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More GITMO From front page terrorists, as the Bush administration

Witness Against Torture has launched a claimed. The vast majority of men held
rolling fast on behalf of the 41 prisoners there never engaged in hostilities against
still mercilessly detained in the United States. By staying open,
Guantanamo. Organized as Guantnamo reinforces the terrible lie
#foreverhumanbeings, participants like that all Muslims are dangerous, to be
ourselves choose a day or days upon feared or even cut out of American life.
which to fast, bringing awareness to the To work to close Guantnamo is to
fate of each of the 41 men. All potentially support tolerance, pluralism, and respect
face lifetimes of detention. Five have for the rule of law.
been cleared for release by the US Witness Against Torture formed in 2005
government itself. But they were still in when 25 Americans went to Guantnamo
Guantnamo when Trump took office, Bay and attempted to visit the detention
and Trump has halted all transfers from facility. The group began to organize
the prison. more broadly to shut down Guantnamo,
This fast has already begun and is end indefinite detention and torture and
ongoing throughout June until it ends on call out Islamophobia.
the 5th of July. It will span a period of 41 days, including the holy month of During this campaign to close down Guantanamo, the words and profiles of
Ramadan. the detainees will be offered through social media. On June 23, an all-day
Guantnamo has always been a place of torture and the violation of human vigil at the White House will take place. Along with the fast, participants will
rights. It must close, no matter who is president. President Obama failed in be encouraged to coordinate phone calls, emails and draw links between
his pledge to shutter the prison. Trump has threatened to bring new captives Guantnamo, institutionalized Islamophobia, all forms of racism, and abuses
there. The thought of Trump whose reckless disregard for the US in the US criminal justice and prison systems
Constitution is every day revealed having Guantnamo as his private, Witness Against Torture will carry on in its activities until torture is decisively
offshore gulag is terrifying. Any day, we could learn that the Trump ended, its victims are fully acknowledged, Guantnamo and similar facilities
administration has sent a new captive to Guantnamo. are closed, and those who ordered and committed torture are held to
The continued existence of Guantnamo also feeds a resurgent Islamophobia account. Please join in this campaign of support for the men locked away,
and politics of fear and hate, typified by Trumps unconstitutional Muslim now forever, at Guantnamo and work with the campaign to close the prison!
travel ban. Guantnamo never housed simply the worst of the worst, #foreverhumanbeings, #41menatGitmo

