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YALE JoURNAL oF BioLoGY AND MEDiCiNE 87 (2014), pp.99-112.

Copyright 2014.


thinking Evolutionarily About obesity

Elizabeth A. Genn-Bacon
Department of Genetics, Yale University, Connecticut Mental Health Center, New Haven,

obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome are growing worldwide health concerns, yet their
causes are not fully understood. Research into the etiology of the obesity epidemic is highly
influenced by our understanding of the evolutionary roots of metabolic control. For half a cen-
tury, the thrifty gene hypothesis, which argues that obesity is an evolutionary adaptation for
surviving periods of famine, has dominated the thinking on this topic. obesity researchers
are often not aware that there is, in fact, limited evidence to support the thrifty gene hy-
pothesis and that alternative hypotheses have been suggested. This review presents evi-
dence for and against the thrifty gene hypothesis and introduces readers to additional
hypotheses for the evolutionary origins of the obesity epidemic. Because these alternate
hypotheses imply significantly different strategies for research and clinical management of
obesity, their consideration is critical to halting the spread of this epidemic.

introduction drome, which strongly predisposes suffers

to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
The incidence of obesity worldwide and early mortality [2]. Metabolic syn-
has risen dramatically in the past century, drome affects 34 percent of Americans, 53
enough to be formally declared a global percent of whom are obese [3]. Obesity is a
epidemic by the World Health Organization growing concern in developing nations
in 1997 [1]. Obesity (defined by a body [4,5] and is now one of the leading causes
mass index exceeding 30 kg/m), together of preventable death worldwide [6].
with insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and Logically, a rapid increase in any med-
related conditions, defines metabolic syn- ical condition should be attributed to envi-

To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Elizabeth A. Genn-Bacon, Depart-

ment of Genetics, Yale University, Connecticut Mental Health Center, 34 Park St.,
DiLeone Lab, Room 306, New Haven, CT 06519; Tele: 203-974-7784; Fax: 203-974-

Abbreviations: TGH, thrifty gene hypothesis; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism;

GWA, genome-wide association.

Keywords: review, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, evolution, thrifty gene hypothe-

Authors note: Funding provided through the National Science Foundation Graduate Re-
search Fellowship Program.
100 Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity

ronmental changes, yet obesity has been mals to retain fertility and successfully ges-
shown in numerous studies to have a strong tate offspring [19]. Additionally, body fat
genetic component [7,8], indicating a po- helps to maintain temperature homeostasis.
tential gene-environment interaction [9]. White adipose tissue acts as an insulator
Curiously, certain populations appear par- [21], while brown adipose actively con-
ticularly susceptible to obesity and meta- tributes to thermogenesis [22].
bolic syndrome [1,10], while others appear Several forces maintain the upper
resistant [10,11]. The high prevalence of this boundary of body fat in animals. The time
seemingly detrimental condition, combined needed to devote to foraging is one. Main-
with its uneven distribution among both in- taining high adiposity is energetically costly
dividuals and populations, has led to specu- and requires large caloric input [23]. For
lation about potential evolutionary origins of most wild animals, far too much time would
obesity and metabolic syndrome [12-15]. need to be devoted to foraging at the ex-
Here I will review several hypotheses pense of other important activities such as
(both competing and complementary) for mating, sleeping, or avoiding predators [23].
the evolutionary origins of the obesity epi- Prey animals must remain lean enough to
demic and discuss their implications. I argue avoid predation. An obese animal cannot
that a better understanding of the evolution- move as quickly nor hide as efficiently as a
ary forces that have shaped human meta- lean animal [24]. It has been demonstrated
bolic control is critical to fighting the in laboratory studies that many small prey
modern day obesity epidemic. Understand- animals are resistant to diet-induced obesity,
ing the evolutionary origins of obesity can even with unlimited access to highly caloric
lead to novel approaches for research into food [25]. In addition, some prey animals
the pathophysiology of obesity as well as its have been shown experimentally to reduce
clinical management. body weight when predators are present in
their habitat [26,27], presumably to avoid
Why control Body WEight?
Modern humans are largely buffered
To understand the modern pathophysi- from these factors. Global economies safe-
ology of obesity, it is useful to examine the guard developed nations from starvation and
part that body weight regulation plays in the allow for easy access to highly caloric food.
evolutionary fitness of animals. What forces Shelter and clothing protect us from the
drive an organism to maintain a minimum cold. We are seldom forced to hunt prey, and
or maximum weight limit? It is important to neither do we worry about becoming prey
first note that body weight regulation is an ourselves [24]. Though modern humans may
extremely complex process involving much no longer be subject to these forces, they are
more than simple metabolic efficiency. It still highly relevant to our health. Under-
comprises both peripheral and central sati- standing how these forces contributed to
ety/hunger signals [16,17] as well as cogni- human evolution gives us insight into how
tive control [18], all of which are influenced human body weight is regulated and what
by both genetic and environmental factors. changes need to be made to our societies and
There are many forces acting to control health care strategies to better protect
body weight and adiposity of mammals. The against metabolic disease.
threat of starvation drives the need to main-
tain a lower limit on body fat. Energy stores
are needed to avoid starving to death at any AdAptAtions for thriftinEss
minor disruption in food access. Fertility is
also profoundly affected by body fat [19]. The Thrifty Gene Hypothesis
Ovarian cycles are very sensitive to energy In 1962, geneticist James Neel intro-
balance signals [20], and a certain percent- duced the first major evolution-based expla-
age of body fat is needed for female mam- nation for the modern obesity epidemic [12].
Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity 101

