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Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-

Compulsive Disorder: A Hypothetical

Bio-Social Model
Edward D. Balyk, Ph.D.1

Introduction different interventions of an illness based

Since the l970s, and perhaps even on the anatomy and physiology of the
earlier, America has been suffering the disease is essential in the clinical practice
effects of an epidemic pathological phe- of medicine, and should extend to the
nomenon eating away at the very core of psychiatric and psychological specialties as
our society. Virtually everyone is alarmed; well. Paraphilialogical disorders have been
we make new laws, build more jails and considered to be a type of CNS pathology
spend billions of dollars a year, and yet similar to other biological pathological
the sex offender (paraphilia) epidemic states. The central nervous system (CNS)
continues to expand exponentially. In this is believed affected by the disorders that we
article, we will explore why this epidemic shall call OCP, however, the DSM IV does
has ocurred, and what to do about it. We not contain the OCP nosology at this time.
will discard old-fashioned, good inten- The author is using this term as a hypotheti-
tion type therapeutic approaches and arm cal term to explain symptoms which, from
chair speculations for a modern biomedical many years of personal clinical experience,
model for these devastating disorders. We appear similar to OCD.
will abandon the criminal model and move DSM IV lists several forms of para-
toward a biomedical model. philic disorders such as masochism, sadism,
A neurobiological model of obsessive- voyeurism, exhibitionism, and pedophilia.
compulsive paraphilia (OCP) is essential 1
Some types of sexual fetishism may also
in the effective diagnosis and treatment of be classified as paraphilia. Only two of
these disorders. The pathophysiological them will be described in this article. In
model is essential in medical practice as this article we will address only rape (or
it provides an understanding of clinical raptophiliathe sexual arousal and orgasm
symptomatology and a rational basis for maximized by force and humiliation), and
therapeutic intervention, a model that is pedophilia (sexual attraction to children).
missing in the diagnosis and treatment of Each paraphilia is unique because it is
paraphilialogical disorders, which relies on fused or encoded to a particular sexual
a hodgepodge of good intentions rather erotic ritualistic behavior, or object, as a
than on a rational biomedical model. In contingency requirement for maximum
fact, there is no established model or sexual gratification, which is socially and
rationale for the diagnosis and treatment legally unacceptable.2 Another feature
of these highly resistant and debilitating of paraphilic disorders is that the fantasy
disorders. It is the authors primary inten- or ritual attack may occur several times
tion to develop a biomedical diagnostic and in a very ritualistic fashion during sexual
treatment model in this article, to begin a arousal, or as part of the foreplay leading
rational seminal effort, which will hopefully to sexual erotic arousal and ultimately
be continued by others. orgasm.3
An explanation for the clinical mani- In more than a decade of clinical
festations and the therapeutic response of research, the author has catalogued some
1. Neuropsychiatric Center. 569 35th St. Union City, thirty different paraphilias, each with con-
New Jersey, U.S.A. 07087 tent specific rituals and behaviors in the
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997

