You are on page 1of 424

M ain

/ ' g r o u p s 5 IS

1A , '^
1 J \^ >
H 2
3 4
Li Be ^ -------------------------------- Transition m etals --
6.941 9.01218
11 12 / 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Na Mg
22.98977 24.305
3B 4B 5B 6B 7B ^ ------- 8B
19 j 20 y 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co
39.0983 40.078 44.9559 47.88 50.9415 51.996 54.9380 55.847 58.9332
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh
85.4678 87.62 88.9059 91.224 92.9064 95.94 (98) 101.07 102.9055
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77
Cs Ba *La Hf Ta w Re Os Ir
132.9054 137.33 138.9055 178.49 180.9479 183.85 186.207 190.2 192.22
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109
Fr Ra ^Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
(223) 226.0254 227.0278 (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266)
58 59 60 61 62

*Lanthanide series Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm
140.12 140.9077 144.24 (145) 150.36
90 91 92 93 94
^Actinide series Th Pa u Np Pu
232.0381 231.0359 238.0289 237.048 (244)
3 4 0 6 7 0 2 1 7 8 598 4

/ ---------------- M ain groups

13 14 15 16 17 2
3A 4A 5A 6A 7A
5 6 7 8 9 ^ 10
BA c
1 2 .0 1 1
N o F Ne
10.81 14.0067 15.9994 18.998403 20.1797
13 14 15 16 17^ 18
10 11 12 A1 Si ^ P S Cl Ar
26.98154 28.0855 30.97376 32.066 35.453 39.948
28 29 30 31 32 33 . 34 35 36
Ni/ CV Zn y Ga Ge As Se B r / Kr
58.69 63.546 65.39 69.72 72.61 74.9216 78.96 79.904 83.80
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
106.42 107.8682 112.41114.82118.710 121.757127.60 126.9045 131.29
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Pt Au Hg T1 P Bi Po At Rn
195.08 196.9665 200.59 204.383 207.2 208.9804 (209) (2 1 0 ) (2 2 2 )
110 111 112 k

(269) (272)(277)

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
151.96 157.25 158.9254 162.50 164.9304 167.26 168.9342 173.04174.967
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
(243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) (260)
Principles and Applications of

A Comprehensive Textbook for Geology Students

Second Edition


Prentice Hall
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
L ib rary o f C ongress C ataloging -in -P ublication D a ta

Faure, Gunter.
Principles and applications of geochemistry : a comprehensive
textbook for geology students/G unter Faure.2nd ed.
p. cm.
Rev. ed. of: Principles and applications of inorganic
geochemistry. cl991.
Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN
1. Geochemistry I. Faure, Gunter. Principles and applications
of inorganic geochemistry. II. Title.
551.9 dc21
L 97-44563
O ( . QL/bOo?

Executive Editor: Robert A. McConnin

Total Concept Coordinator: Kimberly P. Karpovich
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1998,1991 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. Simon

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Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

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ISBN Q-DS-33b4SD-5

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For Terri
Preface xiii 4.3 D ifferentiation of Igneous and
Sedim entary R ocks 49
4.4 DDiffferentiationofoftheHHydrosphere 5252
Part I 4.5 Summmary 56
Problem s 57

What Is Geochemistry? 2 Part II
1.1 Early History
1.2 G eochem istry in the U.S.S.R. 3 GEOCHEM ISTRY
1.3 V. M. G oldschm idt 4
1.4 M odern G eochem istry 5
R eferences 7
2 The Electronic Structure
of Atoms 60
In the Beginning 8
5.1 The A tom of Thom son and
2.1 The Big Bang
1 1
R utherford 60
2.2 Stellar Evolution
5.2 B o h rs Theory of the H ydrogen
2.3 Nucleosynthesis 13
2 0 A tom 61
2.4 Sum m ary
2 0 5.3 Em ission of X -rays 63
Problem s
2 0 5.4 Schrdingers M odel of the A tom 64
5.5 The A ufbau Principle 67
5.6 Sum m ary 69
Problem s 72
The Solar System 22 R eferences 72
2 2
3.1 Origin of the Solar System

3.2 O rigin of the E arthlike Planets 25

3.3 Satellites of the O uter Planets 26
3.4 Pictures of O ur Solar System 29
3.5 Summary 42 The Periodic Table and Atomic
References 42
Weights 74
4 6 .1
M endeleevs Periodic Table 74

Chemical Differentiation
6 .2
The M odern Periodic Table 74
of the Earth 43 6.3 Basic Principles of A tom ic Physics 77
4.1 Internal Structure of the E arth 43 6.4 A tom ic W eights 78
6.5 Sum m ary 81
4.2 The C ontinental Crust: M ajor Problem s 82
Elem ents 46 R eferences 82



7 9.5 pH Control of Dissociation

Chemical Bonds , Jonic Radii, Equilibria 123
9.6 Solubility of A m orphous Silica 124
and Crystals 83
83 9.7 Summary 127
7.1 Electron D onors Versus A cceptors Problem s 128
7.2 M easures of M etallic C haracter 84 R eferences 128
7.3 Bonding in M olecules 87
7.4 Ionic Crystals 89 10
7.5 Ionic Radii 91
Salts and Their Ions 130
7.6 Summary 97
Problem s R 97 10.1 Solubility of Salts 130
eferences 98 10.2 Hydrolysis 137
10.3 Activities and Concentrations 139
10.4 Solubility of Calcium Carbonate 142
10.5 Chemical W eathering 148
Ionic Substitution in 10.6 Transform ation of Potassium
Crystals 99 Feldspar to Kaolinite 149
8.1 G oldschm idts Rules of 10.7 Summary 152
Substitution 99 Problem s 153
8.2 Camouflage, C apture, and R eferences 153
1 0 0

Adm ission
8.3 Coupled Substitution: Key to the 11
, Thermodynamics 155
1 0 2
8.4 D istribution Coefficients and 103
1 1 .1
Definitions 155
G eotherm om eters
1 . 2 The First Law 157
8.5 G eochem ical Classification of 1

the Elem ents 105 11.3 Enthalpy 157

8 . 6 Summary 106 11.4 H eats of Reaction 159
Problem s R 108 11.5 H eat Capacity 160
eferences 108
1 1 .6 The Second Law 161
11.7 G ibbs Free Energy 163
1 .8
D erivation of the Law of Mass
A ction 165
Part III 11.9 Fugacity and Activity 166
1 1 .1 0
The vant H off Equation 168
A QUEO US GEOCHEM ISTRY AND 11.11 Solubility of Am orphous Silica
THE STABILITY OF MINERALS B etw een 0 and 100 C 168
1 .1 2
Summary 169
- 9 Problem s 170
References 171
Acids and Bases 110 1 1 0
9.1 Chem ical Reactions and E quilibria
9.2 The Law of Mass A ction
Mineral Stability Diagrams 172
1 2

9.3 Dissociation of W eak A cids

114 12.1 Chemical W eathering of Feldspars 172
and Bases
9.4 Solubility of Sparingly Soluble 12.2 Form ation of Zeolites 182
Bases 1 2 1
12.3 M agnesium Silicates 186
190 Problem s 271
12.4 Solubility D iagram s
12.5 Fugacity D iagram s 194 References 273
12.6 Sum m ary 198
Problem s R 199
eferences 199
Part IV
Clay Minerals 200
13.1 Crystal Structure 2 0 0

13.2 Classification and Chem ical 16

Com position
Isotopic Geochronometers 276
2 0 2

13.3 Gibbs Free Energies of Form ation 208

2 1 1
13.4 Stability D iagram s 16.1 D ecay M odes 276
13.5 Colloidal Suspensions and Ion 16.2 Law of Radioactivity 281
Exchange 217 16.3 M ethods of D ating 284
2 2 1
13.6 D ating of Clay M inerals 16.4 Cosmogenic R adionuclides 292
2 2 2
13.7 Sum m ary 16.5 Summary 297
Problem s R 223 Problem s 297
eferences 224 References 299
Oxidation-Reduction 0 Isotope Fractionation 301
Reactions 226 17.1 Principles of Isotope Fractionation 301
14.1 Balancing E quations of 17.2 M athem atical R elations 304
O xidation -R eduction R eactions 226 17.3 Isotope Fractionation in the
14.2 The E lectrom otive Series 229 H ydrosphere 306
14.3 The E m f of Electrochem ical Cells 234 17.4 Oxygen Isotope Com position of 308
14.4 Stability Limits of W ater in Terms of E 235 Calcite
h and pH 17.5 Oxygen and H ydrogen in Clay
14.5 Stability of Iron C om pounds 238 M inerals 311
14.6 Summary 249 17.6 G roundw ater and G eotherm al 313
Problem s R 251 Brines
eferences 252 17.7 Isotope Fractionation of Carbon 315
17.8 Isotope Com positions of Strontium
15 in C arbonate Rocks 317
Rates of Geochemical 17.9 Isotope Fractionation of Sulfur 319
17.10 Summary 323
Processes 253
Problem s 325
15.1 R ates of Chem ical R eactions 253 R eferences 325
15.2 Transport of M atter: A dvection 257
15.3 Transport of M atter: Diffusion 259 18
15.4 G row th of C oncretions D uring 263 Mixing and Dilution 328
15.5 G row th of M onom ineralic Layers 268 18.1 Binary M ixtures
15.6 Sum m ary 271 18.2 Dilution 330
18.3 Evaporative C oncentration 331
20.3 Chemical Com position of M eteoric
18.4 Ternary M ixtures 332 Precipitation 375
18.5 Isotopic M ixtures of O ne E lem ent 335 20.4 Norm ative M inerals from W ater
18.6 Isotopic M ixtures of Two Elem ents 337 Compositions 376
18.7 Sum m ary 338 20.5 Evaporative C oncentration 383
Problem s 339 20.6 W ater Quality 392
References 340 20.7 Summary 395
Problem s 396
References 397

Part V
Chemical Weathering of Mineral
Deposits 400
M etallic M ineral D eposits 400
2 1
Oxidation of Iron Sulfides and the
Role of Bacteria 401
Consequences of Chemical
21.3 E h -pH D iagram for C opper
Weathering 342 M inerals 403
19.1 Changes in Chem ical Com position 21.4 Supergene E nrichm ent of F e -C u
Sulfide D eposits 407
of Rocks 343
21.5 R eplacem ent of Pyrite by
19.2 N orm ative M ineral Com position
Chalcocite 408
of W eathering Products 345 2 1 .6
Oxidation of O re M inerals of
19.3 Susceptibility of M inerals to
O ther M etals 411
W eathering 347
21.7 Geochem ical Exploration 413
19.4 Form ation of Placer D eposits 351 2 1 .8
Production and C onsum ption of
19.5 Provenance D eterm ination by
M ineral Resources 417
Isotopic D ating 353
21.9 Summary 421
19.6 Form ation of Soils 354
Problem s 422
19.7 G eom icrobiology 358
R eferences 423
19.8 Food Production and Population
G row th 361
19.9 Summary 363
Problem s 364
R eferences 365 Geochemical Cycles 425
2 2 .1
The Principle of Mass Balance 426
2 2 .2
Mass Balance for M ajor Elem ents
in the Ocean 428
20 22.3 Mass Balance for Trace Elem ents
in the Ocean 431
Chemical Composition of Surface
22.4 The Cycles of C -H -O -N 433
Water 368 22.5 The Sulfur Cycle 443
20.1 Chem ical Analysis of W ater in 2 2 .6
Summary 446
Stream s 368 Problem s 447
20.2 Chem ical Com position of Stream s 370 R eferences 447
Chemistry of the Atmosphere 449 Effect of Environmental Lead on
450 Human Health 485
23.1 Structure and Composition
23.2 U ltraviolet R adiation 451 25.1 Isotope C om position of
452 Environm ental Lead
23.3 O zone in the Stratosphere 453 25.2 L ead in the E nvironm ent
23.4 O zone H ole over A ntarctica 25.3 L ead in Plants
23.5 Infrared R adiation and the G 455 25.4 L ead Poisoning of Cows and H
reenhouse Effect 457 25.5 H um an B ones and Tissues
23.6 Prediction of the Future G lobal 458 25.6 Lead in the B ones of A ncient
459 Peoples
459 25.7 Sum m ary
23.7 Sum m ary Problem s R
Problem s R eferences

Appendix A
24 461 Compilations of Geochemical D ata
Environmental Geochemistry: 462
Disposal of Radioactive Waste 461 465 Appendix B
24.1 The Big Picture
468 Standard Gibbs Free E nergies ( G f)
24.2 H igh-Level N uclear W aste D isposal
24.3 G eological Disposal of Radioactive W 473 and Standard Enthalpies of
aste Form ation (H f )
24.4 G eochem istry of Plutonium 476
24.5 E h - p H Diagrams of N eptunium
478 Author Index 575
and Plutonium
24.6 A nalog Studies: The N atural R
eactors at Oklo, G abon
24.7 R eactor Accidents: Chernobyl, U
483 Subject Index 589
24.8 Sum m ary
Problem s R
This textbook is intended as an introduction to geo These chapters explain the concept of chemical
chemistry for geology students in their senior year or in equilibrium and use the Law of Mass A ction to study the
their first year of graduate work. A t that time in their dissociation of weak acids and bases and to calculate the
education, students are ready to releam those principles solubility of am orphous silica as a function of the pH .
of chemistry that are especially applicable to the study of Next, the dissociation of salts, the hydrolysis of their
geological processes. G eochem istry can enhance their ions, and the necessity of using the activities of ions
understanding of these processes and can teach them to rather than their molal concentrations in M ass A ction
apply principles of chem istry to the solution of geolog problem s are pre sented. A ll of these concepts com e
ical problem s. Geologists in virtually all branches of the into play in the carbonate equilibria involving calcite, its
science can benefit from an introductory course in ions in aqueous solution, and C 0 2 in the atm osphere.
geochem istry because it can help them to m ake However, the incongruent dissolution of micro-cline to
quantitative predictions about the o u t com e of chem form koalinite plus ions leads to an impasse because the
ical reactions that occur in the con text of m any value of the equilibrium con stant for that reaction has not
geological processes. been m easured.

The subject m atter of this book is presented in five Therefore, C hapter 11 contains a guided tour of the
parts. P art I: P lanet E arth in the Solar System (C hapters principles of therm odynam ics leading up to a derivation
1 through 4) presents the big picture starting w ith the Big of the Law of M ass A ction for reacting mixtures of ideal
Bang, stellar evolu tion, nucleosynthesis, the solar gases at equilibrium . In addition, this chapter dem
system, and the onstrates that equilib rium constants at the standard tem
geochem istry of the E arth . This p art also con perature and pressure can be calculated from the Gibbs
tains a brief history of geochem istry leading up free energy change of chem ical reactions. This skill is im
to a statem ent of its goals and stating the them e of this m ediately used to construct ion -activity dia grams for
book: Studies of geochem istry convert idle speculation alum inosilicate m inerals including zeo lites (C hapter
into understanding. 12) and clay m inerals (C hapter 13).
The second part, Principles of Inorganic
Geochemistry (Chapters 5 through 8 ), starts with the Finally, oxidation -reduction reactions are
electronic structure of atom s and dem on strates how w introduced in C hapter 14, and the previously acquired
ave mechanics and the Aufbau prin ciple lead directly to know ledge of therm odynam ics is used to explain some
the periodicity of the chemical properties of the elements. basic principles of electrochem istry. These insights are
Once the periodic table has been constructed, systematic then used to define the stability limits of w ater on the E
variations in bonding, ionic radii, and the structure of arth and to con struct E h -p H diagram s for the oxides of
crystals becom e apparent, thus preparing the way for a iron and their ions. C hapter 15 deals with the kinetics of
discussion of ionic substitution based on the rules of G chemical reactions, and with the transport of ions by
oldschm idt and Ringwood. Part II concludes w ith diffusion and advection. These concepts are used to
discussions of coupled substitution in feldspar, model the grow th of concretions during diagenesis and
distribution coefficients, and the geo chemical the form ation of m onom ineralic layers at the sedim ent-
classification of the elements. w ater interface.

Part III is entitled A queous Geochemistry and the P art IV is entitled Isotope G eochem istry and M
Stability off M inerals (Chapters 9 through 15). ixing (C hapters 16 through 18). Following


the p resentation of the different m odes o f decay resulting release of m etals into the environm ent is the
and a statem ent of the Law of Radioactivity, basis for geochem ical m ethods of prospecting. The
C hapter 16 continues with the derivation of the chapter ends with a discussion of mineral economics
geochronom etry equation based on the accum u lation of including King H u b b erts prediction of the ultim ate
stable radiogenic daughter nuclides. This equation is then depletion of finite and nonrenew able resources such as
used to explain the principles and assum ptions of dating petroleum .
by the K -A r, R b-Sr, Sm -N d, R e -O s, and U, T h -P b The m igration of ions released by weathering of
m ethods. In addi rocks and m etallic m ineral deposits on the con tinents
tion, the chapter contains descriptions of the leads to a consideration of geochemical cycles in C hapter
2 3 0 T h /238U m ethod of m easuring sedim entation 22. A fter presenting the concept of mass balance, this
rates and of dating by the cosm ogenic radionu chapter contains summaries of the geochem ical cycles C
clides 1 4 C, 1 0 Be, and 2 6 A1. -H -O -N, including water. The links betw een the
C hapter 17 is devoted to the fractionation of the reservoirs of these and other elem ents play an im portant
stable isotopes of H, O, C, and S in nature. This chapter role in sta bilizing the chemical com position of the atm
includes derivations of the basic m athe m atical os phere and the oceans.
relationships used to in terp ret variations
of the isotope com positions of m eteoric water, C hapter 23 on the chem istry of the atm os phere
m arine calcite, clay m inerals, oilfield brines, continues this train of thought by present ing the basic
hydrocarbons, and sulfide minerals. In addition, C hapter facts about the structure and chemical com position of the
17 presents a discussion of the time-dependent variation atm osphere. This inform ation is then used to explain the
of the isotope com positions of Sr and S in m arine form ation of ozone in the stratosphere and its destruction
carbonates of Phanerozoic age and the use of 8 7 S r/86Sr by anthropogenic emissions of C l-bearing gases,
ratios for dating Cenozoic m arine carbonates. especially over A ntarctica. The chapter also con tains a
presentation of the radiation balance of the E arth and the
P art IV concludes with C hapter 18 on mixing and perturbation of this balance by emissions of gases that
dilution of w ater and sedim entary rocks that are m enhance the absorption of infrared radiation in the atm
ixtures of two or three com ponents having different osphere. C hapter 23 ends with a long-range forecast of
chemical compositions. The chapter con tinues with tw o the effects of global warm ing on the tim e scale of 1 0 4
-com ponent mixtures containing elem ents having years based on the w ork of W. S. Broecker.
distinctive isotope com positions (Sr, Pb, O, H , etc.). The
systematics of such mix tures are briefly illustrated using
oilfield brines form ed by mixing two com ponents having The dangers of environm ental contam ination
differ en t ^ S r/^ S r ratios and Sr concentrations. are illustrated in C hapter 24 by consideration of
the problem s associated with high-level radioac
The fifth and last part of this book is entitled A tive waste generated by nuclear reactors. The chapter
pplications of G eochem istry to the Solution of G lobal explains how this waste is generated and how it is (or
Problem s (C hapters 19 through 25). This p art treats the should be) processed prior to perm a nent storage in
consequences of chemical weath ering of rocks, such as underground repositories. The geo chemical properties of
the form ation of soils and their agricultural productivity the transuranium elements, which play an im portant role
(C hapter 19); the chem ical com position of surface w in the long-term safety of such repositories, are briefly
ater, its evolu tion by evaporative concentration, and its discussed using E h -p H diagrams for neptunium and
conta m ination by natural and anthropogenic causes (C plutoni um. Chapter 24 ends with a sum m ary of the
hapter 20); and the w eathering of m etallic min eral events and consequences of the explosion of a nuclear
deposits based on E h - p H diagram s and including a reactor in Chernobyl, U kraine, on A pril 26,1986.
section on the im portance of bacteria in the oxidation of
iron sulfides (C hapter 21). The The final chapter sum m arizes the geochem istry of
Pb in the environm ent and its effect on
M iami U niversity (O hio); D onald I. Siegel,
hum an health. Lead is dispersed primarily
through the atm osphere in the form of aerosol Syracuse University, R obert D. Shuster, U niv
particles. Some civilizations have suffered the con ersity of Nebraska, O m aha; and A . Russell Flegal, U
sequences of Pb toxicity because this m etal was used as a niversity of California, Santa Cruz. The second edition has
food additive and in household utensils. T he effects of Pb benefited significantly from com m ents by colleagues
poisoning on hum ans are subtle and difficult to identify who have pointed out errors of various kinds in the first
because all hum ans alive today are contam inated with Pb edition and suggested im provem ents in the presentation
released prim ari ly because of its use as an additive in of the subject m atter. I thank these individuals by nam e
gasoline. The in alphabetical order: W alther M . B arnard, G eorges
im pairm ent of m ental functions as well as the Beaudoin, Phillip Boger, D aniel M arcos Bonotto, Steven
toxic effects of Pb were tragically dem onstrated E . Bushnell, C hristopher Conaway, E than L. G rossm
by the m em bers of Sir John Franklins expedition to the an, G iehyeon Lee, Peter C. Lichtner, James O Neil, R
C anadian A rctic in 1845-47. isto Piispanen, R obert D. Shuster, and Terri L. Woods. I
The presentation of the subject m atter in this book also thank R obert A. M cConnin, Executive E ditor of
starts with basic principles and emphasizes quantitative m Prentice Hall, for his interest in this book, Elisabeth H . B
ethods of problem solving in order to gain better elfer for
understanding of natural phenom e na. A lthough this
book is intended to be an intro duction to geochemistry, her role in its production, and Susan M.
the references at the end of each chapter will perm it M cM ullen for drafting the diagram s of the first
students to pursue topics of their choice in the library and edition. I am grateful to B etty H eath for typing
thereby approach the state o f the art. In addition, the end- part of the m anuscript for the second edition.
of-chapter problem s enable students to test their The ultim ate purpose of this book is to
understanding of the principles. The book ends encourage students of the E arth to adopt the
quantitative approach to problem solving that is exem
with a com pilation of geochemical data in plified by geochem istry, and to m ake them aw are of the
A ppendix A and of therm odynam ic data for a im portant role E arth scientists m ust play in the effort to
large num ber of elem ents and their com pounds in A preserve our h ab itat on the E arth .
ppendix B. In addition, m ost chapters contain data tables
and diagram s that will m ake the book a useful source o f G U N T E R FA U R E
geochemical data. The diagram s have lengthy captions Postscript: A m anual with solutions to the
that should encourage browsing and will help users to
extract inform a tion from them w ithout necessarily
having to reread the entire chapter. end-of-chapter problem s is available to instruc
tors from the publisher by writing on school sta tionery to
This geochem istry text dem onstrates th at the the Geology E ditor, Prentice Hall, 1 Lake Street, U pper
principles and applications of geochem istry are internally Saddle River, NJ 07458.
consistent, useful for understanding the world around us,
and accessible to anyone willing to m ake th e effort. In
addition, this book m akes the point th at geochem ists
have an im portant task to perform in society by assisting
in the prudent use of natural resources and in the safe
disposal of the resulting waste products.

In conclusion, I thank the reviewers who read the m

anuscript of this book and m ade m any sug gestions
which helped me to im prove it: Jam es H. Crocket, M cM
aster University; W illiam J. G reen,

F uture generations may rem em ber the 20th century prim arily for the advances in tech nology that
have enabled us to begin the exploration of the solar system . O ur result ing aw areness of the celestial
environm ent of the E arth has raised questions about the origin and evolution of the solar system, of
the M ilky Way Galaxy, and of the U niverse at large. The start of an introductory geochem istry
course is an appropriate tim e to sat isfy our desire to know the origins of the world in which we live.
What Is Geochemistry?
Geology began when early man first picked up a stone, considered its qualities,
and decided that it was better than the stone he already had. Good stones were
useful and they were collected, mined, and traded.

H ENRY FA U L AND C AROL FA U L (1983, p. 1)

G eochem istry is based on the urge to understand why warm, cold, dry, and wet. The m etals gold, silver,
som e stones are good and how they form ed. It copper, iron, tin, mercury, and lead together with sulfur
involves applications of the principles of chem istry to the and carbon had been known for thousands of years but
solution of geological prob lems and therefore could not were not recognized as elem ents in the present sense of
develop until chem istry and geology had been the word. Antimony, arsenic, bism uth, and phosphorus
established as scientific disciplines. These applications were studied by the alchemists during the Middle Ages.
were practiced first during the 16th century in the mines
of E urope w here know ledge of m inerals and their The developm ent of analytical chemistry during
chemical com positions was used to rec ognize and follow the 18th century resulted in the discovery of 46 chemical
veins of ore. For exam ple, in 1574 Lazarus E rcker, the elements between 1720 and 1850. A fter B unsen and
su p erin ten d en t of m ines for King R udolf II of A Kirchhoff invented the optical emission spectrograph, 30
ustria, published a m anual in which he described ores additional elem ents w ere added from 1850 to 1925.The
and outlined procedures for their analysis (E rcker, 1951). transuranium elem ents and certain other radioactive
How ever, several centuries passed before geo chem istry elem ents
in the present sense of th e word becam e established as w ere discovered later in the 2 0 th century
an integral com ponent of E arth and Planetary Science. (Correns, 1969).
As the num ber of known chemical elem ents
increased during the 19th century, chem ists
becam e aware that they could be organized into groups
based on similarities of their chemical properties. These
1.1 Early History
tendencies becam e the founda tion of the periodic table
Two essential prerequisites for the grow th of geochem of the elem ents p ro posed independently by D. I. M
istry were the discovery of the chemical elem ents and the endeleev in 1869 and by J. L. M eyer in 1870 (Asimov,
developm ent of sensitive and accurate m ethods for the 1965). The cause for the periodicity of the chemical p ro
analysis of rocks and minerals. U ntil the end of the 16th p er ties of the elem ents was not known then and was
century m at recognized only after the internal structure of atom s was
ter was thought to consist of earth, w ater, fire, worked out during the first 30 years of the 2 0 th century.
and air, whose basic qualities w ere described as
The periodic table is a m anifestation of the
1.2 Geochemistry
relationship betw een the internal structure of
in the U.S.S.R.
atom s and the chem ical and physical properties
of the elem ents. It facilitates a rational explana G eochem istry becam e an im portant subject in
tion of the chem ical properties of the elem ents the U.S.S.R. because of the need to develop the
and of their observed distribution in nature. m ineral resources of the country. In 1932 Soviet
The roots of geochem istry lie mainly in the geologists began to analyze systematically col
19th century, b u t it acquired its present m ultifac lected soil samples using optical spectroscopy
eted com plexity during the 20th century. The word (Fersm an, 1939). In subsequent years the geolo
geochem istry was first used in 1838 by Christian gists of the Central G eological and Prospecting
Friedrich Schnbein, who was a chem istry profes Institute in Moscow carried out extensive m etal-
sor at the U niversity of B asel in Switzerland. The lom etric surveys based on soil samples in search
term was used again in 1908,70 years later, w hen of geochemical anomalies.
Frank W. C larke of the U.S. G eological Survey G eochem istry p rospered in th e U.S.S.R.
published the first edition of his book, The Data because of the popular support it received partly
o f Geochemistry. in response to the rem arkable work of A lexander
C larke was the Chief Chemist of the U.S. Fersm an (1883-1945). Fersm an studied m iner
Geological Survey from 1884 until 1925. H e started alogy at the U niversity of M oscow under V. I.
the tradition for excellence in the analysis of rocks Vernadsky, who took his students on m any field
and m inerals that has helped to m ake the Survey trips and encouraged them to regard m inerals as
one of the largest geochemical research centers in the products of chemical reactions. These were
the world. The first edition of C larkes book was radical departures from conventional m ineralogy
amazingly m odem in its approach to geochemistry. practiced at the turn of the century. Fersm an
H e opened with chapters on the chemical elements, graduated in 1907 and was elected to a professor
the atm osphere, lakes and rivers, and the ocean fol ship in m ineralogy in 1912 at the age of 27. H e
lowed by chapters on saline lakes and springs and em barked on an extraordinary career of teaching
on evaporite deposits. N ext he took up volcanic and research in geochem istry with em phasis on
gases, magma, rock-forming minerals, and igneous applications. H e traveled widely in the U.S.S.R.
rocks and then weathering, sedim entary rocks, and explored regions rarely visited before. His
m etam orphic rocks, and ore deposits. The book sustained interest in the exploration of the Kola
ends with chapters on fossil fuels and their origin. Peninsula in the north ultim ately led to the dis
That is pretty much how we would present the data covery of deposits of apatite and nickel ore. As a
of geochemistry today, but Clarke did it this way in result, a rem ote wilderness area was transform ed
1908! M ore than 15 years passed before the great into an im portant center of mining and industry.
Soviet geochemist V. I. Vernadsky published his Fersm an also explored central Asia and discov
geochemistry book in 1924. Clarke was the first ered a native sulfur deposit at K ara Kum that was
geochemist in the m odem sense of the word. actively mined for decades.
C larkes book w ent through five editions, the B etw een 1934 and 1939 Fersm an published
last of which appeared in 1924. It is now being a com prehensive four-volum e w ork entitled
updated and expanded by the U.S. G eological Geochemistry in which he applied the principles
Survey under the editorship of M ichael Fleischer. of physical chemistry to the distribution of the
H ow ever, the H an d b o o k o f Geochemistry, edited chemical elem ents in nature. Fersm an, above all,
by K. H . W edepohl from 1969 to 1978, is the m ost aroused public interest in geology and geochem
com plete source of geochem ical data currently istry by his inspiring lectures and popular books.
available. A lexander K. Tolstoy called him a poet of

stones. Fersm an earned this accolade by writing books ir : -asingly relevant as we attem pt to predict the
intended for the layman: M ineralogy fo r cilimntic consequences of the greenhouse effect caused
Everyone (1928), Recollections about a Stone (1940), M by the discharge of carbon dioxide and o ther gases into
y Travels, Stories about Precious Stones, the atm osphere. We are carrying omt an experiment on a
and Geochemistry fo r Everyone (1958). The last global scale the outcome o f which could be detrim ental
two w ere published posthum ously. F ersm ans to life. The response of the biosphere to this perturbation
conviction that geochem istry should serve his of
country is reflected in his words: We cannot be m erely tlhe environm ent may be crucial to the ultimate
idle adm irers of our vast country; we m ust actively help outcom e of this experim ent.
reshape it and create a new life (Shcherbakov, 1958). V. I. Vernadsky is revered in the U.S.S.R. as
oine of the giants of science in the 2 0 th cen

The scientific legacy of Fersm ans form er teacher, tury. His teachings still m otivate the geochem
Vladim ir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945), is similarly ists working at the V ernadsky Institute 'of
impressive, but it has not been G eochem istry and A nalytical C hem istry in
appreciated in the w estern world. Vernadsky Moscow, which is am ong the forem ost geochem i cal
em phasized the im portance of the activities of research institutes in the world.
living organisms in geological and geochemical processes.
In fact, he regarded living m atter as the m ost pow erful
geological force and w rote that the E a rth s crust
1.3 V. M. Goldschmidt
originated from the biosphere. These convictions about T he Institute of G eochem istry at the University
the im portance of life on E arth were not widely accepted o>f G ttingen in G erm any was m ade fam ous by
by geologists in N orth A m erica, partly because tlhe work of Victor M. G oldschm idt (1888-1947). G
Vernadsky wrote in m any languages (Russian, German, oldschm idt earned his d o cto rate at the U niversity of
French, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, and Japanese). His most Oslo in 1911 with a study of contact nnetam orphism
im portant books (Vernadsky, 1924, 1929) were written in based on the therm odynam ic p'hase rule. In the
French and published in Paris. However, Vernadsky was following year Max von Laue discovered diffraction of x-
also far ahead of his contem po raries by concluding that rays by crystals and thereby provided a m ethod for
the biosphere may have controlled the environm ent on determ ining the crystal structure of a m ineral and the
the surface of the E arth from the very beginning, long radii of the ions of which it is com posed. From 1922 to
before the existence of life in Early Precam brian time was 1926 G oldschm idt and his associates at the University of
known (Lapo, 1986). Vernadskys views on this subject Oslo used x-ray diffraction to determ ine the
are now reflected in the Gaia Hypothesis of Lovelock
(1979), made popular on American television in the crystal structures of many m inerals (Goldschmidt,
Planet E arth series by the Public Broadcasting System. 1930). In 1930 G oldschm idt m oved to the
Vernadsky also iden tified the biosphere as the principal Unrversity of G ttingen, w here he studied the
transform er of solar energy into chemical energy. This distribution of the chemical elem ents using an
idea is now widely accepted. For exam ple, Cloud (1983) optical spectrograph. From this body of data he deduced
described the biosphere as a huge metabolic device for that the chemical com position of m iner als is determined
the capture, storage and transfer of energy. Fossil fuels by the requirem ents of closest packing of ions. M
(coal, oil shale, petroleum , and natural gas) are now oreover, the substitution of the ions of a major elem ent by
regarded as deposits of solar energy collected by the the ions of a trace ele m ent depends on the similarity of
biosphere. their radii and charges. These generalizations provided a
rational explanation for the observed distribution of the
elem ents in the minerals of the crust of the E arth .
Goldschmidt returned to Oslo in 1935 b u t
V ernadskys views on the im portance of the w as unable to continue his w ork after th e
biosphere (V ernadsky, 1945) are becom ing

G erm an invasion of Norway in 1940. H e fled to N. L. Bowen and his colleagues, and by their suc cessors,
Sw eden in 1942 and ultim ately made his way to at that laboratory have becom e the foun dation of m
E ngland, w here he w orked at the M acaulay Institute for odern igneous petrology. B ow ens book, The Evolution o
Soil R esearch. His health had seri ously deteriorated as a f the Igneous Rocks, pub lished in 1928, turned igneous
consequence of im prison petrology from a preoccupation with the description and
m en t in co n cen tratio n cam ps in Norway. classifica tion of igneous rocks tow ard a concern for their
G oldschm idt returned to Oslo in 1946 but died origin and the geochemical differentiation of the E arth by
th ere prem aturely in 1947 at the age of 59. H e left m agm atic activity.
behind the m anuscript of a partially com pleted book
entitled G eochem istry, which was com plet ed by A lex In 1952 B rian M ason published the first edi
M uir and published posthum ously in 1954. A special tion of Principles o f Geochemistry, which was
com m em orative issue of A p p lie d widely used as a textbook at universities and helped to
G e o c h e m istry (1988) was devoted to establish geochem istry as a legitim ate com ponent of E
G oldschm idt on the 100th anniversary of his arth Science. In the next decade R obert M. Gar'rels and K
birthday. onrad B. K rauskopf used therm odynam ics and solution
G oldschm idts principal contribution to geo chem istry to determ ine the stability of m inerals and the
chem istry is the rational explanation of isomor- m obil ity of their ions at the surface of the E arth . They
phous substitution in crystals based on the com patibility trained the m odern generation of geochem ists by their
of the radii and charges of the ions. H e thereby achieved own research and through their popular
one of the m ajor goals of geo chemistry. Nevertheless,
the urge to know and to understand the distribution of the textbooks (G arrels, 1960; G arrels and Christ,
chemical ele m ents has continued to m otivate the work 1965; Krauskopf, 1967).
of sev G eochem ical prospecting, as we know it
eral outstan d in g geochem ists, notably L. H. today, was initiated in 1947 by the U.S. Geological
A h ren s in South A frica, S. R. N ockolds in Survey (Hawkes and Lakin, 1949) and was based on
England, S. R . Taylor in Australia, K. R ankam a in colorimetry. The techniques developed in the
Finland, K. H . W edepohl in Germany, A . R U nited States w ere used in 1953 for soil surveys
V inogradov in the U.S.S.R., D. M. Shaw in in the U nited Kingdom and in A frica (Webb,
Canada, and K. K. Turekian in the U nited States. 1953). Subsequently, the Geochemical Prospecting
R esearch C enter at the Im perial College of
Science and Technology in London becam e a cen ter of
activity in this aspect of geochemistry. Geochemical
1.4 Modern Geochemistry prospecting continues to be one of the most im portant
Beginning in the 1950s, geochem ists tu rn ed practical applications of geo chemistry and now relies on
increasingly to the study of chemical reactions and a wide range of sophisticated analytical techniques.
processes. The roots of this line of research can be found
in the work of A . Fersman, who used the concepts of E nvironm ental geochem istry has arisen recently
therm odynam ics to study the stability of m inerals in because of the need to m onitor the dis persion of m etals
their natural environment. In addi tion, J. H . vant H off and various organic com pounds that are introduced into
(1852-1911) studied the crys tallization of salts by the environm ent as anthropogenic contam inants. This
evaporating seaw ater in Berlin and, in 1904, the new applica tion of geochem istry to the welfare of hum
Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of W ankind is closely related to pollutant hydrogeology and
ashington was founded in the U nited States. The principal medical geochemistry. Geochem ical prospecting and
objec tive of the Geophysical Laboratory has been to environmental geochemistry are of param ount im
study the origin of igneous rocks and ore deposits by portance because they contribute to the con tinued well-
experim ental methods. The results achieved by being of the hum an species on Earth .

Since about the middle of the 20th century In fact, m ost E arth Science journals now publish papers
geochemistry has becom e highly diversified into many in which geochemical data or principles are used to
subdivisions, among them inorganic geo chemistry, explain a geological process or to solve a particular
organic geochemistry, isotope geochem istry, geochem problem . The strength of geo chem istry lies in the fact
ical prospecting, m edical geo chemistry, aqueous that most geological processes involve chemical reactions
geochem istry, trace-elem ent geochemistry, and in some sig nificant way. G eochem istry really is for
cosmochemistry. Each of these subdivisions has its own everyone, as Fersm an claimed in his popular book.
rapidly growing body of literature. However, the geochem
ists of the world have organized scientific societies that W hat then is geochemistry? There is no easy answ
transcend the boundaries of specialization and help to er to this question because geochemists con cern them
unify the field. These societies also publish journals that selves with a wide range of natural phe nom ena and use
prom ote the free flow of inform ation and ideas am ong many different techniques to study them . According to
their m em bers. For example, the Geochem ical Society Fersman, Geochemistry studies the history of chemical
and the M eteoritical Society both sponsor Geochimica et elements in the
Cosmochimica Acta. E a rth s crust and their behavior under different
therm odynam ic and physicochem ical natural
The E uropean A ssociation for G eochem istry has conditions. G oldschm idts definition of geo
adopted the journal Chemical Geology, and the chem istry was G eochem istry is concerned with the
International A ssociation of G eochem istry and Cosm laws governing the distribution of the chem i cal elem ents
ochem istry sponsors A p p lied Geochemistry. A m ong and their isotopes throughout the E a rth (Correns,
other journals that publish papers dealing with geochem 1969). We could go on and on. G eochem istry is a highly
istry are diversified and con stantly evolving subject that can be
described in m any different ways.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Contributions to M ineralogy and Petrology For our purposes the m ajor goals of geo chem ists
Journal o f Geochemical Exploration are
E conom ic Geology
1. To know the distribution of the chemical elem
A m erican Journal o f Science
ents in the E arth and in the solar system .
Science 2. To discover the causes for the observed chemical
composition of terrestrial and extraterrestrial
Some journals are closely associated with certain regions,
for example,
3. To study chemical reactions on the surface of the
G eokhim ia Earth, in its interior, and in the solar system
D oklady (E arth around us.
Science Section) 4. To assemble this inform ation into geo chemical
Lithology and Russia cycles and to learn how these cycles have
M ineral Resources operated in the geologic past and how they may
Geochemistry be altered in the future.
International These are the lofty goals of a scientific disci pline. T
Geochemical Journal Japan heir intrinsic m erit is apparent. How ever, geochem ists
Chinese Journal P eoples Republic practicing their craft today also have an obligation to hum
o f Geochemistry of China ankind to assist in the devel

Em ery and J. M. H unt (1974, p. 586) put it this way:

Studies of geochem istry ... convert idle speculation
into ... understanding ... .T h a t will be the them e of
this book. We can no longer afford idle speculation in the
E arth Sciences. We m ust have understanding . G
eochem istry can show us how to achieve it.


opm ent and m anagem ent of natural resources, to m

onitor the quality of the environm ent both locally and on
a global scale, and to warn hum an ity against dangerous
practices that may threaten the quality of life in the future.

W ith so much at stake it is not easy to express

succinctly w hat geochemistry is all about. K. O.
Pierce, U.S. Geol. Surv. 62:321-348.
Circ. 127,1952 . W E D E P O H L , K . H. (Ed.), 1969. Handbook o f
A S IM O V , I., 1965. A Short G A R R E L S , R. M., and C. L. C H
F e rs m a n , A., 1958. vol. I. Springer-Verlag,
History o f Chemistry. , 1965. Solutions,
Geochemistry for
Berlin. Vol. II (1970).
Doubleday, Minerals and Equilibria.
Garden City, NY, 263 pp. Everyone. Foreign
, N. L ., 1928. The
Harper & Row, New York
B Language Publishing
Evolution o f the Igneous (later Freeman
Rocks. House, Moscow, 454 pp.
and Cooper, San
G A R R E L S , R. M., 1960.
Princeton University Francisco), 450 pp.
Mineral Equilibria. Harper &
Press, Princeton, NJ, 34 Row, G O L D S C H M ID T , V. M., 1930.
pp. Geochemische
New York.
C L A R K E , F. W., 1908. The Data Verteilungsgesetze
o f Geochemistry. U.S. Geol. und kosmische
Surv. Bull. 330. (The fifth Hufigkeit
edition in 1924 is der
U.S.G.S. Bull. Elemente.
770 .) Naturwissenschaften,
C L O U D , P., 1983. The 18:999-1013.
biosphere. Sei. Amer., H A W K E S , H. E., and H. W. L A
249:132-144. K I N , 1949. Vestigial zinc in

C O R R E N S , C. W., 1969. The surface residuum

discovery of the chemical
associated with primary
zinc ore in east
ments. The history of
geochemistry. Definitions Tennessee. Econ. Geol.,
of geo 44:286-295.
chemistry. In K. H. K RAU S KO PF , K . B., 1967 .
Wedepohl (Ed.), Introduction to
Handbook Geochemistry.
of McGraw-Hill, New York.
Geochemistry, vol. 1,1-11. L A P O , A. V., 1986. V. I.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Vernadskys ideas on the
442 pp.
leading role of life in the
E M E R Y , K. O., and J. M. H U N
generation of the Earths
T , 1974. Summary of
crust. Earth Sei. Hist.,
Black Sea investigations.
In E. T. Degens and D. A.
L O V E L O C K , J. E., 1979. Gaia. A
Ross (Eds.), The Black
New Look at Life on Earth.
Seageology, chemistry,
Oxford University Press,
and biology, 575-590. Oxford, England, 158 pp.
Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., M A S O N , B 1952. Principles o
Mem. 20,633 pp. f Geochemistry. Wiley, New
E R C K E R , L., 1951. Treatise on York.
Ores and Assaying. From the S H C H E R BAK O V , D., 1958.
German Edition of 1580. Foreword. In A.
A Grnhaidt Sisco and Fersman,
C. Stanley Smith, trans. Geochemistry for
Everyone. Translated by
and ann. University of
D. A. Myshne,
Chicago Press.
Foreign Languages
F A U L , H., and C. F A U L , 1983. Publishing House,
It Began with a Stone. Wiley, Moscow, 453 pp.
New York, 270 pp. V E R N A D S K Y , V. I., 1924. La
F e rs m a n , A. Y E ., 1939. Geochimie. Alcan, Paris, 404
Geochemical and pp.
mineralogical meth ods of V E R N A D S K Y , V. I., 1929. La
Biosphere. Alcan, Paris, 232
prospecting. Chapter IV
in Special Methods o f
Vernadsky, V. I., 1945. The
Prospecting. Akad. Nauk biosphere and the noosphere.
S.S.R., Moscow. Amer. Scientist, 33:1-12.
Translated by L. Webb, J. S., 1953. A review of American progress in geo
Hartsock and A. P. chemical prospecting. Inst.
In the Beginning
The urge to trace the history of the universe back to its beginnings is irresistible.
ST E V E N W E IN B E R G (1977, p. 1)

C ertain questions about our existence on E arth are so Form ation of atomic nuclei began about
fundam ental that they have been incorpo rated into 13.8 sec after the Big Bang when the tem pera
religious mythologies. These questions not only concern ture of the universe had decreased to 3 X 109 K. This
the origin of the E arth and the evolution of life but also process continued for about 30 min, but did not go
extend to the origin of the universe and to the nature of beyond helium because the nuclear reac tions could not
space and time. bridge a gap in the stabilities of the nuclei of lithium,
D id the universe have a beginning and will it beryllium, and boron. A t that time the universe was an
ever end? W hat existed before the universe intensely hot and rapidly expanding fireball.
form ed? D oes the universe have limits and what exists
beyond those limits? It is proper to raise these questions Some 700,000 years later, when the tem per ature
at the beginning of a geochem istry course because they had decreased to about 3 X 103 K, elec trons becam e
are within the scope of cosmochemistry. attached to the nuclei of hydrogen and helium . M atter
and radiation were thereby separated from each other,
and the universe becam e transparent to light.
Subsequently, m at ter began to be organized into stars,
2.1 The Big Bang
galaxies, and galactic clusters as the universe continued
The universe started like a bubble in a stream . At first it to expand to the present time (W einberg, 1977).
was not there, and suddenly it form ed and
expanded rapidly as though it w ere exploding But how do we know all this? The answ er is that
(G ott, 1982). Science has its share of practical the expansion of the universe can be seen in the red
jokers who im m ediately referred to the start of the shift of spectral lines of light em itted by distant
expansion of the universe as the Big Bang (Gamow, galaxies, and it can be heard as the cosmic microwave
1952). From the very beginning the universe had all of radiation, which is the rem nant of the fireball, that still
the mass and energy it con tains today. As a result, its fills the universe. In addition, the properties of the
pressure and tem per ature, say 1CT3 2 sec after the Big universe im m edi ately after the Big Bang were similar
Bang, w ere so high that m atter existed in its m ost to those of atom ic nuclei. Therefore, a very fruitful
fundam ental form as quark soup. As the universe collabo ration has developed among nuclear physicists
expanded and cooled, the quarks com bined to form more and cosmologists that has enabled them to reconstruct
fam iliar nuclear particles th at ultim ately becam e the history of the universe back to about 1CT3 2 sec after
organized into nuclei of hydrogen and helium . the Big Bang. These studies

have shown that the forces we recognize at low tem characteristic spectral lines of light they emit. This red
perature are, at least in p art, unified at extrem ely high shift is related to the recessional veloc ity by an equation
tem peratures and densities. There is hope that a G rand derived in 1842 by Johann Christian D oppler in Prague:
Unified Theory (G U T ) will eventually em erge th at
may perm it us to approach even closer to understanding
the start of the universe.
where A' is the wavelength of a spectral line of light em
W hat about the future? Will the universe continue to itted by a moving source, A is the wave length of the same
expand forever? The answer is that the future of the line em itted by a stationary source, c is the velocity of
universe can be predicted only if we know the total am light, and v is the reces sional velocity. H ubbles estim
ount of m atter it contains. The m atter th at is detectable ates of the dis tances to the galaxies were based on the p
at the present tim e is not sufficient to perm it gravity to roper
overcom e the expansion. If expansion continues, the ties of the C epheid Variables studied previously
universe will becom e colder and em ptier with no by H . S. Leavitt and H. Shapley at H arvard
prospect of an end. However, a large fraction of the mass University. The C epheid Variables are bright stars in the
of the universe is hidden from view in the form of gas and constellation C epheus whose period of variation depends
dust in interstellar and intergalactic space, and in the on their absolute luminosity, which is the total radiant
bodies of stars that no longer em it light. In addition, we energy em itted by an astronom ical body. H ubble found
still cannot rule out the pos sibility that neutrinos have such variable stars in the galaxies he was studying and
mass even when they are at rest. If the mass of the deter m ined their absolute luminosities from their peri
universe is sufficient to slow the expansion and ultim ods. The intensity of light em itted by a star decreases as
ately to reverse it, then the universe will eventually the square of the distance increases.
contract until it disappears again in the stream of time.
Therefore, the distance to a star can be deter
m ined from a com parison of its absolute and its
Since the universe had a beginning and is apparent luminosity, w here the latter is defined as the
still expanding, it cannot be infinite in size. radiant pow er received by the telescope per square
How ever, the edge of the universe cannot be centim eter. In this way, H ubble deter m ined the
seen with telescopes because it takes too long for the light recessional velocities and distances of the galaxies in the
to reach us. As the universe expands, space expands with Virgo cluster and expressed their relationship as:
it. In other words, it seems to be im possible to exceed the
physical limits of the universe. We are trapped in our v=Hd (2.2)
expanding bu b ble. If other universes exist, we cannot
com m uni cate with them . where v is the recessional velocity in km /sec, d is the
distance in 106 light years, and H is the H ubble constant
Now that we have seen the big picture, let us review (H ubble, 1936).
certain events in the history of the stan dard m odel of The H ubble constant can be used to place a limit on
cosmology to show that progress in the age of the universe. If two objects are moving apart
Science is som etim es accidental. with velocity v, the tim e (t) required for them to becom e
In 1929 the Am erican astronom er Edw in separated by a distance d is:
H ubble reported that eighteen galaxies in the
Virgo cluster are receding from E arth at different rates th
at increase with their distances from Earth. H e calculated
the recessional velocities of these galaxies by m eans of The initial results indicated that the H ubble con stant had
the D oppler effect from observed increases of the a value of 170 k m /sec/1 0 6 light years,
wavelengths of

which corresponds to an expansion tim e of less than 2 X was agreed that they would publish two com pan ion
109 years. This result was very awkward because age letters in the Astrophysical Journal. Penzias and Wilson
determ inations based on radioactivi ty had established announced the discovery, and Dicke and his colleagues
that the E arth is older than this date. Eventually W alter B explained the cosmological significance of the microwave
aade discovered an error in the calibration of the C epheid background radia tion (Penzias and Wilson, 1965). In
Variables, and the value of the H ubble constant was 1978 Penzias and Wilson shared the N obel Prize in
revised (B aade, 1968). The presently accepted value is physics for their discovery.

15 k m /sec/1 0 6 light years, which indicates an The radiation discovered by Penzias and
expansion time for the universe of less than Wilson is a rem nant of the radiation that filled
20 X 109 years. This date is com patible with inde the universe for about 700,000 years w hen its
p endent estim ates of its age based on considera tion of tem perature was greater than about 3000 K.
nucleosynthesis and the evolution of stars. By com bining During this early period, m atter consisted of a
all three m ethods H ainebach et al. m ixture of nuclear particles and photons in ther
(1978) refined th e age of the universe to mal equilibrium with each other. U nder these
(14.5 1.0) X 109 years. conditions the energy of radiation at a specific
The Big Bang theory of cosmology was not w avelength is inversely p ro p o rtio n al to the
accepted for m any years for a variety of reasons. absolute tem perature. A ccording to an equation derived
The turning point came in 1964 w hen A rno A. by Max Planck at the start of the 20th century, the energy
Penzias and R o b ert W. W ilson discovered a of blackbody radiation at a particular tem perature
m icrow ave background rad iatio n th at corre increases rapidly with increasing wavelength to a m axim
sponds to a blackbody tem perature of about 3 K. The um and then decreases at longer wavelengths. R adiation
discovery of this radiation was accidental, in therm al equilibrium with m atter has the same
even though its existence had been predicted
properties as radiation inside a black box with opaque
tw enty years earlier by G eorge G am ow and his
walls. Therefore, the energy distribution of radiation in the
colleagues R alph A . A lpher and R obert Herm an.
early universe is related to the wavelength and to the
Because they w ere unaw are of G am ow s work, Penzias
absolute tem perature by Plancks equation . The
and W ilson w ere skeptical about the phenom enon they
wavelength near which most of the energy of blackbody
had discovered and took great care to elim inate all
radiation is con centrated (Amax) is approxim ately equal
extraneous sources of the background radiation. For
example, they noticed th a t two pigeons had been nesting
in the throat of the antenna they were using at H olm del,
New Jersey. The pigeons w ere caught and taken to a
distant location, but prom ptly returned. Therefore, they w
ere caught again and dealt with by more decisive where Amax is m easured in centim eters and T is in
means. The pigeons had also coated the antenna with a Kelvins (W einberg, 1977).
white dielectric m aterial, which was carefully removed. The original m easurem ent of Penzias and Wilson
However, the intensity of the background radiation rem was at a wavelength of 7.35 cm, which is much greater
ained constant and independent of time in the course of a than the typical w avelength of radi
year. ation at 3 K. Since 1965, m any additional m ea
surem ents at different wavelengths have con
W ord of this phenom enon reached a group of
firm ed th at the cosmic background radiation
astrophysicists at nearby Princeton University who w ere
does fit Plancks form ula for blackbody radiation . The
working on models of the early history of the universe
characteristic tem perature of this radiation is about 3 K,
under the guidance of R obert H. Dicke. Eventually,
indicating th at the typical w avelength of photons has
Penzias called Dicke, and it
increased by a factor of about 1 0 0 0

because of the expansion of the universe since its tem clouds of gas and dust may contract to form new stars
perature was 3000 K (Weinberg, 1977). whose evolution depends on their masses and on the H /H
e ratio of the gas cloud from which they form ed.
2.2 Stellar Evolution The evolution of stars can be described by specifying
M atter in the universe is organized into a hier archy of their luminosities and surface tem pera tures. The lum
heavenly bodies listed below in order of decreasing size. inosity of a star is proportional to its mass, and its surface
tem perature or color is an indicator of its volume. W hen
a cloud of interstel lar gas contracts, its tem perature
clusters of galaxies comets
increases, and it begins to radiate energy in the infrared
galaxies asteroids and visible parts of the spectrum . A s the tem perature in
stars, pulsars, and m eteoroids the core of the gas cloud approaches 20 X 10 6 K, energy
black holes dust particles production by hydrogen fusion becomes possible, and a
planets molecules star is born. M ost of the stars of a typical galaxy derive
energy from this process and therefore plot in a band,
satellites atom s of H and H e
called the main sequence, on the H ertzsprung -R ussell
O n a subatom ic scale, space between stars and galaxies diagram shown in Figure 2.1. M assive stars, called blue
is filled with cosmic rays (energetic nuclear particles) and giants, have high luminosities and high surface tem
photons (light). peratures. The Sun is a star of interm ediate mass and has
Stars are the basic units in the hierarchy of heavenly a surface tem perature of about 5800 K. Stars that are less
bodies within which m atter continues to evolve by massive than the Sun are called red dwarfs and plot at the
nuclear reactions. M any billions of stars are grouped low er end of the main sequence.
together to form a galaxy, and large num bers of such
galaxies are associated into galac tic clusters. Stars may
have stellar companions or they may have orbiting As a star five times m ore massive than the
planets, including ghostly comets that flare briefly when Sun converts hydrogen to helium while on the
they approach the star on their eccentric orbits. The m ain sequence, the density of the core increases, causing
planets in our solar system have their own retenue of the interior of the star to contract. The core tem perature
satellites. The space betw een M ars and Jupiter contains therefore rises slowly during the hydrogen-burning phase.
the asteroids, m ost of which are fragments of larger This higher tem perature accelerates the fusion reaction
bodies that have been broken up by collisions and by the and causes the outer envelope of the star to expand.
gravitational forces of Jupiter and Mars. Pieces of the However, when the core becom es depleted in hydrogen,
asteroids have impacted as meteorites on the surfaces of the rate of energy production declines and the star
the planets and their satellites and have left a record of contracts, raising the core tem perature still fur ther. The
these events in craters. site of energy production now shifts from the core to the
surrounding shell. The result ing changes in lum inosity
O n an even sm aller scale, space betw een stars and surface tem pera ture cause the star to move off the
contains clouds of gas and solid particles. The gas is com main sequence tow ard the realm of the red giants (Figure
posed prim arily of hydrogen and of helium th at w ere 2.1).
produced during the initial expansion of the universe. In
addition, the interstellar m edi um contains elem ents of The helium produced by hydrogen fusion in the shell
higher atomic num ber th at w ere synthesized by nuclear accum ulates in the core, which continues to contract and
reactions in the interiors o f stars that have since therefore gets still hotter. The resulting expansion of the
exploded. A third com ponent consists of com pounds of envelope lowers the surface tem perature and causes the
hydrogen and carbon th at are the precursors of life. These color to turn red. A t the sam e tim e, the shell in which

log Surface Temperature, K

Figure 2.1 Stellar evolution on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for stars ranging from 1 to 9 solar masses. When a star
has used up the hydrogen in its core, it contracts and then moves off the main sequence and enters the realm of the red
giants, which generate energy by helium fusion. The evolutionary track and the life expectancy of stars are strongly
dependent on their masses. Stars five times more massive than the sun are nearly 1000 times brighter, have surface
temperatures of about 18.000 Kcompared to 5800 K for the Sunand remain on the main sequence only about 68
million years. Their evolution to the end of the major phase of helium burning takes only about 87 million years (Iben,
is reacting gradually thins time, hydrogen fusion in
as it moves toward the the shell around the core
surface, and the continues. The
luminosity of the star luminosities and surface
declines. These changes tem pera tures (color) of
transform a m ain- red giants become
sequence star into a increasingly variable as
bloated red giant. For they evolve, reflecting
example, the radius of a changes in the rates of
star five tim es m ore energy production in the
massive than the Sun core and shell. The
increases about 30-fold evolutionary tracks in
just before helium burn Figure 2.1 illustrate the
ing in the core begins. importance of the mass of
a star to its evolution. A
W hen the core tem perature approaches
star five times as massive
1 0 0 X 106 K, helium fusion byas
m the
of the
is triple
1000 times
alpha process begins and brighter while on the main
converts three helium sequence and has a m ore
nuclei into the nucleus of eventful life as a red giant
carbon-12. A t the same than stars below about two
solar masses (Iben,

The length of tim e a star spends on the main view as their lum inosities and surface tem pera tures
sequence depends primarily on its mass and to a lesser diminish with time. Stars that are apprecia bly m ore
extent on the H /H e ratio of its ancestral gas cloud. In massive than the Sun develop dense cores because of the
general, massive stars (blue giants) consum e their fuel synthesis of heavy chemical elem ents by nuclear
rapidly and may spend only 10 X 106 years on the main reactions. Eventually, such stars becom e unstable and
sequence. Small stars (red dwarfs) have much slower m explode as supernovas. The core then collapses until its
etabolic rates and rem ain on the main sequence for very radius is reduced
long periods of tim e exceeding 10 X 109 years. The Sun, to about 1 0 km and its density is of the order of
being a star of m odest magnitude, has enough hydrogen in 10n to 101 5 g/cm 3. Such stars are com posed of a
its core to last about 9 X 109 years at th e present rate of neutron gas because electrons and protons are forced to
consum ption. Since it form ed about 4.5 X 109 years ago, com bine under the enorm ous pressure and the abundance
the Sun has achieved m iddle age and will provide energy of neutrons greatly increases as a result. N eutron stars
to the planets of the solar system for a very long tim e to have very rapid rates of rotation and em it pulsed radio
come. H ow ever, ultim ately its lum inosity will increase, waves that were first observed in 1965 by Jocelyn Bell, a
and it will expand to becom e a red giant, as show n in graduate student working with A . Hewish at the
Figure 2.1. The tem perature on the sur face of the E arth Cavendish Laboratory of Cam bridge University in
will then rise and becom e intol erable to life forms. The England (Hewish, 1975). The Crab N ebula contains such
expansion of the Sun m ay engulf the terrestrial planets, a pulsar, which is the rem nant of a supernova observed
including Earth, and vaporize them . W hen all of its by Chinese astronom ers in 1054 A .D . (Fowler, 1967). The
nuclear fuel has been consum ed, the Sun will assum e the cores of the most massive stars collapse to form black
end stage of stellar evolution th at is appropriate for a star holes in accordance with Einsteins theory of general
of its mass and chemical com position. relativity. Black holes have radii of only a few kilom eters
and densities in excess of 10 1 6 g/cm 3. Their gravitational
field is so great that neither light nor m atter can escape
from them, hence the nam e black hole. O bservational
Toward the end of the giant stage, stars becom e evidence supporting the existence of black holes is
increasingly unstable. W hen the fuel for a particular growing and they are believed to be an im portant phenom
energy-producing reaction is exhaust ed, the star contracts enon in the evolution of galaxies.
and its internal tem perature rises. The increase in tem
perature may trigger a new set of nuclear reactions. In
stars of sufficient mass, this activity culminates in a Stars, it seems, have predictable evolutionary life
gigantic explo sion (supernova) as a result of which a cycles. They form, shine brightly for a while, and then
large frac tion of the outer envelope of the star is blown die. H ans Bethe (1968, p. 547) put it this way:
away. The debris from such explosions mixes with hydro
gen and helium in interstellar space to form clouds of gas If all this is true, stars have a life cycle much like
and dust from which new stars may form. animals. They are born, they grow, they go through
a definite internal development, and finally die, to
give back the material of which they are made so
A s stars reach the end of their evolution they
that new stars may live.
turn into white dwarfs, or neutron stars (pulsars),
or black holes, depending on their masses
(W heeler, 1973). Stars whose mass is less than 2.3 Nucleosynthesis
about 1 . 2 solar masses contract until their radius is
only about 1 X 104 km and their density is The origin of the chem ical elem ents is intim ately linked
betw een 104 and 108 g/cm 3. Stars in this configu to the evolution of stars because the ele m ents are
ration have low luminosities but high surface tem synthesized by the nuclear reactions from which stars
derive the energy they radiate into space. O nly helium and
peratures and are therefore called white dwarfs (Figure
deuterium , the
2.1). They gradually cool and fade from

heavy isotope of hydrogen, w ere synthesized during the Science (an unlikely place for a nuclear astro physics
initial expansion of the universe. The entire theory of paper) on the buildup of heavy elements
nucleosynthesis was presented in a detailed paper by B by neutron capture and subsequently cham pi
urbidge, B urbidge, Fowler and H oyle (1957) referred to oned the idea th at the chemical elem ents were
affectionately as B2 FH . Subsequent contributions (e.g., synthesized during the first 30 min after the Big Bang. In
Schram m and A rn ett, 1973) have been concerned with the mid-1940s A lpher and Gamow wrote a paper
spe cific aspects of the theory and its application to the detailing the origin of the chemical ele
evolution of stars of different m asses and ini tial m ents based on that assumption. A t G am ow s
compositions. suggestion, H ans B ethes name was added in
absentia, thus creating the famous trium virate
The theory p resen ted by B 2F H (1957) evolved A lpher, Bethe, and Gam ow (1948).
from the work of several other scientists, am ong whom G The abundance of the chemical elem ents and
eorge G am ow deserves special recognition. G am ow their naturally occurring isotopes is the blueprint for all
received his doctorate from theories of nucleosynthesis. For this rea son, geochem
the U niversity of Leningrad and cam e to the ists and stellar spectroscopists have devoted m uch tim e
U niversity of G ttingen in th e spring of 1928 and effort to obtaining accu rate analytical data on the
for som e postdoctoral studies. T here he m et concentrations of the elem ents in the Sun and other
Fritz H outerm ans, with w hom he spent many nearby stars from the wavelength spectra of the light they
hours in a cafe making calculations (Gamow, emit. Inform ation on the abundances of nonvolatile elem
1963). Subsequently, H outerm ans m oved to the ents has com e also from chemical analyses of stony m
U niversity of Berlin w here he m et the British eteorites, especially the carbonaceous chondrites, which
astronom er R o b ert A tkinson. H outerm ans and are the most undifferentiated
A tkinson used G am ow s theory of alpha decay to
propose that stars generate energy in their interi ors by the sam ples of m atter in the solar system available
form ation of helium nuclei from four protons captured by to us (M ason, 1962). Table 2.1 lists the abun
the nucleus of another light elem ent. The initial title of dances of th e elem ents in the solar system com piled by
their paper was Wie kann m an einen H elium kern im A nders and E bihara (1982). The abun dances are
Potentialtopf kochen. (H ow one can cook a helium expressed in term s of the num ber of atom s relative to
nucleus in a pressure cooker.) Needless to say, the editors 106 atom s of silicon. Figure 2.2 is a plot of these data and
of the Zeitschrift f r P hysik insisted that the title be illustrates several im portant observations about the
changed (A tkinson and H outerm ans, 1929). abundances of the elem ents.

Ten years later, in A pril of 1938, Gam ow orga nized

1. H ydrogen and helium are by far the most
a conference in Washington, D.C., to discuss the internal
abundant elem ents in the solar system, and the
constitution of stars. The conference stimulated one
attendee, H ans Bethe, to examine the possible nuclear atomic H /H e ratio is about 12.5.
reactions betw een protons and the nuclei of the light 2. The abundances of the first 50 elem ents
elements in order of increas ing atomic number. Bethe decrease exponentially.
(1939) found that the pressure cooker of A tkinson and 3. The abundances of the elem ents having
H outerm ans was the nucleus of n6C and m ade it the atom ic num bers greater than 50 are very low
basis of his famous CNO cycle for hydrogen fusion in and do not vary appreciably with increasing
stars (to be presented later in this section) (Bethe, 1968). atomic number.
4. Elem ents having even atom ic num bers are
G am ow influenced the evolution of the theo ry of m ore abundant than their im m ediate
nucleosynthesis in m any other ways. In 1935 he neighbors with odd atom ic num bers
published a paper in the Ohio Journal o f (O ddo -H arkins rule).
T ab le 2.1 A b u n d a n c e s o f th e E le m e n ts in th e S o lar S ystem in U n its o f N u m b e r o f A to m s p e r
106 A to m s o f Silicon
Atom ic no. Element Symbol Abundance Atomic no. Element Symbol Abundance"
1 hydrogen H 2.72 x 1010 53 iodine I 9.0 x KT1

2 helium He 2.18 X 109 54 xenon Xe 4.35 x 10

3 lithium Li 5.97 x 10* 55 cesium Cs 3.72 X 101
4 beryllium Be 7.8 x HT1 56 barium Ba 4.36 X 10
5 boron B 2.4 X 10' 57 lanthanum La 4.48 X 101
6 carbon C 1.21' X 107 58 cerium Ce 1.16 X 10
7 nitrogen N 2.48 x 106 59 praseodymium Pr 1.74 x 10 1
8 oxygen O 2.01 X 107 60 neodymium Nd 8.36 X 10-*
9 fluorine F 8.43 X 102 61 promethium Pm 0
10 neon Ne 3.76 X 106 62 samarium Sm 2.61 X 101
11 sodium Na 5.70 X 104 63 europium Eu 9.72 X 10~2
12 magnesium Mg 1.075 x 106 64 gadolinium Gd 3.31 X 101
13 aluminum A1 8.49 X 104 65 terbium Tb 5.89 X 10 2
14 silicon Si 1.00 X 106 66 dysprosium Dy 3.98 X 10~
15 phosphorus P 1.04 X 104 67 holmium Ho 8.75 x 102
16 sulfur s 5.15 X 105 68 erbium Er 2.53 X 10 1
17 chlorine Cl 5.240 x 103 69 thullium Tm 3.86 X 10~2
18 argon Ar 1.04 X 105 70 ytterbium Yb 2.43 x 101
19 potassium K 3.770 X 103 71 lutetium Lu 3.69 X 102
20 calcium Ca 6.11 X 104 72 hafnium Hf 1.76 X 10 -1
21 scandium Sc 3.38 x 101 73 tantalum Ta 2.26 X 10"2
22 titanium Ti 2.400 x 103 74 tungsten W 1.37 X 10"1
23 vanadium V 2.95 x 102 75 rhenium Re 5.07 X 102
24 chromium Cr 1.34 X 104 76 osmium Os 7.17 x HT1
25 manganese Mn 9.510 x 103 77 iridium Ir 6.60 x 101
26 iron Fe 9.00 x 105 78 platinum Pt 1.37 x 10
27 cobalt Co 2.250 x 103 79 gold Au 1.86 X 101
28 nickel Ni 4.93 x 10" 80 mercury Hg 5.2 X 101
29 copper Cu 5.14 X 102 81 thallium Tl 1.84 X 101
30 zinc Zn 1.260 X 103 82 lead Pb 3.15 X 10
31 gallium Ga 3.78 X 102 83 bismuth Bi 1.44 X 101
32 germanium Ge 1.18 X 102 84 polonium Po ~0
33 arsenic As 6.79 x 10 85 astatine At ~0
34 selenium Se 6.21 x 101 86 radon Rn ~0
35 bromine Br 1.18 X 101 87 francium Fr ~0
36 krypton Kr 4.53 X 101 88 radium Ra ~0
37 rubidium Rb 7.09 X 10 89 actinium Ac ~0
38 strontium Sr 2.38 X 101 90 thorium Th 3.35 x io -2
39 yttrium Y 4.64 x 10 91 protactinium Pa ~0
40 zirconium Zr 1.07 x 101 92 uranium U 9.00 x 10~3
41 niobium Nb 7.1 X 10 1 93 neptunium Np 0
42 molybdenum Mo 2.52 X 10 94 plutonium Pu ~0
43 technetium Tc 0 95 americium Am 0
44 ruthenium Ru 1.86 x 10 96 curium Cm 0
45 rhodium Rh 3.44 X 101 97 berkelium Bk 0
46 palladium Pd 1.39 x 10 98 californium Cf 0
47 silver Ag 5.29 X 101 99 einsteinium Es 0
48 cadmium Cd 1.69 x 10 100 fermium Fm 0
49 indium In 1.84 X 101 101 mendelevium Md 0
50 tin Sn 3.82 X 10 102 nobelium No 0
51 antimony Sb 3.52 X 10"1 103 lawrencium Lr 0
52 tellurium Te 4.91 x 10

The terrestrial abundances of the radioactive daughters of uranium and thorium are very low and are therefore indicated as ~0 . In
addition, neptunium and plutonium are produced in nuclear reactors and therefore occur on the Earth. However, the transuranium
elements having atomic numbers of 95 or greater do not occur in the solar system. Their abundances are therefore stated as 0. S O U R C E :
Anders and Ebihara (1982).