His original hypothesis centered on explain- cycle of feast and famine was an important
ing the unusually high prevalence of dia- driving force throughout all of human evo-
betes in certain human populations, but has lution, why are not all humans obese?
been revised to include both obesity and Human populations show great differences
other components of the metabolic syn- in their susceptibility to obesity and diabetes
drome [28]. [1,10]. Further, even within populations liv-
Neel argued that the tendency to de- ing in the same environments there are many
velop diabetes (or become obese) is an adap- individuals who appear to be resistant to
tive trait that has become incompatible with obesity [34]. To address this shortcoming,
modern lifestyles. His thrifty gene hypoth- Andrew Prentice later proposed that rather
esis (TGH) rests on the assumption that than famine being an ever present selec-
during the course of human evolution, hu- tive pressure throughout human evolution, it
mans were constantly subjected to periods is only much more recently, in the approxi-
of feast and famine. During famines, indi- mately 10,000 years since the advent of agri-
viduals who had more energy stores were culture, that famine has become a major
more likely to survive and produce more off- selective pressure, and as such its possible
spring. Therefore, evolution acted to select that there hasnt been sufficient time for
for genes that made those who possessed thrifty genes to reach fixation [35]. Hunter-
them highly efficient at storing fat during gatherer societies, the main lifestyle of ar-
times of plenty. In modern industrialized so- chaic humans, do not often experience
cieties where feasts are common and famine because their mobility and flexibil-
famines rare, this evolutionary adaptation ity allows them to move or utilize alterna-
becomes maladaptive. Thus, there is a mis- tive food sources when they encounter
match between the environment in which environmental hardship [36]. In contrast,
humans live and the environment in which agriculturalists exploit relatively few staple
we evolved. Thrifty genes act to efficiently crops and have less flexibility to handle
store energy to prepare for a famine that droughts and other calamities. Thus, the
never comes [12]. feast/famine cycle may have selected for
The TGH provides a simple and elegant thrifty genes only in agricultural societies
explanation for the modern obesity epidemic [36]. This could explain why not all humans
and was quickly embraced by scientists and become obese and why there is variation be-
lay people alike. Some evidence supports tween populations. Some populations may
this hypothesis. An important implication of have experienced more famine or periods of
the TGH is that identifiable genetic poly- food scarcity throughout their history and
morphisms that confer a thrifty phenotype thus had more pressure to develop a thrifty
should exist. Both obesity and diabetes are genotype.
known to have a strong genetic component The TGH provides several testable pre-
[7,8,29,30], and several genetic polymor- dictions. One such prediction, if the post-
phisms have been found that predispose in- agricultural model is assumed, is that
dividuals to obesity [31,32], suggesting genetic loci associated with obesity and di-
potential components of the thrifty geno- abetes should show characteristic signs of
type. Many single nucleotide polymor- recent positive selection. However, a study
phisms (SNPs) associated with increased by Southam et al. (2007) testing 13 obesity-
risk of obesity have now been identified and 17 type 2 diabetes-associated genetic
through genome-wide association (GWA) variants (comprising a comprehensive list of
studies, though each has relatively small ef- the most well-established obesity- and dia-
fect [13]. betes-associated loci at the time of publica-
One main criticism to the thrifty gene tion) found little evidence for recent positive
hypothesis is that it is unable to explain the selection [37]. This study found only one
heterogeneity of diabetes and obesity be- risk loci, a mutation in the obesity-associ-
tween and within populations [33]. If the ated FTO gene, showing evidence for recent
102 Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity

positive selection. This would appear to adapted to a diabetogenic diet [38]. Intro-
mainly be evidence against the TGH; how- duction of a European-style diet to popula-
ever, it relied on SNP data, and so these loci tions that are not used to it, such as Native
may only be associative rather than func- Americans and Pacific Islanders, creates a
tional. Refinement of the genetics of obesity mismatch between their modern diet and the
and diabetes risk should result in more in- diet they have evolved with, leading to
formative tests for selection. metabolic dysfunction. This potentially ex-
Another prediction of the post-agricul- plains the recent dramatic increase in dia-
tural TGH is that populations that have his- betes and obesity in these populations.
torically encountered more famine and food Others suggest that loss of thriftiness is a re-
scarcity should be more prone to obesity and cent adaptation, causing differences in the
diabetes once exposed to an obesogenic en- prevalence of metabolic disease between
vironment. So far, there is mixed evidence populations [39]. Instead of searching for
for this prediction. Some hunter-gatherer disease-risk genes conferring susceptibility
populations, for whom famine would have to metabolic disease, we should instead
been historically uncommon, seem to show focus efforts on finding genetic variants con-
some resistance to diet-induced obesity [35] ferring resistance to these disorders [39].
compared to populations with a history of The study by Southam et al. found evidence
agriculture, which is consistent with the of recent positive selection on one allele that
TGHs predictions. However, this model is protective against diabetes [37]. A large-
also predicts that agricultural societies, par- scale study searching for signs of recent pos-
ticularly those from colder climates, would itive selection on diabetes and obesity
have experienced the strongest selective resistance alleles could be fruitful to test
pressures for genetic thriftiness and thus be these hypotheses.
particularly prone to obesity and type 2 dia- In terms of clinical management of obe-
betes. Europe is a prime example of this type sity and other metabolic disorders, the TGH
of environment: Its peoples have long been implies that a return to the traditional
practicing agriculture, and the historical lifestyle of a population would be beneficial
record for war and famine in this region is for treating the metabolic syndrome. If obe-
long and extensive [38]. Yet Europeans have sity is caused by a mismatch between our
a lower rate of obesity than many popula- genes and the environment we currently live
tions and seem partially resistant to type 2 in, changing the environment to match how
diabetes [10,11]. Pacific Islanders, in con- our genomes have adapted should reverse
trast, have some of the highest rates of obe- the obesity epidemic. Obviously, returning
sity and type 2 diabetes in the world [10], to the traditional hunter-gather lifestyles of
despite living in a tropical climate with very our ancestors is not practical. However, it is
little history of famine [15,38]. possible to restrict calories and increase ex-
Some researchers explain these dis- ercise to more closely mimic various tradi-
crepancies by taking a flipped view of the tional lifestyles [40]. Current medical
TGH, arguing that instead of recent selec- guidelines for the management of obesity
tion for thrifty genes, it is actually genes and diabetes are based on this strategy
conferring resistance to obesity and other [41,42]. Though this strategy seems to work
metabolic disorders that are a modern adap- for some patients, there is much variability
tation. This modified TGH posits that adap- in its efficacy, especially in managing obe-
tations for thriftiness are ancient, but sity and diabetes long-term [43,44].
populations that have switched to richer
food sources since the advent of agriculture The Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis
have gained some adaptations to prevent Not all researchers were convinced that
metabolic disorders. Riccardo Baschettis the TGH satisfactorily explained the etiol-
genetically unknown foods hypothesis ar- ogy of obesity and metabolic syndrome. In
gues that Europeans have become partially 1992, Charles Hales and David Barker pro-
Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity 103