service of sexual erotic arousal and orgasm. contains content-specific rituals with well-
The repetitive, ritualistic behaviors of para- defined mental or behavioral sequences.
philia are very similar to the uncontrollable Because of the apparent similarities
rituals observed in obsessive-compulsive between the paraphilias and OCD, it may
disorder (OCD). An important difference be possible to understand why an other-
between OCP and OCD is the component wise reasonable individual who operates
of sexual stimulation and orgasm seen with fairly rationally in other aspects of his life
OCP that is not found in OCD.4 Like will act irrationally to a particular sexual-
patients suffering OCD, OCP patients erotic stimulus.10 Elsewhere, it has been
often have co-morbid personality disorders stated that the content-specific rituals of
and or other medical conditions which also OCD seem like pre-packaged sequences of
require appropriate professional attention, behaviors that are executed upon trigger by
perhaps simultaneously.5 Thus, it appears a stimulus. These prepackaged sequences
fairly reasonable to assume there may be seem similar to computer programs known
anatomical similarities between OCP and as macros.11 For example, the compulsive
OCD, such that models proposed for hand washer is driven to access the macro
OCD may help explain OCP. On clinical of his hand-washing ritual by a trigger
grounds, the author hypothesizes that OCP such as a handshake, due to some experi-
is one of the spectrum of OCD disorders.6 entially encoded fear of contamination.
Because there are putative neurobiological The encoded fear of contamination cre-
models of OCD, an attempt will be made ates anxiety which is a dysphoric emotional
to apply current knowledge about OCD state temporarily relieved by the obses-
to OCP.7,8 sive-compulsive ritual.. Anxiety may be
Our discussion will be divided into defined as a psychophysiological state of
several parts. First, a comparison will be dysphoria produced by an encoded fear to a
made among the clinical manifestations particular bio-social stimulus.12 The design
of OCD and OCP. Next, an integrated of the macro is based on past experiences
hypothetical neurobiological model of relating to, or associated with, contamina-
OCD will be presented. It will then be tion from handshaking, touching sticky
shown how the phenomena of OCP may surfaces, or other ordinary daily rituals
be sharing similar neurobiological systems involving touching objects.
as OCD. Finally, the difference between Thus, encoded fears and the counter
OCP and OCD will be discussed with rituals that are developed to deal with them
particular reference to serotonin, obses- seem irrational to all but the patient. This
sion, compulsion, faulty cognition and suggests a dual nature to obsessive-com-
orgasm. pulsive behavior, the obsessive fear and the
compulsive act. The fear seems to create
Clinical Comparisons Between OCP and the anxiety, while the act is an effort to
OCD counter it. As will be explained later, most
According to DSM IV, a compulsion is obsessive-compulsive fears are fused or
defined as a ritualistic behavior, or mental coded molecularly to the rituals, such that
act that the person feels driven to perform or any bio-social stimuli in the repertoire of
think, regardless of normal logic or reason.9 possible bio-social codes will trigger hand
In this authors clinical experience, when washing rituals in the manner of a macro
individuals suffering paraphilic disorders which seems autonomic. This seems true
are questioned as to how they would de- because patients avoid triggers of obses-
fine their behavior, the above definition sional fears knowing that rituals will come
fits quite well. As with compulsions and in their wake.13
obsessions, the behavior of the paraphiliac Paraphilias present with similar irra-

Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

tional rituals as OCD. At the core of any is accessed when the target enters the visual
paraphilia is usually some type of encoded field and the pedophile goes into an obses-
doubt or fear combined with some form sive-compulsive craving mode, stalking his
of ritualistic sexual behavior although para- target, masturbating often several times a
philic rituals can, and often are, encoded day. The author has quantified pedophilic
solely for sexual arousal and orgasm. For craving in several chronic pedophiles on
example, in one patient in the authors ex- the modified Y-BOCS (Yale Brown Ob-
perience, a compulsive exhibitionist had a sessive-Compulsive Scale, range 0 to 40).
fear that he was inadequate in adult hetero- They invariably fall in the high thirty range,
sexual intercourse, so he said, but derived an extreme measurement. However, the
great sexual gratification from shocking pedophilic craving may be very successfully
and causing fright in unsuspecting females reduced with certain SSRI (selective seroton-
whom he found sexually attractive. Orgasm ergic reuptake inhibitors) as demonstrated
reduced all anxiety over any subjective in some pilot trials.
sexual inadequacy.14 In paraphilic exhi-
bitionism, sexual arousal was apparently The Macro and the SEAP
fused to the act of genital exhibitionism in It has been shown clinically, that pa-
front of unsuspecting female targets. The tients with OCD have a high incidence of
shock and surprise component generates parents who suffered from panic disorder
intense sexual orgasm for the exhibition- and other types of anxiety disorders often
ist as he views the shocked response of never diagnosed or treated. 15 During
the victim. The ritualized sequences of development, such children are probably
behavior that have been previously termed hyper-sensitized to the environment in a
a Macro for OCD seem to exist for the fear-based manner due to excessive parental
paraphilialogical disorders, the difference encoding of fears, doubts, and paranoid
being sexual themes. types of cognitions. Such children adapt
In a compulsive rapist, there appears bio-socially by creating rituals based on
to be an obsessive craving toward the various behaviorally encoded exposures that
target that requires stalking and attack- are associated with, or fused to, fears, doubt
ing rituals. The sexual-erotic contingency and suspicion. It is likely that the paraphilic
requirement for the raptophile (rapist) is disorders are potentiated by bio-social
violence, torture, pain, and humiliation of sexual-erotic exposures in juvenile life. It is
the target victim. Some raptophilic ritu- also possible that genetic proclivities may
als include murder or injuring the target come into play in yet unknown ways.
victim physically or emotionally, in order The following example, from the de-
to achieve orgasm. tailed sexual history of a compulsive rapist
For the purpose of this paper, the will illustrate this. This rapist had, in early
macro or ritualized sexual behavior re- life, witnessed first hand violent sexual
sponds to a well-defined sexual-erotic behavior between his mother and several
design defined as a Sexual-Erotic Arousal of her consort lovers which became fused
Pattern, or SEAP. This is similar to the (encoded) as preferred sexual-erotic arousal.
ritualized compulsive behavior, or macro, Such visual exposures are believed to become
of OCD, minus the sexual-erotic compo- coded neurobiologically as the Sexual-Erotic
nent. For the rapist, the compulsive SEAP Arousal Pattern (SEAP). Thus, toxic child-
is accessed as an orgasmic ritual in response hood sexual exposures appear to become
to sexuo-erotic craving. For a pedophile, fused (via molecular encoding) with the
a arousal and orgasm is achieved at the violence and brutality creating a SEAP in an
sight of certain kinds of children. Under analogous fashion similar to the phenomena
such circumstances, the pedophilic SEAP of imprinting.16, 17, 18