Atomic Number (Z)

Figure 2.2 Abundances of the chemical elements in the solar system in terms of atoms per 106 atoms of Si. The data
were derived primarily by analysis of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites and by optical spectroscopy of light from the
Sun and nearby stars (Anders and Ebihara, 1982).
5. T he abundances of ters of long-
lithium , lived radioactive
beryllium, and isotopes of
boron are anom uranium and
alously low com thorium .
pared to o ther
The nucleosynthesis
elem ents of low
m odel of B 2F H (1957)
atom ic num ber.
includes eight different
6 . The abundance of
kinds of nuclear
iron is notably
reactions that occur at
higher than those specified tem peratures
of other elem ents in the course of the
with similar atom evolution of a star.
ic numbers. Several of these reac
tions m ay take place sim
7. Two elem ents, ultaneously in the cores
technetium and and outer shells of
prom ethi um , do massive stars. As a
not occur in the result, the core of a star
solar system m ay have a different
because all of their chemical com position
isotopes are than the shell
surrounding it. M
unstable and decay
oreover, not all of the
nuclear processes take
place in all stars.
8 . T he elem ents
Consequently, other stars
having atom ic
in the M ilky Way
num bers greater
Galaxy do n o t
than 83 (Bi) have
necessarily have the
no stable iso topes,
same chem i cal com
but occur naturally position as the Sun and
at very low her planets.
because they are
the daugh

A ll stars on the main sequence generate ener gy by ed, the interstellar gas clouds contained elem ents of
hydrogen fusion reactions. This process results in the higher atom ic num ber. The presence of carbon-12 (gC)
synthesis of helium either by the synthesized by the ancestral stars has m ade it easier for
direct p ro to n -p ro to n chain (equations 2.5-2.8) subsequent generations of stars to generate energy by
or by the CN O cycle (equations 2.9 -2.14). The hydrogen fusion. This alter native m ode of hydrogen
proton -proton chain works as follows. Two nuclei fusion was discovered by H ans B ethe and is know n as
of hydrogen, consisting of one proton each, collide to the CN O cycle:
form the nucleus of deuterium ((H ) plus a positron ( +) 12r + !H 13N + y (2.9)
and a neutrino (v). (The designation of atomic species is 0
'(N >13r + + + V (2 . 1 )
presented in Chapter 6 .) Each reaction of this kind
liberates 0.422 million electron volts (M eV) of energy. l3r + IH >(N + y (2 . 1 )
The positron (positively charged electron) is annihilated 2
'(N + 15o + y (2 . 1 )
by interacting with a negatively charged electron giving
S'* +
off additional energy of 1.02 MeV. The deuterium nucleus N

| o 13 ++ V (2.13)
col lides with another proton to form the nucleus of
13N + + (H e (2.14)
helium-3 QHe) plus a gamma ray (y) and 5.493 M eV of
!H >12r
energy. Finally, two helium-3 nuclei must collide to form
The end result is that four protons are fused to form one
helium-4 ((H e), two protons, and 12.859 MeV. The end
nucleus of (H e, as in the direct proton - proton chain. The
result is that four hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one
nucleus of l\C acts as a sort of catalyst and is released at
nucleus of helium-4, a gamma ray, a neutrino, and 19.794 the end. It can then be reused for another revolution of the
M eV of energy. CN O cycle.
The Sun contains elem ents of higher atomic num ber
The entire process can be described by a series of
than helium including *gC and therefore carries on
equations in which the nuclei of hydrogen and helium are
hydrogen fusion by th e C N O cycle. In fact, m ost stars
represented by the symbols of the appropriate isotopes
in our M ilky W ay G alaxy are second-generation stars
(see C hapter 6 ), even though these isotopes do not
because our G alaxy is so old that only the very sm allest
actually exist in atomic form in stellar interiors w here
first-generation stars could have survived to the present
their electrons are rem oved
from them because of the high tem perature:
The low reaction cross section of the p ro to n -
|H + JH -> (H + + + v + 0.422 M eV (2.5)
proton chain by which the ancestral stars gener ated
+ + ~ 7 -> 1.02 M eV (annihilation) (2.6) energy has been a source of concern to nuclear
astrophysicists. W hen this difficulty was pointed out to
(H + }H -> (H e + y + 5.493 M eV (2.7) Sir A rthur E ddington, who pro posed hydrogen fusion in
(H e + (H e - (H e + }H + |H + 12.859 M eV stars in 1920, he replied (Fowler, 1967):

We do not argue with the critic who urges that the
The direct proton -proton fusion to form helium -4 stars are not hot enough for this process; we tell him
can only take place at a tem perature of about to go and find a hotter place.
1 0 X 106 K, and even then the probability of its
occurrence (or its reaction cross section) is very small. A fter the hydrogen in the core has been convert ed to
Nevertheless, this process was the only source of nuclear helium ash, hydrogen fusion ends, and the core
energy for first-generation stars th at form ed from the contracts under the influence of gravity. The core tem
prim ordial m ixture of hydrogen and helium after the Big perature rises tow ard 100 x 10 6 K, and the helium ash
Bang. becom es the fuel for the next set of energy-producing
Once the first generation of stars had run through nuclear reactions. The critical reaction for helium burning
their evolutionary cycles and had explod is the fusion of three

alpha particles (triple-alpha process) to form a nucleus of are the neutron-capture reactions, which produce a large
l\C\ num ber of the atoms having atomic numbers greater than
26 (Fe). These reactions involve the addition of a neutron
jH e + gHe - gBe (2.15)
to the nucleus of an atom to produce an isotope having
IjBe + gHe - l2C + y (2.16)
the same atomic number but a large mass number. For
This is the critical link in the chain of nucleosyn thesis example, the equation:
because it bridges the gap in nuclear stabili ty of the ggNi + in -> Ni + y (2.21)
isotopes of lithium, beryllium, and boron. The crux of the neutron

problem is that the nucleus of gBe is very unstable and indicates that the nucleus of ggNi absorbs a neu tron,
decays quickly with a half-life of about 10 " 1 6 sec. which changes it to an excited state of ggNi, which then
Therefore, gBe m ust absorb a third helium nucleus very deexcites by em itting a gam m a ray. Nickel-63 is
soon after its form ation to make it safely to stable 'gC radioactive and decays to stable ggCu by em itting a ~
(Fowler, 1967). An alternative reaction involving the particle:
addition of a pro ton to the nucleus of gHe has an even
smaller chance to succeed because the product, gLi, has a ggNi -> ggCu + - + v + 0.0659 M eV (2.22)
half-life of only 1 (T 2 1 sec and decom poses to form helium w here v is an antineutrino. ggCu is a stable iso
and hydrogen: tope of copper and can absorb another neutron to form
jH e + }H - 53Li (2.17) ggCu + in -> IgCu + y (2.23)
gLi - gHe + |H (2.18)
Copper-64 is radioactive and undergoes branched decay
The triple-alpha process is indeed the key to to form g^Zn and ggNi, both of which are stable:
the synthesis of all elem ents beyond helium .
W ithout it, stellar evolution w ould be short- ggCu -> ggZn + ~ + v + 0.575 M eV (2.24)
circuited, and the universe would be com posed ggCu -> g N i + + + v + 1.678 MeV (2.25)
only of hydrogen and helium .
H elium burning sustains red giants only for a few This process of successive additions of neutrons is
tens of millions of years or less. W ith increas illustrated in Figure 2.3. It takes place during the red giant
ing tem perature in the core, alpha particles fuse stage of stellar evolution when the neu tron flux is low
with the nuclei of 'gC to produce nuclei of still enough to perm it the product nucleus to decay before the
higher atomic num ber: next neutron is added. This process therefore is
12C + gHe -> 'gO (2.19) characteristically slow and is therefore referred to as the s-
'gO + gHe -> 2"Ne (2.20) process.
By exam ining Figure 2.3 closely we see that the
track of the s-process bypasses Zn, which is
However, electrostatic repulsion betw een posi tively one of the stable isotopes of . zinc. In order to
charged nuclei and alpha particles limits the size of the m ake this isotope by neutron capture reactions,
atom s th at can form in this way. The heaviest atom the pace m ust be speeded up so that unstable
produced by the addition of alpha particles is ggNi, which goZn can pick up a neutron to form ggZn before it decays
decays to ggCo and then to stable ggFe. These nuclear
to stable 3 ?Ga:
reactions there fore cause the enhanced abundance of the
ele m ents in the iron group illustrated in Figure 2.2. goZn + In - ]0Z n + y (2.26)
A n even m ore rapid rate of neutron capture is
During the final stages of the evolution of red giants, required to m ake ggZn from ggCu by addition of five
several other kinds of nuclear reactions occur (B 2 FH , neutrons in succession to form 2 9 CU, which then decays
1957). The most im portant of these by ~ emission to stable ggZn:

Neutron Number (N)

Figure 2.3 Nucleosynthesis in red giants by neutron capture on a slow time scale (s-process) followed by
beta decay. The dark squares are stable isotopes, whereas the unshaded ones are radioactive. The process
starts with stable (|Ni, which absorbs a neutron to form unstable Ni, which decays to stable ))Cu by
emitting a ~ particle. The main line of the s-process, as indicated by arrows, proceeds from N i to ((Se
and beyond but bypasses ([}Zn and ((Se. (jjZn is produced by neutron capture on a rapid time scale (r-
process) from fgZn via unstable (fjZn and from ))Cu, which captures five neutrons in rapid succession to
form (Cu followed by decay to stable (JjZn. ((Se is a proton-rich nuclide that cannot form by either the
s-process or the r-process and requires the addition of two protons (p-process) to stable ((Ge.
tem peratures are
65Cu + 5 in -> JgCu + IjGe + 2 }H
29 However, pulsars and sufficient to cause
lC u ~ + v + black holes have high hydrogen fusion. Stars
3oZn + This process also takes
C apture of neutrons at place at the very end of inter nal pressures and tem evolve through predictable
such rapid rates is charac the giant stage of stellar peratures that cause stages depending on their
teristic of the r-process, evolution. atomic nuclei to masses and initial
which requires a much The system of disintegrate into m ore compositions. They
greater neutron flux than nuclear reactions primitive con stituents. generate energy by nuclear
the s-process and th ere originally pro posed by B The relative proportions of reactions that synthesize
fore takes place only 2F H (1957) can account the chemical elements in other elem ents from prim
during the last few m for the observed other stars are different ordial hydro gen and
inutes in the life of a red abundances of the because local conditions m helium . In the end, stars
giant w hen it explodes as chemical elem ents in the ay affect the yields of the explode, and the rem nants
a supernova. solar system and in nearby many nuclear reactions becom e solid objects of
stars. Nucleo synthesis is that contribute to their great density.
How ever, no neutron taking place at the present synthesis. The abundances of
capture on any tim e scale time in the stars of our the chemical elem ents in
the solar system can be
can account for the form galaxy and in the stars of 2.4 Summary explained by the nuclear
ation of some atom s such other galaxies throughout
as stable ((Se shown also the universe. We have We live in an expanding reactions that energize the
in Figure 2.3. This nuclide good evidence in the universe whose future is stars. These reactions
is synthesized by the wavelength spectra of uncertain. The universe progress from fusion of
addition of two p ro tons light from distant galaxies started with a Big Bang hydrogen and helium to
to stable ((G e in the so- that the chemical elements about 15 X 109 years ago neutron capture and to
called p-process: we find on E arth also and has evolved since then other reactions, m ost of
occur everywhere else in in accordance with the which occur only for a
the universe. laws of physics. short time at the end of the
Stars are the basic active life of a star. The
units in the hierarchy of chemical elem ents we
heavenly bodies. They know on E arth occur
form by contraction of throughout the universe,
clouds of interstellar gas but their abundances vary
and dust until their core because local conditions
affect the yields of the
nucleosynthesis processes.
1. How has the abundance of hydrogen (H) in the 7. Why is lead (Pb) more abundant than we might have
universe changed since the Big Bang? expected?
2. Why are elements with even atomic numbers more 8. Check the abundance of argon (Ar) and deter mine
abundant than their neighbors with odd atomic numbers? whether it is greater than expected. If so, suggest an
3. How do we know that the Sun is at least a sec ond- 9. How did lithium (Li), beryllium (Be), and boron
generation star? (B) form?
4. Why do technetium (Tc) and promethium (Pm) lack 10. Compare the abundances of the rare earths
stable isotopes? (lanthanum to lutetium) to such well-known metals as Ta,
5. What other elements also lack stable isotopes? W, Pt, Au, Hg, and Pb. Are the rare earths really all
6. Why do the elements of Problem 5 exist on the
Earth, whereas Tc and Pm do not?
*Not all of these questions have unequivocal answers.
A L P H E R , R. A., H. B E T H E , and A T K IN S O N , R. dE., and F. G. H
G. G A M O W , 1948. The origin O U T E R M A N S , 1929. Zur
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Elemente in Sternen. Zeit.
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B ethe, H. A., 1968. Energy production in stars. Science, H U B B L E , E., 1936. The Realm o f the Nebulae. Yale University
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H O Y L E , 1957. Synthesis of the elements in stars. Rev. Mod. I B E N , I., Jr., 1967. Stellar evolution: Comparison of theory with
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Gamow, G., 1935. Nuclear transformations and the origin of M A S O N , B., 1962. Meteorites. Wiley, New York, 274 pp.
the chemical elements. Ohio J. Sei., 35:406-413. P E N Z IA S , A. A., and R. W. W IL S O N , 1965. A measurement of
Gamow, G., 1952. The Creation o f the Universe. Viking Press, excess antenna temperature at 4,080 Mc/s. Astrophys. J.,
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G A M O W , G., 1963. My early memories of Fritz Houtermans. In S C H R A M M , D . N., and W. D. A R N E T T , 1973. Explosive
J. Geiss and E. D. Goldberg (Eds.), Earth Science and Nucleosynthesis. University of Texas Press, Austin and
Meteoritics. North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 312 pp. London, 301 pp.
G O T T , J. R., Ill, 1982. Creation of open universes from de W E IN B E R G , S., 1977. The First Three Minutes. Bantam Books,
Sitter space. Nature, 295:304-307. New York, 177 pp.
H A IN E B A C H , K ., D . K A Z A N A S , and D . N. SC H R A M M , 1978. A W H E E L E R , J. C., 1973. After the supernova, what? Amer.
consistent age for the universe. Short papers of the Fourth Scientist, 61:42-51.
International Conference, Geochronology, Cosmochronology
and Isotope Geology. U.S. Geol. Sur. Open-File Rept., 78-
The Solar System
The Sun form ed from a cloud of gas and dust par ticles, stellar gas and dust know n as the solar nebula. It had
as did all other stars in the Milky Way G alaxy and form ed about six billion years ago as a result
elsewhere in the universe. Sometimes the process leads to of the term inal explosions of ancestral stars,
the form ation of two com panion stars. However, in the which added the elem ents they had synthesized
case of the Sun a small fraction of the original cloud to the prim ordial hydrogen and helium that orig inated
accreted to form a set of nine planets, including the Earth. from the Big Bang. The chemical composi tion of the
C om pared to stars, these planets are insignificant solar nebula was given in Chapter 2 (Table 2.1). The dust
objects, but to us they are the very basis of exis tence. cloud was rotating in the same sense of the M ilky Way
The hum an race appeared on the Earth only two or three Galaxy and was acted upon by gravitational, magnetic,
million years ago and, after a slow start, learned to fly and elec trical forces.
and to explore the solar system within a span of a m ere
century. As soon as the m ain mass of the solar nebu la
began to contract, order began to be imposed on it by the
G eochem istry today not only encompasses physical and chemical conditions that existed during this
the study of the com position and chemical phase of star formation. These included the developm ent
processes occurring on the E arth, but is also con cerned of pressure and tem perature gradients and an increase in
with all of the planets and their satellites. Inform ation the rate of rotation. Certain kinds of solid particles that
for geochemical studies of the solar system is derived by had form ed in the nebula evaporated as the tem pera
analysis of m eteorites and rock samples from the M oon
and by remote sensing of planetary surfaces. The ture increased in order to m aintain equilibrium
exploration of the solar system has expanded our horizon betw een solids and gases. As a result, only the
and has provided the basis for com parative planetary m ost refractory particles (Fe-N i alloys, A12 0 3,
geochemistry. The satellites of the large gaseous planets CaO, etc.) survived in the hottest part of the con
are of special interest in this new field of study because tracting nebula, w hereas in the cooler outer regions a
som e of them are larger than our M oon and have very larger variety of com pounds remained in the solid state.
different chemical compo sitions and surface features The increase in the rate of rota tion caused p art of the
than the E arth . nebula outside of the pro-tosun to form a central disk.
The solid particles congregated in this disk and m ade it
We therefore need to becom e acquainted with the sufficiently opaque to absorb infrared radiation. The tem
new worlds we m ust explore before we concentrate our per ature in the central disk therefore increased until it
attention on the conventional geochem istry of the E arth. ranged from about 2000 K at the center to about 40 K at
approxim ately 7.5 X 109 km from the protosun. The
pressure ranged from less than 0 . 1 atm to about 1 0 - 7 atm
near the edge of the disk (Cam eron, 1978; Cam eron and
3.1 Origin of the Solar System
Pine, 1973).
The origin of the planets of the solar system is intim ately
linked to the form ation of the Sun. In the beginning there The developm ent of pressure and tem pera ture
was a diffuse mass of inter gradients within the disk caused the first
m ajor chemical differentiation of the solar nebu la. C om hydrogen fusion was less than 100,000 years. The Suns
pounds with low vapor pressures persisted throughout the initial luminosity was two to three times greater than is
nebula and form ed dust parti cles, w hereas com pounds consistent with the main sequence because the Sun
with high vapor pres sures could exist only in the cooler contained excess therm al energy g enerated during the
outer regions. The condensation tem peratures of various initial contraction . This superlum inous phase of the
com pounds that existed in the solar nebula are listed in Sun lasted about 1 0 million years and resulted in the
Table 3.1. The condensates accreted to form larger bodies expulsion of about 25% of its original mass in the form of
as a result of selective adhesion caused by electrostatic and solar w ind com posed of a proton/electron plas ma.
magnetic forces. The resulting solid bodies, called This is called the T-Tauri stage of stellar evolution after
planetesimals, had diam eters ranging from about 1 0 m to the star th at is the prototype for this process. All gaseous
m ore than 1 0 0 0 km, and their chemical compositions varied m atter in the vicinity of the Sun was blown away during
with distance from the center of the planetary disk.The this period, and only the solid planetesim als having diam
planetesim als close to the protosun were com posed of eters larger than about 1 0 m rem ained.
refractory com pounds dom inated by oxides and m etallic
iron and nickel; farther out were Mg and Fe silicates and
farthest out, ices com posed of water, ammonia, m ethane, The planetesim als in the inner region of the
and other planetary disk subsequently accreted to form the
so -called earthlike planets M ercury, Venus,
E arth, and M ars and the parent bodies of the
volatiles. m eteo rites now rep resen ted by asteroids.
The initial rate of evolution of the solar sys Instabilities in the outer p art of the disk resulted in the
tem was rem arkably fast. The tim e required for form ation of the gaseous outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, U
the Sun to reach the ignition tem perature for
ranus, N eptune, and Pluto.
Table 3.1 Condensates from the Solar Nebula at Different Temperatures
Temperature, C Condensates
1325 refractory oxides: CaO, A120 3, T i02, REE oxides
1025 metallic Fe and Ni
925 enstatite (MgSiO,)
925-220 Fe forms FeO, which reacts with enstatite to form olivine [(Fe,Mg)2S i0 4] Na
725 reacts with A120 3 and silicates to form feldspar and related minerals.
Condensation of K and other alkali metals F12S
400 reacts with metallic Fe to form troilite (FeS)
280 H20 vapor reacts with Ca-bearing minerals to make tremolite
150 H20 vapor reacts with olivine to form serpentine
- 100 HzO vapor condenses to form ice
- 125 NH3 gas reacts with water ice to form solid NH3 H20
- 150 CH4 gas reacts with water ice to form solid CH4 7H20
1N>O Ar and excess CH4 condense to form Ar and CH4
-250" Ne, H, and He condense
These reactions probably did not occur because the temperature in the planetary disk did not decrease to such
low values.
SOURCE: Glass (1982), based on Lewis (1974).
The origin and chem ical com position of Pluto are The descriptive physical properties of the solar
still not well known because this planet is difficult to system listed in Table 3.2 indicate that 99.87% of the total
observe from E arth . Pluto also does not conform to the mass of the solar system
so-called Titius-B ode law, which appears to govern the (2.052 X 103 3 g) is concentrated in the Sun. The
distances of the planets from the Sun when these are rem aining 0.13% is distributed among the nine
expressed in astronomical units (A . U.), defined as the m ajor planets, among which Jupiter is by far the largest
average with about 71% of the planetary masses. The densities and
distance betw een the E a rth and Sun. The sizes of the planets, shown in Figure 3.1, vary widely and
T itius-B ode law was published in 1772 by J. E. imply the existence of large differences in their chemical
Bode, director of the A stronom ical O bservatory in Berlin, compositions. The inner planets (M ercury, Venus, E arth,
and is based on a series of num bers dis covered by J. D. and M ars), as well as the M oon and the asteroids, are
Titius of W ittenberg in 1766. The series is com posed of solid objects com posed prim arily of elem ents and com
the num bers 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1 .6 . 2 .8 . . . . , which are obtained pounds having low vapor pressures. The outer planets
by writing 0 ,3 , 6 , 1 2 .2 4 ...., adding 4 to each num ber, and (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and N eptune) have low densities
dividing by 10. The resulting num bers m atch the dis and are essentially gaseous, although all of them probably
tances of the planets from the Sun rem arkably well up to have condensed cores. The inner planets resem ble the E
and including U ranus (M ehlin, 1968). However, the arth in chemical com position and are therefore referred to
radius of the orbit of N eptune is only 30.1 A .U ., w hereas as the terrestrial or earthlike planets. The outer planets
the T itius-B ode value is 38.8 and the discrepancy in the consist prim arily of hydrogen and helium
case of Pluto is even greater (Table 3.2). The T itius-B ode
law predicts
with small am ounts of the other elem ents and
a value of 77.2, but the actual orbital radius of resem ble the Sun in chemical com position.
P luto is only 39.4 A .U . The discrepancy may The earthlike planets (plus the M oon and
suggest th at P luto did n o t form in th e orbit it asteroids), taken together, m ake up only 0.0006% of the
now occupies. total mass of the solar system and only
Table 3 .2 Properties of the Sun and H er Planets
Mean solar distance
Equatorial Density Number o f
Object 106km A.U. diameter, km Mass, g g/cm3 satellites
Sun 1,391,400 1.987 x 1033 1.4

Mercury 57.9 0.387 4,878 3.30 x 1026 5.44 0

Venus 108.2 0.723 12,100 4.87 X 1027 5.25 0
Earth 149.6 1.00 12,756 5.98 x 1027 5.52 1
Moon 3,476 7.35 x 1025 3.34

Mars 227.9 1.52 6,786 6.44 x 1026 3.94 2

Ceres (asteroid) 414.0 2.77 1,020 1.17 x 1024 2.2
Jupiter 778.3 5.20 142,984 1.90 x 1030 1.33 16
Saturn 1,427.0 9.54 120,536 5.69 x 1029 0.70 21
Uranus 2,869.6 19.2 51,118 8.66 x 1028 1.30 15
Neptune 4,504 30.1 49,562 1.01 23 x 1029 1.76 8
Pluto 5,900 39.4 3,000 1.5 x 1025 1.1 1

SOURCE: Carr et al. (1984), Glass (1982), and fact sheet, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

0.44% of the planetary masses. A ll of these objects are so 3.2 Origin of the Earthlike
close to the Sun that the orbital radius of the outerm ost
asteroid is only about 7% of the total radius of the solar
system. Evidently, the terrestrial planets are not typical o f O ur current understanding of the origin of the solar
the solar system and owe their existence to the special system indicates that the earthlike planets w ere hot w hen
conditions in the planetary disk close to th e Sun. E arth is they form ed and that their inter nal geochem ical
the largest of the inner planets w ith about 50.3% of the differentiation may have begun with the sequential
mass, followed by Venus (40.9% ), M ars (5.4% ), and M accretion of planetesim als of differing com positions (M
ercury (2.8%). urray et. al., 1981). Planetesim als com posed of m etallic
iron and oxides accreted first to form a core that was sub
The earthlike planets, viewed in Figure 3.1 in th e sequently buried by the planetesim als com posed of
perspective of the entire solar system, are a physical and silicates. The earthlike planets w ere initially m olten
chemical anomaly. The E arth is unique am ong its because of the heat generated by the rapid capture of the
earthlike neighbors in having about 71% of its surface planetesim als and because of radioactive heating.
covered by liquid w ater w ithin which life developed
early in its history and evolved into the m ultitude of
species of the p lan t and anim al kingdoms. Insofar as we The last phase of form ation of E arth, Venus, and M
know, life form s do not exist at the present tim e any w ars involved the capture of planetesim als com posed of
here else in the solar system. volatile com pounds that had form ed in the outer reaches
of the planetary disk, perhaps
M ean Distance from th e C enter of th e Sun, 10s km
Figure 3.1 A: Variation of density of the planets with mean distance from the Sun. Note that the Earth has the
highest density among the earthlike planets, which, as a group, are more dense than the outer gaseous
planets. B: The planets of the solar system magnified 2000 times relative to the distance scale. The
earthlike planets are very small in relation to the Sun and the gaseous planets of the solar system.
beyond the orbit of Jupiter. These volatile-ric )
to form m ore than 4 X 109 years ago by conden sation of
planetesim als, also know n as com etesim ai-. w ater vapor in the atm osphere. The presence of a large
deposited solids com posed of water, ammonia, volume of w ater on the sur face of E arth perm itted
m ethane, and other volatiles on the surfaces of the geological processes to operate and created conditions
planets.The w ater and other volatiles deposited on conducive to the developm ent and evolution of life. N
the E arth prom ptly evaporated to form a dense either the E arth nor any of the earthlike planets ever had
atm osphere from which w ater ultim ately con atm ospheres com posed of the hydrogen and heli um of
densed as the surface of the E arth cooled. Mercury and the solar nebula because these gases were expelled from
the M oon do not have atm ospheres partly because they the inner region of the solar system during the T-Tauri
are too small to retain gaseous ele m ents of low atom ic stage of the Sun.
num ber and their compounds.
A ccording to this scenario, the earthlike planets
have been cooling since the time of their 3.3 Satellites of the Outer Planets
form ation. M ercury and the M oon have cooled
sufficiently to becom e geologically inactive in All of the outer planets have satellites, som e of which are
the sense th at their interiors no longer interact larger than the M oon and the planet Mercury. In addition,
w ith their surfaces. Venus and E arth, being the these satellites have a wide range of chem ical com
largest of the earthlike planets, have retained positions and have responded in very different ways to the
m ore of the initial heat than their neighbors in forces acting on them . The large satellites of Jupiter were
the solar system and are still active. M ars is inter m ediate seen by Galileo Galilei on January 7,1610, with his newly
in size and has had volcanic eruptions in the not-too- built telescope. Actually, they m ay
distance geologic past. However, the age of the last m
artian volcanism is not known. have been observed even earlier by Sim on
In spite of the similarity in size and overall com Marius. However, detailed images of their su r
position of Venus and E arth, their surfaces have evolved faces were obtained only recently during flybys of the A
very differently. Venus has a dense atm osphere com m erican Pioneer and Voyager space probes. A chronology
posed of C 0 2 that has caused its surface to becom e of these events in Table 3.3 reveals the sudden burst of
extrem ely hot and dry. The surface of E arth cooled activity in the explo ration of the solar system betw een
rapidly, allowing oceans 1973 and 1989.
Table 3.3 Chronology of Exploration of the Satellites of Jupiter and S a tu rn
Planet Encounter date Spacecraft Comments
Jupiter Dec. 3,1973 Pioneer 10 left solar system on June 14,1983

Jupiter Dec. 2,1974 Pioneer 11 continued to Saturn

Jupiter March 5,1979 Voyager 1 1408 images of jovian satellites
Jupiter July 9,1979 Voyager 2 1364 images of jovian satellites
Jupiter Dec. 7,1995 Galileo mission in progress in 1997
Saturn Sept. 1,1979 Pioneer 11 low-resolution images
Saturn Nov. 13,1980 Voyager 1 900 images of saturnian satellites
Saturn Aug. 26,1981 Voyager 2 1150 images of saturnian satellites
Uranus Jan. 25,1986 Voyager 2 images of all satellites as well as the rings
Neptune Aug. 25,1989 Voyager 2 images of the planet and its satellite Triton
After Greeley (1985).
1 0 0
encounters with the km thick and is underlain by a m antle o
The planet Jupiter has Voyager spacecraft, Peale face of Io is yellow to red uid w ater betw een 400 and 800 km deep.
16 satellites and a ring et al. (1979) calculated in color. The surface heat w ater may have intruded
guarded by two smallthesatellites.
am ount The so-called
of heat flow of Io is about 48 m the crust locally in the
G alilean satellites Io, E uropa,generated within Io by icrocalories/cm 2/sec and form of ice slush to
Callisto w ere actually nam ed friction caused by
tidal is therefore about 30 tim produce intrusive bodies
m ythological lovers of the the gravita es greater than that of the of w ater ice.
G reek god Zeus whose tional pull of Jupiter and E arth . Io is clearly the m
Latin nam e was Jupiter. A that active volcanoes may ost volcanically active Callisto is the outerm
fifth satellite was dis diction was supported by object in the solar system . ost of the G alilean satel
covered 282 years later by images sent back by The o th er G alilean lites. It is darker in color
B arnard who nam ed it A Voyager 1 on M arch (E uropa, G anym ede, and than the others and has a
m alth ea after a nym ph 9,1979, which indicated densities than Io and are heavily cratered icy crust
who once nursed Jupiter. that the surface of this m aterial with crusts of w about 200 km thick. A
These satellites, together planet was n o t cratered as ater ice and m antles of prom inent feature on its
with three small ones had been expected. liquid water. They are not surface is a very large m
found in 1979, move in Subsequently, M orabito et. volcanically active at the ultiringed basin called
nearly circular orbits close al. (1979) discovered a present time, and their Valhalla whose diam eter
to the equatorial plane of huge volcanic eruption on surfaces are cratered. E is nearly 2000 km. A
Jupiter. Four Io that was obliterating im uropa appears to be com second ringed basin near
pact craters and all other pletely covered by a frozen the north pole is called
small satellites (Leda, Him alia, Lysithea,
topographic features in a ocean 75-100 km deep. Asgard. The icy crust may
E lara) are located about large
11 million km
area surrounding the The icy crust may be be
Jupiter and have eccentric volcano. Eventually, nine underlain by liquid w ater underlain by a liquid m antle about 1 0 0 0
orbits th at are inclined active volcanoes that does not freeze com posed of water. Callisto apparently
nearly 30 to its equatorial because of heat generated inactive very early in its history p
plane. A third group (A were identified and nam by
ed tidal friction. The the am ount of heat generated by ti
nanke, Carm e, Pasiphae, deities associated w ith surface
fire of E uropa is less than that of the other G alilean
and Sinope) at a dis tance M arduk, M asubi, M aui, crisscrossed by a m
of about 22 million km Pele, Prom etheus, Surt, ultitude of curving bands,
from Jupiter have and Voland). The volcanic some of which have been
retrograde orbits whose inclination
plum esis contain sulfur traced for m ore than 1000
150 and 160. The G alileandioxide satellites
and the lava flows km . The bands appear to
effect a small-scale may be com posed of be fractures in the crust
planetary system of their liquid sulfur, consistent caused by internal
own with Jupiter as their with the fact that the sur
central star. Their tectonic activity and by
densities, listed in Table fractures w ere subsequently
3.4 and displayed in crustal w ater that froze to form
Figure 3.2, decrease w ith G anym ede is larger than the planet M ercury
increasing orbital radius and appears to be com posed of w ater and
from 3.53 (Io) to 1.79 cate m aterial in about
(Callisto) g/cm3; therefore surface is com posed of
they are believed to have im purities that cause it to d arken
significantly different dark terrains are fragm ented and m ore heavily
chem ical compositions. cratered than the light-
colored terrain in which
Io is com posed prim
th e y a re em b ed d
arily of silicate m aterial
and m ay have an iron ed . T he ice c ru st is ab
sulfide core. Before the out

Table 3.4 Physical

Properties of the Major Satellites of Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune
Mean distance Diameter, Mass, Density,
Name from planet, km km g g/cm3
Io 421,600 3,640 8.91 X 1025 3.53

Europa 670,900 3,130 4.87 x 1025 3.03

Ganymede 1,070,000 5,280 1.49 x 1026 1.93
Callisto 1,883,000 4,840 1.06 X 1026 1.79
Mimas 188,000 390 (3.7 0.1) X 1022 1.2

Enceladus 240,000 500 (7.4 3.4) X 1022 1.1

Tethys 297,000 1,050 (6.26 0.17) X 1023 1.0
Dione 379,000 1,120 (1.05 0.03) X 1024 1.42
Rhea 528,000 1,530 (2.16 0.7) X 1024 1.3
Titan 1,221,000 5,140 (1.348 0.017) X 1026 1.9(+)
Hyperion 1,502,000 -290
Iapetus 3,559,000 1,440 (2.8 0.7) X 1024 1.2
Phoebe 10,583,000 160

Miranda 130,000 470 7.34 X 1022 1.35

Ariel 192,000 1,150 1.32 x 1024 1.66

Umbriel 267,000 1,170 1.26 X 1024 1.51
Titania 438,000 1,580 3.47 x 1024 1.68
Oberon 586,000 1,520 2.90 X 1024 1.58

Triton 354,000 3,000 9.273 x 1025

Nereid 5,510,000 940 1.3 X 1018

Data from Glass (1982), Greeley (1985), Hunt and Moore (1981), Hamblin and Christiansen (1990),
and fact sheet, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
addition, less heat is of other gases including
generated by radioactivity ethane, acetylene, ethyl
because its rocky core is ene, and hydrogen
relatively small. cyanide. Like the Gallilean
The satellites of satellites of Jupiter, each
Saturn, U ranus, and N of the satellites of Saturn,
eptune are identified in U ranus, and N eptune is a
Table 3.4. A ll of them unique body in the solar
were seen during flybys system th at has recorded
of Voyager 2. We will m on its surface a history of
en tion only Titan, the events caused by internal
largest of the satellites of and external processes. Im
Saturn. It has a dense atm ages and rem ote-sensing
osphere com posed prin data of these satellites w
cipally of m ethane, ere received only recently
nitrogen, and sm aller am during

Distance from the Center of Jupiter, 105 km

Figure 3.2 A: Variation of the density of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter with increasing distance from the planet.
The decrease in density is caused by increases in the proportion of water relative to silicate material. B: The Galilean
satellites magnified 50 times relative to the distance scale. Amalthea is much smaller than Io but appears to be a
silicate object.
the flyby of the Voyager The exploration of
space probes in 1981 the new worlds, which are
(Saturn), 1986 (U ranus), suddenly w ithin our
and 1989 (N eptune). reach, will becom e an im
por tant task of the com m
unity of E arth Scientists.
3.4 Pictures A lthough an
of Our understanding of these
new worlds m ust ultim
Solar ately be based on studies
System of the chem ical com
positions of m atter and of
The exploration of the reactions and processes
solar system relies prim that take place on them ,
ar ily on unm anned space images of the surfaces of
probes th at have the planets help to identify the
capa bility of taking problem s that need to be
pictures of planetary solved.
surfaces and of returning
the images to E arth . The For this reason, we
two Viking landers and now exam ine som e of
the Pathfinder mission on the images of our solar
Mars, as well as the two system to confront the
Voyager spacecraft and chal lenge that lies ahead .
the space craft G alileo in Excellent photographs of
the Jupiter system are landform s on planetary
spectacular examples of surfaces appear in text
this technique, w hereas books by H am blin and
the M oon has been Christiansen (1990) and
explored prim arily by A by G reeley (1985).
m erican astro nauts who
actually w alked on its

The Moon is a familiar image in the sky. Its surface is pockmarked with craters formed by impacts of meteoroids, which
continue to fall, though at a greatly reduced rate. The lunar landscape consists of dark plains, called mare (singular) and
maria or mares (plural), and bright mountainous highlands. The mare basins, formed by impacts of large objects during
the early history of the Moon, are filled with sheetlike basalt flows. The highlands are older than the mare basins and are
composed of anorthositic gabbro. The surface of the Moon is covered by a layer of regolith (colloquially called soil) that
consists of rock and mineral particles, beads of impact glass, and chunks of regolith breccia.

This view of the Moon was taken from space by the astronauts of Apollo 17 in December 1972. It shows the roughly
circular, black Mare Crisium in the left upper quadrant. Southwest of Mare Crisium is the Mare Fecunditatis, and
directly west of Crisium is the Mare Tranquilitatis. The Mare Serenitatis is located northwest of Tranquilitatis and
extends northwesterly beyond the horizon. (Photo by NASA.)

In the late evening of July 20,1969 (EDT on Earth), Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin descended from their
spacecraft and set foot on the surface of the Moon. They had landed near the southwest margin of the Sea of Tranquility
(Mare Tranquilitatis). The picture shows Edwin Aldrin on his way down just before he stepped onto the lunar surface.
The dusty plain in the background contains scattered boulders ejected from craters exca vated by impact of meteoroids.
(Photo by NASA.)

The surface of the planet Mars comes closest among all the planets in the solar system to the landscapes of Earth. Mars
has an atmosphere composed of N2 and CO, with a small amount of water. It also has roughly circu lar plains called
planitia and highly cratered highlands resembling those of the Moon. Mars has been an active planet, as indicated by
large shield volcanoes and rift valleys. In some places on Mars the surface is dissected by valleys in dendritic patterns
similar to stream valleys on Earth. Therefore, there is reason to believe that liquid water has existed on the surface of
Mars and that ice, in the form of permafrost, may still occur on Mars at the present time.

The picture shows the summit of the volcano Olympus Mons protruding through clouds on a frosty morning on Mars
much like Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii. The summit contains several overlapping calderas whose presence
suggests a long history of volcanic activity. The volcano is 550 km in diameter at its base, and it rises 25 km above the
surrounding plain far higher than any mountain on Earth. (Photo by NASA.)

The Valles Marineris on Mars, which are probably rift valleys, extend more than 2400 km in
an east-west direction near the martian equator. Some of the valleys are up to 200 km wide
and 7 km deep. The walls of the valleys have been extensively modified by slides and by
erosional channels. The rocks into which the valleys are cut are layered and may be sheetlike
flows of basalt. (Photo by NASA.)

The first Viking lander touched down on Mars in Chryse Planitia on July 20,1976. As shown, this area is a stony desert
containing small sand dunes and angular boulders. The view at the landing site of Viking 2 in the Utopia Planitia is quite
similar, indicating the importance of wind in shaping the surface of Mars. Some of the boulders are pitted or vesicular,
perhaps because they originated from underlying lava flows. (Photo by NASA.)

Jupiter is by far the largest and most massive of the planets in the solar system. It has a turbulent atmosphere that
contains several cyclonic storm centers, including the Great Red Spot. The atmosphere is composed pri marily of
hydrogen and helium with small amounts of other elements of higher atomic number. Jupiter is not massive enough to
initiate hydrogen fusion in its core. Nevertheless, it has several sets of satellites, and some of the satellites are
comparable in size to the Moon of the Earth. (Photo by NASA.)

^ 4 fit

<& if

Io is the innermost of the so-called Galilean satellites of Jupiter. It is probably composed of silicate rocks like the Moon
and Mars, but its many active volcanoes emit sulfur-rich lavas and gases. The surface of Io is not cratered because impact
craters are quickly buried by lava flows and volcanic ash. The heat that causes the volcanic activi ty is generated by tidal
forces caused by the gravitational fields of Jupiter and Europa, the neighbor of Io. (Photo by NASA.)

Europa is the second of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. Unlike Io, Europa is encased in a layer of water ice beneath
which liquid water may be present. The icy surface is cut by sets of lines that may be fractures filled with ice-dikes
from below. Impact craters are present but are not common, presumably because of periodic renewal of the surface of
extrusion of water through the system of fractures. The interior of Europa consists of silicate rocks and a small dense
core. Ganymede and Callisto, the other two Galilean satellites, are also ice-covered, but each is distinctly different from
its neighbors. (Photo by NASA.)

Saturn is justly famous for its intricate rings, although all of the gaseous planets are now known to have rings. Saturn,
like Jupiter, has a retinue of satellites, the largest of which is Titan. This satellite is only slightly smaller than Ganymede
and has an atmosphere composed mainly of nitrogen with some methane and other hydrocar bon gases. Because of the
low surface temperature on Titan, most of the methane (or ethane, CfjHg) may form oceans of liquid hydrocarbons.
(Photo by NASA.)

Neptune, the last of the great gaseous planets, was photographed in August 1989 by Voyager 2. It is blue in color and has
a turbulent atmosphere like that of Jupiter in spite of its great distance from the Sun (more than 4 x IO9 km) and its
much smaller size compared to Jupiter (about 6%). Neptune has at least eight satellites, Triton being the most massive.
The surface temperature of Triton is only 37 K or -2 3 6 C. Nevertheless, cryovol-canic activity is occurring on Triton
involving the eruption of liquid N2 and perhaps methane. Consequently, the surface of Triton contains few impact
craters and is composed of landforms never seen before on any satellite. (Photo by NASA.)

Planet Earth is our home in the solar system. It is the only planet or satellite with liquid water on its surface and with an
atmosphere containing molecular oxygen. Earth is also the only place in the solar system that can sustain life as we know
This view of the southern hemisphere showing Africa, the Indian Ocean with Madagascar, and the Atlantic Ocean
was taken from space by the astronauts of Apollo 17, December 1972. (Photo by NASA.)

Manicouagen-Mushalagen Lakes, north shore, St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada. These two lakes form a cir cular
structure because they are the remnants of a deeply eroded impact crater. This and hundreds of other such impact craters
testify to the fact that the Earth has been bombarded by meteoroids and comets just as have the Moon, Mars, and all
other bodies in the solar system. In fact, such impacts are now recognized as an important geological process that has
disrupted the surface environment by causing short-term catastrophic climate changes and biological extinctions. (Photo
by NASA.)

3.5 Summary m ent is conducive to the developm ent and evolu

tion of life forms.
The sequence of events leading to the form ation of the
The satellites of Jupiter form a m iniature
solar system can be reconstructed as a direct extension of
stellar evolution by applying the laws of physics and chem planetary system of their own. The four largest
istry to a diffuse cloud of gas and dust particles in satellites are similar in size to M ercury and the
interstellar space. M oon but differ significantly in their chemical
The earthlike planets constitute a very small fraction com positions and surface features.
of the total m ass of the solar system and are dw arfed even The satellites of Saturn, Uranus, and N eptune are
by the outer gaseous planets. Nevertheless, E arth is the likewise of great interest in the study of the solar system
only planet in the entire solar system on which the surface but are less well know n than the satellites of Jupiter.
ANONYMOUS, 1989. Voyager H U N T , G , and P. M oore,
Fact Sheet; Neptune 1981. Jupiter. Rand McNally,
Encounter. New
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, York, 96 pp.
Pasadena, CA. L E W IS , J. S., 1974. The
C A M E R O N , A . G . W ., 1978. chemistry of the solar system.
Physics of the primitive solar Sei.
Amer., 230(3):51-65.
tion disk. Moon Planets, M E H L I N ,T . G., 1968.
18:540. Astronomy and the Origin o f
C A M E R O N , A. G. W., and M. R. the Earth,
Pine, 1973. Numerical models
Brown Co., Dubuque, IA,
of the primitive solar 131 pp.
nebula. Icarus, 18:377-106. M o r a b i t o , L. A., S. P. S y n n o t t ,
C A R R , M. H., R. S. S A U N D E R S , C o llin s , 1979. Discovery of currently active extraterres
W IL H E L M S , 1984. The Geology
trial volcanism. Science.
NASA SP-469,317 pp. 204:972.
G L A S S , B. P., 1982 . IntroductionM u r r a y , B., M. C. M a u n ,

Cambridge University and R. G r e e l e y , 1981.

Press, Cambridge, Earthlike Planets. W. H.
England, 469 pp.
Freeman, San Francisco,
G R E E L E Y , R., 1985. Planetary
387 pp .
Landscapes. Allen and Unwin,
P E A L E , S. J., P. C A S S E N , and R .
London, 265 pp.
T. R E Y N O L D S , 1979. Melting o f
H A M B L IN , W. K., and E. H. C H R
Io by tidal dissipation.
IS T IA N S E N , 1990. Exploring the
Science, 203:892 -894 .
Planets. Macmillan, New
York, 449 pp.
Chemical Differentiation
of the Earth
The E arth is a highly differentiated planet, and its about 40 km under the continents, is known as the M
geological activity continues to produce diver ohorovicic discontinuity or M oho, whereas the m
sified suites of igneous and sedim entary rocks. antle-core boundary, at a depth of 2883 km, is referred to
A lthough som e of the other terrestrial planets as the W iechert-G utenberg discon tinuity, and both are
m ay also have rem ained active in certain limited and nam ed after em inent seis mologists. There are
specific ways, the E arth still has fire in her belly and is additional, but m ore subtle, transition regions within the
cloaked in envelopes of corrosive w ater and atm E arth caused by other im portant changes in its physical
ospheric gases. properties. Table 4.1 contains a sum m ary of the physical

properties of the E arth.

The m antle of the E arth has been subdivided into
4.1 Internal Structure of the Earth three parts based on the presence of bound aries at depths
The E arth was probably initially m olten and dif of 413 and 984 km . The upper m an tle, between the M
ferentiated very early in its history into several layers or oho and the boundary at about 400 km, is probably
shells having different chemical com po heterogeneous because of the form ation of m agm a by
sitions. The resulting internal structure of the partial melting. Xenoliths of ultram afic rocks derived
E arth has been determ ined by seismologists from this region indi cate that the upper m antle is com
based on the reflection and refraction of com-pressional posed of olivine, pyroxene, and garnet with lesser am
(P) and shear (5) seismic waves. On the basis of these ounts of spinel, amphibole, and phlogopite. The transition
results, the interior of the E arth has been divided into the
zone, located betw een depths of about 400 and
core, the mantle, and the crust, as shown in Figure 4.1. 1 0 0 0
km, is a region of pressure-induced phase
The densities of
transform ations of the orthosilicates of Fe and Mg from
these m ajor interior units of the E arth range
.8 the structure of olivine to that of spinel. The lower
from 2 g/cm 3 for rocks in the crust to m ore than
mantle, below a depth of about 1 0 0 0 km, is probably hom
12 g/cm 3 for the core (Bullen, 1963).The increase
ogeneous and m ay be richer in Fe than the upper m antle
of the density and of the velocities of seismic waves with
(H enderson, 1982).
depth is caused both by changes in the chemical com
The chem ical com position of the m antle is difficult
position and by the recrystal lization of m inerals into m
to determ ine with certainty because it is inaccessible and
ore closely packed structures. Figure 4.1 shows th at the
heterogeneous. N evertheless, ultram afic xenoliths, as
seismic velocities and densities have two m ajor disconti
well as the stony m ete orites, have provided useful clues.
nuities m arking the boundaries betw een the crust and m
In addition, large masses of alpine-type peridotite m ay
antle and betw een the m antle and core. The crust-m
have originated from the upper m antle at convergent
antle boundary, located at a depth of
Figure 4.1 A: Variation of seis

mic velocities with depth in the

Earth. The velocity of P waves
increases abruptly at the base of
the crust (Mohorovicic disconti
nuity or Moho) from about
6 km /sec to nearly 8 km/sec. It
increases with depth in the man
tle but drops sharply again at the
mantle-core boundary. A third
discontinuity in the E-wave
velocities within the core marks
the transition from the liquid
outer core to the solid inner core.
The velocity of S waves also
increases at the Moho and con
tinues to rise with depth in the
mantle. However, S waves do not
penetrate the mantle-core
Depth, km boundary, which indicates that
the outer core is liquid.
B: The density of rocks rises
abruptly at the Moho and contin
ues to increase with depth in the
mantle. At the mantle-core
boundary the density rises
sharply from about 6 g/cm3 to
nearly 10 g/cm 3, and then contin
ues to increase to values in
excess of 12 g/cm 3 at the bound
ary between the outer and inner
core. The variation of these phys
ical properties leads to the con
clusion that the mantle is solid
and is composed primarily of sili
cates and oxides of Mg and Fe.
The core consists of an alloy of
Fe, Ni, and other siderophile ele
ments and is liquid except for the
Depth, km inner part which is solid (after
Bullen, 1963).

plate boundaries. E stim ates of the chem ical basaltic m agm as by partial m elting under the
com position of the m antle m ust m eet certain physical conditions likely to prevail in th at
geophysical req u irem en ts regarding density, region of the E arth .
seism ic velocities, and h eat production by the These requirem ents are generally satisfied by
decay of U, Th, and K. In addition, the m antle a rock calledp y r o lite invented by Ringw ood (1966)
m ust be capable of form ing th e m ajor types of by combining peridotite and basalt in the ratio of 3
S i0 2

Table 4 .2 E s tim a te s o f th e C h e m ic a l

C o m p o sitio n o f th e M a n tle o f th e E a r th

A I 2O 3

Cr20 3
K 2O

T i02

Pyrolite (Ringwood, 1966).

bMantle plus crust based on meteorites (Mason, 1966).

'Undepleted mantle based on lherzolites (Hutchison, 1974).

to 1. The resulting chemical com position of the m antle

is similar to one proposed by M ason (1966), which was
based on m eteorites, and also resem bles the estim ate m
ade by H utchison (1974), which was derived from
ultram afic lherzolite inclusions in igneous rocks. The
estim ates of the chemical com position of the m antle
are compiled in Table 4.2.
Table 4.1
C ru st

Whole Earth

bContinental crust.
SO U R C E : Parker (1967) and Taylor and McLennan (1985).

Sample 13


up the continents but also addition, transport at the
upper mantle could be, and occurs under the oceans. but their occurrence at th e base of the ice sheet and
in fact had been, recov The oceanic crust is only surface of the conti subsequent deposition by
5 - 8 km thick nents enhances their im portance.rnelt-w ater caused glacial
ered by dredging.
and differs from th e The chem ical
continental crust in chem i com position clay to be well mixed,
cal com position and origin . T he tal crust has been estim making it a representative
large num bers of chem sam ple of the rocks in the
4.2 The crust is com posed prim arily of igneous
path of the ice sheet.The
m etam o rp h ic rocks. bining
M etam o rp h ic chem ical analyses
Co concentrated in orogenic types w eighted in term s average chemical com
nti belts, but the distinc (3) analyzing sedim ent derived position of 77 sam ples of
tion betw een igneous nent, (4) com bining the com positions glacial clay from sou th
nen is not always obvious and m afic rocks in varying ern Norway (colum n 3,
tal igneous rocks in the (5) by m odeling. The Table 4.3) is, in fact, quite
continental crust m ethods are surprisingly sim ilar to the estim ates
Cru have of C larke and W
sim ilar as indicated in
st: been m etam orphosed . S edim Tableentary
4.3. ashington. We note,
canic rocks form at th e however, that the
Maj and th erefore tend to
C larke and W
concentrations of C aO
ashington (1924) estim
or igneous and m etam orphicated the chemical com and
and volcanic rocks m ay
Ele position of the crust not
into elongated m asses by only by averaging a large
me to n ic basins in w hich num ber of chemical
deposited . C larke and W ashington Na20 of the glacial clay are som ew h
nts m ated that the continental
analyses of igneous rocks
crust their values in colum ns 1 and 2
from all continents and
The crust of the E arth is 95% igneous and m etam o rp h ic because these elem ents w ere parti
from the ocean basins, but
im portant because it con 5% sed im en tary rocks. also by com bining the the clay by leaching. In
tains all of the natural 4% shale, 0.75% sandstone, and 0.25%
average chemical com addition, the glacial clays
resources th at sustain us. stone. Evidently, sedim entary
position of igneous rocks have a low er T i0 2
It only a m inor p o rtio n of with those of shale, content than the crustal
includes the atm osphere, h sandstone, and lim estone aver ages of Clarke and W
ydrosphere, and bio s ashington, which m ay be
in accordance with their
phere, as well as part of the a regional characteristic of
observed abundances. The
lithosphere. The term the rocks of Scandinavia.
results in columns 1 and 2
lithosphere is now defined
of Table 4.3 are very
as the rigid outer por tion
similar. An enorm ous am
of the E arth consisting of
ount of work was required
the crust and upper m antle
to collect and analyze the
in contrast to the
well over 5000 rock sam
underlying asthenos-phere,
ples on which th e estim
which deform s plastically
ate in colum n 1 is
in response to tectonic
based.Therefore, V. M. G
stress. The study of the
oldschm idt decided in the
chem ical com po sition of
early 1930s to analyze the
the continental crust, and
clay-size fraction of till in
of the different types of
southern Norway because,
rocks of which it is com
he argued, glacial sedim
posed, has been a
ent of Pleistocene age was
m ajo r objective of geochem istry
produced by m echanical
1969; Taylor and M cLennan, 1985).
ero sion of bedrock in
The crust is the o u ter shell of
Scandinavia with little
w hich lies above the m antle. It not only
chemical w eathering. In
Table 4.3 E s tim a te s o f th e A v e ra g e C h em ical C o m p o sitio n o f th e C o n tin e n ta l C ru st in

W e ig h t P e rc e n ts
r 2b 3C 4d 5e 6< 7% <Sh

S i0 2 59.12 59.07 59.19 60.06 59.4 59.3 57.3 68.4

T i0 2 1.05 1.03 0.79 0.90 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.4

A I 2O 3 15.34 15.22 15.82 15.52 15.6 15.0 15.9 14.8
Fe20 3 3.08 3.10 3.41 3.55 2.3 2.4 1.3
FeO 3.80 3.71 3.58 4.06 5.0 5.6 9.1 3.2
MnO 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.21 0.1 0.1
MgO 3.49 3.45 3.30 3.56 4.2 4.9 5.3 1.7
CaO 5.08 5.10 3.07 5.62 6.6 7.2 7.4 3.4
NazO 3.84 3.71 2.05 3.28 3.1 2.5 3.1 3.1
K 2O 3.13 3.11 3.93 2.88 2.3 2.1 1.1 3.6
P 2O 5 0.30 0.30 0.22 0.36 0.2 0.2 0.1
co2 0.35 0.54
H 2O 1.15 1.30 3.02
Sum 99.50 99.56 99.03 100.00 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0

Clarke and Washington (1924) based on the average of 5159 analyses of igneous rocks from all continents and the oceans. bClarke
and Washington (1924) based on 95% igneous rocks, 4% shale, 0.75% sandstone, 0.25% limestone.
'Goldschmidt (1954) based on 77 analyses of glacial clay from southern Norway. dDaly
(1914) based on 1 :1 mixture of average granite and basalt.
'Poldervaart (1955), based on the average of young folded belts and continental shield region shown in Table 4.4. fRonov
and Yaroshevsky (1976) based on a detailed model like that of Poldervaart (1955).
eTaylor and McLennan (1985,Table 3.4, No. 10) based on 75% Archean crust and 25% andesite crust.
hSederholm (1925) based on the Precambrian rocks of Finland.
S O U R C E : Parker (1967);Taylor and McLennan (1985).

continental crust
Columns 4 -8 of crust as a whole.
Table 4.3 contain Poldervaarts estimates of
estimates of the chemical the chemical com position
composition of the of each of the four
continental crust derived structural units are shown
by various methods. Daly separately in Table 4.4.
(1914) estim ated its These results illustrate the
composition by combining differences in the
chemical composi
analyses of granite and tion
of the

basalt in equal proportions

(column 4,Table 4.3) shield + young folded belts)
because these rock types and the oceanic crust (deep
were thought to originate oceanic region). It is
from fundam ental evident that the oceanic
magmas of granitic and crust has higher average
basaltic compositions. concentrations of Fe2 0 3 +
Poldervaart (1955) FeO, MgO, CaO, MnO, P2
O s, and T i0 2 and lower
constructed a detailed
concentrations of S i0 2,
model by dividing the
A12 0 3, N a2 0 , and KzO
crust into the con ti nental
than the continental crust
shields, young folded belts,
(column 5, Table 4.4).
the suboceanic region, and These differences arise
the deep oceanic region. H because the continental
e assigned each region crust is composed primarily
certain lithologic of granitic rocks
compositions (indicat ed (granodior-ite?), w hereas
in Table 4.4) and the oceanic crust was
combined the chemical assumed by Poldervaart
com po sitions of the (1955) to consist largely of
different rock types olivine basalt. However, the
according to their study of ophiolite
abundances. Column 5 of complexes,
Table 4.3 contains his esti
m ate of the chemical
composition of the
Table 4 .4 E s tim a te s o f th e C h em ical C o m p o sitio n o f F o u r M a jo r S tru c tu ra l U n its o f

th e L ith ic C ru st o f th e E a r th in W eight P e rc e n t
Poldervaart Ronov and Yaroshevsky

1 2 3 4 5
Continental Young Suboceanic Deep Oceanic
shieldsa folded beltsb regions: oceanicd crust
S i0 2 59.8 58.4 49.4 46.6 49.4

T i0 2 1.2 1.1 1.9 2.9 1.4

AI O 3 15.5 15.6 15.1 15.0 15.4

Fe20 3 2.1 2.8 3.4 3.8 2.7

FeO 5.1 4.8 6.4 8.0 7.6
MnO 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
MgO 4.1 4.3 6.2 7.8 7.6
CaO 6.4 7.2 13.2 11.9 12.5
Na20 3.1 3.1 2.5 2.5 2.6
K 2O 2.4 2.2 1.3 1.0 0.3
P 2O 5 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2
Sum 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0

Sedimentary cover 0.5 km: 41% shale, 43% sandstone, 16% limestone. Igneous rocks vary in composition with depth
such that there are 22 km of granodiorite, 3 km of diorite, and 10.5 km of basalt.
bSedimentary cover 5 km: 52% shale, 13% sandstone, 22% limestone, 5% greywacke, 6% andesite, 2% rhyolite. Igneous
rocks: 22.5 km of granodiorite, 2.7 km of diorite, and 7.3 km of basalt. In addition, 40% of the sediment layer is assumed to be
granodiorite based on the outcrop area of granitic batholiths.
cShelf sediment 4 km, similar in composition to that of folded mountain belts. In addition: 74% terrigenous mud, 22%
coral mud, 4% volcanic mud. Igneous rocks: 4 km of diorite, 2 km of tholeiite, and 5 km of olvine basalt.
dSediment thickness 0.3 km: 72% calcareous sands and oozes, 19% red clay, 9% siliceous ooze. Igneous rocks: 5.57
km of olivine basalt.
S O U R C E : Poldervaart (1955);Ronov and Yaroshevsky (1976).
summarized by M oores rocks can be duplicated by
(1982), indicates that the combining chemical
oceanic crust is actually analyses of mafic and
com posed of mafic and felsic igneous rocks in the
ultramafic rocks, whose proportions 1:5. The
average composition may resulting chemical com
approach that of basalt, posi tion resembles that of
although trace elem ent diorite or andesite, which
con centrations have been is
altered by interaction with why this crustal m odel is generally referred
heated seawater. Ronov the andesite m odel. Subsequently,
and Yaroshevsky (1976) M cLennan (1985) proposed that the
also m odeled the crust consists of 75 %
continental and oceanic average A rchean rocks
crust and arrived at and 25% andesite crust.
compositions that are The resulting com position
similar to those of is shown in column 7 of
Poldervaart (1955). Their Table 4.3. It differs from
estim ate of the chemical all other estim ates listed
composition of the in Table 4.3 by having som
continental crust is listed e
in col um n 6 of Table 4.3, what lower concentrations of S i0
w hereas column 5 of K20 and higher concentrations
Table 4.4 contains their FeO, MgO, and CaO.
estim ate for the oceanic Accordingly, the chemical
crust. composition of the
continental crust proposed
Taylor (1964) revived by Taylor and M cLennan
D alys m ethod of esti (1985) is som ew hat m
mating the chemical com ore
position of the continental
crust by dem onstrating
that the average concentra
tions of rare earth elem
ents (R E E s) in sedim
45.5 high-Ca granites
mafic than those of their
o on the extent of melting, represent igneous rocks of
Si 26.8
predecessors. However, it which is controlled by the interm ediate com
Al 8.40
does m eet the following pressure and tem perature position, which may not
Fe 7.06 at the source. The com actu ally be granites in the
im portant constraints.
Ca 5.3 position of magmas may strict sense of th at term .
1. It satisfies the All of the rem aining elembe
entsmodified subsequently The sedim entary
observed rate of by assimilation of country rocks are just as highly
heat flow based rocks or by mixing with diversified in th eir chem
very small fraction of the
on the decay of crust of the Earth. magmas derived from ical com positions as
U ,Th, and K. different sources. The igneous rocks. H ow ever,
2. It is capable of crys tallization of magmas the processes th at cause
generating the m depends on their chemical this diversification operate
ore highly
4.3 Differ compositions and on the on the surface of the E arth
differentiated entiat physical conditions in the rath er than at depth and
include weather
granodiorites of ion of magm a chamber. The
ing, transport,
the upper crust by rocks produced by
partial melting.
Igneo fractional crystallization of
deposition, and
3. It restricts crustal us m agm a may vary widely lithification. The
in their m ineral com
grow th by and position from ultram afic
study of these processes encom pas
andesitic island portion of the subject of geochem is
-arc volcanism to
Sedim cum ulates of early-form occupy the rem ainder of this book.
ed ferrom agnesian m
post-A rchean entar Sedim entary rocks can be divided
inerals (olivine or groups depending on w
time. y pyroxene) to quartz-rich hether they are com posed
4. It recognizes th at
75% of th e Rocks late-stage differentiates. of m ineral and rock
continental particles of preexisting
The chemical The most com rocks or w hether they
crust is com compositions of igneous prehensive com pilation of precipitated from aqueous
posed of rocks rocks vary widely because the chem ical com solu
th at are m ore of geochemical positions of the highly tion. This division is n o t com pletely
than 2500 differentiation that takes diverse igneous rocks can because clastic sedim entary rocks ma
million years place during their form be found in the H a n chemically precipitated m
ation. The differentia tion dbook o f G eochemistry,
old, which did ineral cements, w hereas
starts during m agm a edited by K. H . W
not the chemical precipitates m
form ation by partial m edepohl from 1969
necessarily form by elt ing of rocks in the ay contain a com po nent
to 1978. The com pilation of data
magm atic processes of detrital sedim ent. M
lower crust or upper based on earlier com pilations by
tant in post-A rchean oreover, the chemical com
mantle. The chemical com W edepohl (1961) andV
positions of rocks in both
In conclusion, we position of the resulting inogradov (1962).The data
are grouped into ultram groups are modified
note that the chemical magm a depends on the
com position of the composition of the source afic rocks, basalt, high-Ca
continental crust of the E rocks and granite, and low -Ca
arth is very different from granite and therefore rep
th at of the solar nebula re sent m ost of the com
and positional spectrum of
stony m eteorites. The nine m ost abundant igneous rocks. The
m ents and their average concentrations category basalt includes
continental crust are: both volcanic and plutonic
Wt.% rocks of basaltic com
position, w here as the

Table 4.5 C h e m ic a l C o m p o sitio n o f Ig n e o u s a n d S e d im e n ta ry R o c k s (in p a rts p e r m illio n

u n le ss o th e rw ise in d ic a te d )

Element, Z Ultra-mafic* High-Ca Low-Ca Sandstoneb Carbonate Deep-se

Basalf granitesb granitesb Shaleb rocks0 clay0
3 Li 0.5 16 24 40 66 15 5 57
4 Be 0.2 0.7 2 3 3 2.6
5B 2 5 9 10 100 35 20 230
9F 100 385 520 850 740 270 330 1300
11 Na (%) 0.49 1.87 2.84 2.58 0.96 0.33 0.04 4
12 Mg (%) 23.2 4.55 0.94 0.16 1.50 0.70 4.70 2.10
13 A1 (%) 1.2 8.28 8.20 7.20 8 2.50 0.42 8.40
14 Si (%) 19.8 23.5 31.40 34.70 7.30e 36.80 2.40 25
15 P 195 1130 920 600 700 170 400 1500
16 S 200 300 300 300 2400 240 1200 1300
17 Cl 45 55 130 200 180 10 150 21000
19 K (%) 0.017 0.83 2.52 4.20 2.66 1.07 0.27 2.50
20 Ca (%) 1.6 7.2 2.53 0.51 2.21 3.91 30.23 2.90
21 Sc 10 27 14 7 13 1 1 19
22 Ti 300 11400 3400 1200 4600 1500 400 4600
23 V 40 225 88 44 130 20 20 120
24 Cr 1800 185 22 4.1 90 35 11 90
25 Mn 1560 1750 540 390 850 1100 6700
26 Fe (%) 9.64 8.60 2.96 1.42 4.72 0.98 0.33 6.50
27 Co 175 47 7 1 19 0.3 0.1 74
28 Ni 2000 145 15 4.5 68 2 20 225
29 Cu 15 94 30 10 45 4 250
30 Zn 40 118 60 39 95 16 20 165
31 Ga 1.8 18 17 17 19 12 4 20
32 Ge 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.6 0.8 0.2 2
33 As 0.8 2.2 1.9 1.5 13 1 1 13
34 Se 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.6 0.05 0.08 0.17
35 Br 0.8 3.3 4.5 1.3 4 1 6.2 70
37 Rb 1.1 38 110 170 140 60 3 100
38 Sr 5.5 452 440 100 300 20 610 180
39 Y 21 35 40 26 40 30 90
40 Zr 38 120 140 175 160 220 19 150
41 Nb 9 20 20 21 11 0.3 14
42 Mo 0.3 1.5 1 1.3 2.6 0.2 0.4 27
47 Ag 0.05 0.11 0.051 0.037 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.11
48 Cd 0.05 0.21 0.13 0.13 0.3 0.035 0.42
49 In 0.012 0.22 0.26 0.1 0.08
50 Sn 0.5 1.5 1.5 3 6 0.1 0.1 1.5
51 Sb 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.5 0.01 0.2 1
53 I 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.2 1.7 1.2 0.05
55 Cs 0.1 1.1 2 4 5 0.1 0.1 6
56 Ba 0.7 315 420 840 580 10 10 2300
57 La 1.3 6.1d 45 55 92 30 1 115
58 Ce 3.5C 16d 81 92 59 92 11.5 345
59 Pr 0.49 2.7d 7.7 8.8 5.6 8.8 1.1 33
Table 4 .5 (co ntinued)

High-Ca Low-Ca Carbonate Deep-sea

Element, Z Ultramafic Basalf granitesb granitesb Shaleb Sandstoneb rocksb clayb

60 Nd 1.9C 14d 33 37 24 37 4.7 140
62 Sm 0.42c 4.3d 8.8 10 6.4 10 1.3 38
63 Eu 0.14c 1.5d 1.4 1.6 1 1.6 0.2 6
64 Gd 0.54c 6.2d 8.8 10 6.4 10 1.3 38
65 Tb 0.12 l.ld 1.4 1.6 1 1.6 0.2 6
66 Dy 0.77c 5.9d 6.3 7.2 4.6 7.2 0.9 27
67 Ho 0.12c 1.4d 1.8 2 1.2 2 0.3 7.5
68 Er 0.30c 3.6d 3.5 4 2.5 4 0.5 15
69 Tm 0.041c 0.60d 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.04 1.2
70 Yb 0.38c 3.2d 3.5 4 2.6 4 0.5 15
71 Lu 0.036c 0.55d 1.1 1.2 0.7 1.2 0.2 4.5
72 Hf 0.4 1.5 2.3 3.9 2.8 3.9 0.3 4.1
73 Ta 0.5 0.8 3.6 4.2 0.8 0.01 0.01 0.1
74 W 0.5 0.9 1.3 2.2 1.8 1.5 0.6 1
79 Au 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.004
80 Hg 0.01 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.4 0.03 0.04 0.1
81 T1 0.04 0.21 0.72 2.3 1.4 0.82 0.01 0.8
82 Pb 0.5 7 15 19 20 7 9 80
90 Th 0.0045 3.5 8.5 17 12 1.7 1.7 7
92 U 0.002 0.75 3 3 3.7 0.45 2.2 1.3

Average of Turekian and Wedepohl (1961) and Vinogradov (1962).

bTurekian and Wedepohl (1961).
'Calculated from data listed by Herrmann (1970).
dAverage values calculated by Hermann (1970).
'Krauskopf (1979) listed a value of 23.8%.

by ion exchange processes associated with electri cal the E arth so rt the elem ents on the basis of their chem
surface charges of m ineral grains regardless of w hether ical properties. We can think of the surface environm ent
they are detrital or form ed as chemical precipitates. of the E arth as a giant m a chine that processes igneous
and m etam orphic rocks into a wide variety of sedim
The com pilation of data in Table 4.5 includes two entary rocks. The products of this m achine are highly
rock types th at are predom inantly detrital (shale and diversified because the chem ical elem ents, and the m
sandstone), one that is predom iriantly precipitated inerals they form , respond differently to the treatm ent
(carbonate rocks), and deep-sea clay, which is a m ixture they experi ence as they pass through the machine.
of detrital grains and chemical precipitates. The selection
of these rock types has an additional virtue because it The representation of geological processes
includes rocks that form in shallow m arine basins in the operating on the surface of the E arth as a
vicinity of continents as well as sedim ent deposited in m achine is helpful because it em phasizes the
deep ocean basins far from land. coherence of these processes and because it pro
m otes a global view of the geochemistry of the
The ap p aren t geochem ical differentiation indicated E a rth s surface. We return to this them e in P art V of this
by these data reflects the way in which geological book, w here we consider the geochemical cycles of
processes operating on the surface of selected elem ents (C hapter 22).
w ater (0 .38% ).T hat oxygen bonds in the
leaves a very small minerals.
4.4 D fraction of the w ater in O nce an elem ent has
Table 4 .6 In v e n to ry o f W a te r in th
H y d ro s p h e re
if the hydrosphere in entered the hydros phere, it
shallow ground is subjected to other kinds
f w ater (0 .30% ), lakes (0 of.01% ),
processes th at m ay Reservoir 106 few3
e (0 .0 0 0 1 % ) w here it is accessible to concentration .
affect its Oceans 1370
m unicipal and industrial use (see alsoexample,
C hapter som e ions
r For Ice sheets and glaciers 29
W hen igneous, m are selectively adsorbed on
e etam orphic, or sedim the charged surfaces of
Deep groundwater 5.3
(750-4000 m)
n entary rocks come in clay m inerals or particles
Shallow groundwater 4.2
contact w ith w ater at or of oxides and hydroxides
ti near the sur face of the E of Fe, M n, and A l. O th er (<750 m)
a arth, different kinds of elem ents m ay enter th e Lakes 0.125
chemical reac tions occur, biosphere as nutrients and Soil moisture 0.065
ti which collectively Atmosphere3 0.013
becom e associated with
o constitute chem ical w organism s and biogenic Rivers 0.001 7
eathering or w ater-rock
n interaction. The outcom e
carbon com pounds. The Biosphere 0.000 6
noble gases are released Total 1408.7
o of these reactions depends into the atm osphere, w Liquid equivalent of water vapor.
not only on the chemi cal
f hereas oxygen, carbon
Berner and Berner (1987).
and physical conditions at dioxide, and

t the site but also on the

nitrogen of the atm
h properties of the minerals.
osphere dissolve in the w
M inerals vary w ide ly in ater.
e their susceptibility to Therefore, the chem ical com position
H chem ical w eathering varies widely and reflects not only the
although m ost are quite
y insoluble in w ater.
com position of the rocks it has in
but is also affected by the geochem
d Therefore, the chemical
m ent, which is determ ined by clima
elem ents do not enter the
r aqueous phase in the sam
phy, vegetation, and by the
possible discharge of
o e proportions in which industrial or m unicipal
they occur in the rocks of
s the continental crust. As a
waste. These m atters are
considered in m uch
p result, the chem ical com greater detail in P art V.
position of surface w ater
h Stream s ultim ately
or groundw ater differs transport the elem ents th
e from th at of the rocks of at dissolve in the w ater to
r the upper continental crust the oceans w here they
in ways th at reflect the reside for varying periods
e geochem ical properties of of time. The geochem i cal
T he hydrosphere consists the elem ents and of the m processes operating in the
of a num ber of reser voirs inerals they form . W oceans selectively rem ove
of w ater th at are hitfield and Turner (1979) elem ents from solution in
connected by m eans of such a way that seaw ater
actually expressed these differences
the hydrologic cycle. is not simply average river
partition coefficients (w a te r/u p p e r
Table 4.6 indicates that the w ater th at has been
showed that they are
oceans are by far the largest reservoirs of w ater concentrated by
related to the ionic
with 97.25% of the total volum e, followed by ice evaporation . This statem
character of the m etal-
sheets and glaciers (2.05% ) and deep ground ent is supported by
inspection of the average
concen trations of the
elem ents in stream s and
in the oceans (Table 4.7).
The fifth colum n in Table
4.7 contains enrichm ent
factors calculated by divid
ing the concentration of
each elem ent in the
oceans by its concentration
in average river w ater.
The resulting enrichm ent
factors vary widely from
3350 for B r to about
0.0006 for Th. Evidently,
geo chemical processes in
the oceans are changing its

Table 4 .7 A v e ra g e C o m p o sitio n o f W a te r in S tream s a n d in th e O c e a n s in

m ic ro g ra m s p e r g ra m
.merit Classificationa Stream Seawater
water enrichment 1.3 X 102
Li I 3 X 1(T3 M O R Tb 1.3 x 105
Be IV 1 x IO5 2.5 X 106
B I 1 x 1026.3 X 101
450 1.6 <4 .0 x 106
F I 1 X 1(T3
1300 7.9 4.0 X 104
Na I 6.3
1714 2.0 5.0 X 103
Mg I 4.1
0.094 7.9 X 101
A1 IV 5x 1(T2 315 5.0
0.044 3.2 X 101
Si II 6.5 0.016
P II 2 X 102 7.9 x 103
S I 3.7 4.0 X 104
Cl I 7.8 243 5.0 x
K I 2.3 2500 6.3 x
Ca I 15 1.3 x 107
Sc IV 4 X 106 1.3 x 106
Ti IV 3 X 1(T3 2.5 x 101
V IV 9 X 104 0.32 <
Cr IV 1x 1CT3
Mn III 7x 1(T3
Fe IV 4x 102 .
Co III 1x 10"4 6
Ni III 3x 1(T4
Cu III 7x 10"3
Zn III 2x 1(T2 1
Ga IV 9x 1(T5 0
Ge IV 5x 10 6 2
As IV 2x 1037.9 x 103
Se III 6x 1(T51.6 X 103
Br I 2x 1(T23.2 x 101
Rb I 1x 10"3 0.0015
Sr I 7x 102
Y III 4x 1(T5 6.9 x 10-1
Zr IV -- 2.0 x 101
Nb IV -- 1.6 x 103
Mo I 6 x 1(T41.0 x 103
Ag III 3 X 104 1.3 x 103
Cd IV 1 x 1(T57.9 x 102
In IV -- 1
Sn IV 4 x 1(T5
Sb III 7 x 10"5 2.0 x 103
I I 7 x 1031.0 x 105
Cs I 2 x 1(T56.3 X 10s
Ba III 2 X 102 3350 7.9
La III 4.8 x 1(T5 120 7.9
Ce III 7.9 x 1055.0 X 106
1.3 X 102
1.6 x 102
<2.5 x 102
3.2 x 105
0.009 2.0
8 7.9
1.0 x 103

Table 4.7 (continued)

Element Classificationa Stream Seawater
water enrichment M O RTb
Pr III 13 x IO '6 1.0 x 10 6
0.14 7.9 X 101
Nd III 3.8 X 1(T5 4.2 X 106 0.11 7.9 X 101
Sm III 7.8 X IO6 8.0 X 107 0.10 7.9 X 101
Eu III 1.5 X IO6 1.5 X IO7 0.10 6.3 X 101
Gd III 8.5 X IO6 1.0 X 106 0.11 1.0 x 102
Tb III 1.2 X IO"6 1.7 x 107 0.14 1.0 x 102
Dy III 7.2 X 1(T6 1.1 x 10~6 0.15 1.0 x 102
Ho III 1.4 X 1(T6 2.8 x 10 -7 0.20 1.3 X 102
Er III 4.2 X IO6 9.2 X 107 0.22 1.6 x 102
Tm III 6.1 x 107 1.3 x 107 0.21 1.6 x 102
Yb IV 3.6 x IO6 9.0 x 107 0.25 2.0 x 102
Lu IV 6.4 X 107 1.4 x IO7 0.22 2.0 x 102
Hf IV -- < 7 x 106 <1 .3 x 103
Ta IV -- <2 .5 X 10~6 < 2 .0 x 103
W IV 3 x 10 5 1 x 104 3.3 7.9 x 104
Re IV -- 4 x 106 3.2 x 106
Au III 2 x 106 4.9 x 106 2.5 1.6 x 106
Hg III 7 x IO5 1 x 106 0.14 7.9 X 103
T1 IV -- 1 x 10~5 6.3 X 103
Pb III 1 x 10^3 2x 106 0.002 5.0 X 101
Bi IV -- 2x 10"5
2.5 x 104
Th IV <1 x io-4 6x IO"8 ~ 0.0006 3.4
U I 4 x 105 3.1 x 103 2.7 1 x 106
I. Conservative element whose concentration is directly related to the salinity of seawater.
II. Nonconservative element whose concentration varies with depth or regionally within the oceans, or both,
generally because of involvement in biological activity.
III. Nonconservative element whose concentration varies irregularly and is not related to salinity, depth, or
geographic factors.
IV. Unclassified, but probably nonconservative.
bMean oceanic residence time in years.
S O U R C E : Taylor and McLennan (1985).
chem ical com position in elem ent is moved from
com parison w ith river w one reservoir to the next
ater and thereby contribute by geological,
to the geochem ical geochemical, or biological
differentiation of the process es operating on
hydrosphere. the surface of the E arth .
T he eventual fate of This is the geochemical m
all elem ents and com achine we spoke of earlier.
pounds dissolved in the The dissolved
ocean is to be rem oved constituents in the oceans
from it. M ost elem ents can be divided into the
are incorporated into the conservative (I in Table
sedim ent th at is accum ulating 4.7) and nonconservative
the oceans, but a few elem ents groups (II and III in Table
ocean into the atm osphere, 4.7). The conservative
w hose com position is elem ents occur in
sum m arized in Table 4.8. constant p r o portions
These changes in resi throughout the oceans,
dence are p art of the m although their
igration of elem ents on concentrations m ay vary
the surface of the E arth because of dilution or
and contribute to the opera evaporative concentration.
tion of geochem ical This group includes the m
cycles (see C hapter 22). ajor elem ents and com
Every plex anions N a, K, Mg,
Ca, Cl, sulfate, and
borate. The
Table 4 .8 Chemical Composition of river w ater.Their average enrichm ent factors in the

Dry A ir oceans are

Concentration by Volume Alkali metals 416 (14.5-1714)

Constituent % ppm
Alkaline earths 151 (27.5-315)
N2 78.084 (except Be and Ba)
o2 20.946 Halogens 1790 (8-3350)
Ar 0.934 In addition, B and S, both of which are m ajor con
Ne 18.18 servative elem ents, have large enrichm ent factors
He 5.24 indicating that they too tend to accum ulate in the
Kr 1.14 oceans. They are follow ed by P, V, Ni, Ge, Se, Mo,
Xe 0.087 Sb, W, Au, and U, w hose enrichm ent factors are all
H2 0.5 < 20 but > 1 . Only M o and U are conservative
CH4 am ong the elem ents in this group.
The enrichm ent factors of the rem aining non
N 2O 0.5
conservative elem ents are all < 1 , an indication that
Data from the CRC Handbook o f Chemistry and they are rapidly rem oved from seaw ater by geo
Physics (Weast et al., 1986). chemical processes.The concentrations of these ele
m ents in seaw ater are controlled prim arily by ion
of the nonconservative elem ents vary with depth exchange reactions with particulate m atter, by ionic
as well as regionally w ithin the oceans, and their substitution in calcium carbonate, calcium phos
concentration ratios w ith chloride are n o t con phate, and am orphous silica, which are in large part
stant. The nonconservative elem ents in seaw ater biogenic in origin, by direct precipitation caused by
include m ost of the trace elem ents along with dis evaporation of seawater, and by exchange reactions
solved nitrate, bicarbonate, silicic acid, phosphate, w ith volcanic rocks along spreading ridges (H art
and dissolved oxygen. T he concentrations of m any and Staudigel, 1982). The concentrations of most
nonconservative constituents vary w ith depth elem ents in seaw ater are n o t controlled by the solu
because they are involved in the biological activity bilities of their compounds.
of the oceans. A s a result, they have low concen In contrast to the conservative elem ents (and
trations in the surface layer of the oceans where a few nonconservative ones), the m ajority of the
m ost of th e biological activity is concentrated. nonconservative elem ents do n o t accum ulate in
W hen the organism s die, their bodies sink and the ocean but are rapidly rem oved from it by one
decom pose, thereby returning nutrients to the or several of the geochemical processes m en
water. Consequently, deep ocean w ater is enriched tioned earlier. The adsorption of ions on the
in nutrients com pared to surface water. charged surfaces of both inorganic and organic
The conservative constituents have large particles plays a very im portant role in this regard
enrichm ent factors, indicating that they are unreac and was described by B roecker and Peng (1982)
tive and therefore becom e concentrated in seawa as the great particulate sweep. O ther im portant
ter com pared to river water. The average enrich books on the geochem istry of seaw ater are by
m ent factor of the m ajor (conservative) con B ern er and B ern er (1987), H olland (1978),
stituents of seaw ater is 775. These elem ents are G oldberg (1972), and Riley and C hester (1971).
generally joined by their congeners, m any of which The wide variation of the enrichm ent factors
are trace elements. For example, the alkali metals, we have been discussing im plies th at the unreac
alkaline earths (except Be and Ba), and halogens tive conservative elem ents rem ain in the oceanic
all have higher concentrations in seaw ater than in reservoir m uch longer than the reactive noncon
dence tim es (M O R T ) Evidently, the oceans
servative elem ents. This listed in Table 4.7 w ere geology because it play a very im portant role
cal culated by this m ethod contradicted Ford K in the geochem ical
phenom enon is reflected
based on sedim entation differentiation of the crust
by the residence time elvins calculations based
rates provided by of the E arth by storing
defined as: Fisitsyn et al. on th e cooling of the
som e elem ents and letting
(1982). The Earth, which indicated that others pass rapidly to the
M O R Ts calculated from its age was less than 40 m sedim ent accu
the output to deep-sea il lion years. m ulating at the bottom of the ocea
w here t is the residence sedim ent differ from m ents that are rem oved from the oc
tim e in years, A x is the those obtained from river- The M O RTs of the form of sedim ent may
total am ount of an elem input data, but the two sets elem ents in Table 4.7 vary ultim ately reenter the
ent (x ) in solution in the of results are well over nine orders of m rock cycle and becom e
oceans, and d X /d t is the agnitude from 0.69 years
correlated . the input for another pass
average annua] input of for Fe to 7.9 X 10s years
through the geochem ical
th a t elem ent into the oceans. TheActually,
am ount the residence for Br. As expected, the
an elem ent in the oceans is the
assum ed to was
be con machine.
oceans first used con servative elem ents
stant, which is probably the E arth . The idea was have long residence times,
valid for the open ocean 1715 by E dm und Hailey, w hereas m any 4.5 Summary
but may not apply to the but nothing was done nonconservative elem ents The E arth differen tiated
continental shelves and about it for nearly 200 have sig nificantly shorter very early in its history
estuaries. The annual years. Finally, in 1899 residence times. The into a core, m antle, and
input into the oceans can John Joly took up H average residence tim es in crust w ith characteristic
be estim ated from the discharge the oceans of the
aileys suggestion and chem ical com positions. T
com position of the m ajor rivers
calcu lated the residence conservative elem ents are he core consists of m
Such estim ates are uncertain, how ever, because
tim e of N a in the oceans. etallic Fe, Ni, and re la te
both discharge and elem ental concentrations of
His result was 90 m illion d elem ents. T he m an tle
stream s vary seasonally
years, which is less than is com posed prim arily of
and are not know n for all Alkali metals
half the 200 million years silicates and oxides of M g
rivers with equal certainty
calculated by Taylor and Alkaline earths (except Be and Ba)
and Fe. The chem ical com
(see also C hapter 20). In
M cFennan (1985). N Halogens position of the continental
addition, the ru n o u t of
evertheless, Jolys result crust has b e e n estim ated
groundw ater into the
was an im portant m in different ways with
oceans is disregarded The other two m ajor elem
ilestone in the history of generally co n co rd an t
because of lack of inform ents (B and S) have results. T he nine
a tion. Furtherm ore, the
residence tim es of 16 X
discharge of industrial and
106 and 500 X 106 years,
m unicipal waste w ater
has significantly altered respectively.
the chem ical com
The lithophile elem
position of m any rivers.
ents have widely different
For this reason Taylor and
enrichm ent factors and
M cL ennan (1985) estim
residence times, w hereas
ated the average annual
a m ajority of the
input to the oceans from
chalcophile and
the rate of deposition and
the chem ical com siderophile ele m ents are
position depleted in seaw ater and
have short residence
of deep -sea sedim ent as originally times.
Fi (1982). Accordingly, the m ean
igneous rocks. They form by chemical w eather
m ost ab u n d an t chem ical elem ents in th e co n ti nental
crust of the E arth are O, Si, A l, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Ti. ing of igneous, m etam orphic, and sedim entary
A ll o th er elem ents to g eth er m ake up only a very sm rocks and by the transport, deposition, and lithi-fication of
all fraction o f the co n ti nental crust. the resulting products. M any elem ents
becom e concentrated in deep-sea clay and may
The distribution of trace elem ents am ong dif ferent reenter the rock cycle w hen deep-sea sedim ent
kinds of igneous rocks depends on their ability to replace melts in subduction zones to form magma.
m ajor elem ents in the ionic crys tals that form during The oceans play an im p o rtan t role in the
crystallization of m agm a. A s a result, different kinds of chem ical differentiation of the crust because
igneous rocks are enriched in specific trace elem ents, som som e elem ents accum ulate in seaw ater, w h ere
e of which are im portant industrial metals. C ertain kinds as others pass through it rapidly. The geological and
of igneous rocks may therefore host ore deposits of these geochem ical processes associated w ith chem ical w
metals. eathering of m inerals, tran sp o rt of w eathering products,
and their ultim ate deposi
The chem ical com positions of sedim entary rocks tion in th e oceans are the subjects of P art III
are just as diversified as those of the of this book .
1. Recalculate the chemical composition of pyrolite 4. Compare the results of Problem 3 to the esti mates
(Table 4.2, column 1) in terms of the weight percent of the average chemical composition of the con tinental
concentrations of the elements and rank them in terms of crust (Table 4.3). Take note of discrepancies and
their abundance. similarities and relate them to the geochemical properties
of the individual elements.
2. Recalculate the concentrations of Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg,
Na, K, Ti, Mn, and P of shale, sandstone, and carbonate 5. Assess the validity of the hypothesis that the sedi
rocks (Table 4.5) in terms of the appro priate oxides. mentary rocks (shale, sandstone, and limestone) collec
tively represent the weathering crust on the continents.
What additional sources or sinks are needed to ade quately
3. Combine the concentrations calculated in Problem 2 describe the redistribution of elements from the
in proportions of 4 parts shale, 0.75 parts sandstone, and continental crust into different kinds of marine sediment?
0.25 parts limestone.
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Chemistry o f the Atmosphere
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2nd ed. Comm. geol.
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617 pp. 12(70), 20 pp.
Li, Y.-H., 1982. A brief T A Y L O R , S. R., 1964. The
discussion on the mean abundance of chemical
oceanic residence time of elements in the continental
elements. Geochim. crust a new table.
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L IS IT S Y N , A. P., et al., 1982. T A Y L O R , S. R., and S. M. M C L
The relation between E N N A N , 1985. The Continental

element influx from rivers Crust: Its Composition and

and accumulation in ocean Evolution. Blackwell
sediments. Scientific Publ., Oxford,
Geochem. Int., 19:102-110. England, 312 pp.
M A S O N , B ., 1966. Principles o f T U R E K I A N , K. K., and K. H. W
Geochemistry, 3rd ed. Wiley, E D E P O H L , 1961. Distribution

New York, 329 pp. of the elements in some

M O O R E S , E . M ., 1982. O rig in a n major units of the Earths
d e m p la c e m e n t o f o p h io
crust. Geol. Soc. Amer.
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Bull., 72:175-192.
Rev. Geophys. Space Phys.,
20:735. V I N O G R A D O V , A. P., 1962.
P A R K E R , R. L., 1967. Average contents of
Composition of the Earths chemical ele ments in the
crust. In principal types of igneous
M. Fleischer (Ed.), Data o rocks of the Earths crust.
f Geochemistry. U.S. Geol. Geochemistry, 1962(7):641-
Surv. Prof. Paper 440D, 1- 664.
19. W E A S T , R. C., M. J. A S T L E ,
P O L D E R V A A R T , A., 1955. and W. H. B E Y E R (Eds.), 1986.
Chemistry of the earths crust. CRC Handbook o f
Chemistry and Physics.
A. Poldervaart (Ed.), Crust
o f the EarthA CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Symposium. FL.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. W E D E P O H L , K. H., 1969.
Paper 62,119-144. Handbook o f Geochemistry,
vol. 1.
R I L E Y , J. P., and R. C H E S T E R ,
1971. Introduction to Marine Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Chemistry. Academic 442 pp.
Press, New York, 465 pp. W H I T F I E L D , M., and D. R. T U R
R IN G W O O D , A. E ., 1966. The N E R , 1979. Water-rock
chemical composition and partition coefficients and
origin of the Earth. In P. the composition of
M. Hurley (E d .), Advances seawater and river water.
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Sciences, 287-356. MIT
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R O N O V , A. B., and A. A. Y A R O S
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for the chemical structure


A n im portant task of geochem ists is to understand the chem ical com positions of m inerals and
rocks based on the physical and chem ical properties of the elem ents and their atoms. The regular
pattern of variation of the electronic structures of atom s d eter m ines the chem ical properties of the
elem ents and hence their positions in the period ic table. Consequently, our understanding of the
distribution of chem ical elem ents am ong the m inerals and rocks of the E arth rests securely on the
principles of physics and chem istry em bodied in the periodic table.
The Electronic Structure
of Atoms
We now end our tour of th e stars and the solar that the plum -pudding m odel of the atom could not be
system and turn to som e basic principles of correct because it did not provide for the quantization of
chem istry th at will help us to understand the electrom agnetic radiation that had been discovered by M
chemical processes taking place on the earthlike planets. ax Planck (1858-1947) in G erm any (Planck, 1900). H
The intellectual excitem ent generated by the exploration ow ever, Thomson
of the solar system cannot hide the fact that only on the E was in no m ood to argue with th e 26-year-old
arth can we live w ith out elaborate protection against the D ane who had little know ledge of the English
harsh envi ronm ents of the other planets. This lesson of language at the time. Sir John, w ho was the direc
planetary exploration should increase our in ter est in our tor of the Cavendish Laboratory, had won the
own planet and in the natural process es th at take place N obel Prize in 1906, and had been knighted in
on its surface and in its interior. We need to understand 1908, was not interested in B ohrs ideas about
these processes well in order to assure adequate living how to im prove his electron theory. Besides, he was then
conditions for working on his positive-ray apparatus, which would
soon lead to the discovery of iso topes and the developm
future generations. For these reasons w e now
ent of mass spectrom e ters (H olton, 1986).
m ove to a description of atom s whose orbiting
electrons resem ble the orbiting planets and their satellites B ohr therefore decided to leave Cambridge, and
of the solar system . went to M anchester where E rnest R utherford (1871-
1937) was the Langw orthy Professor of Physics. Perhaps
as a test of T hom sons m odel of the atom , R utherford
5.1 The Atom of Thomson and had fired a beam of alpha particles at a piece of gold foil
Rutherford and had observed to his great surprise th at the beam did
not simply pass through the foil as expected. Instead, a
Throughout the 19th century physicists accepted Sir Isaac sig nificant num ber of alpha particles w ere scattered and
N ew tons opinion th at atom s are solid, som e even seem ed to bounce straight back as though
massy, hard, im penetrable, m oveable particles they had struck a heavy object. H e said later It was
(Jastrow, 1967, p. 9). H ow ever, in 1897 J. J. quite the m ost incredible event that has ever happened to
Thom son (1856-1940) discovered the electron m e in m y life. It was alm ost as incredible as if you fired
and used it to develop a new m odel of the atom in which a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it cam e back
negatively charged electrons w ere thought to be em and hit you. (Jastrow, 1967, p. 9). A fter thinking about
bedded in a positively charged m atrix like raisins in a it, R utherford decided that the m assive objects had to be
plum pudding. In 1911 Niels B ohr (1885-1962) cam e to very small because they w ere struck only rarely by alpha
the C avendish Laboratory at Cam bridge as a particles and concluded that most
postdoctoral fellow to work with Thom son on his
electron theory. H e argued
(H olton, 1986, p. 240).
of the m ass of the atom
Bohr did object and came velocity v. The condition
was concentrated in this back to M anchester from for stability of such an
small body, which he nam Copenhagen to discuss his o atom is that the force of
ed the nucleus. paper with R utherford electrostatic attraction m
R u th erfo rd s m point by point. In the end, f
ust be equal to the
odel of th e atom was R utherford agreed to t centrifugal force:
inherent ly unstable submit the entire
because in classical manuscript, but grumbled
h mv
physics an electron that B ohr had been so e
orbiting a positively obstinate. The energy of such an
charged nucleus loses
energy by em itting an H atom is the sum of the
kinetic energy and th e
electrom agnetic wave. As W hen this paper and y potential energy.
a result, the electron m ust a second one w ere pub
speed up and the radius of lished (B ohr, 1913a, b), d
1 2
its orbit m ust decrease they were not well r m v
until the electron crashes received. The prom inent
into the nucleus. G erm an physicist O tto S o The potential energy term
Nevertheless, B ohr liked tem m ay have spoken for g has a negative sign
R u th erfo rd s m odel m any of his colleagues w because the electron is
because he had a hunch th hen he reportedly said, If
e attracted tow ard the p ro
at he could im prove it by this nonsense is cor rect, I n ton. From equation 5.1 we
extending the concept of will give up being a obtain:
quantiza tion of electrom physicist. (H olton, 1986,
agnetic energy to the m p. 240). It was the end of A m
echanical energy of an an era. Physics was about t
electron orbiting the to be shaken to its roots by Substituting into equation
nucleus. quantum mechanics and o 5.2 yields:
the uncertainty principle. m \( e
We all know that B (5.4)
ohr succeeded brilliantly, The instability of an atom E=t-r)~
received the N obel Prize com posed of one elec tron 7
in physics in 1922, and 5.2 B orbiting the nucleus can be
becam e one of the leaders dem onstrated by m eans =
in science in the 2 0 th cen
o of N ew tonian physics.
tury. However, he had a We assume that the
hard tim e convincing even electron orbits the proton
r r
R utherford that his model at a distance r and a
of the atom was right. W ' We see from equation 5.4
that the energy of the atom
hen Bohr, who had briefly s is negative and that it is
returned to D enm ark, sent
a m anuscript copy of his inversely related to the
radius of the orbit. In the
paper, R utherford agreed T limit, the energy approach
to subm it it for
publication but added, I h es minus infinity as the
radius goes to zero.
suppose you have no e
The instability arises
objection to my using my
judgm ent to cut out any m
o because the atom is an
atter I may consider un r energy well. Energy is
necessary in your paper? liberated as the radius of
the electron orbit
decreases. Since there are
no restrictions on the m
agnitude of the electronic
radius in this m odel, atom
s will tend to achieve a
condition of m inim um
energy and m axim um sta
bility by reducing the
radius to zero.

