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Environ. Sci. Technol.

1993, 27, 2831-2843

Coal Tar Dissolution in Water-Miscible Solvents: Experimental Evaluation

Catherine A. Peters' and Richard G. Luthy
Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
that could be applied either in an in situ injection/recovery
Coal tar, a dense nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL), is a system or in an aboveground treatment operation. The
common subsurface contaminant at sites of former man- primary objective of this work was to investigate the extent
ufactured gas plants. A proposed remediation technology to which organic water-miscible solvents increase the
is water-miscible solvent extraction, which requires un- solubility of coal tar and its constituent compounds. This
derstanding of the effect of water-miscible solvents on the work was part of a larger project, presented in Luthy et
solubility of coal tar. This study investigated this effect al. (7),aimed at investigating the feasibility of in situ
and the extent to which multicomponent coal tar could be solvent extraction for remediation of coal tar contaminated
represented as a pseudocomponent in thermodynamic sites. Other aspects of the project included examination
modeling. The coal tar used in this study showed a of the mass transfer limitationsto insitu solvent extraction
predominance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with of contaminated soils (8) and large-scale subsurface
no single compound accounting for more than 4% (wt). modeling of an in situ solvent extraction process to explore
The bulk solubility of coal tar in water was estimated to deployment options and estimate cleanup times (9).
be 16 mg/L using composition data and Raoult's law
assumption for aqueous solubility. For three solvents, The primary challenge in studying coal tar NAPLs is
n-butylamine, acetone, and 2-propanol, equilibrium phase that they are mixtures of hundreds of compounds, pri-
compositionsof two-phase coal tar/solvent/water mixtures marily polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). It would
were experimentally determined using radiolabeled ma- be an insurmountable task to completely characterize the
terials and are presented as ternary phase diagrams. equilibrium-phase compositions of coal tar/solvent/water
Results showed n-butylamine to be a good water-miscible mixtures by measuring and describing the partitioning of
solvent for coal tar dissolution. The validity of thermo- every individual compound. The experimental data
dynamic modeling of coal tar as a pseudocomponent was required to calibrate models describing phase equilibria
explored by examiningthe liquid-liquid solute partitioning for a mixture increases very sharply as the number of
of naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene and by assessing components in the mixture increases. Even for a ternary
the effect of solvent extraction on coal tar phase compo- mixture, the experimental effort required is almost 1order
sition. It was found that coal tar partitions as a pseu- of magnitude larger than that needed for a binary mixture
docomponent in systems with appreciable solvent, but not (IO). Furthermore, of the many constituent compounds
in systems with only coal tar and water. that make up coal tar, only a portion can be identified and
quantified through chromatographic methods. The chal-
lenge, then, is to adequately describe the dissolution
Introduction behavior of a multicomponent mixture such as coal tar,
which itself cannot be fully characterized, without the
Today there is growing concern about nonaqueous phase burden of enormous data requirements. The approach
liquids (NAPLs), a class of subsurface contaminants that used in this investigation involves a simplification, referred
are immiscible in water (I). Coal tar is a NAPL that is to here as the pseudocomponent simplification, in which
denser than water and often very viscous. Subsurface coal tar is treated as a single component in a system with
contamination with coal tar exists today as a result of two other components: solvent and water. Coal tar
uncontrolled disposal of process residuals at former solubility was explored by studying the equilibrium phase
manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites. The manufactured compositions of two-phase liquid mixtures of coal tar,
gas industry ended during the 1950sdue to the widespread solvent, and water for several water-misciblesolvents. The
use of natural gas and the exploitation of petroleum. coal tar pseudocomponent simplification allows the com-
Groundwater contaminationat MGP sites persists decades position of the two immiscibleliquid phases to be described
later because of the slow, continuous dissolution of in terms of volume fractions of only three components.
constituent compounds from subsurface coal tar (2-5). This simplification facilitates experimental analysis and
There are as many as 1000MGP sites in the United States data representation using ternary phase diagrams and
and likely more (6). Numerous MGP site investigations makes thermodynamic modeling tractable (II), as is
have verified the presence of coal tar and subsequent presented in a forthcoming paper (12).
groundwater contamination,but cleanup efforts have been
only sparsely applied. Conventionalremediation methods, This paper addresses four specific objectives. First,
detailed composition analyses of the coal tar used through-
such as direct coal tar pumping or groundwater pump-
and-treat, have proven to be of limited practical use to out this project are presented. Second, the validity of the
achieve low residual concentrations, as is discussedin detail pseudocomponent simplification for semi-empirical ther-
elsewhere (5, 7). modynamic modeling is explored using composition anal-
yses of coal tar before and after extraction and using
The use of water-miscible solvents for the extraction of measurements of the partitioning behavior of three PAH
coal tar from contaminated soils is a soil treatment option compounds. Third, an estimate is made of the bulk
solubility of coal tar in water, which serves as a baseline
* To whom correspondence should be addressed at her present for comparison with experiments using solvents and
address: Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, De-
partment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University indicates the possible extent of groundwater contamination
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2125. in terms of all constituent compounds. Finally, phase
0013-936X/93/0927-2831$04.00/0 0 1993 American Chemical Society Environ. Sci. Technol., Voi. 27, No. 13, 1993 2831
equilibria of coal tar/solvent/water systems based on nent. The premise that the composition of the dissolved
experimental measurements of water and solvent parti- coal tar is similar to that of the undissolved coal tar, means
tioning are presented in the form of ternary phase that


