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LESSON TOPIC: Understanding the Rubric

RATIONALE: The reason for this lesson is so students will be able to identify what they will
be assessed on by using a rubric with specific standards. This will demonstrate to the students
what the teacher is looking for when grading their assignment.


W.2.8.- Research to build and Present Knowledge
- Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question.
SL. 2.1- Comprehension and Collaboration
- Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
SL. 2.2- Comprehension and Collaboration
- Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented
orally or through other media.
L. 2.3- Knowledge of Language
- Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.2.6.- Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and
responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe.

OBJECTIVE: The student will identify the necessary pieces of information needed in their
assignment through a given rubric. Students will use this rubric as an aid in creating their
assignment that will be assessed.

ACADEMIC LANGUAGE: Matter, Properties, Change, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Color, Texture,
Mass, Size, Air, Empty, Space, Informational, Writing, Rubric, Grammar, Picture, Punctuation,
Sentences, Paragraph, Facts

MOTIVATION OR ANTICIPATORY SET: Think, Pair, Share: Students will use this
strategy twice in this lesson to help identify vocabulary terms that are new to them. This will
help them create a deeper understanding of the contents they will be graded on for their

- Students will sit in their desks to begin the lesson.
- Teacher will pose a question to begin a class discussion: What is a rubric? What can it be
used for?
- Students will think pair share their answers.
- Teacher will discuss the what a rubric is.
- A rubric tells us what is important, defines what work meets a standard, and
allows us to distinguish between different levels of performance.
- Teacher will display rubric on smartboard for students to identify and discuss.
- Teacher will briefly identify the five components she will look at in their assignments.
These five components are organization, content, focus, picture, and convention.
- Teacher will ask students to think pair share with their neighbor what each of the words
mean to them.
- Students will think of the five components to think of each word's meaning. The
five words are organization, picture, focus, content and convention.
- Students will pair up with their neighbor to discuss what they thought.
- Students will share their responses/thoughts of each word the teacher identified.
- Students will be asked to fill in three important facts they learned in the video that
can be incorporated into their writing piece.
- Teacher will identify the meanings of each component.
- Teacher will discuss how students will be graded from 0-4 points on each content. She
will then discuss that they can get a total of 20 points as their highest grade that would
equal a grade of 100.
- Teacher will discuss the different point values of each content and what students need to
include to get the maximum points.
- Teacher will see if students have questions to guide their misunderstandings.
- Students will ask questions if they are confused or need further understanding of
the rubrics guidelines.
- Teacher will answer any questions or comments identified.
- Teacher will hand out rubric to students so they each have a copy to refer to when
completing their assignment.
- Teacher will ask students to identify what a rubric is on a piece of paper and why it is
used? This will be used as an exit slip for the teacher to identify their understanding.

- Smartboard
- Pencils/pens
- Rubric
- Exit Slips
ECHNOLOGY COMPONENT (IF APPLICABLE): The teacher will use the Smartboard
to display the rubric guidelines to students for their upcoming assignment.


- Formal: Teacher will assess students on understanding of the rubric through an exit slip.
This will demonstrate to the teacher students understanding of a rubrics purpose and why
they are used. The teacher will identify students understanding through their responses
they write down on their exit slip.
- Informal: Students will be informally assessed on the definitions they identify with each
word that they will be assessed on their assignment. The teacher will assess students
answers through a think pair share discussion.

- Student with special needs: An adaption for students with special needs is to have
students pick an answer that is given to them on their exit slip. They will pick from two
different answers that they can choose to demonstrate their understanding instead of
writing from their prior knowledge.

- English Language Learner: An adaption for ELL students is to provide extra assistance
to these students by giving similar terms that they can identify with the key components
of the rubric guidelines.

- Struggling Reader: An adaption for struggling readers is to repeat the directions to the
student to give them a deeper understanding of the necessary steps they need to address
in their assignment.

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