B ohr avoided this

problem by specifying
that the energy of the atom
is not continuously
variable but is, in fact,
quantized so th at the
electron m ust be
restricted to orbits having
specific radii. In order to
accom plish this, he
postulated that the
m om entum of the
electron is restricted to m
ples of h /h r , w here h is
Plancks constant, which
is equal to 6.62517 X 10 - 2
7 erg /sec (see also the

inside back
according to Bohr:
m vr =

w here n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
and is know n as the first
quantum num ber. H ow
ever, the atom m ust still
e an atom as a result of an
satisfy the condition square of the electronic
first quantum numtransition is:
ber. Evidently,
T he sm allest radius perm
expressed by equation 5 .1 . the quantum num ber plays a decisive role a it hc
itted by B o h rs theory is
Accordingly, the angular because it controls both the A=t
obtained from equation
m om entum of the elec radius of the elec tronic
5.10 by setting n = 1, in In other words, the energy
tron m ust also be: orbit and the energy of the
which case: of the radiation is
atom .
inversely proportional to
m vr = r = aQ = 0.529 X 10 In B ohrs m odel of
its wavelength.
the atom the electron can
w here a0 is the so-called W hen B ohr
and a stable atom m ust B o h r radius. occupy only certain orbits
developed this m odel of
satisfy both equations 5 . 5 whose radii depend on the
The energy of the the atom betw een 1912
and 5.6; thus: first quantum num ber. The
atom can now be and 1913, it was already
energy of the atom varies
e2 _ calculat ed by know n that hydrogen
v in increm ents depending
substituting equation atom s absorb and em it
on which orbit the electron
5.10 for the radius occupies. W hen the light at discrete
The velocity of the
wavelengths. These
electron is derivable from into equation 5.4 for the energy electron jum: ps from a
of th e atom
E = - f e 2 (Air2m e2\ higher orbit to a low er wavelengths had been ex
equation 5.5: pressed by the equation:
21,2 one, the energy of the atom
v= decreases. The energy
m r see th at in B o h rs m odel liberated
2 v We the energyin this way is
Substituting into equation atom no longer depends on radiated away as an 4
(5.7) yields: the radius of the elec tronic electrom agnetic wave. B
w here al and a2 are
ohr used an equation
2m nre2 _ orbit b u t varies as the whole num bers, ax > a2,
derived by A lb e rt
nh reciprocal of the and R is the R ydberg
Einstein to represent this
constant, whose value was
which leads to: energy change.
know n to be 109,678.18
nz If E 1 is the energy of cm -1. (N ote th at we use
h the atom w hen the a in equation 5.17 instead
(5.10 elec of n in order to avoid con
tron is in a particular orbit
fusionand with the first
r w hen the electron is in a
quantum num ber.) By
2 change in the energy of the
m apply
atom as the electron
e moves from orbit 1 to orbit
2 - E2=
E quation 5.10 indicates th
w here v is the frequency
at the radius of the electron
of the electrom agnetic
now depends on the square
radiation and h is Plancks
of the first quantum num
constant. The velocity of
ber m ultiplied by a
electrom agnetic radiation
constant a w hose m
c is related to its w
agnitude is:
avelength A and the
frequency v by:
(5.11) c = Xv
r Therefore, the energy of
m the radiation em itted by
ing quantum m echanics to R u th erfo rd s m odel of the (1887-1961), som e aspects of it are still in use in the
hydrogen atom B ohr was able to calculate the w physics of x-rays.
avelengths of light th at hydrogen atom s can em it as a In a com m ercial x-ray tube a stream of elec trons is
result of transitions am ong th e orbits the electron can accelerated by a voltage difference in a vacuum before
occupy. By com bining equations 5.13, 5.14, and 5.16 we striking a target com posed of a m etal such as chrom ium ,
have: copper, m olybdenum , or tungsten. The energetic
27r2me4/ 1 1 he electrons interact with the electrons of the target atom s
(5.18) and m ay knock them out of their orbits. X -rays are then
T generat ed when the resulting vacancies are filled by other
where n x and n 2 are th e quantum num bers, and n2 > n x electrons.
as required by the R ydberg form ula. It follows that:
The wavelengths of these x-rays depend on the
1 difference in the energies of the orbit in which a vacancy
1 _ 27r2me4 / 1
has been created and the orbit from which the replacing
A h3c (5.19)
electron originated, as re quired by equation 5.16. These
By com paring equations 5.19 (B ohrs m odel) and 5.17 x-rays therefore have discrete wavelengths and give rise to
(R ydberg form ula) we see that: a wave length spectrum th at is characteristic of the target
elem ent. The characteristic x-ray spectra w ere dis
R= 2iT2m e4
(5.20) covered in 1911 by Charles G. B arkla (1877-1944), who
h3c received the N obel Prize for physics in 1917. The
relationship betw een the characteristic x-ray spectrum and
B ohr substituted appropriate values into equation 5.20
the atom ic num ber of the target ele m ent was discovered
and calculated a value of 109,677.76 cm - 1 for the R
in 1913 by H . G. J. M oseley (1877-1915).
ydberg constant. The result agreed very well with the
observed value and thereby confirm ed B ohrs m odel for
the hydrogen atom . Niels B ohr was justifiably pleased
In addition to the characteristic wavelength spectrum ,
with this result and subse quently devoted him self w
a continuous x-ray spectrum is p ro duced by electrons th
holeheartedly to the study of quantum mechanics.
at pass through the target atom s w ithout actually colliding
with any of their electrons. N evertheless, som e energy is
The R oyal D anish A cadem y of Science, which
trans ferred in this type of interaction, and this energy is
receives a large portion of its funding from the C arlsberg
em itted as x-rays having continuously varying
Brewery, gave B ohr a grant of m oney to build an
Institute for Theoretical Physics in C openhagen. B ohrs
institute becam e the center for research in quantum m
The characteristic x-ray spectrum of the tar get atom s
echanics and nuclear physics. It was fam ous n o t only for
is divided into several series of w ave lengths referred to by
its intellectual excitem ent but also for its relaxed atm
the letters K, L, M, etc. The K x-rays are em itted w hen
osphere created by the Professor (Gamow, 1966).
a vacancy in the low est energy level (K; n = 1) is filled.
The electron filling the vacancy in the K -level m ay
originate from the next higher level (L) or from others
associated with electronic orbits having still larg er radii.
5.3 Emission of X-rays
The L -series of characteristic x-rays is generated by
B ohrs m odel of the atom provided a direct expla nation transitions to the L-level (n = 2), and so on. The general
for th e emission of x-rays, which had been discovered in schem e of identifying the characteristic x-rays is m ore
1895 by W ilhelm K onrad R ntgen com plicated than th at shown in Figure 5.1 because
(1845-1923). A lthough B ohrs m odel has been electrons in each of th e K-, L-, and M -energy levels have
replaced by the wave mechanics of W. K. slightly
H eisenberg (1901-1976) and E . Schrdinger

because of the splitting of the wavelengths caused by

small energy differences of the elec trons. In general, K
-alpha x-rays are produced in greatest abundance because
vacancies in the K -energy level are m ost often filled by
electrons from the overlying L-level. T herefore, K -alpha
x-rays are usually selected for analytical purposes both in
o x-ray-diffraction and in x-ray-fluores-cence studies. The K
< -beta and K -gam m a x-rays are m ore energetic, b u t
their intensities are less than those of the K -alpha x-rays
because the respective transitions occur less frequently.
<v a 7

L-series X -ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence have becom
a 7 ' e indispensable tools in geochemical research. The form er
is based on the diffraction of
K-series Electron orbits x-rays by crystals (Klug and A lexander, 1954),
w hereas the latter arises from the emission of
characteristic x-ray by atoms. X -ray fluorescence is now
Figure 5.1 Schematic energy level diagram of atoms used to determ ine the chemical com posi tions of rocks
based on Bohrs model. X-rays of the K-series are including not only the m ajor ele m ents but also many
generated by electronic transitions to the K-energy trace elem ents (N orrish and H utton, 1969).
level (n = 1), whereas the L-series involves transitions
to the L-level (n = 2). Greek letters are used to
indicate the orbit from which the electrons originate.
In reality the characteristic wavelength spectrum is
more complicated than shown here because of small
differences in the energies of the electrons that
5.4 Schrdinger's Model of the
populate the M-, N-, and O-energy levels. Atom
B ohrs m odel w orked for the hydrogen atom and for
ions having only one electron such as H e+, Li2+, and
different energies. These differences are explain able in Be3+. How ever, it did not w ork well for atoms having
term s of wave m echanics and are not p re dicted in B o h two or m ore electrons. A rnold Som m erfeld (1868-1951)
rs m odel of the atom . m ade some im provem ents by intro ducing elliptical
We see in Figure 5.1 th at the K -series of char orbits like those of the planets in the solar system . In
acteristic x-rays is subdivided according to a sim ple addition, he allowed the planes of the orbits to include all
scheme. the free space around
Electronic transition Characteristic x-ray the nucleus, thereby m aking the atom look m ore like a
L to K K-alpha sphere than a flat disk. These refinem ents of B ohrs m
M to K K-beta odel required the introduction of a sec ond quantum num
N to K ber but still did not m ake it applicable to m ultielectron
O to K K-delta
The problem with B ohrs m odel is that is treats
electrons as particles whose positions in space can
The L -series is subdivided similarly, but the details in both be determined. The validity of this idea was ques tioned
series get m ore com plicated by Louis-Victor 7th D uke de Broglie
gen erally stated in the o rb its of the B ohr-Som
(L892-1987) in 1923 who form: bers are needed to m erfeld m odel. The x-
dem onstrated that parti describe the m otions of orbital has spherical sym m
cles such as electrons also an electron in the space etry about the nucle us. T
d2ljj d2ip d2lp 87T2m .
have the properties of around the nucleus of an he p -type orbital is sym m
waves. The wavelength A ^? +^7- +jr2+~ ir{E~v),p=0 atom . These quantum etrical about the x-, y-, and
z-axes, and the d-orbitals
of particles of mass m and where ip is a wave num bers are:
velocity v is: are sym m etrical about the
function, m is the mass of n = 1, 2, 3 , . . . , 0 xy, xz, and y z planes.
the electron, E is the total 0

(principal These orbitals are pictured

energy of the atom , and V
A - A is the potential energy quantum in Figure 5.2. The /-type
num bers) orbitals cannot be pictured
(Fyfe, 1964).
The wave equation / = n 1, n 2, in three dim ensions. In the
where h is Plancks case of the x-type wave
can be understood by com n 3, . . . , 0
constant. For exam ple, the function
paring it to a violin string (azim uthal quantum num there
ber) is only one
w avelength of an electron
vibrating betw een two m =0 ,1 , 2 , . .solution;
. , (/ - l),
having a kinetic energy of 1
0 electron volts is 0 . 1 2 X 10 8
fixed points. Such a string (m agnetic quantum num ber)
cm, correspond ing to can develop nodes whose s =i (spin quantum num ber)
but th ere are three p -orbitals corr
fairly energetic x-rays (M num ber m ay be 0 ,1 ,2 ,
the principal axes, five d-orbital
etc. The num ber of nodes The fourth quantum num
oore, 1955, p. 271). /-orbitals.
in the one-dim ensional ber, 5, indicates the direc
If electrons have T he wave functions
case is determ ined by the tion of spin of the electron,
wave properties, then it m of the different types of
quantum num ber n. If n = which controls the polarity
akes no sense to think of orbitals convey the
1, the num ber of nodes is of the m agnetic m om ent
one as being in a p ar probability th at the
zero; when n = 2 there is
exerted by the electron . N
ticular place at a particular electron of the hydrogen
one node, and so on. In ote that the electron is
time. W erner H eisenberg
again regarded as a atom will be found in a
expressed this condition in the three-dim ensional
charged particle in space certain volum e of space. C
the form of the uncertainty electron wave, nodes may
in this context. onsequently, we can
principle, which implies form along the three
principal directions; Solutions to the wave illustrate the distribution of
that the
therefore at least three equation are obtained for the electron around the
m otion of an electron around
wave functions having nucleus by plotting th e
atom cannot be described quantum
in num
certain types of sym m function Airr2^ 2 versus
orbits regardless of w hether they
elliptical. etry in space. For exam
ple, the wave function can
These strange ideas w
have spherical sym m etry
ere incorporated into a
around the nucleus, or it m
new m odel of the atom
ay be sym m etrical with
proposed in 1926 by W
respect to the x, y, z
erner H eisenberg and Erw
directions or the xy, xz, y z
in Schrdinger. H
planes. In general, four
eisenbergs m ethod was
different types of wave
abstract and relied on m
functions are possible,
atrix algebra, w hereas
which are identified by the
Schrdinger (1926) used
letters s, p, d, and / These
de Broglie waves to
wave functions describe
represent the distribution
the m otions of the electron
of electrons in three-dim to which they apply and
ensional space. are therefore called
Schrdingers equation is orbitals in order to
distinguish them from the
Figure 5 .2 Electron clouds representing the s-, p-, and d-orbitals of the hydrogen atom according to the wave
mechanical model of Schrdinger.
the distance r from th e nucleus. Figure 5.3 is such a cross bilistic description of the electronic structure of atom s by
section of an ^-orbital for the hydrogen atom . We see th at saying D er liebe G o tt wrfelt nicht! (the good Lord
the profile has a m axim um at a distance r = a0, the radius does not throw dice).
of the first electron orbit in B o h rs model. However, we
also see that the electron can be found closer to or farther
5.5 The Aufbau Principle
away from the nucleus som e of the time. In other words,
the electron actually occupies all of the space around the We are now ready to begin the construction of atom s of
nucleus b u t can be found m ost often at a distance of a0 increasing atom ic num ber by adding electrons to the
from th e nucleus. The same is true for all orbitals, and the possible orbitals of the hydrogen atom . This procedure is
orbital balloons shown in Figure 5.2 therefore have a know n as the A u fb a u principle by m eans of which the
fuzzy skin. The elec trons occupying these orbitals do n orbitals of the hydrogen atom s are used to m ake m
o t spend all of their tim e on the skins of the balloons but ultielectron atoms. In doing so we assum e th at the num
m ove in and out in a random pattern predictable only in ber of protons in th e nucleus increases in step with the
term s of probability. This aspect of quantum m echanics electrons.
was very disturbing to A lbert E instein and even to Erw in
Schrdinger. E instein objected to the elem ent of chance The energy of an atom having a certain num ber of
im plied by the proba- electrons depends on the orbitals the elec trons occupy.
Therefore, the electrons occupy only those orbitals th at m
inim ize the resulting energy of the atom because the
lowest energy state of an atom is also its m ost stable or
station ary state. This requirem ent controls the
sequence in which orbitals are filled. The sequence can be
derived by calculating the energy of an atom for different
electron configurations. H ow ever, for m ultielectron atom
s these calculations becom e very difficult and m ust be
supplem ented by spec troscopic studies.

The four quantum num bers play an im p o r

tan t role in this process because, according to
P au lis exclusion principle, no two electrons in
one atom can have the sam e set of quantum
num bers. This principle th erefo re lim its th e
num ber of electrons th at can en te r a particular orbital. T
Distance from the Nucleus (r)
he relationship b etw een th e quantum
Figure 5.3 Variation of the radial distribution function num bers and the differen t orbitals is indicated
(4Trr2ip2) for the y-orbital with increasing distance in Table 5.1.
from the nucleus (r).The radial distribu tion function is We see there th at the quantum num bers
a measure of the probability of finding the electron at allow only the s-orbital for n = 1 ; s-, and p-orbitals
a certain distance from the nucleus. In the s-orbital this for n = 2; s-, p-, d -orbitals for n = 3; and s-, p-, d-,
probability has a maxi mum at a distance r = a0,
where a0 is the radius and /-orbitals w hen n = 4. The table also indi
of the smallest orbit (n = 1) permitted by Bohrs cates th at th ere are three different p -orbitals,
model. We see that the electron in an s-orbital can five d -orbitals (the seven /-orbitals are not list ed). M
also be found inside as well as outside that radius. oreover, each individual orbital can accom m odate tw o
The electron in effect occupies all of the space around electrons provided th eir spin num bers are different. A s a
the nucleus but can be found most often at the result, only two elec trons can be accom m odated in
distance from the nucleus predicted by Bohr. orbitals having
Table 5.1 Q u a n tu m N u m b e rs a n d P o ssib le O Subsequently, a second electron may enter an
rb ita ls o f th e H y d ro g e n A to m orbital that already contains an electron provided
its spin is opposite (rule 2 ).
Quantum numbers 4. A tom s achieve a state of decreased energy and
n I m s Type o f orbital enhanced stability w hen the available orbitals are
1 0 0 +> 2 either com pletely filled, half filled, or empty.
2 0 0 +I 2 2s
2 1 0 +- 2 2p We are now ready to construct the atom s of the elem
T 2

2 1 1 +i _> ents in order of increasing atomic num ber by specifying

2> 2 2p
2 1 -1 + 1 _1 their electronic structures. We do this by stating the value
T 2> 2 of the first quantum num ber, the type of orbital, and the
3 0 0 + i _ Jl 3s num ber of electrons in each of those orbitals. For
2 2
3 1 0 f1 2 2
3p example, ls22s22p3 is the electronic structure of nitrogen
3 1 1 + 1 _I 3p (atom ic num ber 7). It has two electrons in the Is orbital,
2 2
3 1 -1 +' -1 3p two in the 2s orbital, and three in the 2p orbitals.
T 2 2
3 2 0 +1 - Evidently, each of the three p-orbitals contains one
3 2
2 2
1 -f1 2 3d
3 2
' 2 We can anticipate from rule 4 th at nitrogen
-1 +1 -1 3d
2 2
atom s may attract three additional electrons to
3 2 2 +1 _! 3d
T 2 2 them selves in order to fill the p -orbitals. In addi tion,
3 2 -2 +! _I 3d
'2i 2 they may also em pty the p -orbitals by giving up three
etc. electrons, or lose five electrons by em p tying both the p -
and s-orbitals having n = 2 .
n = 1 , eight electrons for n Consequently, nitrogen is
= 2 , and 18 electrons for n likely to have different
= 3. oxidation states or
valences: - 3 , 0, +3, and
The sequence in +5. Evidently, we are
which electronic already able to m ake
orbitals are predictions about the
actually filled is: chemical properties of
I s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, based entirely on
its electronic structure and
4 d, 5p, 6s,
the princi ples of wave
The A ufbau principle, by mechanics.
m eans of which we can Table 5.2 lists the
predict the electronic electronic form ulas of
configuration of the ele m the elem ents in order of
ents in the periodic table, increasing atom ic num ber
is governed by a set of from 1 to 96. The electrons
rules we state here in plain are inserted into the
language w ithout regard orbitals in the proper
to their historical origins. sequence. The highest
posi tive oxidation state of
each elem ent can be antic
1. The first electron
ipated by m eans of rule 4.
enters the orbital
We have no difficulty in
having th e lowest
assigning hydrogen an
energy. A dditional
oxidation state or valence
electrons en ter
of + 1 , although - 1 is also
orbitals that m
possible and occurs in
inim ize the
hydrides such as LiH . In
energy of the atom natural systems hydro gen
(see above). has a valence of + 1 , or 0 w
hen it occurs as the diatom
2. E ach orbital can ic m olecule H 2.
accom m odate
two elec trons Helium (Is2) has
provided their filled the only orbital
spins are opposite. avail able to it, and
3. W hen electrons therefore it neither accepts
enter a particular nor gives up additional
electrons. Its valence is 0.
set of orbitals,
Lithium (ls 22sl)
they distribute
begins a series of elem
themselves such
that each orbital at ents that fill orbitals
first aquires only having n = 2. The lone
one electron. electron in
th e 25 orbital of lithium exists outside the closed lx 2 The third energy shell includes af-type orbitals;
orbital and is therefore readily lost. H ence lithium has a however, potassium ([A r]4 5 J) puts the next elec tron into
valence of + 1 . the 4x orbital rather than one of the 3d orbitals. Calcium
Beryllium (l52252) has two electrons in the 2s ([Ar]4x2) does likewise, so these elem ents have valences
orbital, but it gives them up easily, thereby acquiring a of + 1 and + 2 , respect ively. The d -orbitals are filled next,
valence of + 2 . as we progress from scandium to zinc. In this se quence,
B oron (1 s22s22 p x) starts a sequence of six elem chrom ium and copper are starred in Table 5.2 to draw
ents in which the 2p orbitals are filled. The positive attention to a significant anom aly in their electronic
valences of these elem ents follow logi cally: boron + 3, structures. Chrom ium should be [A r]3d4 4x2 but is
carbon + 4, nitrogen +5 . The next elem ent, oxygen ( l s actually \A r \3 d 2As{, and cop per is [A rc/'H ?1. B oth
22s22p4), should have a exemplify the benefit of half-filling or filling a set of
valence of + 6 ; but its valence in n atu re actually electronic orbitals. Irregularity also occurs in the cases of
is - 2 because, after the p -orbitals are half-full iron, cobalt, and nickel because their valences do not
(nitrogen), atom s of oxygen attract electrons to them follow the expected pattern . A ll three elem ents have
selves in ord er to fill their orbitals. E ven nitrogen can valences of + 2 and +3, even though we m ight have
acquire three electrons and have a predicted + 4 for cobalt and + 5 for nickel.
valence of - 3 as, for exam ple, in am m onia
(N H 3). Fluorine ( l s 22s22 p 5) has th e strongest
tendency of all the elem ents to attract electrons to itself Next, we have another sequence of six ele ments,
and, consequently, has a valence of - 1 . N eon ( l s starting with gallium and ending with krypton, in which
22s22p':) com pletes the sequence by fill ing th e 2 p the Ap orbitals are filled. These
orbital and thereby ends the series of elem ents that started elem ents are sim ilar to the alum inum -argon
w ith lithium . In Table 5.2 series in which 3p orbitals are filled.
square brackets indicate th at the noble gases Table 5.2 continues w ith another 18 ele
have filled orbitals. N eon is an inert or n oble m ents: rubidium and strontium (5x), yttrium to
chem ical elem ent that does n o t form bonds with oth er cadm ium (Ad), and indium to xenon (5p ). A fter
elem ents. that com e elem ents with electrons in 65, Af, 5d,
In the next sequence the 5 - and p-orbitals of the third and 6 p orbitals ending with radon (atom ic num ber 8 6 ).
shell are filled. The valences of these ele m ents (sodium, The sequence continues with Is, 6 d, and 5 / through the
magnesium , aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, transuranium series. In general, the chemical properties of
chlorine, and argon) follow predictably from their elem ents having partially filled d- and /-orbitals do not
electronic structures. Sodium has a 3s1 electron outside of vary as m uch as those in which s- and p -orbitals are
a neon core and therefore has a valence of + 1 , just like being filled.
lithi um and hydrogen. M agnesium follows with +2, like
beryllium before it, and so on. The electronic
configuration of sulfur ([Ne]3s2 3p4) resem bles th at of
5.6 Summary
oxygen, which has a valence of - 2 because it strongly O ur concept of the internal structure of the atom has
attracts electrons to itself. Sulfur atoms likewise attract undergone m any changes since J. J. Thomson form ulated
two electrons to form S2_, but they can also release their the plum -pudding model. Some of the im portant m
p-electrons and then ilestones in this evolution are the
scattering of alpha particles, discovered by
assum e a valence of + 6 , as in the sulfate ion E. R utherford; the quantization of the energy of
(SO 4 - ). Chlorine strongly prefers the valence of the hydrogen atom by N. Bohr; and the dem onstra tion
- 1 but takes a valence of + 7 in the perchlorate by L. V. de Broglie that small particles have wave
(C IO 4 ) ion. A rgon ([N e]3 5 2 3 p 6) closes this se properties. U ltim ately W. K. H eisenberg and E.
quence with a valence of 0 . Schrdinger described the energy states of
Electronic Structure and Valences of the Elements
za Element Electronic structure Valences
Hydrogen Is1 + 1 ,- 1
2 Helium Is2 0
3 Lithium l^Zs1 +1
4 Beryllium ls 22s2 +2
5 Boron ls 22s22pl +3
6 Carbon ls22s22p2 + 4 ,+ 2 , - 4
7 Nitrogen ls22s22p3 +5, +4, +3, +2, 3
8 Oxygen ls 22s22p4 +6,-2
9 Fluorine ls z2s22p5 +7,-1
10 Neon 1s22s22p6 0
11 Sodium [Ne^s1 +1
12 Magnesium [Ne]3s2 +2
13 Aluminum [Nejss^p1 +3
14 Silicon [Ne]3s23p2 +4,-1
15 Phosphorus [Ne]3s23p3 +5, +4, +3, 3
16 Sulfur [Ne]3s23p4 +6, +4, +2, 2
17 Chlorine [Ne]3s23p5 +7, +5, +3, +1, 1
18 Argon [Ne]3s23p6 0
19 Potassium [Ar]4s1 +1
20 Calcium [Ar]4s2 +2
21 Scandium [Ar]3d14s2 +3
22 Titanium [Ar]3rf24s2 + 4 ,+ 3
23 Vanadium [Ar]3dMs2 +5, +4, +3, +2
24= Chromium [A+ dW +6, +3, +2
25 Manganese [Ar]3d54s2 +7, +6, +4, +3, +2
26 Iron [Ar]3d64s2 + 3 ,+ 2
27 Cobalt [Ar]3d74.y2 + 3 ,+ 2
28 Nickel [Ar]3rf8452 +3, +2
29= Copper [Ar]3d4sl + 2 ,+ 1
30 Zinc [Ar]3d104s2 +2
31 Gallium [Ar]3d104sa4p1 +3, +1
32 Germanium [Ar]3<i104s24p2 + 4 ,+ 2
33 Arsenic [Ar]3<i104s24p3 +5, +3, 3
34 Selenium [Ar]3d104s24p4 +6, +4, - 2
35 Bromine [Ar]3rf104s24p5 +7, +5, +1, 1
36 Krypton [Ar]3d104524p6 0
37 Rubidium [R+s1 +1
38 Strontium [Kr]5s2 +2
39 Yttrium [Kr]4rf15s2 +3
40 Zirconium [Kr]4d25i2 +4
41 Niobium [Kr]4d35s2 + 5 ,+ 3
42= Molybdenum [Kr]4ds5s1 +6, +5, +4, +3, +2
43 Technetium [Kr]4ds5s2 +7
44 Ruthenium [Kr]4d65s2 +8, +6, +4, +3, +2
45 Rhodium [Kr]4d75s2 + 4 ,+ 3 ,+ 2
Palladium [Kr]4d85s2 +4, +2
Silver [Kr]4d10551 +1
Cadmium [Kr]4d105s2 +2
Indium [Kr]4d105s25p1 +3, +1
Table 5 .2 (co ntinued)
za Element Electronic structure Valences

50 Tin [Kr]4d105s25p2 +4, +2

51 Antimony [Kr]4du)5s25p3 +5,+3,-3
52 Tellurium [Kr]4d105s25p4 + 6 ,+ 4 , - 2
53 Iodine [Kr]4d105s25p5 +7, +5, +1, 1
54 Xenon [Kr]4rf105s25 / 0
55 Cesium [Xe^1 +1
56 Barium [Xe]6s2 +2
57 Lanthanum [Xe]5dl6s2 +3
58* Cerium [Xe]4f25d6s2 +3, +4
59 Praseodymium [X e]4/35d6s2 +3,+4
60 Neodymium [X e]4f5d6s2 +3
61 Promethium [Xe]4f55d6s2 +3
62 Samarium [X e]4/65d6s2 + 3 ,+ 2
63 Europium [X e]4f5d6s2 + 3 ,+ 2
64* Gadolinium [Xe]4/75d16s2 +3
65 Terbium [Xe]4/95o!06s2 +3, +4
66 Dysprosium [X e]4/105d06s2 +3
67 Holmium [X e]4/n5rf6s2 +3
68 Erbium [X e]4/125d6s2 +3
69 Thullium [X e]4/135d6s2 + 3 ,+ 2
70 Ytterbium [X e]4/145d6s2 +3, +2
71 Lutetium [X e]4/145rf16s2 +3
72 Hafnium [X e]4/145d26s2 +4
73 Tantalum [X e]4fH5d36s2 +5
74 Tungsten [X e]4/145d46s2 +6, +5, +4, +3, +2
75 Rhenium [X e]4/145 2 +7, +6, +4, +2, - 1
76 Osmium [Xc]4f'45d66s2 +8, +6, +4, +3, +2
77 Iridium [X e]4/145d76s2 +6, +4, +3, +2
78* Platinum [X e]4/145d96s1 +4, +2
79 Gold [Xe]4fu5d106sl + 3 ,+ 1
80 Mercury [Xe]4fu5dw6s2 + 2 ,+ 1
81 Thallium [Xe]4/ iA5d106sl6p' + 3 ,+ 1
82 Lead [Xe]4fH5d106s26p2 +4, +2
83 Bismuth [X e]4/145rf106s26p3 + 5 ,+ 3
84 Polonium [Xe] 4 /145 d16s26p4 +4, +2
85 Astatine [Xe]4/,45d106s26p5 +7, +5, +3, +1, 1
86 Radon [Xe]4/145d106s26p6 0
87 Francium [Rn]7s1 +1
88 Radium [Rn]7s2 +2
89 Actinium [Rnjd^s2 +3
90 Thorium [Rn]5/6d27.52 +4
91* Protactinium [Rn]5/26d17s2 +5,+4
92 Uranium [Rn]5/36rf17i2 +6, +5, +4, +3
93 Neptunium [Rn]5/46rf17i2 +6,+5, + 4 ,+ 3
94 Plutonium [Rn]5/66d7s2 +6, +5, +4, +3
95 Americium [Rn]5/76d7s2 +6, +5, +4, +3
96 Curium [Rn]5/76d17.s2 +3
aThe electron configuration of starred elements is irregular.
atoms in terms of electron orbitals based on the wave- ber of electrons in such a way that partially filled orbitals
mechanical treatm ent of the m otions of elec trons in the are em ptied completely, filled com plete ly, or are
space around the nucleus. As a result, we can only occupied by only one electron per orbital in a set. This
describe the m otion of an electron in terms of the property of atom s can be used to explain the valences of
probability of finding it at a particular point in space. B the elem ents and hence their chemical properties.
ohrs original model of the atom has been replaced by the
wave-mechanical treat m ent except in the explanation for We conclude that the chemical and physical
the generation of the characteristic x-ray spectra of the properties of the elem ents depend on the num ber of
elements. protons in the nuclei of their atom s (atom ic num ber) and
The electronic structure of the elem ents can be on the distribution of the electrons around the available
deduced from the possible orbitals of the hydrogen atom orbitals. Knowledge of the electronic structure of the elem
by m eans of the A ufbau principle together with a set of ents therefore enhances our understanding of their
rules that tell us, in effect, how electrons distribute them chemical properties and provides a rational explanation
selves in the avail able orbitals. We find th at atom s for the construction of the periodic table.
change the num
1. Familiarize yourself with the names, chemical 6. Without consulting Table 5.2, write the electron
symbols, atomic numbers, and electronic structures of the formula for a neutral atom having 14 electrons and
first 36 elements. predict its highest positive valence.
2. How many electrons can be accommodated in 7. Table 5.2 suggests that the valences of the ele ments
orbitals having the quantum number n = 4? (Answer: 32) vary systematically with increasing atomic num ber.
Determine how many sequences there are that end with a
3. Write a complete set of quantum numbers for = 4. valence of zero.
8. Elements having similar chemical properties tend to
4. Using the electronic formulas in Table 5.2, explain
be associated in nature. For the following pairs of
the valences of the following elements: Co, S, Br, V, and
elements indicate whether or not you expect them to be
associated with each other. Base your answer on the
5. What do the elements of each group have in common electronic structures of these elements.
(a) K and Rb
(b) Al and Ge
(a) B, Al, Ga, and In (c) Sc and Cu
(b) Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Ra (d) S and Se
(e) Li and Mg
(c) N, P, As, Sb, and Bi
(d) K+,Ca2+,Sc3+,Ti4+,V 5+,Cr6+
B O H R , N ., 1913a. Binding of electrons by positive nuclei. Phil. F Y F E , W. S., 1964. Geochemistry o f Solids. McGraw-Hill, New
Mag. J. Sei., Ser. 6, 26(l51):l-25. York, 199 pp.
B O H R , N ., 1913b. Systems containing only a single nucleus. G A M O W , G., 1966. Thirty Years That Shook Physics.
Phil. Mag. J. Sei., Ser. 6, 26(153):476-507. Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 224 pp.

H O L T O N . G., 1986. Niels Bohr and the integrity of science. 73

Amer. Scientist, 74:237-243.
J A S T R O W , R., 1967. Red Giants and White Dwarfs. Harper & P L A N C K , M., 1900. Zur Theorie des Gesetzes der Energie
Row, New York, 176 pp. verteilung im Normalspectrum. Verh. Deutschen Phys.
K L U G , H. P., and L. E . A L E X A N D E R , 1954. X-ray Diffraction Gesellschaft, 2(170):237-245.
Procedures. Wiley, New York, 716 pp. S C H R D I N G E R , E., 1926. Quantisierung als Eigenwert problem,
M O O R E , W. J., 1955. Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Part 1. Ann. Phys., 79(4):361-376; Part 2, 79(6):489-527.
Upper Saddle River, NJ, 633 pp.
N O R R IS H , K., a n d J. T. H U T T O N , 1969. A n a c c u ra te x -ray sp ec - tro g ra
p h ic m e th o d fo r th e an aly sis o f a w id e ra n g e o f g e o logical sam
p les . Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 33:431^ -53 .
The Periodic Table and
Atomic Weights
In the early p art of th e 19th century chemists based on an hypothesis his colleague A m adeo Avogadro
w ere alm ost overw helm ed by the discovery of had advanced in 1811.
new elem ents. By 1830 the num ber of elem ents had W hen M endeleev returned to Russia he used both
increased to 55, and there was no way of know ing how m the valences and the atomic weights to orga nize the elem
any m ore rem ained to be discov ered . This uncom ents into periods. In 1869 he pub lished a table in the
fortable situation m otivated efforts to organize the elem Journal o f the Russian Chemical Society in which he
ents in som e system atic ways th at m ight bring ord er identified several periods within which the valences rose
to this increas ingly chaotic state of affairs. and fell in regular patterns. In the following year (1870),
the G erm an chemist Julius Lothar M eyer published a
graph of atomic volumes plotted versus atomic weights
that also revealed the periodicity of these properties.
However, M endeleev (1871) boldly reordered some elem
6.1 Mendeleev's Periodic Table ents in his table on the basis of their valences and left
A lthough m any chem ists contributed to the effort to gaps where, he claimed, elem ents existed that had not yet
organize the elem ents, D m itri Ivanovich M endeleev been discovered. For example, he predicted the existence
(1834-1907) deserves to be recog nized as the inventor of of an ele m ent similar to silicon and specified many of its
the periodic table (Asimov, 1965; van Sprosen, 1969). physical and chemical properties by comparison with
those of its neighbors in his table. His predic tions were
M endeleev was a graduate student in confirmed when C. A . W inkler discov ered germ anium
G erm any when Friedrich A ugust Kekule von in 1886 during the analysis of the rare m ineral argyrodite
Stradonitz (known as K ekule) organized a m eet ing of (Ag8 G eS6) (Weeks, 1956).
the leading chemists of E urope in 1860 in Karlsruhe. The
purpose of this First International Chemical Congress
was to debate the merits of
the structural form ulas of organic compounds
K ekule had proposed in 1858. These formulas 6.2 The Modem Periodic Table
w ere based on the idea that carbon has a valence of 4 and
The periodic table has assumed many forms since it was
bonds with hydrogen, and even with itself,
first presented by M endeleev. M azurs (1974) described
to form increasingly com plex m olecular chains.
over 700 different graphic rep resentations. Today we use
D uring the Congress in K arlsruhe the Italian
chem ist Stanislao Cannizzaro urged the delegates to the so-called long form depicted in Figure 6.1.
recognize the im portance of the atom ic weights of the
The elem ents are arranged into horizontal rows
elem ents and to distinguish them from the equivalent
called periods and vertical columns called
weights and the m olecular weights
g i
.2 c

X .2







59 68

vo a
vo Q

vO Z
1% o



vo I

iO h -
u-> J3

T -O
vO >-

v> (X

Pr Er






U cri z 95 96 100 101 1 0 21 0 3

0^ 0-


^ Q.
Fm N o Lr
G> <Si

co '*-

cn &

A mC m

t ffl

Figure 6.1 The periodic table of the elements. The numbering of the groups has been changed to run consecutively from 1 to 18 across the table.
The old method is used here to emphasize the relationship between the electronic structures and highest positive valences of atoms.
attract an electron and
groups. The periods are T he num bering of m ents in th at group. In actually form ions with a
num bered in accordance the vertical colum ns or this version of the periodic charge of - 1 . N
with the first quantum num groups has been confusing table the elem ents in the evertheless, they have
ber of the orbitals that are to say the least. They used s- and p-blocks form ed electronic structures th a t
being filled with increasing to be num bered from left the A groups, and the m ake a valence of + 7 at
atom ic num ber. For to right in accor dance least technically possible.
elem ents in the J-block
with the highest positive The last group of elem
example, the elem ents of com posed the B groups.
valence of the ele- ents are the noble gases H
the first period con tain How ever, the identifi
e, Ne, A r, Kr, Xe, and R
electrons in the Is orbital, cation of A and B groups
n, all of which have filled
the elem ents of the second has not been consistent.
Table 6.1 R e la tio n sh ip BThe
e twvalences
e e n P e ofrio the
d s elem orbitals. Consequently,
period have electrons in
a n d E le c tro n O rb ita ls o f Aents
to mins othe
f th A
e groups, as they neither gain n o r lose
the 2s and 2 p orbitals,
E le m e n ts electrons under n a tu r al
those in third period are used in Figure 6.1, can be
Period Orbitals being conditions and th erefo re
filing 3s and 3p orbitals, deduced directly from the
have a valence of 0 . In
and in the fourth period filled electronic configurations
spite of th at fact, this
electrons enter 4s and 4p 1 \s of the atoms. For example,
group used to be given the
orbitals. H ow ever, the group IA consists of H, Li,
2 2s,2p num ber 8 , although 0 is m
fourth period contains an N a, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr,
3 3s, 3p ore appropriate.
additional group of 1 0 elem each of which has one
ents in which the 3d 4 4s, 3d, 4p electron in an s-orbital
Partly because of
orbitals are filling up. 5 5s, 4 d, 5p outside of a noble gas core
these kinds of inconsisten
Similarly, the fifth and 6 6s, 4f 5d, 6p and thus a valence of +1.
cies, chemists have
sixth periods each contain 7 Is, 5 f 6d, Ip Excluding hydrogen, the
decided to num ber the
elem ents in which d- elem ents in group IA are
Only 17 are known. groups consecutively from
orbitals are being filled. know n as the alkali
left to right. In this new
These elem ents together metals. The elem ents in
scheme the alkali m etals
form the so-called d-block group IIA , called th e
are still in group 1 but the
in the perio d ic table. The alkaline earths, include
noble gases are now in
sixth period contains 14 Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and
group 18 (Figure 6.1).
extra ele m ents known as Ra. These elem ents have
Nevertheless, we will
the rare earths with two electrons in an s-
continue the old num
electrons in 4/orbitals. The orbital outside a noble
bering system outlined
rare earths are pulled out
aboveof +because it em
of the table and placed gas core and therefore have valences
separately below it The num bering of the A phasizes the
together with the actinide above continues w ith
elements in which p -block on the right side
5/orbitals are being filled O nce again the num bering
and which include the highest positive valence
transuranium or super consistent with the elec
heavy elements. We see, tronic configuration . Thus
therefore, that the num ber the elem ents in group 7A
of the elem ents in each can have valences of + 7
period is a direct conse because they all have five
quence of the progressive electrons in p -orbitals and
filling of electronic tw o elec trons in y-
orbitals. These orbitals. T he elem ents in
relationships are evident in this group are
Table 6.1. called th e halogens and include F,
and A t. In n atu re th e atom s of these
+2, +3, + 4, + 6 , and even + the sam e place in the periodic table
close relationship betw een 8 in the case of R u and Os.
6.3 Basic they have the sam e (or very sim ilar
electronic structure of the elem ents. properties.
The elem ents w ith The periodic table is Princip The internal
d -orbitals are referred to founded on the recur rence les of composition of the nuclei
as the transition metals. of similar physical and of iso topes is indicated by
The groups in this block of chem ical properties of the
Atomi the shorthand notation
elem ents are num bered in elem ents with increasing c used to identify them .
atom ic num ber. This This notation consists of
accordance with th e
Physic the chemi cal symbol of
valences of the ele m ents statem ent is know n as the
just like the A groups. T periodic law of the elem s the elem ent, preceded by
herefore, group IB consists ents. In addition, elem ents the atomic
We know that atom s have
of the precious m etals Cu, in groups have the same num ber (Z) w ritten as a subscript, and the
nuclei com posed of
A g, and Au, which have valences because they num ber (A ) w ritten as a superscript, where:
protons and neutrons. The
electron configurations of have similar elec tronic A =Z+N
num ber of protons in the
dws 1 and therefore can structures. A s a result,
nucleus determ ines the T herefore, the notation nbC indicates
have a valence of +1. H ow their physical and
positive charge and
ever, cop per can also be chemical properties tend
therefore the num ber of atom or nuclide is an isotope of carbo
+2, and gold can be + 3 . to be similar.
extranuclear electrons nucleus contains 6 protons, and th at the sum
The num bering of the B required to form a neutral
In geochem istry this protons and neutrons is 12.
groups continues w ith IIB atom . The num ber of
m eans that the elem ents From equation 6.1 we find
com posed of Zn, Cd, and electrons and their th at the nucleus also
H g with d ws2 electron of a group tend to occur
together and display distribution in the contains 6 neutrons.
configurations that form +
geochemical coherence. For available orbitals give M ost chemical elem
2 ions. N ext, we move to
m etals, the alkaline earths, atom s their characteristic ents have two or m ore sta
the left to IIIB (Sc, Y, and
noble gases, and the chemical properties. ble isotopes. H owever,
La, d 1s2, valence + 3) and
precious m etals display Therefore, the atom ic num some elements, including
progress from there to
ber (Z) Be, F,Na, Al, P, Mn, Co,
group V IIB (M n, Tc, and well-developed geochem
Re, d5s2, valence + 7). H ical coherence in their and As have only one
indirectly determ ines the
ow ever, th e next three distrb bution in nature. stable
an atom . Since all atom s
m ust have the sam e
groups are anom alous. The iron group (Fe, Ru,
and O s) should have a valence of (or nearly the sam e)
dance w ith their electronic structure chemical properties, it
iron actually has valences of + 2 and +3. Cobalt follows that all atom s
and nickel also have valences of + 2 of a given ele
Therefore, these three m ent m ust have the sam e atom ic num ber.
groups are lum ped togeth The num ber (N
er as group VIIIB . This is atom s affects atom ic m asses
n o t a very elegant solu bearing on chem ical
tion, but it has tradition on atom s of the sam e chem ical
its side. The congeners of tain different num bers
Fe, Co, and Ni form the nuclei. A tom s th at have
platinum group ele m ents ber b u t different n eu tro n num bers
(P G E ) consisting of R u, isotopes. The w ord m
Os, R h, Ir, Pd, and Pt. eans sam e place and
These elem ents can occur indi cates th a t the
in the native state and, in
isotopes of an elem ent
addition, have valences of
all occupy
isotope. Several other elem ents, including K, Rb, Sm, Lu, expressed has changed over the years. Originally, chemists
Re,T h, and U, have long-lived radioactive isotopes that used oxygen as the standard and gave it an atom ic weight
decay so slowly th at they still occur in the solar system of 16.0000. H ow ever, after the discovery of isotopes,
even though they form ed m ore physicists adopted a differ ent scale based on '(JO =
than 6 X 109 years ago by nucleosynthesis reac 16.0000. A ll of the resulting confusion has now been elim
tions in ancestral stars. In addition, m ore than inated by the adoption of l\C as the standard . Therefore,
2 0 0 0
short-lived radioactive isotopes are known the masses of atom s are now expressed in the atom ic
that do not occur in nature because they have decayed mass unit (am u), defined as 1 / 1 2 of the mass of C , which
since the tim e of nucleosynthesis. is the m ost abundant stable isotope of carbon. The masses
A fairly large group of short-lived radioactive of the naturally occurring iso topes have also been determ
isotopes does occur in nature because these iso topes are ined by m ass spec trom etry, and the results are tabulated
continuously produced either by the decay of long-lived in standard
parents (U and Th) or by nuclear reactions involving
cosmic rays. The unstable daughters of uranium and reference books such as the C R C H a ndbook o f
thorium are polonium , astatine, radon, francium , radium , Chemistry and Physics (W east et al., 1986).
actinium , and protactinium . A n o th er large num ber of We are now ready to define the atom ic
radioactive isotopes is produced by nuclear reactions in the weight of an elem ent.
atm osphere: tritium , ,H , ' Be, '^C , 1 7 CI, and m any
others. The atomic weight o f an element is the sum of the
masses of its naturally occurring isotopes weight ed
The abundances of the naturally occurring iso topes in accordance with their abundances.
(stable or long-lived radioactive) are d eter m ined with
mass spectrom eters and are expressed in percent by num A n exam ple will clarify what this means. Silicon has
ber. For exam ple, boron has two stable isotopes whose three naturally occurring stable isotopes whose
abundances a r e 'B = 19.8% abundances and masses are
and " B = 80.2% . This m eans th at out of 1000
Isotope Abundance, % Mass, amu
boron atom s 198 are the isotope 'B and 802 are
?|Si 92.23 27.976927
'jB . Actually, it turns out th at the isotopic com po sitions
of boron and of other elem ents of low atom ic num ber S si 4.67 28.976495
(H , C, N, O, and S) m ay be changed by isotope Si 3.10 29.973 770
fractionation because mass differences am ong the isotopes
of an elem ent affect the kinet ics of chemical reactions and The atom ic weight of silicon is found by m ultiply ing the
the strengths of chem ical bonds. These effects are p art of masses of the isotopes by their abun dances expressed as
the sub ject of isotope geoscience presented in detail in a decim al fractions and adding the resulting products:
textbook by Faure (1986) and will be discussed in C hapter
18 of this book. $Si: 0.9223 X 27.976927 = 25.803 12
fJSi: 0.0467 X 28.976495 = 1.353 20
iSi: 0.0310X 29.973770 = 0.929 18
Sum = 28.085 50
6.4 Atomic Weights
The concept of the atom ic
weight is fundam ental to Therefore, the atomic
all form s of chem istry but weight of silicon, rounded
is n o t always clearly to five significant figures,
understood . O ne reason is 28.086. Chemists regard
for the uncertainty is that the atomic weights of the
the scale by m eans of elem ents as dimension-
which atom ic weights are
less num bers because they are expressed relative to the The relationship betw een m oles and the cor
mass of (G reenw ood and Eamshaw, 1984). responding num ber of atom s and m olecules enables us to
The im portance of the atom ic weights of the elem represent chem ical reactions by m eans of equations. For
ents arises from their use in the definition of the gram exam ple, the equation:
-atom ic weight. 2 H , + O , - 2 FLO (6.2)
The gram-atomic weight of an element is equal to the indicates that two m olecules of hydrogen (H 2)
atomic weight in grams.
m ust com bine w ith one m olecule of oxygen (0 2) in
Similarly, the gram -m olecular weight or the gram - form order to form two m olecules of w ater (H 2 0 ) . If
ula w eight of a com pound is defined as we mix 2 g of H 2 with 1 g of 0 2 we would not
achieve the desired proportions of molecules.
The gram-molecular weight (or the gram-formula H ow ever, w hen the am ounts of H 2 and 0 2 are
weight) of a compound is the molecular weight (or expressed in term s of moles, then the H 2 and 0 2
formula weight) in grams. m olecules will be present with the necessary 2 : 1 ratio
required for the reaction.
B oth the gram -atom ic weight and gram -m olecular The atom ic weights of the elem ents listed in Table
weight are referred to as the m ole (mol). This is the basic 6.2 enable us to calculate m olecular weights of com
unit of mass of elem ents and com pounds in chemistry. pounds based on their chem ical form ulas and to convert
am ounts of such com pounds from grams to the
The reason why the m ole is so im portant in
corresponding num ber of moles. For example, the m
chem istry is that one m ole of an elem ent or a
olecular weight o f B a S 0 4 (barite) is calculated from the
com pound always contains a fixed num ber of
atom ic weights of the ele m ents:
atom s or molecules. T hat num ber is:

N a = 6.022 045 X 102 3 atom s or molecules per Ba: 137.33

mole S: 32.06
O: 15.9994
which is know n as A vogadros number. It is a con
sequence of the hypothesis proposed by A m adeo The m olecular weight of barite is 233.366, and one m ole
Avogadro in 1811 that equal volumes of gases at the same of barite weighs 233.366 g. The solubility of barite in cold
pressure and tem perature contain equal num bers of atom w ater is 2.22 X 10- 4 g/100 m L (W east et al., 1986).
s or molecules. Therefore, the concept of the mole Therefore, one liter of a satu
together with A vogadros num ber enables us to convert rated solution contains 2.22 X 10- 3 g of barite,
an am ount of an ele m ent or com pound from grams to which corresponds to:
the correspond ing num ber of atom s or molecules. In 2.22 X 10~ mol
addition, we can now appreciate the form al definition of = 9.513 X 10~ 6

the m ole stated on the inside back cover of this book. 233.366
W hen barite dissolves in w ater, it dissociates

The mole is the amount of a system that contains as into ions:

many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 BaSCK - B a2+ + SCE (6.3)
kg of carbon-12.
The equation indicates that each m ole of barite that
In other words, 6.022 X 102 3 atoms, molecules, ions,
dissolves produces one mole of Ba2+ and one mole
electrons, or other specified particles m ake up one mole.
of SO2 - . Since 9.512 X 1(T6 m ol of barite dissolves
in 1 L of a saturated solution, the concentration of
Table 6 .2 A to m ic W eig h ts o f th e E le m e n ts R e la tiv e to 'j?C
z Element Atomic Weight Z Element Atomic Weight

1 H 1.00794 48 Cd 112.41
2 He 4.00260 49 In 114.82
3 Li 6.941 50 Sn 118.71
4 Be 9.01218 51 Sb 121.75
5 B 10.81 52 Te 127.60
6 C 12.011 53 I 126.905
7 N 14.0067 54 Xe 131.29
8 O 15.9994 55 Cs 132.905
9 F 18.9984 56 Ba 137.33
10 Ne 20.179 57 La 138.906
11 Na 22.9898 58 Ce 140.12
12 Mg 24.305 59 Pr 140.908
13 A1 26.9815 60 Nd 144.24
14 Si 28.0855 61 Pm (145)a
15 P 30.9738 62 Sm 150.36
16 S 32.06 63 Eu 151.96
17 Cl 35.453 64 Gd 157.25
18 Ar 39.948 65 Tb 158.925
19 K 39.0983 66 Dy 162.50
20 Ca 40.08 67 Ho 164.930
21 Sc 44.9559 68 Er 167.26
22 Ti 47.88 69 Tm 168.934
23 V 50.9415 70 Yb 173.04
24 Cr 51.996 71 Lu 174.967
25 Mn 54.9380 72 Hf 178.49
26 Fe 55.847 73 Ta 180.948
27 Co 58.9332 74 W 183.85
28 Ni 58.69 75 Re 186.207
29 Cu 63.546 76 Os 190.2
30 ' Zn 65.39 77 Ir 192.22
31 Ga 69.72 78 Pt 195.08
32 Ge 72.59 79 Au 196.967
33 As 74.9216 80 Hg 200.59
34 Se 78.96 81 Tl 204.383
35 Br 79.904 82 Pb 207.2
36 Kr 83.80 83 Bi 208.980
37 Rb 85.4678 84 Po (209)a
38 Sr 87.62 85 At (210)a
39 Y 88.9059 86 Rn (222)a
40 Zr 91.224 87 Fr (223)a
41 Nb 92.9064 88 Ra 226.025
42 Mo .95.94 89 Ac 227.028
43 Tc (98 )a 90 Th 232.038
44 Ru 101.07 91 Pa 231.036
45 Rh 102.906 92 U 238.029
46 Pd 106.42 93 Np (237)a
47 Ag 107.868 94 Pu (239)a
aMass number of longest-lived isotope in nature.
6.5 SUMMARY 81

both Ba2+ and SO2- is also 9.512 X 10- 6 m ol/L .The of hydrogen ions per m ole of the com pound, and
concentration of Ba2+ in 1 L of saturated barite solution therefore its equivalent weight is equal to its m olecular
can also be expressed as: weight divided by three. In this case, it m akes no
difference that phosphoric acid actual ly gives up its
9.512 X 1CT6 X 137.33 = 1.306 X 10 3 g /L hydrogen ions reluctantly and releases all three of them
A lternatively, we calculate the num ber of B a2+
only u n d er special con ditions.
ions in one liter of a satu rated barite solution by m eans of
A vogadros num ber:

9.512 X 1(T6 X 6.022045 X 102 3

6.5 Summary
= 5.728 X 101 8 ions/L
The periodic table was originally invented by
Such com putations involving conversions of am D. I. M endeleev and other chem ists in the 19th
ounts of elem ents or com pounds in grams to the century based on the relationship betw een the
corresponding num ber of m oles by m eans of the atom ic atom ic weights of the elem ents and their chemical and
or m olecular weights occur com m only in geochemistry. physical properties. We now know that these relationships
are caused by the com position of the nuclei of the atom s
B efore we close this chapter we define the gram and by the distribution of their electrons in the available
-equivalent weight. orbitals.
The so-called long form of the periodic table is
A gram-equivalent weight o f an ion is the gram-
organized into seven horizontal rows called periods and
atomic or gram-molecular weight divided by the
eighteen vertical colum ns called groups. The physical and
valence. For acids and bases the gram-equivalent
weight is the gram-molecular weight of the com chemical properties of
pound divided by the number of hydrogen ions or elem ents in the periods change system atically
hydroxyl ions the acid or base can produce when w ith increasing atom ic num ber. The elem ents in
dissolved in water. the groups tend to have sim ilar properties
because they have sim ilar electronic structures.
Equivalent weights are used in geochem istry The concept of the atom ic w eight is now
w hen electrical charges if ions are an im portant based on the masses and abundances of the natu rally
consideration. In addition, they are traditionally used to occurring isotopes of the elem ents. The atom ic weights
express the concentrations of acids or bases in a way th at are used to define the gram -atom ic weight of elem ents
indicates the concentrations of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions or the gram -m olecular
that may be available for reaction. w eight of com pounds, also know n collectively, as
the mole. The im portance of the m ole in chem
In practice, the equivalent weight of an ele m ent is istry arises from the fact that one mole of an ele
calculated by dividing its atom ic weight by the charge the m ent or com pound always contains the same
atom s of that elem ent acquire num ber of atom s or molecules. This num ber is
w hen the elem ent is dissolved in water. know n as A vogadros num ber.
T herefore, the equivalent weight of a divalent Chemical reactions are represented by equa tions in
elem ent like calcium is equal to the atomic which the quantities of reactants and products are specified
w eight divided by two. Conversely, one mole of Ca2+ in term s of moles, which can be converted to the num bers
contains two equivalents of Ca2+. In the case of m of atom s or m ol ecules by virtue of A vogadros num ber.
olecules of an acid such as H 2 S 0 4, the equivalent weight The gram -equivalent w eight takes into account the
is equal to one half of the m ol ecular weight because one electrical charges of ions or the num ber of hydrogen or
m ole of H 2 S 0 4 con tains two equivalents of hydrogen hydroxyl ions th at acids or bases can release into an
ions. Similarly, phosphoric acid (H 3 P 0 4) can yield three aqueous solution.

1. Familiarize yourself with the names, atomic num 5. What is the weight of one atom of 2g2U in grams
bers, and positions in the periodic table of the elements given that the mass of this isotope is 238.050 784 amu?
having atomic numbers from 1 to 36. (Answer: 3.953 x 10~22 g)
2. Calculate the atomic weight of magnesium given the 6. How many atoms of iron are present in 5.00 g of
abundances and masses of its naturally occurring isotopes. hematite (Fe20 3)? (Answer: 3.77 X 1022 atoms)
7. What is the concentration of Cr in the mineral
chromite (FeCr20 4)? (Answer: 46.5%)
Abundance, % Mass, amu
?2Mg 78.99 23.985 042 8. If the concentration of S 0 4~ is 2.5 x 103 mol/L,
how many grams of SO|" are present in one liter?
Mg 10.00 24.985 837 (Answer: 0.24 g)
?^Mg 11.01 25.982 593
9. A solution of A12(S 0 4)3 contains 2 X 10 4 mol/L of
Al3+. H ow many grams of SO2- does it contain per liter?
(Answer: 24.305)
(Answer: 0.029 g/L)
3. Calculate the formula weight of orthoclase feld spar
10. How many gram-equivalent weights of Al3+ and
(KAlSi30 8) using the atomic weights in Table 6.2.
S 0 4' are in 2 mol of A12(S 0 4)3?
(Answer: 278.332)
(Answer: Al3+: 12; SO;". 12)
4. How many moles of Na+ are present in one liter of an
aqueous solution of Na2S 0 4 containing 4.760 g of the
compound? (Answer: 0.0670 mol)
A S IM O V , I., 1965. A Short VAN SPRO SE N, J. W., 1969. The
History o f Chemistry. Periodic System o f the
Doubleday, Elements.
Garden City, NY, 263 pp. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 368 pp.
F A U R E , G., 1986. Principles o f W E A S T , R. C., M. J. A S T L E , and W. H.
Isotope Geology. 2nd ed. Wiley, Handbook o f Chemistry and
New York, 589 pp. Raton, FL.
G R E E N W O O D , N. N., and A. E A R W E E K S , M . E ., 1956. Discovery
N S H A W , 1984. Chemistry o f the
Chem. Ed. Pub., 910 pp.
Elements. Pergamon Press,
Oxford, England, 1542 pp.
M A Z U R S , E . G ., 1974. Graphic
Representation o f the Periodic
System During One
Hundred Years. University
of Alabama
Press, Tuscaloosa.
Chemical Bonds, Ionic
Radii, and Crystals
The physical and chem ical properties of the ele m ents th e nonm etals. If a com plete transfer of elec
vary with increasing atom ic num ber in accordance with trons is achieved, the electron -donor atom s
the periodic law. Som e of these properties are neatly sum becom e positively charged ions called cations,
m arized in periodic tables available in university book w hereas the electron -acceptor atom s acquire a
stores. It will be helpful to use such a table to study the negative charge and form anions. O ppositely
topics presented in this chapter. charged ions are attracted to each other and
m ay form an electrostatic or ionic bond. M ost
m inerals are chem ical com pounds com posed of
cations (m etals) and anions (nonm etals) held
7.1 Electron Donors Versus together by ionic bonds.
Acceptors W hen two elem ents having sim ilar m etallic
or nonm etallic character interact, electrons are
We can divide the elem ents in the periodic table into two not actually transferred, but are shared by the atoms. The
groups based on their tendency to give up electrons or to sharing of electrons am ong the atom s of two or m ore
attract them . In general, the elem ents on the left side of different elem ents establishes a covalent bond betw een
the periodic table are the electron donors because their them . The elem ents do not necessarily share the
electronic orbitals are largely empty. The elem ents on the electrons equally, which causes covalent bonds to have a
right side of the periodic table have orbitals that are certain am ount of ionic character. Similarly, the transfer
nearly full, which causes them to be electron acceptors. of elec trons am ong atom s of elem ents on opposite sides
The elem ents that are located betw een the alkali m etals of the periodic table is never com plete. As a
on the left and the halogens on the right vary result, ionic bonds have covalent character
progressively in their tendencies to be electron donors or w hose m agnitude depends on the difference in the
acceptors, depending on how close they are to filling their tendency of the atom s to attract electrons to them selves.
orbitals with As atom s becom e m ore equal in their ability to attract
electrons, the covalent character of the bond increases.
electrons. The electron donors are the metals,
The distinction betw een ionic and covalent bonds is th
w hereas the electron acceptors are the non-
erefore an over-sim plification of a very com plex
metals. The m etallic character of the elem ents
interaction am ong atom s of different elem ents (Pauling,
generally decreases from left to right in the peri ods as
1960). The only truly covalent bonds occur when tw o
the orbitals are filling up with electrons.
atom s of the sam e elem ent com bine to form diatom ic
The properties of m etals and nonm etals are com
m olecules such as H 2 , 0 2, or N 2.
plem entary in the sense that the electrons given up by m
etallic elem ents are picked up by
that, in fact, perm it us to period . The increase
do this. They are coincides with the progres
7.2 M identified and defined as sive filling of the
same effect can be seen in
period 3 in the first ion
e follows. electronic orbitals and ization potentials of M g
a reflects the reluctance of and A1 and of P and S.
atom s to give up electrons The first ionization
s First ionization from orbitals th at are potentials of the transi tion
potential is the
u energy required to
nearly full. For exam ple, m etals of perio d 4, which
we see that in periods 2 have partially filled 3d
r remove one electron
and 3 the first ionization p
from a neutral atom orbitals, vary m uch less
e in a vacuum and to o ten tials increase sharply than those in the first three
w ith increasing atom ic
s place it at rest an
num ber tow ard th e noble
periods. P eriod 4 starts out
infinite dis tance well enough with K and
o away. gas elem ents th at te r m Ca, b u t th en th e first
inate each period . W e can
f Electronegativity is a
measure of the
ioniza tion potentials
even recognize the effect change little as we com
M ability of an atom in on the first ionization plete the
a molecule to attract
e electrons to itself
potential of filling the s- sequence ending w ith Zn . G allium
orbitals or half-filling the the 4p orbitals, which causes it to
t (Pauling, quoted in
p-orbitals. This explains
Cotton and ionization potential than Z
a Wilkinson, 1962, p. why the first ionization n . H ow ever, the first
potential of B is less than
ll 89).
th at of Be and why it
ionization potentials th en
Standard electrode rise rapidly with
i potential is the takes less energy to rem increasing atom ic num
ove an electron from O
c voltage gener ated
than from N. The
ber until period 4 ends w
when one mole of ith Kr. The next period, 5,
C electrons is removed
starting w ith Rb and
h from one mole of an
ending with Xe, likew ise
element or ion in
illustrates the lack of
a the stan dard state.
differentiation am ong the
r elem ents with elec trons
a We deal with the standard in the Ad orbitals. The first
ionization potentials for
c electrode potential in
these and all other elem
Section 14.3 and consider
t here how the first ion ents are listed in Table 7.1.

e ization potentials and the

Evidently, the system
electronegativities can be
r used to com pare the m
atic variation of the first
ionization potentials
A lthough we can etallic character of dif
confirms that the metallic
appreciate the difference ferent elements.
character of the elem ents
betw een electron donors
in each period decreases
and electron acceptors The first ionization
with increasing atom ic
qualitatively, we need to m potential indicates how
num ber. The first ioniza
easure these tenden cies strongly the nucleus of a
tion potentials even reflect
quantitatively in order to neutral atom attracts an
the reduction in the energy
be able to predict w hat electron in a partially filled
of atom s that have com
kind of a bond the atom s orbital. Figure 7.1 A
pletely filled or half-filled
of two elem ents are likely indicates th at the first
orbitals and, in general,
to form . Several param ionization potentials
perm it us to rank the elem
eters have been defined increase with increasing
ents throughout the
atom ic num ber in each
periodic table in terms of
their metallic character,
which arises from their
tendency to be electron

Ionization potentials
required to remove
additional electrons rise to
high values because it
takes extraordinary am
ounts of energy to rem ove
electrons from atom s that
have acquired a positive
charge because they have
already lost one elec tron
or because the rem aining
electrons com plete ly fill
the orbital they occupy.
Therefore, during chemical
reactions in nature elem
ents generally lose only
their valence electrons,
that is, those that reside
outside of filled orbitals.

The problem with

ionization potentials as
predictors of chemical
properties is that the
chemical reactions we w
ant to study do not occur
in a vacuum b u t take
place in m ixtures of
gases, in aqueous
solutions, in silicate melts,
and even in the solid state.
Therefore, we need a
param eter that is
appropriate for the
environm ents in which
chemical reactions
actually take place.
Periods and Orbitals Figure 7.1 A: Variation of the first ionization
3 potential with increasing atomic number in the
first four periods. The first ionization potentials
increase as the electronic orbitals are filling up in
First Ionization Potential each period. Note that Be and N have exception
ally high ionization potentials consistent with fill
ing or half-filling of electronic orbitals. The
ionization potentials of elements in period 4 with
,/! partially filled T-orbitals vary little with atomic
number. In general, the data show that the
c 15- * / Kr
charac ter of the elements in each period changes
r Br/i from metallic (low ionization potential, hence
o 10 - I Be '/ y Zn / 1 electron donor) to nonmetallic (high ionization
A/ I
1/ B I Mg
f*Ge 1
potential, hence electron acceptor).
Na J Al y ea Rb/ B:Variation of the electronegativity of the ele
ments with increasing atomic number. The dia
gram shows that the electronegativity increases as
the available orbitals become filled with electrons.
/I /
/ i This pattern, therefore, reflects the increasing ten
dency of elements in the periods to fill their
/ / Zn~
/ orbitals by attracting electrons to themselves. Note
that metallic elements have low electronega
*Li Na
1 K I *Rb tivities, whereas nonmetallic elements have high
I Ar I Kr values. Therefore, the electronegativities also
c L Halogens reflect the progressive decrease of the metallic
A character of elements with increasing atomic
Covalent Bond
number in each period.
C:Variation of the covalent character of single
J5 60 - Character bonds with oxygen based on electronegativity dif
U ferences (Table 7.2). As the elements lose their

J.-AV/ metallic character and become increasingly reluc

tant electron donors, the bonds they form with
Alkali metals / oxygen are increasingly covalent in character. In
Na y
Rb general, the alkali metal-oxygen bonds are highly
10 I
r-| i r 1 _r r 35 r~rr ionic, whereas the halogen-oxygen bonds are
20 25 30 40 highly covalent. All other elements in the periodic
Atomic Number table form bonds with oxygen whose character is
intermediate between these extremes.
The tronegativity (4.0) and is
electronegativities, the strongest electron
proposed by Pauling acceptor. The
(1960), are a set of dim electronegativities of all
ensionless num bers naturally occurring elem
calcu lated from the ents are listed in Table 7.1
known strengths of bonds and are displayed in
between atom s in
Figure 7.1B.
molecules. They are a m
easure of the ionic A s expected, we find
character of covalent th at the electronegativi
bonds and therefore ties rise with increasing
indicate the extent to atom ic num ber in each
which two atom s in a m period. The
ole cule actually share electronegativities of the
their valence electrons noble gases are shown as
equal ly. Elem ents having zero because these elem
a low electronegativity act ents do not attract
as electron donors, w electrons to themselves.
hereas elem ents with The alkali m et als and the
high elec tronegativity act halogens dem onstrate that
as electron acceptors. the elec tronegativities of
Cesium has the lowest group A elem ents
electronegativity (0.7) and decrease with increasing
th ere fore has the atom ic num ber. The first
strongest tendency to be
ionization potentials of
an electron donor, w
these elem ents also
hereas fluorine has the
decrease with
highest elec-
Table 7.1 F irst Io n iz a tio n P o te n tia ls a n d E le c tro n e g ativ ities o f th e E le m e n ts
st et al.
g (1960).
Element Electronegativity b
1 2.1

3 1.0
4 1.5
5 2.0
6 2.5
7 3.0
8 3.5
9 4.0
11 0.9
12 1.2
13 1.5
14 1.8
15 2.1
16 2.5
17 3.0
19 0.8
20 1.0
21 1.3
22 1.5
23 1.6
24 1.6
25 1.5
26 1.8
27 1.8
28 1.8
29 1.9
30 1.6
31 1.6
32 1.8
33 2.0
34 2.4
35 2.8
37 0.8
38 1.0
39 1.3
40 1.4
41 1.6
42 1.8
43 1.9
44 2.2
45 2.2
46 2.2
47 1.9

The data in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 perm it us to
increasing atom ic num ber in each group.This indi cates
that the binding energy of the first valence electron of predict the ionic character of the bond betw een any two
elem ents in a given group decreases as the volume of the elem ents in the periodic table. In general, we find that
atom s in th at group increases. In other words, the larger bonds betw een neighboring elem ents in the periodic table
an atom , the m ore loosely it holds its valence electrons. are highly covalent. For example, the nonm etals on the
Consequently, the right side of the periodic table form m any fam iliar com
metallic character of the group A elem ents pounds and anion com plexes that are covalently bonded.
increases with increasing atom ic num ber. The H O bond in the H 2 0 , the C O bond in
In the B groups, w here d- and /-orbitals are
being filled, the electronegativities change m uch CO 2 - , the N O bond in N O 3 , the S O bond
less dram atically with increasing atom ic num ber in S 0 4~, and the Si O bond in S i0 4_ are all
than they do in the A groups. A s a result, the strongly covalent.
chemical properties of these elem ents are m ore In addition, we can dem onstrate th at bonds betw een
uniform than those of the elem ents in the elem ents from opposite ends of the peri odic table are
A groups. M oreover, the electronegativities of highly ionic. The best exam ples are the alkali halides (e.g.,
elem ents in B groups do not decrease w ith NaCl, KC1, and CsF). In fact, the Cs F bond is the m
increasing atom ic num ber as they generally do in the A ost ionic bond we know because Cs has the strongest
groups. For exam ple, the electronegativities of the tendency to be an electron donor (lowest electronegativity)
congeners of group V IIIB (Fe, Co, and Ni) actually rise and F is the strongest electron acceptor (highest elec
with increasing atom ic num ber. tronegativity). B onds with w ell-developed ionic character
The concept of electronegativity has m erit because also occur betw een the cations of m et als and com plex
the differences in the electronegativities of elem ents are anions exem plified by C aC O ,, N a N 0 3, M g S 0 4, and
related to the ionic character of the bond form ed by their Fe2 S i0 4, all of which occur naturally as minerals.
atoms. Accordingly, two elem ents with similar
electronegativities form covalent bonds with little ionic
character, whereas elem ents having different A lthough the electronegativities of complex anions
electronegativities form bonds whose ionic character is are not defined, we nevertheless know that the bonds betw
proportional to the m agnitude of the electronegativity een the cation of the m etals and the complex anions are
difference. The relationship betw een the electronegativity highly ionic because these com pounds dissociate into ions
differ ence and the ionic character of chemical bonds is w hen they dis solve in water.
expressed quantitatively by the data in Table 7.2. In Figure
7.1C we see how the bond character

varies with increasing atom ic num ber when ele

m ents form bonds with oxygen. N ote that the
7.3 Bonding in Molecules
graph shows the percent covalent character in order to em We now com e to the question: W hat difference does it m
phasize the relationship between bond character and ake in geochem istry w hether chemical bonds are covalent
electronegativity (Figure 7.1B) or first ionization potential or ionic? The answ er is that the physical and chem ical
(Figure 7.1A). We see that the oxygen bonds of the elem properties of all com pounds depend on the character of
ents become increasingly covalent in each period. The the bonds that hold them together.
halo gens form the m ost covalent oxygen bonds, w hereas
the alkali m etals form oxygen bonds that are largely ionic. A n im portant property of most m inerals is that they
The transition m etals in the fourth period show less dissociate into ions when they dissolve in water. For
variation in bond charac ter than elem ents with valence example, w hen calcite (C a C 0 3) dis solves in water, it
electrons in s- and p-orbitals. forms Ca2+ ions and C O 2- ions:

C a C 0 3 -> Ca2+ + C O f" (7.1)


Table 7.2 Percent Ionic Character of a Single Chemical Bond with

Difference in Ionic Difference in Ionic
electronegativity character, % electronegativity character, %
0.1 0.5 1.7 51

0.2 1 1.8 55
0.3 2 1.9 59
0.4 4 2.0 63
0.5 6 2.1 67
0.6 9 2.2 70
0.7 12 2.3 74
0.8 15 2.4 76
0.9 19 2.5 79
1.0 22 2.6 82
1.1 26 2.7 84
1.2 30 2.8 86
1.3 34 2.9 88
1.4 39 3.0 89
1.5 43 3.1 91
1.6 47 3.2 92

SOURCE: Sargent-Welch (1980).