Pseudocomponent Simplification. The character- where the superscripts sw and ct denote the solvent/water
ization of phase equilibria of complex mixtures can be and coal tar phases, respectively. Rearranging eq 1gives
accomplished in a number of ways. Petroleum products the ratio of the concen-
the partition coefficient, Kctlawi,
are often characterized using boiling point curves in which tration of i in the coal tar phase to the concentration in
the mixture is thought of as a continuum of infinitesimal the solvent/water phase:
fractions of pseudocomponents (13). Researchersstudying
nct F n c t
coal tar or other mixture NAPLs have, for the most part,
described dissolution in terms of individual compounds for all i
(14-19). This approach is necessary when assessing
groundwater contamination because cleanup standards Thus, an important implication is that for a given mixture
are specified for individual compounds, usually those on the partition coefficients of all coal tar constituent
the priority pollutant list. The individual compound compounds must be similar to each other and similar to
approach was not useful for this project since the objective the overall partitioning of the coal tar pseudocomponent.
was to assess the bulk solubility of coal tar based on the Semi-empirical thermodynamic modeling of ternary coal
representation of the entire coal tar mixture as a pseu- tar/solvent/water systems is strictly valid only for systems
docomponent. for which eq 2 is true, and the extent to which predictions
For most water-miscible solvents and over a large range can be made in composition regions beyond where ex-
of compositions, mixtures of coal tar, solvent, and water perimental data were used for calibration is determined
will separate into two immiscible liquid phases, which are by the extent to which eq 2 is true for a wide range of
referred to here as the coal tar phase and the solvent/ system compositions.
water phase. The coal tar phase consists primarily of This concept was explored experimentally using the
undissolved coal tar and small amounts of solvent and solvent n-butylamine, which has been identified as a good
water incorporated into this organic phase. The solvent/ water-miscible solvent for coal tar dissolution (7). First,
water phase consists of solvent, water, and dissolved coal solute partitioning tests were done for three coal tar
tar. The coal tar pseudocomponent comprises all the constituent compounds: naphthalene, phenanthrene, and
constituent compounds in coal tar, which can be thought pyrene, which represent compounds with a range of
of as everything in the system except the solvent and the aqueous solubilities. Second, the effect of extraction with
water. n-butylaminelwater solutions on the composition of the
Experimental data are used to determine parameters of coal tar phase was studied using quantitative chromato-
a semi-empiricalthermodynamic model of ternary liquid- graphic analyses of extracted coal tar samples.
liquid equilibrium (LLE) (11,12). Fitted model param- Coal Tar Solubilityi n Water. The aqueous solubility
eters for the coal tar pseudocomponent can be thought of of constituent compounds from coal tar into water has
as describing the equilibrium behavior of a coal tar been discussed in recent years (14-19) in an effort to
molecule, representing the collective behavior of all the understand groundwater contamination at coal tar sites.
constituent PAH compounds. Conceptually, the pseu- It has been found (e.g., ref 15) that predicting aqueous
docomponent representation is valid because of the solubilities of coal tar compounds using the Raoults law
chemical similarity of the PAH compounds in coal tar assumption of ideality and an approximation for pure
relative to the two other components of the system. That liquid aqueous solubilities based on heats of fusion offers
is, the molecular interactions between two coal tar reasonable agreement with experimental measurements.
constituents are much more similar than the molecular This approach was adopted for this work for the purpose
interactions between either of these compounds and of estimating the bulk solubility of coal tar as a pseudocom-
solvent or water. Strictly speaking, for model parameters ponent.
to truly represent the collective thermodynamicproperties Equilibrium solute partitioning in liquid-liquid systems
of the coal tar pseudocomponent, the coal tar component is characterized by equal fugacities of the compound in
in each phase must be identical in composition, Le., each liquid phase (20). If it is assumed that the solute
comprised of the same distribution of constituent com- behaves ideally in both the aqueous and coal tar phases,
pounds. The extent to which this is true for a given coal the equilibrium relation for solute i becomes (21)
tar/solvent/water system depends on the degree of sim-
ilarity of the partitioning behavior of the individual xp = xictx iWL (3)
compounds. Considerthe mixing of coal tar with a solvent/
water solution with the subsequent formation of a two- where x p is the mole fraction of solute i in the water phase,
phase system in equilibrium. Each coal tar constituent xpt is the mole fraction of i in the coal tar phase, and
compound, i, partitions into the solvent/water phase to an xy is the mole fraction equivalent of the aqueous
extent described by its concentration, Ctw [mg/Ll. Nor- solubility of pure liquid i. Assuming that the aqueous
malizing C;w to the total concentration of dissolved coal phase is sufficiently dilute such that the volume of the
tar constituents, CC:, results in a term that is indicative solution is approximately equal to that of pure water (ZZ),
of the abundance of i relative to the total pseudocompo- the aqueous concentration expressed as a mole fraction is