posed his thrifty phenotype hypothesis hypotheses in 2007 [14]. These models gen-
(also sometimes called the Barker Hypothe- erally fall into two categories: weather fore-
sis), partly to address the inadequacies of cast models and maternal fitness models.
gene-based obesity hypotheses such as TGH Weather forecast models argue that the
and also to explain an observed phenome- fetus uses signals from the in utero environ-
non: that babies with low birth weight seem ment particularly nutritional signals to
particularly prone to diabetes, obesity, heart predict what kind of environment it is
disease, and other metabolic disorders later likely to encounter during childhood and/or
in life [45]. adult life. It can be argued that it is evolu-
Barkers hypothesis centers on the con- tionarily advantageous to prime metabolic
cept of thriftiness, but in a much different systems for thriftiness if poor nutrition is
way than Neels hypothesis. In Barkers hy- sensed early in life, in order to better deal
pothesis, it is the developing fetus that must with a lifetime of poor nutrition. Metabolic
be thrifty. An undernourished fetus must al- disorders then occur if the adult or childhood
locate resources carefully if it is to survive to environment and fetal environment are mis-
birth and adulthood. Barker argues that the matched. An individual whose fetal envi-
developing fetus, when faced with an energy ronment predicted a lifetime of starvation
shortage, will allocate energy away from the will readily develop diabetes and obesity
pancreas in favor of other tissues such as the when he or she encounters a high caloric diet
brain. This is a reasonable tradeoff, since if [14,46,47]. Although this family of models
the same nutritional environment in which can explain the rapid onset of the obesity
the fetus develops persists into its childhood epidemic in cultures suddenly introduced to
and adult life, there will be little need for Western diets, it does not adequately explain
well-developed glucose-response systems. why obesity and diabetes persist after sub-
However, if nutrition improves later in life, sequent generations.
the individual who once had a thrifty fetus Maternal fitness models argue that the
will possess a pancreas ill-equipped to deal signals a fetus receives about nutrition in the
with the glucose energy it now has access to womb allow it to align its energy needs with
and will be prone to developing diabetes and its mothers ability to supply during child-
other metabolic diseases. This could explain hood. Humans have an unusually long pe-
why babies with low birth weight seem par- riod of childhood growth, during which time
ticularly prone to adulthood metabolic dis- children are nearly completely dependent on
orders [45]. their mother for resources, even beyond
Barkers original hypothesis does not weaning. It is therefore adaptive to both
specifically address evolutionary history, but mother and child if the childs metabolic de-
it does have evolutionary implications. In mand is synchronized with the mothers
this hypothesis, it is genes allowing com- own phenotype, so that the child will not re-
pletion of prenatal development and survival quire more (or less) than she can provide.
of the fetus that are selected for, rather than Aligning infant and maternal metabolism
adaptive capability in adult life. It is only be- eases parent-offspring conflict and is impor-
cause in the past prenatal nutrition matched tant for the successful rearing of the child
adulthood nutrition that this process was [14,48], and thus this adaptation enhances
adaptive. Now that this is often not the case, inclusive fitness. This thrifty phenotype
this allocation of resources away from the model could explain why obesity is possible
pancreas becomes maladaptive. even when a fetus is not malnourished.
Since its proposal, the thrifty phenotype The implications of the thrifty pheno-
hypothesis has inspired much further work type hypotheses for clinical management of
connecting the hypothesis to evolutionary the metabolic syndrome are clear: Proper
theory. Jonathan Wells reviewed several maternal and gestational nutrition are much
competing or complementary models for the more important than interventions in adult
evolutionary uses of the thrifty phenotype life. If the thrifty phenotype hypothesis is
104 Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity

correct, focusing preventive public health generations. Thus, a generation born during
resources on pregnant woman will do much a time of famine may have epigenetic
more to combat the obesity epidemic than genome modifications that allow for more
focusing on treating disease in adults or even efficient energy storage, and these modifi-
children. cations can be passed down through the
germ line. Evidence from the Dutch
The Thrifty Epigenome Hypothesis
Hunger Winter study supports this. This
One of the main criticisms of the TGH is study tracked the health of a cohort of males
that if famine were such a strong driving born before, after, and during a severe
force throughout human evolution, why do famine that occurred in the Netherlands dur-
not all humans become obese? As mentioned ing World War II [52]. The study found that
earlier, proponents of the TGH often argue males whose mothers had experienced
that perhaps famine only became a strong se- famine during the first two trimesters of
lective pressure since the rise of agriculture pregnancy had a much higher rate of obe-
and, therefore, only certain populations have sity and diabetes than males born before or
been subject to this kind of selective pressure after the famine [53]. Importantly, many of
[49]. Richard Stgers thrifty epigenome the traits of the Dutch famine cohort have
hypothesis takes the opposite view and ar- passed down to subsequent generations,
gues that all humans harbor a thrifty genome. leading to the hypothesis that this cohort
In fact, he argues that food scarcity has likely was subject to some kind of epigenetic
been one of the key evolutionary forces modification affecting body weight and can
throughout all the history of life, and meta- thus be said to have a thrifty epigenotype
bolic thrift is likely a feature of all organisms. [50]. To test this hypothesis, Tobi et al.
Stgers hypothesis sets out to reconcile (2009) examined methylation patterns in in-
some of the holes in the thrifty genotype hy- dividuals conceived during or shortly before
pothesis while integrating it with the thrifty the 1944 famine and compared them to their
phenotype hypotheses [50]. un-exposed same-sex siblings [54]. They
Stgers hypothesis relies on the con- found changes in the pattern of DNA
cept of genetic canalization. Genetic canal- methylation of several growth and metabo-
ization is a process through which a lism-associated loci in famine-exposed in-
polygenic phenotype becomes buffered dividuals, providing support for the
against genetic polymorphism and environ- hypothesis that in utero nutritional environ-
mental variation. This process is adaptive ment can induce epigenetic modifications
because fluctuating environmental pressures [54].
can leave subsequent generations unfit for Likewise, a generation born during
their new environment. Thus, the long-term times of great food excess should be pro-
evolutionary history of the species selects grammed for this environmental condition
for a multigenetic system in which small and thus less prone to obesity. Stger argues
mutations make little difference in overall that this is exactly what is beginning to hap-
phenotypic expression [51]. One potential pen among the Nauru people of the South
way that species are able to maintain this Pacific. This population is believed to have
kind of phenotypic robustness is through encountered repeated bouts of food scarcity
epigenetic regulation [50]. throughout history and currently has one of
Stger argues that metabolic thrift has the highest obesity and diabetes rates in the
been subject to genetic canalization and is a world, indicating that they have a thrifty
phenotypic trait that is able to adjust to dif- genotype. However, in recent years, this
fering environmental pressures through epi- trend has begun to reverse, with the rate of
genetic modification. All humans have a type 2 diabetes falling, despite little change
thrifty genome, but phenotypic expression in diet or lifestyle. Stger argues that the
can vary based on environmental input due Nauruans are beginning to transition to a
to epigenetic modifications inherited across feast epigenotype [50].
Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity 105

An important implication of this hy- resistance and obesity. It argues that meta-
pothesis is that genetic polymorphisms bolic diseases are byproducts of a socio-eco-
likely have very little effect on the patho- logical adaptation that allows humans to
physiology of obesity. This could be an ex- switch between both reproductive and socio-
planation for why, despite decades of behavioral strategies. The strategies they
research and countless GWA studies of ge- switch between are r- and K-selected repro-
netic polymorphism, relatively few genetic duction and stronger and smarter lifestyle
variants have been found that are associated strategies (which they describe as the sol-
with development of obesity or type 2 dia- dier to diplomat transition). r/K selection
betes. Instead, the thrifty epigenome hy- theory deals with the concept of parental in-
pothesis implies that GWA studies of vestment in offspring and the trade-off be-
epigenetic markers for obesity would be tween quality and quantity. Organisms that
more fruitful. practice r selection invest more energy
Additionally, implicit in this hypothesis into producing many offspring, with less in-
is the idea that the obesity epidemic will vestment into the care of each [59]. It is fa-
eventually solve itself, if Western diets re- vored when a species is well below the
main constant. Populations currently expe- carrying capacity of their environment [59].
riencing an obesity problem will eventually Organisms that practice K-selection invest
transition from a thrifty epigenome to a feast much time and energy into their offspring,
epigenome. Recent evidence shows that this but produce relatively few [59]. It is favored
transition has already begun. The U.S. obe- in species close to the carrying capacity of
sity rate seems to have leveled off in recent their environment [59]. The authors argue
years [34], and worldwide data shows that that the environmental and social conditions
the rate of childhood obesity has also that favor a K-selected reproductive strat-
plateaued [55]. egy (such as high population density) are the
same as those that favor a diplomat be-
havioral strategy (such as food abundance
A BEhAviorAl AdAptAtion
and social competition stress), and insulin
While obesity and metabolic syndrome has evolved to be a common switch for both
are often only considered in terms of purely these transitions.
physiological processes and basic survival In this hypothesis, environmental stim-
mechanisms, many others have framed these uli such as food abundance, population den-
disorders in a more social context. Mankar sity, social stressors, and others serve as a
(2008) showed that humans associate differ- single for the body to alter its use of insulin.
ent adiposity levels with social status [56]. Their hypothesis hinges on the idea that dif-
Others argue that during human history, obe- ferent tissues have different levels of de-
sity has been a signal for wealth or fertility, pendence on insulin for glucose uptake, with
allowing those who easily became obese to skeletal muscle tissue being among the most
attract more mates and successfully produce insulin-dependent and brain and placental
and rear more offspring [57]. Indeed, some tissue being among the most insulin-inde-
of the oldest examples of human art Pa- pendent [15]. By decreasing the use of in-
leolithic Venus figurines depict women sulin by muscle and other insulin-dependent
with obese bodies and are thought to be fer- tissues, insulin resistance frees up energy for
tility symbols [58]. Humans are a highly so- use in the brain and/or placenta, facilitating
cial species, and thus, social interactions a switch in both behavioral and reproductive
have played a major part in shaping human strategies. More glucose diverted to the pla-
evolution. centa could result in larger infant birth
Watve and Yajniks (2007) behavioral weights and mediate a switch to a K-selected
switch hypothesis integrates both social reproductive strategy. Additionally, insulin
and physiological mechanisms into a unified resistance reduces ovulation, thus resulting
theory for the evolutionary origins of insulin in fewer offspring and allowing greater in-
106 Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity

vestment in each. Diverting glucose from The behavioral switch hypothesis ex-
muscle tissue to the brain could mediate a plains the modern pandemic of metabolic
switch from a soldier to diplomat diseases as caused by extreme environmen-
lifestyles. When food is scarce, energy is di- tal stimuli: population density, urbanization,
verted to the skeletal muscle to enhance for- social competition, caloric access, and
aging ability, so insulin sensitivity would be sedentary lifestyles exaggerated to an extent
increased. When food is plentiful, the brain never before seen in human history [15]. As
is more important than the muscles to the fit- with the thrifty family of hypotheses,
ness of a social animal, so insulin sensitivity physiological responses that were adaptive
would decrease in order to allocate more re- in the past have become maladaptive in
sources to brain development. Insulin sig- modern environments. This implies a clini-
naling in the brain is involved in many cal and epidemiological management strat-
cognitive processes. The authors propose egy much different from the standard care
that when intense brain activity is needed, guidelines. The hypothesis strongly suggests
plasma levels of insulin increase, allowing that social reforms will be critical to com-
for more insulin signaling in the brain. Be- batting obesity and metabolic syndrome as
cause high plasma insulin levels can result a pandemic. The hypothesis predicts that
in hypoglycemia, the body develops periph- obesity and diabetes should be more preva-
eral insulin resistance to compensate [15]. lent in areas with higher population densi-
The hypothesis suggests an explanation ties and with greater socioeconomic
for the association between insulin resist- competition [15]. Reducing overcrowding in
ance and morbidity. The authors note that el- urban areas and alleviating social competi-
evated testosterone increases male tion by reducing wealth gaps and making so-
aggression and is associated with a soldier cieties more egalitarian might affect this
lifestyle, redistributing immune system out-of-control insulin response.
function to emphasize the sub-cutaneous tis-
sues in anticipation of increased need for
wound healing [60]. They posit that the ab- non-AdAptivE origins of
dominal obesity associated with a transition
from a soldier to diplomat lifestyles does the While all other explanations so far of-
opposite: It redistributes immune function fered in this review have relied on the as-
away from the periphery and focuses it on sumption that obesity was once an adaptive
more central tissues. In the exaggerated mechanism of our evolutionary past, biolo-
diplomat lifestyles of modern civilization, gist John Speakman argues in his drifty
this redistribution becomes pathological, gene hypothesis just the opposite: that obe-
leading to slowed wound healing and the in- sity is non-adaptive and has risen to high fre-
creased inflammatory response that has been quency through neutral (i.e., random,
shown to be associated with many disorders non-selective) evolutionary processes
of the metabolic syndrome [15]. Impor- [9,24,33].
tantly, this implies the morbidity of insulin Speakmans hypothesis is offered as a
resistance is driven by changes in inflam- direct alternative to Neels hypothesis.
matory response that are by-products of be- Through statistical models, he argues that if
havioral transition, not because of insulin the feast/famine cycle was an ever-present
itself. If this is true, it has profound implica- driving force of human evolution, as the
tions for the clinical management of insulin original TGH argued, even small selective
resistance and obesity. A focus on control- advantages for increased adiposity would
ling the immunological changes that come have resulted in near fixation in all humans
with the metabolic syndrome could do more over 2 million years of human evolution
to mitigate disease and mortality than at- [13]. If this version of the TGH is accurate,
tempting to treat obesity or insulin resistance Speakman argues, all humans would be
themselves [15]. obese. However, even in the highly obeso-
Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity 107

geneic environments of modern industrial- However, beginning approximately 2 mil-