The carb o n ate anion does electrical polarity and is th erefo re said to
n o t dissociate into carbon po lar.
and oxygen ions because th The m anner in which the
e C O bonds are highly bonds form also determ ines
covalent, w hereas the C a w ater molecule. A quick review of the electronic
C 0 3 bond is largely structure of O indicates
ionic. W hy should th at m that it has four electrons in
ake a difference? T he answ the 2p orbitals, whereas H
er has to do w ith th e has one electron in the Is
interactions b etw een th e orbital. The bond betw een
m olecules of the solvent them form s by sharing of
(w ater in this case) and th the unpaired electrons. In
e calcite m o l ecules. accordance with rule 3 of
the Aufbau principle (C
hapter 5), one of the p
T he H O b o n d -orbitals of oxygen
ab o u t 60% covalent as contains two elec trons
Figure 7.1C. In ad d itio n , with paired spins, whereas
of oxygen (3.5) is larg er ththe
a nother two p-orbitals of
(2.1). C onsequently, weoxygen contain one
attracts th e electro n s o felectron
th e each. We can
T he u n eq u al sharing o f represent the p-orbitals of
th e electro n b etw een H oxygen as cir cles and the
and O th erefo re causes a electrons they contain by
n et negative charge to arrow s that point up or
develop on th e O atom s down depending on the
w hereas th e H atom s spin.
charge. In o th e r w ords, th e w ater m olecule has

Px Py
The angle betw een these p -orbitals of oxygen is 90 strongly th at they are in co rp o rated into crystals
because they are sym m etrical about the x-, y-, and e-axes. as w ater of hydration, as, for exam ple, in
T herefore, we expect that the angle betw een the H O C a S 0 4 2H20 (gypsum ).
bonds in the w ater m olecule should also be 90. H ow Therefore, the answ er to the original question
ever, the observed angle is th at w ater is able to dissolve ionic solids
is 104.45 (Fyfe, 1964). because it dissociates them into ions, which are then
T he discrepancy arises because the s- and separated from each other by becom ing
p -o rb itals of O are m erged in such a way th at hydrated. H ow ever, covalent bonds do not disso
th e angles b etw een the h y b rid ized orbitals are ciate in w ater or in other polar solvents.
no longer 90. H ybridization of orbitals is a Therefore, w ater is generally not an effective sol vent for
com m on ph en o m en o n in covalently bonded covalently bonded com pounds.
m olecules and is th e key to understanding the
shapes or ste reo ch em istry o f covalently bonded m
olecules (G reenw ood and E arnshaw , 1984; Pauling, 7.4 Ionic Crystals
The polarity of the w ater m olecule therefore arises W hen ions com e together to form a crystal they assem ble
not only because of th e unequal sharing of the electrons in regular patterns dictated by the requirem ent of closest
betw een H and O but also because one of the hybridized p packing. This require m ent arises because the strength of
-orbitals of O containing the two paired electrons points the electro static bond (F) betw een cations and anions is
away from the other two, which are involved in the inversely proportional to the square of the dis tance (r)
bonding. In addition, the H zO m olecule is inherently betw een them:
polar because the O atom has m ore electrons than the H

Because of their electrical polarity, w ater

m olecules are attracted to electrical charges on w here e x and e2 are the charges of the ions.
the surface of an ionic crystal such as C a C 0 3. The Evidently, th e m agnitude of F increases as
resulting electrostatic interactions w eaken the ionic bonds r decreases. T herefore, the ions in a crystal
betw een the C a2+ and the CO 2- ions, but have no effect arrange them selves in such a way th a t the in teri onic
on the covalent C O bonds of the carbonate ions. distances are m inim ized, hence the te n d e n cy for
closest packing. In this context, ions are assum ed to be
The ions th a t form by dissociation attract incom pressible spheres like bil liard balls.
w ater m olecules to them selves and thereby
becom e h y d rated . The num ber of w ater m ole cules A second requirem ent is th at crystals m ust be
bound to an ion depends prim arily on its radius b u t also electrically neutral. This requirem ent determ ines the ratio
on its charge. For exam ple, Be2+ of cations to anions and is reflected in
(radius = 0.35 ; A hrens, 1952) holds four the chemical form ulas of m inerals. In addition,
w ater m olecules to form the hydrated ion the requirem ent for electrical neutrality m ust be
B e(O H 2)2+ w hereas A l3+ (radius = 0.51 ) obeyed w henever substitutions occur in ionic crystals.
holds six w ater m olecules and form s A l(O H 2 )g+. N ote
th a t we rep resen t the hydrated B e2+ ion as B e(O H 2 )4 The arrangem ent of ions in a crystal can be
+ because the B e2+ is attracted to the negatively charged understood in term s of the m agnitudes of the radii of the
O atom s of the w ater m ole cule. A nions are also h y d cations and anions expressed by the radius ratio, which is
rated by attracting the positively charged hydrogen atom s defined as the ratio of the radius of the cation to th at of the
of water. In som e cases th e w ater m olecules are held so anion. In calculating radius ratios one com m only uses
O2- as the anion


f - -'55
radius ratio exceeds a structure when the radius
critical value, ratio is

Figure 7.3 Derivation of

the critical radius ratio for
threefold coordination. Rc
and R3 are the ionic radii
* of the cation and anion,
respectively. The critical
relation ship is sin 60 = R
0.414 j( R a + Rc) from which it
R. follows that Rc/R . = 0.155.

Figure 7.2 Examples of the coordination num ber

closest packing of anions rises to 3. A t a still high er
around cations at value of the radius ratio,
increasing values of the four anions can be packed
radius ratio. When R c/R
around the cation.
a > 0.155, three anions fit
The critical value of
around the cation and
when Rc/R r > 0.414, the radius ratio at which
fourfold coordination threefold coordination is
occurs. Coordination possible in a planar
numbers 6,8, and 12 are structure can be derived
also important in mineral from geom etrical consid
structures and are
erations pictured in Figure
pictured in Figure 7.4.
7.3. L et R e and R a be the
radii of the cation and
anion, respectively. By
examining Figure 7.3 we
because oxygen is the m ost abundant find that:
elem ent in the crust of the Earth .
The geom etrical arrangem ents of
crystal are described by the sin t) =
coordination number, Rc+Ra
which is the num ber of since 0 = 60 and sin 60 = 0.8660:
anions th at surround a
particular cation in an ionic
crystal. It turns out th at the
Rc + R a
coordination num bers of
elem ents in ionic crystals By cross multiplying and
can be predicted based on collecting terms we
their radius ratios. We see obtain:
from Figure 7.2 th at only
two large anions can fit (7.5)
around a very sm all R.
cation. The sm allest
coordination num ber
therefore is 2. If the cation Therefore, threefold
is larger than in the case coordination becom es
just consid ered and the possi ble in a planar
Radius Coordination Arrangement of ions
equal to or greater than 0.155. A similar argum ent
indicates th at fourfold coordination occurs when the ratio
O --# -O Linear
radius ratio is 0.414. <0.155 2
All of the packing arrangem ents shown in Figure 7.2
are two dim ensional or planar. Since crystals are actually o
three-dim ensional bodies, we m ust also consider three-
0.155-0.225 3 Trigonal

cA o
dim ensional patterns of fitting anions around cations. For
example, four fold coordination occurs when the anions
occupy the corners of a tetrahedron with the cation in its
center. Similarly, sixfold coordination is realized in an
octahedron w here six anions occupy the cor 0.225-0.414 4 O A \ Tetrahedral

ners and the cation resides in the center. H igher

coordination num bers of 8 and 1 2 are common
and involve the cubic structures shown in \7 ~
Figure 7.4. O ther coordination num bers, for o-
example, 5, 7, 9,10, and 11, occur only rarely and are not
0.414-0 .732 4 Square
im portant in the crystal structures of m in erals (Fyfe,
7.5 Ionic
The radii of ions in crystals were first determ ined
by V. M. G oldschm idt and Linus 0.414-0.732
Pauling in
late 1920s by means of x-ray diffraction and
expressed in angstrom s (; 1 = 10
radii are determ ined
betw een ions in crystals
structure of the crystal in
which they w ere m ea
sured. M ost ionic radii w 0.732-1.00
ere originally derived
from crystals in which
each cation is surrounded
by six anions (H eydem ann, 1969). A com plete
set of such radii was published by A hrens
(1952), but these have
> 1.00

now been superseded by 12

the work of Shannon and Io

Prew itt (1969).
Subsequently, W
hittacker and M untus C atio n , OAnion
(1970) published a new Figure 7.4 Possible
set of ionic radii (listed arrangements of ions
in in crys tals for
Table 7.3) th a t takes into account the different
limiting values of the
coordination num bers th at may occur in differ
ent kinds of
radius ratios and dif
crystals. A nother set of radii was
later published by ferent values of the
Shannon (1976). The d coordination
epen dence of ionic radii number.
on the coordination num
ber occurs because the
electron cloud of an ion
be deform ed by the electrical charges that sur
round it in a crystal lattice. For exam ple,
radius of N a + varies from 1.07 to 1.40
Table 7 .3 R a d ii o f th e Io n s o f th e E le m e n ts in A n g stro m U n its ( ) fo r D iffe re n t C h arg es
a n d C o o rd in a tio n N u m b e rs
Coordination numbers

z Symbol Valence II III IV V


1 H +1 extremely small
3 Li +1 0.68 0.82
4 Be +2 0.25 0.35
5 B +3 0.10 0.20
6 C -4 2.60 (P)
7 N +4 0.16 (A)
+3 0.16 (A)
8 +5 0.13 (A) 1.34
O -2 1.27 1.28 1.30 1.32
9 F -1 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.25 1.21 1.24 1.40
11 Na +1 1.07 1.08 1.10
12 Mg +2 0.66 0.75 0.80 0.97
13 Al +3 0.47 0.56 0.61
14 Si +4 0.34 0.48
15 P +3 0.44 (A)
16 +5 0.25 0.35 (A) 1.78
S -2 1.56 1.72
17 +6 0.20 0.30 (A) 1.65
Cl -1 1.67 1.72
+5 0.20 0.34 (A)
19 K +7 0.28 0.27 (A) 1.54 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.68
+1 1.46
20 Ca +2 1.08 1.15 1.20 1.26 1.36 1.43
21 Sc +3 0.83 0.95
22 Ti +2 0.94
+3 0.75
23 V -1-4 0.61 0.69
+2 0.87
+3 0.72
+4 0.67
24 Cr +5 0.44 0.54 0.62
+2 0.81 (L)
0.90 (H)
+3 0.70
+4 0.52 0.63
+5 0.43 0.52 (A)
25 +6 0.38 1.01
Mn +2 0.75 (L)
0.92 (H)
+3 0.66 0.66 (L)
0.73 (H)
+4 0.62
+6 0.35
+7 0.34 0.46 (A)
Table 7 .3 (continued)

Coordination numbers
z Symbol Valence // III IVs V
26 Fe +2 0.71 (H) 0.69 (L)
+3 0.57 (H) 0.86 (H)
0.63 (L)
27 Co +2 0.65 (H) 0.73 (H)
0.73 (L)
+3 0.83 (H)
0.61 (L)
28 Ni +2 0.69 (H)
+3 0.64 (L)
29 Cu +1 0.54 0.68 (H)

+2 0.70 0.73 0.81

30 Zn +2 0.68 0.76 0.83 0.98
31 Ga +3 0.55 0.63 0.70
32 Ge +4 0.48 0.62
33 As +5 0.42 0.58
34 Se -2 1.88 1.90
+6 0.37 0.42 (A)
35 Br -1 1.88 1.95 (P) 1.84
+7 0.34 1.39 (A)
37 Rb +1 1.57 1.64 1.68 1.74
38 Sr +2 1.21 1.29 1.33 1.40
39 Y +3 0.98 1.10 1.18
40 Zr +4 0.80 0.86 0.92
41 Nb +2 0.79
+3 0.78
+4 0.77
42 +5 0.40 0.72 0.74
Mo +3 0.75
+4 0.73
+5 0.71 0.79
+6 0.50 0.58 0.68
43 Tc +4 0.72
44 Ru +3 0.76
+4 0.70
45 Rh +3 0.75
+4 0.71
46 Pd +1 0.67
+2 0.72 0.94
+3 0.84
+4 0.70
47 Ag +1 0.75 1.10 1.20 1.23 1.32 1.38
+3 0.73
48 Cd +2 0.88 0.95 1.03 1.08 1.15
49 In +3 0.88 1.00
50 Sn +2 0.93 (A) 1.30
+4 0.77
Table 7 .3 (co ntinued)
Coordination numbers
z Symbol Valence II III IV* V vpb VII VIII IX X XII

51 Sb +3 0.85 0.88 0.76 (A)

+5 0.69
52 Te +4 0.60 0.70 (A)
+6 0.56 (A) 1.97
53 I -1 2.13
+5 1.03 1.82 1.86 1.89 1.96
55 Cs +1 1.78
56 Ba +2 1.44 1.47 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.68
57 La +3 1.13 1.18 1.26 1.28 1.36 1.40
58 Ce +3 1.09 1.22 1.23 1.37
+4 0.88 1.05
59 Pr +3 1.08 1.22
+4 0.86 1.07 1.17
60 Nd +3 1.06 1.20
61 Pm +3 1.04 1.17
62 Sm +3 1.04
63 Eu +2 1.25 1.33
E3 1.03 1.11 1.15
64 Gd +3 1.02 1.12 1.14
65 Tb +3 1.00 1.10 1.12
+4 0.84 0.96
66 Dy +3 0.99 1.11
67 Ho +3 0.98 1.10
68 Er +3 0.97 1.08
69 Tm +3 0.96 1.07
70 Yb +3 0.95 1.06
71 Lu +3 0.94 1.05
72 Hf +4 0.79 0.91
73 Ta +3 0.75
+4 0.74 0.77
+5 0.72
74 W +4 0.73
+6 0.50 0.68
75 Re +4 0.71
+5 0.60
+6 0.60
+7 0.48 0.65
76 Os +4 0.71
77 Ir +3 0.81
+4 0.71
78 Pt +2 0.68 0.80 (A)
+4 0.71
79 Au +1 1.37 (A)
+3 0.78 0.85 (A)
80 Hg +1 1.05 1.10 1.22
+2 0.77 1.04 1.84
81 TI +1 1.58 1.68
+3 0.97 1.08
Table 7 .3 (continued)

Coordination numbers

z Sym bol Valence II III IV3 V V7a,b VII VIII IX X

82 Pb +2C 1.02 1.26 1.37 1.41
+4 0.86 1.02
83 Bi +3 1.07 1.10 1.19
84 Po +4 1.16
+6 0.67 (A)
85 At +7 0.62 (A)
86 Fr +1 1.80 (A) 1.56
87 Ra +2 1.43 (A) 1.72
89 Ac +3 1.18 (A) 1.12 1.17
90 Th +4 1.08
91 Pa +3 1.13(A) 1.09
+4 0.98 (A) 1.03
+5 0.89 (A) 0.99
92 U +3 1.12 1.06 1.08 1.13
+4 0.97 (A)
+5 0.84 1.04
+6 0.53 0.56 0.81 0.96
93 Np +2 1.18
+3 1.10 1.06
+4 0.95 (A)
94 Pu +3 1.09 1.04
+4 0.88

Low spin and high spin are indicated by L and H, respectively. bA

= Ahrens (1952); P = Pauling (1927).
cPb2+, coordination number II, radius = 1.47 . S O
U R C E : Whittacker and Muntus (1970).
depending on the but the first period . F or
coordination num ber on exam ple, in the second
the lattice site. Evidently, period we find:
ions are not actually hard
spheres, although they are L i+, B e2+, B 3+,
treated this way in som e C4+, N 5+, 0 6+,
aspects of crystal and F 7+
E ach of these ions has
T he ionic radii listed
in Table 7.3 vary in reg only two electrons.
ular patterns depending Similarly, the ions:
on the atom ic num ber of C4 , N 3
the elem ent and the , O 2 ,
charge of the ion as and F"
shown in Figure 7.5,
provided all radii are form an isoelectronic
based on the sam e series in which each ion
coordination num ber. We contains 10 electrons. O th
take note first of the er isoelectronic series in
existence of isoelectronic periods 3,4, and 5 are
series con sisting of indicated in Figure 7.5.
sequences of ions in We will find it
which the charge helpful later to have a m
increases w ith increasing ental im age of the ionic
atom ic num ber and radii and to recall som e
which th erefore contain gener
the same num ber of
electrons. Such
isoelectronic series exist
in all


20 25

Atom ic Num ber

Figure 7.5 Variation of ionic radii with atomic number and valence. Note that ions having negative charges are larger
than those having positive charges. Note also that the radii of ions forming isoelectronic series decrease with increasing
atomic number (e.g., Li+ to F7+, Na+ to Cl7+, etc). The radii of ions in the same group that have the same charge increase
with atomic number (e.g., Li+ to Rb+, F to Br~, etc) [based on the ionic radii reported by Ahrens (1952) for sixfold
alizations about the way 3. The radii of ions of
they vary within the p eri the same elem ent
odic table. We therefore decrease with
derive a num ber of con increasing positive
clusions about the ionic charge and
radii of the elem ents by increase with
exam ining Figure 7.5. increasing negative
1. The ionic radii of
4. The radii of ions with charges of
series decrease
+3 am ong the transition m etals
with increasing
fourth period decrease
atom ic num ber
atom ic num ber, thereby
for both
traction of the
positively and
electron cloud as
the 3d orbitals are
charged ions.
2. The radii of ions 5. Ions of different
with the sam e elem ents may
charge in a group
have simi lar
increase with
increasing atom ionic radii.
ic num ber, th at
is, dow nw ard in
the periodic
Exam ples to illustrate the last observation can be 7.6 Summary
found in Figure 7.5 or by consulting Table 7.3.
The chemical elem ents can be divided into electron
Na", Ca2+, Cd2+, Y3+, ~ 1.00 donors and electron acceptors, depending on
Tl3+, R EE(+3),Th4+ (sixfold coordination) w hether their valence orbitals are nearly em pty or
H f4+,Zr4+ ~ 0.80 A nearly full. The tendencies of elem ents to be elec
(sixfold coordination) tron donors, and therefore to act like metals, is
reflected by their first ionization potentials and
Fe3+, Co3+, Ni3+ ~ 0.65 A
electronegativities. Elem ents with low ionization
(sixfold coordination)
potentials and low electronegativities have strongly
developed m etallic character. In general, the m etal
The sim ilarity of the ionic radii of different ele lic character of the elem ents decreases from left to
m ents is an im portant phenom enon because it right across the periodic table and increases dow n
m ay perm it the ion of one elem ent to substitute ward in those groups in which the elem ents have
for an ion of another elem ent in ionic crystals valence electrons in s- and p-orbitals.
(G oldschm idt et al., 1926). Chemical bonds can be classified into ionic or
The radii of ions in aqueous solution may be covalent bonds, depending on whether the valence
significantly changed by hydration. In this connec electrons are effectively transferred or shared,
tion it is helpful to define the ionic potential as the respectively. In reality, all ionic bonds have varying
ratio of the charge of an ion in electronic charges degrees of covalent character as indicated by the
to its radius m easured in angstrom units. The ionic magnitude of their electronegativity difference.
potential is a m easure of the density of the electri Polar solvents such as w ater are able to break ionic
cal charge on the surface of an ion and reflects the bonds because of electrostatic interactions betw een
strength of the electrostatic bond the ion can form ions in the solid phase and charges on the w ater
with another ion of the opposite charge or with a molecules. The hydration of cations and anions fur
polar molecule like water. Ions with high ionic ther enhances the solubility of ionic solids in water.
potential attract m ore w ater molecules and form The radius ratio of a cation with respect to
hydrated ions that are larger than those of ions the surrounding anions determ ines its coordina
having lower ionic potentials. For example, the tion num ber and hence affects the three -dim en
radii of the hydrated ions of the alkali m etals sional patterns the ions form in ionic crystals. The
decrease from Li+ to Cs+ even though their ionic ionic radii of the elem ents in the periodic table
radii in crystals increase with atomic num ber vary predictably, depending on the atom ic num
(Table 7.3). This can be explained by considering bers of the elem ents, the electrical charges of the
the ionic potentials of the alkali metals: Li+ = 1.2. ions, and on the coordination num ber.
N a+ = 0.91. K + = 0.68. R b + = 0.64. and Cs+ = T he m etallic ch aracter of the elem ents, the
0.56. Therefore, even though L i+ (radius = 0.82 ) kinds of bonds they form with each other, and
is much smaller than Cs+ (radius = 1.78 ), it the radii of ions are all related to their position
forms a larger hydrated ion than Cs+ because of its in th e periodic table and thus to their electronic
higher ionic potential. configurations.

1. Determine the percent 2. Look up the ionization
ionic character of the fol- potentials of silicon in a
lowing bonds, based on the recent edition of the CRC
electronegativity differ- Handbook o f Chemistry
ences: (a) NaCl; (b) FeCl2; and Physics (Weast et al.,
(c) CuCl; (d) A1C13; (e) 1986) and plot them in
CC14. coordi-
nates of electron volts (eV) versus the number of elec trons 6. Calculate the volume of an ion of Na+ in cubic
removed. meters (assume sixfold coordination).
3. Explain why the third and fifth ionization poten tials 7. Calculate the radius ratio for a planar structure
of silicon are significantly higher than those that with fourfold coordination.
immediately precede them. 8. Determine the ionic potentials of the ions in the
isoelectronic series K+ to Mn7+ and derive a conclu sion
4. Explain why the first ionization potential of sulfur
about the size of the hydrated ions in the iso electronic
(Z = 16) is less than that of phosphorus (Z = 15).
series (use sixfold and fourfold coordination depending on
5. Write an equation to represent the dissociation of the availability of data in Table 7.3).
(NH4)2S 0 4 into ions in an aqueous solution.
A H R E N S , L . H., 1952. The use of P A U L IN G , L., 1927. The sizes of
ionization potentials Part 1. ions and the structure o f
Ionic radii of the elements. ionic crystals. J. Amer.
Geochim. Cosmochim.
Chem. Soc., 49:763.
PA U L IN G , L., 1960. Nature o f
the Chemical Bond, 3rd ed.
C O T T O N , F. A., and G. W IL K IN S O
Cornell University Press,
N , 1962. Advanced Inorganic
Ithaca, NY.
Chemistry. Wiley, New S A R G E N T -W E L C H SC IE N T IF IC C
York, 959 pp. O ., 1980. Periodic Table o f the
F y f e , W. S., 1964. Elements. 7300 Linder
Geochemistry o f Solids. Ave., Skokie, IL 60076.
McGraw-Hill, New
SH A N N O N , R. D., and C.T. P R E W
York, 199 pp.
IT T , 1969. Effective crystal
G O L D S C H M ID T , V. M., T.
B AR T H , G. L U N D E , radii in oxides and
and W. fluorides. A eta
Z A C H A R I A S E N , 1926. Crystallogr., Sect. B,
Geochemische 25:925-946.
Verteilungsgesetze der SH A N N O N , R. D., 1976. Revised
Elemente. VII. Skrifter effective ionic radii and
Norske Videnskaps.-Akad. sys tematic studies of
Oslo, I. Mat.-Naturv. interatomic distances in
Klasse, No. 2. halides and chalcogenides.
G R E E N W O O D , N. N., and A. E A R Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A,
N S H A W , 1984. Chemistry o f the
Elements. Pergamon Press,
W E A S T , R. C., M. J. A S T L E ,
Oxford, England, 1542 pp.
and W. H. B E Y E R , 1986. CRC
H E Y D E M A N N , A., 1969. Tables.
Handbook o f Chemistry
H andbook o f Geochemistry,
and Physics. CRC Press,
Verlag, Berlin, 442 pp.
Boca Raton, FL.
W H IT T A C K E R , E. J. W., and R.
M U N T U S , 1970. Ionic radii
for use in geochemistry.
Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 34:945-956.
Ionic Substitutions in
O ne of the principal objectives of geochemistry has been structure of crystals could be understood in term s of the
to explain the distribution of chemical elem ents in the E size and charge of the ions and that an ion of one elem ent
arth (Chapter 1). Before this objective could be achieved, can replace the ion of another if it is similar in size and
it was first necessary to determ ine how the elements are charge. These insights are sum m arized by a set of
actually dis tributed by analyzing large numbers of rocks generalizations know n as
and minerals from all over the Earth. F. W. Clarke took a G oldschm idts rules o f substitution.
giant step in that direction by his own efforts as an 1. The ions of one elem ent can extensively replace
analytical chemist and by presenting the data of those of another in ionic crystals if their radii
geochemistry in his book, first published in 1908. In
differ by less than about 15% .
subsequent years, geochemists continued to ana lyze
2. Ions w hose charges differ by one unit sub stitute
geological materials in order to determ ine the chemical
readily for one another provided electrical
composition of the E arth and to under stand the reasons
neutrality of the crystal is m ain tained. If the
for the observed variation in chemical composition of
charges of the ions differ by m ore than one unit,
different kinds of rocks.
substitution is gener ally slight.
This was by no m eans an idle exercise
because the inform ation contributed directly to 3. W hen two different ions can occupy a p ar ticular
the understanding of the origin of m etallic and position in a crystal lattice, the ion with the
nonm etallic ore deposits. The search for ore higher ionic potential form s a
deposits of all kinds continues to be one of the principal stronger bond with the anions surround ing the
tasks of geologists in society. In a very real sense, site.
geologists are still expected to know where to find the 4. Substitution m ay be limited, even w hen the size
good rocks that are the foun dation of our m odern and charge criteria are satisfied, w hen the com
industrial society. peting ions have different electronegatives and
form bonds of dif ferent ionic character.

8.1 Goldschmidt's Rules of

The fourth rule was actually form ulated by Ringwood
Substitution (1955) in order to explain discrepancies that arose from
A n im portant objective of G oldschm idts w ork in the three rules proposed by Goldschmidt. For example, N
geochemistry was to discover the laws of dis tribution of a+ and Cu+ have the same charge and their radii are
the chemical elem ents (Goldschm idt, 1937). H e and virtually identical (A hrens, 1952). H ence, according to G
Pauling (1927) saw perhaps m ore clearly than their oldschm idts rules, C u+ should replace N a+ in sodium
contem poraries that the internal minerals

such as albite (NaAlSi3 0 8) or halite (NaCl). We know, of 8.2 Camouflage, Capture, and
course, that this substitution does not occur. The reason is
that copper forms m ore cova lent bonds than sodium, as
indicated by their elec tronegatives. A ccording to G oldschm idts first rule, ions that have sim
ilar radii and equal charges replace each o th er extensively
The occurrence of elem ents in minerals and rocks in ionic crystals. The extent of substitution that actually
either as major or m inor constituents depends on their takes place depends on
abundances and chemical properties. In general, the most th e concentration of the ions in the m edium in
abundant elem ents form the m in eral com pounds within which th e crystals are form ing, on the tem pera
which the m inor elem ents may be accom m odated by ture, and on the com patibility of their bonds and
ionic substitution, in interstitial lattice positions, in fluid coordination num bers. Crystals form ing at high
inclusions, or as exsolved m ineral phases. Some m inor tem p eratu re are m ore tolerant of foreign ions
elem ents also occur in accessory minerals such as zircon than crystals form ing at a low tem perature.
or apatite. T herefore, the concentration of trace elem ents in crystals
The tendencies of elem ents to form m inerals are m can be used to estim ate the tem perature of form ation of
ost clearly displayed during the crystallization of a cooling certain m inerals. For example, th e concentration of Fe2+
magma. Therefore, G oldschm idts rules prim arily apply in sphalerite (Fe, ZnS) increases with the tem perature
during this process, which was thought to so rt the ions provided that enough iron was available to saturate the
according to their size and charge. Those ions th at do not spha lerite (K ullerud, 1959).
fit into the m ajor rock-form ing m inerals are said to be in
c o m pa tib le and therefore accum ulate in the residual m The second rule applies to substitution of ions of sim
agm a. Consequently, the incom patible elem ents are ilar size but having different charges. W hen th e charge
concentrated in late-stage differentiates of magmas, difference is greater than one, substitu
including aplite dikes, pegm atites, and hydrotherm al tion is limited because of the difficulty in m ain
veins. The elem ents in this category include K +, R b +, C taining electrical neutrality. C harge deficiencies
s+, Sr2+, B a2+, the rare earth elem ents (R E E ), Z r4+, H th at result from substitution of ions of unequal
f 4 +,N b 5 +,Ta5 +,T h4+, and U 4+. A ll of these elem ents charge m ust be com pensated by a second substitu tion
ultim ately associate them selves with rocks com posed of involving an ion having a different charge. This process of
silicate m iner als and, for that reason, are also referred to coupled substitution contributes to the diversification of
as the large ion lithophile (LIL) group. chemical com positions of m any minerals. A n alternative
to coupled substitu tion displayed by the clay m inerals is
adsorption of ions on the charged surfaces of small
G oldschm idts rules w ere critically review ed by m crystals.
any geochem ists, including Shaw (1953) and Burns and The third rule describes the effect of the ionic
Fyfe (1967). The rules are at best a first potential on the relative strengths of ionic bonds of ions
approxim ation to which there are m any excep com peting for the sam e site. Ions having a higher ionic
tions th at arise because the replacem ent of one potential (charge/radius ratio) form a stronger bond than
ion by another is generally site-specific, especially in com their com petitors and are therefore preferentially
plex com pounds. The problem is m agnified because the incorporated into the crystal. Similarly, com peting ions
ionic radii, used as a criterion in G oldschm idts rules, with lower ionic potentials are discrim inated against and
depend on the site w here the replacem ent takes place. In are ini tially excluded from crystals forming from a m agm
spite of these lim ita tions, G oldschm idts rules still serve a. Consequently, ions with high ionic poten tials are
a useful p u r pose by identifying som e of the m ajor concentrated in early-form ed crystals in a cooling magma,
factors that m ust be considered in the possible replacem w hereas those with low ionic potentials are concentrated
ent of ions in crystals form ing in a cooling m agm a or in the residual magma and enter late-form ing crystals.
from an aqueous solution.
the relatio n sh ip betw een
A ccording to the In this case, the m inor in o rd er to preserve the th e ionic potentials of
fourth rule, a m inor ion elem ent does not form its electrical neutrality of the cations and the stren g th
can replace a m ajor ion own m inerals but is hidden in the
crystal crystals
lattice. of the bonds they form w
only if their another elem ent. Cam ouflage is displayed ith anions. This
electronegativi ties are Z r4+ (0.80 ) and H f4 Admission involves relationship m anifests
similar. W hen two m inor +(0.79 A ) because the entry of a itself in som e cases in th e
ions th at are sim ilar in hafnium rarely form s its foreign ion that has m elting tem p eratu res o f
size and charge com pete own minerals and is a lower ionic the com pounds they
always present in the m potential than the form . For exam ple, the M
for the sam e site, the one
ineral zircon (Z rS i0 4). major ion because it g sili
w hose electronegativity is
We could say that zircon has either a lower cate fo rsterite (M g2 S i0 4) has a h
m ore sim ilar to that of
crystals do not distinguish charge or a larger tem p eratu re (1910 C) th an th e F
the m ajor ion is preferred
between Z r4+ and H f4+ radius, or both. alite (Fe2 S i0 4), w hich m elts at 1503
because the bonds are m
m inerals form a solid solution k
ore com patible. ions and accept both with
m ineral olivine ((M g, F e ) 2 S i0 4)
equal ease.
The occurrence of R b + in lizes from cooling m agm
We see th at G
K -feldspar and other as of basaltic com posi
oldschm idts rules of Capture takes place tion . E arly form ed olivine is enrich
substitu tion provide when a minor potassium m inerals is an
fo rsterite (M g) end m em ber, w her
criteria for predicting the element enters a exam ple of admission
form ing at low er tem p
extent to which m inor crystal because R b + (1.57 )
eratu res is enriched in the
elem ents can replace m preferentially has a sm aller ionic
fayalite (Fe) end m em
ajor ele m ents in the m because it has a potential than K + (1.46
ber. A possible
inerals they form . A s a higher ionic ). O ther exam ples are
explanation is that early
result, we can predict how potential than the the replace m ent of Ca2+
form ed olivine captures
m inor elem ents distribute ions of the major (1.08 ) by Sr2+ (1.21 A )
Mg2+ (0.67 A)
th em selves w hen m element. in calcite, and the
in favor of Fe2+ (0.74 A ) because
inerals crystallize from a substitution of Cl- (1.72
ionic p o ten tial (A hrens, 1952).
cooling m agm a or from a E xam ples of capture A ) by B r (1.88 ) in
feldspar an o rth ite (C aA l2 Si2 O g)
supersaturated aqueous occur in the form ation of chlorides. T he extent to
m elting tem p eratu re than albite (
solu tion. Som e elem feldspar crystals, which m which ions are adm itted
presum ably because C
ents are selectively ay capture B a2+ (1.44 into a particular lattice site
a2+ (1.08 A ) has a higher
concentrated into the solid ) or Sr2+ (1.21 ) in decreases as the differ
ionic p o ten tial th an N a + (1.10 A
phase, whereas others rem place of K + (1.46 A ). A s ence in the radii of com
1952). A s a result, early -form ed p
ain in the liquid phase. a result, the peting ions increases. For
The different ways in concentrations of these example, I (2.13 )
which the ions elem ents in the residual replaces C1 (1.72 A )
m agm a decrease during much less than B r (1.88
of m inor elem ents are p a rtitioned
th e crys tallization of K A ) and B a2+ (1.44 A ) is
solid and liquid phases are described by
-feldspar. H ow ever, the less abundant in calcite
term s th at form the heading of rep
this section.
lace m ent of th e than Sr2+ (1.21 A).
univalent K + ion by a Evidently, adm ission of
foreign ions into the
Camouflage occurs divalent ion requires a
crystal of a m ajor elem
when the minor coupled substitution of A
ent is ultim ately
element has the l3+ for Si4+
controlled by the size
same charge and a
criteri on expressed in G
similar ionic radius
oldschm idts first rule.
as the major
element it is
H ie third ru le m
akes a statem en t about

Table 8.1 C lassificatio n o f S ilicate M inerals B ased o n T h e ir S tru c tu re s as Illu stra te d in

F ig u re 8.1

Shared Silicate S i/O Examples

Class corners anion
Neso 0 sioy 1 :4 fayalite Fe2S i04

Soro 1 si2o r 2 :7 akermanite Ca2MgSi20 7

Cyclo 2 S iO t 1:3 benitoite BaTiSi3OCJ
Ino single 2 sior 1:3 enstatite MgSiO,
Ino double 2j si4o?7 4:11 anthophyllite Mg7(Si40 11)2(0H ):
Phyllo 3 s.2o r 2 :5 kaolinite A l2Si20 5(0 H )4
Tekto 4 S i02 1 :2 quartz S i0 2
tetrahedron . The Si O discrete form because the
bonds are about 50% lattice extends contin
covalent based on the uously in all directions. H
initially enriched in difference in their rings, chains, double owever, the form ula of
calcium relative to sodium electronegativities. Each chains, sheets, and three- the alum inosilicate anion
. The ionic potential by O atom at the corner of a dim ensional netw orks
allows us to recognize
itself, how ever, is n o t a tetrahedron has an listed in Table 8.1 and
that the replacem ent of
reliable p redictor of the m unpaired electron in a illus trated in Figure 8.1.
one out of every four Si
elting tem peratures of hydridized p -orbital that The feldspars are
atom s by A l3+ causes a
solid com pounds and the can form ionic bonds with tektosilicates charge im balance of - 1
exam ples presented above cations in orthosili cates, composed of a three-
are m ore the exception such as M g2 S i0 4, Fe2 S dim ensional netw ork
than the rule (Burns and i0 4, or Li4 S i0 4. The of silica tetrahe
Fyfe, 1967). silica tetrah ed ra can also dra linked at their corners. In this
form bonds with each the two unpaired electrons of O
other by sharing O atom s bonds with different Si
at the corners to form atoms and thereby link
8.3 Coupled the tetrahedra together. W
Substituti hen all of the O atoms
are shared in this m anner,
on: Key ow ns only half of each of
to the located at the corners of)
its tetrahedron. Therefore,
Feldspars in a three-dim ensional
W hen the ion of a m ajor netw ork the ratio of Si to
elem ent is replaced by a O is reduced from 1 : 4 to
foreign ion having a 1 : 2 and its form ula is S
different charge, the i0 2.
electri cal neutrality of the
crystal m ust be preserved This fram ew ork of
by a com plem entary linked silica tetrahedra can
substitution elsewhere in adm it a lim ited num ber
the crystal lattice. This of A l3+ ions in place of
phenom enon helps to Si4+. The substitution is
explain the chemical restricted because in
diversity of silicate m fourfold coordination A
inerals such as the l3+ (0.47 A ) is signifi
feldspars, zeolites, and cantly larger than Si4+
micas. (0.34 ) and actually vio
Silicate m inerals lates G oldschm idts first
contain a fram ew ork of rule. O n the other hand,
sili ca tetrahedra linked the radius ratio of A l3+ to
together to form different O 2- is 0.36, which allows
kinds of structures. The it to have a coordination
silicate anion (S iO ^ ) num ber of 4 like
form s a tetrahedron in
which the Si atom is locat Si4+, whose radius ratio
ed in the center and is Figure 7.4). As a result, one in
bonded to the four O replaced to form the
atoms that occupy the AlSijOg. This anion does
corners of the not actually exist in
in the lattice. This excess negative charge is n eu tralized
by th e introduction of N a + or K +. The resulting com
pounds are know n to us as the alkali feldspars:

A"IX K A lSi3 0 8 N aA lSi3 0 8

orthoclase, microcline albite
W hen two out of four Si atom s are replaced

by A l3+, the alum inosilicate anion has a

charge of - 2 , which is neutralized by the
addition of Ca2+ or B a2+ to form:
C aA l2 Si2 O s B aA l2 Si2 O s

anorthite celsian

A lbite and anorthite form a solid solution known as

plagioclase, which is subdivided into six m iner al species,
depending on the m olar concentrations of albite (A b) or
anorthite (An).

Mineral Ab, % An, %

Albite 100-90 0-10

Oligoclase 90-70 10-30

Andesine 70-50 30-50
Labradorite 50-30 50-70
Bytownite 30-10 70-90
Anorthite 10-0 90-100

The series is divided into 20% increm ents of A b or A n,

except at the ends, w here the increm ents
are 10% . The nam es of the plagioclase series
can be rem em bered by noting that the first let
ters spell the nam e of the fictitious geochem ist
A . O. A lba.

8.4 Distribution Coefficients and

Figure 8.1 Two-
G oldschm idts rules
dimensional networks of
silica tetrahe-dra provide a rational basis
connected in different for predicting how m
ways by sharing oxygen inor elem ents m ay
atoms at their corners, (a)
Nesosilicates, (b) enter crystals form ing
sorosilicates, (c) from a cooling m elt or
cyclosilicates, (d) from an aqueous
inosilicates (single chain),
(e) inosili-dates (double solution. T hese effects
chain), and (f) are described
phyllosilicates. The qualitatively
tektosili-cate structure,
consisting of a three-
as cam ouflage, capture,
dimensional network of How ever, words alone are
tetrahedra in which all describe the partitioning of
four oxygen atoms are
shared, is not shown. More
details are given in Table

betw een crystals and the liquid from which they E quation 8.3 indicates that the ratio of the con
form ed. centrations of the trace elem ent y in m inerals A
We therefore define the distribution coeffi and B is equal to a constant K, which is equal to
cient (D ): the ratio of the distribution coefficients of y in
Cx those m inerals at the tem perature of form ation.
(8.1) In principle, the tem perature dependence of
D =c'
the distribution coefficients of a trace elem ent in
w here C* is the concentration of a m inor elem ent different m inerals can be determ ined experim en
in the crystal (x) of a m ineral and C 1 is the con tally. The tem perature of form ation of rock sam
centration of that elem ent in the liquid (1 ) from ples can then be determ ined from the ratio of the
which the crystal form ed under equilibrium con m easured concentrations of the selected trace
ditions. The distribution coefficient of a particular elem ent in these two m inerals (M cIntyre, 1963).
elem ent in a specific m ineral m ay be > 1 , < 1 , or Consider, for exam ple, the replacem ent of
= 1. T he m agnitude of D is related to the verbal Z n2+ (0.68 , fourfold coordination) in spha
descriptors as follows: lerite (ZnS) and Pb2+ (1.26 , sixfold coordina
D> 1 capture tion) in galena by Cd2+ (0.88 , fourfold
coordination, 1.03 A, sixfold coordination). The
D< adm ission electronegativities of the three elem ents are simi
D= 1 cam ouflage lar and the bonds they form with sulfur are about
85 % covalent. A n experim ental study by B ethke
The num erical values of D m ust be determ ined and B arton (1971) indicated th at Cd is strongly
experim entally in the laboratory or by analysis of partitioned into sphalerite (sp) coexisting with
natural systems in which both crystals and liquid galena (gn) betw een 600 and 800 C and th at the
can be sampled. tem perature dependence of the distribution coef
T he observed distribution of trace elem ents ficients is given by:
in crystals can be used to estim ate th e tem p era (2080 - 0.0264P)
ture of form ation of coexisting m inerals. R ecall lo g tf(C d ) = - 1.08 (8.4)
th a t the extent of substitution is tem p eratu re
d ep en d en t because crystals becom e m ore to le r where:
ant of foreign ions as the tem p eratu re increases. r vn
T herefore, distribution coefficients are, in g en er K (C d) =
al, tem p eratu re d ep en d en t and are also affected - f 2 for Cd
by the com positions of th e liquid and th e crys C= concentration of CdS in weight percent
tals, as well as by pressure. If two m inerals A and
B coprecipitate or crystallize from the sam e absolute tem perature in kelvins
solution or m agm a, a m inor elem en t (y) can P = pressure in atm ospheres
e n te r b oth m inerals A and B at a p articu lar te m
The relationship betw een P'(C d) and the tem
peratu re . The distribution coefficients of ele
m ent y are: p eratu re is found to be highly nonlinear w hen
cx equation 8.4 is plotted in linear coordinates in
and B= ( ^) ( 8 .2 ) Figure 8.2. H ow ever, in coordinates of log K (y-
C1/ coordinate) and 1 /T (x -coordinate) equation 8.4
W/A is a straight line in the slope-intercept form:
T he ratio of the distribution coefficients for ele
m ent y is: y=mx+b (8.5)

(COnStant) The slope m = 2080 - 0.0264P and the intercept

on the y-axis is b = -1 .08 . The pressure can be dis-

^= =
incorporated into spha planetesim als, by com
lerite rather than galena, 8.5 Geoche pression caused by the
whereas the order of gravitational contraction of
preference for Se2- is mical the E arth, by the m
galena, chalcopyrite, and Classific igration of dense phases
sphalerite, listed in order tow ard the center of the E
of decreasing preference. ation of arth, and by the decay of
The applicability of the the radioac tive isotopes of
these trace elem ent geo U, Th, and K, which were
therm om eters is lim ited Element m ore abundant at the tim e
by the requirem ent that s of form ation of the E arth
the m inerals m ust have 4.5 x 109 years ago than
The geochem ical
form ed at the same tem they are today and th ere
classification of the elem
perature from the same fore generated m ore heat
ents is based on the way in
solution under equilibri than they do at present. A
which the elem ents
um conditions and that lthough the E arth does not
Te actually distribute them
interfering effects caused actually contain a sul fide
mp selves betw een different
era by the presence of other shell, G oldschm idts
kinds of liquids and a gas
tur ions or pressure varia geochemical classification
phase. D uring the sm
e, tions w ere either negligible still conveys useful inform
elting of oxide and sulfide
C serious lim itations because ation about the tenden cies
ores th ree different liquids
precipitate sequentially of the elem ents to enter
Figure 8.2 are encountered th at are
Geothermometer based on
ously, which m eans that liquids of different com
immiscible in each other
the distribution of CdS not necessarily form position or to be
and th at segregate into
between sphalerite and from the sam e solution. concentrated in the gas
layers depending on their
galena (equation 8.4). The phase.
density. These liquids are
constant K is the ratio of
the concentrations of CdS com posed of m olten Fe,
The inform ation on
in sphalerite and galena in m olten sulfides (m atte),
which this classification is
weight percent. The curve and m olten silicates (slag).
based cam e from the
implies that the Cd content G oldschm idt and his study of m eteorites and
of sphalerite decreases contem poraries con from
rela tive to that of galena sidered it likely th at th e E the sm elting of the K upferschiefer ore
with increasing arth was initially com
temperature of formation slate) at M ansfeld in Germ any. M
pletely m olten and th at fragm ents of larger parent bodies tha
of these minerals. The solid
these liquids separated betw een the orbits of M ars and Jupiter
part of the line is based on
from each other under the
the experimental data of 1962) (see Table 3.2).
Bethke and Barton (1971). influence of gravity to
form an Fe core, a sulfide
Som e of the parent
The dashed line is an
extrapolation of those layer, and a silicate layer in bodies were large
data. the interior of the E arth . enough to retain
The gases form ed the atm sufficient heat for m
osphere, which elting and differentiated
regarded for low values of subsequently produced the
into m etallic Fe, silicate
m om eters studied by Bethke hydrosphere by
are based on the condensation of w ater rocks, and sulfide m
distributions of M n (600- vapor. inerals. The parent
800 C)
bodies w ere
and Se (390-595 C) betw een sphalerite, galena,
and chalcopyrite. The results indicate than M n2+,
subsequently broken up
The heat required for
like Cd2+, is m elting was provided by
by tides caused by the
preferentially the im pacts of the gravitational fields of
Jupiter and M ars and
by collisions am ong
them selves. The rem
nants of the
parent bodies still occupy the space betw een M ars (group IIA ), the halogens (group V IIA ), as well as

and Jupiter. Fragments resulting from collisions B, Al, O, Si, and som e of the transition m etals such
am ong them continue to be deflected into E arth - as Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, and som e of their congeners.
crossing orbits and impact on the E arth as m ete The noble gases, H, and N m ake up the a tm o p h ile
orites. Goldschmidt, as well as Ida and W alter group.
N oddack in Berlin, analyzed the m etallic, sulfide, T here are a few surprises in this classification.
and silicate phases of many m eteorites and d eter For example, O is lithophile rather than atmophile,
m ined from the results how the elem ents had been and C, as well as P, dissolves in m etallic Fe in the
partitioned into the three immiscible liquids dur absence of O. Thallium is a chalcophile elem ent
ing the geochemical differentiation of the parent although it com m only substitutes for K + in silicate
bodies of m eteorites (N oddack and N oddack, minerals. We note also that Au, Sn, and M o are
1930). The inform ation derived from the study of siderophile, and presum ably have been carried
m eteorites was consistent with the chem ical com away by metallic Fe to form the core of the E arth.
positions of the silicate slag, F e -C u sulfide m atte, The same is true for Co and Ni, which occur as sul
and m etallic Fe, all of which form during the fides in ore deposits but prefer liquid Fe when
sm elting of ore. given a choice. O n the other hand, Ti, Cr, and Mn,
The resulting classification of the elem ents in which are com m only associated with Fe in igneous
Table 8.2 contains four groups th at G oldschm idt rocks, are not siderophile but lithophile elements.
nam ed siderophile (iron liquid), chalcophile (sul
fide liquid), lithophile (silicate liquid), and 8.6 .Summary
a tm o p h ile (gas phase). N ote th at several elem ents
occur in m ore than one group and that such sec The ions of different elem ents can substitute for
ondary affinity is indicated by parentheses. In gen each other provided their radii, charges, and elec
eral, we see from Figure 8.3 th at the elem ents in tronegativities are similar. In addition, they must
group V IIIB are siderophile together with C, Mo, be com patible with the lattice site in term s of
Au, Ge, Sn, and P. The congeners of groups IB and their radius ratios and coordination numbers.
IIB are joined by the elem ents G a, In, TI, Pb, As, G oldschm idts rules provide a rational basis for
Sb, and Bi, as well as by S, Se, and Te, to form the understanding the distribution of trace elem ents
chalcophile group. The lithophile elem ents include but do n o t give enough em phasis to the character
the alkali m etals (group IA ), alkaline earths of the site of replacem ent in the crystal lattice.

Table 8.2 G e o c h e m ic al C la ssific a tio n o f th e E le m e n ts 3

Siderophile Chalcophile Lithophile Atmophile
Fe, Co, Ni Cu, Zn, Ga Li, Be, B, (C), , O, F H, He

Ru, Rh, Pd Ag, Cd, In Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, , Cl (C), N, (O), Ne
Os, Ir, Pt Hg, TI K, Ca, (Ga), (Ge), , , Br Ar, Kr, Rn
plus plus Rb, Sr, , I
Mo, Re, Au (Ge), As, S Cs, Ba, (TI), plus
(W), and (Sn), Sb, Se Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, (Fe)
C, P, Ge Pb, Bi, Te Y, Zr, Nb
Sn, (As), (Pb) and (Cr), (Fe) La, Hf, Ta, W
(Mo) REE, Th, , U, and
"The elements in parentheses occur primarily in another class.
8.6 SUMMARY 107

II----------------------------A G r o u p s -------------------------- III IV V VI VII VIII

Siderophile C h alco p h ile Lithophile

Atm ophile N onexistent

Figure 8.3 Geochemical classification of the elements in the periodic table.The classification is based on the way the
elements distribute themselves between an iron liquid (siderophile), a sulfide liquid (chalcophile), a silicate liquid
(lithophile), and a gas phase (atmophile).
The extent to which tion of the feldspars and of
replacem ent of ions takes other aluminosilicate m
CRYSTALS from the chem ical com
place is described by the ineral groups.
terms camouflage, capture, The distribution positions of m eteorites
and admission. Trace elem coefficient is a quantitative m etallic Fe, transition m and from m etallurgical
ents whose ions closely m easure of ionic etal sulfides, and silicates. studies in th e smelting of
resem ble those of m ajor substitution. The num The geochem ical sulfide and oxide ores.
elements in terms of size, erical val ues of classification of the elem
charge, and distribution coefficients ents, which is based on
electronegativity are cam must be d ete r m ined this phenom enon, was
ouflaged in the crystals experim entally as a derived
formed by the major function of tem perature,
elements. Trace elem ents chem ical compositions of
that are captured during liquids and crystals, and of
the crystalliza tion of a pressure. The distribution
magma are concentrated of trace elem ents betw
into early-formed crystals een two coexisting m
and are depleted in the inerals th at form ed under
residual liquid. Ions that equilibrium conditions
are adm itted into the from the sam e liquid can
crystals of a m ajor ele m be used to determ ine the
ent are initially enriched in tem p eratu re of form
the residual magma and ation . Such geotherm om
subsequently enter late- eters are of great interest
forming crystals. in geochem istry but their
application is restricted by
Substitution of A l3+ the conditions that m ust
for Si4+ in silicate struc be im posed.
tures causes a charge im
balance in the lattice that
is neutralized by the com The geochem ical
plem entary introduction properties of the elem ents
of certain cations that are are reflected by th eir
com patible with the par distribution betw een a gas
ticular lattice sites. This phase and am ong natural
phenom enon of coupled liquids com posed of
substitution accounts for
the chemical composi

1. Determine the coordination numbers of Ca2+ and 8. The melting temperatures of the fluorides of the
SF+ relative to O2-, and use the result to predict the alkali metals and alkaline earths are listed below. Consider
substitution of Ca2+ by Sr2' in calcite (coordination : 6) the observed variation in terms of both the ionic character
and aragonite (coordinate : 8). of the bonds and the ionic potentials. How should the
melting temperatures vary according to Goldschmidts
2. Predict whether Hg2+ can replace Sr2+ in the min rules? Which compounds conform to this prediction and
eral strontianite (SrC03). which do not?
3. Explain the formula of leucite (feldspathoid,
KAlSi20 6) in terms of coupled substitution.
Com pound temperature C
4. Examine the formula of the feldspathoid sodalite LiF 845
(Na8A l6Si60 24Cl2) and explain it on the basis of cou pled
substitution. NaF 993
KF 858
5. Silver (A g+) is a common trace element in galena
where it replaces Pb2+. Identify the ion of a chalcophile RbF 795
element that is best suited to enter galena with A g+ in a CsF 682
coupled substitution. BeF2 800 (sublimes)
6. Lithium (Li+) andMg2+ have similar radii and elec MgF2 1261
tronegativities, yet Li+ does not replace Mg2+ in olivine. CaF2 1423
Explain the reason for this occurrence and suggest anoth SrF2 1573
er host mineral for Li+ in which it does replace Mg2+. BaF2 1355
7. Zircon crystals (ZrSi04) commonly admit urani um
(U4+) but strongly exclude Pb. Deduce the valence of Pb in
magma from this observation.
A H R E N S , L. H ., 1952. The use M a s o n , B., 1962. Meteorites.
of ionization potentials Part 1. Wiley, New York, 274 pp.
Ionic M C I N T Y R E , W. L., 1963. Trace
radii of the elements. element partition coefficients
Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 2:155. a review of theory and
B E T H K E , P. M., and P. B. B A R T applications to geology.
O N , J R ., 1971. Distribution
of some minor elements Cosmochim. Acta, 27:1209-
between coexisting sulfide
N O D D A C K , I., and W. N O D D A C K ,
1930. Die Hufigkeit der
Econ. Geol., 66:140-163.
chemischen Elemente.
B U R N S , R. G., and W. S. F Y F E , Naturwissenschaften,
1967.Trace element 18:757-764.
distribution rules and their P A U L IN G , L., 1927. The sizes of
significance. Chem. Geol., ions and the structure of
2:89-104. ionic crystals, J. Amer.
G O L D S C H M ID T , V. M., 1937. The Chem. Soc., 49:765-790.
principles of distribution R IN G W O O D , A . E ., 1955. T h e p
of chemical elements in rin c ip le s g o v e rn in g tra c e
minerals and rocks. J. e le m e n t d is trib u tio n d u
Chem. Soc. London, rin g m a g m a tic cry stalliza tio
1937:655-673. n.
K U L L E R U D , G., 1959. Sulfide Geochim. Cosmochim.
systems as geological Acta, 7:189-202.
thermome S H A W , D .M ., 1953 .T h e c am o u
ters. In P. H. A
fla g e p rin c ip le a n d tra c e e
(Ed.), Researches in le m e n t d is trib u tio n in m a g
m a tic m in erals . J. Geol.,
vol. 1,301-335. Wiley, New 61:142 -151 .
York, 511 pp.

Im portant chemical reactions occur at the surface of the E arth when m inerals are exposed to w
ater, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. The principles th at govern such reac tions can be used to explain the
interactions of ions in aqueous solutions and to con
strain the stabilities of solid com pounds with which the ions are in equilibrium . The
inform ation derivable from such studies is conveniently presented in graphical form
because E arth Scientists are accustom ed to using m aps and diagram s in their work.
Acids and Bases
Chemical reactions in nature commonly take place in the H owever, we deliberately added a larger quanti ty of salt
presence of water, which acts as the m edium within to the beaker than will dissolve in the w ater it contains.
which ions and molecules can interact. W hen two ions or As soon as the solid NaCl comes in contact
m olecules approach each other closely, they have an with the w ater in the beaker, it begins to dissolve
opportunity to establish a bond betw een them . W hen
and the concentration of N a+ in the w ater
they do so, we say that a chemical reaction has taken
place and a product has form ed. Such chemical reac
increases with time. A fter a few m inutes the N a +
tions are represented by m eans of algebraic equations concentration becom es constant regardless of
that express the balance of masses and charges of the how long we continue the experim ent. A t this
reactants and products. We use such equations to tim e the beaker still contains som e solid NaCl
understand chemical reactions in nature, and therefore that did not dissolve in the water. In order to interpret the
need to develop the skill of writing and interpreting results of this experim ent we turn to Figure 9.1, which is
them . For this reason, we begin the third part of this the recorder trace of our experim ent.
book with a very simple exercise.
We see that the N a+ concentration increased rapidly
at first but eventually leveled out and becam e constant.
W hen no m ore NaCl would dis solve in the w ater at the
tem perature and pressure of the experim ent, the solution
9.1 Chemical Reactions and becam e saturated with respect to NaCl. W hen we
Equilibria reached that con dition, the reaction achieved a state of
equilibrium in which the rate of solution of NaCl is equal
In order to understand how chemical reactions to the rate at which it precipitate s. Therefore, at equi
work we first consider what happens when sodi librium the am ount of excess solid NaCl and the
um chloride is dissolved in pure w ater at room concentrations of N a+ and Cl- ions in the saturat ed
tem perature and atm ospheric pressure. The solution are invariant with respect to time. Once the
apparatus consists of a beaker containing contin uously reaction reaches equilibrium, it stops being productive
stirred water, into which is placed an ion-sensitive because the forward and back ward reactions are
electrode capable of m easuring the concentration of N a+ occurring simultaneously and at the same rates. We can
ions. The electrode is con nected to a strip-chart recorder indicate this condition by means of equations. A t
operating at a known chart speed. We ignore all practical equilibrium the forward reaction:
limi tations and com plications and concentrate our
attention entirely on the events that occur when
N aCl(s) ^ N a+ + Cl (9.1)
we place a quantity of solid NaCl into the and the backw ard reaction:
w ater in the beaker. The results of this experi
m ent are entirely predictable based on past N a + + CI N aCl(s) (9.2)
experience: the salt will dissolve in the water.
expressed by an equation The reaction we used
is in a state of equilibrium changes in the physical in our experim ent
. and chemical conditions, it involves the dissociation
O ur experim ent responds by reestablishing of a solid into ions.
illustrates the im portant a new state of equilib Therefore, in this reaction
point that chemical rium . This property of no chemical bonds are
reactions have a natural chemical reactions was actually form ed by close
ten dency to progress tow expressed by H enry Le encounters betw een ions
ard equilibrium . In order Chtelier in 1888 in these or molecules. We chose
to reach this condition th e words: A ny change in one that reaction mainly
reactants are consum ed of the variables that because it is familiar to all
and products are form ed determ ine the state of a of us. A nother reaction
such th at the am ounts of system in equilibrium that is familiar to
both change with time. causes a shift in the geologists is the decom
We can think of this dise position of equilibrium in position of calcium
quilibrium condition as a direction that tends to carbonate by hydrochloric
Figure 9.1 Increase of the
concentration of Na+ with the active m ode of a reac counteract the change in acid. This reac tion can be
time after the addition of tion. A fter a reaction has the variable under represented by the
solid NaCl to pure water reached equilibrium it consideration (M oore, following equation:
at 25 C. This experiment becom es inactive in the 1955, pp. 79-80). In other
illustrates the point that sense th at the am ounts of
+ 2 HC1 - words,
Ca2+ +when
2 C1a+reaction
H zO + Cat 0 2 (9.4)
chemi cal reactions reactants and products per equilibrium is disturbed, it
progress toward a state of unit w eight or unit reestablishes equilibri um
equilibrium in which the volume of w ater becom e The carbon dioxide that is
by counteracting the
concentrations of produced escapes in the
constant. In fact, w hen a disturbance. This is the
reactants and products are
chemical reaction at essence of Le Chteliers form of bubbles when the
invariant with time. In this
equilibrium is disturbed principle. This principle reaction is carried out in
illustration the reaction
reaches equilibrium when by will be very useful in the contact with the atm
the solution becomes interpretation of equa osphere. U nder these
saturat ed with respect to tions representing conditions the reaction
NaCl. While reactions are chemical reactions. cannot reach equilibrium
at disequi librium they because the C 0 2 does not
effectively convert O ur experim ent accum ulate. Therefore,
reactants into products leads us also to understand the reaction will continue
When reactions reach
the m eaning of the in the direction indicat ed
equilibrium, the rate at
concept of solubility, by the arrow in equation
which products are
converted back to which is defined as the am 9.4 until either the HC1 or
reactants equals the for ount of a com pound th at the C a C 0 3 is used up. In
ward reaction rate and, as dis solves to form a this case, the reaction is
a result, the net change in saturated solution. prevented from reaching
the concentrations of Therefore, in order to m equilibrium and instead
reactants and products is easure or calculate the runs to completion.
zero. solubility of a com pound
the reaction by which it
occur at the same rates. dissolves m ust be at
equilibrium . This is an im
We represent this state by
portant point to which we
m eans of double arrows:
will return when we
N a C l( s ) ^ N a + + Cl discuss solubility
That is, double arrows calculations.
mean that the reaction

Here we encounter the first of many differ ences The rate of the forw ard reaction is:
between geochemistry and chemistry. In the chemistry v f = /cf(A )(B ) (9.6)
laboratory the dissolution of C a C 0 3 by HCl can be
and the rate of th e backw ard reaction is:
carried out in such a way that the COz cannot escape. In
this case, the reaction will achieve equilibrium and excess = k b(C )(D ) (9.7)
C a C 0 3 and H C l will then coexist without appearing to
w here (A ), (B), (C), and (D ) are the m olar
react with each other. However, when this reaction occurs
under natural conditions, it does not achieve equilibrium am ounts or concentrations of the com pounds or elem
because the CO z escapes into the atm osphere. Similarly, ents sym bolized by A, B, C, and D and k f and
chemical reactions on the surface of the E arth may not
k b are proportionality constants. A t equilibrium
achieve equilibrium because some of the prod ucts v f = v b. Therefore:
continually escape either because they are gases or
kf(A )(B ) = k b(C )(D ) (9.8)
because ions and molecules are carried away by the
movement of groundwater. which can be rew ritten as:

kf (9.9)
A nother reason why some reactions in nature fail to (C )(D ) = K
achieve equilibrium is th at their reaction rates are slow.
kh (A )(B )
This is especially true of reactions involving the transform
ation of a solid com pound into another solid. Such w here K is the equilibrium constant. In the gener al case
reactions require a com plex chain of events and their of a reaction at equilibrium represented by:
rates are deter m ined by the slowest or the rate-determ aA+bB^cC+dD (9.10)
ining step in the process. However, we will see th at the the Law of M ass Action, first form ulated by
fail ure of some reactions in nature to achieve equi librium
does not diminish the im portance of this condition as an G uldberg and W aage in 1863, takes the form:
aid to understanding the geo chem istry of the surface of K (9.11)
the E arth . (CT(D)d =
(A )fl(B )
w here a, b, c, and d are the m olar coefficients
taken from a balanced equation representing the reaction,
9.2 The Law of Mass Action and (A ), (B), (C), and (D ) are the con centrations of
reactants and products of the reac tion at equilibrium . The
The alchem ists originally believed that chemical reactions left side of equation 9.11 is the reaction quotient, which
occur becuse certain elem ents and com pounds love each changes continu ously as a reaction proceeds tow ard
other. R o b ert Boyle expressed reservations about this equilibrium .
idea in 1661 and Claude Louis de B erthollet pointed out W hen a reaction has achieved equilibrium, the
about 150 years later that the direction of chem ical concentrations of reactants and products do not change
reactions can be reversed by adding excess am ounts of and the reaction quotient becom es a con stant know n as
one of
the equilibrium constant K (M oore, 1955).
the products (M oore, 1955). The apparent
reversibility of chemical reactions ultim ately led A lthough it is true that at equilibrium the rate
to the conclusion that reactions achieve a state of of the forw ard reaction is equal to that of the
equilibrium w hen the rate of forw ard reaction is equal to backw ard reaction, the Law of Mass A ction
the rate of the backw ard reaction . For a simple reaction expressed in equation 9.11 cannot be derived from
such as: kinetics. The reason is th at chem ical reactions con sist of
sequences of discrete steps occurring at their own rates.
Therefore, the overall rate of a
reaction is not necessarily a linear function of the m olar tant in very dilute solutions and vanishes at infinite
concentrations of reactants and products, but m ay vary as dilution when y = 1.0. We will treat the activity coefficient
the square, the cube, or even the square root of the as a dimensionless num ber, which enables us to express
concentrations. T herefore, the Law of M ass A ction was activities in the same units as concentration.
initially stated only as a generalization of experim ental
results and did not have the force of a scientific law. It The units of concentration of ions and m ole cules in
turns out, how ever, th at the Law of Mass A ction can be aqueous solutions are based on am ounts expressed in m
derived from the first and second laws of therm odynam ics oles but differ in term s of weight or volum e of solvent or
for reactions am ong ideal gases at equilibrium . In order to solution.
apply it to reactions am ong ions and m ol ecules in
Molality (m) is the number of moles of solute per kg
aqueous solutions we m ust replace their m olar
of water.
concentrations by their activities. The activ ity a of an ion
Formality (F) is the number of moles of solute per kg
in solution is related to its m olar concentration c by the
of solution.
activity coefficient y such that:
Molarity (M) is the number of moles of solute per
liter of solution.
Normality (N) is the number of equivalent weights of
a = yc (9.12) solute per liter of solution.
The activity coefficients correct the m olar con
The m olarity and norm ality are expressed in terms of
centration of ions for the interference by other ions in real volumes of solution, whereas m olality and for mality are
solutions. In m ost cases, the values of activity coefficients based on weight of the solvent or solu tion, respectively.
are less than one, which indi cates th at the effective The latter are to be preferred because they are independent
concentration (or activity) of the tem perature, whereas m olarity and normality vary
of ions is less than their actual concentration . with tem per ature because of the expansion of w ater with
N um erical values of activity coefficients can be increasing tem perature. The data in Table 9.1 indi
calculated from the D ebye -H ckel theory and
its extensions, which we will discuss later. cate that the volum e of 1 g of w ater increases from
T he Law of M ass A ctio n sta te d in e q u a tion 1.000 13 m L at 0C to 1.043 42 m L at 100C or
9.11 m ust now be restated in term s of activ ities: If a about 4.3% . M oreover, the specific volume of
reactio n rep resen ted by equ atio n 9.10 is at equilibrium , water has a m inim um value of 1.000 00 m L at
then: 3.98C. Therefore, concentrations based on vol umes m
ust specify the tem perature at which the volume was m
[C]c[D ]' = K easured. On the other hand, it is m ore convenient to m
[A)[B]b easure volumes of liquid than it is to weigh them .
where the brackets [ ] symbolize activities, wheras Therefore, both kinds of concentration units are in use.

parentheses ( ) symbolize concentrations of ions and W hen a chem ical reaction betw een a solid and its
molecules. U nfortunately, there is no uniform convention ions and molecules in solution has achieved equilibrium ,
to represent activities. We use brackets for activities and the Law of Mass A ction applies with the following
parentheses for concentrations following the exam ple of conventions:
G arrels and Christ (1965) and K rauskopf (1979), w
hereas Stumm and M organ (1970) used the opposite 1. The activities of ions and molecules must be
convention and D rever (1988) symbolized activities by a expressed in terms of moles but may be referred
low er case a with appropriate subscripts. The difference to a unit weight of solvent (molal ity), a unit of
between activity and concentration is unim por weight of solution (formality), or a unit of volume
of solution (molarity).

Table 9.1 D e n sity a n d S pecific V o lu m e o f solutions in which the ratio of w ater to solute is sig
P u re W a te r F re e o f A ir nificantly reduced. The convention to express the partial
pressures of gases in units of atm ospheres is arbitrary but
T , C D e n sity , g / m L V o lu m e , m L / g
affects the num erical values of equi librium constants.
0 0.99987 1.00013
The tem parature and pressure at equilibrium m ust be
3.98 1.00000 1.00000 specified because equilibri-ium constants vary with tem
5 0.99999 1.00001 perature. The effect of pressure on equilibrium constants is
10 0.99973 1.00027
negligible under Earth-surface conditions.
15 0.99913 1.00087
20 0.99823 1.00177
25 0.99707 1.00293
30 0.99567 1.00434
9.3 Dissociation of Weak Acids
35 0.99406 1.005 97
and Bases
40 0.99224 1.00782
45 0.99025 1.00984 Following the tradition of the Swedish chemist Svante
50 0.98807 1.01207 Arrhenius, we define an acid as a com pound that releases
55 0.98573 1.01447 hydrogen ions when it is dissolved in water. Similarly, a
base is a com pound that releases hydroxyl ions in aqueous
60 0.98324 1.01704
solution. These defini tions are no longer accepted by
65 0.98059 1.01979
chemists who now prefer B rpnsteds definition that an
70 0.97781 1.02269
acid is any sub stance that can donate a proton to another
75 0.97489 1.02575
sub stance and a base is a substance that can accept a
80 0.97183 1.02898
proton . Strictly speaking, protons or hydrogen ions (H +)
85 0.96865 1.03236 cannot exist unattached in w ater and interact with w ater
90 0.96534 1.035 90 molecules to form hydronium ions (H 3 0 +). We adopt the
95 0.96192 1.03958 A rrhenius concept of acids and bases because in
100 0.95838 1.04342 geochemistry we deal only with aqueous solutions of
eletrolytes and we will represent protons as H + regardless
SO U R C E : Weast et al. (1986), p. F-10.
of whether they actually occur in this form.