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997

The basis for the concept of the SEAP all, or part, of SEAPS and OCD programs
as a molecularly encoded behavior can may be housed or modulated by temporal
be shown from recent neurobiological lobe neurobiological systems.
research. In Aplasia ( a species of shrimp) Putative Neuroanatomy
long term synaptic modulation requires The temporal lobe is in a crucial
synthesis of new macromolecules. (serot- neuroanatomic site when viewed in the
onin molecules are suspect).19 This has also context of a bio-medical model of anxiety
been confirmed in higher orders of species and obsessive-compulsive disorders. One
where learning involves the de novo forma- model of anxiety postulates a system that
tion of molecules and neural pathways.20 inhibits ongoing behavior in the presence
In addition, it has been demonstrated that of certain stimuli, such as danger, pun-
neuroreceptor changes occur in response to ishment, non-reward, novelty or innate
social exposures.21 In this regard, a neural fear. In anxiety disorders (and perhaps in
mechanism for plasticity in the human paraphilic disorders), these systems may be
cortex has been postulated. The neural hyper-sensitive or defective in some way;
architecture of the cortex is susceptible to in particular the serotonergic transmitter
experience-dependent modifications dur- subtype 5-HT1 (5 hydroxytryptamine).
ing development that can result in lasting There are about some seven known families
changes in adult neural architecture.22 of serotonergic transmitters and fourteen
MRI studies have demonstrated a positive subtypes, the one (A) sub type seems to
relationship between severe emotional play a principle role in OCD and the other
trauma and changes in the structure of anxiety disorders. The author hypothesizes
the hippocampus,23 a key neuroanatomical that OCP may be part of the spectrum
region in our discussion. of disorders of OCDs, since experimen-
Thus, the author postulates that tal pilot trials with certain SSRIs yields
sexual-erotic trauma, force, adventitious positive reduction, especially in pedophilic
exposure, or simple visual exposure in craving. The behavioral inhibition system
childhood may create biochemical changes (BIS) is thought to access behaviors that
in the brain. This hypothesis is the neuro- will cope with stimuli26 described above.
biological basis for the SEAP. Such SEAP The BIS is a septal-hippocampal system
like Macros may exist for both OCD and that accesses behavioral programs from
OCP disorders, molecularly encoded the temporal lobe; the putative anatomi-
programs or templates of behavior that cal location of SEAP programs. Also, in
have been neurally imprinted into the cel- a recent theoretical model of OCD, it is
lular memory of the brain.24 Supportive thought that there is a circuit within the
clinical evidence that such programs may prefrontal cortex-basal ganglia-thalamic
in fact exist and be encoded and stored in which perseverates motor behavior. 27 Here
the temporal lobe, as well as other brain the BIS may offer the link between access
areas, comes form several sources. Patients of the SEAP from the temporal lobe and
with the Kluver-Bucy syndrome, a temporal its motor execution through connections
lobe abnormality, exhibit hypersexuality and to the prefrontal cortex-basal ganglia-
hyper-orality. Also, when the temporal lobe thalamic circuit via the Papez circuit.28
is stimulated in the fully conscious epileptic The reader is reminded again that these
patients, complex visual and auditory images are hypothetical speculations which are
are stimulated, some with strong sexual and designed to stimulate further exploration,
emotional themes. In addition, during an not intended to confirm causation.
attack of temporal lobe epilepsy, there is inten- In this next section, we will attempt
sification of these kinds of reactions 25. From to link all three neuroanatomic systems by
this evidence, it seems entirely possible that following a motor program, or SEAP, from

Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

its hypothetical storage in the temporal noradrenergic and serotonergic inputs to

lobe to its perseverated motor execution. the septo-hippocampal system; dopamin-
It should be kept in mind that both the ergic input to the septo-hippocampal
SEAP and the macro are variations of a system; noradrenergic innervation of the
normal neuropsychological process. Ac- hypothalamus and, possibly descending
cording to our model, the BIS functions in noradrenergic fibers of the locus coeruleus
all individuals to provide pre-programmed that may also be involved in transmitter
encoded behaviors designed to cope with cascading effects.
anxiety-producing stimuli, a fight or flight It appears that the septo-hippocampal
pattern, and, in our model; comorbidly system along with the entorhinal area and
coded sexual arousal behaviors (paraphili- the subicular loop (Papez circuit) have the
alogical disorders). task of predicting sensory events to which
If pathologically coded, the macro or the organism will be exposed to. Sexual and
SEAP behavior perseverates uncontrollably. erotic stimulation can be clearly interpreted
This repetition may result from neuro- as a sensory event. If there is a coded
chemical dysfunction; a good candidate is mismatch between actual and predicted
the 5-HT1 subtype and/or neuro anatomi- events, or if the predicted event is aversive,
cal impairment in the BIS, the prefrontal strategies involving alternative responses
cortex-basal ganglia-thalmic circuits or will be tested, which are attempts to assist
other combinations. Other transmitters the organism to cope. The BIS is believed
could also be affected pathologically by to produce attention to and exploration of
cascading effects, because the human brain the environment which is executed via the
is currently known to have some two entorhinal area and the cingulate cortex
hundred transmitters and neuromodula- and behavioral inhibition via the cingulate
tors, all of which have been cloned. It is cortex and a descending projection from
not likely that any single transmitter or the lateral septal area to the hypothalamus.
modulator functions alone, either normally The hippocampal theta rhythm is believed
or pathologically. The BIS is a system that to quantify and pace the flow of informa-
modulates anxiety from stimuli that warn tion around this system.
of punishment or non-reward novel It is particularly interesting for our
stimuli (sexual arousal) and innate fear theme that the theta rhythm is strongly
stimuli. The BIS will react through inhibi- influenced by the effect of testosterone
tion of ongoing behavior, increased level of on the locus coeruleus which results in a
arousal and attention to the environment, decreased threshold for production of theta
especially to novel stimuli. The anatomi- rhythm with resulting increase in flow of
cal structure of the BIS is shown in Figure information around the BIS.31 The prin-
1(Page 34).29 ciple role of the noradrenergic projection
The following is a summary of the BIS to the septo-hippocampal system is to
taken from Grey.30 It includes the septal tag stimuli as important and requiring
area, the hippocampal formation, Papez particular attention. As we have mentioned
circuit (Figure 2, Page 35) which runs from earlier, the ascending projections in this
the subicular area in the hippocampus to area are particularly innervated with se-
the mammilary bodies, anterior thalamus, rotonergic projections and if cross coded
cingulate cortex, and back to the subicular by pedophilic or other paraphilic macros,
area and neocortical inputs to the septal- sexual and erotic functions may become
hippocampal system from the entorhinal obsessive and compulsive.
area and prefrontal cortex. These structures The prefrontal cortex has two princi-
are supportive of the authors hypothesis. ple roles. First, it transmits to the septal-
There are dense populations of ascending hippocampal system information about

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997

Figure 1. Summary of the Behavioural Inhibition System according to Grey.