2832 Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993

proportional to mass concentration. An equation similar and time-consuming for coal tar because of the large
to eq 3 can be written number of similar hydrocarbon compounds. 14C-Labeled
naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene were obtained
cp = "FtS? (4) from Amersham Corp., with specific activities ranging from
30 to 60 pCi/mg and chemical purities of >98%. The 14C-
where Cy is the mass concentration of i in the water phase
labeled solutes were stored in stock solutions by rinsing
[mg/Ll, and S? is the aqueous solubility of pure liquid i the glass ampules with methanol. Stock solution con-
[mg/Ll. Coal tar constituent mole fractions were com- centrations ranged from 20 000 to 60 000 dpm/pL (dpm
puted by x p = ( w t % j / l O O ) (MWdMWi), where wt% j is refers to disintegrations per minute in which 2.22 x lo6
the weight percent of i in the coal tar, MWCtis the average dpm = 1pCi). This was sufficiently concentrated so that
molecular weight of the coal tar, and MWi is the molecular when used to prepare coal tar radioactive stock solutions,
weight of compound i. methanol accounted for less than 1% of the total system
For many coal tar compounds, SF is a hypothetical volume. With this small amount, there was little concern
quantity since these compounds are solids in the pure for cosslvency effects on constituent solubilities (29).
state at ambient temperatures. An expression relating 14C-Labeled solvents, n-butylamine, acetone, and 2-pro-
SF to Sy, the pure solid aqueous solubility at the system panol, were purchased from the Sigma Chemical Co. in
temperature, is derived from the thermodynamicsof solid- specific activities ranging from 2.8 to 8.2 mCi/mmol with
liquid equilibrium where the standard state in the liquid chemical purities of >98%. Stock solutions were pre-
phase is defined as the pure subcooled liquid at the pared by diluting the radioactive materials in pure,
temperature of the solution (20). Applying this relation unlabeled solvents, resulting in concentrations ranging
to eq 4 results in from 90 000 to 200 000 dpm/pL. Tritiated (3H)water was
purchased from NEN Research Products of DuPont Co.
(5) with a specific activity of 25 mCi/g (5.5 X 1O1o dpm/g). A
tritiated water stock solution was prepared by diluting by
where the term on the right is the ratio of the pure a factor of 100.
component fugacities in the subcooled liquid and the solid Coal Tar Composition Analysis. Composition anal-
states. Fugacity ratios are often available in the literature yses that were performed on the Stroudsburg coal tar
(e.g., ref 23) or can be approximated by an expression that sample included analysis of volatile aromatic compounds,
accounts for the free-energy change between the liquid chromatographic analyses of polycyclic aromatic hydro-
and the solid state (20),using a constant entropy of fusion carbons (PAH), and a molecular weight determination.
for organic compounds (24). The bulk coal tar dissolved Number-average molecular weight determinations were
concentration is the sum of the concentrations of all the done by Galbraith Laboratories, Knoxville, TN, on two
dissolved species, i.e., C: = Cin4_1Cy,where m is the total replicate coal tar samples using vapor pressure osmometry.
number of compounds in coal tar. Substituting for CT This procedure (30) is based on the relationship between
from eq 5 the vapor pressure of a solution relative to that of pure
m solvent and the molar concentration of solute in the
solution. A Knauer-Dampfdruck osmometer was used
with toluene as the solvent.
an expression is derived to compute the solubility of bulk Volatile aromatic compounds were extracted with
coal tar in terms of individual component properties and methanol according to EPA method 8020. The methanol
their relative abundances. extract was analyzed accordingto EPA method 5030,using
helium for purging and as the carrier gas in the gas
chromatograph (GC). The GC had a 105-m VOCOL
Methods capillary column by Supelco Co. The injection temper-
Coal Tar, The coal tar used for all laboratory exper- ature was 240 "C, and the carrier gas flow rate was 6 mL/
iments was a sample of the free-flowing liquid tar residing min. The temperature program was 10 min at 45 "C, to
in the subsurface at the former manufactured gas plant 200 "C at 4 "C per min, and held for 8 min. Detection was
site in Stroudsburg, PA. Several published reports achieved by photoionization, at a temperature of 250 "C.
describe the chemical and physical characteristics of this Quantification was done using fluorobenzeneas a surrogate
coal tar (25-28). A t this site, it is possible to collect liquid standard compound. A five-point calibration was done
coal tar by pumping from a NAPL pool in a stratigraphic over the 10-100 ppb range.
depression in the confining layer. Coal tar was collected The primary chromatographic analysis of PAH com-
(7, 11) from one of several existing wells that had been pounds was done in collaboration with the Coal Science
installed for remediation of the site through coal tar Division, Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center (PETC),
pumping. This coal tar sample was well-suited for Pittsburgh, PA. A 10-mgsample of coal tar was dissolved
laboratory investigations because it is a thin liquid and is in methylene chloride to make a l-mL solution. A sample
virtually free of dirt and water bubbles. of this was injected into a 5988A Hewlett-Packard gas
Materials. The n-butylamine, acetone, and 2-propanol chromatograph-mass spectrophotometer (GCIMS) with
solvents were ACS grade from Fisher Scientific Co. a 35 m X 0.2 mm SB-Phenyl-5 column with 0.3 pm film
Deionized water was used for solvent/water solutions. thickness. The injection temperature was 300 "C, the
Solute partitioning and coal tar/solvent/water phase helium carrier gas had a linear velocity of 32 cm/s at 30
equilibria were determined using radiolabeled techniques. "C, the ionization potential was 70 eV, and the voltage
This provided a means of observing the behavior of was 2551 V. The program was 3 min at 30 "C, to 320 "C
individual compounds or system components without the at 4 "C per min, and 5 min at 320 "C. Thirty-five
need for chromatographic methods, which are difficult compounds were identified by mass spectra and retention

