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A preliminary study was conducted collecting geological, geophysical and geochemical data around Sheba Leather
Factory near Wukro town northern Ethiopia to know the impact of waste from tannery on the nearby surface and
groundwater. The area forms part of Mesozoic stratigraphy of northern Ethiopia and consists of limestone, shale and
their intercalation showing well developed bedding, joints, fractures and karst topography. The solid and liquid waste
from the tannery is disposed into NW to SE flowing stream. Six vertical electrical soundings (VES) conducted and 12
surface and groundwater samples were collected around the Factory. VES data indicate presence of four
geoelectrical layers about 60m depth penetration and varies in actual resistivity from 13.29 to 125 ohm-m. VES
conducted near reservoir and tannery clearly indicates recharge from them up to a depth of about 10m. Relatively
higher values for sodium, sulphate, nitrate and chromium in water particularly test pit samples from about 5m depth
clearly indicate the effect of tannery disposal on surface and groundwater. The length of the area affected due to
waste disposal is about 760m long and 10m deep downstream from the tannery.

Abstract: A preliminary study was conducted collecting geological, geophysical and geochemical
data around
Sheba Leather Factory near Wukro town northern Ethiopia to know the impact of waste from
tannery on the nearby
surface and groundwater. The area forms part of Mesozoic stratigraphy of northern Ethiopia and
consists of
limestone, shale and their intercalation showing well developed bedding, joints, fractures and
karst topography. The
solid and liquid waste from the tannery is disposed into NW to SE flowing stream. Six vertical
electrical soundings
(VES) conducted and 12 surface and groundwater samples were collected around the Factory.
VES data indicate
presence of four geoelectrical layers about 60m depth penetration and varies in actual resistivity
from 13.29 to 125
ohm-m. VES conducted near reservoir and tannery clearly indicates recharge from them up to a
depth of about 10m.
Relatively higher values for sodium, sulphate, nitrate and chromium in water particularly test pit
samples from about
5m depth clearly indicate the effect of tannery disposal on surface and groundwater. The length
of the area affected
due to waste disposal is about 760m long and 10m deep downstream from the tannery.

Impact of Waste Disposal from Tannery on Surface and Groundwater, Sheba Leather Factory
near Wukro, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia (PDF Download Available). Available from:
a [accessed Jun 7, 2017].
1. Introduction:
During the last few decades, due to increased industrialization, urbanization and agricultural
activities, quality of groundwater and surface water has deteriorated considerably in many parts
of the globe. This has caused great concern particularly in the developing countries. It is
comparatively easy to detect the surface water (like rivers and lakes) contamination compared to
groundwater because it cannot be observed directly. It is detected only after a long time has
elapsed, and then it becomes a difficult task to rehabilitate the aquifer for safe water supplies.
Contamination of groundwater can take place either from a wider source likepercolation from
agricultural fields on account of the application of fertilizers and pesticides,or from a point
source like waste disposal sites like tanneries etc. So, sources for water contamination can be
natural, industrial, mining, municipal waste, and radioactive waste disposals (Singhal and Gupta,
1999). Leather processing tannery like others is one of the industries drawing attention due to its
impact on the nearby surface and subsurface water bodies. Many studies have been conducted in
this regard a) to understand the nature of waste from tannery and its effects on soil, surface and
groundwater quality (Stuart and Milne, 2010, Surita et al., 2007, Deepali and Gangwar, 2010)
b) to delineate the affected areas (Mondal and Singh,