ized nations, only a fraction of the popula- lion years ago with the rise of the Homo
tion is obese, while others seem resistant to genus, archaic humans developed larger
obesity [33]. Indeed, as mentioned previ- body size, increased intelligence, tool use,
ously, the obesity rate in the United States and were largely no longer subject to preda-
has stalled recently [34]. A possible expla- tion pressure [24]. Speakman argues that be-
nation is that all people who are prone to cause predation was no longer important,
obesity have already become obese, leaving there was no more strong selective pressure
no room for further growth. Alternatively, to remain lean. Thus, genes controlling the
Speakman argues that if thriftiness is a post- upper limit of body weight in humans were
agricultural adaptation, as Prentice and oth- freed from selective constraint and subject
ers argue [49], not enough time has passed to genetic drift. This allowed mutations to
to explain the extent of the modern obesity occur freely in these genes, resulting in their
epidemic, given the small contribution to ad- function being lost or reduced in some indi-
iposity conferred by the obesity-associated viduals and populations [33]. Speakman ar-
genes identified thus far. gues that genetic drift is a better explanation
Speakman also argues that the TGHs for the variability seen in human body
feast/famine cycle is not historically accu- weight than adaptation-based models.
rate. He notes that while periods of minor Speakmans hypothesis has been criti-
food scarcity are relatively common, these cized on a few points, most notably in fail-
periods do not result in increased mortality. ing to take into account the profound impact
True famines that result in high mortality that famine has on fertility. In direct rebuttal
have been relatively rare throughout human to Speakmans hypothesis, Prentice et al.
history, and during these periods the greatest (2008) [35] agreed with Speakman that mor-
mortality is among the very old and very tality during famine was not great enough to
young and thus unlikely to be a strong evo- drive evolution of a thrifty genotype, but ar-
lutionary force [9]. gued instead that the profound effect that
Speakman argues that freedom from se- starvation has on female fertility drove se-
lective constraint over high adiposity, not lection for metabolic thriftiness. They point
adaptation, is a better model to explain the out that near-complete suppression of fertil-
current prevalence of obesity in modern so- ity has been observed in historical severe
ciety. To explain what could have allowed famines and that fertility can be reduced by
this freedom from selective constraint, 30 to 50 percent during normal hungry sea-
Speakman offers a predation-release hy- sons in modern day Gambia and Bangladesh
pothesis. It has been shown that predation- [35]. Thus, the TGH could still be viable, be-
threat impacts weight regulation in prey cause metabolic thriftiness increases inclu-
animals. Prey mammals reduce body size sive fitness. Speakman has countered these
and foraging time when predators are pres- arguments by noting that after periods of
ent [26,27]. When predators are experimen- famine, there is often a bounce-back in
tally excluded from an area, bank and prairie fertility, with an increase in conceptions oc-
voles increase their body weight compared curring to make up for the period of low fer-
to controls [27]. In the laboratory, these tility during the famine [13,33].
same animals decrease their body mass Despite the controversy, this hypothesis
when exposed to feces from a predator, but has intriguing implications for the study of
not feces from a non-predator [24,27]. This human obesity. If mechanisms once existed
is thought to protect against predation, since in humans who suppressed weight gain in
smaller animals are able to move faster, fit response to predators, finding similar mech-
into a greater number of hideaways, and anisms in animals may lead to identification
make for less appealing prey targets [24]. of human genes and metabolic mechanisms
In the past, archaic humans were also responsible for the control of body weight
subject to strong predation pressure [61]. and the variation we see in populations. True
108 Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity

table 1. summary of evolutionary hypotheses for the metabolic syndrome.

name proposed by description sources

Thrifty gene hypothesis James Neel Repeated exposure to famine led to [12,28]
positive selection for genes promot-
ing efficient energy storage.

Thrifty Barker Charles Hales An undernourished fetus must be [45]

phenotype hypothesis and David thrifty with its resources, and sac-
hypotheses Barker rifices pancreas development in
favor of other tissues.

Weather Patrick Bateson Fetal environment predicts the qual- [14,46]

Forecast model ity of the childhood environment.
Mismatches between fetal and child-
hood environments lead to disease.

Maternal Fitness Jonathan Fetal environment uses nutritional [14,48]

model Wells signals to align its metabolism with
its mothers.

intergenerational Christopher intrauterine nutritional signals pro- [14,62]

phenotypic inertia Kuzawa vide information about long-term
model nutritional history of the mother and
her recent ancestors through epige-
netic mechanisms.

Predictive adaptive Peter Fetal environment predicts adult en- [14,47]

response model Gluckman and vironment and primes metabolism
Mark Hanson for adult life.