2. The activities of pure solids and of w ater are equal

to one. Some acids are said to be strong because they release
3. The concentration of gases are expressed as all or m ost of the available hydrogen ions when they are
dissolved in water, w hereas weak acids release only a
partial pressures in atm ospheres.
small fraction of their hydro gen ions. Bases are classified
4. R eactions are assum ed to take place at the
similarly by the extent to which they release hydroxyl ions
standard tem perature (25 C) and pressure ( 1
(O H - ) in aqueous solutions. How ever, the behavior of
atm ) unless otherw ise indicated.
bases is m ore com plicated because som e bases do
The use of m oles as the unit of mass is required not readily dissolve in water. For example,
because chemical reactions result from the interac tions of M g(O H ) 2 is so insoluble in w ater th at it occurs
individual ions or molecules whose num ber per mole is naturally as the m ineral brucite. T herefore, a sat
specified by A vogadros num ber. The convention that u rated solution of brucite has a low concentra
solids and w ater have unit activities eliminates them from tion of O H - even though M g(O H ) 2 is a strong
the equation of the Law of Mass Action. The activity of w base and dissociates extensively into M g2+ and
ater may, however, be less than unity in very concentrated O H - . Som e com m on strong acids and bases are:
Strong acids Strong bases (i.e., y = 1 .0 ) and that an unknow n fraction x

Hydrochloric acid (HC1) hydroxides of alkali dissociated into ions. T herefore, at equilibrium :
[CH 3 C O O H ] = 0.1 - x
Nitric acid (H N 03) hydroxides of alkaline [CH 3 C O O -] = [H +] = x
earths (except Be)
Sulfuric acid (H2S 0 4) CH3COOH Substituting into equation equation 9.16, we note that
lanthanum hydroxide -> C H 3 C O O - 9.15 we obtain a qua K is a very small num ber,
(La(OH)3) + FL dratic equation: which im plies th at only a
(9.14) sm all fraction of the
D issociation reactions = 1.76
The com m on w eak 0.1 x
acids include acetic acid like this one reach equilib
(C H 3 C O O H ), carbonic rium very quickly and are This equation can be
acid (H 2 C 0 3), phosphor then subject to the Law of solved by putting it into
ic acid (H 3 P O 4 ), and Mass Action: the standard form:
silicic acid (H 4 S i0 4). A [H +][CH 3 COQ~ ax2 + bx
m ong the weak bases we which then yields the quadratic formula:
m ention am m onium [CH 3 C O O H ]
hydrox ide (N H 4 O H ), w here K = 1.76 X 10~ 5 at 25 C and -b (b2 -
nickel hydroxide (N i(O small value of K indicates that at x=
H )2), cop p er hydroxide m ost of the acetic acid will rem ain in the undis
(C u (O H )2) and the sociated m olecular form . In ordInerour
to case, we find th at a = 1,
hydroxides of the R E E s tion 9.15 we now specify thatand c = - 1 . 7 6 x l 0 -6 and that
except La. A clear com pound was dissolved in 1 Lyields x l = +1.32 X IO- 3 and
distinction m ust be m ade We discard the negative
betw een the strength of an root of the quadratic
acid or base and its co n equation and conclude
centration. For exam ple, m olar solution of acetic acid contains:
hydrochloric [H +] = 1.32 x
acid rem ains a strong acid even in dilute solu
[CH 3 C O O '] = 1.32 X
tion because it is com pletely dissociated . Sim i
larly, acetic acid rem ains [CH 3 C O O H ] = 0.1 - 1.32
a w eak acid even in a co n The degree of dissociation
cen trated solution because
solution of acetic acid is:
it is only partially 3 2
D- 1 X /

M any elem ents

form hydroxides that can Evidently, acetic acid is
release either H + or O H - a weak acid because
depending on the con only 1.32% of the m
centration of H + in the w olecules in solution are
ater in which they dis
solve. These hydroxides
ed into ions.
are said to be am photeric.
The first application
A m ong the m ore that 20
A ction has already taught us
elem ents w hose hydrox
problem s can result in
ides are am photeric we
equations th at are tedious
find Be, A l, Si, Ti, V, Fe,
to solve. We therefore
Co, Zn, Ag, Au, Sn, Pb,
resolve to m ake approxim
and U.
ations w henever possi ble
in ord er to reduce the
W hen a w eak acid
effort required to work
such as acetic acid is dis
through to the answer. For
solved in water, it example, going back to
dissociates into ions:
acetic acid m olecules will dissociate. Therefore,
progress of chemical reactions th at may be occur ring in
we assume that x 0 . 1and that 0 . 1 x ~ 0 .1 . an aqueous solution and because it can be m easured by
Equation 9.16 now reduces to: eletrical m ethods (Stum m and M organ, 1970). Therefore,
= 1.76 X 10 -5 (9.20) the activity of hydro gen ions is com m only expressed as
the pH value, defined by:
from which it follows im m ediately that:
pH = - lo g 1 0 [H +] (9.25)
x = (1.76 X 10- f ) 1 / 2 = 1.32 X 10- 3 (9.21)
It follows from equation 9.24 that the pH of pure w ater at
Therefore, x really is much less than 0.1 and our assum 25 C is equal to 7.0. W hen the hydrogen
ption was justified. The final result is indis tinguishable ion activity of a solution is greater than
from the value we obtained by solv ing a quadratic 10- 7 m ol/L , its pH is less than 7, and when its
equation. activity is less than 10- 7 m o l/L , the pH is greater th at 7.
A nother lesson we can learn here is that m ost num These statem ents therefore define the p H scale according
erical problem s in geochem istry are based on conceptual to which pH < 7.0 at 25 C indi cates acidic conditions and
m odels whose validity as representa tions of reality is pH > 7.0 indicates basic conditions.
limited. For this reason, it is inappropriate to extend num
erical solutions of problem s to m ore than two or three In conclusion, we can now calculate the pH of
significant figures. Similarly, a difference of 10% betw a 0.1 m olar solution of acetic acid. A ccording to
een approxim ate and exact solutions is acceptable in m equation 9.21, [H +] = 1.32 X 10- 3 m o l/L from which we
any cases. In fact, approxim ate solutions have a special calculate the pH by applying equa tion 9.25:
virtue because they force the investigator to develop som e
insight into a problem before attem pting to solve it.
pH = - lo g (1.32 X 10-3) = 2.88 (9.26)

The hydrogen ions released by the acetic acid affect the

We have seen that acetic acid releases hydro gen ions
activity of hydroxyl ions th at m ust rem ain in equilibrium
w hen it is dissolved in water. However,
with water. Therefore, from equation 9.23:
w ater is itself dissociated into ions:
H 2CT H + + O H " (9.22)
0 -14
[O H "] = 1 x1
1.32 x 10- 3
and the dissociation constant at 25 C is, to a very good
approxim ation, K w = 1 X 1 0 '14. A ccording to eq u atio = 0.757 X 10- 1 1 m o l/L (9.27)
n 9.22, pure w ater contains equal con centrations of The hydroxyl ion activity can be expressed as
hydrogen and hydroxyl ions whose activities are derivable
from the Law of M ass A ction: p O H defined by:
PO H = - lo g 1 0 [O H - (9.28)

[H +][O H ~ -14 (9.23) In the solution of acetic acid pO H = -log(0 .757 x

[h2o] =1 x 10

10- n ) = 11.12. Evidently, it follows from equa

Since [H2O j = 1.0 by convention and since
tion 9.23 that at 25 C:
[H +] = [O H - ], we find that in pure water: p H + pO H = 14.0 (9.29)
[H +] = 1 X 10- 7 m o l/L (9.24)

The activity of hydrogen ions is a useful p ara The dissociation constant of water, like all other
equilibrium constants, varies with tem pera ture, as shown
m eter because it reflects directly or indirectly the in Table 9.2. Therefore, th e neutral
1979). The reactions [H 2
Table 9.2 D isso c ia tio nrapidly
C o n sachieve
ta n t have the sam e S(aq)] =
o f W a te r a t D iffe re n t T equilibrium
e m p e ra tuand
re sthen concentration in both of 0.1 - X
T, C - lo g K w
satisfy the Law of Mass the equi libria in which [H
Action: they occur. However, the +]
0 14.9435 =x
am ount of H + produced
[H +][H S ~] by the first equilibrium
5 14.7338 [HS
10 14.5346 (9.30) is m uch greater ~] =
[ h +][s2 ]
15 14.3463
than th at contributed by x
the second equilibrium
20 [HS] (9.31) because K x is From the Law of Mass A
24 14.0000 ction we obtain:
H ere we encounter for the about 1 million tim es
25 13.9965
first tim e two sim ulta larger than K v
neous equilibria th at have (9.34)
S O U R C E : Weast et al. 0 .1 -
(1986), p.D-164. (H + and H S - ). Obviously, The problem is to x
calculate the activities of
Since K x is a very small
all ionic and m olecular
num ber, we predict that
point of the pH scale is at pH species in a solution con
only a small fraction of H
Actually, the data in Table taining 0.1 mol of H 2S
2 S(aq) will be dissociat
K w = IO- 1 4 0 at 24C and at 25 C it is slightly dissolved in 1 L of pure w
er than this value. ater at 25 C. We will dem ed at equilibrium ,
Several weak acids onstrate two strategies for which justifies the
are capable of yielding solving problem s assum ption
two or m ore hydrogen involving two or m ore th at x 0.1 and that 0.1 - x 0
ions or protons per m simul taneous equilibria: equation 9.34 becomes:
olecule of acid. W hen 7.0

such acids dissolve in w

1. Stepwise solution.
ater they disso ciate from which it follows that
2. Sim ultaneous equations.
stepwise such that each
The stepwise m ethod applies to
step has a different degree [H +] = [HS~] = 10~ 4 0 m ol/L , and pH
of dissociation. M any of weak acids and bases, w heredegree of dissociation of H 2 S(aq) is:
bases behave exactly the constants of successive
same way when they steps differ by orders of m
dissociate in w ater to agnitude. H ow ever, the
form O H ~. In order to use of sim ultaneous
illustrate the application of equations is m ore exact
the Law of Mass Action to and applies to all situa
weak diprotic acids we tions in which several
choose hydrosulfuric acid reactions are involved.
(H 2 S).This com pound is The stepwise m ethod
a gas th at dissolves in w is based on simplifying
ater to form H 2S m assumptions that the
olecules reactions reach
in aqueous solution, represented equilibrium in sequence.
which then dissociate in two steps: Therefore, we turn first to
H 2 S(aq); H + + reaction 9.30 and let x be
H S "; ; H + + the num ber of moles of H
2 S(aq) that dissociate. A t

w here K } = IO- 7 0 and K 2 equilibrium we then have:

io -40 x 100 = . 0 1 % (9.36)
(equation 9.30) in accordance with Le C hteliers
o .i principle. H ow ever, the stepwise solution disre gards this
T herefore, the assum ption that x 0.1 was justi interdependence of sim ultaneous equi libria having com m
on ions.
fied in this case.
The dissociation of H 2 S(aq) can be represent
A certain num ber of HS m olecules dissoci
ed exactly by m eans of sim ultaneous equations
ate fu rth er to form S2- and additional H +. We
derived from applications of the Law of Mass
let y be the num ber of moles of H S - th at dissoci
A ction and from the requirem ent of electrical
ate and set:
neutrality and mass balance. The num ber of equa tions
[HS- ] = 10- 4 - y
required to solve the problem m ust be equal to the num
[H +] = 10- 4 + y ber of unknow n param eters. In this case we have five
unknowns: H 2 S(aq), H S", S2 -, H +, and O H - , and
[S21 = y
therefore we require five equa tions. The first two arise
Then, from the equation 9.33: from the application of the Law of Mass A ction to the two
dissociation equilibria and w ere stated previously as equa
(1 0 - 4 + y )(y ) (9.37)
10' 12.9 tions 9.30 and 9.31. To these we add an equation based on
(10-4 - y)
the dissociation of water:

We again simplify the problem w ith the assum p

[H +][O H - ] = 10" (9.39)
tion th at y . IO- 4 0 and that IO- 4 , 0 + y = IO- 4 0
and IO- 4 0 - y ~ IO-40. It follows th at eq u a Next, we recall th at all sulfur species in the solu tion arise
tion 9.37 reduces to y = 10-129, which confirms by dissociation of H 2 S(aq) whose initial concentration
the validity of the assum ption th at y IO- 4 was 0.1 m ol/L . Therefore:
and indicates th at the degree of dissociation is:
2 (H 2 S) + (H S - ) + (S2-) = 0.1 (9.40)
IO- 1 9 X 100 = 10-6-9% (9.38)
N ote th at the mass balance equation m ust be stat
D >= ^To
1 0 ed in term s of concentrations rather than activi
T hese calculations therefore indicate th a t a ties. However, in dilute solutions the activity
0.1 m olar solution of H 2 S(aq) contains the follow ing coefficients of all ions are close to unity and the
difference betw een activities and concentration
ions and molecules:
therefore vanishes. The fifth equation is derived
[H 2 S] = 0.1 - 10- = 0.1 m o l/L from the requirem ent of electrical neutrality:
0 2'9 0
[H S - ] = IO- 4 - IO- 1 = 10- 4 m o l/L (H +) = 2(S2-) + (H S - ) + (O H - ) (9.41)
0 29 0
[H +] = IO- 4 + 10- 1 = IO- 4 m o l/L
which states that the sum of the positive charges in the
[S2-] = 10- 1 9 m o l/L solution m ust be equal to the sum of the nega tive charges.
The m olar concentration of S2- is m ultiplied by 2
The second dissociation of H 2S contributes only a because each S2- ion contributes two charges. O nce again
negligible am ount of H +, but it provides all of the S2- we see the im portance of A vogadros law because it
ions w hose activity is equal to the value of the second allows us to relate the quantity of an ion or molecule,
dissociation constant. expressed in moles, to the corresponding num ber of ions
The stepw ise m ethod presented above is inexact or molecules.
because it treats the two sim ultaneous equilibria as though We now have five independent equations that express
they were independent of each other. If we look again at relationships among the five unknowns and therefore we
equations 9.30 and 9.31, we can see th at the dissociation can solve the problem . The pro cedure is to express the
of H S - (equation 9.31) causes m ore H 2S to dissociate activities of the ions in term s of one of the ions, and then
to substitute
[H2 S] C d(O H )2 (s) + OH-^Cd(OH)3
these relationships (after and from equation 9.33: which reduces to [H S - ]
K (am photeric)
converting them to con [S2-] = IO- 1 2 -9 = 1 X IO- 4 0 m ol/L .
centrations) into the Evidently, in this The two dissociation steps
Next, we use equation 9.44 to expresscase, the stepwise
equation for electrical neu may be com bined by
trality because that [H S - ]2 /1 0 - 7 0 and substitute approach adding equations 9.52 and
equation contains all of the equation 9.42: yields the sam e results as 9.53. In this operation C d
ions in the solution. We [H S - 1 2 + H Sthe - solution of sim ulta (O H )+ cancels, and we
then solve this equation, neous equations because
1 0 -
by trial and error if the dissociation con stants
', -7 .0 andare
necessary, and use the not onlyterm s yields:
small num C d(O H )2 (s) ^ Cd2 +
Multiplying by 10 bers but also differ (aq) + 2 O H - Kr
result to calculate the
[H S - ] 2 + 10- 7 0 [H S - ] from - (9.56)
each other by a factor of nearly
activities of all of the other
ions and molecules in the We solve this equation by These circum stances do not apply to
acids and bases whose w here K T = K x X K 2. E
solution. m eans of the quadratic
dissociation constants are quation 9.54 represents the
form ula (equation 9.18) solution of solid C d(O H )
Once again, the listed in Table 9.3. M
and obtain: 2 to form m olecular
sensible approach is to m oreover, we will encounter
ake simplifying assum - I O -7 0 C d(O H ) 2 in aqueous solution. We can i
sets of sim ultaneous
ptions that reduce the com [IO- 1 4 0 - rate th at step into the dissociation eq
equilibria in w hich the
puta tional labor w ithout
sequential treatm ent is
com prom ising the 4 ( - 1 0 -s
validity of the results. In o )]1/2 inappropriate and which
[H S - ] can be solved only by m
the case at hand, we
assum e that [O H ] [H (9.48)eans of a set of indepen
+] because we are dent equations.
discussing the dis
sociation of an acid. The dissociation
Therefore, we may om it
constants listed in Table
the hydroxyl ion in sum m
ations such as equation 9.3 apply o nly to specific
9.41 but n o t from m equations. In the case of a
ultiplications such as polyprotic acid such as
equation 9.39. In addition, arsenic acid the appropri
we know from past ate equations are:
experience that [s2-] H 3 A s 0 4 (aq) H 2 A s 0 4- +
[HS ] because K 2 K v
H 2 A s O / ^ H A sO 2 - +
This assum p tion
simplifies both equations H A sO 2 - ^ A sO 3- + H +
9.40 and 9.41. From
equation 9.40 we obtain: N ote that the acid molecule H

dissolved in w ater in the

(H 2 S) + (H S - ) = 0.1 The situation is m ore
and from 9.41: because som e of them are
insoluble and because
(H +) = (H S ")
they m ay also be am photeric (A ). We
C d(O H ) 2 to define the appropriate equations:
The latter can be used to
C d(O H )2 ( s ) ^ C d (O H )+(aq) +
revise equations 9.32 and
9.33. From equation 9.32
we obtain: C d(O H ) + ( a q ) ^ C d 2+ + O H -
[H S - ] 2 C d(O H )2 ( s ) ^ C d ( O H )
Table 9.3 Dissociation Constants of Acids and Bases at 25Ca

Name Formula pK, VK 2 P*3 PKA P^aq R e fb

A dds
Acetic CH3COOH 4.75 1
Arsenious H3A s 0 3(aq) 9.2 2
Arsenic H3A s 0 4(aq) 2.2 7.0 11.5 2
Boric H3B 0 3(aq) 9.2 2
Carbonic H2C 0 3(aq) 6.35 10.3 2
Hydrofluoric HF(aq) 3.2 2
Phosphoric h 3p o 4 2.1 7.2 12.4 2
Hydrosulfuric H 2S(aq) 7.0 12.9? 2
Sulfuric H2S 0 4(aq) 2.0 2
Hydroselenic H 2Se(aq) 3.9 15.0 2
Selenic H 2S e 0 4(aq) 1.9 2
Silicic H4S i0 4 9.71 13.28 9.86 13.1 3
(pK 4)
Bases (Hydroxides)
Ammonium NH4OH(aq) 4.7 ; 2
Aluminum, amorph. Al(OH)3 12.3 10.3 9.0 2
Aluminum, gibbsite a i ( o h )3 14.8 10.3 9.0 1.4 2
Beryllium, amorph. Be(OH)2 2.2 2
Cadmium Cd(OH)2 10.5 3.9 4.1? 6.7 2
Cobalt Co(OH)2 10.6 4.3 5.2 6.5 2
Copper Cu(OH)2 13.0 6.3 2.9 2
Ferrous Fe(OH)2 10.6 4.5 5.1 8.4? 2
Ferric, amorph. Fe(OH)3 16.5 10.5 11.8 4.4 2
Lead, red PbO + H20 9.0 6.3 1.4 4.4 2
Magnesium Mg(OH)2 8.6 2.6 2
Manganese Mn(OH)2 9.4 3.4 5.1 2
Mercurous, red HgO + H20 14.8 10.6 4.5 3.6 2
Nickel Ni(OH)2 11.1 4.1 4 7 2
Silver 2 Ag20 + 5 H20 3.4 5.7 2
Thorium, amorph. Th(OH)4 10.3 5.8 10.8 2
uo2 u o 2( o h )2 14.2 8.2 3.6 (P*4) 2

Vanadium v ( o h )3 11.7 2
VO v o ( o h )2 15.2 8.3 2
Zinc, amorph. Zn(OH), 10.5 5.0 1.9 4.4? 2

Explanations: pK = - log K
Zn(OH)2(s) Zn(OH) + + OH- K,
Zn(OH)+ ^ Zn2+ + OH K2
Zn(OH)2(s)^Zn(OH)2(aq) Kaq
Zn(OH)2(s) + OH- =^Zn(OH)3 KA (amphoteric)
means does not apply or unknown.
b(l)Weast et al. (1986); (2) Krauskopf (1979); (3) calculated from thermodynamic data of Lindsay (1979).
combining equation 9.54 and 9.52. In ord er to accomplish ous equilibria existing in a given environm ent. Therefore,
this, we first invert equation 9.54: the degree of dissociation of w eak acids and bases and the
resulting solubility of o th erwise insoluble weak bases are
C d(O H )2 ( a q ) ^ C d ( O H ) 2 (s) 1 / K aq (9.57) controlled by the activity of H + ions in the environm ent.

and we then add it to equation 9.52, thereby elim inating C

d(O H )2 (s):
9.4 Solubility of Sparingly
C d(O H )2 (aq) ^ C d (O H )+ + O H " K J K aq
Soluble Bases
Evidently, these equations 2. The solubility of We have defined the equal to one and thereby
can be m anipulated sparingly soluble solubility of a com pound equate activities and
algebraically w ith the bases is pH as the am ount of the com concentrations.
understanding that: dependent. pound that dissolves to The necessary
form a saturated solution. equations are derived from
1. W hen equations In geochem istry the p H is the dissociation equilibria
Since m any bases are only
are added, their an environm ental para
sparingly soluble, we may of M g(O H ) 2 and H 20
equilib rium meter that is determ ined
use the Law of M ass A and from the requirem
constants are m by all of the sim ultane ction to calculate their ent of electrical
ultiplied. solubilities. We choose M
2. W hen equations neutrality:
g(O H ) 2 for this dem
are subtracted, onstration because it has a
their equi librium low solubility and
constants are therefore occurs as the m
divided. ineral brucite.
3. W hen an equation
The first and m ost im portant step tow ard the
is reversed, its solution of a problem involving the Law of M ass A ction is
to w rite the equations that represent the relevant equilibria.

equilib rium The dissociation of M g(O H )2

constant is proceeds in two steps:
inverted. M g(O H )2 (s) ^ M g(O H )+(aq) + O H -
Finally, we n o te th a t
the am photeric n atu re
M g (O H )+(aq) ^ Mg^aq)+
w hen it takes on an additional hydroxyl ion
form C d (O H )/, a hydrogen ion is
A ccording to Table 9.3,
the dissociation of w ater. T herefore, C d (O H
this case acts as an acid because it releases H + K 2 = IO-2,6. Evidently, in
into solution. We predict, in accordance with this case, K 2 is 1 million
Le C hteliers principle, tim es larger than K v
character of C d (O H ) 2 is which may cause a
en h a n ced in basic solu problem if we attem pt a
tions because a high stepwise solution. T
activity of O H - causes the herefore, we decide to treat
equilibrium to m ake m ore the problem by m eans of a
C d (O H )/ in ord er to set of sim ultaneous
reduce the activity of O H equations. We have four
- . C onversely, in acidic unknow ns [M g(O H )+,
solutions, which have a M g2+, O H - , and H +]
low activity of O H - , the and therefore need four
reaction shifts to the left by independent equations to
converting C d (O H ) 2 determ ine the activities of
to O H - and C d (O H )2. T herefore, all ions in a saturated
hydroxides act like
solution of brucite in pure
and like bases in acidic environm ents.
water. We elect not to
The behavior of
specify the pH of the
teaches us two im portant lessons:
solution at this tim e in
1. W eak acids and bases do
order to dem on
pH of natural environm ents
respond to it. strate the pH dependence of the solubility of
M g(O H )2, but we do set all
[M g(O H )+][O H - ] = 1(T8 6 (9.61)
= io -3-94
10 - 11.2

[Mg2+] =
[Mg2+] [ O H l i o -726
= 11.48 X 10- 5 m o l/L (9.71)
[M g (O H *)] - 10~ <9-62>
[H +][O H - ] = IO 1 4 0 (9.63) T he solubility of M g(O H ) 2 in pure w ater at

25 C is the s u m of the concentrations of the

(O H ") = 2(M g2+) + (M gO H +) + (H +) (9.64)
two M g -bearing ions and th erefo re equals
12.55 X 10- 5 m o l/L . Since the m olecular w eight
In order to simplify the problem , we assum e that
of M g (O H ) 2 is 58.3267, we can express its solu
(H +) (O H - ) and therefore drop (H +) from bility as 58.3267 X 12.55 X 10- 5 = 7.32 X 10- 3
equation 9.64. Equations 9.61 and 9.62 allow us to g /L , w hich is n o t a large am ount. The activity of
relate the M g-bearing ions to [O H - ]: H + in a satu rated solution of M g(O H ) 2 in pure
(9.65) w ater is 10- l 4 0 /1 0 - 3 '6 3 = 1 0 - 1 0 ' 3 7 m o l/L and the
10- 8.6 pH = 10.37. E vidently a satu rated solution of
[M g(O H )+] =
[O H - ] M g (O H ) 2 is strongly basic.
10- 2 6 [M g(Q H +)] The relationship betw een th e activities of
[Mg2+] = th e M g ions in a satu rated solution of M g(O H ), and
[O H - ] the pH is indicated by equations 9.65 and 9.66. By taking
lO -i i-2 (9.66) logarithm s and converting pO H to pH by m eans of eq u
[O H - ] 2 atio n 9.69, we obtain from equation 9.65:
Substituting into equation 9.64 yields:

r 2 X IO-11'2 IO-86 log [M g(O H )+] = - 8 . 6 + pO H (9.72)

[ H ] [O H - ] 2 + [O H - ] (9 67)
2 log [M g(O H )+] = 5.4 - pH (9.73)
A fter m ultiplying by [O H - ] and rearranging
Similarly, from equation 9.66:
terms, we obtain one equation in one unknown: [O H - ] 3
log [Mg2+] = 16.8 - 2pH (9.74)
- 10- 8 6 [O H - ] = 2 X 10- 1 1 2

= 1.26 x 10- n (9.68) E ach of these equations has been plotted in

Figure 9.2 in coordinates of the log of the activity and pH .

The equation can be solved by trial and error. We assume
The total solubility of M g(O H ) 2 is the sum of the
that [O H - ] > 10- 7 because M g(O H ) 2 is a base. W hen
concentrations of M g(O H )+ and Mg2+ at different
we try [O H - ] = IO- 4 0 in equation 9.68, we obtain:
values of the pH.
E quations 9.73 and 9.74 are straight lines that
- 12.0 -13 (9.69) intersect at p H = 11.4. We see by inspection of
10 - IO- 1 2 6 = 7.5 x 10
Figure 9.2 th at M g2+ is the dom inant ion at pH
which is less than 1.26 X 10 n . F u rth er trials indi values <11.4, w hereas M g(O H )+ becom es dom
cate th at equation 9.68 is solved satisfactorily
inant in m ore basic solutions. Such extrem ely
when [O H - ] = 10- 3 m ol/L . T herefore, the
basic environm ents occur only in highly saline
activities of the M g-bearing ions from the equa
lakes such as L ake N atron in E ast Africa.
tions 9.65 and 9.66 are:
T herefore, Mg2+ is the dom inant ion in most geo
[M g(O H )+] = = IO- 4 9 7
logical environm ents. Brucite is very soluble in
acidic solutions and can occur in contact with
= 1.07 X 10- 5 m o l/L (9.70) w ater only w hen the activity of Mg2+ is large

Figure 9.2 Solubility of brucite (Mg(OH)2) in pure water at 25C as a function of pH.
Mg(OH)2 dissociates to form Mg(OH)+ and Mg2+ ions, whose activities in a saturated
solution are strongly pH dependent, as given by equations 9.73 and 9.74. The resulting
solubility of brucite is the sum of the concentrations of the Mg-bearing ions in the
solution and is indicated by the dashed line. The coordinates of point P on the diagram
represent conditions that will cause brucite to precipitate. The straight lines representing
activities of Mg2+ and M g(OH)+ have been arbitrarily terminated at unit activities
because in nature other Mg compounds will precipi tate at elevated concentrations of
Mg ions.
enough to m aintain the equilibrium line. We
equilibrium . T herefore, conclude, therefore, that
the solubility of brucite in brucite will precipitate in
w ater can be used to all environm ents that lie
define its stability as a to the right of the
solid phase in a geological solubility limits in Figure
environm ent. 9.2. In
other words, the activities of the
C onsider point P in M g(O H ) 2 constrain its stability
Figure 9.2 w hose coordi w ater containing M g2+
nates are [Mg2+] = 10 2 m and M g(O H ) + .
o l/L and pH = 10. The
coordinates of P do not
satisfy equation 9.74, 9.5 pH
which implies that brucite Control
cannot be in equilibri um
with a solution of that com of
position because, at Dissoci
this value of [Mg2+],
high. The application
to equations 9.59 and 9.60 Equilibr
indicates th at the pres ia
ence of excess O H will
result in the precipitation The dissociation of weak
of solid M g(O H ) 2 until acids and bases is con
both [Mg2+] and [O H - ] trolled by the pH of the
have been reduced geochem ical environ m
sufficiently to place point ent. In order to exam ine
P on this concept we return to
the dissociation of H 2
S(aq) represented by

equations 9.30 and 9.31. H ow ever, here we rew rite the rro m m e mass oaianee:
m ass-action equations (9.32 and 9.33) as follows: (H 2 S) + (H S - ) + (S2-) = 1 X 10- 2 m o l/L

[HS] (9.75) (9.79)

10 -7.0
If all activity coefficients are equal to one, we can
[ h 2 s] [ h +]
substitute equations 9.77 and 9.78 into 9.79, obtaining:
[S2-] IQ- (9.76)
10[HS- ] + [HS- ] + 10- 6 9 [H S - ] (9.80)
[HS] [H +] = 1X 10 -2 m o l/L
We see th at the activity ratios of [H S - ]/[H 2 S]
which reduces to:
and [S2 ]/[H S -] depend on the activity of the 11[HS- ] = 1 X 10- 2 m o l/L (9.81)
hydrogen ion. A ccording to equation 9.75,
and hence [HS- ] = 9.09 X 10- 4 m ol/L . From
[H S "]/[H 2 S] = 1.0 when [H +] = IO- 7 0 m ol/L . If
[H + ] > IO-70, say 10-60,th en [H S - ]/[H 2 S] = 0.1, equation 9.77 we determ ine that [H 2 S] =
which m eans that the activity of H 2S is 10 times 9.09 X 10- 3 m o l/L and from 9.78 we have
greater than the activity of [H S - ]. Similarly, if [S2-] = 1.14 X 10- 1 0 m ol/L . Therefore, H 2S is the
[H +] < IO70, say IO80, then [H S - ]/[H 2 S] = 10 m ost abundant species at pH = 6.0 and constitutes 90.9%
and [HS ] is 10 tim es greater than that of H 2 S. of all S-bearing ions or molecules in the solution. The
Evidently, [H +] = 10-7 (pH = 7.0) is an im por bisulfide ion (H S - ) is next in abun dance w ith 9.09%,
tant boundary at which the abundances of H 2S which leaves only 0.01% for S2 -. W hen we repeat this
and H S - are equal. H 2S dom inates at pH < 7.0, calculation for different values of the pH, we generate
w hereas H S - dom inates at pH > 7.0 three curves that represent the changing abundances of H 2
Similar arguments, applied to equation 9.76, indicate S, H S - , and S2- in the solution. As expected, we see
that pH = 12.9 is another boundary in from Figure 9.3 that H 2S dom inates at pH < 7.0, that H S
the system . A t pH < 12.9 we find th at H S - is - is the dom inant ion for pH values from 7.0 to 12.9, and
m ore abundant than S2-, w hereas at p H > 12.9 that S2- is dom inant at pH > 12.9. A lthough all of the
the sulfide ion (S2 -) dom inates. Such relation ions or molecules are present throughout the range of pH
ships occur in all w eak acids and bases because their values, m ost of the S in the solution is associated with a
dissociation into ions is controlled by the pH of th e particular species except at the boundaries at which the
environm ent. abundances of two species are equal.
The control of dissociation equilibria by the pH has
an im portant consequence because it means that we can
identify the dom inant ions at dif ferent values of the pH .
In order to dem onstrate how this works we fix the total
am ount of sulfur-bearing species in the solution at 1CT 2 9.6 Solubility of Amorphous Silica
m o l/L and calculate the activities of H 2 S, H S - , and S2-
as a function of pH . A t pH = 6.0 we obtain from equa The oxides of m any m etals react with w ater to
tion 9.75: form bases and the oxides of nonm etals react with
w ater to form acids. For example, C 0 2 reacts with
w ater to form carbonic acid:
[ h 2 s] - 1 0 2
] = QtH S ~] (9 -77) CO,+ h,o->h2co3 (9.82)

and from equation 9.76:

and S 0 2 form s hydrosulfurous acid:
10 [HS ] = 1 6.9 [H S -] (9 78)
[S2-] = S02 + h2o->h2so3 (9.83)
1 0 - 6.0
io ro

Figure 9.3 The pH dependence of the abundances of S-bearing ions and molecules in a solution of H2S(aq)
containing a fixed amount of S in solution (equation 9.79). Note that H2S is dominant at pH < 7.0, HS" domi nates
between pH = 7.0 and 12.9, and that S2_ is dominant only at pH > 12.9. However, all of the ions are pre sent at all pH
values even though their abundances may be small compared to that of the dominant ion.
In a very similar m anner, settles out slowly as a
silicon dioxide reacts with gelatinous precipitate (Iler.
w ater to form silicic acid, 1979). Given sufficient
such that at equilibrium: time, the precipitate expels
w ater and begins to
S i0 2 (am orph.) + 2 H 20
crystallize, forming opal A
and opal C T as interm
ediate phases (K astner et
S i0 2 is a solid com pound al., 1977).The process
that can either be am or ends with the
phous or assum e several crystallization of a
different polym orphic cryptocrystalline variety
crystalline forms, of quartz called chal
including quartz, cedony, which forms chert
cristobalite, and tridymite. or flint and occurs in geo-
Silicic acid actually forms des as agate. Q uartz is
as a result of chemical w highly insoluble, and
eathering of the com m on dissolves in w ater only
rock-forming sparingly, even during
aluminosilicate minerals long periods of geologic
such as the feldspars and time. Am orphous silica,
micas rather than by howev er, is much m ore
solution of crys talline or reactive and generally
am orphous S i0 2. maintains equilibrium
However, when its solu with silicic acid.
bility is exceeded, it forms
am orphous silica, which We are now in a
position to discuss the
solu bility of am
orphous silica based on
equation 9.84 and on
the dissociation T the
silicic acid:
H4Si04 ^ H 3 S i0 4 +H + (9.85)
K x = 10 -9.71 of the concentrations of the Si-bearing ions in solu
H 3 S i0 4" ^ H 2 S iO ^ + H + K 2 = 10
(9.86) tion. The first dissociation step (equation 9.85)
m akes the largest contribution to the increase in
H* 2,S^ i0 24- ^ HSiO] + H + ,v3K -=. u10 (9.87) the solubility of S i0 2 (am orphous) with increasing pH .T
he other ions come into play only in extrem e ly basic
H SiO 3- ^ SiO4 + H + K 4 = IO 1 3 1 0 (9.88) solution.
The solubility of am orphous silica as a func
W hen am orphous silica and p u re w ater have reached tion of pH is shown graphically in Figure 9.4.
equilibrium at 25 C (equation 9.84), the activity of silicic N ote that the concentration is expressed in m il
acid is given by the Law of Mass A ction: ligrams per liter (m g/L ) of SiOz because it is
com m only stated this way in chemical analyses of w ater.
The S i0 2 is not actually present in m olecu lar form but
[H 4 S i0 4] = IO 2 7 4 m o l/L (9.89) represents H 4 S i0 4 to which it can be related by equation
9.84. Therefore, the concen tration of S i0 2 stated in
The equilibrium (equation 9.84) is independent of the pH;
milligrams per liter can be recalculated as H 4 S i0 4 in
therefore, the activity of [H 4 Si 4] in a sat urated
moles per liter by the
solution of silicic acid in contact w ith solid am orphous S
following consideration. If S i0 2 = 25.0 m g/L , its
i0 2 is constant and varies only with tem perature. The
m olar concentration is 25.0/60.08 m m ol/L or
dissociation constants of silicic acid are all very small,
0.416 X IO- 3 m ol/L , w here 60.08 is the m olecular
making this a very weak acid. We can calculate the degree
weight of S i0 2. E quation 9.84 indicates that for
of dissociation
every m ole of am orphous S i0 2 that dissolves
of silicic acid at pH = 7.0 by proceeding stepwise
1 m ol of H 4 S i0 4 is produced. Therefore, since
from equation 9.85: 3
0.416 X 10 mol of S i0 2 dissolved to give a con
[H +][H 3 SiQ4 ] IO 9 7 1 (9.90) centration of 25.0 m g/L , the concentration of
H 4 S i0 4 in that solution is also 0.416 X 10- 3 or
[H4 S i0 4]
4.16 X 10~ 4 m ol/L .
[H 3 S i0 4] = ic r 971 x n r 2-74
The concentration of SiO z in Figure 9.4 is
io- p lotted on a linear rath er than a logarithm ic scale
= IO" 5 4 5 m o l/L (9.91) in o rd er to em phasize th at the solubility of am or
phous S i0 2 at 25 C increases steeply at pH > 8 because of
1(T5-45 X 102
the dissociation of H 4 S i0 4 to H 3 S i0 4 , which introduces
2 -7 4
IO additional Si-bearing ions into the w ater. T herefore, even
= 0.19% (9.92) a small decrease in the pH of basic solutions containing H
4 S i0 4 may reduce the solubility of S i0 2 enough to
Therefore, the activity of H 3 S i0 4 at pH = 7.0 is
saturate the solution and to cause am orphous S i0 2 to be
about 500 tim es less than that of H 4 Si 4 and does deposited . For exam ple, a decrease of 0.1 pH units from
not contribute appreciably to the solubility of 8.5 to 8.4 of a saturated solution can result in the
am orphous S i0 2. deposition of 1.37 mg of am orphous SiO z p er liter of
A t pH = 8.0 the activity of H 3 S i 0 4 increas solution. Such seem ingly sm all am ounts quickly increase
es to 10 4 4 5 m o l/L (equation 9.91) and D x rises w hen we apply them to th e large volum e of groundw ater
to 1.95% . A t pH = 9.0 [H 3 S i 0 4] increases to that m ay flow through an aquifer in the course of geologic
10- 3 4 5 m o l/L and D x reaches 19.5%. We see that the time. Subtle changes in the geochem ical environm ent can
degree of dissociation of silicic acid is very low at pH < be m agnified by tim e into large-scale tran s form ations.
8.0 and rises rapidly as the pH increases above th at value.
A s a result, the solubility of am or phous silica also rises
because it is based on the sum
9.7 SUMMARY 127
per liter by converting first to micromoles of Si and then
to m icrograms of SiO,. Fof average river water:

6.5 X 60.08: x IQ3

SiO , = = 13.9 m g /L (9.94)
28.086 X 103
Therefore, average river w ater is supersaturated
with respect to quartz but is undersaturated with respect to
am orphous silica. However, quartz does not precipitate
from aqueous solutions directly but forms only by
recrystallization of am orphous S i0 2 as discussed
previously. The con centration of SiO , in seaw ater is 5.8
m g/L (assuming a density of 1.025 g/cm 3), which is
close to the solubility of quartz at 25 C. Seaw ater

pH has a lower concentration of S i0 2 than river

w ater because certain organisms (sponges,
Figure 9.4 Solubility of amorphous SiO, expressed in
diatoms, and radiolarians) form skeletons com
units of mg of SiO, per liter of pure water at 25 C based
on equations 9.84 and 9.85. Note that H4S i0 4 begins to posed of opal A . W hen these organisms die, their
dissociate appreciably at about pH = 8.0 and that HjSiO^ siliceous skeletons accum ulate on the bottom of the ocean
becomes dominant at pH = 9.71.The sec ond dissociation and may ultim ately form either chert, com posed of
(equation 9.85) is negligible in the pH range shown here cryptocrystalline quartz, or deposits of diatom ite (Cressm
and, at pH = 10.0, it increases the solubility of amorphous an, 1962; W edepohl, 1972).
SiO, by only 0.03%. Silicic acid is derived primarily by The geochemistry of silica illustrates the point that
chemical weathering of the common rock-forming Al- some reactions in nature are essentially irre versible. W
silicate and silicate min erals, but may be precipitated hen NaCl dissolves in w ater the reaction is reversible
from saturated solutions as gelatinous amorphous silica because the com pound does precipi tate from
when the pH decreases. As amorphous silica ages, it
supersaturated solutions. W hen am or phous silica
recrystallizes to form opal A and opal CT until it
dissolves in water, it can be made to precipitate again,
ultimately forms chalcedony, which is a variety of quartz.
although with some difficulty. However, when quartz
dissolves in w ater at 25 C to form silicic acid, the
reaction cannot be reversed at the same tem perature. We
Surprisingly, quartz is not an im portant source of will encounter this phe nom enon again in Chapter 10
silicic acid in natural solution because it is quite when we discuss the solubility of minerals, some of which
insoluble.The equilibrium constant of the reaction: form only by crystallization of magma at elevated tem
S i0 2 + 2 H 20 : H 4 SiQ 4 (9.93)
Q uartz
9.7 Summary
is K = 10 . As a result, the activity of H 4 S i0 4 in
a saturated solution in contact with quartz at 25 C is 9.76 X Chem ical reactions have a natural tendency to achieve a
lO- ^ m ol/L ; which is equivalent to T5-9 m g/L of S i0 2 state of equilibrium in which the rates of the forw ard and
in solutiotf/The concentrations of Si in average river water backw ard reactions are equal. As a result, the am ounts of
and seawater (Table 4.7) are 6.5 and 2.8 /xg/g, reactants and products that coexist at equilibrium are
respectively.These concentra tions can be transform ed into invariant with time. This observational evidence was
SiOz in milligrams originally used to

form ulate the Law of Mass A ction, which was later bined effect of all chemical reactions that are tak ing place
derived from the principles of therm odynam ics. simultaneously.
Chem ical reactions in the natural environ Som e bases are insoluble and actually occur as m
m ent may fail to reach equilibrium because the inerals in nature. For exam ple, M g(O H ) 2 form s the m
products escape from the site of the reaction or because ineral brucite. The solubility of such insoluble bases can
reactions involving the transform ation of one solid into be calculated by solving a set of sim ultaneous equations
another are very slow. In addition, som e natural reactions derived from the Law of Mass A ction and from the
are irreversible. requirem ent of con servation of m ass and electrical
Acids and bases are defined as com pounds th at charge.
release H + or O H - ions in aqueous solutions, W eak acids play an im portant role in geo
respectively. The bases of som e elem ents are am photeric chem istry because the abundances of the ions
and act like bases in acidic environ m ents and like acids they form by dissociation are controlled by the pH
in basic environm ents. W eak acids and bases dissociate of the environm ent. This phenom enon affects the
only partially depend ing on the p H of the environm ent. solubility of am orphous silica, which increases
In general, the p H of natural environm ents results from rapidly at p H > 8 because of the dissociation of
the com silicic acid.

1. If the concentration of an ion in a solution is 5.0 X 10-2 bottle. Assay: 98.0%; net weight: 4.08 kg; molecular
m ol/L at 25 C, what is its concentration in the same weight: 98.08; specific gravity: 1.84. (Answer 36.8)
solution at 45 C? Use the data in Table 9.1.
5. What volume of 35 N (normal) H2S 0 4 is required
(Answer: 4.96 x 10-2 mol/L)
to make 250 mL of 1.5 N H2S 0 4?
2. Derive a relationship between the molarity (M), the
6. Calculate the pH of hydrofluoric acid containing
formality (F), and the density (d) of a solution.
0.1 mol of HF per liter of solution. Find the dissociation
3. Calculate the normality of hydrochloric acid (HC1) constant in Table 9.3.
from the following information provided by
7. Calculate the activities of all ions and the pH of a
the label on the bottle. Assay: 37%; net weight: 2.72 kg;
solution containing 0.1 mol of phosphoric acid per liter of
molecular weight: 36.46; specific gravity: 1.18.
(Answer: 12.0) solution. Find the equilibrium constants in Table 9.3.
8. Calculate the solubility of gibbsite (Al(OH)3) at pH
4. Calculate the normality of sulfuric acid (H2S 0 4)
= 5.0. Find the dissociation constants in Table 9.3.
based on the information provided by the label on the
C R E S S M A N , E. R., 1962. , R. K., 1979. The
Nondetrital siliceous Chemistry o f Silica.
sediments. Wiley, New York,
Chapter T, 1-23. In M. 866 pp.
Fleischer (Ed.), Data o f K S T N E R , M.. J. B. K EEN
Geochemistry, U.S. Geol. E , and J.
Surv. Paper 440-T.
D R E V E R , J. I., 1988. The
Diagenesis of siliceous
Geochemistry o f Natural
oozes I. Chemical
Waters, 2nd ed. Prentice-
controls on the rate of opal
Hall, Upper Saddle River,
A and opal CT
NJ, 435 pp.
transformation: an experi
G A R R E L S , R. M ., and C. L . C H R
mental study. Geochim.
IS T , 1965. Minerals,
Cosmochim. Acta, 41:1041-
Solutions and Equilibria.
Harper & Row, New York,
450 pp.
K R A U S K O P F , K . B., 1979. Introduction to Geochemistry, 2nd ed. W E A S T , R. C., M. J. A S T L E , and W. H. B E Y E R (Eds.), 1986. CRC
McGraw-Hill, New York, 617 pp. Handbook o f Chemistry and Physics, 66th ed. CRC Press, Boca
L IN D S A Y , W. L ., 1979. Chemical Equilibria in Soils. Wiley, New Raton, FL.
York, 449 pp. W EDE POHL , K. H. (Ed,), 1972. Silicon. Handbook of
M O O R E , W. J., 1955. Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Geochemistry, vol. II-2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Upper Saddle River, NJ, 633 pp.
ST U M M , W., a n d J. J. M O R G A N , 1970. Aquatic Chemistry. An
Introduction Emphasizing Chemical Equilibria in Natural
Waters. Wiley, New York, 583 pp.
Salts and Their Ions
W hen an acid and a base are m ixed, the hydro gen ion of sulfuric acid and alum inum hydroxide, is quite soluble in
the acid com bines with the hydroxyl ion of the base to w ater and dissociates readily into ions:
form w ater. The rem aining anion of the acid and the
A l2 (S 0 4 )3 ( s ) ^ 2 A l3+ + 3 SO 2- (10.1)
cation of the base form a salt, which may precipitate or
rem ain in solu tion depending on its solubility. Salts are We assum e for the tim e being that these ions do
nam ed n o t interact with w ater, that this reaction is the
after the acids th at provided the anions. For
only source of A l3+ and S 0 4_ ions, that no other
exam ple, hydrochloric acid form s chlorides, sul
furic acid form s sulfates, carbonic acid form s car
ions are present, and that the w ater tem perature
bonates, and silicic acid form s silicates. The naturally is 25 C. We see from equation 10.1 that each
occurring salts of these and other acids are m inerals th a t m ole of alum inum sulfate that dissolves p ro
form the rocks of the crust of the E arth . The only m duces two moles of A l3+ and three m oles of S 0 4_ in
inerals th at are not salts are the oxides, hydroxides, and the solution. Therefore, if x is the num ber of m oles of
native elements. salt that dissolve in a saturated solution, the
Evidently, the study of salts and their properties concentrations of the resulting ions will be
is an im portant subject in geochem istry. In this (A l3+) = 2x and ( S 0 4~) = 3x. A ccording to the
chapter we will study the solubility of salts in Law of Mass A ction (equation 9.13):
w ater and the interactions of th e resulting ions [A13 +]2 [S 0 4 - ] 3 = K sp (10.2)
w ith m olecules of water.
w here K sp is the solubility product constant, and
the activity of excess solid alum inum sulfate is equal to
10.1 Solubility of Salts one. If the concentrations of the ions
W hen salts dissolve in w ater, they dissociate into the are equal to the activities in the solution,
anions and cations of the acid and the base from which [Al3+] = 2x and [SO2 -] = 3x. Substituting into
the equation 1 0 . 2 we obtain:
they w ere derived. N eutral m ole cules of salts m ay also
(2x)2(3 x f = K sp (10.3)
form , but their abundance is low in m ost cases. W hen a
salt has form ed a sat urated solution, a state of w here K sp = 69.19 (calculated from its solubility
equilibrium exists betw een the ions in the solution and
given by W east et al., 1986).The solubility product
any excess salt rem aining in the solid state. Therefore, the
constant is a large num ber, indicating th at alu
Law of Mass A ction applies and can be used to calculate
m inum sulfate is, in fact, a very soluble salt. For
the activities of the ions in a saturated solution and hence
this reason, it does not occur naturally as a m iner al.
the solubility of the salt.
Equation 10.3 reduces to 108x5 = 69.19, which yields x =
We choose alum inum sulfate [A12 (S 0 4)3] to 0.9147. Therefore, a saturated solution of alum inum
illustrate how the Law of M ass A ction can be used for sulfate contains 2x = 1.829 m o l/L of A l3+ and 3x =
2.744 m ol/L of SO;;- . The A l3+ reacts with w ater to
this purpose. A lum inum sulfate, a salt of
form insoluble A l hydroxide.

The am ount of alum inum sulfate that dissolves in a constant, the solution is undersaturated and th ere fore can
saturated solution is equal to x = 0.9147 m ol/L . Since the dissolve the m ineral. If IA P = K , the solution is saturated
m olecular weight of aluminum sulfate is and a state of equilibrium exists betw een the solid and its
342.1478, its solubility is 0.9147 X 342.1478 = ions.
3.13 x 102 g /L of water. In the case we are considering, it turns out
M ost m inerals are m uch less soluble in w ater than that C a S 0 4 does not actually precipitate from a
alum inum sulfate, and their solubility p ro d uct constants supersaturated solution of its ions. Instead, g yp
have correspondingly sm aller val ues. Table 10.1 contains sum (C a S 0 4 2H 2 0 ) form s and subsequently
the solubility product constants of som e com m on m crystallizes to anhydrite. This is another exam ple
inerals taken p ri of the irreversibility of som e geochem ical reac
m arily from a com pilation by K rauskopf (1979) tions we first m entioned in Section 9.6. In this
but augm ented with data from Lindsay (1979). case, C a S 0 4 dissolves in w ater but does no t p re
These constants can be used to calculate the activ ities of cipitate at 25 C. Similarly, m ost silicate m inerals
the ions in saturated solutions of m inerals by m eans of dissolve in w ater b u t do n o t precipitate from
the Law of Mass Action. aqueous solutions o f their ions at low tem p era
We are also interested in finding out w hether a ture. Som e silifcate m inerals precipitate from
solution is actually saturated with respect to a specific m aqueous solutions only at elevated tem peratures or require
ineral. For example, if a sample of w ater contains 5.00 X a specific starting m aterial like volcanic glass, and the
10- 2 m o l/L of Ca2+ and 7.00 x 10 - 3 m o l/L of S 0 4~, we silicate m inerals of igneous rocks crystallize only from
may w ant to know w hether this solution is saturated with silicate m elts at tem p era tures close to 1000 C.
respect to calcium sulfate (anhydrite). In order to find out,
we first write the equation to represent the disso ciation of In the case of the calcium sulfate solution we are
C a S 0 4 into its ions: considering, gypsum precipitates until the activities of the
ions are reduced sufficiently so that the IA P is equal to K
sp and solid gypsum is in equilibrium with its ions:
C a S 0 4 ^ C a 2+ + SO2- (10.4)

A t equilibrium the Law of Mass A ction applies; thus: C a S 0 4 -2 H 2 0 ( s ) ^ C a 2+ + S 0 A~2 + 2H 20

[Ca2 +][S 0 2 -] = IO- 4 5 (10.5) Therefore, at equilibrium betw een gypsum and

If the solution is saturated with respect to anhy drite, the its ions:
product of activities of the ions in the solution m ust equal [Ca2 +][S 0 2_] = IO- 4 6 (10.8)
10-4,5. We assume for the sake of argum ent th at the m
easured concentrations If x m oles of gypsum precipitate, the activities of the ions
are equal to the activities of the ions and th ere at equilibrium will be:
fore calculate the ion activity product (IA P):
[Ca2+] = 5.00 X IO- 2 - x (10.9)
(5.00 X 10- 2 )(7.00 X 10~3) = 35.00 X 10 3

[SO2 -] = 7.00 X 10 - x (10.10)

= IO- 3 4 5 (1 0 .6 ) Substituting into equation 10.8 yields:
(5.00 X 10- 2 - x)(7.00 X 10 3 - x) = IO- 4 6
Since the IA P (IO-345) in this case is larger than
the solubility product constant, the solution is (10.11)
supersaturated with respect to calcium sulfate. Therefore, which reduces to a quadratic equation:
anhydrite should precipitate. If the IA P is found to be 4

x2 - (5.7 X 10-2)x + 3.25 X 10- = 0 (10.12)

less than the solubility product

Table 10.1 Solubility Product Constants for Different Salts at 25 C

p/0 'b

Ag2C 0 3 11.09 (L)

B aC 03 witherite 8.3 (K)c
C aC 03 calcite 8.35 (K)
CaC03 aragonite 8.22 (K)
C aC 03 6HzO ikaite 6.38 (L)
CdC03 otavite 13.7 (K), 12.0 (L)
C oC 03 sphaerocobaltite 10.0 (K)
C uC 03 9.63 (L)
Cu2(0 H )2C 0 3 malachite 33.8 (K), 33.2 (L)
Cu3(0 H )2(C 0 3)2 azurite 66.5 (L)
FeC 03 siderite 10.7 (K), 10.2 (L)
HgCOj 22.6 (L)
Hg2C 0 3 [Hg^+][C 03- ] 14.0 (L)
M gC 03 magnesite 7.5 (K),7.46 (L)
M gC 03 3H20 nesquehonite 5.6 (K),4.67 (L)
-M gC 03 5H20 lansfordite 4.54 (L)
M gCa(C03)2 dolomite 17.9 (L)
M nC03 rhodochrosite 9.3 (K), 10.1 (L)
N iC 03 cerussite 6.9 (K)
PbC 03 13.1 (K), 13.5 (L)
Pb2C 0 3Cl2 phosgenite 20.0 (L)
Pb3(C 0 3)2(0 H )2 46.8 (L)
SrC03 strontianite 9.0 (K)c
uo2co3 [uoHtcor] 10.6 (K)
Z nC 03 smithsonite 10.0 (20C, K), 10.2 (L)

Ag2S 0 4 4.81 (K, L)

k a i3( s o 4)2( o h )6 alunite 80.95 (L)
B aS04 barite 10.0 (K)
C aS04 anhydrite 4.5 (K),4.41 (L)
C aS04 2HzO gypsum 4.6 (K),4.63 (L)
C dS04 0.044 (L)
C dS04 2H20 1.59 (L)
C uS04 -3 .72 (L)
C uS04 5H20 2.61 (L)
Cu4(0 H )6S 0 4 brochantite 68.6 (L)
F eS04 -2 .65 (L)
F eS04 7H20 2.46 (L)
Fe2(S 0 4)3 -2 .89 (L)
KFe3(S 0 4)2(0 H )6 jarosite 96.5 (L)
HgSO, 3.34 (L)
Hg2S 0 4 6.20 (L)
MgSO, -8 .18 (L)
M nS04 -3 .43 (L)
M nS04 H20 -0 .47 (L)
Table 10.1 (co ntinued)

p K*

Mn2( S 0 4)3 11.6 (L)

PbS04 anglesite 7.8 (K), 7.79 (L)
S rS 0 4 celestite 6.5 (K)
ZnS04 zinkosite 3.41 (L)

a- e S a ip o 4 A1P04
Ag S 2H20
2S y H6K3A15(P 0 4)S -18H20
-A F - C aH P04 2HzO C aH
g e P04 a~Ca3(P 0 4)2 /3-
2S S Ca3(P 0 4)2
Ag2 2
e P
S b
2 S
e b
2 2
a S
3 3
C a
d - S
S H n
g S
o -K gS a
S H -
g Z
( 2 n
a S S
) -ZnS
C g P
o S h
S o
( M s
/ n p
3 S h
) a
M t
C n e
u S s
S M g
C 3
u P
a_^ 0
e0.9 o
5^ 4
e a
S -
F i

oldhamite wurtzite

chalcocite berlinite
covellite variscite
pyrrhotite K-taranakite
troilite brushite
troilite monetite
marcasite whitlockite

cinnabar (red)
metacinnabar (black)

(pink) alabandite
Table 10.1 (continued)

p tfab

Ca8H2(P 0 4)6 5HzO octacalcium phosphate 80.6 (L)

Ca10F2(PO4)6 fluorapatite 119.2 (L)
Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6 hydroxyapatite 116.4 (L)
Cd3(P 0 4)2 38.1 (L)
Cu3(P 0 4)2 36.9 (K, L)
Cu(P04)2 2HjO 38.8 (L)
FeP04 (amorph.) 21.6 (K)
F eP04 2HzO strengite 26.4 (K,L)
Fe3(P 0 4)2 8HzO vivianite 36.0 (L)
Hg2H P 04 12.4 (L)
k h 2p o 4 0.21 (L)
k 2h p o 4 -3 .60 (L)
M gHP04 3H20 newberyite 5.82 (L)
MgKP04 6H ,0 10.6 (L)
MgNH4P 0 4 6H20 struvite 13.2 (L)
Mg3(P 0 4)2 25.2 (K), 14.6 (L)
Mg3(P 04)2 8HzO bobierrite 25.0 (L)
Mg3(P 04)2 22H20 23.1 (L)
M nHP04 12.9 (L)
Mn3(P 0 4)2 27.4 (L)
PbHP04 11.4 (K), 11.5 (L)
Pb(H2P 0 4)2 114.7 (L)
Pb3(P 0 4)2 43.5 at 38C (K),44.4 (L)
Pb,(P04)3Br bromopyromorphite 78.2 (L)
Pb5(P 0 4)3Cl chloropyromorphite 83.7 (L)
Pb5(P 0 4)3F fluoropyromorphite 71.6 (L)
Pb5(P 0 4)30 H hydroxypyromorphite 76.8 (L)
( u o 2)3(p o 4)2 [U O f ]3[PO^]2 49.7 (K)
u o 2h p o 4 [ u o 2+][h p o J _] 12.2 (K)
Zn3(P 0 4)2 4HzO hopeite 35.3 (L)
Zn3(P 0 4)2 35.3 (K)

Ag2M o04 11.55 (L)

CaM o04 powellite 7.94 (L)
CUMO04 6.48 (L)
FeM o04 7.70 (L)
MgM o04 0.62 (L)
MnM o04 4.13 (L)
PbM o04 wulfenite 16.0 (L)
ZnM o04 4.49 (L)

AgCl cerargyrite 9.75 (K, L)

CuCI 6.7 (K)
PbCl2 cotunnite 4.8 (K)
Hg2Cl2 [Hg2+][c r ]2 17.9 (K)
Table 10.1 (continued)

p iC-b

AgF 100.0 (L)
BaF, 5.8 (K)
CaF2 fluorite 10.4 (K)
MgFz sellaite 8.2 (K)c
PbF, 7.5 (K)
SrF2 8.5 (K)

Expressed as log K sp.

bK = Krauskopf (1979), pp. 552-553; L = Lindsay (1979), calculated from standard free energies.
Uncertain by more than 0.8 (Krauskopf, 1979).
C a2 +/SC>4 _ ratio was operate when other salts
greater than one. If C a2 +/ precipitate from isolated
We solve this equation by S 0 2 < 1.0, precipitation volumes of w ater
m eans of the quadratic of gypsum causes undergoing evaporative
form ula (equation 9.18) depletion in Ca2+ and concentration in a desert
x , = 5.05 X 10~ 2 and enrichm ent in sulfate. lake (H ardie and Eugster,
choose x 2 because x, Therefore, the value of the 1970).
reduces [SO 4 - ] in m olar Ca2 +/ S 0 2_ ratio
equation 10.10 to a of a solution from which
negative value. Therefore, gypsum precipitates deter-
the am ount of gypsum th
at will precipitate p er
liter of solu tion is 6.45 X
10~ 3 x 172.17 = 1.11 g.
W hen equi librium has Gypsum
been established after Precipitated,
gypsum has moles per
precipitated, the IA P (5.00 0.645) liter
(7.00 - 6.45) x 10- 3 = IO-46, as required Figure 10.1 Changes in
equilibrium . N ote that the molar Ca2+/S 0 2_
has increased by m ore than a factor of ratio of a solution from
initial value of (5.00 X which gypsum is
10_2 )/(7 .00 X 10-3) = 7.1 precipitating based on
to (4.35 X 10~2)/(0.055 X equations 10.9 and 10.10.
dently, the precipitation of a salt from a supersat In this example, the solu
urated solution not only tion contains more Ca2+
reduces the concentrations than SO2 -, and its
Ca2+/S 0 2' ratio
of the ions but actually
therefore increases as
changes the chemical com
equal amounts of Ca2+
position of the remaining and SO2- are removed
solution. from it. As a result, the
If gypsum continues solution becomes
to precipitate from this enriched in Ca2+ and
solution, the activity of depleted in SO2 -. If the
SO 2 ~ approaches zero solution initially contains
and the [Ca2 +] /[ S 0 2_] more SO2- than Ca2+,it
ratio rises toward infinity. becomes enriched in SOj~
and depleted in Ca2+ as a
This phenom enon, which
result of progressive
is illustrated in Figure
gypsum precipitation.
10.1, occurs during the This phe nomenon
evolution of brines by constitutes a geochemical
evapora tive concentration divide that affects the
and constitutes a chemical evolution of
geochemical divide. The brines by progressive
solution we have been evapo rative
discussing is depleted in concentration.
sulfate and is enriched in
Ca2+ by the progressive mines w hether the
precipitation of gypsum solution becomes enriched
because its ini tial m olar in Ca2+ or SO4. Similar
geochemical divides

N atural w ater samples are m uch m ore com plex w here y 2 is the activity coefficient of Ca2+ and Ba2+
than the solution we have been discussing because they defined by equation 9.12. By substituting into equation
contain a m ixture of cations and anions and therefore may 10.18, setting y 2 = 1 .0 , and drop ping (H +) and (O H
precipitate several dif ferent salts. For example, a solution ), we obtain:
m ay be satu rated with respect to both gypsum and
barium sulfate (barite). In this case we have two sim ulta 2X10- + 2>O0^ = 2(son ( ia 2 1 )
[SO2 ]
neous equilibria with a com m on ion: [so2-]
If we stipulate that [S 0 4 ] = (SO 2 ), equation
C a S 0 4 2H 2 O ^ C a 2+ + SO 2 + 2H zO (10.13) 10 .21
reduces to:
B a S 0 4 ^ B a 2+ + SO2 (10.14) 10 -4.6 - 10.0 _ (10.22)
1 0

Both reactions contribute S 0 4 ions to the solu = (SO 2 ) 2

Evidently, the barite contributes a negligible
tion, but the resulting activities must be the same for both am ount of sulfate to the solution and [S 0 4] =
equilibria. We can calculate the [Ca2 +]/[B a2+] ratio of a ( S O D = 10 23 m ol/L -
solution that is saturated with respect to both gypsum and The results of this calculation indicate that
barite by applying the Law of M ass A ction to equations gypsum is able to force barite to precipitate when a
10.13 and 10.14: saturated solution of barite comes in contact with gypsum.
[Ca2 +][S 0 2 ] = IO 4 6 (10.15) In other words, barite can replace gypsum or anhydrite
[Ba2 +][S 0 4 j = (10.16) because barite is less soluble than gyp sum or anhydrite.
10 - 10.0 The calcium sulfate can dissolve in a solution that is
already saturated with respect to barite and thereby it can
Since [S 0 4 ] has the sam e value in both equilibria, we
increase the sulfate concentration. As a result, the solution
elim inate it by substituting [SO2 ] = 10 4 6 /[C a 2+] into
becomes supersaturated with respect to barite. Therefore,
equation 10.16:
barite precipitates as gypsum or anhydrite dis solves until
[Ba2+] X IO " 46 the [Ca2 +]/[B a2+] ratio of the solution approaches
= IO 1 0 0 (10.17)
[Ca2+] 250,000 which is required for equilibri um . W hen that
value is reached, the replacem ent of gypsum or anhydrite
from which it follows that [Ba 2 +]/[C a2+] = 10 5 4 or [Ca2 by barite stops.
+]/[B a2+] = 2.5 X 105. Evidently, the activity of Ca2+ is
250,000 times that of Ba2+ w hen the solution is saturated R eplacem ent of one m ineral by another is a com m
with respect to both gypsum and barite. on phenom enon in geology and affects not only sulfates
We can determ ine th e[S 0 2'] concentration of such but also sulfide minerals, carbonates, and other types of
a solution from the requirem ent for elec trical neutrality: compounds. In each case, the introduction of a common
ion causes the solution to becom e supersaturated with
respect to the less soluble com pound. The effective ion m
2(B a2+) + 2(Ca2+) + (H +) = 2(SO^ ) + (O H ) (10.18) ay be the anion, as we have seen, or the cation itself. For
example, if BaCl2, which is quite soluble, is added to a
From equations 10.15 and 10.16 we have, in term s saturated solution of B a S 0 4, the sulfate p re cipitates
until m ost of it is rem oved from the solu tion. In this case
of concentrations:
barite replaces BaCl2. The process always involves the
10-4.6 replacem ent of the m ore soluble com pound by the less
(Ca2+) = 4 ~] soluble one.
Solutions in nature may become supersaturat ed with
- 10.0
respect to a specific com pound in several different ways,
1 0
(10.20) including (1 ) the introduction of a
(Ba2+) =
com m on ion, as just described; (2) a change in the pH , Salts derived from strong acids and strong bases (category
exemplified in C hapter 9 by the precipitation of am 1), such as NaCl or C a S 0 4, do not hydrolyze because
orphous silica; (3) evaporative concentration of w ater in neither the anion nor the cation has a particular affinity for
closed basins and in soil or sedim ent drying in the sun; H + or for O H - . Salts of strong acids and weak bases
and (4) tem perature variations. (category 2), such as FeCl3 or C u S 0 4, release cations
The solubility of com pounds does depend on into solu tion that com bine with O H - to form the parental
the tem perature, but not always as we might base. The rem oval of O H - causes the solution to becom e
expect. In general, solubilities increase with m ore acidic. Salts of w eak acids and strong bases
increasing tem perature, but for som e com pounds the (category 3) release anions that hydrolyze and m ake the
opposite is true. For example, the solubility of solution m ore basic. Salts of weak acids and weak bases
C a C 0 3 and other carbonates decreases with (category 4), like CuC O s or FeS2, release anions and
increasing tem perature because the solubility cations both of which hydrolyze. In this case, the effect on
product constants of calcite and aragonite actually the pH of a neutral solution must be determ ined by calcu
decrease with increasing tem perature. We will take up the lation because it depends on a com parison of the strengths
tem perature dependence of the solu bilities of m inerals in of the parental acid and base.
C hapter 11 after we learn to calculate equilibrium
constants from therm ody nam ic data.
H ydrolysis is a very im portant process because m
ost of the com m on rock-form ing m in erals of the crust
of the E arth are salts of weak acids and strong bases. For
exam ple, the carbon ates and silicates of the alkali m etals
10.2 Hydrolysis and alkaline earths are salts of this type. T herefore, the
W eak acids are only partly dissociated in w ater because of these m inerals split w ater m olecules in order
the anion of the acid has a strong affini ty for hydrogen to form the w eak parental acid and thereby
ions. W hen a salt of a weak acid is dissolved in water, it cause the hydroxyl ion concentration of the solu tion to
releases anions into solu tion that have the same strong increase. This is why groundw ater in car bonate aquifers
affinity for hydro gen ions. Therefore, these anions im m is commonly basic. Even silicate minerals, such as the
ediately bond to hydrogen ions and thereby form the feldspars, hydrolyze w hen they interact with w ater by
parental acid. The hydrogen ions that bond with anions releasing N a+ or K + from the surfaces of m ineral grains
may already exist in the environm ent, or they may and replacing it w ith H +.
originate from the dissociation of water. In either case,
when the salt of a weak acid is dissolved in water, the rem The dissociation of salts into ions and subse quent
oval of H + causes the solution to becom e m ore basic. hydrolysis of the ions takes place very rapid ly. As a
result, these kinds of reactions are usually at equilibrium .
Therefore, if we dissolve a small quan tity of potassium
The process we have just described is hydrol ysis. It carbonate in pure w ater at 25 C, it will dissolve
is defined as the interaction betw een w ater completely and dissociate into ions:
and one or both ions of a salt th at results in the
K2C 0 3 2K + + C O 2- (10.23)
form ation of the parental acid or base, or both.
We can classify salts by the strength of the acid and base The carbonate ions react with w ater to form bicarbonate:
from which they form:

1. Strong acid + strong base. co2- + h 2o ^ h c o j + O H " a:h1 (1 0 .2 4 )

2. Strong acid + weak base. The bicarbonate ion ( H C 0 3) is itself an acid because it
3. W eak acid + strong base. can release H + into solution. H ow ever, it also
4. W eak acid + weak base. hydrolyzes:

HCOJ+H20^H 2C03 +OH Km (10.25) K2C03 in one liter of pure w ater at 25 C. In addi
tion, we specify th at C 0 gas does not escape from
By applying the Law of M ass A ction to reaction 10.24
the solution. Since i^ A 1 = 10- 6 , 3 5 and K A2 = 10- 1 0 3
we have: (Table 9.3) and K w = 10-14, we find that
[H C O j][O H - ] /CH] = 10- 3 7 and K m = 10 - 7 65. Since 7CH 1 is n ear
= Ku ly 9000 tim es larger than K m , the first reaction is m uch
[C O M m ore productive than the second. We th ere fore attem pt
and from equation 10.25: a stepwise solution. If x m oles of the carbonate ion
[h2co3][oh-] (10.27) hydrolyze in the first step, we have at equilibrium :

= K,H2
[H C O j] [CO3 -] = 0.1 - x
To find the value of the first hydrolysis constant (7fH1) we [H C O j] = [O H - ] =
replace [O H - ] in equation 10.26 by: Substituting into equation 10.26 yields:

[O H - ] = (10.28)
[H +]
= io -3-7 (10.35)
w here K w is the dissociation constant of water. 0.1
Therefore, from equation 10.26: If x 0 .1 , 0 . 1 x ~ 0 . 1 and, from equation
10.35, x = 10-235, which is only 4.5% of 0.1.
[H C O 3 K (10.29)
K, Therefore, the approxim ation that x 0.1 is jus
[ c o r ] [ n +] tified. The second hydrolysis step produces a neg ligible
Since the dissociation of carbonic acid proceeds stepwise: am ount of additional hydroxyl ion equal to [O H - ] = 10 - 7 6
5 m ol/L . The pH of a solution

obtained by dissolving 0.1 m ole of K 2 C 0 3 in one

H 2 C 0 3 ^ H C 0 3 + H +K (10.30) liter of pure w ater at T = 25 C is:
H C O J ^ C O 2- + H + (10.31) pH = 14 - 2.35 = 11.65 (10.36)

we see that in equation 10.29:

Clearly, the solution is quite basic, as predicted. The
problem can also be solved by m eans of a
[H C O j] (10.32)
set of independent equations th at arise from the
sim ultaneous equilibria in the solution, from the
[COM[H+] K A2
requirem ent of electrical neutrality, and from the
By substituting equation 10.32 into equation 10.29 we stipulation th at the total am ount of m olecular and ionic
obtain: carbonate species in the solution is 0 . 1 mol. We could have
set ourselves a m ore general pro b lem by allowing the
solution to be open to the
v ~ H1 (10.33)
atm osphere, perm itting the carbonate species in
A2 the solution to equilibrate with the C 0 2 of the
The sam e procedure yields:
atm osphere. We choose not to do so here because we will
K H2 (10.34)
treat carbonate equilibria in Section 10.4.
Salts derived from strong acids and weak bases also
A1 hydrolyze, and the necessary hydrolysis constants can be
from equation 10.27. derived as dem onstrated above. For example, C u (O H ) 2
We are now able to calculate the pH of a solu tion that is a w eak base th at disso ciates in two steps:
was prepared by dissolving 0 . 1 m ol of
basic solution, the Fe3+ ion reacts with charges. Similarly, the
form insoluble F e(O H )3: increases in accordance effect of a given suite of
C u (O H )2(s ) ^ C u ( O H ) +
FeC l 3 F e3+
with + 3 C
Le P C hteliers ions on a particular ion
C u (O H )+( a q ) ^ C u 2+ + O H
principle. T herefore, the depends on the charge of
C u(O H ) 2 form s the salt C u S 0 Fe3+ + 3 O H - F e(O H )
solution has effectively that ion and its radius,
Solutions th at contain stored hydrogen ions, and which together determ ine
H 2 S 0 4. W hen C u S 0 4
they are released w hen a the charge den sity on the
is dissolved in w ater, th at acid are buffered
reaction occurs in this surface of the ion. In
Cu2+ is released and changes in their pH . C onsider, for
solution th at con sum es addition, the molecules of
hydrolyzes, as shown: solution containing carbonic acid
H +. Similarly, if the solvent play a role
The carbonic acid is only
Cu2+ + H 2 O ^ C u ( O H ) + + H + additional hydrogen ions because, if they have
partially dissociated, as
C u (O H )+ + H 2O ^ C u ( O H ) 2(s) w ere to be released electrical polarity, they
indicated by equations also interact with both
would be consum ed by reacting
10.30 and 10.31. By anions and
bonate and bicarbonate ions to cations. All car
form m ore of
adding K 2 C 0 3, which these factors are included
w here K m = K j K B2 and bonic acid.
releases additional C O 2 - in the D ebye -H iickel
Therefore, we predict that , the dissociation of the theory, on the basis on
a solution of C u S 0 4 in acid is even m ore inhibit which the relationship
pure w ater becom es ed and the concentration betw een activity and
acidic because of the of m olecular H 2 C 0 3 10.3 Activities concentration of ions in a
hydrol ysis of the cupric and solution of elec trolytes
ion (Cu2+). can be estim ated.
Hydrolysis is an im Concentr
portant phenom enon ations
because it enhances the
solubility of salts form ed We have assum ed so far th The concentrations and charg
from w eak acids and bases at the ions in elec trolyte solution are expressed by m eans
and because it tends to solutions do n o t interfere strength, defined as:
stabilize the pH of salt with each other. This can I = \^ m - z ]
solutions. Hydrolysis only be true in very dilute
affects the solubility of solutions because, in
where m, are the
salts by producing addi general, oppositely
concentrations expressed
tional ionic and m olecular species charged ions in a solution
attract each other. in moles and z-t are the
m ore of the salt to dissolve. In
of salts derived from w eak Therefore, cations in an charges of the ions. The
enhanced w hen they are electrolyte solution are ionic strength of
dissolved in strong acids surrounded by anions and
aqueous solutions on
that provide an am ple vice versa. The result is th
at the ions of a p ar ticular the surface of
supply of hydrogen ions.
Therefore, all carbonates, com pound are less able to
silicates, phosphates, and interact with each other
sulfides are m ore soluble than expected from their
in acids than in pure concentra tions. We
w ater because of the affinity express this condition by
hydrogen ions. The sam e saying th at the activity of
salts derived from weak the ions in electrolyte
bases they form m ay solutions is less than their
them selves be quite concentration. It is
insolu ble. For exam ple, plausible to expect that the
if we place ferric chloride interference by the other
into a ions increases with their
concentrations and
the E arth generally ranges from about 1 X IO- 3
For dilute solutions having ionic strengths
in rivers and lakes to 1 X 10 1 in old groundw a < 5 X 10~ the relationship is, to good
ter. Seaw ater has an ionic strength of 7 X 10- 1 approxim ation:
and oilfield brines and brine lakes m ay have ionic - lo g y = A z 2I l/2 (10.45)
strengths of 5 or m ore. In order to calculate the ionic w here A = 0.5085 for w ater at 25 C, z is the
strength of a w ater sample, we m ust have a com plete
chemical analysis, such as the analysis of w ater from the charge of the ion w hose activity coefficient is
M ississippi River at New Orleans in Table 10.2. The being calculated, and I is the ionic strength of the solution
concentrations of the ions are converted from parts per as defined by equation 10.43. N ote that the activity
million (ppm ) to moles per kilogram before they are coefficient of m olecules is equal to one because their
entered into equa charge is equal to zero.
tion 10.43. The result is I = 4.4 X IO-3. N ote that A m ore com plete statem ent, valid for / < 0.1, is
S i0 2 does not contribute to the ionic strength of given by:
this w ater because its charge is zero and th at H + and O H
- are om itted because their concentra tions are very low
(about IO- 7 m ol/kg) unless the w ater is highly acidic or
basic. N ote also that the w here A and B are constants w hose values depend on the
concentrations of H 2 C 0 3 and C O 3- w ere not dielectric constant of the solvent and the tem perature, and
reported in the analysis in Table 10.2 because a is the effective diam eter of the ion in the solution in A
H C O ] is the dom inant ion when the pH is ngstrom units. Values of A and B for w ater are listed in
betw een 6.35 and 10.3. Table 10.3 as a func tion of tem perature, and values of a
The ionic strength is used in the of several ions in aqueous solution are com piled in Table
D ebye -H iickel theory to estim ate values of the 10.4. E quation 10.46 was used to calculate the activity
activity coefficient y defined by the equation:
[activity] = y (concentration) (10.44)

Table 10 .3 List
of Values for Constants Used
Table 10.2 Chemical Composition of Water in the D ebye-H ckel Theory Expressed in
of the Mississippi River at New Orleans Equation 10.46
Concentration Temperature, C A B
0 0.4883 0.3241
Ion ppm m o l/k g

HCOj 116 1.90 x 103 5 0.4921 0.3249

10 0.4960 0.3258
s o \- 25.5 2.65 x 10~4 15 0.5000 0.3262
cr 10.3 2.90 x 10~4
20 0.5042 0.3273
N0 7 2.7 4.3 x 105 25 0.5085 0.3281
Ca2+ 34 8.5 X 10"4 30 0.5130 0.3290
Mg2+ 8.9 3.7 X 10^4 35 0.5175 0.3297
Na + 11.9 5.17 x 10"4 40 0.5221 0.3305
K+ 1.9a 4.9 x 10' 5 45 0.5271 0.3314
Fe2+ 0.14 2.5 x 10-6 50 0.5319 0.3321
SiO, 11.7 1.95 x IO4 55 0.5371 0.3329
Based on Na+/K + = 6.4 (concentration ratio) in average North 60 0.5425 0.3338
American river water (Livingstone, 1963,Table 81, p. G41). s o u r c e : Garrels a n d Christ (1965).
S O U R C E : Livingstone (1963), Table 15, entry H, p. G15.
Table 10 .4 V alues of Param eter a of Ion s in A q u eo us Solution

Ions a,

Rb+, Cs+,N H 4,T l+,A g+ 2.5

K+,C L ,B r ,r ,N O ; 3
OH , F,H S - , B rO J,IO ;,M n 04 3.5
N aLH C O j, H2POL HSOj, Hg2+, SO2 -, SeOf- , CrOj , HPO2 -, PO3- 4.0-4.5
Sr2+, Ba2+, Ra2+, Cd2+, Hg2+, S2 -, WO2- 5.0
Li+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Sn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Ni2+, Co2+ 6
Mg2+, Be2+ 8
H+, A l3+, Cr3+, REE3+ 9
Th4+,Zr4+,C e4+,Sn4+ 11
SOURCE: Garrels and Christ (1965).

coefficients for ions of different charges and electrolyte solutions can be attributed to crow d

hydrated radii shown in Figure 10.2. A third equa ing of the ions, which counteracts the interfer
tion developed by Davies yields reliable results up ence th at occurs at low er ionic strengths.
to / = 0.5: The interference of other ions in the solution
fl/2 with the ions of a salt causes th e solubility of the
- lo g y = A t 0. 2/ (10.47) salt to increase. For exam ple, the solubility of
1 + I 1' 2 C a S 0 4 in pure w ater at 25 C ( 7 = 1.0, K sp =
F urther extensions of these m ethods by Pitzer 10-4,5) is IO- 2 or 5.6 X 10- 3 m ol/L . H ow ever, in
(1973) enabled H arvie and W eare (1980) to calcu w ater of the Mississippi R iver ( / = 4.4 X 10- 3
late the solubilities of m inerals in brines having y 2 = 0.759) the concentration of Ca2+ in equilib
ionic strengths greater than 2 0 . rium with anhydrite is:
Activity coefficients for ions of different (C a2+) = [Ca2 10-2.25 7.4 X 10- 3 m o l/L
charges in solutions of varying ionic strengths, as 0.759 =
determ ined from the Davies equation (10.47), are (10.48)
listed in Table 10.5. N ote that the values of the
which implies an increase of the solubility of
activity coefficients in Table 10.5 decrease with
increasing ionic strength of the solution and with anhydrite of 32.1% .
increasing charge of the ion. For example, we find This result illustrates the point that the Law
by interpolating in Table 10.5 that the activity of of M ass A ction yields inaccurate results unless the
N a+ in w ater of the Mississippi River concentrations of reactants and products of a
(/ = 4.4 X 10-3) is about 0.936, w hereas that of reaction at equilibrium are converted to activities
Ca2+ is 0.759, and that of L a3+ is only 0.543. In by m eans of activity coefficients in order to cor
other words, the presence of other ions reduces the rect them for the nonideality of electrolyte solu
effective concentration of N a+ in the Mississippi tions. Conversely, the results of calculations based
River by 6.4%, that of Ca2+ by 24.1%, and that of on the Law of Mass A ction are expressed in term s
La3+ by 45.7% . In general, activity coefficients of activities and m ust be converted to concentra
decrease with increasing ionic strength, but tions before they are interpreted . The solubility
increase again at high values of I and may becom e calculation of anhydrite in M ississippi R iver
larger than one (G arrels and Christ, 1965). The w ater indicates that the presence of other ions in
increase of the activity coefficient in highly saline a solution m ust not be ignored.

Ionic Strength (/)

Figure 10.2 Variation of the activity coefficients of ions having different charges and hydrated radii with the ionic
strength of aqueous solutions at 25C.The curves were calculated from the Debye-Hiickel theory expressed
10.46 with data from Tables 10.3 and 10.4. Note that the magnitude of hydrated radii of ions of equal
charge becomes important at I > 10 2.
Table 10.5 10.4 Solubi
lity of
Coefficients for
Ions of Different Calciu
Charges in m
Electrolyte Carbo
Solutions of
Varying Ionic nate
Strengths Based We are now ready to
on Equation calculate the solubility
10.47 by Davies of calcite, which is
one of the m ost com
m on m inerals on the
/ 1 face of the E arth . The
calculation requires all
1 x 1 0 '3 0.97
of the skills we have
5 x IO'3 0.93 developed in applying
1 x IO'2 0.90 the Law of Mass A
5 x IO'2 0.82 ction and is by no m
1 x 1 0 '1 0.78 eans trivial (Butler,
2 x 1 0 '1 0.73 1982; G arrels and
5 x 1 0 '1 0.69
Christ, 1965). We start
with the dissociation
s o u r c e : Rrauskopf of calcite into ions at
(1979). 25 C and the
subsequent hydrolysis
of the carbonate and
bicarbonate ions to
form carbonic acid:

C a C 0 3 ^ C a 2+ + C O 2'
CO2 + H20^HC03 +

HC03 + H20^H2C0
[H +][O H _] = [O H " ] 2
If the solution is open to We notice th at according
The sixth equation arises from the
to equation 10.56: Finally, from equation 10.57:
bonic acid is in equilibrium w ith
ide, which has a p artial for electrical neutrality: = [C P 2] = 3 [H +] = 10 140
atm osphere: [ h 2 c o 3] 32.2
2(C a2+) + (H +) = 2(C O ]-) + ( H C 0 3) + O H ") (10.58) [O H ]
H 2 C 0 3 ^ C 0 2 (g) + H 20
= 9.3
We now convert the
W hen calcite crystals are activities of the ions to
Evidently, the activity of
in equilibrium with their their corresponding
carbonic acid is fixed by
ions in pure w ater open to concentrations for
the partial pressure of C 0
the atm osphere at 25 C, substitution into equation
2. We can use this result in
seven ions and m olecules 10.58. In order to do so we
equation 10.55 to express [
are present: must know the ionic
H C 0 3] as a func tion of strength of the solution,
Ca2+, C O ]", H C O J, [O H - ]: which depends on the
H 2 C 0 3, C 0 2, H +, O
concentrations of the ions
[ it con tains. Strictly
H ow ever, the partial H speaking, we cannot
pressure of C O z is fixed 2 determ ine the ionic
by strength w ithout first com
the com position of pleting the calcu lation. H
soil gases may contain up to ten ow ever, we cannot com
C02 as the open atm osphere. plete the calcula tion w
need only six independent ithout knowing the ionic
equations in order to strength. We deal w ith this
specify the concentrations Catch-22 situation by
of all ions and m ole cules iteration. T hat is, we
in a saturated solution of assum e that all activity
[H C O 3 ] =
calcite. We obtain
(9.3 coefficients are equal
five equations by applying
A ction to equations 10.49 through (10.60)
the dissociation equilibrium io

equation 10.49:
[Ca2 +][C O ]1 = 102 6 1
From equations 10.50 and 10.51: H ]
[hco3][oh-] From equation 10.54 we
[C O ]-] ~~ derive a relationship betw
een [C O ]- ] and [O H - ]:

[ h 2 c o 3 ][o h ~ ] [C O ]] = [ h c o 3 ] [ o h ]
= 1 0 - 37

[H C O 3]
= 106 3 1 8 [O H " ] 2

Finally, from equation 10.52: From equations 10.61 and

10.53 we obtain:
[c o 2]
1 0 - 8 ,35
[Ca2+] =
[h2c o 3] [CO ] ]
and for water: IQ 14.668

to one, m ake the calculation, and then use the results to We can now calculate the activities of the
determ ine the ionic strength and hence the activity other ions in the solution by substituting
coefficents from the D avies equation (10.47) or from [O H - ] = 10- 5 into equations 10.60-10.63. The
Table 10.5. We then return to equation 10.58, convert the results are:
activities of all ions to the appropriate concentrations, and [H C O - ] = 102 6 1 8 [O H - ] = IO2 6 1 8
solve the problem a second time. If necessary, the process X 10 -5.66
can be repeated several tim es to achieve a desired level of = io -3042 = 9.08 X 10- 4 m o l/L
accuracy. [C O |- ] = io 6 -3 1 8 [ o h - ] 2 = IO6 3 1 8 x io -11-32

T herefore, we now proceed w ith the solu tion of the = IO- 5 0 0 2 = 9.95 X 10- 6 m o l/L
problem by substituting equations 10.60, 10.61, 10.62, and IQ -14 .668 14.668
10.63 into equation 10.58, assum ing th at all activity
[Ca2 [O H - ] 2 10- 1 L 3 2 = 10-3-348
coefficients are equal to one:
4.48 X 10- 4 m o l/L
x i c r 14-668 io -140 , , , 1R. r ,, [JJ+] =
+ r Ti = (2 X 10 )[O H _] 10-14- IO- 1 4 0 - 8 .3 4

[O H ] 2 [O H _ (10.64) _____ _____ -

= 10 -8 34 m o l/L

[O H - ] 10
+ 102 6 1 8 [O H - ] + [O H ]

We simplify equation 10.64 by elim inating the We check the correctness of these results by cal culating
the IA P of calcite in this solution:
term for (H +) because the solution will be basic
and by com bining 102 6 IS[O H _] + [ O H ] as IA P = (9.95 X 10-6) X (4.48 X 10-4) = 10- 8 3 5
102 6 1 9 [ o h - ]. N ext, we clear the fractions by m ul ( 10.6 8 )
tiplying all rem aining term s by [O H - ] 2 and collect
term s: which is identical to for calcite and therefore
106 6 1 9 [O H - ] 4 + 102 6 1 9 [O H - ] 3 = 10- 1 4 3 6 5(10.65) confirms the correctness of the calculation. The ionic
strength of the solution is I = 1.4 X 10-3, and the activity
D ividing each term by 106 yields: coefficients of the ions from
]3 Table 10.5 are y 1 = 0.966 and y 2 = 0.857.
[O H - ] 4 + 10- 4 0 0 0 [O H - = IO- 2 0 9 8 5 (10.66)
R eturning to equations 10.60-10.63, we now
convert the activities to concentrations:
W e solve this equation by trial and erro r starting w ith [O 1 0 2 6 1 8 [ o h - ] _ 102 6 1 8 [O H - ]

H - ] = 10- 6 Qbecause we predict that the

(H C O j) = Ti 0.966
solution will be basic. Substituting into equation
0 -2
1 0 . 6 6 yields 1 4 + 1 0 -22, which is about 1 0 times 102.633[O H - ]
sm aller than IO-20'985. Therefore, [O H - ] m ust be
106 3 1 8 [O H - ] 2 106 3 1 8 [O H - ] 2
larger than IO- 6 0. We note th at 10-24 10-22and
therefore elim inate the first term from equation (CO 2 -) r2 0.857
1 0 . 6 6 to get:
-4.000 1 0 -20.985 (10.67) io 6 3 8 5 [ o h - ] 2
0 [O H - ] 3
(Ca24) = -^Q -14.668 10 -14 .668

w hich yields [O H - ] = IO- 5 , 6 6 m ol/L . By substitut ing 0.857[O H - ]2

y 2 [O H - ] 2
this value into equation 1 0 . 6 6 we find that the term we om ^ Q 14.600
itted is only 2.2% of 10- 4 0 0 0 [O H - ] 3, w hich is
[O H - ] 2
8.36, thus confirm ing our discrepancy betw een the C
S ubstituting into equation
the effect of hydrolysis of the predicted Ca a2+ concentration of a
(H +), and com bining the carbonate ion of concentration in the saturated calcite solution
before, w e obtain: calcite. Mississippi River only to and the calcium
2 X 10 -14.600 = ( 2 x 106 22.0 m g /L and therefore concentration in the w ater
The chem ical does not resolve the of the Mississippi River to
[O H - 1 2
analysis in Table 10.2 discrepancy. consider how the solubility
+ indicates that the w ater in The w ater in the M of calcite is affected by
1 the Mississippi R iver has ississippi River, like all variations in the partial
02 a Ca concentration of 34 natural solutions, contains pressure C 0 2, the pH ,
fi3 ppm , which is nearly 75% a m ixture of ions and and the tem perature.