2004), and c) to suggest remedial measures to minimise

the impact (ESCWA, 2003) and recommended values

for the treated wastewater (IFC, 2010). Ethiopia is one

of the countries in NE Africa getting industrialised and

in the process also facing challenges related to impact of

the industrial effluents on water, soil, air etc and

ultimately on the human beings. A study wascarried out

around the recently established Sheba Leather Factory

(SLF) near Wukro a small town about 45 km north of

Mekelle, capital of Tigray Regional State in northern

Ethiopia. The Factory produces best quality hides, skin

and leather products. At the moment, the tannery is

producing 6,000 pieces of sheep and goat skins per day

and using about 246 different types of chemicals in

leather processing which include ammonium sulphate,

formic acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium silicofloride,

sodium carbonate, sodium bisulphate, sodium

sulphohydrate, chrome, celesal-k, sodium formate, nitric

acid, sodium sulphide, potassium chloride, oxalic acid,

hydrochloric acid, aluminium sulphate, caustic soda,

lime powder, salt and sulphuric acid etc. It lies between

559060 to 564230mE and 1519200 to 1523380mN

(about 21.41 km

) (Fig. 1) and is drained by a major

stream known as Genfele flowing from north eastern

part of the area to south and southeastern direction. It



International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

passes through the Leather Factory and carries all waste

disposals particularly soild and liquid from the tannery.

The disposal site is made within the stream where the

walls are made with loose materials. Hence, the liquid

wastes can easily infiltrate and move laterally and

vertically downstream through permeable materials

where the groundwater velocity is greater (Fetter, 2001).

The results obtained in the study regarding the intensity

and extent of possible impact from waste disposal on

surface and subsurface waters are presented in the paper

2. Hydrogeological Condition of the Area:

Stratigraphically the area forms part of Mesozoic

sedimentary stratigraphy of northern Ethiopia (Arkin et

al., 1971). It consists of limestone, shale, limestone-

shale intercalation with alluvial cover (Fig.1).

Limestone is exposed in the northern and southern part

of the area and covers about 11% of the area. It is tilted

towards south in the northern part, and shows

horizontally bedded nature in the southern part.

Limestone-shale intercalation is outcropped along the

west and east of the study area and covered about 40%.

From the field observation, the western part of the area

makes elevated land with limestone-shale intercalation

where the limestone beds are thin with 1-10cm

thickness compared to the eastern part where the land is

almost flat and the limestone beds are about a meter

thick. In both cases, the limestone is characterized by

presence of fossils. It shows light gray to yellowish grey

color and is highly fractured. Shale shows gray color

when fresh and light grey to blackish on weathered

surface. It shows finely laminated structures, fissile

nature and is also highly weathered and fractured. It

varies in thickness from cm to meter and is intercalated

with limestone. Alluvial deposit (about 40-50%)

overlying the limestone, shale and their intercalation

covers larger part of the area. It is bounded with

limestone (with well developed karstic topography

feature) in north, limestone-shale intercalation in west

and east, and finely crystalline limestone in the southern

part of the area (Fig. 1). The alluvial deposit consists of

clay, silt, sand, and boulders type of soils which are

exposed in the flat areas and also in the valleys. It varies

in thickness (maximum about 6m) as observed in open

hand dug wells. Both surface and groundwater in the

catchment forms the primary source of supply to meet

the domestic (hand dug wells), irrigation (open hand

dug wells, dam, pond and river) and industrial

(boreholes) purposes in the area. The depth of water

level varies in hand dug wells (about 5 to 6m) and

boreholes (about 10 to 20m). The hydrogeologic

condition in the area is mainly controlled by

permeability, topographic elevation, geological

structures, drainage pattern and density (Daniel, 2007).

3. Methodology:

Geological, geophysical and geochemical study was

carried out around the Leather Factory. Six vertical

electrical soundings (VES) were carried out in the area,

five (VES- 2 to VES-6) along the stream channel and

one out side the stream (VES-1). Out of five from the

stream, VES-2 was conducted between reservoir and

wastewater disposal site and the remaining four from

downstream of the wastewater disposal site. VES data

was used for selecting test pit sites near disposal point

for water sampling and checking subsurface condition

and for calibrating the instrumental results accordingly.

Schlumberger array arrangement was used with

maximum 200m AB (distance between current

electrodes) and 66.6m maximum depth of penetration

using SAS-1000 ABEM Terrameter. The VES data

were analysed using IP12 Win software and given in

table 1. 12 water samples were collected from hand dug

wells, waste disposal site, test pits, pond, reservoir and

borewell. Out of 12, nine samples were collected from

stream channel. Out of nine, two were from upstream

(one each from hand dug well and small reservoir dam)

and six from downstream [2 from test pits (each about

5m deep dug exclusively for the purpose of present

study) and 4 from shallow hand dug wells] and one

from the waste disposal site.