Summer of Love Continues from Front page - We need a Summer of Love more than ever. Whatever the ups and downs of
1967, the years that followed right into the mid-seventies were revolutionary in
That evening we protesters came out in force and so did the police who their after-eects. Social Revolutionary that is feminism, the gay movement,
were taking seriously our lack of respect for the standing President. I was with American Indian Movement, you name it, our Movement included it. With an
a longtime girlfriend who was feeling ambivalent about Johnson. We had Alternative Media to record it. Although the mainstream establishment shut
asked the Ouija Board about him and it painstakingly spelled out E, then this revolution out of common consciousness, it continued under the radar in
V. Was an occult indictment of the President about to be delivered? The places like Northern California where we were busy going Beyond
next letter was A. EVA? Where was this going? To an L. EVAL. Counterculture. Its time again for a renewal.
What a sneaky, judgmental Ouija Board The outcome was that she was with Downey is gone. At the behest of Humboldts money interests, the ex-Sheri
me in the street outside Century City, hundreds of us facing rows of cops has overseen decades of illegal evictions from along the Freeway Forest, the
there to shield our Eval President. area between the two highways stretching from Garberville to Dean
Poor Lyndon. The novelist du jour, Norman Mailer, would soon be asking us Creek.This has been since the Seventies a handy campsite for travelers .
to hang the Presidents portrait upside down. No wonder the cops were This practice became unacceptable when the hippies stopped buying land.
worried. More than worried. As we stood there in the front row, I watched a By the midNinties the welcome signs came down in GarbervilleThe deputies
sergeant go down the line of anxious cops and one by one they took o their went on the oensive, using the same tactics copied by the vigilantes: slash
ties and watches. These werent robocops in those days, just guys in cotton the tents, threaten the tenants, garbage bag and dump their belongings,
uniforms. But the billyclubs were stout enough and I told my friend we are heedless of the eect upon the victims. It is a recipe for death squads.
going to start moving to the back of the demo, quickly. It was only a few The supervisors serve the will of rich people and must be removed, one after
minutes and then the cops charged. another, unless common sense convinces them to follow the Sheri into early
It took 33 years at another demo in L.A. protesting Gores nomination before retirement. It is not that County representatives have enabled hate and
a cops billyclub found my flesh. But on this summers day in L.A, me and my vigilante excesses they demand it. Time after time the County
friend were far enough away when the billyclubs began to flail. Running down representatives have sermonized about the weakness of the law against the
Olympic Blvd a young black woman flashed me the V. It was the first time I homeless and then gone on to organize the vigilantes.
had ever seen the peace sign with those two fingers. It spoke to me hey I remember a Chamber meeting where representatives from law
white boy, welcome to the real world. enforcement and the county told the merchants the sad tale of law easing up
Hate was prominent in the Summer of Love. You couldnt have a demo on evil-doers who thanks to a state measure would soon be on the streets of
without the Nazis and the Cubans showing up. Sometimes, as in a demo in SoHum in the hundreds. The reaction from the merchants is all on film
Torrance, the two would arrive simultaneously, surrounding the protesters, Vigilante! was the cry from every corner of the room. We will take the law
only to start fighting each other. The L. A. Peace Movement, however, had 30 into our own hands, was the general response. I have come to realize that
or 40 monitors who trained resolutely and, when the violence started, would this was Cop Theater, a set-up meant to provoke this extreme response.
literally smother it. I was too much of an anarchist to put on a white armband The politicians may direct the action, but the money-seekers set the agenda.
but we need something like a Hug Brigade in this age of fresh hate. Property-rights continue to serve as the fuzzy, feel good justification for a
The Summer of Love rolled on anyhow. L.A. couldnt match the Haight, ruthless politics that serves profits. To some, the idea of Ownership is of
although me and my friends had Venice West. By October, a bunch of us were such ideological important that any private property anywhere in the region
burning our draft cards everywhere and in San Francisco there was a funeral is considered to be under the exclusive guardianship of self-appointed local
for Hippy and the birth of Freak to take its place. Fledgling stoners were business interests.The cops (or vigilante substitutes) are expected to police
listening to the Jeerson Airplane nonstop. Joni and Neil and CSN were this Distopia.
giving L.A. a sound of its own. Alcohol was out the window and Weed ruled. A profit driven business sense of law enforcement entitlement is coupled with
Weed still rules and the Freaks in October 67 began moving north. The a resistance to any political control of its for-profit agenda. This belief system
Hippies were coming and they kept coming from all over the world. We had is, in fact, ocial Deep North policy. And when instant law enforcement
ignited a world-wide movement but kept busy grounding it with our weekly gratification is not forthcoming, then Vigilante action is recruited to do the job
Boogies and dreaming it into being with Countercultural institutions. It took a by the County to placate the rich and powerful. The local Chamber and
few years but we dubbed ourselves the Mateel Nation thanks to our tribal Rotary consistently reward vigilante behavior with annual awards.
poet Jim Deerhawk and we brought black music here to Our response must be a direct action movement on an
speak for our white culture. Love is the answer, sang our Occupy/Standing Rock model. We know, and the County
poet. knows, who owns what and where in places like the
The winter of hate has passed here in SoHum, but the SoHum Freeway Forest. It is time to start humanizing
hate hasnt. Spring arrived in time to host several landwasted by the freeway with no value except to
wannabe death squad types spying with drones!!, poor people. Our Human Rights Advocates movement
destroying campsites!!, slashing tents!!, brandishing is ready to take on the responsibility for secure, clean,
machetes when caught!!. In our small community it has life enhancing camps in areas outside the private
been easy to identify the perps as part of the property system. We must do it for ourselves. We invite
leadership of our local vigilante mob, under the you to join our Summer of Love.

Paul Encimer
influence of Money. Hate and Love, it seems, are still
printed on the fists of each of our hands, brandished
under our noses like those old days, fifty years ago.
Choosing seems too easy.

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