The three major building blocks are shown in bold print: HF, the hippocampal forma-
tion, made up of the entorhinal cortex, EC, the dentate gyrus, DG, CA3, CA1, and
the subicular areas, SUB: SA, the septal area, containing the medial and lateral septal
areas, MSA and LSA; and the Papez circuit, which receives projections from and returns
them to the subicular area via the mamilliary bodies, MB, anteroventral thalamus, AVT,
and the cinguate cortex CING. Other structures shown are the hypothalamus, HYP,
the locus coerulus, LC, the raphe nuclei, RAP, and the prefrontal cortex, PFC. Arrows
show the direction of projection; the projection from SUB to LSA lacks anatomical
confirmation. The term beh inh is behavioural inhibition.

ongoing motor programs to be used in The symptoms of obsessive anxiety are

the processing of predicted sensory events. believed to arise from excessive activity in
Secondly, it facilitates control by the the BIS which appears related to 5-HT1
neocortex of verbally coded information activity. In particular, obsessive-compulsive
(that is believed to be stored in macro mol- symptoms seem due to hyperactivity by the
ecules). The most likely area for the stor- BIS which probably results from interac-
age of sexual-erotic and anxiolytic Macros tions of the septo-hippocampal system
[molecularly encoded] is the temporal lobe and the neocortex. Anxiolytic compounds,
which is accessed by the septo-hippocampal especially the SSRIs are effective in anxiety
system through pathways to the entorhinal disorders because they modulate and nor-
area, and perhaps to other adjacent areas. malize the activity of ascending noradren-
There appears to be a functional interaction ergic and serotonergic projections to the
between an encoded SEAP and an OCD septo-hippocampal system.
Macro, probably in the temporal lobe and It is hypothesized that these projec-
the neocortex once an encoded program tions contain molecularly coded informa-
has been accessed. tion (possible 5-HT2 and other sub types of
Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Figure 2. Interaction between the Papez circuit and thalamo-neocortical circuit

This model is a representation of the interaction between the Papez circuit and the tha-
lamo-neocortical circuit where AM is the antero-medial nucleus of the thalamus; HP is
the hippocampus; IL is the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus; M is mamilliary body;
and ML is the midline nuclei of thalamus.

5-HT transmitters). It is also believed that over the consequences of actions as well
there is an interaction between the neocor- as impulse control are functions of this
tex and the septo-hippocampal system that area.32 During obsessive-compulsive ritual
suggests participation of the neocortex in behavior there seems to be a loss of frontal
anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive lobe control which has been suggested to be
symptoms including our hypothetically related to defective or hypermetabolism of
new category of obsessive-compulsive the medial orbital gyrus of the frontal lobe.
paraphilialogical disorders. This proposed These dynamics are fairly well established
neocortical dynamic will be described in and they are believed to involve 5-HT1
the next section of this paper. and possibly other 5-HT families of syn-
The contribution of the neocortex aptic dynamics. This area seems to rivet a
and the frontal lobe are particularly in- pathological macro (or paraphilic SEAP) at
fluential in the process of cognition. It is the expense of impulse control. This area
believed that social inhibition and concern is termed the worry circuit of the frontal