[ larger than the value we molecules derived from

O obtained above. The dif different sources. Its Ca2+
H ference is partly due to the content originates from the The reaction of calcite
-] higher ionic strength of w solution of calcium w ith carbonic acid betw
ater in the M ississippi R carbonate (calcite and een pH values of 6.35 and
N ote th at this equation is
iver (I = 4.4 X 10-3) and aragonite), calcium sul fate 10.3 can be rep re sented
stated in term s of the
to the correspondingly (anhydrite and gypsum ), by the equation:
activities of O H - , which
lower activity coeffi cients and calcium phos phate CaC03 +H2C03^
express the concentra
(y 1 = 0.936, y 2 = (apatite) and from th e C a 2+ + 2H C O J
tions of the other ions. By
0.759). However, transform ation of (10.70)
solving equation 10.69 as
allowance for the higher plagioclase to kaolinite or w here carbonic acid is
before, we obtain [O H - ]
ionic strength increases o th er clay m inerals. In
= io - 5 6 4 4 m ol/L . This also in equilibrium with
addition, C a2+ m ay be
value yields for the other aqueous C 0 2, which in
adsorbed on clay m in
ions: turn is in equilibrium with
erals and on the surfaces of
o th er sm all m ineral C 0 2 gas:
[H C O j] = 9.42 X 10
[CO 2 -] = 1.07 X particles in suspension H 2 C 0 3 ^ C 0 2 (aq) + H 20
cium occurs in m any C 0 2 ( a q ) - C 0 2 (g)
[Ca2+] = 4.17 X cules w hose presence
[H +] = 10 - 8 3 5 6 or concentration of n atu ral
concentration of C a2+ based on the solubility of
The ionic strength, based on these results, is its principal m inerals. A
partial list of the com
I = 1.3 X 10-3, which does not differ enough from
plex ions of C a includes
the previous estim ate to
C aC l+, CaCl2, C a N O j,
justify a repetition of the
Ca(O H ), C a P O /,
calculation. Therefore, the
CaP2 0 2 - , C aH P 2 O j,
concentration of Ca2+ in
(Lindsay, 1979). T he point
the solution is:
is that natural w aters are
(C a2+) 4.17 X IQ- 4 very com plex and their
0.857 com positions are not
explainable by the
or 19.5 m g/L . The
solubility of a few com m
solubility (S) of calcite in
water on minerals. We therefore
in equilibrium with C 0 2 abandon the effort to
25 C is: explain the concentration
5 = 4.86 x 10- 4 X 100.0787 of calcium or any other
elem ent in the M ississippi
In addition, note th at the River. Instead, we use the

N ote that equation 10.52 is the sum of 10.71 and 10.72 to form a stalactite hanging from the roof of the cavern. W
and th at m olecular C 0 2 dissolved in w ater is thereby hen the rate of flow of groundw ater is so rapid that the
elim inated from consideration. We can use these solution does not reach equilib rium on the roof of the
equations to predict qualitatively how the solubility of cavern, additional calcite m ay precipitate after the w ater
calcite is affected by changes in the partial pressure of C 0 has dripped onto the floor of the cavern, thereby forming a
2. A n increase in the partial pressure of C O z at constant stalag mite. Ultim ately, stalactites and stalagm ites may
tem perature increases th e concentration of carbonic acid join to becom e pillars or curtains of calcite.
in the solution. Consequently, m ore calcite dissolves by
equation 10.70 in accordance with Le C hteliers The effect of the partial pressure of C O , on the
principle. Similarly, a decrease in the partial pres sure of solubility of calcite is shown quantitatively in Figure 10.3.
CO z causes a saturated solution of calcite to becom e H ere we see that the concentration of Ca2+ in a saturated
supersaturated and results in the p re cipitation of calcite solution of calcite at 25 C increases from about 20 m g /L
until equilibrium is restored. to about 45 m g /L w hen the partial pressure of C 0 2
increases from 3 X 10~ 4 atm in the air to 3 X IO- 3 atm in
The partial pressure of C 0 2 at a site on the surface of soil gases. Consequently, each liter of w ater appearing on
the E arth m ay decrease as a result of photosynthesis of the roof of a cavern could, under ideal condi tions, deposit
aquatic plants, which has the effect of com bining C 0 2 and 25 mg of calcite. The am ount of cal cite th at is actually
H20 to produce glu cose (C 6 H 1 2 0 6) and 0 2 with the help deposited depends on the partial pressure of C 0 2 in the
of ultraviolet radiation . Consequently, com m unities of soil above a given cavern, on the tem perature, and on the
aquatic plants can low er the concentration of C 0 2 (aq) in establish m ent of equilibrium betw een calcite and the
the w ater during daylight hours. This may cause calcite to groundw ater before the w ater reaches the cavern. N
precipitate if the w ater becom es super saturated with evertheless, stalactites and stalagmites can grow
respect to calcite. C ertain colonial algae are capable of
precipitating calcite by this m echanism , thereby form ing
thinly lam inated cal cite m ounds called strom atolites (W
alter, 1977).

A sim ilar process in lim estone caverns results in the

_1 \ /
deposition of calcite speleothem s in the form of 'oo s / /
stalactites and stalagmites. Lim estone cav erns form by E 100 - X X /
the solution of calcite by water con taining carbonic acid c 80 - X / - 8
in accordance with equation +- PH /
X /
10.70. This process occurs prim arily below the c 60 - / / X
w ater table, and the solution cavities are initially O)
- 7
40 -
filled with w ater. H ow ever, if the groundw ater c
table is low ered because of uplift of the crust or a u
+ 20 -
decrease in m eteoric precipitation, the solution To -6
cavities above the w ater table becom e filled with air. M u 0-
eteoric w ater percolating through the soil m ay equilibrate 3 x 10-* 3 x io-3 3 x io -2
with C 0 2 at a higher partial pres sure than exists in the Partial Pressure of C 0 2, atm
atm osphere and thus becom es a m ore effective solvent of
Figure 10.3 Increase of the solubility of calcite in water
calcite than it w ould have been had it equilibrated with C
at 25 C with increasing partial pressure of C 0 2 from 3 X
0 2 of th e atm osphere. W hen this w ater form s a drop on 1CT4 to 3 X 1CT2 atm. The solubility of calcite is
the ceiling of a lim estone cavern, the excess CO z escapes, expressed as the concentration of Ca2+in a saturated
the solution therefore m ay becom e supersaturated, and solution based on ionic strengths, which rise from
calcite may then precipitate 1.3 X 1CT3 to 6.3 x 1CT3, whereas the pH decreases, as
more C 0 2 dissolves.
its solubility is very high. Temperature,
to large size over Similarly, calcite cannot of Ca2+ at 5C but only 40 mCg /L at 30C. P*A1
Such PKA2 pA/p
thousands or tens of persist as a stable phase in changes in the environm ental0 conditions 6.58
may 10.62 8.02
thousands of years. natural environm ents th a occur w hen cold w ater from the 5 6.52 10.56 8.09
t are even mildly acidic. oceans rises to the surface and 10 6.47 10.49 8.15
The solubility of For exam ple, calcite in shallow lagoon. As a
15 6.42 10.43 8.22
calcite increases very till of W isconsin age in result, seaw ater m ay
20 6.38 10.38 8.28
signifi cantly with the m idcontinent area of becom e supersaturated
increasing acidity of the 25 6.35 10.33 8.34
N orth A m erica has been with respect to calcite (or
solution, if the pH is rem oved by leaching to 30 6.33 10.29 8.40
arago nite) because of the
controlled independent of depths of about one m eter 40 6.30 10.22 8.52
increase in tem perature as
the carbon ate equilibria. or m ore in only 15,000 well as the decrease in the 50 6.29 10.17 8.63
E quation 10.62 provides a years. partial pressure of C 0 2. H
relation ship betw een the ap^M = -log *ai;
ow ever, carbonate sedim p^a2 = -log Aa2;
activity of Ca2+ in a The solubility of ent in the oceans is pri m pKsp = log * sp;
saturated solution of calcite is also affected by arily of biogenic origin pXca = log
calcite in equilibrium with the tem perature because Kc0_for CO, + H ,0
and results from the
of changes in the num H2CO,
COz of the atm osphere of secretion of carbonate bValues in
25C and the activity of O erical values of all of the skeletons by plants and parentheses were
H . Replacing [O H ] by equilibrium constants. G anim als living in the obtained by graphical
/CW/[H +] gives: arrels and C hrist (1965) water. inter polation.
com piled the set of values SOURCE:Garrels and Christ
(1965),Table 3.2.
1 0 14 of the relevant equilibrium The opposite
-6 6 81 constants betw een 0 and environm ental changes
0 1 4 -6
50C that is listed in Table are experienced by
6 8 [H + ]
10.6. We see by inspec skeletal carbonate grains
a J [OH tion that the dissociation sinking through the ocean
]2 (Kj constants of carbonic acid tow ard the bottom . O
2 increase with increasing ceanic bottom w ater is
tem perature, w here as colder than surface w ater
= io ,3-
the solubility product and contains m ore
332[ h
+]2 constants of calcite and C dissolved C 0 2 produced
0 2 decrease. As a result, by decay
Taking logarithm s of both the solubility of calcite in of organic m aterial. Consequently, the solubility
sides and converting pure w ater in equilibrium of calcite (or aragonite) rises with increasing
[H +] to pH , we obtain: with C O z of the depth, and skeletal carbonate particles dissolve as
log [Ca2+] = they sink in the oceans. W hether such particles
13.332 - atm osphere actually decreasessurvive the trip through
2pH tem perature, as shown in Figure
reach the bottom of the
(10.74) ple, a saturated solution
of calcite in equilibrium
This equation indicates
with C 0 2 at 3 X 10 3 atm
th a t the solubility of
contains about 75 m g /L Table 10.6
calcite changes by a Equilibrium
factor of 100 w hen the Constants of
pH is Carbonate
varied by one unit. For example,
Equilibria as a
[Ca2+] = 2.15 X 10 1 m ol/L , whereas
[Ca2+] = 2.15 X 10+ 1 m ol/L . Evidently, when cal
Function of
cite reacts with an excess Tem perature3
am ount of a strong acid,

are the dissociation of the com pound into ions as it

dissolves in the w ater, accom panied by hydroly sis of the
carbonate ion. The point here is that cal cite and m any
other naturally occurring chemical com pounds dissolve
congruently, th at is, w ithout forming another com pound.
How ever, the Al sili cate m inerals generally dissolve
incongruently; th at is, they react with w ater to form
another solid com pound as well as ions and molecules.
The process of chemical w eathering not only
includes the congruent and incongruent solution of
m inerals but also encom passes all kinds of
interactions of w ater and atm ospheric gases with
m inerals at or n ear the surface of the Earth.
Chemical w eathering also includes oxidation -
reduction reactions, which we will take up in
C hapter 14. The reactions that constitute chemical w
eathering are not restricted to the surface of the E arth w
here m inerals are actually exposed to the weather, but
also operate effectively in soils and below the groundw
ater table w here m inerals are continuously in contact
with water. The products of chemical w eathering consist
of ( 1 ) new m inerals such as clay minerals, oxides, and
hydroxides; (2 ) ions and m olecules th at dissolve in the
water; and
Temperature, C (3) grains of m inerals that are unreactive such as quartz,
garnet, zircon, muscovite, and native gold.
Figure 10.4 Decrease of the concentration of Ca2+ in a The solid weathering products, including new
saturated solution of calcite in pure water with compounds and resistant minerals, are a major source of
increasing temperature at two partial pressures of
sedim ent that may accumulate in resid ual deposits at
C 0 2. Activity coefficients were taken from Table 10.5
for the ionic strengths of the solutions, which range from the site of weathering or is transport ed to the oceans
about 5 X IO-3 (Pco, = 3 X 103 atm, 5C) to 0.5 X where it is deposited and ultimately forms clastic sedim
103(PCO, = 3 x 10r4 atm, 80C). entary rocks. The ions and m ole cules in solution determ
ine the chemical composi tion or quality of w ater and
make up the solution load that is transported to the oceans
rates at which they sink and dissolve. If the w ater is deep by streams. Ultimately, as noted in C hapter 4, these ions
enough, carbonate particles dissolve before they reach the and molecules are rem oved from the oceans by precipi
bottom . Therefore, no car bonate sedim ent can accum tation of com pounds or by adsorption on solid par ticles.
ulate in the oceans below this critical depth, which is Evidently, chemical weathering is part of the geochemical
machine that operates on the surface of the Earth.
known as the carbonate com pensation depth (CCD ).
Chemical and mechanical forms of weathering cause the
destruction of rocks, thereby releasing the elem ents for a
trip to the ocean. We recognize, of course, that the trip to
10.5 Chemical Weathering the ocean may be delayed by deposition of sedim ent or of
The solution of calcite as lim estone or as m ineral grains dis solved constituents in basins on the continents and
in soil is a form of chem ical weathering. The chemical
reactions th at take place in this case
equations requires an We now have 16 oxygens on th
that chemical wethering understanding of the chem 4. A ny H + ions
9 + 16 = 25 oxygens on the right. T
occurs also in the oceans ical properties of the elem consum ed by the
add 9 H 20 to the left side
themselves. Some of these ents that may partici pate reaction originate
of the equation to bal ance
complexities will become in the reaction and of the from the
environm ent in which the oxygen:
the subject of m ore environm ent.
detailed consideration in reaction takes place. 5. A fter the 2 KAlSi3 0 8 + 9 H 20 -> A l2 Si2 O s(O H
Part V of this book. For Therefore, we set up a list equation has first + 2 K + + 4 H 4 S i0 4
the time being, we attem of guidelines th at will been balanced Finally, we have 18 hydrogens on th
pt to apply the Law of govern the way in which with respect to Al,
Mass A ction to the we construct equations for Si, and soluble 4 + 16 = 20 hydrogens on the right. T
chemical weathering of a chemical reac tions in cations, we equation 10.77 is balanced
common A l silicate such nature. balance oxygen in all respects by adding
as K-feldspar. by adding H 20 as two H + to the left side:
We start by placing 2 K A lSi3 0 8 + 9 H 20
10.6 Transfor the reactant on the left and
6. We then balance
hydrogen by adding H
mation the know n product on the + + 2 H + -
of right side of the equation as needed. A l2 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 + 2
and then proceed to 7. The equation m ust K + + 4 H 4 S i0 4
Potassiu balance the equa tion term s of m atter and This equation also satisfies
m based on the following charges. the requirem ent for
conventions and requirem N ote th at oxygen cannot
Feldspar ents, provided that the
electrical neutrality
unless the reaction because we have tw o
to valence num bers of the
involves oxidation positive charges on the left
elem ents do n o t change
Kaolinite and two on the right side.
during the reaction. -reduction . In
W hen K -feldspar (orthoclase or balancing oxidation
1. In reactions
igneous or high-grade m etam orphic rocks
involving Al- -reduction reactions
exposed to chem ical w eathering,
chalky appearance
silicates the A l is the
conserved; that is, electrons th at are exchanged m ust be
caused by the form ation
it does not first before a balance of m atter and
of kaolinite. This m
dissolve charges is accom plished.
ineral belongs to the appreciably but is The rules listed above
large group transferred into now perm it us to con
of clay m inerals (C hapter the solid product struct an equation for the
chemical w eathering of Al-silicate of the reaction. conversion of K -feldspar
igneous and m etam orphic 2. Excess Si form s to kaolinite. We start by
involving volcanic glass, silicic acid, which writing down the known
by hydrotherm al process does not reactant and its product:
es, and by transform dissociate unless
ations from other clay m the environm ent
iner als. In order to apply KAlSi3 O g - A l
is very basic (pH
the Law of Mass A ction K -feldspar
> 9.0).
to the reaction th at causes
3. A lkali m etals Next, we balance A l and
K -feldspar to form kaoli
and alkaline earth then take care of K and Si:
nite, we m ust first write
the equation th at rep re elem ents form 2 KAlSi3 O s -> A l
sents this reaction. The ions in solution. + 2K +4H
construction of such

We now examine the equation we have con structed to tially valuable m ineral deposit and, in that sense, is not
learn by the application of Le C hteliers principle how desirable from our point of view.
the reaction at equilibri um responds to changes in certain The probability that a chemical reaction in nature,
environm ental parameters. We recall that reactions in such as equation 10.78, can achieve equi librium depends,
nature may not achieve equilibrium but run to completion am ong other things, on the w ater/rock ratio. If there is an
if one of the products escapes from the system. In the case abundance of w ater
we are considering, this could occur if K + and H 4 S i0 4 com pared to the volum e of rock, reactions are
are rem oved by the m ovem ent of the water in which the likely to run to com pletion because the environ
reaction is taking place. Therefore, the conversion of K m ent controls the reaction. If, on the other hand, the w
-feldspar to kaolinite is favored by the m ovem ent of ater/rock ratio is small, the reactions control the environm
groundw ater or surface water in response to a hydraulic or ent and equilibrium is possible, p ro vided reaction rates
topographic gradient. We also note that nine moles of w are adequate. Therefore, reac tions taking place in large
ater are consumed for each mole of kaolinite that is bodies of water and in aquifers with high percolation rates
produced. Therefore, the form ation of kaolinite is favored having large w ater/rock ratios are m ore likely to run to
by an abun dance of water, which, in addition, must be com pletion than to achieve equilibrium , whereas reac
acidic to provide the H + needed by the reaction. We con tions in small volumes of pore w ater (small w ater/rock
clude, therefore, that K -feldspar is converted into kaolinite ratios) may achieve a localized state of equilibrium betw
in places where an abundance of acidified w ater is een ions and their solids. Such restricted environm ents
available and where the w ater flows at a sufficient rate to occur in the pore spaces of rocks in which m ineral cem
rem ove the soluble products of the reaction. Also, since ents m ay be deposited by reactions that m aintain a state
reaction rates generally double for every 10 C increase in of equilibrium .
tem perature, the form a tion of kaolinite is likely to be
favored by tropical climatic conditions near the equator of The Law of Mass A ction enables us to deter mine the
the Earth. activities of ions and molecules required for equilibrium in
a chemical reaction represented by a balanced equation.
Therefore, we return to equation 10.78 and place that
The reaction betw een K -feldspar and water involves reaction at equilibri um. By applying the Law of Mass A
the hydrolysis of a salt derived from a weak acid and ction we obtain:
strong base. We predict that such a reaction should rem ove
[H 4 SiQ 4 ]4 [K + ] 2
H + from the solution and increase its pH .This is indeed K (10.79)
the case here because H + is consum ed by the reaction. [H + ] 2
However, the pre dicted increase of the pH can only be We linearize this equation by taking logarithms:
dem onstrated in the laboratory because natural waters are
4 log[H 4 S i0 4] + 2 log [K+] - 2 log [H +]
buffered (Wollast, 1967).Therefore, when this reac tion (10.80)
occurs in nature, the H + originates from the environm ent = log K
by the dissociation of carbonic or hydrosulfuric acid, or In order to reduce the num ber of variables to two, we
some other reaction. If the supply of H + is large and if the
com bine K + and H + as the [K +]/[H +] ratio:
soluble products are rem oved, the reaction can run to
completion. If, however, the w ater is basic and the soluble 4 log [H4S iO j + 2 log | | J | = log K (10.81)
products rem ain at the site, the reaction can achieve We rewrite this equation as:
equilib rium . In that case, the conversion of K -feldspar to
kaolinite stops and the reaction becom es unpro ductive. [K 5 log K -2 log[H 4 S i0 4] (10.82)
log =
Therefore, the establishm ent of chemical equilibrium may
p reven t the form ation of a poten [H +]
which is the equation of a straight line in coordi nates of
log [K+]/[H +] and log [H 4 S i0 4] having a
and vice versa, in the environ m ents containing
slope m = - 2 and an presence of water at will proceed in the less H 4 S i0 4 than is
25C.The line labeled direction th at moves it required for equilibrium of
intercept of b = ) log K . It
10.82 represents
is the locus of all points w closer to a state of reaction 10.78.
conditions at which K-
hose coordinates are the equilibrium . If the w
feldspar and kaolin ite
logarithm s of the [K+]/[H ater/ro ck ratio is small, The activity of silicic
coexist in equilibrium.
+] ratio and of [H 4 S i0 4] Point P on the line was the environm ental param acid is lim ited by its sol
required for equilibrium cho sen arbitrarily to help eters can change until they ubility, as shown in Figure
of reaction 10.78. Thus, determine the direction of satisfy equation 10.82 and 9.4. T herefore, am or
any point P on the line in reaction 10.78 when [H4S equilibrium is established. phous silica precipitates w
Figure 10.5 (equation i0 4] is increased or If the w ater/ro ck ratio is hen its solubility limit is
decreased. Line 10.83 reached and the activity of
10.82) represents an large, the environm ental
represents the solubility of [H 4 S i0 4] in Figure 10.5
environm ent in which K- param eters m ay not be
amorphous silica, which cannot rise above the value
feldspar and kaolinite limits the activity of [H4S affected appreciably by
coexist in equilibrium required for equilibri
i0 4] to values less than the reaction we are now
um in the reaction:
with the ions and m IO2 74 m ol/L, as shown consider ing. The reaction
S i0 2 (am orph .) + 2 H 2 0 ^ H 4 S i0 4
olecules in equation in equation 9.89. (Line therefore runs to com
10.78. Further, 10.82 was plotted from pletion A t equilibrium , [H 4 S i0 4] = 10 2 7 4 m
any point th at is n o t on equation 10.16 of Garrels
and Christ, 1965.) tion 9.89). Therefore, a line has b
environm ent in which K -feldspar and does n o t achieve equilibrium .
Figure 10.5 at log [H 4 S i0 4] = -2 .7
are n o t at equilibrium . In The straight line we have draw n in
im penetrable boundary
10.5 (equation 10.82) is a boundary th a t separates
th e because [H4 S i0 4]
environm ents in which K -feldspar
duced by reaction 10.78 cannot rise to higher
from those in which values. The two lines in
kaolinite is produced . We Figure 10.5, therefore,
assum e h ere th at the
divide the com
reaction represented by
equation 10.78 is, in fact, positional plane into
reversible. A lthough this three fields th at
m ay n o t be tru e in all represent environm
cases, a K -feldspar know ental condi tions
n as adularia does form
needed to stabilize K
from kaolinite at low tem
p eratu re (M ensing and -feldspar, kaolinite, and
Faure, 1983; K astner and am orphous silica.
Siever, 1979). In any
case, if we m ove from
point P on the equilibrium

line in Figure 10.5 tow ard

H 4 S i0 4, the reaction
log kaolinite with H 4 S i0 4 to
[H4S Therefore, K -feldspar is
i0 4] the stable phase in all
Figure 10.5 Partially environm ents represented
completed activity in Figure 10.5 that have
diagram depicting the an excess of H 4 S i0 4
environmental conditions above th at required for
required to convert K- equi librium . Similarly,
feldspar into kaolinite,
kaolinite is stable in all
The procedure we have used to determ ine
form the parental w eak acid or weak base. This phenom
the environm ental conditions necessary for the enon is called hydrolysis and causes the pH of a salt
conversion of K -feldspar to kaolinite can serve to define solution to change. Hydrolysis of car bonates, silicates,
the stabilities of all m inerals th at may be exposed to w and phosphates of the alkali m etals and alkaline earths
ater and atm ospheric gases at or near the surface of the E tends to m ake ground w ater basic, thereby enhancing
arth . U nfortunately, we cannot proceed in this direction their solubility. In addition, salt solutions that also contain
because the equi librium constants of the reactions we w the parental acid (or base) of the salt resist change in their
ant to study have not been m easured owing to experi m pH and are therefore said to be buffered.
ental difficulties. For this reason, we next un d er take a
brief excursion into therm odynam ics because it is The ability of the ions of a salt in solution to interact
possible to calculate equilibrium con stants for chem ical with each other is dim inished by the pres ence of other
reactions from the change in the standard free energy of ions and by interactions with the molecules of the solvent.
reactants and p ro d ucts. Therm odynam ics will enable us Therefore, the m olar concentrations of ions m ust be
to evaluate m ost chem ical reactions we m ay care to corrected by fac tors called activity coefficients derived
investi gate and will also provide a proof for the validity of from the D ebye-H ckel theory before they are used in
the Law of Mass A ction. applications of the Law of Mass A ction. Similarly,

calculations based on the Law of Mass A ction

yield the activities of ions, which m ust then be
converted to concentrations before they can be com pared
10.7 Summary with observed concentrations d eter mined by chemical
W hen salts dissolve in w ater, they dissociate into cations analyses.
and anions. The solubility of a salt can be determ ined by The solubility of calcium carbonate is enhanced by
calculating the activities of its ions in a saturated solution the hydrolysis of the carbonate ion and also rises w ith
based on the Law of M ass A ction. A salt may precipitate increasing partial pressure of C 0 2, with decreasing pH of
from a supersatu rated solution in which the ion activity the environm ent, and decreasing tem perature. These
product (IA P) of its ions exceeds its solubility product relationships are all derivable by applications of the Law
constant. W hen a salt does precipitate, the concen tration of Mass A ction and explain such diverse phenom e na as
of its ions rem aining in the solution change and their ratio the deposition of strom atolites, the form a tion of lim
tends tow ard infinity or zero. The resulting change in the estone caverns, the grow th of stalactites and stalagm ites,
chem ical com position of leaching or deposition of calcium carbonate in soils, and
the existence of the carbonate com pensation depth (C C D
the w ater contributes to the evolution of brines ) in the oceans.
form ed by progressive evaporation of w ater in
desert lakes or in sedim ent drying in the sun.
The precipitation of salt A m ay also be caused by the The Law of M ass A ction can also b e used to
addition of another, m ore soluble, salt B that shares a com study chem ical w eathering of A l silicates such
m on ion with salt A . A s a result, salt A precipitates as salt as K -feldspar, which is converted by incongru-
B dissolves until equilibrium betw een the ions and both ent solution into kaolinite. T hese kinds of reac tions can
salts is established. This process can account for the be rep resen ted by equations th at are
replacem ent of a m in eral (salt B) by another (salt A ) th constructed on the basis of certain assum ptions
at is less soluble. and conventions. The equations indicate the
Salts can be classified on the basis of the strength or necessary conditions for the com plete conver
weakness of the acids and bases from which they sion of one m ineral into another, although the
originated. W hen the ions of a weak acid or w eak base decom position of A l silicates is n o t reversible at surface
are released into solution by the dissociation of a salt, they tem p eratu res in m any cases. T he equa tions also yield
react with w ater to the activities of ions and m ole
cules req u ired for equilibrium and thereby environm ental conditions at which the solids are stable. T
define the stability lim its of the solids. By p lo t he num erical values of the equilibri um constants req u
ting the relevant equations derived from the Law of M ass ired for this purpose can be calculated from therm odynam
A ction in log -log coordinates, use ful diagram s can be ics, which is the topic of the next chapter.
constructed th at depict the
1. Calculate activities of Ca2+ and F and the solu bility NOJ 0 .5 2 1 .2

of fluorite (CaF2) in pure water at 25 C without regard to Ca2+ 1 4 .1 39

possible hydrolysis. Assume that all activity coefficients Mg2+ 3 .7 8 .7

are equal to one. Express the solubility of fluorite in terms Na+ 2. 9 8.2
of m ol/L and g/100 mL. K" 0 .5 1 .4

2. A quantity of 0.50 g of crystalline NaCl is added to Fe2+ 0 .3 6 0 .0 3

one liter of a solution containing IO3,0 mol of dis solved S i0 2 4 .1 2 .1
A g+. Demonstrate that AgCl precipitates from the
solution and calculate the weight of AgCl in grams that
forms per liter. Assume that all activity coefficients are
equal to one. 6. Calculate the activity coefficient of Mg2+ in an
aqueous solution having / = 5 x 10-2 at 15C based on the
3. What is the ratio of the activities of Zn2+ and Pb2+ in a Debye-Htickel theory represented by equation 10.46.
solution that is in equilibrium with respect to sphalerite (ZnS)
and galena (PbS)? (Disregard hydrolysis effects.)
7. Calculate the solubility of strontianite (SrC03) in
4. Predict the outcome of reactions that occur when a pure water at 25 C in equilibrium with C 0 2 having a
solution having [Cu2+]/[Fe2+] = 10 comes in contact with partial pressure of 3 X 1 0 -4 atm. Specify the concentra tions
hydrotroilite (FeS). What will be the ratio of [Cu2+]/ of all ions in a saturated solution in units of mol/L.
[Fe2+] in the solution after equilibrium is estab lished?
(Disregard hydrolysis effects.)
8. Calculate the solubility of calcite at 15 C in pure
5. Calculate the ionic strengths of water in Lake water in equilibrium with C 0 2 at 3 X 1 0 -3 atm pressure.
Superior (A) and Lake Erie (B) and explain the differ ence Set up the equations based on the dissociation of car bonic
(Livingstone,1963, Table 7). The concentrations are in acid and solve for the activity of H +. Specify the
mg/L. concentrations of all ions and express (Ca2+) in mg/L.
9. Construct an equation to represent the incongru-ent
5 0 .0 121
solution of K-feldspar (KAlSi3Og) to illite
SOj- 4 .8 28

1 .5 17
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McGraw-Hill, New York, 617 pp. W A L T E R , M. R., 1977. Stromatolites. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 790 pp.
L IN D S A Y , W. L ., 1979. Chemical Equilibria in Soils. Wiley, New
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neoformed Paleozoic feldspar (adularia) in a Precambrian Acta, 31:635-648.
The science of therm odynam ics originally evolved but cannot be proved or disproved. They m ust be
from a variety of observational evidence accepted as articles of faith. The science of th e r
indicating that m echanical energy is trans m odynam ics has evolved from these so-called
form able into heat. For example, Benjamin laws by careful deductive reasoning aided by
Thom pson (1753-1814) of W oburn, M assachu m athem atics.
setts, b etter known as C ount R um ford of the
H oly R om an Em pire, was im pressed by the
am ount of heat generated during the boring of
11.1 Definitions
cannon at the arsenal in Munich. In 1798 he pro posed th Therm odynam ics describes the world the way it appears
at the heat was form ed by conversion of the m echanical to an observer in term s of certain m ea surable properties
energy expended by the boring and actually calculated the of m atter, such as volume, pres sure, tem perature, and
am ount of heat gener ated by one horse turning the borer chemical com position. M atter is regarded as continuous
for one hour. C ount R um fords ideas about the and indivisible. In this regard therm odynam ics is the
equivalence of w ork and heat were supported by Sir H opposite of
um phry D avy (1778-1829), who dem onstrated in 1799 statistical m echanics in which m atter is treated as
that two pieces of ice could be m ade to melt by rubbing a collection of particles in m otion. In order to
them together by a clockwork m echa nism in a vacuum . en ter the world of therm odynam ics we m ust first becom
Nevertheless, the scientific com m unity did not accept e fam iliar with certain definitions and con ventions th at
this idea for nearly 50 years until James R Joule (1818- may differ from com m on usage.
1889), working in his fath ers brewery in M anchester, The basic entity for consideration in therm o
England, carefully m easured the rise in tem perature dynamics is the system, which is that p art of the universe
caused by stirring w ater with a mechanical paddle wheel. whose properties are under considera tion. The system is
H is research betw een 1840 and 1849 clear ly dem separated from the rest of the universe, know n as the
onstrated that the expenditure of a certain am ount of surroundings, by a b o u n d ary whose properties can be
work always produced the same am ount of heat (M oore, defined. A system is said to be open w hen m atter can
1955). pass across the boundary and closed w hen m atter is
prevented from entering or leaving the system. The bound
ary may prevent not only m atter but also heat and any
The observation that work is transform able into heat other form of energy from passing through it. Systems that
is an extension of the principle of con servation of energy. have such im pervious boundaries are said to be isolated.
It can be restated by saying th at w henever w ork is done, The investiga tor m ust identify the system to be studied
heat energy is con sum ed, implying that one m ust and specify the properties of its boundary.
always pay a price by the expenditure of energy if w ork
is to be accom plished.
The properties of a system are classified as being
Therm odynam ics is founded on three basic either intensive or extensive. Intensive properties, such as
principles, which arise from com m on experience pressure, tem perature, and
156 T H ER M O D Y N A M IC S

density, are independent of the am ount of m atter that is strained by specifying the value of one of the variables. W
present, w hereas the extensive properties, such as volum e hen the num ber of variables exceeds the num ber of
and mass, depend on the mass and are therefore additive. equations by two, the system is divariant, and so on.
W hen the properties of a system are changed, it
experiences a change in its state. For exam ple, w hen a W hen a chem ical system is at equilibrium , the num
quantity of gas in a cylinder is com pressed by m oving a ber of phases (p ), the num ber of com po nents (c), and
frictionless piston, the system undergoes a change in state. the num ber of degrees of freedom
(/) m ust satisfy the Gibbs phase rule (N ordstrom and M
The chem ical com position of therm odynam ic unoz, 1986):
system s is expressed in term s of com ponents and p+f=c +2 (1 1 . 1 )
phases. N ordstrom and M unoz (1986, p. 67)
defined a phase as a uniform , hom ogeneous, Therefore, systems in which the num ber of phases is
physically distinct, and m echanically separable equal to the num ber of com ponents have two degrees of
portion of a system . W hen the system under con freedom . In other words, pressure and tem perature m ust
sideration is a rock, the m inerals of which the rock is com be specified in this case in order to com pletely define the
posed are the phases. Phases need not be solids, but can state of the system .
also be liquids or gases. For exam ple, a system containing All systems contain a certain am ount of heat, which
ice, w ater, and w ater vapor has three phases (solid, liquid, is defined as that which flows across the boundary of a
and gas).The aqueous phase in such a system m ay also closed system during a change in its state by virtue of a
contain a num ber of ionic or m olecular species in difference in tem perature between the system and its
solution. surroundings. M ore over, heat always flows from a point
The com ponents of a system are the chemical of higher to a point of lower tem perature.
constituents by m eans of which the chemical Thermodynamics defines heat as though it w ere an
com positions of the phases of a system can be invisible fluid whose direction of flow is indicated by its
com pletely described. The choice of com ponents is algebraic sign. H eat is positive w hen it flows from the
arbitrary. For exam ple, the chem ical com posi tion of a sur roundings to the system and negative when it flows
rock specim en can be expressed in term s of oxides or in from the system to the surroundings. We can rem em ber
term s of chem ical elements. Flowever, the num ber of this im portant convention by recogniz ing that systems
com ponents required to describe the com positions of all are selfish. W hen a system gains heat, the added heat
of the phases p re sent in a system at equilibrium is has a positive sign, and when it loses heat the sign is
constrained by the G ibbs phase rule. negative.

The num ber of variables th at m ust be speci Work is defined in mechanics as the product of force
fied in order to define th e state of a system is times distance, whereas in thermodynamics work is
equal to the num ber of com ponents plus the defined as a quantity that flows across the boundary of a
num ber of intensive properties, such as pressure and tem system during a change in its state and is completely
perature . T he state of the system is com - pletely defined convertible into the lifting of a weight in the surroundings.
w hen the num ber of variables is W ork, like heat, is an algebraic quantity, but the sign
equal to the num ber of in dependent relations convention of work is opposite to that of heat. W hen
betw een them . If th e num ber of independent work flows to the surroundings it has a positive sign, and
equations is less than th e n um ber of variables, the system when it flows to the system it has a negative sign. A
has variance or degrees o f freedom . In this case, th e state nother way to visualize the sign convention for work is to
of th e system cannot be com plete ly constrained . W hen say that when the system does work, the work is positive,
th e num ber of variables exceeds the num ber of in but when the surroundings do it, the work is negative.
dependent equations by one, th e system is univariant and W ith these definitions and conventions we have now
has one degree of freedom . U nivariant system s can be set the stage to introduce the first law of
11.3 ENTHALPY 157
int/ ayait/H i .
therm odynam ics. The presentation will be selec tive and
based on plausibility rather than m athe m atical rigor. M
ore com plete and rigorous presentations can be found in AE=qw (11.4)
college level text books on physical chemistry. Therm
odynam ics for The first law of therm odynam ics implies that
use by geologists is presented in books by K ern
and W eisbrod (1967), W ood and Fraser (1976), work and heat are related and th at some of the
Fraser (1977), N ordstrom and M unoz (1986), and A heat that flows into the system during a change in state is
nderson (1996). converted into w ork and therefore does not augm ent the
internal energy.
We can im agine th at a reversible change in state can
11.2 The First Law be carried out in small increm ental steps such th at the
internal energy changes by small am ounts designed by dE
Every system whose state has been defined by specifying . Now we can restate the first law in differential form:
the num erical values of its properties contains a certain
am ount of energy. This energy arises from the heat
d E = dq d w (11.5)
content of the system as well as from other internal
sources such as gravitation al, electrical, magnetic, m w here dq and dw are very small increm ents of heat and w
olecular, atomic, and even nuclear phenom ena. The am ork, respectively. The m ost com m on form of w ork a
ount of internal energy (E ) of a particular system is system can do during a change in its state is to expand
difficult to determ ine. However, its m agnitude depends against the constant pressure of the surroundings. Thus we
on the state of the system . W hen a system undergoes a can specify that:
change in its state in a reversible m anner, its internal
dw =PdV (11.6)
energy also changes. The m agnitude of the change in the
w here P is the external pressure and d V is an
internal energy AE of a system that undergoes a reversible
change in state from state 1 to state 2 is given by: increm ental change in the volum e of the system . A
simple dem onstration indicates that P d V does have the
dim ensions of w ork (force X distance):
AE=E2Ex (11.2) PdV= force X (distance) 3
= force X distance
w here E 2 and E x are the internal energies of the system (distance ) 2
in states 2 and 1, respectively. It makes no difference how (11.7)
the change in state is carried out, provided that it is Therefore, we can express the first law by the equation:
reversible, which requires that the system is never far
from being in equilibrium . If the system is returned to its
d E = dq - P d V (11.8)
original state, the net change in its internal energy is zero.
We con clude therefore th at the change in the internal
energy of a system undergoing a change in state along a
circular path is zero: 11.3 Enthalpy
The statem ent of the first law represented by equation 1 1 . 8
AE = (E 2 - E x) + (E x - E z) = 0 (11.3) enables us to predict the change in the internal energy of a
system during a change in its state. The equation indicates
The first law o f thermodynamics states that the th at the increase in the internal energy of the system is
increase in the internal energy of a system during a equal to the heat absorbed from the surroundings m inus
reversible change in its state is equal to the heat that the work done by the expansion of the system against the
flows across its boundary from the surround ings (q) pressure exerted by th e surroundings. We can
minus the work done by the system (w).
158 TH ER M O D Y N A M IC S
This is a very im Standards, and in com
carry out such a change in portant and concrete their compounds. The pilations by Kelley (1962),
result because qP is a m reference state is defined in Robie et al. (1978), B arin
state by integrating
easurable quantity. For terms of certain standard et al. (1989), and Woods
equation 1 1 . 8 from state 1 to
example, w hen a chem properties that define the so- and G arrels (1987).
state 2 : However, it is im portant
ical reaction is carried called standard state. The
out in a well-insulated to rem em ber that
tem perature of the standard
d E = J dq vessel called a calorim standard enthalpies of
The integration yields: state is equal to 25C
eter, the heat evolved or form ation and other therm
(298.15 K ),the pres sure is 1
consum ed is indicated odynam ic constants are
atm (recently redefined as 1
E 2 - E , = (q2 - q j - by the change in tem measure m ents and are
bar, which is equal to 10 6
perature inside the subject to experim ental
W e simplify this result by replacing dyne/cm 2, or 0.987 atm,
calorim eter. Therefore, errors. Consequently, the
which is an am ount of h eat added at 29.53 in. Hg), and the
equation 11.16 enables values reported by
activity of ions and
pressure. In addition, we m us to m easure the different investigators for
ultiply the P V terms: molecules in aqueous
change in the enthalpy of a given com pound
solution is equal to one. In
E 2 - Ej = q p - a system as a result of a commonly dif fer from
addition, we specify that the
P V 2 + P chem i cal reaction, b u t each other by am ounts
V 1 (11.11) enthalpies of the pure elem
we still do not know the that may or may not be
ents in their stable state of
By rearranging the term s of am ount of enthalpy the within the error of the m
aggregation in the standard
this equation we obtain: system contains. easurem ents. Such
state are equal to zero. Thus
discrepancies in therm
(E 2 + P V 2) - we have the definition: odynam ic constants affect
In order to establish
a scale for enthalpy we the results of calculations
(E, + EV ,) = qP
The enthalpy o f in which they are used and
(11.12) now define a reference
formation of cause internal
It is advantageous at this state for chemical elem
compounds and their inconsistencies. Some of
point to define a new kind ents and ions and molecules in the
of energy called the aqueous solution is
enthalpy (H ): the heat absorbed or
given off by chemical standard enthalpies
H =E +PV reactions in which the of form ation
The enthalpy is a function of the state of the sys compounds, ions, and listed in
tem , as isthe internal energy.Therefore, the molecules form from A ppendix B are average
the elements in the values of two or m ore
enthalpy of the system in states
standard state. determ inations that
tfj = E, + P V X
appear to be com patible
We represent this im portant
H2=E2+PV2 with in the errors of m
param eter by the sym bol
easurem ent. However, no
Substituting equations 11.14 and 11.15 into equa script identifies the
assur ance can be given th
standard state and the sub
tion 1 1
.1 2
yields: script/sym bolizes form ation at . these values are
The standard enthalpies of accurate to within the
H2- Hx=qP=
other therm odynam ic constants stated num ber of
In other words, the change pounds, ions, and molecules significant figures or that
in the enthalpy of a sys tem have been m easured the listed values are
(AH ) during a reversible experim entally and are internally consistent.
change in its state at tabulated in the CRC H
constant pressure is equal andbook o f Chemistry and
to the heat absorbed by the Physics (W east et al.,
system during th at change 1986), in Technical N otes
in state. of the National B ureau of
4.1840 joules (J) so that 1 kcal/m ol is equal to
11.4 Heats of Reaction
4.1840 kJ/m ol. A t the present tim e both units are in use.
W hen two com pounds or elem ents, A and B, react
to form a product A 2 B3 by the reaction: W hen AHR of a reaction is positive, the reac tion is
2 A + 3 B A 2 B3 (11.17) endothermic, which m eans that h eat flows from the
surroundings to the system . Conversely, w hen AHR is
a certain am ount of heat is either used up or given off. We negative, the reaction is exotherm ic and heat flows from
can now calculate the am ount of this heat (.q P) from the the system to the surround
enthalpy change of the system when the reaction takes ings. E ndotherm ic reactions consum e heat,
place in the standard state. In other words, we treat the w hereas exotherm ic reactions produce heat.
reaction as a change in state and calculate the difference in In order to illustrate how heats of reaction
the enthalpy (AHr ) betw een the final state (A 2 B3) and are calculated, we choose th e reaction betw een
the ini tial state (2 A + 3 B). Therefore, the change in hydrogen and oxygen to form w ater in the
enthalpy of the reaction in the standard state is: gaseous state, sym bolized by (g):
2 H 2 (g) + 0 2 (g) - 2 H zO(g) (11.20)
AHR = Hf (A 2 B3) - [2Hf (A ) + 3 /T /B )] (11.18)
The am ount of h eat absorbed or given off w hen this
reaction occurs at 1 atm and 25 C is given by:
where AHR is the heat of the reaction in the stan dard AHR = 2 //} (H 2 0 (g ))
state and Hf is the standard enthalpy of for m ation of A 2
- [2H/ (H 2 (g)) + Hf ( 0 2(g))}
B 3, A, and B, respectively. Note that the heat is evolved
or absorbed as a result of, or during, the reaction and not The standard enthalpies of H 2 and 0 2 are both
when the reaction is at equilibrium . A fter a reaction has equal to zero by definition, so th at in this case:
reached equilibri um, the heat of the reaction (AH R) is
AHR = 2 //} (H 2 0 (g )) (11.22)
zero because the rates of the forward and backward
reactions are exactly equal. Thus, we can state that at The standard enthalpy of form ation of w ater vapor is
equilibrium AH R = 0. However, the reference state is a 57.80 kcal/m ol (A ppendix B ).Therefore:
defined condition in which equilibrium does not occur. AHR = 2 ( -5 7 .8 0 ) = -1 1 5 .6 kcal (11.23)
Therefore AHR is never zero. In general, AHR is
We conclude that this reaction is strongly exother mic. In
calculated by summing the standard enthalpies of the
fact, this reaction is com m only used to dem onstrate the
products and by subtracting the enthalpies of the reactants:
explosive nature of som e chem i cal reactions. N ote that
the reaction is endotherm ic w hen equation 1 1 . 2 0 is
H eat effects are also associated with the dis sociation
AHR = 2 niHfi ( p r o d u c t s ) w , / / ) , (reactants)
of salts into ions, w ith phase transform a tions, and with
(11.19) mixing or dilution of solutions. For exam ple, heat is
absorbed from the surroundings w hen w ater evaporates to
w here n is the m olar coefficient of each reactant form w ater vapor:
and product taken from a balanced equation rep H 2 0 (l) -> H zO (g) (11.24)
resenting the reaction and i identifies the com
pounds or ions th at participate in the reaction. W hen the evaporation occurs in the standard state:
Standard enthalpies are expressed in units of AHR = H/ (H 2 0 (g )) - /T )(H 2 0 (l)) (11.25)
kilocalorie per m ole (kcal/m ol), where the nor
From A ppendix B:
m al calorie is defined as the am ount of heat
required to raise the tem perature of 1 g of w ater from AHR = (-5 7 .8 0 ) - ( - 6 8 .3 2 ) = +10.52 kcal (11.26)
14.5 to 15.5 C. The calorie is equivalent to

Evidently, the evaporation of w ater at 25 C and 1 atm all of the heat that enters a system during a reversible
pressure is an endotherm ic process that rem oves heat from change in its state is available to do work. Similarly, the
the surroundings and thereby causes the tem perature to direction in which a reaction proceeds spontaneously is
decrease. The heat required to evaporate one mole of a not determ ined solely by the enthalpy change because
liquid is called the latent heat o f evaporation. W hen the systems have an additional property called entropy. We
vapor con denses to form the liquid, the heat given off is return to this phenom enon in Section 11.6.
called the latent heat o f condensation. In other words,
evaporation is endotherm ic, whereas con densation of w
ater vapor is exothermic, and the latent heat of evaporation
is equal in m agnitude to the heat of condensation. 11.5 Heat Capacity
Similarly, fusion or m elt ing of solids is endotherm ic,
W hen heat is added to a solid, a liquid, or a gas, the tem
whereas crystalliza tion of liquids is exotherm ic, and the
perature of the substance increases. This fam iliar
latent heat o f fusion is equal to the latent heat o f
observation can be stated as an equation:
dq = C d T (11.27)
N ote th at we are unable to calculate the
w here dq is an increm ent of heat added, C is a constant
latent heat of fusion or crystallization of w ater
known as the heat capacity, and d T is the corresponding
because it takes place at 0C rather than at 25 C.
increm ental increase in the tem perature expressed in
Therefore, in order to calculate the latent heat of fusion of
kelvins (K). In therm ody namics, tem peratures are
w ater, we m ust first extrapolate the enthalpies of form
always expressed on the absolute or Kelvin scale, which
ation from 25 to 0C. In gener al, chemical reactions on the
has its zero point at 273.15C, w hen all m olecular m
surface of the E arth occur at tem peratures betw een 0 and
otion stops and the heat content of pure crystalline m
100 C, and their heats of reaction therefore com m only
aterials becomes equal to zero.
differ from those calculated at 25 C.
The heat capacity is a characteristic property
The response of a reaction at equilibrium to a
of chemical elem ents and their com pounds that
change in tem perature can be predicted on the
m ust be m easured experim entally. It turns out
basis of Le C hteliers principle. If the forw ard
that heat capacities actually vary with tem pera
reaction is exotherm ic, an increase in the tem pera ture
ture and that it m akes a difference w hether the
favors the backw ard reaction because it con sum es heat
heat is added at constant pressure or at constant volume.
and therefore counteracts the increase in the tem perature.
On the surface of the E arth pressure is constant, and we
Consequently, the equilibrium will shift to the left m aking
therefore w ork with the heat capacity at constant
the equilibrium con stant smaller. Similarly, a decrease in
pressure symbolized by CP. Consequently, we restate
tem perature applied to a reaction at equilibrium in which
equation 11.27 as:
the forw ard reaction is exotherm ic causes the equilib rium
to shift to the right and increases the value of the dqP = CPd T (11.28)
equilibrium constant. Evidently, the enthalpy change of a
We now recall that the heat added to a closed system
chem ical reaction is related to the way in which the num
during a reversible change in its state at constant pressure
erical value of the equilibrium constant varies with tem
is equal to the increase in the enthalpy of the system . This
perature. This relation ship is form ally expressed by the
conclusion was expressed by equation 11.16, which we
vant H off equa tion, which will be derived in Section
now restate in terms of differentials:

W e may also expect th at exotherm ic reactions take dqP = d H (11.29)

place spontaneously because they do not require heat from
Substituting equation 11.29 into 11.28 yields:
the surroundings. H owever, this generalization is not
correct. It turns out th at not d H = CPd T (11.30)
+ c X K T j T d T (11.34)

By integrating this equation we obtain:

, , b X 10 3r , , s,n

HT- Hj. = a (T - T) + --- [T 2 - (T )2]

r v 1 r r 6 [T3 _ ( to)3] (n 3 5 )
+ CX^U
By carrying out the integration we obtain:

This equation can be integrated betw een appro priate tem

perature limits and therefore enables us to extrapolate
enthalpies of form ation of com
pounds from the standard tem perature (T ) to
som e other tem perature ( T ) above or below it:
dH= CP dT (11.31)

In the 19th century m uch w ork was done by m eans of

steam engines in which h o t steam expands in a cylinder
and pushes a piston. The steam cools as it expands and is
returned to the reservoir at a lower tem perature. A n im
portant scientific problem of th at tim e was to understand
the factors that limit the efficiency of steam engines. This
problem was solved in 1824 by the French engineer Sadi C
arnot (1796-1832). W ithout going into the details, we can
say that the efficiency of steam engines can never be 1 0 0 %
because som e of the h eat added to the system must be
discharged w hen the expanded steam returns to the

The work of C arnot was a very im portant contribution

to therm odynam ics and from it arose a new principle know
n as the second law o f thermodynamics. The essence of the
second law is
E quation 11.35 can be applied to the reactants
H T - H r = CP( T - T) (11.32) and products of a chemical reaction as specified
E quation 11.32 enables us to calculate the by equation 11.19. As a result, we calculate Aa,
Ab, and Ac for the reaction and th en evaluate the
enthalpy of form ation of a com pound at tem pera enthalpy change of the reaction at tem perature
tu re T if we know its standard enthalpy and its T (AH R t ) from the equation:
heat capacity, provided the tem perature depen
dence of CP can be neglected. AH R T - AHR = Aa (T - T) (11.36)
In reality, use of equ atio n 11.32 to ex trap o + Ab X 10 3 [T 2 - (T )2]
late enthalpies is lim ited because the h eat capac
ity is in fact a function of th e tem p eratu re and + Ac X 10 6 r , - / \ n
therefo re cannot be treated as a constant in the ------ [T (T)]
integration . M oreover, the range of tem p era The relationship betw eenCP and T is som e
tures over which the integration is carried out
tim es expressed in ways th a tdiffer from eq u a
m ust not include phase transform ations, such as
tion 11.33, but the application of these equations
boiling or freezing, which cause a discontinuity
is lim ited by th e availability of experim ental
in th e h eat capacity and involve their own
enthalpy changes. T hese restrictions generally
are not severe provided the environm ental con
ditions rem ain betw een 0 and 100 C at 1 atm
11.6 The Second Law
pressure. T herefore, the m ost straightforw ard
procedure is to recalculate the enthalpies of fo r
m ation of reactants and products to the desired
tem p eratu re (betw een 0 and 100 C) and then to
calculate the enthalpy change of th e reaction at
th at tem perature.
A m ore accurate and elegant procedure is
based on equations that express the variation of
CP as a function of tem perature in the form:
CP = a + (b X 10"3)T + (c X 106 )T 2 (11.33)

w here a, b , and c are constants derived by fitting an

algebraic equation to experim entally determ ined data in
coordinates of CP and T. Substituting equa tion (11.33)
into equation 11.31 yields:

d H = a I d T + b X 10 3 TdT

th at all systems possess a property called entropy, nam ed of the system . However, unlike internal energy and
by the G erm an physicist R udolf Clausius (1822-1888). O enthalpy, the absolute value of the entropy of a system can
ne way to explain entropy is to say that a certain fraction be determ ined by virtue of the third law of therm odynam
of the enthalpy of a system is not convertible into w ork ics.
because it is con sum ed by an increase in the entropy. A M easurem ents indicate th at the heat capaci ties of
nother way to explain the m eaning of entropy is to com pure crystalline m aterials decrease with decreasing tem
pare it to the property of random ness recognized in perature and approach zero at absolute zero. This evidence
has been elevated into the third law o f thermodynamics,
statistical mechanics. W hen one tries to predict which states:
the behavior of a collection of particles, one com es to the
conclusion th at they will m ost p ro b ably assum e a The heat capacities of pure crystalline substances
condition of m axim um random ness. This conclusion become zero at absolute zero.
leads to the generalization th at every system that is left to
itself will, on the average, change tow ard a condition of Since dq = C d T (equation 11.28) and
maximum random ness. The im plication of this statem ent dS = d q /T (equation 11.37), it follows that:
is th at the entropy of a system increases sponta neously dS= c(y) (11.39)
and that energy m ust be spent to reverse this tendency.

If the heat capacity is equal to zero at absolute zero,

W hen entropy is thought of as random ness, it thenafS = 0. Therefore, when a system com posed of pure
can be recognized in m any natural phenom ena. crystalline substances undergoes a reversible change in
We have all learned from the com m on experi state at absolute zero, the entropy change AS is equal to
ences of life that work m ust be done to counteract the n zero. The G erm an physicist W alther H erm ann Nernst
atural tendency tow ard disorder. M any pop (1864-1941) expressed these insights by stating that at
ular science books have been w ritten about absolute zero the molar entropies of pure crystalline solids
entropy and its m anifestations in everyday life are equal to zero.Therefore, the third law enables us to
including one by R ifkin (1980) who claim ed that calculate entropies by integrating equation 11.39 from
entropy is the suprem e law of nature and gov erns absolute zero to some higher tem perature (7):
everything we do.
The second law introduces entropy by the statem ent:


In any reversible process the change in the entropy

of the system (dS) is equal to the heat received by In order to calculate the entropy of an elem ent or
the system (dq) divided by the absolute temperature compound in the standard state from equa tion 11.40, the
(T): tem perature dependence of its heat capacity must be
determ ined experimentally. The standard molar entropies
of many elem ents and compounds have been determ ined
d S = ^jr (reversible process) (11.37)
and are listed in reference books including the C RC H
andbook o f Chemistry and Physics (W east et al., 1986).
In any spontaneous irreversible process the change in
M olar entropies are expressed in entropy units or calo
entropy is greater than this am ount: ries per degree (cal/deg). W hen the standard m olar
entropies of the reactants and products of a chemi cal
d S > C^ r (irreversible process) (11.38) reaction are known, the change in the entropy (ASR) of a
chemical reaction or phase transform a tion can be
Entropy, like internal energy and enthalpy, is a property w calculated from the statem ent:
hose m agnitude depends on the state

ASR= 2 -^(p ro d u cts) 2 ,5(reactants) w here H is the enthalpy and S is the entropy. The change
in the Gibbs free energy of a chem ical reaction in the
(11.41) standard state is:
W hen ASR is positive, the entropy of the system AGR = AHR - TASR (11-47)
increases as a result of the change in state, w here as w
hen AS^ is negative, it decreases. For exam ple, when The Gibbs free energy is a function of the state of the
liquid w ater evaporates in the standard state to form w system like the internal energy and the enthalpy. It is
ater vapor: therefore subject to the sam e con ventions regarding the
H 2 0 ( l) -> H 2 0 (g ) (11.42) standard state as enthalpy and is m easured in kilocalories
per mole:
the change in entropy is (K rauskopf, 1979):
The standard Gibbs free energy o f formation of a
ASR = 45.10 - 16.71 = +28 .39 cal/d eg (11.43)
compound (Gf) is the change in the free energy of
the reaction by which it forms from the ele ments in
The increase in the entropy is consistent with our the standard state.
expectation that w ater m olecules in the gas phase are m
ore random ly distributed than m olecules of liquid water. N um erical values of Gf for com pounds and ions in
Similarly, w hen solid N aCl dissoci ates to form ions: aqueous solution are listed in A ppendix B together with
values of Hf . The value of AGR for a reaction is
calculated by summing the values of Gf of th e products,
N aCl(s) -> N a+ + Cl" (11.44) each m ultiplied by its m olar coefficient, and by
the change in entropy is (K rauskopf, 1979): subtracting from it the sum of the Gf values of the
ASR = 14.0 + 13.5 - 17.2 = +10.3 cal/d eg (11.45)
AGR = 2 n , Gfi(products) (reactants)
Evidently, the entropy increases when N aCl dis solves to (11.48)
form ions in aqueous solution because the ions occupy The algebraic sign and m agnitude of AGR
fixed lattice positions in the crys tal w hereas the ions in
the solution are mobile. H ow ever, for other reactions depend on the sign and m agnitude of AH R and ASR in
ASR may be nega tive, which implies a reduction in the equation 11.47. If the forw ard reaction is exotherm ic
entropy of the system. (AHR is negative) and th e entropy increases (ASR is
positive), then the tw o term s of equation 11.47 com bine
to m ake AGR negative. If, how ever, the entropy
decreases (ASR is nega
tive), then TASR in equation 11.47 is positive. If
11.7 Gibbs Free Energy AHR is negative, A GR will be less negative than
AHR and may even becom e positive if TA S > AH .
The second law of therm odynam ics implies that the
N ote that TA S is in fact a form of enthalpy
increase in the enthalpy of a system during a reversible
because AS = A H /T at constant pressure and
change in its state at constant tem pera ture is dim inished
tem perature (equations 11.16 and 11.37).
because a certain am ount of the enthalpy is consum ed by
Therefore, TAS has the dim ensions of A H and the two
an increase in the entropy of the system . This insight was
term s can be added or subtracted from each other.
used by J. Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) to define a new
form of energy, now known as the Gibbs free energy (G): W hen AGR of a reaction is negative, the for ward
G=H-TS (11.46) reaction has excess energy w hen it occurs in the standard
state. W hen AGR is positive, there is

a deficiency of energy for the forw ard reaction in the We can also calculate AHR and ASR for reac
standard state and the reaction will therefore run in the tion 11.51 using values of Hf from A ppendix B
backw ard direction. In general, AGR is a m easure of the and of Sf from K rauskopf (1979):
driving force of a chem ical reac tion such as equation AHR =[(-129.7) + (-161.84)] - [(-288.6)]
= -2.94 kcal (11.53)
2 A + 3 B > A 2 B 3
ASR =[(-12.7) + (-13.6)] - [(+22.2)]
If AGR of this reaction is negative, the reaction pro ceeds
as w ritten from left to right in the standard state. W hen = 48.5 c al/d eg (11.54)
the reaction ultimately reaches equilib rium , the product
is m ore abundant than the reac tants so that the N ote that ASR for the dissociation of calcite into ions is
equilibrium constant K is large: negative, implying a decrease in the entropy. N ote also
that the entropy change is expressed in calories per degree
[ a 2 b 3] (11.49)
=K (cal/deg) rather than in kilocalories (kcal). We can now
[A ] 2
[B]: com bine AHR and ASR for reaction 11.51 and calculate
If, however, A G R for reaction 11.17 in the standard AGr , thereby testing the internal consistency of the
therm odynam ic data:
state is positive, the reaction runs the other way:
2 A + 3 BA 2 B 3 (11.50)
AGR = - 2 .9 4 - 298.15(48.5)
Therefore, th e equilibrium constant is small because the
reactants are m ore abundant than the product. Evidently,
the sign and m agnitude of AG^ of a reaction can be used w here 298.15 is the tem perature of the standard state and
to predict both the direc tion in which a reaction runs in we divide the TAS term by 1000 in order to convert
the standard state and the m agnitude of the equilibrium calories to kilocalories.
constant. The result is:
In conclusion, we calculate AGR for the fam il iar AGR = +11 .5 kcal (11.56)
reaction: which is in satisfactory agreem ent with AGR =
C a C 0 3 - Ca2+ + C O f (11.51) + 11.43 kcal calculated from equation 11.52. N ote that
calcite AGR for the dissociation of calcite into ions is positive
using the data in Appendix B: even though the reaction is exotherm ic, that is, AHR is
AGR = [(-132 .3) + (-126 .17)] - [(-269 .9)] negative. This occurs because m ore heat energy is
consum ed to decrease the entropy than is produced by the
= +11.43 kcal (11.52) dissociation. Therefore, in this case AHR is not a reliable
predictor of the
Since AGR is positive, the reaction runs from right to left direction in which the reaction runs in the stan
in the standard state and calcite precipi tates. The dard state.
equilibrium constant for reaction 11.51 should therefore The sign of AHR does, however, enable us to
be a small num ber, as we know it to be. It is not use Le Chateliers principle to predict how the equilibrium
surprising that the reaction (equa tion 11.51) runs to the constant of reaction 11.51 varies with tem perature. Since
left in the standard state because the activities of the ions the reaction is exotherm ic as written, it produces heat
in the standard state are each equal to one and the ion which increases the tem perature. Therefore, if reaction
activity product is therefore much larger than the equilib 11.51 is at equilibri um and the tem perature is decreased,
rium constant. the reaction moves to the right because that tends to
dG = dq - P d V + P d V
the tem perature. W hen Substituting into 2 " A - ' 2 n iGi = R T '2 , n i \n P i
equilibrium is equation 11.60
Next, we assum e that the
reestablished at a lower Since dS = d q /T , dq = yields:
m ixture of ideal gases is
tem perature, the TdS and equation 11.59 the result of a chemical
equilibrium constant is therefore reduces to: dG = R T ^ p j
reaction and specify th at
larger than it was before. Integrating from the standard pressure
dG = V dP the m olar coefficients (n)
Therefore, the solubility-
som e other pressure (P): of the products are p o s
product constant of calcite We can use equation 11.60
dG = itive and those of the

increases with decreas ing to calculate the change in
reactants are negative.
tem perature and calcite the Gibbs free energy of
The provision is not new
becomes m ore soluble. A one m ole of an ideal gas
or arbitrary but goes back
s we discussed in Section as a function of pressure at yields: to the convention
10.4, thermodynamics constant tem pera G P - G = R T (lnregarding
P the algebraic
provides a rational ture. Since the volume
of gases varieswith pres sign of heat. If we choose
explanation for the tem Since P = 1 atm , In P
sure, wem ust express to represent the chem ical
perature dependence of the
the volum e in = 0. Therefore, equation reac tion by the equation:
solubility of calcite and
equation 11.64 reduces to:
allows us to predict the
11.60 by an equation that
course of other chemical GP- G=RT\nP aA +bB^cC +dD
relates volume to pres
reactions provided the
sure. A ccording to the w here GP is the m olar
necessary data are
ideal gas law, for one mole free energy of the ideal
of gas: gas at pressure P, G is the
m olar free energy in the
11.8 Deri standard state, and T is the
vatio V = tem perature of the
standard state in
n of where R is the gas kelvins.The m olar free
the constant. energy is also called the
Law chemical potential (/x),
and eq u a tion 11.65 can
of be w ritten as:
Actio ix = fjL + R T \ n P

n The free energy of n

Because the G ibbs free energy moles of an ideal gas can
term s of both the first and second be calculated by
modynamics, we can multiplying equation
express it in term s of 11.65 by n:
ly m easurable properties. We n G P - nG = n R T
equation 11.46 by equation 11.13 and obtain: A ccording to D alto n s
G= E+PV- law, the total pressure of a
For an infinitesim al change in m ixture of ideal gases is
the sum of the partial
tem perature d T = 0 and therefore:
pressures exerted by each
dG = dE + P d V + V dP -
gas in the mixture.
Substituting equation 11.8 for Therefore, for a m ixture
of i ideal gases:
then we can evaluate w hat equation 1 1 . 6 8 tells us
W hen the reaction reaches equilibrium , AG0, but
to do. For exam ple, 2 n ,G , means: AG^ rem ains the same.
2 ,-G,-(products) - 2 ,G ,(reactants) = AG R R eturning to equation 11.73 we can now state that
for a m ixture of ideal gases at equilibrium A G R = 0 and
(11.70) therefore:
AG* = -- R T l n K (11.74)
Similarly, 2 n ,G m eans:
where K is the equilibrium constant at the standard tem
perature. This rem arkable equation establishes the
2 n,G (products) 2 n,G (reactants) = AGR functional relationship that exists betw een AGR and K,
(11.71) both of which are constants that apply to chemical
reactions in the standard state and at equilibrium,
and R T 'Z n i ln P, m eans: respectively. In the process of deriving this relationship we
have also proved the validity of the Law of Mass Action
R T {c In P c + d In P D a In P A b In P B)
for reactions among ideal gases. These two results are
= R T (ln P cP d - In P%P'f) among the m ost im por tant contributions
(11.72) thermodynamics has m ade to science. Equation 11.74
=RTIn =RTlnQ allows us to calculate the numerical values of equilibrium
\pxpii constants at 25 C for all chemical reactions for which we
can calcu late A GR from existing m easurem ents of the
w here Q is the reaction quotient. Therefore, we
stan dard free energies of formation.
now restate equation 1 1 . 6 8 as:
AG R - AGR = R T ln Q (11.73)
We reduce equation 11.74 to a form ula by converting
the equation to logarithm s to the base 10 and by
which is valid for a reacting m ixture of ideal gases. T he substituting R = 1.987 cal/deg mol and T = 298.15 K:
reactio n q u o tien t ( Q ) varies continu ously as the
reactio n proceeds until the reaction
2.3025 X 1.987 X 298.15 log K (11.75)
reaches a state of equilibrium . A fter equilibri AGR
um has b een established, the partial pressures 1000
of th e reactan t and p ro d u ct gases becom e con sta n t = -1 .3 6 4 log K (11.76)
because th e forw ard and backw ard re a c tions are
occurring at the sam e rate . T herefore, at equilibrium th e The right side of equation 11.75 m ust be divided by 1000
reactio n q u o tien t becom es constant and is know n to us because R is expressed in calories, whereas AGR is in
as th e equilibrium constant. kilocalories. Therefore, the equilibrium constant K is
related to AGR by the formula:
N ext, we consider a very im portant point: the free K = 1 0 - 4 G 1 /1 J 6 4 (11.77)
energy change of a chem ical reaction at equi librium is
equal to zero. This statem ent becom es obvious if we This is a very useful result, but it applies only to reactions
recall th at AG R is regarded as the driving force of a chem am ong ideal gases unless we take steps to m ake it
ical reaction . W hen a reac tion is in equilibrium , th ere is applicable to real gases and to ions and molecules in
no driving force pushing it one way or the other. H ow aqueous solutions.
ever, note
th at AGR is not zero because it is the change in
11.9 Fugacity and Activity
the G ibbs free energy w hen th e reaction takes
place in the standard state. Therefore, AG R is a constant, In order to m ake equations 11.74 and 11.77 applicable to
w hereas AG R varies as the reaction pro ceeds from the reactions am ong real gases we define the fugacity as the
standard state tow ard equilibrium . partial pressure a real
gas would have if it were ideal. Therefore, fugaci-ties The m ole fraction of A in a dilute solution can be
satisfy equation 11.74. In ord er to apply equa tion 11.74 transform ed into the m olal concentration of A (m A) by
to real solutions of any kind we define the activity (a) of a converting (B ) to kilogram s of B:
solute as: (A ) X 1000
L (11.78) (B ) X M W (B)
r w here M W (B) is the gram -m olecular weight of B. Since
w h e re /is the fugacity of the solute in the solution a n d / 0 n (A )/ (B ) = N A in dilute solutions of A in B:
is its fugacity w hen the vapor is in equilib rium with the
pure substance in the standard state. Since fugacities are m mt ( 11.86)
M W ( B)
easured in atm os pheres or other units of pressure, the
activity as defined by equation 11.78 is a dimensionless and k ' is a constant equal to 1000/M W (B). W hen we
substitute equation 11.86 into equation 11.83, we obtain:
num ber. It also follows from equation 11.78 that
for a pure substance:
k kmA (11.87)
a = 1.0 (11.79)
a * = AC = -------
fA fAk '

because the fugacity / of a pure substance is equal to f .

By combining the three constants in equation 11.87 we
Binary m ixtures of two nonelectrolytes A and B obey
R aoults law, which states that the fugaci 7Am A (11.88)
ty of com ponent A is given by: w here yA is the activity coefficient.
/A = / (11.80) This relationship applies to all solutions regardless of
the vapor pressures of the solutes or of the solvent. If the
w here N A is the mole fraction of A defined as: solution is a m ixture of volatile nonelectrolytes such as
acetone dissolved in w ater, we have no difficulty detecting
Wa = "<A > (1 1 .8 i)
A n( A ) + (B ) v ' the pres ence of acetone vapor and the definition of the
activity of acetone in the solution given by eq u a tion
w here (A ) and n(B ) are the num bers of m oles of A and 11.78 m akes sense. Ions produced by the dis sociation of
B, respectively. W hen the solution is dilute, salts, acids, and bases in w ater also produce vapors, but
th at is, (A ) (B ), the vapor obeys H enrys their partial pressures or
/A = (11.82) fugacities are so low th at they may be u n d e
tectable. H ow ever, this experim ental difficulty
By dividing both sides of equation 11.82 by fA, we does n o t alter the validity of relationships derived
obtain: by consideration of vapors in equilibrium with
solutes and solvents regardless of w hether they
^ = ^ N A = aA (11.83) are electrolytes or nonelectrolytes.
I A / A
T he concept of activity presented above is quite
Next, we note that for a dilute solution of solute A in different from th at discussed in Sections 9.2 and 11.3 We
solvent B the num ber of m oles of A is much sm aller can reconcile the tw o representations by saying th at
than the num ber of m oles of B. Therefore, activities are introduced in th erm o
if n(A ) (B ), equation 11.81 can be restated dynam ics in ord er to extend the Law of Mass
to a very good approxim ation as: A ction from reacting m ixtures of ideal gases to
N =^ (11.84) chem ical reactions am ong m olecules and ions in
nonideal aqueous solutions. This is accom plished
A n( B)

by m eans of activity coefficients th at convert The result of the integration is:

m olal concentrations of ions and m olecules into activities. A /A J ~ Y )(11-96)
W hen activity coefficients are regarded as dim ensionless In K T In K r = \ -
conversion factors, then activi ties have the sam e units as R
concentrations. E quation 11.96 is the im portant vant H off equa tion,
which we now restate in term s of logarithm s to the base 1 0
11.10 The van't Hoff Equation 1
AHR (1
Therm odynam ics enables us to calculate the equi librium log K T = log K TO 298.15)
2.30257? \ T
constants of chem ical reactions at 25 C. In order to
extrapolate the equilibrium constant from the standard tem
perature to other tem pera tures betw een 0 and 100 C, we N ote that equation 11.97 can be used to calculate K at any
return briefly to equation 11.74: tem perature betw een 0 and 100 C if we know the value
of K at the standard tem perature.
However, if the reference tem perature differs
AGfi = - R T ln K
from 25 C, then AH R m ust be evaluated at that
By solving this equation for ln K we obtain: tem perature by m eans of heat capacities, as
AG (11.89) shown in equation 11.32 or 11.35.
In* = We have now com pleted this selective p re
RT sentation of therm odynam ics, which has enabled us to
N ext, we differentiate equation 11.89 with prove the validity of the Law of Mass A ction and to
respect to T: calculate equilibrium constants of chem i cal reactions not
only at the standard tem perature but also at other tem
peratures betw een 0 and
<- 100 C.
Since AGR = AHR TSSR, it follows that:
A G AHR k no (11.91)
-r = = r ~ ASR
and: 11.11 Solubility of Amorphous
Silica between 0 and 100C
dsc yr _ a H R (11.92)
dT t
A t the end of C hapter 9 we calculated the solubil
T 1 - ity of am orphous silica in w ater as a function of pH
Substituting into equation 11.90 yields: at 25 C. We are now in a position to investi gate
dlnK a m AH I (11.93)
how the solubility of am orphous silica varies as a
dT \ R)\ T2 RT2 function of tem perature at different values of
M ultiplying by d T gives: the pH . The therm odynam ic constants required
,, / A //p \ / d T for this calculation are listed in A ppendix B.
(11.94) A m orphous silica reacts with w ater to form
d ln K =
/ brl silicic acid:
S i0 2 (am orph.) + 2 H zO (l) -+ H 4 SiC> 4 (11.98)
We integrate equation 11.94 from the standard tem
perature ( T ) to som e other tem perature (T), which m ay
The change in Gibbs free energy of this reaction in the
be higher or lower than T:
standard state is:
AGfi = [(-312 .66)] - [(-203 .33) + 2(-56 .687)]
= +4.044 kcal (11.99)
11.12 SUMMARY 169
and the equilibrium constant K r is: C onsequently at 0C, K T = IO-1019, w hereas at 100C,
K r = 10-868. O nce again, the equilibrium constant
K r = i o - (4044h-364) = IO296 (11.100)
increases with rising tem perature because reaction 11.104
The change in enthalpy in the standard state is: is endotherm ic.
These calculations illustrate the point that therm
AHR = -349 .1 - | 215.94 + 2 (68.315)] odynam ics no t only confirms our qualitative predictions
based on Le C hteliers principle but actually perm its us
= +3.47 k c a l / (11.101)
to determ ine the num erical values of the equilibrium
The reaction is endotherm ic, suggesting that its constants of all kinds of chemical reactions betw een tem
equilibrium constant increases with tem perature. From peratures of 0 and 100 C or other appropriate tem perature
the vant H off equation (11.97): limits.
A lthough this is a very im portant advance in
log K T = geochemistry, the calculations can becom e quite tedious.
3.47 X 103 (1 1 \ , Therefore, it is helpful to sum m arize the results of therm
~~2 -9 6
~~ 2.3025 X 1.987VT ~~ 298.15/ (1L102) odynam ic calculations by m eans of suitable diagrams. In
the case at hand, we w ant to depict the concentration of S
w here R = 1.987 c a l/d e g -m o l. N ote th at AHR
i0 2 in saturated solutions of am orphous silica at different
m ust be converted to calories in order to be com patible values of the pH and tem perature. We therefore carry out
with R. E quation 11.102 reduces to: the calculations first m ade in Section 9.6 at a series of tem
peratures for selected p H values and plot the results in
\o g K T = -2 .9 6 - 7 5 8 .4 0 ; - Figure 11.1 as a set of curves in coordinates of the
0.003 35 j
concentration of S i0 2 and tem perature. The diagram
depicts the increase in the solubility of am orphous S i0 2
W hen T > 298.15 K, l / T - 0.003 35 is negative with increasing tem perature at specified values of the
pH . Such dia gram m atic representations of chem ical
and the algebraic sign of the second term in equa reactions are widely used in geochem istry and therefore
tion 11.103 changes to plus. Therefore, at are the subject of C hapter 12.
T = 273.15 K (0C) equation 11.103 yields
K T = 1(T3-20, whereas at 373.15 K (100C)
K T = 10-2'45. Evidently, the equilibrium constant
of reaction 11.98 increases with increasing tem per
ature as predicted.
The first dissociation of silicic acid forms 11.12 Summary
H 3 S iO / and H +:
H 4 S i0 4 -> H 3 S i0 4 + H + (11.104) Therm odynam ics is based on three statem ents regarding
the relationship betw een heat and other forms of energy
The standard free energy change is A GR = that do not require proof because they are self-evident.
Starting from these basic premises, therm odynam ics has
+13.24 kcal, and the standard enthalpy change is AHR =
grown into a large body of knowledge by rigorous
+ 7 .0 kcal. N ote th at the Gf and Hf of H + are both deductive reason ing aided by m athem atics. The products
equal to zero. The equilibrium con of this developm ent include the concepts of enthalpy and
stant of reaction 11.104 at 25 C is K = 10- 9 7 1 and Gibbs free energy and a proof of the Law of Mass A ction
varies with tem perature in accordance with the for reacting m ixtures of ideal gases.
vant H off equation:
log K j = -9 .7 1 - 1 5 3 0
.0 3 0 - 0.003 35j These results of therm odynam ics have great
practical value in geochem istry because they p er
(11.105) mit us to calculate the equilibrium constants of
chem ical reactions at any desired tem perature,

lim ited only by the availability of the necessary

therm odynam ic param eters and constrained by
the stabilities of the reactants and products. Consequently,
we can now explore the behavior of chem ical reactions on
the surface of the E arth and use the results to specify the
stability limits of the com m on rock-form ing minerals. M
any of the reactions th at take place in the natural environ
m ent can be studied in the laboratory only with great
difficulty because these reactions are so slow. Therm
odynam ics enables us to m ake predic tions about the
outcom e of these reactions that can be tested by evidence
in the field.