Thrifty epigenome hypothesis Reinhard All humans have a thrifty genotype. [50]
Stger Phenotypic expression of this is al-
tered by epigenetic modifications
that respond to environmental con-

Behavioral switch hypothesis Milind Watve insulin resistance is a mechanism [15]

and for both a switch between r/K repro-
Chittaranjan ductive strategies and a switch be-
Yajnik tween soldier/diplomat behavioral

Aggression control hypothesis Prakakta insulin and satiety mediate aggres- [63]
Belsare et al. sive and non-aggressive lifestyle

Drifty gene/predation release John Genes controlling the upper limit of [9,24,33]
Speakman body weight have been freed from
selective constrain and subject to
genetic drift.

Maladaptation to brown adipose John obesity is a byproduct of variation [13]

tissue requirement Speakman in positive selection for thermogen-

Genetically unknown foods Riccardo obesity and diabetes occurs when [38]
hypothesis Baschetti populations are introduced to new
foods that they havent adapted to.

Fertility first hypothesis Stephen Fertility, rather than starvation, is [64]

Corbett et al. the main driver of selection for
thrifty phenotypes.
Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity 109

or not, Speakmans hypothesis highlights the important factor in mediating the switch be-
need for a better understanding of body tween reproductive and lifestyle strategies.
weight regulation in other animals with a Food scarcity favors a soldier lifestyle,
range of evolutionary histories in order to while food abundance favors a diplomat
truly understand the origins of human obe- lifestyle. Metabolic thriftiness is still an im-
sity. portant evolutionary force in the behavioral
In terms of clinical implications, if obe- switch hypothesis. Finally, despite the fact
sity is the result of deleterious mutations and that the drifty gene hypothesis was formed
genetic drift, rather than an ingrained adap- to directly challenge the TGH, it is possible
tive mechanism, it can be treated like a het- for elements of both hypotheses to be accu-
erogenic disease. Insights from studying rate. Selection for thrifty genes could have
how lean people (and other animals) regu- been accelerated in a predation-release/free-
late their body weight can help identify dom from selective constraint scenario. In
which genes have been mutated in obese in- the distant past, a balance may have existed
dividuals. Speakmans hypothesis would between metabolic thriftiness and weight-
predict that many different systems in control to avoid predation, which may have
weight regulation might have suffered loss- limited selection for thrifty genes. Once
of-function mutations due to genetic drift, predator threat was eliminated and there was
and different systems may be affected in dif- no more selection for leanness, it would be
ferent individuals. Modern science is rapidly possible for selection for thriftiness to take
approaching the era of personal genetics. If off.
the genetics of the control of body weight Though there is room for more than one
limit were well understood, weight manage- hypothesis to be correct, it is still important
ment interventions could be tailored to an in- to determine the accurate evolutionary ori-
dividual based on his or her individual gins of obesity. Despite very little rigorous
genetic profile. For example, weight man- research to back it up, both researchers and
agement strategies would be very different the general public have largely accepted the
for someone whose obesity was caused by TGH. As a result, many assumptions have
an underlying genetic problem with control been made about the causes of obesity based
of food intake versus someone who had a on the TGH, which have highly influenced
genetic defect in metabolic rate. research and clinical management of obesity
and diabetes. Substantial research funds
have been poured into finding the elusive
thrifty genes that would explain the extent
In this review, I have discussed several of the obesity epidemic, yet those that have
prominent competing hypotheses for the been found either explain obesity in only a
evolutionary origins of the obesity epidemic. very small fraction of the population or in-
They are summarized in Table 1, with addi- crease risk of obesity by extremely small
tional hypotheses listed for reader interest. measures. A more rigorous examination of
These hypotheses appear disparate, but are the validity of the TGH could lead to a more
not necessarily incompatible. The thrifty directed and efficient approach to the etiol-
epigenome hypothesis is a bridge between ogy of obesity. Each hypothesis I have dis-
the thrifty gene and thrifty phenotype hy- cussed suggests very different research
potheses. It offers a mechanism by which strategies.
thrifty phenotypes work to shape metabo- Finally, the evolutionary mechanisms
lism in utero, while making the same as- that allow for obesity are highly relevant to
sumptions about evolutionary forces on the clinical and public health management of the
genome that the TGH posits. The behavioral epidemic. The TGH suggests that simple
switch hypothesis is also not incompatible changes in diet and exercise should prevent
with the thrifty family of hypotheses. Food obesity, and while this intuitively makes
scarcity pressures (or lack thereof) are an sense, we know that this strategy is easier
110 Genn-Bacon: Thinking evolutionarily about obesity

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