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997

lobe.33 Once a macro or SEAP is encoded encoded during juvenile socialization, will
or riveted into the worry circuit (Figure3 stimulate BIS arousal.36 For example, in a
page 37), it undergoes perseveration of rapist, pictures or live female targets with
both thoughts and behavior. It appears certain kinds of angry faces may increase
that a hyper-metabolic BIS continuously anxiety and sexual erotic craving simulta-
repeats the encoded program of the macro neously because they are neurobiologically
or SEAP . In clinical practice, it is because coded that way. By contrast, in pedophiles
of these neurodynamics that the patient the same sequence is believed to occur,
continually repeats checking behaviors for the only difference is the coding of a child
fear of doing something not right. This target. It is also interesting to note that
is why obsessive compulsive disorders are lesions of the locus coeruleus will increase
often referred to as doubting disorders. gregariousness (in rats) which is likely due
The paraphilic patient knows perfectly well to reduction in avoidance produced by
that his paraphilic craving is increasing, the stimulus.37 Thus, it is postulated that
but cant stop it. Once obsessive craving during sexual arousal, testosterone will
occurs the patient is completely oblivious increase in the BIS and may access any
to laws, consequences or jail sentences. For other co-morbidly coded program,(i.e.
this reason, some authors have applied the an obsessive-compulsive paraphilialogical
term paraphilic attack to the full blown arousal pattern such as the SEAP).
paraphilic episode. Because it is similar It has been proposed that sexual-erotic
to an epileptic attack, when it occurs the stimuli coded in the course of dominance
patient is completely powerless to stop it. and socialization interactions are among
The role of the male sex hormone, tes- the kinds of stimuli which activate the
tosterone, may now be discussed in OCP. BIS.38 Assuming that sexual behavior is
As mentioned previously, testosterone such an interaction, then stimuli coded
primes the locus coeruleus to increase theta in the course of such social exposures are
wave activity in the BIS with the result that among the kinds of stimuli that will acti-
it increases circulation of messages around vate the BIS, provided such stimuli have
the BIS. It is believed that during sexual been encoded molecularly (by sexual erotic
arousal, there is rapid processing of infor- exposure) or fused to the interaction.
mation around the BIS, which is believed During sexual arousal, (sexual-erotic matu-
to trigger SEAP access. The terminal point ration) the dominance of social interac-
for paraphiles is sexual orgasm, because tions are believed to be fused to paraphilic
of the powerful endorphin reward which sexual rituals. Thus, paraphilic encoding
reinforces the behavior.34 It should be is assumed to cause the programmed,
noted here that the BIS is thought to be encoded BIS to access whatever SEAP, or
hyperactive especially in regard to 5-HT1 in some cases multiple SEAPS, that it has
transmission in obsessive-compulsive and been coded for.
other OCD spectrum disorders35 which During sexual-erotic arousal, a nor-
may add to the likelihood of the repeti- mal heterosexual male manifests a crav-
tion of information circulating through ing for peno-vaginal penetration which is
the BIS. The system appears to function bonded to affection or love and produces a
as though thoughts and behavior proceeds reciprocal craving in the female that results
too rapidly, resulting in behavioral staccato in mutual sexual-erotic and emotional
type starting and stopping, or checking and satisfaction. However, if a response such as
re-checking. The question now arises as to an angry face and aggression, or violence, is
why testosterone (a sex hormone) would encoded, then the sexual-erotic ritual and
increase arousal of the BIS. As stated earlier, behavior may induce rape behavior. Such
innate fear stimuli especially those that are encoded programs are consistently seen in

Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Figure 3. Proposed model of Brain System Dysregulation that mediates

the symptomatic expression of OCD

Symptomatic State

Medicated State

Adapted fromBaxter, JR, Jr.; Schwartz, J.M.; Bergman, KS; Caudate glucose metabolic rate changes
with both drug and behaviour therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Archives of General Psy-
chiatry 1992; 49: 681-689.
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997

raptophiles, especially multiple exposures pulsive behavior is designed to reduce