Three samples were collected away from the stream

channel, one each from borewell, pond and hand dug

well. All the water and VES location points are shown

in figure 1. Details of water samples and data for

electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids

(TDS), pH and temperature recorded in the field are

given in table 2. All the water samples were filtered and

analysed for major cations (Ca, Na, Mg and K) and

trace elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Cr, Cd, As, Ni, Co and

Mn) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and

anions (HCO

, Cl, CO

, SO

, PO

, NO

, NH

) using

titration and UV-Spectrophotometer in the Department

of Earth Science, Mekelle University. Data is presented

in figure 3. Data for ammonia, cobalt and manganese is

not given in the table because their values are below

detection level. The data is reproducible and the

precision is about +10.

3. Results and Discussion:

3.1. Geophysical Survey Data:

VES-1 was conducted on the alluvial deposit near

borewell sample (Fig.1) with E-W orientation of current

electrodes and the point was at a distance of about 750m

north from the wastewater disposal site. It is fitted by

four layers model with an error of 1.42%. Except first,

other layers are considered water-bearing and confined

type having more than 50m thickness. VES-2 is

conducted on the alluvial deposit between wastewater

667 Impact of Waste Disposal from Tannery on Surface and Groundwater,

Sheba Leather Factory near Wukro, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

disposal site and reservoir dam upstream of the

wastewater disposal site and downstream of a reservoir

dam (Fig.2) with NE-SW orientation of current

electrodes and about 700m from the wastewater

disposal site and 330 m from the dam. It is fitted by four

layers model with an error of 1.69%. Except first, others

are considered water-bearing and confined type. Lower

resistivity values for 2 & 3 layers compared to VES-

1indicates possible contribution in terms of recharge

from the dam. VES-3 is conducted on the alluvial

deposit about 120m downstream of the wastewater

disposal site. It is fitted by four layers model with an

error of 1.53% and all layers are water-bearing and

unconfined type with about 10m thickness. Lower

resistivity values like in VES-2 seems to indicate

recharge from waste disposal. VES-4 is conducted on

the alluvial deposit close to VES-3 (about 80m)

downstream and is fitted by four layers model with an

error of 0.523%. All the layers are considered water-

bearing, unconfined type with thickness of more than

29m and do not suggest any recharge like VES-3. VES-

5 and VES-6 were conducted on the alluvial deposit

about 400 and 630m respectively downstream from

wastewater disposal point. VES-5 and VES-6 are fitted

by four layers model with error of 1.04 and 1.11%

respectively. In both the cases, except first, other layers

are considered water-bearing and confined type with

more than 14m thickness (Table 1) and do not indicate

recharge from wastewater disposal.

3.2. Water Chemistry:

pH of water in the area varies from 7.7 to 8.27 and

slightly alkaline. EC for water from reservoir (550S)

and pond (583S) shows lower values compared to

groundwater from hand dug wells, test pits and borewell

which range from 725 to 1350 S/cm. Interestingly,

water sample from test pit PIT-S1-11 shows much

higher value (2650 S/cm) for EC due to impact from

wastewater (17940 S/cm) (Table 2). TDS values for

surface water samples are relatively lower (392-416

mg/l) compared groundwater samples (517-1883 mg/l).

However, higher value (1883 mg/l) shown by the test pit

sample (PIT-S1-11) is related to its proximity to

wastewater site (12,793 mg/l). Except test pit sample, in

others TDS values lie within the acceptable limits (500

mg/l/) for drinking water (WHO, 1993).

Figure 1: Hydrogeological, Ves and Water Sample Location Map, SLF (Hindeya, 2011).

3.2.1. Major Anions:

In water samples bicarbonate dominates other anions. It

ranges from 120 to 338 but is much less compared to

wastewater, 6072 mg/l) (Table 3; Fig.2). The samples

from downstream including test pits do not indicate

higher values for bicarbonate.

