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Production Management Report

For this particular part, I will be talking about production

management report. I will be using illustrations and examples in this
production management report covering these particular headings.
Covering: Management techniques, contingency plans, monitoring
and reviews, crisis management, quality control, meeting deadline
submission dates, modifications after pitch or completion.

Management techniques
Agile Methods: Agile management refers to an iterative, incremental method of managing
the design and build activities of engineering, information technology and other business
areas that aim to provide new product or service development in a highly flexible and
interactive manner. Agile development methodology provides opportunities to assess the
direction of a project throughout the development lifecycle. This is achieved through regular
cadences of work, known as sprints or iterations, at the end of which teams must present a
potentially shippable product increment.

Scrums: Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for
managing product development. Using a scrum method is the most popular method in the
workplace as its the most efficient way to get work done in a workplace. This method is
usually used when they have a short project that needs being made it gets feedback from
employees and has team management skills in it. Doing Scrum as its actually defined usually
comes into conflict with existing habits at established non-Agile organizations. Scrum has
only three roles: Product Owner, Team, and Scrum Master.
Contingency Plans
Possible Staff: As my advert has several actors/actresses, I will need to contact them to see their
available hours, meaning that we can plan ahead. As this is a slightly bigger production than I
anticipated, I will need to employ staff that will be able to work with me full time, throughout the
process of Directing, Filming and Editing. For this project I have also decided to hire a man in a van,
however as my advert is only a short 30 second advert, I will not need the man in the van for the
whole filming process. As I will need people to edit my film, I will need someone who can work the
software, as the software is an expensive chunk from my budget, I will need to ensure that this a
professionally finished job throughout.

Resources: Here are the resources that I will need-For this project I will need:

1. I will need a venue in this advert

2. For this project I will need to create a logo

3. I will need actors/actresses to perform in this advert

4. I will need camera crew

5. I will need a man in a van during the process of the advert

6. I will need a graphic designer and editor

7. I will need props for this advert

The equipment that I will be using for my project will be, first of all, I will need a camera and tripod,
my costings on this will vary depending on how much I spend on my advert. as I am going to be
filming in a gym, I will need a tripod will have stabilized.
Monitoring and Reviews: I made milestones by adding them into my Gantt chart and ILP. I did this
because it allows me to see what I am working towards and it gives me a goal to work towards when
Im doing my work. I start to make advert as I will need to make sure that I finish filming in time for
the deadline and so I will make sure I add milestones such as finish a particular part of filming and
this will allow me to meet the deadline efficiently as Im doing everything in sections. As I am making
a ILP e.c.t this will ensure that I can review and monitor my work, ensuring I can complete my work
to a higher standard.

Crisis Management: There is a lot of crisis when filming an advert anything can happen, here are a
few things that can happen: battery dies, bad weather, the camera could be broken, or illness. There
is no real scale of action for this as I cant control the weather but I have to make sure that when the
weather is okay, I need to be filming otherwise I will never end up recording anything I can also make
sure the camera is on a stand so it cant be dropped; and finally, if anyone is ill, make sure I ring in
college the day before to say I wont be in so someone else can use the camera and the equipment.
For this particular task-crisis management, I will need to ensure that none of the above happens and
if it does, I will need to be on task to ensure that procedures are set in place regarding any issues that
I have stated above, for example, if there is a tight deadline and we are filming and the battery runs
out then this could cause the deadline not to be met, so crisis management is very important,
especially in the filming industry.
Quality Control: The quality control is key when making an advert as I need to make sure it is good
quality so I will make sure that the camera I use will be good quality. I will be filming my whole advert
on my Xioami Note 3 phone. As the phone quality is relatively good, I should be able to do this to a
high standard. I have chosen to use my Phone instead of a camera because its a lot more practical
than taking a camera home from college to film this advert so its easier to film off my phone, and if
you think that well it will lack video quality because its being filmed on a camera instead of a Phone,
you are wrong because my Phone has the same video quality if not better. I also chose to film at
home rather than at college because it was more practical for my advert as its mostly leaving home
before going to college, so it made sense to film at home.

Meeting Submission Dates: I meet submission dates by creating ILPs and Gantt charts so I can have
time to create my product. Time is a very unstable thing because of course it will have a deadline, but
you dont want to rush it and it be not the best it can be so you have to take your time with things
like this. I manage my time by having an ILP, Timeline and Gantt chart will help me keep everything I
have to do in line, as once I look at it I can see what I have to do on that particular day, or if I'm ill one
day I can then check the ILP to see what I have missed on that day and catch up in my own time.
These are very easy to make as all you need is a word document then you need to think about your
time and setting tasks up to do in that specific time.
Modifications after Pitch or Completion: As my pitch was quite good, I have had hardly any
modifications for my pitch, therefore I should be ok after my feedback from the pitch. I will complete
my work after I have actually done the pitch. My modifications after my pitch, enabled me to change
my work, meaning that I was able to modify and change my original pitch, in terms of completion,
once I have completed my modifications, which I will be changing from the results of my feedback. I
will be adding a full written report, once that I have officially completed my work.

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