Figure 11.1 Solubility of amorphous silica as a func

tion of temperature at different pH values. The equilib
rium constants at 25 C were calculated from equation
11.77 using the standard free energies of formation
from Appendix B. Equilibrium constants at other tem
peratures were derived from the vant Hoff equation
(11.97) based on K and kHR. The activity coefficients
of all ions and molecules were assumed to be equal to
one. The resulting curves indicate that the concentra
tion of S i0 2 in milligrams per liter in saturated solu
tions of amorphous silica in water increases both with Temperature, C
increasing temperature and pH.

1. Calculate the 5. Calculate K r for the
enthalpy change when (NaAlSijOg), water, and
fluorite (CaF2) dissolves in (Al2Si20 5(OH)4) and silicic acid.
water in the standard state. 6. Apply the Law of
2. Based on the result in Mass Action to the
Problem 1, predict how the reaction in Problem 5,
solubility of fluorite varies take logarithms to the
with temperature. base 10, and express the
3. Calculate the resulting equation in
standard free energy terms of log [Na+]/[H +]
change of the reaction by and log [H4S i0 4].
which fluorite dissociates 7. The water of the
into ions. Mississippi River at
4. Calculate the Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
solubility of fluorite in has the following
water at 10, 20, and 30 C chemical composi tion at
and express each in terms pH = 7.2.
of the concen tration of
Ca2+ in mg/L. (Assume y =
1 for all species.)
ppm ppm Mississippi River at Baton Rouge; that is, determine

HCO3 101 Mg2+ 7.6 whether albite or kaolinite is produced.

9. Make the necessary calculation (assuming
sof 41 Na+ 11 T = 25 C) to determine whether the Mississippi River
cr 15 K+ 3.1 at Baton Rouge is saturated or undersaturated with
N O 3- 1.9 S i0 2 5.9 respect to (a) calcite, (b) gypsum, (c) amorphous silica,
Ca2+ 34 (d) quartz, and (e) dolomite.

10. Calculate the value of Gf for BaF2 given that the

Calculate log [Na+]/[H +] and log [H4S i04] for this water concentration of Baz+ in a saturated solution at 25 C,
using the necessary activity coefficients. having an ionic strength of 0.01, is 1.12 X 102 m/L.
8. Use the results of Problems 6 and 7 to determine the Assume that Ba2+ and F are derived entirely from BaF2
direction of the reaction in Problem 5 in the and that hydrolysis is negligible.
A N D E R S O N , G. M ., 1996. Thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics o f Natural Blackwell Scientific, Palo
Systems. Alto, A ll pp.
Wiley, New York, 382 pp. R IF K IN , J., 1980. Entropy.
B A R I N , I., F. S U E R T , E. SC H U L T Bantam, New York, 302 pp.
Z E - R H O N H O F , and W. S. SH E N R O B I E , R. A., B. S. H E M IN G W A Y
G , , and J. R. F I S H E R , 1978.
1989. Thermochemical Thermodynamic
Data o f Pure Substances,
properties of minerals and
related sub stances at
Publishers, New York, 1739 pp.
F R A S E R , D. G. (Ed.), 1977.
298.15 K and 1 bar
pressure and at higher
Reidel, Amsterdam, 410 pp.
K E L L E Y , K . K ., 1962. H e a ts o f tem
peratures. U.S. Geol. Survey Bull.
a n h y d ro u s silicates. U.S. Bureau o f Mines
W E A S T , R. C., M. J. A S T L E , and W. H.
CRC Handbook o f Chemistry and Physics.
K E R N , R ., and A . W E IS B R O D ,
1967. Boca Raton, FL.
Thermodynamics for W OOD , B. J., and D. G. F
Geologists. W. H. Thermodynamics for Geologists.
Freeman, New York, 304 Oxford, England, 303 pp.
pp. W O O D S , T. L., and R. S.
K R A U S K O P F , K. B., 1979.
Introduction to Geochemistry, Values at Low Temperature
2nd ed. for Natural Inorganic
McGraw-Hill, New York,
617 pp. Oxford University Press,
New York, 242 pp.
M O O R E , W. J., 1955. Physical
Chemistry, 2nd ed. Prentice-
Upper Saddle River, NJ,
633 pp.
N O R D S T R O M , D. K., and J. L.
M U N O Z , 1986. Geochemical
Mineral Stability
W hen m inerals participate in chem ical reactions as perature and pressure of the E arth s surface. However,
reactants or products, they are either con sum ed or the stability of m inerals can also be defined by equations
produced depending on the direction arising from their c o n g ru ent solution in dilute
in which the reaction is moving. We can th e re aqueous solutions. B oth kinds of activity diagram s p
fore say that reactant m inerals are unstable, resen t com plex chemical interactions in a form that is
w hereas p ro d u c t m inerals are stable while the especially appropriate for geologists accustom ed to using
reaction is in progress. If the reaction ultim ately reaches phase diagram s in igneous petrology.
equilibrium , b o th reactant and product m inerals becom
e stable. Thus, we can investigate the stability of m inerals
under two kinds of con ditions: 12.1 Chemical Weathering of
1. We can determ ine the environm ental conditions
The feldspars in igneous rocks crystallize from silicate m
necessary for m inerals to coex ist at
elts at high tem perature, but can also form on the surface
equilibrium .
of the E arth by reactions of aqueous solutions w ith other
2. We can determ ine which m inerals are sta ble
alum inosilicates such as the clay minerals. In Section
and which are unstable in a particular geochem
10.6 we dis cussed how to construct the equations th at re
ical environm ent.
p resent the reactions am ong aluminosilicates, but we
The theoretical basis for these kinds of studies is provided were unable to proceed because we did not know the
by the Law of Mass A ction and by the relationship betw equilibrium constants of the reactions we w anted to
een the standard free energy change of a chem ical investigate.
reaction and its equilibrium constant at 25 C.
Now we can restate the equation for the con
The activity diagram s we w ant to construct are version of m icrocline to kaolinite:
based on the in co n g ru en t solution of certain alum 2 KAlSi3 0 8 + 9 H 20 + 2 H + ^
inosilicate m inerals in igneous and high-
A l2 Si2 05 ( 0 H ) 4 + 2 K + + 4 H 4 S i0 4(12.1)
grade m etam orphic rocks. T he reactions on
which the diagram s are based contribute to Using the standard free energies of form ation
chemical w eathering and result in the form ation of
from A ppendix B we obtain:
oxides, hydroxides, clay m inerals, or zeolites, depending
A GR = [-(906 .84) + 2 ( 67.70) + 4(-312 .66)]
on th e geochem ical environm ent. Transform ations am
ong m inerals that form only at elevated tem perature and - [ 2( - 894.9) + 9 (56.687)]
pressure are in ap propriate in activity diagram s draw n at
= +7.103 kcal (12.2)
the tem
than required for A HR = [(-9 8 3 .5 ) + 2 ( 60.32) + 4
Therefore, the equilibrium equilibrium at a particular We might have
value of log [K +]/[H +], chosen to write an - [ 2 ( - 948.7) + 9(68.315)]
constant of the reac tion at
25 C is: reaction 12.1 moves to the equation for the = +14.895 kcal
R = 1 0 -(7.103/1.364) =left, thereby converting
1 0 -5.21 conversion of microcline
kaolinite into microcline. to gibbsite instead of We see that the reaction is endothe
A pplying the Law of M Therefore, microcline is kaolinite. The resulting occurs in the standard
ass A ction when the reac stable under these condi line plots to the left of the state, which m eans th at it
tion is at equilibrium tions, w hereas kaolinite is m icrocline-kaolinite consum es h e a t in th e
unstable. The same rea equilibrium in Figure 12.1. forw ard d irection .
soning indicates that if log This means that Therefore, an increase in
[H 4 SiQ 4 ]4 [iO microcline is reacting to
[H 4 S i0 4] is less than tem perature favors the
[H + ] 2 required for equilibrium , form gibbsite under conversion of m icrocline
kaolinite is stable and m conditions in which to kaolinite and causes the
w here the square brackets
icrocline is unstable at 25 kaolinite, not microcline,
signify activities or equilibrium constant to
C. is stable. Consequently,
fugacities of reactants and increase. The rela tionship
the transform a
products. N ext, we take betw een K T and K T is
tion of microcline to
logarithm s of equation given by the vant H off
m ust be excluded from the diagram .
12.4: W hen reaction 12.1 occurs in a closed
4 log [H 4S iO j + 2 log [K +] - ro n m en t having a sm all w a te r/ro c k
log [H 4 S i0 4] and log [K +]/[H +] m ay change A
th e rea ctio n p ro g resses until eq u ilib riu m H
Collecting terms:
established. In th at
4 log [H4S iO j + 2(log [K +] - case, kaolinite and m
icrocline coexist in X

from which it follows that: equilibrium w ith the

aqueous solution, 1
4 log [H 4S iO j + provided the tem perature 0
2 logf pj = the activities of th e ions 3
unchanged. O n the other /
and: 1
m ent is open or the w log K T = log K TC -
ater/ro ck ratio is large, the 2.30257? \T
reaction m ay not achieve
l0 g [H T] = 2 l0g
equilibrium because it is
E quation 12.8 is a straight line, shown in Fig
unable to change the
ure 12.1, along w hich log activity of H 4 S i0 4 and
log [H 4 S i0 4] have the the [K +]/[H +] ratio of the
values required for environm ent enough to m
ake them com patible w ith
equilib rium betw een
equation 12.8. In this case,
m icrocline and the reaction continues until
kaolinite. If the two either kaolinite or m
param eters have values that place the environ icrocline is used up,
m ent o f f the line, the reaction is depending on the direc
um . In that case, we can tion in which it is moving; th at is, the
determ ine the direction goes to com pletion.
in which th e reaction We can investigate the effect of a
Le C h te lie rs principle tu re change on reaction 1
log [H 4 S i0 4] of the
environm ent is greater

log [H4S i04]

Figure 12.1 Stabilities of microcline, muscovite (proxy for illite), kaolinite, gibbsite, and amorphous silica in
equilibrium with K+, H +, and H4S i0 4 in aqueous solution at 25 C and 1 atm pressure. The equations for the
stability boundaries are based on the standard free energy values from Appendix B and are listed in
Table 12.1. Note that K-smectite, pyrophyllite, and quartz are omitted from the diagram in order to keep it simple.
Note also that the diagram lies in the upper left quadrant of the coordinate system. The reaction path was adapted
from Steinmann et al. (1994).
posed of Si0 2 - A l2 0 3 - K 2 0 up K + and m ay be
converted into illite (rep re
Since K T. = IO 5 21, AHR =- H C l- H 2 0 . These for equilibrium between
T = 308.15 K (35 C): include gibb-site, m the solids in adjoining
uscovite (proxy for illite), sented by m uscovite in
log K T = 14 895 fields. Each field is
Figure 12.1) or low -tem -
K -smectite, pyro-phyllite, labeled to indicate which
- 5 .2 1 - p erature feldspar, given
and am orphous silica. N solid is stable within its
K(35 C) = K T 4 8 5 sufficient time.
ote that HC1 serves as a boundaries. The solids are The evolution of the
source of hydrogen ions stable only within their
Since 10- 4 ' 8 5 > 10-521, th e chem ical com position of
and is not actually present stability fields. W hen they w ater as a result of chem
to the right in favor of in natural environments. N are exposed to an ical w eathering of m in
kaolinite with increasing ote also that the stability environm ent that lies erals such as m icrocline can be pre
tem perature, as predicted fields of K -smectite and outside their own stability num erical m odeling (H elgeson et al.,
. pyrophyllite are not shown field, they are converted progress of such reactions
W hen reaction 12.1 in Figure 12.1, but they do into the solid that is stable produces curved reac tion
proceeds from left to right occur betw een kaolinite in that environm ent. For paths on activity diagram s.
as w ritten, it produces K and microcline. The example, if a grain of A n exam ple of such a
+ ions and H 4 S i0 4 m equations required to microcline is placed into path is show n in Figure
olecules while consum ing define the stability limits an environm ent within the 12.1 based on m od eling
H + and H 2 0 . T here of the solid phases in this stability field of kaolinite, by Steinm ann et al.
fore, if the system system
is closed, are derivable
the chemical com po by reaction 1 2 . 1 will run from (1994). T heir calcula tions
sition of the w ater changes in thesuch
a wayprocedure
that we left to right and convert w ere based on the assum
log [H 4 S i0 4] and dem +]
log [K +]/[H onstrated
becom eabove
m orefor the m icro cline into ptions that:
com patible with the reac tion 12.1 and are kaolinite, provided enough
values required for therefore listed in Table time is avail able to allow 1. The system is
equilibri um. Therefore, 12.1. the reaction to run to closed and the w
chemical w eathering completion. Similarly, if
ater/ro ck ratio is
alters the chemical com kaolinite is placed into an
position of w ater and The boundaries in small.
environment within the
hence its quality as a Figure 12.1 are the loci of stability field of 2. The secondary m
points whose coordinates inerals are in
natural resource. M microcline, it forms sec
have the values required equilibrium with
oreover, reactions ondary K-feldspar known
ions in the
such as 1 2 . 1 take place not only on the surface of as adularia (Kastner, 1971;
solution even
the E arth but also below Kastner and Siever, 1979;
though the
groundw ater is in contact Mensing and Faure, 1983).
prim ary m inerals
with m inerals that are are n o t in
unstable in the presence of M ost natural w aters
equilibrium .
w eathering is n o t restricted plot w ithin the stability
field of kaolinite in Figure 3. Tem perature and
exposed to the w eather, but pressure rem ain
depth below the surface 12.1, w hereas seaw ater
depending on the loca tion straddles the boundary
betw een m uscovite 4. A lum inum is
of the w ater table and the conserved in the
porosity and p er m (illite) and microcline. T
eability of the rocks. herefore, m icrocline and
other 5. The solutions rem
We can now com
feldspars in igneous and ain dilute such th
plete the construction of
the continents w eather at all activity
the stability diagram for
microcline (Figure 12.1) (kaolinite and sm ectite). coefficients are
by adding o th er W hen these clay m iner close to unity.
crystalline or am orphous als are deposited in the
com pounds that can oceans, they tend to take
occur in the system com
Table 12.1 S tab ility R e la tio n s A m o n g M icro clin e, K ao lin ite,

G ib b site, a n d A m o rp h o u s Silica in th e P re se n c e o f W a te r a t 25 C
a n d 1 a tm p re s s u re 3

2 KAlSi3Os + 9 H20 + 2 H + ^ Al2Si2Os(OH)4 + 2 K+ + 4 H4S i0 4

AGR = +7.103 kcal K = 105-21
log | | i | = ~2 log [H4SiO j - 2.60 (1)


Al,Si20 5(0 H )4 + 5 H20 ^ 2 Al(OH)3 + 2 H4S i0 4

AGR = +12.755 kcal K = 109-35

log [H4S i0 4] = -4 .68 (2)

3 KAlSi30 8 + 12 H20 + 2 H + ^ KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 + 2 K+ + 6 H4SiQ4

AGR = +16.184 kcal K = IO118

lo g j |J j = -3 1 o g [H 4S i04] - 5 .9 3 (3)


2 KAl3Si30 H1(0 H )2 + 3 H20 + 2 H + ^ 3 Al2Si20 5(0 H )4 + 2 K+

A GR = -11.059 kcal K = 10+8U

l0gf ] =+405 (4)


KAl3Si30 ]u(0 H )2 + 9 H20 + H + ^ 3 Al(OH)3 + K+ + 3 H4S i0 4

AGR = +13.603 kcal K= IO997

log j |^ j = - 3 log [H4SiO j - 9.97 (5)

Solubility limit of amorphous silica

S i0 2(amorph.) + 2 HzO ^ H4S i0 4

A GR = +3.604 kcal K = IO' 264

log [H4SiO j = -2 .64 (6)
aBased on the thermodynamic data in Appendix B.
incongruently to m ultiplying
W hen form kaolinite equation 12.14 by reactions
microcline is (equation 1 , Table 1/2 and adding it to represented by
exposed to an 12.1): equation 12.15
12.13. The
environ ment cause the [K+]/[H
represented by the +] ratio of the w
coordinates of point 2 K A lSi3 0 8 ater to rise along
A in + 9 H 20 + 2 H the gibbsite
Figure 12.1 (i.e., log [H + - ( 1 2 1 4 ) A l2 -kaolinite boundary
[H +] = 2.0, pH = 4), it will react to form gibbsite: from point B to
Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 + point C, which is
K A lSi3 O s + 7 H 20 + H + - A l(O H
2K++4H4S reached when all of
+3H the gibbsite has
i0 4
As a result, the been converted to
This reaction kaolinite.
the w ater both increase because
releases silicicthe acid Subsequently,
assum ed to be and also causes the m icrocline reacts w
closed and the w [K+]/[H +] ratio of ith ions in the w ater
ater/rock ratio is the w ater to to form kaolinite in
small. Therefore, increase. If accordance with
the chemical com equilibrium betw equation 12.14. A s
een gibbsite and a result, the [K +] /
position of the
kaolinite is m [ H +] ratio as well
aqueous phase
aintained, the as [H 4 S i0 4] b oth
changes along the
concentration of increase along the
reaction path from
silicic acid in the w reac
A to B. ater m ust rem ain tion path betw een points C an
constant until all of th at enough m icrocline is ava
W hen the
the previ ously reaction 12.14 to continue.
chemical com
form ed gibbsite If the chemical com position
position of the aque
has been converted reaches the stability
ous phase reaches to kaolinite. U nder boundary betw een
point B, kaolinite these conditions,
becom es the stable kaolinite and m
the reactions at
phase. Therefore, uscovite (illite),
point B in Figure
the previously form kaolinite becom es
12.1 can be
ed unstable and reacts
represented by one
gibbsite reacts with silicicequation w ritten in with the ions in the
form kaolinite: such a way that Si w ater to form m us
2 A l(O H is con covite (equation 4,
served (Steinm ann Table 12.1):
A l2 Si2 0 et al., 1994):
3 A l2 Si2 0
KAlSi3 0 8 + 2 5 ( 0 H )4
This reaction
A l(O H ) 3 + H + 2 KT
consum es silicic (12.16)
+ ->
acid, but does not ^ 2 K A l3 Si3 O 1 0
affect the [K+]/[H (O H ) 2 + 3 H
+] ratio of the water. 1.5 A l2 Si2 0 5 (O 2Q + 2 H 4
H ) 4 + K + + 0.5
A t the sam e tim e,
H zO This reaction causes
m icrocline
a decrease of the [K
continues to This equation can +]/[H +] ratio of the
dissolve be constructed by
w ater w ithout affecting
the activity of [H 4 S i0 4].
H ow ever, if m icrocline is
still avail
able, it will now form m uscovite (equation 3,
Table 12.1):
3 KAlSi3 O s + 12 H 20

K A l3 Si3 O 1 0 (O H ) 2 + 2 K + +

This reaction increases

both the [K+]/[H +] ratio
and [H 4 S i0 4]. Since the
com position of the w ater
m ust rem ain on the
stability boundary betw
een kaolinite and
muscovite until all of the
ly form ed kaolinite has been converted to
covite, the [K+]/[H +] ratio of the
rem ain constant. Therefore, equations 12.16 and
12.17 can be com bined to yield:
KAlSi3 0 8 + A l2 Si2 0 5 (O H

K A l3 Si3 O 1 0 (O H ) 2 + 2 H

This reaction increases

ing the [K+]/[H +] ratio

the chemical com position of
along th e kaolinite -m uscovite
Figure 12.1 from point D tow ard point

If sufficient microcline is available to drive reaction diagram s for many different systems at different tem
12.18 until the chemical com position of the w ater peratures and pressures was published by Bowers et al.
reaches point E, all three m inerals (microcline, kaolinite, (1984).
and muscovite) coexist in equilibrium w ith the ions in the The stability limits of albite (N aA lSi 3 0 8) and
solution . Consequently, the chemical w eathering anorthite (C aA l2 Si2 0 8) are shown in Figure 12.2, and
reactions stop at point E provided that the tem perature the relevant equations are listed in Table 12.2. These
rem ains constant and the system rem ains closed. diagram s can be interpreted in the same way as the
microcline diagram . They are, in fact,
The reaction path shown in Figure 12.1 is one of an com plem entary to Figure 12.1 because they not
infinite num ber of possible paths whose course depends only introduce N a+ and Ca2+, respectively, but
on the initial chemical com position and p H of the water. also involve H + and H 4 S i0 4. In m ost natural envi ronm
The work of Steinm ann et al. (1994) indicated th at the ents all three m inerals are likely to be p re sent.
shape of reaction paths in Figure 12.1 is especially sen Therefore, the activities of H + and H 4 S i0 4 of natural
sitive to the initial pH of the water. If pH > 5, the reaction solutions reflect the progress of all three chemical
paths proceed from point A to the gibb-site-m uscovite reactions occurring simultaneously. In addition, other
boundary w ithout entering the kaolinite field. reactions may be taking place involving other silicate
minerals, as well as car bonates, phosphates, sulfides, or
sulfates. As a result, predictions about the progress of one
The purpose of this discourse is to em phasize that par ticular reaction occurring in such com plex natural
the reactions betw een microcline (or anoth er m ineral) environm ents may be affected by the other reac tions that
and acidified w ater not only cause transform ations are occurring simultaneously.
among the solid phases but also affect the chemical com
position of the water. These reactions therefore contribute The stability diagram of albite in Figure 12.2A
significantly to the chemical evolution of w ater both on includes the Na-m ica paragonite and therefore is sim ilar
the surface and below the surface of the E arth . Therefore, to that of microcline. The solubility limit of m agadiite
activity diagrams like Figure 12.1 p ro vide useful inform (Surdam and Eugster, 1976) is listed in Table 12.2 but is
ation about several geochem i cal questions: not shown in Figure 12.2A.
The stability of analcim e is discussed in Sec
tion 1 with other zeolite minerals, w hereas
reactions am ong the clay m inerals are discussed
1. W hat environmental conditions are required to in C hapter 13.
allow a particular mineral to form? The stability field of the Ca-m ica m argarite is
2. W hat m inerals are stable in a given geo chemical not shown in Figure 12.2B because it is a rare
environm ent? m ineral and its standard free energy of form a
3. W hat ions or molecules are consum ed or tion is not well known. In addition, the activity of
produced when an unstable m ineral reacts in a Ca2+ in aqueous solutions reacting with an o r
given geochemical environm ent? thite is lim ited by the solubility of calcite, which
4. How does the w ater evolve chemically depends on the fugacity of C 0 2 of the environ
w hen reactions occur in a closed system m ent and on the H + activity. The equation that governs
with a small w ater/rock ratio? the solubility lim it of calcite can be con structed as
follows. We know that calcite dis solves to form Ca2+ and
The answers to these kinds of questions provide inform H C O j at p H values betw een 6.4 and 10.3 (Section 9.5).
ation that is useful in hydrogeology, sedi m entary H ow ever, the bicarbonate ion is also in equilibrium w ith
petrology, soil science, geochem ical prospecting, m ole cular H 2 CO j, which equilibrates w ith C 0 2 (g) + H
economic geology, clay mineralogy, and other im portant 2 0 . Therefore, we express the solubility of cal cite in term

applications of inorganic aqueous geochemistry. A large s of Ca2+ and C 0 2 (g) because we

num ber of activity
log [Na+]/[H +]

Figure 12.2 Stability of albite (A)

and anorthite (B) in the presence of acidi
fied water at 25 C and 1 atm pressure
based on equations listed in Table 12.2.
Ab = albite, K = kaolinite, G = gibbsite,
Pa = paragonite, Py = pyrophyllite,
Si = amorphous silica, An = anorthite,
C = calcite. Na- and Ca-smectite and the
solubility limits of quartz and magadiite
are not shown, but the magadiite solubility
limit is given by equation 9 in Table 12.2A.
The solubility limit of calcite (equation 7,
Table 12.2B) in B is based on a fugacity of
C 0 2 = 3 x 10 4 atm. The solubility limits
of amorphous silica and calcite restrict the
log [Ca2+]/[H +]2

compositions of natural solutions to the

lower left corner of B. Point P in that area
represents an environment in which anor
thite alters to gibbsite, a reaction that can
cause the composition of the water to
change. When the reaction path reaches
line 5 (Table 12.2B), calcite begins to pre
cipitate and the path turns to the right but
does not advance beyond the
gibbsite-kaolinite border (equation 2,
Table 12.2B). Because of the way in which
the solubility limit of calcite restricts the
[Ca2+]/[H +]2 ratio of water, authigenic
anorthite cannot form by reactions of nat
log [H4S iO J ural solutions with gibbsite, kaolinite, or
pyrophyllite at 25 C.

Table 12.2 Stability

Relations for Albite and A northite in Contact
with Aqueous Solutions at 25 C and 1 atm pressure3
A. Albite

2 NaAlSi30 8 + 9 H20 + 2 H +^ Al2Si20 5(0 H )4 + 2 Na+ + 4 H4S i0 4

[Na+] (1)
loS Tu+T = 2 lQg [H4SiQ4] - 0.19

Al2Si2Os(OH)4 + 5 H20 ^ 2 Al(OH)3 + 2 H4S i0 4

log [H4S i0 4] = -4 .68 (2)


3 NaAlSi3Os + 12 H ,0 + 2 H +^ NaAl3Si30 1(1(0 H )2 + 2 N a+ + 6 H 4S i0 4

108 W T = 3 log [Ii4Si 4] 4-10 (3)


2 NaAl3Si30 ]()(0 H )2 + 3 H20 + 2 H +^ 3 Al2Si2Os(OH)4 + 2 Na+

logWT = +7-63 ^

NaAl3Si3Oul(OH)2 + 9 H20 + H+^ 3 Al(OH)3 + Na+ + 3 H4S i0 4

log W T = 3 log [H4Si 4] 640 (5)


2 NaAlSi3Os + 4 H20 + 2 H +^ Al2Si4O10(OH)2 + 2 Na+ + 2 H4S i0 4

log ^ = - lo g [H4S i0 4] + 2.48 (6)


Al2Si4O10(OH)2 + 5 H20 ^ Al2Si2Os(OH)4 + 2 H4S i0 4

log [H4S104] = -2 .67 (7)


Table 1 2 .2 (c o n tin u e d )

Solubility limit of amorphous silica

S i0 2(amorph.) + 2 H20 ^ H4S i0 4

log [H4SiO j = -2 .64 (8)
Solubility limit of magadiite

NaSi70 13(0 H )3 + 12 H20 + H +^ N a + + 7 H4S i04

AGS = +18.88 kcal K = IO1184

log W T = 7 log [Ii4Si 4] 13,84 (9)

B. Anorthite

CaAl2Si2Og + HzO + 2 H +^ Al2Si2Os(OH)4 + Ca2+

logW F = + 16,17 (1)


Al2Si20 5(0 H )4 + 5 HzO ^ 2 Al(OH)3 + 2 H4S i0 4

log [H4SiO j = -4 .68 (2)


CaAl2Si20 8 + 6 H20 + 2 H V 2 Al(OH)3 + Ca2+ + 2 H4S i0 4

log W F = ~2 log [Ii4Si 4] + 6-82 (3)


CaAl2Si20 8 + 2 H4S i0 4 + 2 H V Al2Si4O10(OH)2 + Ca2+ + 4 HzO

log W F = 2 log [H4Si 4] + 2L50 (4)

Solubility limit of calcite

CaCO, + 2 H V Ca + CO, + H ,0

lQg VfTTIT = 13-38 if [c 2] = 3 x 10-4 atm (5)
Based on the thermodynamic data in Appendix B.

thereby avoid having to introduce the bicarbon ate ion A nother consequence of the calcite solubility limit is
into the equations:. that neither gibbsite nor kaolinite can be converted into
anorthite because log [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2 of the solution cannot
C a C 0 3 (s) + 2 H 3 Ca2+ + CO ,(g) + H 2 0 (l)
rise above 13.38. Therefore, the reactions betw een
acidified w ater and anor thite that produce either kaolinite
In the standard state, AGR = -13.441 kcal and
or gibbsite are
not reversible at 25 C. If the fugacity of C O z is
hence K = 109'85. If [C 0 2] = 3 X IO" 4 atm:
increased by a factor of 10 to 3 X 10- 3 atm ,
1 0 9
log [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2 = 12.38 (equation 12.20), which
= 10 13.38

3 X 10" causes calcite to precipitate at even lower values of the

[H + 12 [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2 ratio. Therefore, anorthite is not form ed
and log [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2 = 13.38. Therefore, calcite
from clay m inerals or alum inum hydroxide at Earth-
precipitates w hen log [Ca2 +] /[ H + ] 2 > 13.88. surface tem peratures, w hereas albite and K -feldspar do
Consequently, the decom position of anorthite form because their car bonates, oxides, and hydroxides are
can result in the form ation of gibbsite + calcite, much m ore soluble than those of Ca or Mg and therefore
kaolinite + calcite, or kaolinite + calcite + am or do not impose limits on the activities of their ions in
phous silica, depending on the environm ent to aqueous solutions.
which anorthite is exposed. For example, if anor thite is
placed into an environm ent represented by point P in the
stability field of gibbsite, anorthite is converted to
gibbsite in accordance with reac tion 3 in Table 12.2B. If
the system is closed and 12.2 Formation of Zeolites
the w ater/rock ratio is small, the composition of
the water changes because Ca2+ and H 4 S i0 4 are The zeolites are a large and highly diversified group of
released. If the fugacity of C 0 2 is 3 X IO- 4 atm, aluminosilicates that occur in certain
calcite begins to precipitate when the reaction path igneous, m etam orphic, and sedim entary rocks
reaches the solubility boundary of calcite. As a result, the (G ottardi and Galli, 1985). They can form by
reaction path moves along the solu bility boundary of direct precipitation from aqueous solution in vesi cles and
calcite (line 5 in Figure 12.2B) because the activity of H 4 fractures of lava flow. However, zeolites
S i0 4 increases as anor also form in sedim entary rocks by reactions
thite continues to be converted to gibbsite. betw een volcanic glass, feldspars, feldspathoids,
W hen the reaction path reaches the stability and other silicate m inerals with saline solutions of high
boundary betw een gibbsite and kaolinite (line 2 pH (Lisitzina and Butuzova, 1982; Petzing and Chester,
in Figure 12.2B), the rem aining anorthite reacts 1979). The zeolites contain w ater of hydration, which is
to form kaolinite by reaction 1 in Table 12.2B. gradually forced out by increases in pressure and tem
This reaction tends to increase the [Ca 2 +]/[H + ] 2 ratio of perature. Hence, zeolites have been used to determ ine the
the solution and therefore causes m ore calcite to depth of burial of lava flows and of volcaniclastic sedim
precipitate. The reaction path does not advance beyond en tary rocks (Coom bs et al., 1959; W alker, 1960;
the gibbsite-kaolinite boundary because the conversion of Sutherland, 1977). The crystal structures of zeo lites
anorthite to kaolinite does not increase the activity of H 4 contain channels and cavities that m ake these m inerals
S i0 4 of the solution and because the [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2 useful as m olecular sieves. Therefore, zeolites are used in
activity ratio cannot exceed the solubility limit of calcite. the purification of w ater and other liquids and gases, for
Therefore, the solubility limits of calcite and am orphous chemical separations, and for decontam ination of
silica in Figure 12.2B restrict the com positions of radioactive waste (Barrer, 1978). Because of their many
natural waters to the lower left cor ner of the diagram . industrial uses, zeolites are synthesized for specific
tions, but natural m aterials recovered from large sedim 1984). Hence, therm odynam ic constants of only a few
entary deposits are also used (Hay, 1966). zeolites (analcime, wairakite, laum ontite, and
Zeolites are tektosilicates (Section 8.3) com posed of leonhardite) are listed in A ppendix B.
silica tetrahedra linked at the corners by sharing oxygen We begin by modifying the stability diagram of
atoms so that the ratio of Si to O is 1 :2 . The replacem ent albite (Figure 12.2A) by including the zeolite analcim e
of som e Si atom s by Al atoms creates a deficiency of (N aA lSi2 0 6 H 2 0 ) . The reaction by which albite is
positive charge in the lattice because Al is trivalent w transform ed into analcime is easi ly constructed:
hereas Si is tetrava lent. The resulting excess negative
charge is neutral ized by incorporation of N a+ or Ca2+
N aA lSi3 O g + 3 H 20 ^
and, m ore rarely, of K +, Ba2+, and Sr2+ ions. The
NaA lSi2 0 6 H 20 + H 4 S i0 4 (12.23)
zeolites have a m ore open lattice than other tektosilicates,
such as the feldspars and feldspathoids, which allows them A GR = +5.741 kcal K= K T 4'21
to contain water and m akes them useful as m olecular
log [H4 S i0 4] = -4 .2 1 (12.24)
sieves. Some zeolites (chabazite) can be dehydrated by
heating without perm anently dam aging the crystal W hen equation 12.24 is plotted as line 1 in Fig
lattice. D ehydrated chabazite can reabsorb the same am
ure 12.3A, it becom es apparent that analcim e
ount of w ater it contained originally. O ther zeolites
m ust also react to form paragonite. Therefore, we
(phillipsite and gismon-dine) experience m ajor structural
changes during dehydration below 200 C. construct the equation to represent this reaction:
3 N aA lSi2 0 6 H 20 + 3 H zO + 2 H + +
N aA l3 Si3 O 1 0 (O H ) 2 + 2 N a+ + 3 H 4 S i0 4 (12.25)
The chemical com positions of zeolites range widely
because of variations in the num ber of Si atom s that are AGR = -6 .045 kcal K = 10+ 4 A 3
replaced by A l atoms, because the resulting charge logW T = _ 1'5
log [H4Si 4] +
2 -2 2
deficiency is neutralized by vary ing proportions of N a +,
K +, Ca2+, B a2+, and Sr2+,
and because the am ount of w ater may vary The rem ainder of Figure 12.3A is identical to
depending on pressure and tem p eratu re .
Figure 12.2A. We see that analcime is stable in environm
N evertheless, the chemical form ulas of zeolites
ents having high activities of N a+ but low activities of H
can be rationalized by norm alizing the A l to two atoms,
+, which is typical of saline brines form ed by
regardless of the num bers of S i0 2 units or w ater
evaporative concentration of surface water. Therefore,
molecules. For example, the form ula of stilbite (C aA l 2
analcime commonly occurs in playa-lake deposits and in
Si6 0 1 6 6 H zO ) can be understood in term s of coupled
soils and volcaniclastic sedim ent in arid regions of the
world. It occurs in very small crystals ranging from 5 to
8 (S i0 2) + 2 A l3+ - A l2 Si6 0 2g + 2 Si4+ (12.21) 100 p,m but can be detected by x-ray diffraction (Hay,
A l2 Si6 0 2jj + Ca2+ + 6 H zO - 1966).
C aA l2 Si6 0 1 6 6 H zO (12.22)
Next, we consider the Ca-zeolites: C
The com position of zeolites in sedim entary
aA l2 Si4 0 1 2 2H 20
rocks m ay change continuously in response to wairakite
changes in the physical and chemical state of their
CaA l2 Si4 0 1 2 3.5H20
environm ent. The com plexity of the chem i
cal com positions of zeolites and their sensitivity leonhardite CaA
to environm ental change m ake it difficult to
determ ine their standard free energies of form a tion l2 Si4 0 1 2 4H 20
(Johnson et al., 1982; Hem ingw ay and Robie,
laum ontite

log [Na+]/[H +]
log [Ca2+]/[H +]2

Figure 12.3 Stability of albite (A) and anorthite

(B) with respect to analcime and laumontite,
respectively, in the presence of acidified water at
25 C at 1 atm pressure. Ab = albite, Ac =
analcime, Pa = parago-nite, K = kaolinite, G =
gibbsite, Si = amor phous silica, An = anorthite,
L = laumontite. The equations for the numbered
boundaries are given in the text and the others
are the same as in Figure 12.2. Analcime can
form when any of the solids in Figure 12.3A
reacts with Na-rich brines of high pH. However,
the brine compositions required to form laumon
tite at 25 C are restricted by the solubility limits
of calcite and amorphous silica to the small area
in Figure 12.3B labeled L.
log [H 4S i0 4]

all of which have identical m olar S i/A l ratios of 25 C only in those environm ents th at lie within the
small triangular field labeled L . In addi tion, the
2 :
but differ in the num ber of w ater molecules
they contain. Therefore, we choose laum ontite to conversion of anorthite to laum ontite is irreversible
represent these minerals on the stability diagram in Figure because the calcite solubility b ound ary at atm ospheric
12.3B because it forms in near-surface envi ronm ents and values of the fugacity of C 0 2 prevents the [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2
may subsequently convert to leon- ratio of natural solu tions from increasing to values within
hardite or wairakite. L eonhardite form s by the anor thite field.
dehydration of laum ontite upon exposure to the
atm osphere, whereas wairakite becom es stable We can com bine the stability diagram s of analcim e
betw een 150 and 300 C at 1 atm pressure (Bowers et al., and laum ontite (Figure 12.3) by specify ing that the
1984).The transform ation of anorthite to lau m ontite solutions are saturated with respect to am orphous silica.
proceeds as follows (line 1, Figure 12.3B): This presents no problem for laum ontite, which can be in
equilibrium with such a solution. How ever, analcime,
C aA l2 Si2 O g + 2 H 4 S i0 4^ C aA l2 Si4 0 1 2 4H 20 paragonite, and gibbsite are not stable in contact with
(12.27) silica-satu rated solutions. Therefore, we anticipate that
A GR = -1 1 .3 2 kcal K = IO8 3 0 kaolinite is the stable phase in silica-saturated solutions
having low activities of N a+ and Ca2+ and that kaolinite
log [H4S iO j = - 4 .1 5 (12.28)
can coexist in equilibrium with albite and laum ontite as
the activities of N a+ and Ca2+ in the solution increase.
The decom position of laum ontite to kaolinite is Actually, pyrophyl-lite forms from kaolinite just below
represented by the equation: the silica-sat-
C aA l2 Si4 0 ]2' 4H 20 + H 20 + 2 H +^
A l2 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 + Ca2+ + 2 H 4 S i0 4 (12.29) uration limit (Figure 12.2). H owever, we prefer
kaolinite because it is far m ore abundant as a
AGR = -10 .73 kcal K = 107 ' 8 7 w eathering product of alum inosilicate m inerals
[Ca2+1 (1 2 3 ) than pyrophyllite. Accordingly, we begin the con struction
of this diagram with the conversion of kaolinite to albite
l0 g W F = ~ 2 1 o g [H 4Si4] + 7 .8
in a silica-saturated solution:
E quation 12.30 has been plotted as line 2 in
A l2 Si2 O s(O H ) 4 + 2 N a+ + 4 S i0 2 (a m o rp h .)^
Figure 12.3B. Finally, the laum ontite-pyrophyllite
equilibrium is represented by: 2 NaAlSijOg + H 20 +2H+ (12.33)
AGR = +13.899 kcal K = 1(T1 0 1 9
C aA l2 Si4 0 1 2 4H 20 + 2 H V
A l2 Si4 O 1 0 (O H ) 2 + Ca2+ + 4 H 20 (12.31) log [N a+] 12.4) (12,34)
= +5 .09 (line 1, Figure
A GR = -1 8 .0 0 kcal K = io + 1 3 -2 0 [H +]
= +13 .20 (12.32)
[Ca2 + 1 The reaction of kaolinite with Ca2+ to form lau
log + 12
m ontite is represented by:
A l2 Si2 0 5 (O H ) 4 + Ca2+ + 2 S i0 2 (am orph.)
E quation 12.32 forms line 3 in Figure 12.3B. All other
boundaries are the same as in Figure 12.2B. + 3 H 2 0 ^ CaA l2 Si4 0 1 2 4H 20 + 2 H + (12.35)
We see th at laum ontite has a large stability 15
A GR = +17.941 kcal K = IO- 1 3
field in Figure 12.3B, but only a very small p art
of it lies w ithin the com positional range of n a t log ICa2+l
ural solutions. T herefore, anorthite, or any other A l- r +12 = +13.15 (line 2, Figure 12.4) (12.36)
bearing com pound, can alter to laum ontite at LH J

Applying the Law of M ass A ction to eq u a

tion 12.37 yields:
= IO- 2 (12.38)

We now divide the [N a+ ] 2 and [Ca24] in equa

tion 12.38 by [H 4]2:

[N a4 ]2 /[ H 4 -2.96 (12.39)
[Ca2 +]/[H + = 1 0

Taking logarithms of equation 12.39 yields the desired

[N a+] log [Ca24]
2 log = -2 .9 6 (12.40)
[h4 [H + ] 2
and hence:

, [Na+] o s ! lo
tCa2+ - 1.48
log [Ca2 +]/[H + ] 2 log T7JTT = '5

[H 4] B [H 4 ] 2
Figure 12.4 Stability diagram for albite (Ab), kaolin ite (line 3, Figure 12.4) (12 .41)
(K), laumontite (L), and calcite (C) in contact with
solutions saturated with respect to amorphous S i02 (Si) at The three lines derived from reactions 12.33, 12.35,
25 C. Analcime, paragonite, anorthite, and gibb site were and 12.37 have been p lo tted in Figure 12.4
excluded from this diagram because they are unstable in to g eth er with the solubility lim it of calcite
silica-saturated solutions as shown in Figure 12.3. (Table 12.2B, equation 5) for [C 0 2] = 3 X 10 4
However, pyrophyllite is probably stable, but was excluded
because kaolinite is more abundant as a weathering
atm . The resulting diagram delineates the con
product of Al-silicates than pyrophyl lite. The calcite- ditions under w hich albite decom poses to kaoli
saturation limit is based on nite + silica or laum ontite + silica. Its virtue
[C 02] = 3 x IO-4 atm (Table 12.2B, equation 5). The lies in the fact th at the environm ental condi
numbered lines (1,2, and 3) were derived from equa tions are described in term s of both N a 4 and
tions 12.33,12.35, and 12.37, respectively. C a24, but it is lim ited by the instability of cer
tain solids in the presence of silica-saturated solutions.
E quilibrium betw een albite and laum ontite in sil ica-
saturated solutions is based on:

2 N aA lSi3 O s + C a2+ + 4 H 2 0 ^ 12.3 Magnesium Silicates

C aA l2 Si4 0 1 2 4H 20 + 2 N a 4 M agnesium forms a variety of silicate minerals, some of
(12.37) which include Al (phlogopite, cordierite, vermiculite,
+ 2 Si0 (am orph.)
chlorite, and M g-smectite), whereas others lack A l
AGR = +4 .042 kcal 10-296 (forsterite, enstatite, serpentine, talc, and sepiolite). Some
K = 10 Mg silicates contain other cations, such as K 4
We note th at reaction 12.37 is independent of the (phlogopite), Fe24, Ca24, and K 4 (vermiculite), and Fe2 4
pH and th erefore m ust be m odified before it can (M g-montmorillonite). Therefore, these m inerals can be
be plotted in the coordinates of Figure 12.4. shown only on diagrams that assume a specified activity
of silicic
acid or require other assumptions. For this reason, Figure M gS i0 3 + H zO + 2 H +^ Mg2 + H 4 S i0 4 (12.42)
12.5A includes the stability fields only of chlorite (C t) 3 Mg2+ + 2 H 4 S i0 4 + H 2 0 ^ (12.43)
together with pyrophyllite (Py), kaolinite (K), gibbsite
(G ), am orphous silica (Si), and magnesite (Ms). Brucite M g3 Si2 O s(O H ) 4 +6 H+
and periclase have If M g2+ is conserved by m ultiplying eq u a
solubility limits of log [Mg2 +]/[H + ] 2 = 16.71 and
log [Mg2 +]/[H + ] 2= 21.59, respectively, and are tion 12.42 by 3 before adding it to equation 12.43, the net
unstable in Figure 12.5A. Therefore, magnesite result is:
effectively limits the [Mg2 +]/[H + ] 2 ratio of natural

solutions to values less than

1 0 13

52, assuming that 3 M gSiO, + 4 H 2 0 ^

[C 0 2] = 3 X 10 4 atm . The equations for these M g3 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 + H 4 S i0 4
reactions are listed in Table 12.3A.
The A l-bearing silicates of Mg dissolve incon- Therefore, the conversion of enstatite to serp en tine
gruently because gibbsite, kaolinite, and pyrophyl lite are increases the activity of silicic acid. If en sta tite continues
highly insoluble. This situation does not occur when the to dissolve, the activity of silicic acid m ay increase until
Mg silicates that lack Al dissolve in acidified water. These the solubility lim it of sepiolite is reached . C ontinued
minerals therefore dissolve congruently and form M g2+ solution of en sta tite causes sepiolite to precipitate, and
and H 4 S i0 4. Consequently, the stabilities of the Mg- so on, until the solution becom es saturated with am or
silicates are limited by the activities of Mg2+, H +, and H 4 phous silica. H ow ever, the suggested sequence
S i0 4 of the solution with which they come in contact. The of events depends on assum ptions ab o u t the
equations defining the solubilities of the Mg silicates in reactions (i.e., M g is conserved, enstatite contin ues to
coordinates of log [Mg2 +]/[H + ] 2 and log dissolve, no o th er reactions are taking place) and about
the environm ent (closed, with small w a ter/ro ck ratio,
[FI4 S i0 4] are listed in Table 12.3B and have been stable with respect to erosion, constant tem p eratu re) th at
plotted as dashed lines in Figure 12.5B. are rarely satisfied in nature.
The solubilities of m agnesite, serpentine,
sepiolite, and am orphous silica outline a region The replacem ent of enstatite by serpentine in reaction
in Figure 12.5B in which all of the m inerals are 12.44 can, in principle, achieve equilibri
soluble and are therefore unstable. W hen the um at a specific value of log [H 4 S i0 4]. Since
activity ratio [Mg2 +]/[H + ] 2 a n d /o r [H 4 S i0 4] of AGR = 2.63 kcal and K = IO1,93, equilibrium
solutions in that region increase, either m agne betw een e n statite and serpentine occurs at
site, serpentine, sepiolite, or am orphous silica log [H4 S i0 4] = 1.93. This value exceeds the solu bility
precipitates, depending on which solubility line is limit of am orphous silica, which m eans that enstatite and
contacted. The com position of a solution may change serpentine cannot coexist in equi librium in contact with
either because a soluble Mg silicate such as forsterite, natural solutions at 25 C. This is true also of enstatite
talc, enstatite, or anthophyllite is dissolving in the w ater -talc, serpentine -talc, forsterite -talc, serpentine
in a closed system w ith a small w ater/rock ratio, or -anthophyllite, and anthophyllite-talc because, in each
because of evaporative concentration of surface w ater, or case, the activity of H 4 S i0 4 required for equilibrium is
both. For example, if enstatite dissolves in acidified w ater greater than that of a saturated solution of am orphous
represented by the point P in Figure 12.5B, the reaction silica. Similarly, forsterite cannot coexist in equilibrium
path intersects the serpentine solubility line. Therefore, with enstatite, sepiolite, or anthophyllite because the [Mg 2
serpentine precipitates from the solution as enstatite +]/[H + ] 2 ratios required for equilibrium in each case
dissolves. In effect, serpen tine replaces enstatite by the exceed the solubility limit of magnesite.

log [Mg2+]/H +] Figure 12.5 A: Stability diagram of

Mg chlorite (Ct) (aluminosilicate) with
respect to gibbsite (G),
kaolinite (K), pyrophyllite (Py), amor
phous silica (Si), and magnesite (Ms) at
[COz] = 3 x IO-4 atm in the pres ence of
acidified water at 25 C.
B: Solubility limits of pure Mg-silicates
in acidified water at 25 C, based on
equations in Table 12.3. Each of the
minerals shown here dissolves in
solutions whose [Mg2+]/[H +]z ratios and
H4S i0 4 activities are less than those of
their respective solubility lines.
Conversely, when these parame ters
' i
B increase in a solution in the lower left
\_| Brucite ___ corner of the diagram, magnesite,
+ 16 - \ \ \ - - ^ i serpentine, sepiolite, or amorphous sil ica
precipitates, depending on which
\ solubility line is reached by the solu tion.

Consequently, these are the only stable

minerals in contact with natural solutions
+ 14 - Magnesite
s V | l \

on the surface of the Earth. The

combination of solution and
reprecipitation causes the replace ment of

forsterite, enstatite, talc, and
anthophyllite by magnesite, serpen tine,
+ 12 - solutions sepiolite, or amorphous silica. If
amorphous silica precipitates first, and if
one of the more soluble Mg silicates
continues to dissolve, the [Mg2+]/[H +]2
of the solution rises until sepiolite
+ 10 -
N\ \ Y coprecipitates with silica. Similarly, the
Mg2*, H*, H4S i0 4 -Silica
\ \ initial precipitation of magnesite may
1------- 1------- r t '-------- 1------- -------- r eventually result in the formation of
8 -6 -4 -2 0 serpentine, provided the activity of H4S
log [H4S iO J i0 4 increases sufficiently.

Table 12.3 Stability Relations among Mg Silicates in the Presence of Acidified

W ater at 25 C and 1 atm pressure3
A. Mg-Al Silicates


Al2Si20 5(0 H )4 + 5 Mg2+ + H4S i0 4 + 5 H20 ^ Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 + 10 H +

AG0 = +85.235 kcal K = IO"6249
log = _ 0 '2 l0g [H4Si J + 12-50 (!)

2 Al(OH)3 + 5 Mg2+ + 3 H4S i0 4^ Mg5A l2Si3OI0(OH)8 + 10 H +

AG0 = +72.48 kcal K = 10~5314

log I t r F = ~0'6 log [H4Si 4] + 10-62 (2)

Al2Si4O10(OH)2 + 5 Mg2+ + 10 H20 ^ Mg5Al2Si3O 10(OH)8 + H4S i0 4 + 10 H+

AG0 = +92.51 kcal K = IO"67-82

log T S rF = + 02 log fH4Si 4^+ 1356 (3)
Solubility limit of brucite

Mg(OH)2 ^ M g 2+ + 2 O H '

AG = +15.40 kcal K = IO1129

logW Y = +16J1 (4)

Solubility limit of periclase

MgO + 2 H +^ Mg24 + H20

AG = -29.45 kcal K = 102L59

lo g M . +21.59 (5)
We conclude th at the th e solutions m ay rise
M g-silicates w hose until th ey reach the solu
solutibilities are show n as bility lim its of m agnesite, serpentine, sepiolite,
d a sh ed lines in Fig ure or am orphous silica, which are the only stable
12.5B are u nstable in the phases th a t can
presence of acidi coexist w ith n atu ral
fied w ater and th erefo re dissolve
solutions at A s a
result, th e [Mg2 +] /[ H
Table 1 2 .3 (c o n tin u e d )

B. Solubility of Mg Silicates


Mg2S i0 4 + 4 H V 2 M g 2+ + H4S i0 4
AGr = -38.76 kcal K = 10+ 2 8 -4 2
log = ~0'5 log [H4Si 4] + 142 (1)

MgSiO- + H ,0 + 2 H V Mg2+ + H4S i0 4

A GR = -15.31 kcal K = 10n 23

log W Y = _log [H4Si J + 1 L 2 3 <2)

Mg3Si20 5(0 H )4 + 6 H+^ 3 Mg2+ 4- 2 H4S i0 4 + H20

A Gr = -43.31 kcal K = 103L75

,W U
!g = -6 log [H4Si4-I + 1 0 - 5 8 (3)

Mg7Sis0 22(0 H )2 + 8 H20 + 1 4 H f ^ 7 M g 2+ 4- 8 H4S i0 4

A Gr = -93.95 kcal K= IO 6888

r\/[p^ +
logT iF F = _1-14 log [H4Si 4] + 9-84 (4)

Mg3Si4Ou)(OH)2 4- 4 H ,0 + 6 H+^ 3 Mg2+ + 4 H4S i0 4

A GR = -29.91 kcal K = 102IM

fMe2+l (5)
log = - 2 lo [H4SiQ4] + 10.96
12.4 Solubilit A l3+ ions in the solution
increase sufficiently to
y stabilize gibbsite.
Diagram Subsequently, m icrocline
dis solves incongruently to
s form gibbsite plus K + and
A ll m inerals dissolve H 4 S i0 4. We therefore
need to know how gibbsite
congruently when placed
dissolves and under w hat
in p u r e w ater. For exam
conditions it is stable
ple, m icrocline dissolves
congruently in pure w ater
until the activities of

Table 12 .3 (continued)

Sepiolite (see Appendix B)

(a) Mg4Si60 l5(0 H)2 -6H20 + H20 + 8 H +^ 4 M g 2+ + 6 H4S i0 4

A GR = -43 .28 kcal K = IO3173

logW F = L5 log [Ki 4] + 7-93 (6)

(b) Mg2Si30 6(0 H )4 + 2 H20 + 4 H V 2 Mg2+ + 3 H4S i0 4

AGR = -21.26 kcal K = IO15'58

logl ^ F = _1'5 Iog [H4Si 4] + 7-79 (7)

Based on the thermodynamic data in Appendix B.

inant ion at pH < 4.65, and
with respect to the A l(O H + ) 2 dom inates at site. The solubility of this
different Al ions that can pH values from 4.65 to m um at p H from 6 to
5.7, as show n in Figure and <
in accordance
form in an aqueous
12.6. T he so lu b ility of ch aracter of Al.
gibbsite at a specified p H W hen m icrocline dissolves
is th e sum of the con very dilute solutions
a. Gibbsite centrations of all A l-
Since gibbsite is the having a pH <4.65, it
bearing species th at exist
insoluble hydroxide of Al, releas es K +, A l3+, and
in a saturated solution in
we recall the discussion of H 4 S i0 4 according to the
equilibrium w ith gibb
the dissociation of bases reaction:
and their am photeric
K A lSi3 0 8 + 4 H 20 + 4 H
character from Section
K + + A l3+ +
9.4. A t that stage in our
discussion we w ere W hen microcline dissolves congruently
restricted to known
dissociation constants, w of com position P in Figure 12.6, both the activity
hereas we can now of A l3+ and th e pH rise along the reaction path . If
calculate them from the system is closed and
values of AG^ for any small, the solution may
reaction we wish to study. respect to gibbsite, which then precipitates:
The A ppendix B con tains A l3+ + 3 H zO ^ A l(O H
Gf values for A l3+, A
l(O H )2+, A l(O H )+ , A The net result, obtained by
l(O H )3, A l(O H )4, and adding equations 12.45
A l( O H ) f , all of which and 12.46, is that
can form w hen an A l- microcline then dissolves
bearing m ineral dissolves incon-gruently to form
congruently at different gibbsite plus K + and H 4
pH values. The reactions S i0 4:
by which these ions form KAlSi3 O s + 7 H 20 +
from gibbsite and their H +^
equi librium constants at
25 C are listed in Table A l(O H ) 3 +
i0 4
The equations
derived in this way If m icrocline continues to
outline the stability field dissolve, the com posi tion
of gibbsite in Figure 12.6. of the solution m oves
O utside this area, across the gibbsite sta
gibbsite dissolves bility field in Figure 12.1
congruently to form ions until it reaches the gibbsite
whose relative -kaolinite boundary (line
abundances becom e 2). A t that
equal at certain pH values
corresponding to the
points of intersection of
the solubility lines. For
example, A l3+ is the dom

Table 12 .4 C o n g ru e n t S o lu tio n o f G ib b site

to F o rm D iffe re n t Io n ic a n d M o le c u la r S
p ec ies a t 25 C a
Al(OH)3(s) + 3 H +^ A 13+ + 3 H20
AGR = -11 .29 kcal K = IO8,28
log [Al3+] = 3pH + 8.28 (1)
A1(OH)3(s) + 2 H +^ Al(OH)2+ + 2 H 20

AG = -4 .44 kcal K = IO3 26

log [Al(OH)2+] = -2p H + 3.26 (2)
A1(OH)3(s) + H +^ Al(O H ) 2 + H20

A G = +1.39 kcal K = IO' 1"2

log [Al(O H )2] = - p H - 1.02 (3)
Al(OH)3( s )^ Al(OH) pH
AG0 = +9.16 kcal K = 10' 6 72
log [Al(OH)j] = -6 .72 (4) Figure 12.6 Congruent solubility of gibbsite as a

A1(OH)3(s) + H ,0 ^ Al(OH) 4 + H + function of the environmental pH at 25 C, based on

AG = + 2 0 .5 kcal K = IO' 15,1 the equations in Table 12.4. The lines define the stabil
ity field of gibbsite where it precipitates from saturat
log [Al(OH )4] = pH - 15.1 (5) ed solutions. The environments in which gibbsite is
A1(OH)3(s) + 2 H20 ^ Al(OH)2G + 2 H + soluble have been subdivided by identifying the domi
nant Al species depending on the pH. Note that
AG = +35.41 kcal K= 10'2fio Al(OH)2+ is not dominant at any pH according to the
log [Al(OH)T] = 2pH - 26.0 (6) standard free energy values used to construct this dia
Based on the thermodynamic data in Appendix B. gram. The amphoteric character of Al causes the solu
bility of a gibbsite to increase with both decreasing
and increasing pH. Its solubility is at a minimum at
point, m icrocline form s kaolinite and the previ pH values between 6 and 8, which justifies the
assumption that Al is conserved during the incongru
ously form ed gibbsite is converted to kaolinite: ent solution of aluminosilicates.
2 K A lSi3 O s + 9 H 20 + 2 H + +
A l2 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 + 2 K + +
then traverses the kaolinite
4 A l(O H ) 3 + 4 H 4 S i0 4^ field as discussed before.
Therefore the solubility
2 A l2 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H diagram of gibb site in
Figure 12.6 com plem ents
If the conversion of the stability dia gram of
gibbsite to kaolinite keeps microcline in Figure 12.1.
pace w ith the incongruent The pH dependence
solution of m icrocline to of the solubility of gibb
kaolinite, then [H 4 S i0 4] site and of other A l-
rem ains constant and only bearing m inerals causes
[K +]/[H +] increases. the abundance of Al
Consequently, the reac species in aqueous
tion path m oves u p solution to rise at both
along the gibbsite- high and low environm
kaolinite boundary until all ental pH val ues. High
of the gibbsite is converted concentrations of
to kaolinite. If m ore m dissolved A l in soil tend
icrocline dissolves, the to inhibit the growth of
path rooted plants for reasons
that are not yet fully
understood . The Al
toxicity associated with
strongly acidic or basic
environm ents contributes to the infertility of such
environm ents. In addition, we note that A l is m obile in
strongly acidic and basic environm ents because it can be
transported by the m ovem ent of w ater. M oreover,
gibbsite can precipitate when strongly acidic or basic
solutions are neutralized.
W hen other A l-bearing m inerals such as kaolinite,
pyrophyllite, feldspars, feldspathoids, zeolites, or clay m
inerals dissolve congruently in aqueous solutions, the
abundances of the aque ous A l species depend on the
environm ental pH as shown in Figure 12.6. However,
these m inerals also produce H 4 S i0 4 and the equilibria
therefore involve three variables: the A l species, pH , and
H 4 S i0 4. The stabilities of these m inerals in equi librium
with their ions can be represented either in three-dim
ensional diagram s or in coordinates of log [Al species]
and log [H4 S i0 4] at a series of pH values. pH
Figure 12.7 Congruent solubility of hematite as a function
of pH based on equations like those for gibb site in Table
12.4. The solubility of hematite, or other compounds of Fe,
b. Hematite has a minimum at pH values from 4.3 to 8.7 and increases
Iron, like Al, is am photeric and forms hydroxyl com both in more acid and in more basic solutions because Fe,
plexes whose standard free energies are list ed in A like Al, is amphoteric. As a result, Fe is mobile in acidic
ppendix B. E quations for the congruent solution of hem and basic environments and precipitates as amorphous
atite as a function of pH are easi ly derived and have been ferric hydroxide when Fe-bearing solutions are
plotted in Figure 12.7. The results define the stability field neutralized. Ferric hydroxide recrystallizes through
lepidocrocite and goethite to hematite.
of hem atite w here it precipitates from aqueous solutions.
The environm ents in which hem atite dissolves have been
subdivided according to the dom inant Fe species in
solution at different pH ranges. The sol ubility of hem atite
has a m inim um betw een pH values of about 4.3-8.7 thite, or hem atite, which is the m ost stable form of
when F e(O H ) 3 is the Fe oxide on th e surface of the E arth .
The geochem istry of Fe differs from th at of Si
dom inant ion. The Fe3+ ion is dom inant only at and Al because it has two oxidation states (+ 2
pH <2.2. and + 3) both of which occur at E arth -surface
The solubilities of all oxides, hydroxides, car
conditions. The transform ation from Fe2+ to Fe3+
bonates, and sulfides of iron are strongly depen
dent on the pH of the environm ent. A t pH <4.3 Fe becom occurs by the loss of an electron from Fe2+ in the
es increasingly m obile in Earth-surface environm ents presence of an electron acceptor. Loss of elec
and is leached from soils, regolith, and rocks exposed to trons is know n to us as oxidation, w hereas a
such conditions. W hen such acidic waters are neutralized, gain of electrons is reduction . O xidation and
they may becom e satu rated w ith respect to ferric reduction m ust always occur together by a transfer
hydroxide [Fe(O H )3], which may then precipitate. The of electrons from an electron donor to an elec
ferric hydroxide recrystallizes in tim e to form m ore sta tron acceptor. O x id atio n -red u ctio n reactions
ble crystalline phases such as lepidocrocite, goe- m ust be balanced fir s t in term s of the electrons
th at are transferred before a mass balance is
achieved . T hese m atters are the subject of
C hapter 14, w here we review som e basic princi
and the gases escape. Therefore, the fugacities of 0 2 and H
ples of electrochem istry and apply them to the 2 m ust each rem ain <1 .0 atm if liquid w ater is to be
construction of the so-called E h - p H diagrams. stable at sea level on the surface of
In Section 14.5 we take up the construction the Earth . If the fugacity of H 2 alone is 1.0 atm ,
of fugacity diagram s based on equilibria betw een then the fugacity of 0 2 m ust be as low as it can
solid com pounds and certain gases, including 0 2, get in the presence of liquid w ater. Setting
C 0 2, and S2. The solid -gas equilibria of both Fe [H 2] = 1.0 in equation 12.51 yields:
and Cu include possible changes in their o xid a tion [ 0 2] = K T 8 3 ' 1 atm (12.52)
states, but the reactions are quite uncom pli cated. Thus we
can present fugacity diagram s here rather than in C hapter
Therefore, the fugacity of 0 2 in the presence of liquid w
14. ater may vary from 1 . 0 to IO 8 3 1 atm . Similarly, the fugacity
of H 2 can vary from 1.0 to IO41,6 atm, based on
equation 12.51.

12.5 Fugacity Diagrams b. Oxides and Carbonates of Iron

The oxides, carbonates, and sulfides of m etals can be M etallic Fe exposed to the air is know n to form the
considered to be in equilibrium with gaseous 0 2, C 0 2, oxides wiistite (FeO ), m agnetite (Fe 3 0 4), and hem atite
and S2, respectively. For exam ple, the fugacity of 0 2 (Fe2 0 3). Therefore, we can represent the oxidation of
ranges from about 2 X IO- atm in air at the surface of the metallic Fe by a series of equa tions starting with the form
E arth to m uch lower val ues in certain anoxic environm ation of wiistite:
ents such as peat bogs, stagnant basins, and deep -sea
Fe (m etallic) + 5 0 2^FeO (12.53)
trenches. Therefore, the first question we need to consider
For this reaction, AG^ = 58.7 kcal and K =
is the range of fugacities of 0 2 th at can occur on the surface
of the Earth . 10+43
Thereforei at equilibrium :

a. Stability Limits of Water

We know that liquid w ater dissociates into H + and O H "
ions and that the ion activity product of w ater at 25 C is and [Oz] = IO861. Evidently, wiistite can coexist in
about 1 X IO "14. H ow ever, w ater m ust also m aintain equilibrium with m etallic Fe only when the fugacity of O
an equilibrium with the gases 0 2 and H2: z is less than is perm itted in norm al terrestrial environm
2 H 2 0 ( 1 ) - 0 2 (g) + 2 H 2 (g) (12.50) We can continue either by considering the transform
ation of wiistite to m agnetite, which is a mixed oxide
The standard free energy change of this reaction is AGR = (FeO Fe2 0 3), or by relating m ag netite directly to
+113.374 kcal and its equilibrium con stant at 2 5 C is K metallic Fe. The latter is prefer able because wiistite does
= IO"831. T herefore, at equi librium : not occur in terrestrial rocks. Therefore, we consider the
[ 0 2 ][H 2 ] 2 = IO" 8 3 1 (12.51) 3 Fe (metallic) + 2 O , ^ FeO Fe2 0 3 (12.55)
2 2 3
AGR = -2 4
The total pressure of all gases occurring naturally on the

2 .6 kcal K = IO1 7 7 8
surface of the E arth m ust be 1 atm or less. If the pressure
of gases rises to higher values, they expand against the atm It follows th at at equilibrium the fugacity of 0 2
osphere, which m eans th at bubbles form in w ater m ust be io - 8 8 -9 2 atm , which is also less than the
exposed to the atm osphere lowest fugacity of 0 2 in equilibrium with liquid

w ater. Therefore, m etallic Fe cannot be stable on the surface of the E arth, w here th e fugacity of 0 2 Taking logarithm s to the base 10:
m ust be > 10 8 3 1 atm . H ow ever, m agnetite does
5 log [ 0 2] - 3 log [C 0 2] = -32 .61 (12.59)
occur in surface environm ents and, therefore, is
log [ 0 2] = 6 log [C 0 2] - 65.22 (12.60)
stable at 0 2 fugacities that are com patible with
liquid water. Similarly, h em atite reacts with C02 to form
We consider next the reaction betw een mag netite
and hem atite in the hope that this equilibri um will siderite according to:
provide a stability limit for m agnetite that is w ithin the Fe2 0 3 + 2 C 0 2^ 2 F e C 0 3 + j 0 2 (12.61)
range of perm issible 0 2 fugacities:
AGR = + 45 .52 kcal K = IO' 3 3 3 7
2 FeO Fe2 0 3 + 2 02 = 3Fe203
(12.56) and:
AG0 = - 4 7 .6 kcal K ,34.89
= 10; log [ O j = 4 log [C O J - 66.74 (12.62)
Thus, m agnetite and hem atite are in equilibrium

at [ 0 2] = IO- 6 9 8 atm, which is within the perm is The equations representing solid -gas equilibria derived
sible range of 0 2 fugacities. H em atite is the most above have been plotted in Figure 12.8 in coordinates of
O -rich oxide of Fe and can coexist with w ater at 0 2 log [ 0 2] and log [C 0 2], The result is a fugacity diagram
fugacities from IO- 6 9 8 to 1 . 0 atm . for the oxides and
Next, we add siderite (F e C 0 3) to the system by carbonates of Fe th at indicates the fugacities of
reacting m agnetite and hem atite with CO z gas. Since Fe the tw o gases th at are required to stabilize each
in siderite is divalent, we start with m ag netite because it of the m inerals we have considered . T he d ia gram also
also contains divalent Fe. We construct the desired predicts the direction of solid -gas reactions th a t occur w
equation with m agnetite as the reactant and siderite as the hen a particular m ineral is placed in an environm ent in
product. Then we which a n o th er m in eral is stable.
add C 0 2 to the reactant side to balance the C in
siderite. Finally, we com plete the equation by For exam ple, so-called ironstone concretions com
adding 0 2 as needed for balance: posed of siderite may be exposed to the atm osphere as a
result of erosion of the enclosing sedim entary rocks.
FeO Fe2 0 3 + 3 C 0 2 = F e C 0 3 + 5 0 2 (12.57)
Figure 12.8 indicates th at hem atite is stable in contact
with the atm osphere.
N ote that this is an oxidation -reduction reaction and that
Therefore, siderite is transform ed into hem atite
the equations cannot be balanced in term s of mass only,
in accordance w ith equation 12.61. A t equilibri
as we just did. In this case, two of the three divalent Fe
um betw een siderite and hem atite:
ions in siderite give up one electron each for a total of
-33.37 (12.63)
two. These elec trons are accepted by one atom of 0 2 gas, 1 /2

which becomes one of the O 2 ions in the magnetite. 10

Equation 12.57 is reversed because we have treat ed m [co2]: =
agnetite as the reactant rather than as the product. The How ever, in the atm osphere [ 0 2] = 2 X 10 1 atm
standard free energy change of reac tion 12.57 is AGR = and [C 0 2] = 3 X 10' 4 atm . Therefore, siderite
+44.48 kcal and k = 1CT3 2 61. Therefore, at equilibrium: can coexist in equilibrium with hem atite in con
tact w ith the atm osphere only when:
1/2 r(o2)i/2i 1 /2
[o2]1/2 [co2]=[[02]1/21

= (12.58)
L10-3337 J
[co2]3 10
16.51 (12.64)
= 10 atm

log [ C 0 2] log [S2]

Figure 12.8 Fugacity diagram for the oxides and car Figure 12.9 Fugacity diagram for the oxides and sul
bonate of Fe in terms of the fugacities of 0 2 and COz, fides of Cu. Cu = metallic Cu, Cup = cuprite (Cu20 ), Ten
where Mt = magnetite, H = hematite, and S = siderite. Note = tenorite (CuO), Chal = chalcocite (Cu2S),
that siderite and magnetite are not stable in con tact with and Cov = covellite (CuS), based on equations in Table
the atmosphere, where [0 2] = 2 x 1CT1atm and [C 02] = 3 12.5. Metallic Cu is stable in the presence of water, but
X IO-4 atm. Therefore, when siderite or magnetite is when it is exposed to the atmosphere, it reacts to form
exposed to the atmosphere, it converts to hematite. The tenorite. Note that G{ of S2(g) is not zero because the
diagram is based on equations 12.52 (stability limit of stable form of S in the standard state is the rhombic
water) and 12.56,12.58, and 12.61. Point P represents solid.
conditions when siderite is stable in contact with 0 2 of the
c. Oxides and Sulfides of Copper
C opper forms the oxides cuprite (Cu2 0 ) and
which is identified by point P in the diagram . tenorite (CuO ) and the sulfides chalcocite (C u 2 S)
Since the fugacity of C O z in the atm osphere is and covellite (CuS). N ote that Cu is univalent in
only 3 X IO- 4 atm , reaction 12.62 is not in equilib cuprite and chalcocite and divalent in tenorite
rium in contact with the atm osphere but runs to and covellite. Therefore, when metallic Cu forms
the left, thereby converting siderite to hem atite. C u+ and w hen C u+ form s Cu2+, electrons are
Therefore, ironstone concretions should w eather transferred either to 0 2 or to S2, depending on
to hem atite upon exposure to the air. This predic the com pound that is produced. The equations
tion is confirm ed by the presence of a hem atite required to construct the fugacity diagram for Cu
rind around ironstone concretions w here the in Figure 12.9 are listed in Table 12.5.
thickness of the rind depends on the rate of the We see th at native Cu is stable in the pres
reaction and the duration of the exposure. ence of w ater, w hereas native Fe is not. H ow ever,
Table 12.5 Fugacity Diagram of Copper
Oxides and Sulfides at 25 Ca
2 Cu (metal) + ) 0 2^ C u 20

A G = -35 .1 kcal K = 1025 73

log [Oz] = -51.5 (1)
Cu20 + ) () . . 2 CuO
AG = -26 .3 kcal K = IO1928
log [ 0 2] = -38 .6 (2)
2 Cu (metal) + \ S2^ C u 2S
A G = -30.08 kcal K = IO2205
log [S2] = -44.1 (3)
Cu20 + ) S2 Cu2S + : 0 2
A GR = + 5.02 kcal K = IO360
log [0 2] = log [S2] - 7.4 (4)
2 CuO + \ S ,. Cu2S + 0 2
A GR = +31.32 kcal K = HF2296
log [0 2] = 0.5 log [S2] - 23.0 (5)
Cu2S + \ S2; 2 CuS log [C 0 2]
AG = -14.48 kcal K= IO10 61
log [S2] = - 21.2 (6) Figure 12.10 Combined fugacity diagram for
CuO + ) S2^ C uS + | 0 2 Fe and Cu and their oxides and carbonates.
AG = +8.42 kcal K = 10~617 H = hematite (Fe20 3); Mt = magnetite (Fe30 4);
log [0 2] = log [S2] - 12.34 (7) S = siderite (FeC 03); Cu = native Cu; Cup = cuprite
Based on the thermodynamic data in Appendix B.
(Cu20);Ten = tenorite (CuO); Mai = malachite
[CuC03 Cu(OH),]; A = azurite [2CuC03- Cu(OH)2].
The boundaries between tenorite and malachite and
between malachite and azurite were drawn after
w hen m etallic Cu is exposed to 0 2 at fugaci- Garrels and Christ (1965). This diagram indicates the
ties > 1 (T 5 -5 atm , it form s th e oxide cuprite environmental conditions under which certain assem
(C u 2 0 ) or tenorite (C uO ), depending on the 0 2 blages of Fe and Cu minerals can occur together.
fugacity. Similarly, Cu reacts with S2 to form the
sulfides chalcocite (C u2 S) and covellite (CuS). For exam ple, the diagram indicates th at the
C opper also form s mixed sulfides with Fe includ
ing chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), cubanite (C uFe2 S3), carbonates of Cu (m alachite and azurite) form at
and bornite (C u5 FeS4). lower fugacities of C 0 2 than siderite and th ere
Fugacity diagram s of different m etals can be fore can coexist in equilibrium with hem atite and
superim posed on each other to form com posite tenorite. Consequently, malachite, azurite, tenorite,
diagram s that indicate the stability limits of the and hem atite are com m on w eathering products
com pounds of both metals. Such a diagram has of F e -C u sulfide m inerals and occur in the oxi
been constructed in Figure 12.10 for the oxides dized part of sulfide ore bodies (gossans), w here
and carbonates of Fe and Cu. The diagram as siderite is unstable at th e surface of the E arth
defines the fugacities of 0 2 and C 0 2 th at perm it (see also Section 21.2). Figure 12.10 also points
certain assemblages of these m inerals to coexist out that native Cu has a large stability field in the
in equilibrium in the presence of water. absence of S and can coexist with m agnetite,

hem atite, and siderite, provided the fugacity of O z is low T herefore, certain m inerals cannot be in equilib
enough. W hen native Cu is exposed to the atm osphere, it rium in the presence of w ater and also cannot
tarnishes by form ing a layer of tenorite or m alachite or form by transform ation from other m inerals.
both, depending on the fugacity of C 0 2. This phenom enon is exem plified by anorthite,
which does not form as an authigenic m ineral at
E arth -surface tem peratures, w hereas albite and
K -feldspar do occur in places w here alkali-rich
brines can react w ith volcanic glass, clay m iner als, or
12.6 Summary
other kinds of solids.
W hen the silicate m inerals of igneous and meta-m orphic The conditions required for stability of m in erals can
rocks are exposed to acidified water, they may dissolve in also be expressed by their congruent solution or by their
co n g ru en tly to produce clay m inerals and zeolites as interaction with gases such as 0 2, C 0 2, and S2. For
well as insoluble oxides and hydroxides, depending on th e example, the non-alum inous Mg silicates dissolve
environm ental conditions. The chem ical reactions th at congruently to form Mg2+ and H 4 S i0 4, which may
take place precipitate as a different Mg silicate whose solubility is
during these transform ations can be used to exceeded. The com bination of congruent solution of a
define the conditions required for equilibrium prim ary Mg silicate and the precipitation of a
w hen both reactants and products are stable. secondary m ineral results in the replacem ent of one m
T herefore, equations can be derived from the iner al by another. The apparent conversion of ensta-tite to
Law of Mass A ction, which specify the conditions serpentine is an exam ple of such paired reactions.
required for equilibrium betw een the solids.
T he resulting m ineral stability diagram s
define the environm ental conditions in which The equilibrium betw een w ater and its con stituent
each of the solids in a given com positional sys gases, 0 2 and H 2, defines the stability range of w ater w
tem is stable. In addition, the diagram s predict ithin which all reactions on the surface of the E arth take
place. Solid oxides, car
w hat happens to a m ineral w hen it is exposed to
conditions outside of its own stability field. The reactions bonates, and sulfides m ust sim ilarly rem ain in
equilibrium with their constituent gases 2,
th at occur in such cases n o t only cause transform ations
am ong the solids but also affect C 0 2, and S2, respectively. These solid -gas reac
the chem ical com position, or quality, of w ater tions can be used to construct fugacity diagram s th at
b o th above and below the surface of the E arth . contain the stability fields of the solids appropriate to a
W hen the reactions occur in closed system s with sm all w particular system . The fugacity
ater/ro ck ratios, the chem ical com posi diagram s of different m etals can be superim
tion of th e w ater m ay evolve along curved reac posed on each other to form com bination dia
tion paths. Such conditions exist in the pore grams. These diagram s effectively subdivide the
spaces or fractures of rocks in subsurface w here stability field of w ater into environm ents in
reactions betw een m inerals and w ater not only which suites of m inerals of different elem ents
co n trib u te to the chem ical evolution of the can coexist in equilibrium .
w ater but also cause the deposition of m ineral The virtue of activity and fugacity diagrams is that
cem ents. they depict the relationships betw een m iner als and
The solubility lim its of certain com pounds, aqueous solutions or gases in a readily usable form . A s a
including calcite, m agnesite, am orphous silica, result, idle speculation is replaced by understanding and
and others, which can p recip itate from natural progress is made in understanding the chemical reactions
solutions, significantly restrict th e chem ical com p o sitio that con tribute to geological processes.
n s of aq u eo u s so lu tio n s in nature .

