.35 c 23.39 +0.2 19.91 -14.7 16.54 -29.2
KCl 7.90b 9.20 +16.5 7.70 -2.5 7.37 -6.7
KBr 4.05 b 4.65 +14.8 3.87 -4.4 3.67 -9.4
KI 2.70b 3.06 +13.3 2.51 -7.0 2.37 -12.2
RbF 15.18d 17.22 +13.4 14.49 -4.5 13.61 -10.3
RbCl 4.50b 5.33 +18.4 4.42 -1.8 4.29 -4.7
RbBr 1.86b 2.16 +16.1 1.83 -1.6 1.80 -3.2
RbI 1.10b 1.27 +15.5 1.04 -5.5 1.00 -9.1
CsF 11.00b 15.59 +41.7 12.49 +13.5 12.96 +17.8
CsCI 3.30b 4.17 +26.4 3.38 +2.4 3.41 +3.3
CsBr 1.20b 1.47 +22.5 1.19 -0.8 1.17 -2.5
CsI 0.68b 0.89 +30.9 0.75 +10.3 0.72 +5.9
Average % error 18.0 8.7 12.1
Average (excluding fluorides) 18.8 7.0 8.0

G. L. Vidale, J. Phys. Chern. 64,314 (1960).

b See work cited in reference 3.
e G. W. Green and H. Lew, Can. J. Phys. 38,482 (1960).
d Lew, Morris, Geiger, and Eisinger, Can. J. Phys. 36, 171 (1958).

POTENTIAL (3) Then we have

The results for the new potential (3) can be con-
a.=[(x2-6x+3) /3(x-3) ] (6BHw.) (17)
veniently expressed in terms of another parameter x
defined by w.x.=[2X
(16) (18)
3(x-3)2 J.i.Ar.2



we X" WeXe weXe weXe 0.44 o
Molecules (est.) calc. calc. calc. N.
em-I pot (1) pot(2) pot(3) + t<
" Rb
LiF 7.9- 7.787 6.896 6.620 o Cs
LiBr 4.28 b 4.71 3.66 4.12 .40
LiI 3.35 b 3.97 2.997 3.49
NaCI 2.05b 2.14 1. 75 1.89 .38
NaBr 1. SOb 1.56 1.64 1.39
NaI 1.08b 1.23 1.25 1.10
P .36
KF 1.45e 2.25 1.99 1.96
. KCl


CsF 1.23 e
,, "
CsCI 0.75b 0.910 0.722 0.824 .28 o ,,"
CsBr 0.416 0.335 0.374 cf
CsI 0.253 0.208 0.229
a G. L. Vidale, J. Phys. Chern. 64, 314 (1960).
b See works cited in references 4 and 5. FIG. 1. Behavior of the constant p occurring in the Rittner po-
C See work cited in reference 32. tential (2). Broken line is interpolation.

Downloaded 29 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see


Molecules D.obs." D; calc. % Di calc. % Di calc. %

kcal/mole pot. (1) error pot. (2) error pot. (3) error

LiF 177.8 178.8 +0.6 185.8 +4.5 184.0 +3.5

LiBr 142.7 132.7 -7.0 142.1 -0.4 132.7 -7.0
LiI 130.7 121.0 -7.4 130.6 -0.1 123.0 -5.9
NaCI 127.9 123.7 -3.3 130.0 +1.6 125.5 -1.9
NaBr 124.4 117.2 -5.8 127.7 +2.7 118.8 -4.5
NaI 114.5 108.3 -5.4 118.9 +3.8 109.8 -4.1
KF 131.6 132.2 +0.5 136.5 +3.7 134.7 +2.4
KCI 113.3 110.9 -2.1 116.2 +2.6 112.2 -1.0
KBr 109.1 104.4 -4.3 109.5 +0.4 105.8 -3.0
KI 101.9 96.1 -5.7 101.1 -0.8 97.5 -4.3
RbF 135.8 130.1 -4.2 135.7 -0.1 131.8 -2.9
RbCI 111.1 106.2 -4.4 111.4 +0.3 107.5 -3.2
RbBr 106.7 100.8 -5.5 106.0 -0.7 102.0 -4.4
RbI 98.7 92.7 -6.1 97.6 -1.1 94.0 -4.8
CsF 133.3 127.6 -4.3 135.4 +1.6 128.9 -3.3
CsCI 107.6 102.5 -4.7 108.1 +0.5 103.6 -3.7
CsBr 103.2 96.3 -6.7 101.3 -1.8 97.5 -5.5
CsI 93.2 84.4 -9.4 88.3 -5.3 85.4 -8.4
Average % error 4.9 1.8 4.1

8 See work cited in reference 33.

and of lXe, WeXe, and binding energy D i are given in Tables

Di= (e 2/re) [1- (l/x)]' (19) III, IV, and V, respectively. The We values for KI,
RbBf, RbI, CsBr, and CsI given here are those esti-
Values of k and x are tabulated in Table II. Calculated mated by Rice and Klemperer. 5 Though experimental
results for lXe, WeXe, and Di along with percentage errors values for these molecules are available from the work
are shown in Tables III to V. of earlier workers, these estimated values are believed
to be more reliable and consistent. 5 It is very difficult
to evaluate WeXe from the experimental data, so investi-
The experimental data used in the calculations, gators have used semi empirical methods to e<;timate
together with the sources, are given in Table I. Values WeXe and to adjust We accordingly. Barrow and Caunt32
have estimated WeXe from the relation
xeMA!=0.013. (20)
o Li
1.4 \
No However, the constant in this relation IS rather un-
+ K certain and it may be as high a" 0.018.
1.3 \ A Rb
\ o Cs
On the other hand, Klemperer and Rice4 ,5 have used
1.2 \
the relation obtained from the Morse curve,
\ weXe=[(welXe/6) + B n2/Be 3, (21)

