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There once was a frog who ate chocolate mousse.

He loved it so much, he boght all

of the mousse in a ten mile radius. As one would expect, this made the other
denizens of the forest upset. Not because they couln't buy any mousse (they hated
the stuff, to be honest), but because the delivery trucks the frog employed to
deliver his mousse were destroying their homes. So one evening, the other forest
creatures got together and crowdfunded $100000 for the purpose of hiring a deep web
assassin to kill frog. Unfortunately, the assassin they hired turned out to be frog
himself. The next night, enraged by the assassination attempt, frog killed every
other animal in the forest with his bare hands. And that's why, to this day, there
are no animals in the forest. Now shut the fuck up and go to bed, Jimmy.

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