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iS Complete the sentences obout the picture.

I An qstronqut hos jumped off the top of tne .....QL9i19..... .

2 Two of the ostronouts ore ploging neor the stronge tree.

3 The rocket door is.................. now
4 A robot with o squore is wotching TV inside the rocket.
5 There ore three more plonets in the picture. One of them is ..........,....... thon
the other two.
5 The trees hove got leoves thot look like ..........,....... honds.
7 The .................. on this plonet looks tike sond.

@ dork open gome bigger heod

loter gotf little ground qir
i_B.J Find the differences. Speoking


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f$ Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines.

Our ptonet

Exomple The we live is neqr seven which where thot

I other plonets. Untit .................. twentieth 1q one the
2 centurg we didnt hove mops 2to of ot
3 our plonet. Now, we con ,....,...,,....... pictures 3 toke token took
of it from spoce.These pictures ore veru
4 importont , for exompte, theg tell 4 becouse thon or
us whot the weother is going to be like.The
5 photos olso verg bequtiful. From 5 being wos ore
5 spoce, our plonet .................. tike o btue bo[[ 5 took [ooking looks
7 with white clouds. of our plonet 7 Most Just Mong
8 woter on it.This woter is verg 8 hod hove hos
importont for q[[ the peopte, onimo]s ond plonts
I thqt live there, becouse theg .................. to 9 needs needing need
drink it. Our plonet is importont.We must [eorn
10 obout it ond look it verg corefullg. l0 ofter for down

f$ gI9!! Listen ond write nomes ond colour the plonets.

Mors Mercurg Uronus Sqturn Jupiter

Answer questions obout our plonet.

Whqt/colour? blue ond white How much time/ 365 dogs,6 hours,
Whot/tem perotu re I obout'14"C go round the sun? 16 minutes

Hove/rings ? no How mong/moons? one

Let's find out qbout other ptonets!


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