\ We have followed the policy of taking We and WeXe from
\ the same source.
k .9 \""" The binding energy (or the ionic dissociation energy)
D; was calculated from the relation

~ No
where De is the dissociation energy (obtained from
Gaydon33 ), I is the ionization potential of the alkali

atom (taken from Herzberg 34 ), and E iE the electron
., affinity of the halogen atom (taken from Pritchard35 )
cCs 32 R. F. Barrow and A. D. Caunt, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
.4 A219, 120 (1953).
33 A. G. Gaydon, Dissociation Energies and Spectra of Diatomic
0.3 Molecules (Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, 1953).
F CL 8r I
34 G. Herzberg, Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure (Dover
FIG. 2. Behavior of the constant k occurring in the potential Publications, New York, 1944).
(3). Broken line is interpolation. 36 H. O. Pritchard, Chern. Revs. 52, 529 (1953).

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Most of the De values are uncertain by about 4 vanced in support of the exponential term is that the
kcal and cOI'sequently there are corresponding un- quantum mechanical calculations predict such a term.
certainties in the Di values. However, it should be noted that the situation on this
point is not so simple. About 30 years ago, Unsold 38
and Bruck39 showed that the repulsive energies between
It will be noted from Table II that neither ()" nor p a point cation and a closed-shell anion should be of the
are constant for all of the molecules; ()" varies between form IT(r) exp( -')'r) where IT(r) is a polynomial in r.
0.23 to 0.38 and p varies between 0.27 to 0.45. It is clear Approximation of such an expression merely by an
that the earlier practice of assuming these to be con- exponential term may not be quite satisfactory.
stant has to be abandoned. Baughan36 has al'lo recently Further evidence on this point is available from the
concluded that ()" varies by about 15% for different quantum-mechanical calculations of the mutual po-
molecules. The behavior of p has been shown in Fig. 1. tential between two atoms having a rare-gas electron
In a group of molecules having the same alkali atom, p configuration. The He-He repulsive potential was first
is seen to increase in the order of F, CI, Br, I, but the calculated by Slater4 and later by several others. A
Na series appears to be an exception. recent treatment is due to Sakamoto and Isiguro. 41
It is interesting to note that parallel results have also Bleick and Mayec42 have used a generalized Heitler-
been obtained in the case of alkali halide crystals. London method to compute the repulsive potential
(Cubicciotti37 ) between two atoms (or ions) having closed-shell con-
The behavior of the constant k has been shown in figurations of eight electrons each, and have reported
Fig. 2. For a given alkali atom, k is found to decrease numerical results for two neon atoms. Their method
as we pass from fluoride to iodide. ha'l been used by Kunimune43 to calculate the re-
For a e : The fluorides appear to give high percentage pUlsive potential in the case of two argon atoms. The
errors. Hence we have shown average percentage errors theoretical results of Sakamoto and Isiguro, Bleick
for both cases: (i) including fluorides and (ii) excluding and Mayel, and of Kunimune were plotted as logY
fluorides. versus r. The points in each case could reasonably ap-
From the average percentage errors it will be ob- proximated by a straight line, indicating that the
served that the resultL obtained with Eq. (3) are much exponential term was satisfactory. However, it may
better than those obtained with Eq. (1) and only also be pointed out that some of the theoretical results
slightly inferior to those obtained with potential (2). are in serious disagreement with the experimental data
For WeXe: As noted above, except for LiF, the re- (e.g., see the comparison of the theoretical and experi-
ported values are estimated ones and it is not possible mental results in the paper of Sakamoto and Isiguro).
to draw any conclusions regarding the errors of the The fact that pot.(3) gives a better agreement with
calculated results from the three potentials, hence we experiment than the Born-Mayer potential, does not
have not given the percentage errors. Suffice it to say nece~f,arily mean that a Gaussian term more accurately
that the calculated values by the three potentials describes the repulsive part of the potential than
usually lie in the following order: pot. (1) > pot. (3) > does a simple exponential term. Rather, the Gaussian
pot.(2). repulsive term appears to simulate the combined effect
Binding Energy D i : We have noted above that most of the terms (b), (c), and (e).
of the experimental values are uncertain by above 4 The available evidence suggests that the simple
kcal, which corresponds to ,,-,3%. As the percentage exponential term is satisfactory for the repulsive
errors using the various functions are also of the same potential alone, while the Gaussian more adequately
order, no strict conclusion can be drawn about the (or fortuitously) takes into account polarization and
relative performances. Nevertheless it may be seen van der Waals effects.
that the average percentage error using potential (3) is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
less than that using potential (1) but greater than that
using potential (2). The authors are thankful to the Council of Scientific
To summarize, we may say that the results obtained and Industrial Research (India) for financial as-
with potential (3) are much better than those obtained sistance.
with potential (1) but slightly inferior to those ob- One of the authors (Y.P.V.) is highly grateful to
tained with potential (2). Dl. Ta-You Wu and Dr. G. Herzberg, F.R.S. for their
Certain points regarding the form of the repulsive kind interest in the work and further thanks the
term may be noted: National Research Council for the award of a Post-
As compared to the inverse-power term, the ex- doctorate Fellowship.
potential term is certainly superior as has been found 38A. Unscild, Z. Physik 43, 563 (1927).
39H. Briick, Z. Physik 51, 707 (1928).
by Varshni2 and by Rice and Klemperer. 5 40 J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev. 32, 349 (1928).
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37 D. Cubicciotti, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 1646 (1959). 43 M. Kunimune, Progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto) 5,412 (1950).

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