Chloride values though are lower in surface water than

groundwater, are lower than wasterwater (3.9 mg/l).

Sulphate values are ranging from 40 to 235 mg/l.

Compared to wastewater (220 mg/l), pond water sample

shows slightly higher value (235 mg/l) and also

downstream compared to upstream samples. Nitrate

values in water samples range from 0.7 to 3 mg/l and

are much lower compared to wastewater (7.9 mg/l).

Relatively higher values in test pits and pond samples

are related to wastewater site and to fertilizer/ human

waste respectively. The values for chloride, sulphate

and nitrate are within the permissible limits and suitable

for drinking and irrigation purposes (WHO, 1993).



International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

Values for carbonate range from 0.7 to 1.8 mg/l and

relatively much lower than the wasterwater value about

14 mg/l. Phosphate values on the other hand vary from

0.6 to 8.1 mg/l and much higher compared to

wastewater (0.2 mg/l).

3.2.2. Major Cations:

In water sodium dominates other cations and range from

13 to 260 mg/l. The samples collected from upstream

including the borewell sample range from only 13 to 19

mg/l compared to wastewater (260 mg/l). The values

indicate reduction in concentration downstream from

112 to 20 mg/l away from wastewater site indicating

dilution. This clearly suggests the effect of sodium on

the nearby aquifers. Calcium ranges from 19 to 32 mg/l

in water. Test pit value (32 mg/l) is comparable with

wastewater (34 mg/l). Magnesium values range from 11

to 81 mg/l. The values are higher in hand dug well

Table 1: Data from six VES points, Sheba Leather Factory, Wukro (Hindeya, 2011).

Layers Resistivity





(m) Possible lithology

VES- 1(East 561650, North 1522051, Elevation-1980)

1 20.23 0.9 0.9 Clay

2 29.89 3.605 4.505 Sand

3 43.84 45.66 50.17 Highly weathered shale-limestone intercalation

4 70.93 Fractured and weathered limestone

VES- 2 (East 561144, North 1521849, Eleveation-1968)

1 125 0.9 0.9 Wet boulders

2 25.6 3.589 4.489 Sand

3 13.85 5.536 10.02 Highly weathered shale-limestone intercalation

4 54.08 Fractured and weathered limestone

VES- 3 (East 561621, North 1521322, Elevation-1971)

1 124.7 0.9 0.9 Sandy Boulders

2 25.78 3.592 4.492 Sand

3 13.29 5.536 10.03 Highly weathered shale-limestone intercalation

4 55.69 Fractured and weathered limestone

VES- 4 (East 561598, North 1521231, Elevation-1966)

1 39.34 1.035 1.035 Wet sandy Boulders

2 20.43 2.483 3.518 Water saturated sand

3 31.98 25.35 28.87 Weathered and fractured limestone-shale intercalation

4 48.73 Highly fractured and weathered limestone

VES- 5 (East 561666, North 1521068, Elevation-1966)

1 20.73 2.887 2.887 Wet silty clay

2 176.5 4.223 7.11 Boulders

3 37.81 7.086 14.2 Shale dominated highly weathered shale-limestone


4 92.86 Fractured and weathered limestone

VES- 6 (East 561665, North 1520836, Elevation-1962)

1 20.7 2.57 2.57 Silty clay

2 127.2 7.208 9.778 Boulders

3 26.15 5.223 15 Shale dominated highly weathered shale-limestone


4 96.41 Fractured and weathered limestone

669 Impact of Waste Disposal from Tannery on Surface and Groundwater,

Sheba Leather Factory near Wukro, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

Table 2: Water Sample Location and

h, EC,TDS and Trace Metal Values for Water Samples

(BD=Below Detection).