to brutal, violent sexual acts witnessed by anxiety co-morbidly encoded with para-
mothers and paramours, or other kinds of philic disorders. In some paraphilias like
experiences of a similar nature by other raptophilia (rape), sadism, anger, violence,
relatives, adults or possibly adolescent fe- torture, and various types of brutality are
males. The final adult rape ritual pattern coded in the sexual-erotic equation and are
then comes to rest in the adult SEAP of required for greater arousal and orgasm.
the typical raptophile when a craving for a Because of its coding and relationship to
greater sexual-erotic response begins. probable 5-HT2 dysfunction, this behavior
Once the paraphiliac SEAP is trig- can become obsessive and compulsive. In
gered in an individual with an encoded addition, because fear and or combinations
compulsive paraphilia, it is believed that of the above the obsessions are reinforced
the SEAP will perseverate in the worry by sexual orgasm, the craving to act on the
circuit of the frontal lobe until orgasm paraphilic obsession becomes virtually ir-
terminates the sexual-erotic ritual. Un- resistible. Thus paraphilic SEAP rituals are
fortunately, the SEAP ritual or rituals a means to change any form of dysphoria
becomes the end point, because it receives or anxiety to euphoric orgasm. This cre-
positive reinforcement through orgasm. ates a pathological condition in which the
During the beginning stages of sexual craving for sexual targets is obsessively and
arousal, the paraphiliac patient begins to compulsively stalked in order to gratify
scan for these associated encoded stimuli the paraphilic craving. Patients suffering
in the environment until a match is made, obsessive-compulsive paraphilialogical dis-
which ultimately accesses the full-blown orders are often so tortured, absorbed, and
SEAP program. compulsively driven by their craving that
Because the frontal lobe may be in the ordinary responsibilities of everyday life
a state of 5-HT2 hypermetabolism and are left completely neglected. The author
is fully occupied during a paraphiliac at- has noticed that many raptophiles and
tack, uncontrollable release of the SEAP pedophiles are not continuously obsessive
occurs.39 There is, thus, a complete loss of and compulsive; the active periods may be
impulse control until orgasm completes linked to biological variations in serotonin
the ritual. Once orgasm is reached, the levels, mood, or hormonal variations and
patient can regain impulse control, inhi- bio-social stressors.
bition is restored and a profound sense of From these observations, it is fairly
dysphoria overwhelms the patient, known reasonable to assume that the loss of
commonly as guilt. In the authors experi- impulse control in paraphilic disorders is
ence of many years, paraphiles never report related to 5-HT2 disturbance in combina-
guilt feelings during their paraphilic rituals, tion with sexual-erotic coding errors that
only afterward, and usually only after they probably occur during critical bio-social
are caught. The guilt comes from being times in juvenile life. Impulse control is
caught, not from the paraphilic ritual thought to be maintained by several species
behaviors. One possible core reason why of serotonin, receptors, but 5-HT2 seems
the obsessive craving is so uncontrollable is to be a principle player.41 This conclusion
that it may be driven by 5-HT2 dysfunction is based on recent research that seems to
which seems to be common to other OCD show that 5-HT2 appears critical for the
and spectrum disorders.40 maintenance of impulse control anxiety
and obsessive-compulsive kinds of symp-
Clinical Correlation tomatology. 42
A comparison may now be made to In the authors unpublished research,
the original concept that obsessive-com- six cases of chronic pedophilia were treated

Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

over a 40-week pilot trial with fluvox- of paraphiles. For example, one particular
amine and clomipramine hydrochloride. rapist known to the author typically fled
Pedophilic craving was evaluated with a from the scene of his rape to masturbate
modified Y-BOCS. In all cases pedophilic solo in concealment after the actual assault.
craving was reduced and maintained at Interestingly, this individual often watched
the subclinical level. These results will be his mothers brutal lovers beat and sodo-
presented in a future paper. mize her, through a hole in the wall that he
Sexual arousal and orgasm is the key secretly made. He would masturbate con-
feature of SEAP dynamics in paraphilic cealed from the actual players. This resulted
disorders. As mentioned in the earlier in a pattern whereby, he would attack the
clinical case of a rapist, in childhood he victim, but he saved the orgasmic part of
witnessed numerous brutal and physically the ritual to do in solo masturbation. It is
violent interactions between his mother nothing more than experiential encoding
and her numerous consort lovers. Thus, or imprinting.
in his developmental history, violence, SEAP rituals are somewhat different
humiliation, and torture of the mother than OCD rituals because they are far less
figure became cross coded into the service socially stigmatizing. Nobody is going to
of arousal and orgasm which is perma- call the police if they see a man picking
nently fused to sexual and erotic arousal. garbage, or hoarding paper, but if a man is
When asked about sexual stimulation under seen exposing himself genitally, he he may
mild consensual conditions, this patient be arrested. In paraphilias, because of the
responded with a chuckle, that would be social stigma, the patient tries to hold back
boring as hell, he said, to do it would the thoughts, behavior and fantasies, but
be a severe compromise. Unfortunately, as he does so, craving reaches unbearable
professionals and laymen alike still fail to levels until loss of impulse control occurs,
realize that rapists, pedophiles and all other which probably is generated by pathol-
varieties of paraphiles, tremendously enjoy ogy in 5-HT2 transmitter dynamics. It is
their aberrant sexual behaviour, and that postulated that the obsessive thoughts and
there is nothing psychological about it. The rituals of a SEAP have a higher threshold
determining core factor is appetite. for access compared to those of the OCD
In our example of an encoded rape Macro because of the social and legal
macro, humiliation, brutality, and inflict- stigma and sanctions involved.
ing pain, for the rapist is a kind of sadistic
foreplay, what ordinary people cant imag- The Role of the Serotonin 5-HT2
ine because they dont carry an encoded Receptor Family
macro for that kind of sexual-erotic ex- We have mentioned serotonin numer-
pression. The original encoded female, or ous times in this article. Too much, or too
in some cases, several females, become the little serotonin seems to cause problems
model , or template upon which the SEAP among many species. In humans, it is
is forged. Victims who meet the predeter- related to anxiety and OCD disorders, in
mined SEAP criteria are often in jeopardy some species of leeches, depletion stops
for their very lives. feeding behavior. 5-HTprojections of all
Rapists and pedophiles literally repli- families innervate all major regions of the
cate what they have been encoded to do. CNS in man and is especially involved
The codes are so specific that most profes- in sexual, and sensorimotor arousal. The
sionals are baffled by them and muddy 5-HT2 family exerts its effects by increas-
the water with all kinds of intrapsychic ing hydrolysis of phosphoinositol (PI). Of
explanations which, quite literally, have the 14 types of 5-HT serotonin recep-
nothing to do with the sexual-erotic rituals tors, our focus is on 5-HT2. It is fairly