1. Construct the equations necessary to introduce 6. What mineral precipitates first when forsterite
pyrophyllite into the activity diagram for microcline in dissolves congruently in water having the composition of
Figure 12.1. point P in Figure 12.5?
2. Construct the equations necessary to intro duce Na- 7. Construct a fugacity diagram for the sulfides and
smectite (Na0.33Al2.33S>3.670lo(OEI)2 GJ - 1277.76 carbonates of Pb.
kcal/mol) into the activity diagram for albite in Figure
8. Construct a fugacity diagram for the sulfides and
carbonates of Zn.
3. Construct a solubility diagram for goethite (FeOOH)
9. Combine the two diagrams for Zn and Pb.
as a function of pH.
4. What are the environmental conditions in terms of 10. What are the fugacities of 0 2 and COz at which
native Cu, cuprite, and azurite coexist in equilibrium?
[Mg2+]/[H +]2 and [H4S i0 4] at which enstatite and
forsterite coexist in equilibrium? 11. Can hematite and siderite both join that assem
5. Is equilibrium possible between enstatite and blage in equilibrium with each other?
forsterite in the presence of aqueous solutions in nature?
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Clay Minerals
Clay m inerals form one of the largest and m ost difference to the geochem ical processes that
highly diversified groups of m inerals known. The m ay be occurring. Since we encountered the
m ajority of clay m inerals are alum inosilicates clay m inerals kaolinite, pyrophyllite, and sm ec tite in C
and they crystallize as phyllosilicates. How ever, hapter 12, it is now necessary for us to exam ine these m
som e clay m inerals are M g-silicates or Fe-sili- inerals in m ore detail.
cates, others are n o t crystalline, or they are not
phyllosilicates. The property com m on to all clay 13.1 Crystal Structure
m inerals is the small size of their crystals or
grains with diam eters less th an 2 m icrom eters Clay m inerals are divided into three groups based on
(iom). A s a result, sedim ent in th at size range is their crystallographic properties: (l) platy clay m inerals
som etim es referred to as the clay-size fraction or even as (phyllosilicates), (2 ) fibrous clay minerals, and (3) am
clay. This usage is incorrect in geochem istry because orphous clay. The platy clay m inerals are much m ore
clay m inerals are defined on the basis of their crystal abundant than the other two groups and include m ost of
structure and chem ical com position and not by the size the m inerals that traditionally m ake up the clay
of their crystals or minerals. The fibrous clays sepiolite and palygorskite
grains. M oreover, the clay-size fraction of sedi (also know n as attapulgite), though not as com m on as
m ent frequently includes sm all grains of other the platy clays, do occur in many different kinds of
m inerals (quartz, feldspar, calcite, etc.), as well as grains depositional environm ents, including m arine and
of insoluble oxides or hydroxides of Fe, Al, M n, and so lacustrine sedim ent, hydrotherm al deposits,
on, which may be partly or com plete ly am orphous. N
and soils of arid regions (Singer and G alan,
evertheless, clay m inerals are typically fine grained and
1984). So-called am orphous clay, referred to as
therefore cannot be identified solely by their physical or
allophane, is an alum inosilicate of variable chem ical
optical p ro p erties. Instead, the classification of clay m
com position that is am orphous to x-rays in m ost cases
inerals relies heavily on their crystallographic and cer tain
but does diffract electrons. It may be an interm ediate
physical properties th at are revealed by x-ray diffraction.
product in the form ation of phyllosilicate clays from
various kinds of m ateri als, but its abundance is not well
Clay m ineralogy has evolved into an im por ta n t docum ented because it is not directly detectable by x-ray
field w ith applications in geology, agrono dif fraction (Carroll, 1970).
my, ceram ic engineering, soil m echanics, and
Clay m inerals are described in m any text books on
geochem istry. We will be concerned prim arily
mineralogy and in num erous specialized books,
w ith the classification of clay m inerals, with
including those by Grim (1968), Millot (1970), W eaver
th eir stability in d ifferent geochem ical environ m ents,
and Pollard (1973), Velde (1977), Sudo and Shim oda
w ith ion exchange phenom ena, and w ith th e use of clay
(1978), Sudo et al. (1981), and Caims-Smith and H artm
m inerals for dating sedim entary rocks. The presence of
an (1987). In addition, several scientific journals are
clay m inerals in n atural environm ents frequently m akes
devoted to clay min
a significant

eralogy, including Clays and Clay Minerals, Clay sharing hydroxyl ions and have an A l/O H ratio of 1: 3
Minerals Bulletin, Clay Science, and Clays and instead of 1 : 6 .
Clay Technology. Articles on clay mineralogy are also The tetrah ed ral and octahedral layers are joined to
published in the Am erican Mineralogist, the form tw o-layer clays (T -O ), three-layer clays (T -O -T ),
Journal o f the Soil Science Society o f America, and the or m ixed-layer clays that are mix tures of different tw o-
Journal o f Sedimentary Petrology. layer and three-layer clays. The linking of the octahedral
The phyllosilicate clay minerals consist of two kinds and tetrahedral sheets in T - O clay m inerals takes place
of layers of different chemical composition and by sharing of O atom s and hydroxyl radicals, which
coordination. One of these is the tetrahedral layer (T), reduces the num ber of hydroxyls by one each time such a
which is composed of silica tetrahedra. The second layer link is established. T herefore, tw o-layer clays, such as
consists of A l hydroxide with A l3+ ions located in the kaolinite, are com posed of Si, Al, O, and O H in the
centers of octahedra and is there fore known as the proportions S i0 2 5 A l(0 H )2. We m ultiply the form ula by
octahedral layer (O). In some clay minerals, such as tw o in ord er to clear the decim al frac
serpentine and talc, the octahedral layer is composed of
Mg hydroxide, which forms the m ineral brucite. tion and obtain the form ula of kaolinite and its
Therefore, the octahedral layer is also referred to as the polymorphs:
brucite layer or the gibbsite layer, depending on its A l2 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 (13.1)
W hen A l3+ occurs in the octahedral layer, only two Similarly, the form ula of three-layer clays
of every three available sites are filled. T herefore, such
clays are said to be dioctahedral. W hen A l3+ is replaced (T -O -T ), such as pyrophyllite, is 2 (S i0 2 s)A l(O H ) or
by Fe3+ or by other triva lent ions, the m inerals rem ain Si2 0 5 A l(0 H ) . A gain, we m ultiply by two and obtain:
dioctahedral. H ow ever, when the two A l3+ ions are
replaced by three divalent ions of Fe2+, M g2+, Z n2+, A l2 Si4 O 1 0 (O H ) 2 (13.2)
etc., then all positions in the octahedral layer are filled and
the clay is trioctahedral. B ased on these distinc tions we The structures of two- and three-layer clays are illustrated
conclude that kaolinite is dioctahedral, w hereas in Figure 13.1.
serpentine is trioctahedral. The phyllosilicate clay m inerals have widely varying
chem ical com positions because the A l3+ ion in the
The tetrahedral layer consists of silica tetrah e dra octahedral layers can be wholly or p art ly replaced by
that are linked together by sharing O atom s at three of the Fe3+, C r3+, Fe2+, M g2+, Z n2+, L i+, and m any other
four corners. The linkages occur only at the bases of the ions. In addition, some of the Si4+ ions in the tetrah ed ral
tetrahedra, thus forming a sheet with the unshared O atom layer are replaced by A l3+. This results in an excess of
s all pointing in the same direction. If all four O atom s of negative charge, which is neutralized by the adsorption of
silica tetrahedra are shared (as in feldspar), then each Si cations to the outer surfaces of the tetrahedral layers of
atom con adjoin ing clay units. The substitutions within the layers
trols only one half of its O atoms. Therefore, the are constrained by the requirem ent for electrical
S i/O ratio in feldspar and other tektosilicates is
1: 2 (Section 8.3). Since in phyllosilicates only the three neutrality, which is m et w hen th e cations in the
basal O atoms are shared, the S i/O ratio is 1:1 .5 . W hen octahedral layer have a com bined charge of
+ 6

the unshared O atom is counted with the basal ones, the S and the tetrahedral layers contain four m oles of
i/O ratio becom es 1 : 2.5. Si + A l per form ula weight. T he tw o-layer clays
The octahedral layer has six-hydroxyl ions located at
perm it very little substitution of either A l or Si, w
the corners of an octahedron. Therefore, the ratio of Al to
hereas the three -layer clays, w ith the exception of
hydroxyl ions is basi cally 1 : 6 . However, the octahedra
that m ake up the gibbsite sheet are linked at the corners pyrophyllite, are characterized by extensive
by substitutions in either the octahedral layer or the
tetrahedral layer, o r in both.
(a) Two-layer clay: A lS i0 2.5(0 H ) 2
13.2 Classification and Chemical
\ ^ ^ ^ 7 Composition
\ 1 \ / \ / . /Tetrahedral layer

V v v V The classification of clay m inerals is based on

Octahedral layer their crystal stru ctu re and chem ical com posi
tion. In practice, clay m inerals are identified by x-ray
diffraction com bined w ith treatm en t p ro cedures th at
to g eth er serve to identify certain m ineral species. In o th
er words, som e clay m in erals are defined by the p ro
(b) Three-layer clay: AlSi2O s(O H ) ced u re th a t is used to identify them .


a. Two-Layer Clays
Octahedral The phyllosilicate clays are subdivided into the two-layer,
three-layer, and m ixed-layer clays. The two-layer clays
Tetrahedral consist of two subgroups, each of which contains a num
ber of m ineral species, as listed in Table 13.1.

1. KAOLINITE The m inerals in the kaolinite

subgroup all have the fam iliar form ula
(c) Smectites (e) lllite A l2 Si2 0 5 (0 H ) 4 and include kaolinite, dickite,
r i nacrite, and halloysite. These m inerals differ from
kaolinite only by having different crystal structures. For
I f K example, halloysite form s tubular
crystals, w hereas kaolinite crystals are platy, but
all m em bers of the kaolinite subgroup have
water\ /
identical chemical compositions. Therefore,
7 \ halloysite and the other m ineral species in the
L kaolinite subgroup are polym orphs of kaolinite

\ but occur in certain geochem ical environm ents in

preference to kaolinite.
is a tw o-layer phyllosilicate like kaolinite in
(d) Verm iculite (f) Chlorite
which the gibbsite layer is replaced by brucite.
Consequently, the form ula of serpentine
[Mg3 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4] contains Si and O in the
characteristic p roportion of the tetrahedral
layer, and the octahedral layer contains a
+ 6
positive charge of as a result of the
replacem ent of two A l3+ by three M g2+. The
m ineral species in th at group are chrysotile,
lizardite, and antigorite, all of which are
polym orphs of serpentine. Greenalite [Fe2+
Figure 13.1 Schematic diagrams of the structures of two- Si2 0 5 (0 FI)4 ] is a tw o-layer clay in which three
layer and three-layer clay minerals. Fe2+ ions take the place of two A l3+ ions.
Table 13.1 Classification of Clay Minerals Table 13.1 (continued)
Group Subgroup Species Group Subgroup Species
A . Two-Layer Clays C. Mixed-Layer Clays
Kaolinite kaolinite kaolinite Complex interstratified two-layer and three-layer clay
(dioctahedral) dickite minerals following either a regular or a random
nacrite pattern.
halloysite D. Fibrous Clay Minerals
Kaolinite serpentine chrysotile palygorskite
(trioctahedral) lizardite (attapulgite)
antigorite sepiolite
Adapted from Grim (1968) and Carroll (1970).
B. Three-Layer Clays the octahedral layer and
Pyrophyllite dioctahedral the partial replacem ent of
b. Three-Layer Si4+ in the tetrahedral
Clays layer.
The three-layer clays can
Smectite dioctahedral
be divided into the The smectite group is
pyrophyllite, smectite, divided into dioctahedral
vermiculite, mica, brittle and trioctahedral
Smectite trioctahedralmica, and chlorite groups.
subgroups each of which
A ll of the m inerals contains
included here have the
Vermiculite dioctahedralbasic three-layer structure
trioctahedralof pyrophyllite but differ
Mica dioctahedralfrom it in chem ical com
position and physical

Mica trioctahedral1. PYROPHYLLITE

Brittle mica dioctahedralitself (A l2 Si4 O 1 0 (O H )2) is
three-layer clays and
the octahedral or tetrahedral layers.
Talc is related to pyrophyllite
way th at serpentine
Chlorite dioctahedralbecause in talc the o
trioctahedralctahedral layer is com
posed of brucite instead
of gibbsite. C
onsequently, talc has the
form ula M g 3 Si4 O l0 (O
H )2, w here th ree M g2+
ions replace two A l3+
and the S i/O ratio is
derived from the presence
of two tetrah ed ral layers.
M innesotaite is th e Fe m
em ber in this group in
which the octahedral
layer contains Fe2+
instead of A l3+. C
onsequently, its form ula
is Fe2 +Si4 O 1 0 (O H )2.

smectite group contains a
large num ber of m ineral
species that differ in chem
ical com position because
of the com plete or partial
replacem ent of A l34' in

m ineral species that differ from each other in chem ical The additional cations, w hich neutralize th e negative
composition. For example, m ontm orillonite is a prom charges caused by im perfect su b stitu tions w ithin th e
inent m em ber of the dioctahedral subgroup of smectites layers, are adsorbed on the su r
in which Mg2+ occurs in the octahedral layer, but the faces of the m ineral grains and on the
replacem ent of Si4+ by A l3 4 in the tetrahedral layer is tetrah ed ral layers of the clay units. T herefore,
quite limited. For example, a sample of m ontm orillonite they are partly or com pletely exchangeable and can be
from G erm any has the form ula (Carroll, 1970,Table 6 ): replaced by o th er cations or by the polar
m olecules of w ater in th e environm ent. The
adsorbed ions located on the o u ter surfaces of
[(Al[.7 7 FeQ0 3 M go2 o)(Si3 7 4 AlQ2 6 )O lo(O H )2]
the tetrah ed ral layers bond th e structural units
(octahedral) (tetrahedral) together. W hen the bonding involves the cations of m
(13.3) etals, the interlayer distances betw een ad ja cent
C a0 .i6 ' N ao.o7 Mgo.o4 structural units are short. H ow ever, w hen certain clay m
(exchangeable) inerals are im m ersed in w ater, the interlayer cations are
This form ula can be readily interp reted in term s of the replaced by m olecules of w ater, which have m uch sm
three-layer m odel if we determ ine the elec trical charges aller n et positive charges than m etal ions. C onsequently,
in each of the layers. The octahedral layer contains 1.77 A a larger num ber of w ater m olecules is required to n e u
l3+ + 0.03 F e3+ + 0.20 M g2+, which adds up to + 5 .8 tralize excess negative charges g enerated w ithin the
electronic charges. Since th e octahedral layer is supposed layers. As a result, the interlayer distances increase as w
to contain six positive charges, th ere is a deficiency of 0 . 2 ater m olecules crow d in and the clay expands.
posi tive charge, which is equivalent to an excess of 0.2
negative charge. In the tetrahedral layer replacem ent of
som e Si4+ by A l3+ causes a defi ciency of positive The swelling of clay m inerals in the sm ectite group
charge equivalent to a charge of -0 .2 6 . Evidently, the is a characteristic property that is used to identify them .
substitutions in th e two kinds of layers have caused a total For example, w hen natural m ont
charge of 0.2 + ( - 0 .2 6 ) = 0.46. In the example m orillonite is heated at 300 C for an hour or
before us, the negative charges are neutralized by more, the interlayer distance decreases from
adsorption of 0.16 C a2+ + 0.07 N a+ + 0.04 M g2+, which about 15 angstrom s (A ) to about 9 A because adsorbed w
together provide 0.47 positive charge. The agreem ent ater m olecules are expelled. W hen the clay is
betw een the negative charges in the layers ( 0.46) and subsequently exposed to the vapor of eth ylene glycol (H
the positive charges of the addi tional ions (+0.47) is well O C H 2 C H 2 O H ) for several hours, the interlayer
distance expands to 17 or 18 .
within the uncertainty of the chemical analysis of this m
M ontm orillonite com m only forms by alter ation of
ineral. The overall
volcanic ash and therefore is the principal m ineral of
bentonite beds, which form by alter ation of volcanic ash
charge distribution for this m ontm orillonite is deposits. The well-known swelling of bentonite, when it is
given by adding up the ionic charges of all ele placed in water, is actually caused by the expansion of the
m ents that m ake up this mineral: interlayer distances of m ontm orillonite. The m ineral also
occurs in soils of arid regions w here leaching is lim ited
1.77(A13+) + 0.03(Fe3+) + 0.20(M g2+) by lack of w ater and the pH is above 7.
+ 3.74(Si4+) + 0.26(A13+)
Beidellite is a dioctahedral sm ectite contain ing little
+ 0.16(Ca2+) + 0 .07(N a+) if any Fe2+ or Mg2+ and in which nega tive charges
originate prim arily by replacem ent of Si4+ by A l3+ in
+ 0.04(M g2+) - 10(O 2~) - 2(O H )
= +0 .01 (13.4) the tetrahedral layer. A ccording to G rim (1968), its form
ula can be w ritten as:
am ounts of Fe3+ and charge of -1 .0 8 is neutralized by ad
[(A l2 , 7 )(S i3 .1 7 A l0 .8 3 ) O Fe2+. Negative charges The sm ectite m and Ca2 4 in the interlayer position
arise in the tetrahedral ineral sauconite is characteristically contains both M g2 4
N ote that the replacem layer by replacem ent of character ized by the molecules in the interlayer
ent of Si4+ by A l3+ in Si4 4 by A l3+ and may be presence of Z n 2+ in the sites. The w ater can be
the tetrahedral layer has partly com pensated by octahedral layer and by expelled by heating at
caused a net charge of -0 . addition al cations in the lim ited replacem ent of 500C, which causes the
83, which is partly com octahedral layer. The form Si4+ by A l3 4 in th e interlayer distance to
pensated by the positive ula of saponite according decrease from about 14 A
tetrahedral layer. C arroll
charge (+0.51) generated to G rim (1968) is: to about 9 . A fter
(1970) recalculat ed a
by an excess of 0.17 Al3+ heating at 500 C or less,
chem ical analysis of
in the [(M g ^ S i^ A lg j^ O n /O H ^ ] N a verm i culite rehydrates
sauconite to obtain the
octahedral layer. The rem aining Hectorite is a Li-bearing spontaneously; however,
following form ula:
charge ( 0.83 + 0.51 = 0.32) heating at 700C causes
adsorption of 0.33 moles of M g2 4 and L i+ occur together irreversible dehydration. In
weight of beidellite. layer, but no substitutions
[(Z n 2 4 0 Mg0 1 8 A10 2 2 F'eQ.n)addi tion, when verm
N ontronite, the third occur in the tetrahedral (Si3 .4 7 A l0 ,5 3 )O iculite is treated with a
dioctahedral sm ectite in layer. Thus the form ula solution of KC1, the
Table 13.1, contains Fe3+ for hectorite is: The charge im balance in interlayer Mg2 4 ions are
in the octahedral layer in the octahedral layer of this replaced by K 4,
[(Mg2 .6 7 Li0 .3 3 )(Siclay m ineral is +0.33, that
place of A l3+ with m inor and it becom es nonexpandable. Vermicul
am ount of Fe2+ and M The sm ectite m ineral of the tetrahedral layer is - fers from sm ectites by having a higher charg
g2+. The net charge im 0 .5 3 for a net charge of the tetrahedral layer, by commonly con
stevensite is similar to
balance arises from sub -0 .2 0 , which is
hec torite because it is M
stitutions of Si4 4 by Al3+ neutralized by the
g-rich and lacks Al in the
in the tetrahedral layer. adsorption of
tetrahedral layer. How exchangeable
Therefore, the form ula of
ever, stevensite also lacks cations in interlayer sites.
nontronite is:
Li in the octahedral layer. The w ord verm iculite
[(Fe2 +)(Si3 6 7 Alo3 3 ) 0 1 0 (O H ) L atin verb vermiculari, w hich
worm s. The clay m ineral
A s in beidellite, the b o th in dio ctah ed ral and
negative charge generated w ith o th er clay m inerals
in the tetrahedral layer p ro d u ct of micas. A ccording to
may be partly com verm iculite from B are Hills, M aryland, has the
pensated by the presence form ula:
of additional Fe34, Fe24,
[(Feo.24 ^ 6 2 . 7 0 Fegg4 Ni001)
or M g2 4 in the octahedral
layer. W hen A l3+ in the (Si2.73Al1 .26 ) 0 1 o(O H )
octahe dral layer is
replaced by Cr34, the Evidently, Mg2 4 dom
resulting dioc tahedral sm inates in the octahedral
ectite is know n as layer, and the Si4 4 in the
volkhonskoite. tetrahedral layer is
The trioctahedral extensively replaced by A
smectites include the m l34. The octahedral layer
iner al species saponite, has an excess positive
hectorite, and sauconite. charge of + 0 .2 2 , which
partly com pensates for
the strong negative charge
saponite, the octahedral layer
of - 1 .3 0 in
m arily of Mg2+ in place of
the tetrahedral layer. The

M g2+ in the exchangeable interlayer sites, and by being 2M polym orphs and are derived by m echanical
less expandable. weathering of igneous and m etam orphic rocks. Therefore,
the 2M illite in sedim entary rocks is detrital in origin, w
3 . 1LUTE T he pow er of K + ions to stabilize clay
hereas the lM d or 1M poly m orphs may consist of
m inerals is well illustrated by illite, which is
authigenic illite. The x-ray diffraction spectra of the
listed in Table 13.1 w ith the m ica m inerals.
different muscovite poly m orphs in the clay fraction of
A ctually, illite could also be regarded as a special
sedim entary m ateri als were w orked out by Yoder and
m em ber of the sm ectite group. H ow ever, it
Eugster (1955).
differs from typical sm ectites by having a
nonexpandable lattice because of th e presence of K + ions 4. GLAUCONITE OR GLAUCONY Glauconite is a
in interlayer sites. Illite was nam ed by G rim et al. (1937) dioctahedral clay m ineral in which Fe3+, Fe2+, and Mg2+
after the state of Illinois in the U n ited States. T hey replace A l3+ in the octahedral layer. Negative charges in
intended it to represent m ica-like clay m inerals as a the octahedral and tetrahedral layers are neutralized by
group, rath er than a specific clay m ineral, and expressed interlayer K +, Ca2+, and N a+. The concentration of K +
the form ula of illite as: in glauconite is variable and increases with time depending
on the availability of K + in the environment. Johnston and
[(A l2, F e 2, M g2, M g 3 )(S i4 _I A l,)O 1 0 (O H )2] K , Cardile (1987) reported that glauconite from Point Jackson,
Francosia, Wisconsin, has the formula:
The form ula indicates that the octahedral layer m ay
contain Al, Fe, or M g and th at illites may be dioctahedral [(Fe2 097 A l0 8 4 9 M g 0 442Ti 0.003 M noom)
(2 A l3+ or 2 Fe3+) o r trioctahedral (3 M g2+). The value (Si3.61lAIo.38g)010(O H )2]K 0 7 2 5 C a(,n% (13.13)
of x is less than one and usu ally varies betw een 0.5 and
In this sam ple of glauconite, Fe2+ dom inates in
0.75. The negative charge generated in the tetrahedral layer
the octahedral layer, and the deficiency of posi
is com pensated by K + ions, which fit into hexagonal
tive charges in both the octahedral and tetrah e
holes form ed by the silica tetrahedra of the tetra
dral layers is largely com pensated by interlayer
hedral layers. A s a result, the K + ions are not K + and Ca2+ ions.
exchangeable, the spacing of the interlayers is G lauconite is an authigenic clay m ineral that forms
fixed, and the m ineral is not expandable. in the m arine environm ent by transform a tion from other
H ow ever, illites m ay be interlayered with m ont- kinds of m aterial (M cRae, 1972).
m orillonite or other clay m inerals th at are It commonly occurs as greenish pellets about
1 -2

expandable. mm in diam eter com prised of aggregates of

Illite is a com m on w eathering product of platy glauconite crystallites about 1 0 pm in diam
m uscovite and differs from it prim arily by the eter. G lauconite has been used for dating
extent of substitution of Si4+ by A l3+ in the tetra hedral unm etam orphosed sedim entary rocks by the
K -A r and R b -S r m ethods (C hapter 16) because it
layer. M uscovite and its N a-analog parago-nite are
contains both K and Rb and because it is authi genic in
dioctahedral and have the form ula:
[(A l2 )(Si3 A l)O 1 0 (O H )2 ]K, Na (13.12) The status of glauconite as a discrete mineral species
The charge deficiency in the tetrahedral layer of 1 is has become controversial, partly because of its importance
neutralized by K + in muscovite and by N a ' in paragonite. for dating sedim entary rocks and the hoped-for refinem
The stacking of adjacent mica units in m uscovite can ent of the geological time scale. Burst (1958) and H ow er
occur in different ways, giving rise to polym orphs (1961) regarded glauconite as an Fe-rich illite with
designated as 1M, lM d,2M ,, 2M2, and 3T (Smith and variable K content that occurs in pure form as the lM d or
Yoder, 1956). Illite in the smallest grain-size fraction ( < 0 . 2 1M polymorph. However, this definition included poorly
pm ) of sedim ent or soil is of the lM d or 1M type. L arger crystal lized materials with low K concentrations that are
grains consist of the
unsuitable for dating by isotopic methods. Therefore, Odin and Bailey (1962) and by Eggleston and Bailey (1967). D
and M atter (1981) proposed the w ord glaucony for a ioctahedral chlorite has been identified in soil sam ples
spectrum of Fe-rich clay min erals with varying K with pH <5 .5 and may also crys tallize m etastably in
concentrations that form the characteristic green pellets in sedim entary environm ents as an authigenic m ineral
sedim entary rocks of m arine origin. Glaucony therefore (Carroll, 1970).
represents clay minerals that are interm ediate between Fe- The trioctahedral chlorites have been classi fied on
rich and K -poor smectite and Fe-rich K-mica. As the K the basis of their chemical com positions by Hey (1954)
con centration of glaucony increases, the material becomes and by Foster (1962). The latter speci fied com positional
less expandable and m ore retentive with respect to the limits for eight varieties of chlorite including the Fe-rich
radiogenic daughters of K and Rb. species thuringite and chamosite and the M g-rich species
5. MICAS The trioctahedral micas in igneous and m etam and penninite.
orphic rocks include biotite and phlogopite. These differ The structural form ula of trioctahedral chlo
from muscovite by the chem ical com position of the rites includes the m ica unit (Mg, Fe2 +)3 (Si,
A l)4 O 1 0 (O H )2, which carries a negative charge
octahedral layer, but both replace one Si4+ by one AI3+ in
because of the replacem ent of up to 1.6 Si4+ by
the tetrahedral layer. Actually, biotite is interm ediate betw
A l3+ in the tetrahedral layer. The negative charge is
een phlogopite:
neutralized by a brucite sheet th at carries a pos itive
charge caused by replacem ent of Mg2+ by A l3+: (Mg, A
[(Mg3 )(Si3 A l)O 1 0 (O H )2] K l)3 (O H )6. The brucite layer occupies an interlayer
and annite or lepidom elane: position and bonds two mica units together as K + ions do
in illite (Figure 13.1). The com plete structural form ula of
[(F e|+)(Si3 A l)O 1 0 (O H )2] K chlorite is obtained by com bining the com ponents of the
Therefore, the general form ula for biotite can be w ritten mica and brucite units:
[(Mg, Fe2 +)3 (Si, A l)4 O 1 0 (O H )2 ](Mg, A l)3 (O H ) 6
[(Mg, Fe 2 +)3 (Si3 A l)O ,0 (O H )2] K (13.14)
Biotite is considerably m
In addition, chlorites may
ore susceptible to chem
contain Fe3+ ions, which
ical w eathering than m replace A l3+ in the
uscovite because the Fe2+ brucite layer.
can oxidize to Fe3+ in the Chamosite, one of
presence of an electron the Fe-rich chlorites, is an
acceptor. As a result, the im portant constituent of
charge balance of the Fe-rich sedim entary rocks
lattice is disturbed and the of m arine origin
m ineral alters to other described by James
aluminosilicates and ferric (1966).
oxide, depending on A nother Fe-rich phyllosilicate called
environm ental conditions. has a 1 : 1 kaolinite-type lattice, but has also been
called cham osite
The so-called brittle
(Brindley, 1961, Brindley
micas in Table 13.1
et al., 1968). This m ineral
include the dioctahedral
has the formula:
species margarite and
other rare trioctahedral .6 O 5 (O H ) 4 (13.16)
phyllosilicates listed by and is structurally related
Grim (1968). to kaolinite but com po-
6 . CHLORITE The sitionally sim ilar to
chlorite group contains serpentine. How ever, it
pri m arily trioctahedral differs from serpentine by
species com posed of containing Fe in the octahe
three-layer clay units
bonded to brucite sheets. dral layer and by lim ited
A l3+ in the tetrahedral layer.
The chemical com
B oth cham osite and
positions of chlorite range
genic m inerals th at form
from Mg-rich to Fe-rich
varieties, but all contain
varying am ounts of Al,
which replaces Si in the
tetrahedral layers.

The only
dioctahedral chlorite is an
Al-rich variety known as
cookeite described by

recrystallize during low -grade regional m etam or phism to of hydrotherm al alteration of pyroxene and amphi-bole.
the Fe-chlorite thuringite. One of the largest accumulations is in the Hawthorn Form
ation of M iocene age in G eorgia and Florida, which was
c. Mixed-Layer Clays deposited in fresh to brack ish water lagoons.
The clay m inerals we have described occur as
interstratified layers in the so-called mixed-layer clays, Sepiolite is also com posed of chains of silica
which are very com m on in soils and in about tetrahedra but it differs from palygorskite in spe cific
70% of clay-rich sedim entary rocks (W eaver, details. G rim (1968) reported two different structural form
1956). To some extent the principal types of ulas for this m ineral based on a review of the literature
m ixed-layer clays depend on climatic factors that affect available at the time. The
the environm ent within which chemical w eathering form ulas currently in use (see A ppendix B) are
occurs. U nder m oist and tropical con Mg2 Si3 0 6 ( 0 H ) 4 and Mg4 Si6 O t5 (O H ) 2 6H 2 0 .
ditions the stratification in m ixed-layer clays is Carroll (1970) reported that a chemical analysis of
m ontm orillonite-halloysite-kaolinite, w hereas in sepiolite from L ittle C ottonw ood, U tah, yields the
hum id tem perature regions the m ixed-layer clays consist formula:
of m ontm orillonite-chlorite-m ica or m ica-interm ediate
[(Mg7 4 2 MnQ5 3 Feon2) (Si| 1 6 7 A l024Feo J9 ) 0 3 2]Cu() 4 5
products-illite (Carroll, 1970). The crystallographic
properties of mixed-layers (13.18)
clays have been discussed by Z en (1967), Evidently, M g2+ is partly replaced by M n2+ and Fe3+, w
R eynolds (1967, 1980), and C orbat and hereas Si4+ is replaced by A l3+ and Fe3+. The structure
Tettenhorst (1987). has a net charge of -0 .3 7 , which is largely neutralized by
exchangeable Cu2+.
d. Fibrous Clay Minerals
The fibrous clay m inerals palygorskite and sepio-lite are
com posed of double chains of silica tetra- 13.3 Gibbs Free Energies of
hedra with an S i/O ratio of 4 : 11. The channel
betw een the double chains is occupied by w ater
m olecules that are lost stepwise during heating up The therm odynam ic properties of the three-layer and m
to 850C, at which tem perature the structure is ixed-layer clay m inerals are difficult to establish because
destroyed. N either palygorskite nor sepiolite of their highly variable chem i cal compositions. As a
expand w hen treated w ith organic liquids. result, standard free ener gies or enthalpies of form ation
P alygorskite is a M g-silicate with some are available only in certain specific cases or apply only to
replacem ent of M g2+ and Si4+ by A l3+. Its struc ture idealized com positions th at do not reflect the true
was w orked out by B radley (1940), who reported the form chemical diversity of real clay minerals.
5 In order to overcom e this problem, Tardy and
M g Si8 O 2 0 (O H )2 (O H 2 ) 4 4 H zO (13.17)
Garrels (1974), Chen (1975), and Nriagu (1975) pro posed
w here O H 2 is bound w ater and H 20 is w ater in
empirical m ethods for estimating standard free energies of
channels like th at of zeolites. The structure p re sented form ation of clay minerals. Tardy and Garrels
above is electrically neutral but m ay con tain (1976,1977),Tardy and G artner (1977), Tardy and
exchangeable C a2+ to com pensate charge im balances Vieillard (1977), and Tardy (1979) subse quently
caused by lim ited substitutions in this structure. generalized this approach to estimate the standard free
Palygorskite is called attapulgite in the U nited States after energies of form ation of other kinds of compounds and
an occurrence of this clay in A ttapulgus, G eorgia. their ions in aqueous solution.
The m ethod of Tardy and G arrels (1974) is based on
Palygorskite is an authigenic mineral that occurs in the prem ise th at the standard free ener gy of a
alkaline, unleached soils and as a product phyllosilicate can be treated as the sum of
th e free energies of its oxide and hydroxide com ponents. E qu atio n s 13.22-13.24 can be solved by sub
The num erical values of the free energies o f the com stitution and yield the standard free energies
ponents m ust reflect the fact that they of fo rm atio n in th e silicate lattice of th e th ree
exist in a silicate lattice and not in free form . com ponents listed in Table 13.2. O th er com po
T herefore, they m ust first be determ ined from n en ts can be ad d ed by considering the A l sili
phyllosilicate m inerals whose standard free ener cates kaolinite, pyrophyllite, and m uscovite,
gies of form ation are know n from experim ental which yield values for G^(A12 0 3), G ^(H 2 O s),
determ inations. The first step tow ard th at end is and G ^(K 2 O s).Tardy and G arrels (1974) also
to restate the structural form ulas of phyllosili- determ in ed th e stan d ard free energies of fo rm a tion in
cates in term s of oxide com ponents, except that the silicate lattice of exchangeable cations and w ater. T
M g is converted to the hydroxide until all of the hydroxyl hese values are listed in Table 13.2.
ion in the form ula has been assigned to M g(O H )2. For
example, serpentine is rew ritten: In order to illustrate their m ethod of estim at ing
standard free energies of form ation of a real
M g3 Si2 O s(O H ) 4 = 2M g(O H ) 2 M gO 2 S i0 2

Similarly, talc becomes: Table 13 .2 Standard Free Energies of Formation

M g 3 Si4 O 1 0 (O H ) 2 = M g(O H ) 2 2M gO 4 S i0 2
of Oxide and Hydroxide Components in the
Lattice of Phyllosilicate Minerals at 25 C

and sepiolite, which is not a phyllosilicate, never theless is

Com ponent Gf (silicated), kcal/mol
recast into the form: K 2O -188.0
M g2 Si3 0 6 ( 0 H ) 4 = 2M g(O H ) 2 3 S i0 2 (13.21) NazO -162.8
MgO -149.2
The three Mg-silicates are composed of M g(O H )2,
MgO, and SiOz, whose standard free energies in the FeO -64.1
silicate lattice are to be determ ined. This is done by Fe20 3 -177.7
assuming that the known standard free energies of the A i2o 3 -382.4
three m inerals can be expressed as the sums of the S i0 2 -204.6
unknow n standard free energies of the com ponents in the H 2O -59 .2
silicate lattice. Therefore, we can write appropriate Mg(OH)2 -203.3
equations for each of the three minerals. For serpentine: A l(O H )3 -280.0
FeOOH -117.0
2G (M g(O H )') + G )(M gO s) + 2Gf {SiO s2) KOH ' -123.6
NaOH - 111.0
= -965 .1 kcal/m ol (13.22)
Exchangeable Ions Expressed as Oxides
For talc: K 2O -188.0
G y(M g(O H )2) + 2G ?(M gO s) + 4G ?(SiO |) CaO -182.8
= -1320 .38 kcal/m ol (13.23) NazO -175.4
MgO -159.5
A nd for sepiolite: H 2O -58 .6
2G ?(M g(O H )s) + 3G ?(SiO |) Li2 -190.6
= -1020 .95 kcal/m ol (13.24) s o u r c e : Tardy and Garrels (1974).

clay m ineral, Tardy and G arrels (1974) chose a typical m Table 13 .4 Standard Free Energies of Formation
ontm orillonite: of Clay Minerals Based on Experimental
Determinations and Estimates by the Method of
[(A lisF eQ ^ M ggjX S ijjA lt^ O u /O H ^ ] M g04
Tardy and Garrels (1974)
G} G
The form ula is electrically neutral, which is im portant Mineral or (measured), (estimated),
because the exchangeable cations do contribute to th e free locality kcal/m ol kcal/mol
energy of the m ineral and therefore cannot be om itted . In Dlite
Table 13.3 the for m ula for this m ontm orillonite has been
recast in term s of m olar am ounts of the oxide com Fithian -1277.23 -1278.8
ponents. These are then m ultiplied by their respective G^ Beavers Bend 1274.7a -1276.2
(silicated) values from Table 13.2 and the products are Goose Lake -1272.1s -1273.4
summed. The result is 1282.5 kcal/m ol, which is a Montmorillonite
reasonable value for the standard free
Aberdeen -1230.6C -1228.3
Belle Fourche 1240.6b -1236.4
energy of form ation of m ontm orillonite. For
exam ple, A ppendix B contains a value of Colony, Wyoming 1241.5d -1240.6
1258.84 kcal/m ol listed by Lindsay (1979) for a Other Phyllosilicates
M g-m ontm orillonite. Annite (1) -1149.3 -1150.2
M ore specific com parisons betw een free Annite (2) -1151.7 -1149.1
energies of form ation, estim ated by the m ethod
Clinochlore -1961.8 -1958.7
of Tardy and G arrels (1974), and experim entally
Phlogopite -1410.9 -1400.7
determ ined values are presented in Table 13.4.
Greenalite -720.0
T he experim ental determ inations w ere m ade by
Minnesotaite -1055.0

Dlite formulas
Table 13 .3 Estimate
of the Standard Free Fithian,
Energy of Formation of a Typical [(A l1, 4Fea29Mg0.l9)(Si3, 1Al[..49)O
M ontmorillonite with the Formula Stated in 10(OH)2]Ka64 Beavers Bend,
Equation 13.25 [(AI] 6ftFeQ 2()Mgo i3)(Si3 ^2A1q 3g)OjQ(OH)2]K(j 53
1 2 3 Goose Lake,
Component, G (silicated), 1X2, [(AIj 5^FeQ24Mgo i5)(Si3 AIq 3 5 )0 ]q(0 H)2 ]Kq j y
moles kca l/m o l kcal
Montmorillonite formulas
1.0 a i 2o 3 -382.4 -382.4
0.1 Fe20 3 -177.7 -17.77 [(Ali.29Feo335Mg0 445)(Si3 82A10 i9)O
0.3 Mg(OH)2 -203.3 -60.99 10(OH)2]Ka415 Belle Fourche,
3.5 S i0 2 -204 .6 -716.1 [( Al i .5 lsFejj 225Mg0 29) (Si3 935Al0
0.7 H2Oa -59 .2 -41.44 065) O Colony,
0.4 MgO(exch.) -159 .5 -63 .8 [(A li,2 Fe3 l 2 Mgo.2 9 )(Si3 .8 1 Alo.i9 )Oio(OH)2 ]K0.4()
Sum -1282.5 kcal
"Routson and Kittrick (1971).
a0.3 Mg(OH)2 uses up 0.6 hydrogen atom, leaving 1.4 hydro gen bKittrick (1971a).
atoms to make 0.7 mole of H20 . Kittrick (1971b).
S O U R C E : Tardy and Garrels (1974). dWeaver et al. (1971).
dissolving the m inerals and by analyzing the other direct com parisons in Table 13.4 are also
resulting saturated solutions. For exam ple, impressive.
W eaver et al. (1971) dissolved a sam ple of m ont-m
orillonite from Colony, Wyoming:
13.4 Stability Diagrams
[(A li.5 2 F e 0 .2 2 ^ 0 .2 9 )(^ *3 .8 lA lo .i9 )0 10( O H ) 2] M g 0 2o
The three -layer clays are m ore sensitive to the
+ 6.10 H + + 3.57 H 2 0 ^ geochem ical environm ent in which they exist
1.71 A l3+ + 3.81 H 4 S i0 4 (13'26) than m ost o th er m inerals because of the p res
+ 0.11 F e 2 0 3 (s) + 0.49 Mg2+ ence of exchangeable ions and m olecules. T heir
approach to equilibrium takes place by exchange of the
adsorbed ions with ions or m olecules from th e environm
A t equilibrium in a saturated solution the Law of Mass A
ent, by transform ations involving the chem ical com
ction applies:
position of the layers and their
[Mg2 +]0 4 9 [H 4 SiO 4 ]3 8 1 [Al3 + ] 1 -7 1 stacking, and perhaps even by th e form ation of
[H + ] 6 1 0 m ixed-layer clays. A lthough ion exchange is
rapid, reactions th at require adjustm ents in the
chem ical com positions of the octahedral and
where Fe2 0 3 (s) and H 2 0(1) were given activities of one. tetrah ed ral layers, and in the bonding betw een
The value of the equilibrium constant, cal culated from individual clay units, are slow. Consequently, n a t ural m
equation 13.27 using the m easured activities of the ions aterials com m only contain m ixtures of several clay m
and molecules, was found to be K = IO0" 1. Since log K = inerals th at cannot be in equilibri um with each o th er u n
-AG*/1.364, it fol lows that AGR = 1.352 kcal. The d er one set of environ m ental conditions. For this reason,
standard free energy change that takes place during the we now turn
disso ciation of the m ontm orillonite from Colony, to the construction and use of activity diagram s
Wyoming, in accordance with equation 13.26 can be for clay m inerals in o rd er to identify the stable
expressed as: phases and to indicate the direction of reactions am ong the
clay m inerals in a given geochem ical environm ent.

A GR = 1.71 G(A13+) + 3.81 G (H 4 S i0 4)

+ 0.11 G (Fe2 0 3) + 0.49G (M g2+) a. Aluminosilicate Clay Minerals

- 3.57 G ?(H 2 0 ) - 6 .1 0 G j(H +) - G (m ont.) In order to simplify the construction of stability diagrams,
we restrict ourselves to a suite of m ont-m orillonites in
(13.28) which negative charges in the tetrahedral layers are com
Since AGR for this reaction is know n from the pensated by different adsorbed cations, w hereas the
octahedral layers consist of unaltered gibbsite sheets. These
m easured equilibrium constant, G / of the m ont ideal ized m ontm orillonites and their standard free
m orillonite can be calculated from the Gf values energies of form ation w ere proposed by H elgeson (1969)
of the other constituents. Tardy and G arrels (1974) and H elgeson et al. (1978), and are listed in Table 13.5
obtained a value of Gf = 1241.5 kcal per mole for the together w ith a standardized illite. These data perm it us to
Colony m ontm orillonite from explore the stabilities of m ontm orillonites in the sam e
the solubility data, w hereas their own m ethod coordinates we used in C hapter 12 to depict the stability
yields Gf = - 1240.6 kcal per mole. The agree fields of other alum inosilicate minerals. R eal m ontm
ment is excellent. H ow ever, W eaver et al. (1971) orillonites and other sm ectites should react similarly after
obtained G ^(m ont.) = -1255 .8 0.6 kcal/m ol
for the M g-substituted m ontm orillonite. The

Table 13 .5 Formulas and. Standard Free Energies of

Form ation of Standardized Montmorillonites and Illite
Formula G-, kca l/m o l

[(A W (S i3.67A W O I0(OH)JCaai67 -1279.24

[(Al2.00)(Si3.67Ala33)O1()(OH)2]Nan.33 -1277.76
[(Al2.0o)(Si3.67AIo.33)Oio(OH)2]Koj3 -1279.60
[(AIzqo) (^ 3.67^^0.33)^ 10(^ 11)2] 167 -1275.34

[(All.8oMgo.25)(Sb.50JMo.5o)Olo(OIi)2]lC().33 -1300.98

Estimated by the method ofTardy and Garrels (1974).

S O U R C E : Helgeson (1969).
allowance is m ade for
their m ore complex chem
i cal compositions.
Based on the stability
diagram s we derived in C
hapter 12, we can say that
kaolinite is the stable
alum inosilicate clay m ineral
w here product ions are
the activity of H 4 S i0 4 is
even kaolinite breaks
down to form gibbsite.
Therefore, we can reverse
the decom position of
alum inosilicate m inerals and
m orillonite and illite m ight
when the activities of their
ions increase in solu
tions that are saturated with lo
phous silica. Figure 13.2 is an g
stability diagram in [
coordinates of log [K+]/[H N
+] and log [N a+]/[H +],
assum ing saturation with
respect to am orphous
silica. The equations for
the boundaries are based
on the therm odynam ic
data in Table 13.5 and in A
ppendix B. The reaction to Figure 13.2 Stability of
form K -m ontm orillonite kaolinite, K-
montmorillonite, and Na-
constructed based on the conservation of Al:
montmorillonite in the
7 A l2 Si2 0 5 ( 0 H ) 4 + 8 S i0presence of amorphous
silica based on data in
6[(A12 0 0 )(Si3 6 7 A10
Table 13.5 and Appendix
+ 7 H zO B.

If we multiply kaolinite by
7 and K -montmorillonite to the left side of the
by 6, we can balance AI to equation to balance Si
a good approximation. As and 2 moles of K + to
a result, we must add 8
balance K. Finally, we
moles of S i0 2
need 7 moles
of H 20 on the right side to balance O and 2 moles of
H + to balance H . Equation 13.29 yields
AGR = +35.511 kcal and K = l ( r 2 6 0 3 . From the
Law of Mass Action:
[ I2 = | Q 26.03 (13.30)

[K + ] 2
and therefore (line 1, Figure 13.2):

rK +l
log FTTZi- = 13.02 (13.31)
Equation 13.29 i n d i c a t e s that K-montmorillonite

is f a v o r e d o v e r k a o l i n i t e i n e n v i r o n m e n t s w h e r e [ H +] is
l o w a n d [ K + ] is h i g h . S u c h c o n d i t i o n s o c c u r i n p o o r l y d r
a i n e d s o i l s u n d e r a r id c l i m a t i c c o n d i t i o n s o r in t h e o c e
log [M g2+]/ [H +]2

source ofK+atapH o f a b o u t 8.2. T h e f o r m a t i o n Figure 13.3 Stability of selected minerals in the sys tem
ofNa-montmorillonite from kaolinite takesplace K20 - M g 0 -A l20 3- S i0 2-H 20 -H C l at 25 C at
b y a r e a c t i o n t h a t is a n a l o g o u s t o e q u a t i o n 13.29 1 atm pressure in the presence of amorphous silica. The
(line 2, F i g u r e 13.2, l o g [ N a + ] / [ H + ] = 13.32). positions of the lines were adjusted as indicated in the
The direct conversion of K-montmorillonite footnotes to Table 13.6 to overcome internal inconsis
tencies in the thermodynamic data. Nevertheless, the
diagram shows that the clay minerals kaolinite (K), illite
(I), montmorillonite (Mg-mont.), and chlorite (Ct) can
3 [ ( A l 2 . 00)( S i3 . 67A l0 .3 3 )O 10( O H ) 2] K 0.33 + N a + ^ form as weathering products of microcline (Mi),
3 [ ( A 1 2.oo) ( S i 3 .67 A l 0 33) O 10(O H ) 2] N a 0 33 + K + muscovite (Mu), and phlogopite (Ph), which crystallize
from cooling magma or grow by metamorphic recrys
(13.32) tallization of clay minerals at elevated temperatures and
AG = +0.413 k c a l K = IO 0 -3 0 2 pressures.

[K+ -0.302 (13.33) value of AGR of a reaction changes its equilibrium

1 0
constant by a factor of 1 0 and displaces the corre sponding
stability boundary in the activity dia gram . In order to
and hence (line 3, Figure 13.2):
avoid som e of the resulting inconsistencies, the standard
lg THTT = log 7TTT -30 (13.34) free energy of form a tion of illite of H elgeson (1969) in
Table 13.5 was recalculated by the m ethod of Tardy and G
[Hi [H i arrels (1974), which increased it from -1300 .98 to -1307 .
We can also construct a stability diagram in 49 kcal/m ol. In addition, the value of Gf of M g-m ontm
coordinates of log [K+]/[H +] and log [Mg2 +]/[H +]2, orillonite was changed from 1275.34 to -1279.61 kcal/m
which includes kaolinite, illite, muscovite, m icro ol. These and other adjust m ents are listed at the bottom of
cline, phlogopite, and chlorite in contact with Table 13.6.
am orphous silica. The equations for such a dia
gram are listed in Table 13.6 and have been plotted in The resulting stability diagram in Figure 13.3
Figure 13.3. indicates that in acidic low -K environm ents p h lo gopite
During the construction of Figure 13.3 we (or biotite) alters to chlorite, M g -m ontm o rillonite, or
encountered difficulties caused by the lack of internal kaolinite, depending on th e activity of Mg2+. A lthough
consistency of som e of the therm odynam ic data. A phlogopite m ay be transform ed directly into each of the
difference of 1.364 kcal in the calculated alteration products, sys-

Table 13.6 Equations for Mineral Stability Diagram (Figure 13.3) in the System K20 - M
g 0 - A l20 3- S i0 2-H C l-H 20 at 25 C, 1 atm Pressure, and in Equilibrium with
Amorphous Silica
3 Al2Si20 5(0 H )4 + 2 K+^ 2 KAl2Si3AlO 10(OH)2 + 3 H20 +2H+

AGfi = +10.959 kcal K = IO803

log f| i] = 4.02 (1)


1.3 [(Alj 80Mg025)(Si35QAl050)O 10(OH)2]KU6Q+ 0.22 K+ + 0.43 H ^

KAl2Si3A lO 10(OH)2 + 1.55 S i0 2(amorph.) + 0.325 Mg2+ + 0.5 H20
A GR = 1.6583 kcal K = 10L21S

log^|=1.481og^?-5.52 (2)


7 A l2Si20 5(0 H )4 + 8 S i0 2 (amorph.) + Mg2+^

6 [(Al20n)(Si3 67Al0 33)O||)(OH)2]Mg(l 167 + 7 HzO + 2 H

AGR = + 8.75b kcal K = IO8'42

l0g^ F =6-42 (3)


1.013[(A1, 8nMg025)(Si350Al05u)O ,0(OH)2K060 + 0.1245 S i0 2(amorph.) + 0.781 H +-

[(Al2 oo)(Si3.f,7Al 33)O |o(OH)2]Mgu 167 + 0.608 K* + 0.086 Mg2+ + 0.405 H20
A GR = -3 .2 8 ab kcal K = IO241

l08f iF j = - - 141og^ r + 3-96C W


[(Al2()D)(Si36 7Alo3 3)0 1o(OH)2 ]Mg( ) 1 6 7 + 5.658 Mg2+ + 9.32

1.165 Mg5Al2Si3O l0(OH)8 + 0.175 S i0 2(amorph.) + 11.316 H +
AGR = + 87.67 kcal K = IO64'27

Inn tMgZ+] - 11 Ifi 151

S [H ]2' ^
Table 13 .6 (continued)


Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 + Mg2+ + 3 S i0 2(amorph.) + 2 K+^ 2 KMg3Si3A lO 10(OH)2 + 4 H

A GR = + 26.60e kcal K = 1(T19-50

[K+] n ^ w t Mg2+
, [H + ]- 0 .5 1 o g [H+]

lc,g f m T = - - 5 1 g T 4 ir + 9-75f (6)


2.30 KMg3Si3A lO 10(OH)2 + 15.0 H ^ ^ [(A li a0Mg0 25)(Si3.50Ala50)O10(OH)2]Ka60

+ 1.70 K+ + 6.65 Mg2+ + 3.40 S i0 2(amorph.) + 8.8 H20

A GR = -113.98 kcal K = 10+83-57

log W \ = ~3-91 log + 49-15 (7)


2.3 KAlSi3Os + 0.25 Mg2+ + 0.4 H20 + 1.2 H+

[(Al1.80Mg0.25)(Si3.50Al0.50)O 10(OH)2]K0.60 + 1.7 K+ + 3.4 S i0 2(amorph.)

AGR = -14.67 kcal K = 10+10-76

[K+l TMe2+l
log W \ = -147 log + 633 (8)


KAl2Si3AlO 10(OH)2 + 6 S i0 2(amorph.) + 2 K +^ 3 KAlSi3Oa + 2 H +

AGr = +14.43 kcal K = l(T la58

1o8 | | t | = 5-29 (9)

KAlSi30 8 + 3 Mg2+ + 4 H2O ^K M g3Si3A lO 10(OH)2 + 6 H +

AGR = +44.948 kcal K = IO32-95

log^ T = (1 0 )

Based on Gf (illite) = 1307.485 kcal/mol, according to Tardy and Garrels (1974).

bGj- (Mg-montmorillonite) = -1279.61 kcal/mol adjusted so that the kaolinite-Mg-montmorillonite line goes through
log [K+]/[H +] = 4.02 and log [Mg2+]/[H +]2 = 6.42.
Increased intercept to 4.86 to force line through log [K+]/[H +] = 4.02 and log [Mg2+]/[H +]2 = 6.42.
dG^(chlorite) = -1974.0 kcal/mol (Zen, 1972).
G^(phlogopite) = -1400.7 kcal/mol (Tardy and Garrels, 1974).
'Reduced to 9.0 to improve the fit.

tem atic variations in the chem ical com position of the Table 13 .7 SolubilityEquations of Pure Fe-
fluid in the im m ediate vicinity of a m ineral grain m ay Silicate Minerals in Pure Water at 25 Ca
cause a sequence of reactions to occur such th at phlogopite
first alters to chlorite, which changes to M g -m ontm
Fe2S i0 4 + 4 H +^ 2 F e 2+ + H4S i0 4
orillonite, which ultim ately
decom poses to kaolinite or even gibbsite. A GR = -20 .76 kcal K = 101522
Similarly, illite m ay form either m icrocline or
m uscovite by a reduction of [K +] o r decrease in pH . D log I f f = ~0'5 108 [l*SiC)J + 7-61 (1)
epending on the existence of the appropri ate chem ical Ferrosilite
gradients, m uscovite flakes m ay alter to kaolinite or illite, FeSiOj + HzO + 2 H +^ F e 2+ + H4S i0 4
which m ay transform into AGR = -7.663 kcal K = IO5 62
illite -m ontm orillonite or illite -kaolinite mixed-
layer clays. H ow ever, predictions of reaction
products based on therm odynam ics alone are not always log I f f = los [Ii4Si 4] + 5-62 (2)
reliable because unfavorable kinetics may p rev en t the Greenalite
reactions from reaching equilibrium or from going to com Fe3Si20 5(0 H )4 + 6 H+^
pletion . 3 Fe2+ + 2 H4S i0 4 + H20
AGfi = -18.577 kcal K = 1013 M
b. Solubility of Ferrous Silicates
The ferrous silicates include fayalite (Fe2 S i0 4), ferrosilite
(F e S i0 3), and the tw o-layer phyllosili cate greenalite. In log I F F =~0-67108[H4Si 4] +0,53 (3)
addition, the carbonate m ineral siderite (F e C 0 3) and the Siderite
hydroxide [Fe(OH)2] m ay form . We assum e th at Fe is F eC 03 + 2 H +^ F e 2+ + C 0 2 + H20
predom inantly in the divalent state and th a t m inerals AGR = +0.509 kcal K = IO037
containing Fe3+ do not occur in the system . loS t S J = 3 1 5 at [C J = 3 x 1 C r 4 atm (4)

The ferrous silicates dissolve congruently much like [H J

the Mg-silicates we discussed in Chapter 12 (Figure 12.5). Ferrous hydroxide
The solution of the ferrous silicates is expressed by the Fe(OH)2(s) + 2 H +^=Fe2+ + 2 HzO

equation in Table 13.7, which have been plotted in Figure A GR = -15.924 kcal K = IO1167
13.4 in coordinates of log [Fe2 +]/[H + ] 2 and log [H4 S i0 4]. lFe2+l
The lines are the boundaries betw een solutions that are iogW =1L67
undersatu rated or supersaturated with respect to each Amorphous silica
miner al. For example, fayalite dissolves in solutions S i02(amorph.) + 2 H20 ^ H 4S i0 4
represented by points lying to the left of the equilib rium A G R = +4.044 kcal K = 10~2%
line (equation 1, Table 13.7). Evidently, greenalite log [H4S i0 4] = -2 .96 (6)
(equation 3, Table 13.7) is less soluble, and therefore m ore
stable, than either fayalite or ferrosilite in contact with w Based on thermodynamic constants in Appendix B.
ater at 25 C. However, the com position of natural
solutions in contact with the atm osphere is restricted by
the solubility
The solubility data in Figure 13.4 indicate th at
,boundaries of siderite (equation 4, Table 13.7) and am greenalite could precipitate in place of siderite if log [Fe 2
orphous silica (equation 6 , Table 13.7). Therefore, even +]/[H + ] 2 is greater than about 7. The fugacity of C O z th at
greenalite dissolves in natural solu tions and precipitates w ould perm it this can be cal culated from the solubility
only from solutions that have low bicarbonate ion equation for siderite in Table 13.7:
T r~ m ost com m on iron silicate m ineral in unaltered
\ i parts of the G unflint F orm ation in w estern
IFe (O H )2
\ Ontario, C anada. It occurs as light, green to olive green
10 granules up to 3 m m in diam eter, except in the banded ch
- "\
\ \ ert-sid erite and tuffaceous shale facies. The absence of
X\ X\j)' greenalite from siderite - bearing rocks is explained by the
\ N - f - '- ? difference in their solubilities w hen th e solutions are in
+ \ I N% . '-v
contact with C 0 2 of the atm osphere. H ydrotherm al solu
X [C 0 2] = 10 7 4 atm \ SideriteX \ %
>sl \ \
tions discharged into th e G u nflint basin could precipitate
greenalite and am orphous silica if they had sufficiently
CN Greenalite | \
6 precipitates low carbonate ion concen trations to prevent siderite from
\ forming.
low carbonate ion immiscible in an o th er
4- M innesotaite is com
concentrations and are liquid are know n as e m u
[C 0 2] = 10 3 5 atm m on in the Fe-silicate
2- Natural l sions, and solid particles o
close to being saturated facies of the Biwabik Iron
r liquid droplets dis persed
with respect to am Form ation of northern
in a gaseous m edium form
solutions Minnesota, but is absent
orphous silica. Such aerosols. Such colloidal
from the G unflint
solutions m ay be dis suspensions m ay appear to
-8 -6 Formation. Jam es (1966)
charged by volcanic be h om oge neous, and the
lo pointed out that this dif
particles do n o t settle o u t
g hotsprings in shallow m ference betw een the two
under the influence of
[ arine iron form ations m ay be
gravity. Som e kinds of
H basins w here cherty iron form ations
related to the fact th a t th
particles in sols attract w
4 deposited in Precam brian e Biwabik Form ation was
ater m olecules to them
S G oodw in (1956) rep o rted intruded by the E m barras
selves and are therefore
i0 G ranite over m uch of its
said to b e hyd ro p h ilic, w
4] length, w hereas the G
hereas others lack this
unflint Form ation was not
tendency and are classified
Figure 13.4 Solubility of intruded by granite.
as h y d r o p h o bic. A sol
ferrous silicates in pure Consequently, he agreed
water at 25 C. com posed of hydrophilic
with Tyler (1949) that m
Greenalite, which is a particles m ay set to form a
innesotaite is a product of
two-layer clay analogous translucent o r tran sp aren t
m eta morphism, which m
to kaolinite and gel. Som e
serpentine, is soluble in ade the Biwabik Form
natural solutions open to ation m ore susceptible to
the atmosphere. It can chem ical w eathering than
pre cipitate at 25 C, only the Gunflint Form ation
when [C 02] = IO7 4 and resulted in the form
atm or less, from ation of hem atite ore
solutions that are nearly bodies in M innesota.
saturated with respect to
amorphous silica.
Greenalite is the most
abundant primary Fe-
silicate in the Gunflint 13.5 Colloid
Iron Formation of
Proterozoic age in
western Ontario, Suspen
Canada, and its absence
from the siderite facies sions
implies that the siderite and
facies was deposited
where the fugacity of Ion
C 0 2 was greater than IO
7'4 atm.
W hen clay m inerals and o
[Fe.2+1 10
th er sm all particles with
[H + ] 2
[C O J diam eters of < 1 g m are
which yields [COz] = dispersed in pu re w ater,
they form a colloidal
greenalite can suspension called a sol.
precipitate only from Suspensions of sm all
solutions that have very droplets of a liquid th at is

gels can be dispersed again into a sol, w hereas in others Similar reactions m ay take place with atom s of Si, Fe,
the process of gel form ation is irreversible. For example, Mn, etc., on the surface of colloidal particles th at
concentrated solutions of silic acid can polym erize to form contribute to their total electrical charges.
am orphous silica parti cles, and the resulting colloidal The presence of electrical charges on the sur face of
suspension can set to form a gel. H ow ever, the silica gel colloidal particles overcom es their te n dency to settle out
does not redisperse spontaneously, but slowly loses w ater and keeps them in suspension indefinitely unless the
as it crystallizes to form quartz (variety chal cedony) with charges are neutralized by the addition of an electrolyte or
opal as an interm ediate product (see Section 9.6). the passage of an electrical current. In general, colloidal
suspen sions are stabilized in dilute electrolyte solutions
because ions from the solution are needed to build up the
The properties of colloidal suspensions arise from surface charge. H ow ever, at high electrolyte
electrical charges on the surface of the p ar ticles. The concentrations the surface charges of the particles are
presence of electrical charges on col loidal particles is neutralized and the suspension coagulates, th at is, the
related to th eir small size and resultant large surface area. particles settle out.
The atom s on the sur faces of solid particles of all kinds of
m aterials are incom pletely bonded because they are not The polarity of the surface charge of colloidal
sur rounded by ions of the opposite charge. Therefore, such particles depends on the activity of H + in the water.
particles attract ions from the solution in which they are Consequently, we define the isoelectric p oint as the pH of
suspended and thereby acquire a characteristic charge. W the aqueous m edium at which the surface charge of
hen clay m iner als are suspended in w ater, som e of the particles of a specific m ater ial is equal to zero. If the pH
adsorbed interlayer ions m ay be lost, leaving the is less than the iso electric point, the charge is positive by
individual particles with a negatively charged surface. In virtue of equation 13.36; w hereas if the pH is greater than
addition, clay particles also have surface ions with the isoelectric points the charge is negative according to
unsatisfied charges and hence becom e charged not only equation 13.37. The isoelectric points of different kinds of
because of internal crystallographic rea sons but also m aterials in Table 13.8 range from pH = 1.0 (am orphous
because of the surface effects that silica) to pH = 9.1 (A12 0 3, corundum ). The isoelectric
points can be used to deduce the polarity of the surface
charge of colloidal particles of each m aterial in acid and
occur in all small particles. basic media. The data in Table 13.8 indicate that colloidal
The surfaces of silicate, oxide, or hydroxide particles com posed of am orphous silica, quartz, M n-
particles expose atom s of Si, Al, Fe, M n, etc., dioxide, m ontm orillonite, and kaolin ite have a negative
which are bonded to O 2 or O H ' radicals within surface charge, except in high ly acidic environm ents
the solid. H ow ever, O H radicals on the surface caused, for example, by local discharge of acid m ine
exert an attractive force on positively charged ions in the waters. The oxides of Fe form particles whose surface
solution, including H +. Therefore, such particles acquire a charges may change from positive to negative betw een pH
positive charge in strongly acidic solutions by virtue of the val ues 5 and 7. H ow ever, Fe-oxide or hydroxide and
reaction: TiOz particles in the oceans (pH = 8.2) have neg ative
charges. The oxides and hydroxides of Al stand out from
A l O H (_) + H + -> A l O H (2+) (13.36) the others in Table 13.8 because they form positively
w here the parentheses indicate n e t positive or negative charged particles in all but highly basic environm ents.
charges th at are not necessarily equal to one electronic
unit. In strongly basic solutions the O H - radicals m ay
release H +, thereby causing a n et negative charge at the
It turns out th at the presence of electrolytes in a
A l O H (" } - A l 0 (_) + H + (13.37) colloidal suspension affects the developm ent
Table 13 .8 Isoelectric
Points of Various Natural Materials When
Suspended in Water of Varying Acidity but Lacking Dissolved
Material Polarity in Polarity in
pH acid medium basic medium
S i0 2(amorph.) 1.0-2.5 _a -

Quartz 2.0 - -
M n02 (different forms) 2.0 -4.5 - -
Albite 2.0 - -
Montmorillonite 2.5 - -
Kaolinite 4.6 - -
Hematite 5 -9 + -t-

commonly 6-7
Magnetite 6.5 + -
Goethite 6 -7 + +
Limonite (Fe20 3 H20 ) 6 -9
Anatase (T i02) 7.2 + -
Gibbsite ~9 + +
Corundum 9.1 + +
Periclase (MgO) 12.4 + +

The polarity changes from negative to positive at pH values less than the isoelectric point. Thus,
the charge is negative if the pH is greater than the isoelectric point. A cid and basic are defined
relative to pH = 7.0 at 25 C.
After Drever (1982),Table 4.2;Stumm and Morgan (1970).
of surface charges of the size or larger, adsorb
particles. Therefore, the p cations (m etals), w
H at which surface charges
hereas positively
of colloidal particles
becom e equal to zero in
charged particles
the presence of elec adsorb anions (non-
trolytes differs from the m etals). Particles of all
isoelectic point in ways th oceans scavenge m etal
at depend on the com transfer them to the sedim
position of the particles ent accum ulating at the
and the charges of the ions bottom of the oceans.
of the electrolyte. The pH Consequently, deep-sea
at which the surface sedim ent is enriched in m
charge of colloidal parti any m etals com pared to
cles in the presence of norm al m arine sedim ent,
electrolytes is equal to which is dom inated by
zero is know n as the zero detrital sedim ent derived
from nearby continen
po in t o f charge (Z P C ).
tal areas (Section 4.5).
The num erical values of
Colloidal particles in
the Z P C depend not only
soils act as tem
on the com position of the porary
colloidal particles but also repositories of ions
on the com position of the released by chemical w
electrolytes in the sus eather ing or by the
addition of fertilizers. The
resulting capacity of soils
to store plant nutrients
The charges of
enhances their fertility. In
colloidal particles of
addition, the fixation of
different com positions
ions in soils and sedim ent
affect geochem ical
enhances the solubility of
processes in the oceans, in
m inerals and results in the
soils, and in the
purification of groundw
deposition of sedim ent ater.
because negatively
charged particles, of

W hen clay m inerals or other particles of col loidal or The capacity of clay m inerals to act as ion
larger size are dispersed in w ater, their surfaces becom e exchangers varies widely, depending at least in part on the
charged and attract ions of the opposite charge, which are charge im balances th at originate within the crystal lattice.
adsorbed by m eans of electrostatic bonds. W ith a few For example, kaolinite commonly has a low cation
exceptions, m iner al surfaces are not particularly selective exchange capacity (C E C ), w hereas m ontm orillonite
and attract ions of different elem ents w ithout m uch and verm iculite have large CECs. The C E C of a sam ple
discrim ination. This m eans that the adsorbed ions are of clay is determ ined by m eans of a standard procedure: 1 0
exchangeable for others in the solution depending prim 0 g of dry clay is repeatedly placed into NaCl solutions at

arily on their activity. The result ing phenom enon of ion pH = 7.0 until all exchangeable cations are replaced by N
exchange can be rep re sented by a simple exchange a+. The N a -saturated clay is then added to concen trated
reaction: KC1 solutions and the am ount of N a + released by the
clay at pH = 7.0 is determ ined by analysis and is
expressed in units of milliequiva-lents per 100 g of dry
AX+ B+ ^ B X +A+ (13.38)
clay. The C E C values of clay m inerals are related to their
which indicated that ion A + on the adsorber is exchanged chem ical com posi tions and therefore vary widely. H ow
for ion B + in the solution. Such exchange reactions reach ever, the val ues in Table 13.9 are fairly typical of the
equilibrium very rapidly and are then subject to the Law of respective clay minerals.
Mass Action; that is:

1BX1[A 0 =K (13 39) The C E C of a clay m ineral can be estim ated from
[A X ][B + ] " 1 the net negative charge of its structural for mula. For
where K cx is the exchange constant. If the exchang er example, the m ontm orillonite rep re sented by form ula
accepts A + and B + with equal ease, then K ex = 1.0. 13.3 has a charge of -0 .4 6 electronic units per form ula
However, in general this is not the case because A + and B weight which is neu tralized by exchangeable Ca2+,
+ do not have the same charge/radius ratio and their Mg2+, and N a+. The C E C of this m ineral caused only
hydrated ions have different radii. M oreover, divalent or by the charge in the layers is:
trivalent ions form stronger electrostatic bonds than
univalent ions and may therefore be adsorbed
E quation 13.39 can be restated in the form:
Table 13 .9 Cation Exchange Capacity
lA ll = ur f ( AX A n (13.40) (CEC) of Various Clay Minerals
[B +] ex\(B X )/
CEC, m eq/100 g
w here (A X ) and (BX ) are the m olar concentra tions of Mineral at pH = 7.0
A and B on the exchanger and n is an Kaolinite 3-15
exponent w ith values betw een 0 . 8 and 2 . 0
Chlorite 10-40?
(B erner, 1971; G arrels and Christ, 1965) . These
Illite 10-40
equations explain why the activities of ions in the aqueous
phase of colloidal suspension are con trolled by ion Glauconite 11- 20+
exchange. For example, if A + is added to a colloidal Palygorskite 20-30
solution containing A + and B + in ion exchange Allophane -70
equilibrium with clay m iner als in suspension, A + will Smectite (montmorillonite) 70-100
displace B + from exchange sites and thereby reestablish Vermiculite 100-150
equilibri um in accordance with Le C hteliers principle.
SOURCE: Garrels and Christ (1965).
0.46 X 100 X 1000 this circum stance by dating detrital m inerals such as
C EC = 36025---------- = m eq/100 g muscovite, feldspar, or zircon to determ ine their p ro ven
(13.41) a n ce by identifying their source by its age (Faure and
Taylor, 1981). However, the age of sedim entary rocks can
This value is probably an underestim ate because it does
be determ ined only by d at ing m inerals th at form ed at
not include charges caused by broken bonds. Nevertheless,
the tim e of deposition (C lauer and C haudhuri, 1995).
the result indicates that 100 g of this clay can adsorb 64.6
mmol of Ca2+, which am ounts to 40.08 X 64.6/1000 = U nfortunately, m ost of the authigenic m iner als in
2.59 g of Ca or 2.97 g of Na. These am ounts are not only sedim entary rocks are not suitable for d at ing by isotopic
substantial, but the presence of N a+, Ca2+, or other m ethods because they do not contain radioactive p aren t
cations has a signifi-gant effect on the mechanical
elem ents in sufficient concentration or because they do
properties of the clay.
not retain the radiogenic daughter isotope quantitatively.
The presence of N a+ in exchangeable positions
These shortcom ings effectively elim inate several authin-
increases the plasticity of clay and can m ake soil
genic m inerals th at com m only occur in sedim en tary
containing such clay unsuitable for agriculture. The best
rocks, including calcite, dolom ite, quartz, gypsum,
soils contain clay m inerals having a mixture of Ca2+, H
anhydrite, hem atite, m agnetite, pyrite, pyrolusite, halite,
+, M g2+, and K + as exchangeable cations. However, in
sylvite, and other evaporite m in erals. However, certain
the ceramic industry, where plasticity is a desirable
clay m inerals are authi genic and do contain K and Rb,
property, clay may be converted to the Na-form by suitable
which m ake them potentially datable by the K - A r and R
treatm ent prior to its use.
b -S r m eth ods described in C hapter 16.
Sm ectite clays expand w hen w ater m olecules
replace exchangeable ions, and slurries of sm ec tite may
set to form a solid that can revert to a liq uid w hen it is G lauconite and illite are best suited for d at ing of
disturbed. This property, called thixotropy, characterizes sedim entary rocks, but only under narrow ly defined
bentonite, which is com posed largely of sm ectite clay circum stances. For exam ple, glaucony
minerals, and m akes it useful as a sealant of building in the form of greenish pellets and encrustations
foundations and as a drilling m ud in the petroleum in m arine sedim entary rocks contains varying
industry. am ounts of K, which stabilizes the lattice by
strengthening the bonds betw een clay units. A s a result,
the retentivity of glaucony with respect to radiogenic 40A
r im proves with increasing K con
13.6 Dating of Clay Minerals ten t and the m ineral becom es closed to 40A r
O ne of the prim ary tasks in the E arth Sciences is to w hen KzO > 6.0% (O din and M atter, 1981).
establish an accurate chronology of the history of Therefore, only glauconitic micas w ith the
required K concentration can yield reliable dates by the K
the E arth, which is recorded in the sedim enta ry
-A r m ethod. The selection criteria for dating glaucony by
rocks th at have survived to the Present. This has the R b -S r m ethod are not as well defined, partly because
turned out to be a very difficult task because radiogenic 87Sr is less
sedim entary rocks are generally not datable by m obile than 4 0 A r. H ow ever, both m ethods are
m ethods based on radioactivity. One of several also sensitive to gain or loss of the radioactive
reasons for this difficulty is that sedim entary p arent elem ent so that w ell-crystallized glau
rocks are com posed prim arily of detrital particles conitic m ica is also preferable for dating by the
of m inerals th at crystallized to form igneous or R b -S r m ethod. H ow ever, even well-crystallized
m etam orphic rocks long before they w ere incor glauconies may be appreciably altered by th e r
porated into clastic sedim entary rocks, such as m al m etam orphism , tectonic deform ation, and
sandstones or shales. O ne can m ake a virtue of
ion exchange w ith brines in the subsurface.
in the tetrahedral layer Si4+ is partially replaced by A l3+.
T herefore, glauconies th at rem em ber their age The charge im balance th at results from this substitution in
are valuable exceptions rath er than the rule the tetrahedral layer may be partly com pensated by
(O din, 1982). additional cations in the octahedral layer. How ever, the net
The application of the R b -S r m ethod to negative charge arising from either the tetrahedral or th e
dating clay-rich sedim entary rocks has been octahedral layer, or both layers, is neutralized by cations
sum m arized by C lauer (1982). The w hole-rock that are adsorbed to the outer surfaces of the terahedral
isochron m ethod som etim es yields useful results (C layer and thereby bond individual clay units to each other.
ordani et al., 1985), especially in unfossilifer-ous shales of Potassium ions are espe cially effective in this regard
Precam brian age containing large am ounts of accum because they fit into the hexagonal rings of silica
ulated radiogenic 8 7 Sr. In gen tetrahedra th at m ake up the tetrahedral layer.
eral, how ever, it is b e tte r to use m ethods that Consequently, K -bearing clays like illite have short
rely on the properties of a specific authigenic interlayer spacings and do not expand in water. Clays that
m ineral, such as illite. M orton (1985) dem on have adsorbed N a+, Ca2+, or M g2+ ions have wider
strated th at coarse-grained illite (1 - 2 //.m) in interlayer spacings than K-clays and expand in water
U p p er D evonian black shales of Texas is com because the inter layer cations are displaced by water
posed of the 2M polym orph of detrital origin molecules.
and yielded a provenance d a te by th e R b -S r
m ethod th at p red ates the tim e of deposition . The chemical diversity of clay m inerals m akes it
H ow ever, lM d illite in the <0.2-/u,m fraction in difficult to ascertain their therm odynam ic prop erties.
this case dated the tim e of diagenetic alteration Several em pirical schemes have been p ro posed to
of the illite by m igratingbrines. The fit of data overcom e this difficulty, including one by
points to a R b -S r isochron was dram atically Tardy and G arrels (1974). Their m ethod for esti
im proved by treating fine-grained lM d illites m ating standard free energies is based on the
w ith am m onium acetate, which rem oved R b + oxides and hydroxides that m ake up the layers of two- or
and S r2+ from exchangeable sites. three-layer clays and on the adsorbed ions, including H +.
However, in order to construct m in eral stability diagram s
of general validity, stan dardized smectite-type clay m
inerals are used. The results indicate that prim ary mica m
13.7 Summary inerals (m us covite, biotite, and phlogopite) alter to a
variety of clay m inerals depending on environm ental
Clay m inerals are classified according to their crystal condi tions. M ineral stability diagram s can be used to
structure into platy clays, fibrous clays, and x-ray am understand natural geochemical processes such as the form
orphous clays. The platy clays are com posed of sheets of ation of greenalite in cherty iron form a tions and the
silica tetrahedra joined at their bases (tetrahedral layer, T) incompatibility of greenalite and siderite.
and Al hydroxide octahedra joined by sharing hydroxyl
ions at the corners (octahedral layer, O ). The phyllosilicate
clays are m ade up of tw o-layer (T -O ) and three-layer (T Clay m inerals and other small particles can form
- O - T ) packages. The chemical diversity of clay m colloidal suspensions in dilute electrolyte solutions
inerals results from com plete or partial replacem ent of A because of electrical charges on their surfaces. Such
l3+ in the octahedral layer and of Si4+ in the tetrah ed ral suspensions may be stable for long periods of tim e but are
layer. coagulated by an increase in the concentration of
electrolytes. The polarity of the electrical charges of
In the octahedral layer, A l3+ can be replaced by colloidal particles of different com positions depends on
Fe3+, Fe2+, M g2+, Z n2+, Li+, and C r3+, w hereas the pH of the
solution. Clay m inerals, quartz, feldspar, and M n oxides capacity (C E C ), which can be m easured by m eans of a
are negatively charged except in strongly acidic environm standardized procedure . T he physical properties of clays
ents with pH < 2.0. The various oxides and hydroxides of are strongly affected by the kinds of adsorbed cations.
Fe can have positive or negative surface charges in the pH
range from 5 to 9, w hereas A l oxides and hydroxide C ertain authigenic K -bearing clay m inerals are
particles have positive charges except at pH > 9. dateable by the K -A r and R b -S r m ethods and therefore
provide rare opportunities to determ ine the ages of sedim
C ations th at are adsorbed on the charged surfaces of entary rocks. How ever, only clay samples whose chemical
small particles in contact with dilute electrolyte solutions com position, crystallinity, or grain size has been evaluated
are exchangeable for ions in the solution. These cation should be used, and the resulting dates may be affected by
exchange reactions can achieve a state of equilibrium th a t therm al m etam orphism , structural deform ation, or ion
causes w ater-particle m ixtures to respond to changes in exchange with circulating brines. D ating of sedi m entary
rocks by m eans of clay m inerals requires a thorough
w ater com positions in accordance w ith Le understanding of clay m ineralogy as well as of
C h teliers principle. The ability of sm all p a rti geochemistry.
cles of different m inerals to adsorb exchange
able ions is expressed by its cation exchange
1. Determine the
Component %
electrical charges of the
S i0 2 45.20
octahedral and tetrahedral
layers and check whether a i2o 3 37.02
the exchange able ions Fe20 3 0.27
balance the charge in the
FeO 0.06
following clay mineral.
MgO 0.47
[ (Fe j 3 4 5 Mg0 595Mn CaO 0.52
aH20 is water removed
(Si3.g36^0.112^e0.05l) at 105 C, whereas HzO +
lo(H)2]Ko- is lost only at high
779Ca0.076 temperature.

2. A glauconite from 4. Recalculate the

Point Jackson, Francosia, chemical analysis of a clay
Wisconsin, has the miner al from
Montmorillon, France, into
following chemical
a structural formu la for a
composition (Johnston and three-layer clay (Grim,
Cardile, 1987). 1968).

Element Moles Component %

Si 3.611 S i0 2 51.14

Al 1.238 a i2o 3 19.76

Fe2+ 1.097 Fe20 3 0.83
Mg 0.442 FeO
Ti 0.003 MgO 3.22
CaO 1.62
Rewrite this analysis in the
form of a structural
formula for a three-layer
clay and test it for
electrical neutrality.
3. Recalculate the
chemical analysis of an
impure clay mineral from
Macon, Georgia, into a
structural formula for a two-
layer clay (Grim, 1968).
5. Recalculate the chemical analysis of a chlorite mineral 7. Estimate the standard free energy of formation of
from Schmiedefeld,Thuringia, into a structural formula pure illite by the method of Tardy and Garrels (1974)
(Grim, 1968). based on the formula
Component % Com ponent % [(Ali.5oMg0 .34Fe3 ; 7 Fe2 j4)
(Si3 43A l() 57) 0 i0(OH)2]K0 80
SiOz 20.82 MgO 4.15

a i 2o 3 17.64 H20+ 10.30 8. Calculate the solubility product constant for hec-
Fe20 3 8.70 Sum 99.57 torite at 25 C, assuming congruent solution based on
FeO 37.96 the formula
6. Estimate the standard free energy of formation of [(Mg2.6? Li 0.33) (Si 4) 0 10(OH)2]Na0 33

average montmorillonite by the method of Tardy and

Garrels (1974) based on the formula


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