S.No Sample No Type Easting

Northing pH EC








1 HDW-S1-1 Groundwater

(Hand dug well) 560034 1522547 8 870 620 BD BD

2 DAM-S1-2 Surface water

(Reservoir) 560868 1522010 8.2 550 392 BD BD

3 WDW-S1-9 Wastewater

(Waste disposal) 561633 1521446 7.7 17940 12793 258 7

4 PIT-S1-11 Groundwater

(Test pit) 561632 1521340 7.9 2640 1883 3 4

5 PIT-S2-12 Groundwater

(Test pit) 561640 1521156 7.9 1207 861 1 5

6 HDW-S2-3 Groundwater

(Hand dug well) 561664 1521084 8 882 629 BD 1

7 HDW-S3-4 Groundwater

(Hand dug well) 561701 1520988 8.1 725 517 BD 1

8 HDW-S4-5 Groundwater

(Hand dug well) 561651 1520876 7.7 1350 963 BD 2

9 HDW-S5-6 Groundwater
(Hand dug well) 561681 1520821 8.1 1143 815 BD 2

10 BH-S1-10 Groundwater

(Borewell) 561900 1521450 8 1002 715 BD BD

11 PON-S1-8 Surface water

(Pond) 562078 1521199 8.3 583 416 7 2

12 HDW-S6-7 Groundwater

(Hand dug well) 561942 1521052 7.9 895 638 5 3

Table 3: Major Cation, Anion and Trace Element Data (Mg/L) for Water Samples (BD= Below Detection).

S.No Sample no. Na Ca Mg K HCO





Cu Pb Zn Fe As Ni

1 HDW-S1-1 13 20 25 9 338 1.7 105 2.1 8.1 1.6 BD BD BD BD BD BD

2 DAM-S1-2 15 24 11 6 234 0.8 95 2.1 2.7 1.8 BD BD BD BD BD BD

3 WDW-S1-9 260 34 52 11 6072 3.2 220 7.9 0.2 14 0 2 3 0.1 0.5 0.1

4 PIT-S1-11 112 32 31 5 249 2.9 160 3 1.6 0.4 0 0.4 1 0 0.3 0

5 PIT-S2-12 42 19 70 3 194 2.7 135 2.2 7 0.7 BD 0.4 0.7 0 BD BD

6 HDW-S2-3 20 17 22 4 187 2.1 95 2.1 2.7 0.8 BD BD BD 2 BD BD

7 HDW-S3-4 22 16 17 3 235 2.1 90 1 5.2 1.3 BD BD BD 1 BD BD

8 HDW-S4-5 43 22 81 0 267 2.7 95 1.4 5.7 0.7 BD BD BD BD BD BD

9 HDW-S5-6 52 28 40 1 157 2.1 80 0.8 5.1 1.1 BD BD BD BD BD BD

10 BH-S1-10 19 14 16 9 266 2 40 0.7 0.6 1.2 BD BD BD BD BD BD

11 PON-S1-8 71 15 30 7 120 0.2 235 3 0.9 1.1 BD BD BD BD BD BD

12 HDW-S6-7 72 19 27 2 145 2.5 85 2.3 4.9 0.6 BD BD BD BD BD BD



International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

Figure 2: Relative Concentration of Major Cations and Anions in Water Samples.

(HDW-S4-5, 81 mg/l) and test pit sample (PIT-S2-12,

70 mg/l) comared to the wastewater (52 mg/l). Both Ca

and Mg values are within the acceptable limits for

drinking and irrigation purposes (WHO, 1993) and not

influenced by wastewater. Potassium is ranging from 6

to 9 mg/l and slightly lower compared to wastewater (11

mg/l). Among cations only sodium is being contributed

in significant amount from the tannery.

3.2.3. Trace Metals:

Trace elements values are below detection in many

samples particularly from upstream and borewell. But in

samples near wastewater particularly the test pit near

wastewater disposal site indicate presence of trace

metals in varying degree. Cr dominates other trace

metals in concentration, 258 mg/l in wastewater and 1 to

7 mg/l in water samples (Table 2). Cd on the other hand

shows values ranging from 1 to 5 mg/l and is

comparable with wastewater (7 mg/l). Zn and Pb are

observed only in test pits ranging from 0.7 to 1 and up

to 0.4 mg/l respectively and are related to wastewater (3

and 2 mg/l respectively) concentration. Other metals

like As, Ni, Fe and Cu are below 0.5 mg/l in wastewater

and their values are also insignificant in test pits and

below detection in others. Relatively higher values for

Cr in water samples clearly indicate the impact of

wastewater on the downstream samples. Wastewater

also shows impact with respect to HCO

, SO

, NO

, Cl,


, Na, Cr, Cd, Zn, Pb and very limited or no effect

with respect to PO

, Ca, Mg, K, As, Ni, Cu, Fe.