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997

well established at this time that 5-HT2 dynamics to be identified in the near future
plays a pivotal role in OCD spectrum in the neurobiology of paraphil-ialogical
disorders. We will now explore its role disorders.
in paraphilialogical disorders with more In OCD disorders, this conclusion is
detail. During the perseveration of the also supported by low levels of serotonin
obsessive SEAP thoughts and fantasies metabolite (5 hydroxyindoleacetic acid)
accelerate with increasing intensity, and found in the spinal fluid of patients with
the patient suffers what we call, break- impulse and OCD spectrum disorders. 44
throughs (loss of thought or impulse Further, support comes from the authors
control) that is, associations, thoughts unpublished successful applications of
and cognitions become looser, which is SSRI compounds on patients with chronic
sometimes called, cognitive slippage. The pedophilic craving in pilot trials. There
patient cant concentrate clearly, focus be- seems to be a common link between
gins slipping and the obsessive paraphilic OCD disorders and what the author has
thoughts and rituals become stronger and called OCP, which is modulated by 5-HT2
stronger until they take complete control and may also involve cascading effects
of the patients ability to think clearly at of other transmitters. Some 200 human
all. When this stage of paraphilic access neuro transmitters and modulators have
occurs, the rapist, for example, will begin been cloned to date and it is not likely
stalking streets, malls, and parks scanning that any single transmitter functions alone.
for targets; the pedophile, on the other These multiple transmitter dynamics will
hand, will frequent arcades, school yards, have to be addressed in the future in their
parks, video stands anywhere his particular relationship to OCP and probably OCD
kind of targets are typically to be found. At spectrum disorders as well.
this stage the paraphile is often desperately To date, it has been shown that the
trying to talk himself out of the craving, selective serotonergic re-uptake inhibitors
which makes perfect sense, because, this (SSRIs) decrease OCD symptomotolgy.4548
is exactly what most therapists and profes- In fact, recent meta-analysis studies on
sionals tell them to do. But it fails as the OCD may be cautiously applied to OCP.
craving increases higher and higher, until The only effective current treatment apart
complete paraphilic access occurs. By this from neurosurgical procedures is behavior
point in time, the patient has no voluntary therapy and SSRI.49,50 It doesnt seem too
control of anything; and consequences difficult to design behavioral therapies
such as jail, mean absolutely nothing. for ordinary OCD disorders since they
After the paraphilic ritual is complete and dont carry a legal or social stigma like the
orgasm has been achieved, the patient feels paraphilialogical disorders do. Therefore,
guilty because he could not stop what his it is essential to consider the SSRIs in the
paraphilic obsession demanded he do. He long term management of these extremely
feels self pity, and is often depressed after- debilitating disorders. There is convincing
ward, and cant understand why or how evidence that long term administration of
to control the monster within him. These SSRIs may enhance serotonin concentra-
are actual words and phrases recorded by tions in the synaptic cleft by desensitizing
chronic paraphiles over thousands of hours 5-HT auto-receptors, and thus normalize
of clinical work. serotonergic function.
The breakthroughs and the cognitive
slippage described appears to be related Summary
to serotonergic depletion. It is fairly well To summarize, the purpose of this
established in OCD disorders, and the paper is to provide a biomedical model of
author suspects similar 5-HT2 transmitter what we have dubbed obsessive compulsive

Paraphilias as a Sub Type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

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