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By Jemima Rose

Three sunflower seeds were planted into three different sized pots
(unknown, 14*13.5, 26.5*22) and have been recorded throughout a
period of roughly 4 weeks. The sunflowers died due to under
nourishment. The seeds were planted and placed outside. A cyclone
altered the experiment because of the unexpected rainfall.
Abstract- page one
Introduction- page one
Practical write up- page two

The sunflower experiment was conducted to observe the growth rate

of the sunflowers in different sized pots. The investigation question
being: Does the size of the pot the seeds are planted in change the
growth rate and the mass of the flower? If the sunflower seeds are
planted in different sized pots with different amounts of soil, then they
will grow at different rates because the size of the pot will determine
how much space the roots have to grow. Theoretically the sunflower
seed in the largest pot will grow at an extended rate whereas the seed
in the smallest pot will not grow very large. This is because the large
pot allows more room for the roots of the sunflower to grow than the
small pot which does not allow much space.

This experiment has many factors involved including the sun, the rain,
the wind likewise to the environment in a farm. Farms provide stock
and vegetables. The results of the sunflower experiment show that one
plant had been over watered and the other had been underwatered.
Farmers need to take into consideration the climate and the water the
plant requires to remain alive. Farmers would be required to conduct
an experiment similar to this experiment to test the variables included
in the area. This relates to society as farms provide plants (fruit and
vegetables) for consumption however if the plants die farmers can not
sell the product. The farmers will not earn any income and society have
less products to buy.

The experiment was conducted to observe the growth rate of

sunflowers in different sized pots. The size of the pot was the
independent variable and the growth rate was the dependent variable.
The roots of the sunflower in the largest pot will have more space to
grow than the sunflower in the smallest pot this means the sunflower
in the largest pot will grow to a larger extent then the sunflower in the
smallest pot. To keep this a fair experiment every other variable
needed to be controlled. Such as the type of seed, the depth of the
seed, the exposition to the sun, the amount of water given, the type of
soil and the use of fertilizer.
Hazard Prevention

1. Drowning the seed 1.measure the amount of

water the plant receives
2. Breathing in toxins while 2. Wear a mask on your mouth
planting the seed

Three pots (unknown, 14*13.5, 26.5*22)
Brunnings potting mix
Sunflower seed
Measuring jug (ml)

1. The pots were obtained
2. of the pots were filled with soil
3. The seeds were planted in the soil
4. The seeds were watered with 20ml of water
5. The seeds were left in the sun
6. The seeds were watered once a day
7. The seeds were measured once a week

The only sunflower that grew is the sunflower in the medium pot.

Figure 1
A photo of the sunflower in the 26.5*22 sized pot.
Neither the large (26.5*22), medium (14*13.5) or small(unknown) pot
had successful results. The small pot was lost, the sunflower seed in the
medium pot was under-watered and the seed in the large pot drowned.
For a period of time the sunflowers began to grow however then died.
Due to lack of water and over watering. As seen in the graph the
sunflower in the medium pot grew the most. Perhaps the sunflower in
the large pot had too much soil as the water could not pass through.

Sunflowers require a certain amount of water to grow to a respective

height. However, overwatering the sunflower can cause it to drown.
There are many factors involved with growing a sunflower such as
water, the sun and soil nutrients.

The experiment was not fair. The rainfall that occurred during the two-
week holiday was not controlled. One sunflower drowned due to the
rainfall. The accuracy of the experiment could be improved if the
sunflowers were placed inside. By having the sunflowers inside the rain
would be unable to alter the results. In the future, it would be best if
the sunflowers were put into a greenhouse.

The results did not support the hypothesis as none of the sunflowers
grew. Although the hypothesis stated the sunflower in the largest pot
would grow the most however the sunflower did not grow. The
sunflower in the medium sized pot did grow yet died because of the
lack of water it received.
(Jemima, Xavier, Ray and Yui)


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