However, anthropogenic and geogenic contributions are

also expected for NO

, SO

, Ca, Mg and K.

671 Impact of Waste Disposal from Tannery on Surface and Groundwater,

Sheba Leather Factory near Wukro, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

Figure 3: The Downstream Area affected by the Wastewater from Tannery.

3.3. Impact of Wastewater and its Lateral Extent:

Geophysical soundings conducted around the Leather

Factory suggested presence of four layers in the area.

All the layers except first in VES-1, 2, 5 & 6 all are

water-bearing and range in depth from 10 to 15m except

VES-1 in which it is about 50m. The soundings

conducted in the stream channel (VES-2 to VES-6)

interestingly indicate gradual increase in aquifer

thickness from 10 to 29m. From VES-2 to VES-6 the

data indicate similarities in aquifer conditions in the

area particularly along the stream. However, similarity

in thickness and lower resistivity values for the first

three layers in VES-2 and VES-3 also suggests the

effect of recharge. Since VES-2 is located downstream

of the reservoir, lower resistivity value clearly indicates

the effect of recharge from the reservoir upstream. VES-

3 being located downstream of wastewater disposal site

the recharge in this case is clearly from the wastewater

disposal site in addition to reservoir. VES-4, VES-5 and

VES-6 data do not suggest any significant recharge

from reservoir and wasterwater disposal site. Based on

the data the area affected due to impact from tannery is

delineated (Mondal and Singh, 2004) and shown in

figure 3. The pollutants indicate both longitudinal

(along the groundwater flow) and transverse (across the

groundwater flow) movement. The effect towards the

longitudinal dispersion is much higher compared to

transverse and vertical directions. The maximum

distance of the affected area around the waste disposal

site is about 760m (maximum longitudinal dispersion

length) towards south which means towards

groundwater flow direction. The maximum distance of

the affected area across the groundwater flow or along

the transverse dispersion direction is 495m (maximum

transverse dispersion length) (Fig. 3). This impact in

terms of distance is caused in about a decade and will

extend with time. VES data indicate that the discharge is

upto 10m and samples test pits (about 5m deep) indicate

contamination from waste disposal site. So, it is clear

that the impact is only on surface water and shallow

aquifers not on the deeper aquifers.

4. Conclusions:

Sheba Leather Factory situated near Wukro town form

part of Mesozoic sedimentary stratigraphy of northen

Ethiopia and consists of shale, limestone and their

intercalation. Solid and liquid waste from tannery



International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04, August 2012, pp. 665-672

disposed into the nearby south flowing stream channel

is affecting the nearby groundwater up to 10m depth

through recharge. EC, TDS, sodium, sulphate, nitrate

and chromium values are relatively much higher in

wastewater and is affecting both surface and

groundwater quality downstream. The length of the area

affected is about 760m from tannery. Results suggest

the need to treat waste disposal, to use deeper aquifers

not shallow with suitable filters, and a detailed study to

understand the effects of high Na and Cr concentrations

on the end users.

5. Acknowledgements:

This paper forms part of the post graduate project work

and HB thank Ministry of Education, Ethiopia for

providing financial assistance (partial). Authors

sincerely thank the Sheba Leather Factory Management,

Wukro for providing relevant information and

permission to carry out sampling around the Factory.


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[7] IFC. 2007. Environmental, Health, and Safety

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o Studies have shown that contaminants from industrial effluents change the local
biodiversity, due to the effects of contaminants and resilience of species affected (Ryu et
al. 2011; Rawat and Rai 2013; Malik et al. 2013). In addition, human health can be
affected by the ingestion of water contaminated by industrial effluents, because some
contaminants, such as chromium, can reach groundwater and surface water near to
tanneries (Brindha and Elango 2012; Gebru et al. 2012). Currently, the regional economic
growth and lack of basic sanitation affect Amazonian rivers, which receive urban and
industrial effluent loads.

Chromium distribution in an Amazonian river exposed to tannery effluent

[Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: This study aims to evaluate the Cr concentrations in
surface water, suspended particles, and bottom sediments exposed to tannery effluent releases
in the Candeias River. Cr concentrations were compared in relation to environmental thresholds
imposed by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Brazilian
Environmental Council (CONAMA), and the geoaccumulation index (Igeo) was calculated in
bottom sediment. Samples were collected in flood and dry seasons. Cr extraction was done by
an acid extraction and quantified by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Most samples were
found to be below the environmental thresholds imposed by CONAMA and USEPA, except in the
one from the discharge zone sampled during the dry season, showing values 1.5 and 6.1 higher
than CONAMA in water and bottom sediment, respectively. Cr concentrations were significantly
higher (P < 0.001) in suspended particles during dry season than flood season. Surface water and
bottom sediment did not show significant differences between the seasons. The Igeo revealed
an enrichment of Cr in bottom sediments after discharge zone, indicating that the effluent may
be contributing to metal accumulation in the sediment. Apparently, the Candeias River shows a
wash behavior on the river bottom, leaching the accumulated metal deposited on the riverbed
to other areas during the flood pulses, which decreases Cr concentration in the discharge zone
during dry seasons. Thus, this behavior can promote Cr dispersion to unpolluted areas.

Full-text Article Aug 2016

Women in leather industry

Throughout the world, women make a vital contribution to industrial

output.. Their work not only sustains their families, but also makes a
major contribution to socio-economic progress. The creativity and
talents of all women are an invaluable resource, which can and should
be developed both for their own selfrealization and for the benefit of
society as a whole.

The key to enhancing womens opportunities, and hence their position

in industry and the economy, is to provide them with access to know-
how, technologies and credit. Training to upgrade womens
technological capabilities and to enhance their entrepreneurial and
business skills, whether in simple artisanal production or in high
technology industries, is at the heart of allowing women to advance to
more rewarding positions. All these activities are an integral part of
UNIDOs technical assistance programmes.

The case-studies presented in this series of brochures demonstrate

that engament of women women and gender neutral management can
be also for benefit of the leather sector.


Case Study: Gender Neutral Management in Two Tanning Units

UNIDO Gender Mainstreaming Guideline

Status of women's participation in tanning industry - Regional Summary -

South East Asia

Status of women's participation in leather industry in India (1997)

Status of women's participation in leather industry in China (1997)

Status of women's participation in tanning industry in India (1997)

Status of women's participation in leather industry in Indonesia (1997)

Status of women's participation in tanning industry in Nepal (1997)

Case Study - Women in Industry

The framework for sustainable leather


Tanning industry is an important segment of UNIDO technical

assistance in promoting sustainable development. In late 90-ies a
number of studies dealing with various cleaner tanning methods,
including the widely used paper The Scope for decreasing pollution
load in leather processing, were prepared to support different forms of
training activities (shop-floor demonstrations, pilot plants, national and
regional workshops etc).

In the meantime a lot of practical experience has been gathered, some

new tanning technologies developed and implemented and some new
challenges have also emerged. Since proper training is essential
precondition for modern, sustainable leather processing, it is felt that
a single, comprehensive paper on cleaner leather technologies,
rounding up and updating earlier papers, could be of great help in
training and capacity building activities.

In addition to traditional cleaner technologies topics such as pollution

sources/loads, water management, hair-save liming, low- or ammonia-
free deliming, chrome management, low-organic solvents finishing,
solid waste management etc., this comprehensive study addresses
virtually all issues relevant for performance and successful tanning
operations: tannery environmental management systems (EMS/CSR),
Restricted Substances Lists (RSL), energy considerations, mechanical
operations, Occupational Safety and Health at workplace (OSH),
Carbon Footprint (CF) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) which are so often
the subject of extensive debates in various international fora and

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