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993 2833

indices from the literature. Fourteen compounds were were found to produce erroneously high solute concen-
quantitatively determined using individually run calibra- tration measurements in the aqueous phase, possibly due
tions. Benzo[blthiophene was added to the coal tar as an to erroneous sampling of either a floating organic film or
internal standard to check instrument response. For the a microemulsion of coal tar micelles in the water (11). A
remaining 21 identified compounds, an average response more successful experimental method was designed to
factor was calculated from the 14 calibrated runs and used eliminate the free-flowing coal tar phase. IMPAQ RG20
to convert peak area into mass injected to estimate the porous silica gel beads with pore diameters of 200 A,
weight percents. supplied by the PQ Corp., were used. The beads were
Supplementary analysis was done in collaboration with dehydrated by heating at 800 "C for 1h and then cooled.
the Analytical Section of the Research and Development A 1-mL sample of the coal tar radioactive stock solution
Division of Texaco, Inc., Beacon, NY. Prior to GC/MS was imbibed into 5 g of beads in a glass vial with a Teflon
analysis, the coal tar was fractionated using ASTM method septum and mixed on an orbital rotator for 24 h. This
D2007, in which characteristic groups were quantified in amount of coal tar was sufficient to discolor the beads, but
weight percent using clay-gel adsorption chromatography. not enough to saturate them. This provided ample
This step was done to make a crude separation of the interfacial surface area for mass transfer and eliminated
PAH compounds residing in the aromatic fraction from the formation of coal tar phase emulsions. The coal tar
the other coal tar compounds, such as heterocyclics, imbibed beads were mixed with water in 50-mL centrifuge
oxygenated compounds, and very high molecular weight tubes, with calcium chloride to aid in the settling of any
substances. This facilitated the GC/MS analysis, however, particulate matter. Equilibration times ranging from 24
the lack of specificity in the operational definitions h to 1month were used to test for kinetic hindrances to
prescribed by this procedure limits the usefulness of the solute dissolution from bead pore spaces, but no significant
analysis, and the crude separation procedure may have differences in aqueous concentrations were observed. In
caused some inaccuracies in the quantification step. The all, four replicate experiments were performed for naph-
aromatic fraction of the coal tar was diluted 1 0 0 ~in thalene and phenanthrene, and seven were performed for
methylene chloride and injected into a GC/MS with a 30 pyrene. The vials were centrifuged. A several milliliter
m X 0.25 mm SPB5 capillary column. The program was sample, taken from the top of the vial through the septum
5 min at 100 "C and then up to 300 "C at 5 "C per min. using a syringe, was passed through a 0.2-pm Teflon filter
Mass spectral analysis was by positive electron ionization, and, discarding the first milliliter to precondition the filter,
between 3 and 250 amu. Approximate weight percentages 1-mLvolumes were expressed into 20-mL scintillation vials
were estimated for the groups of compounds identified containing 15 mL of Ultima Gold, Packard Instrument
using a single internal standard, assuming identical co.
responses and using relative peak areas. The concentration of 14C-labeledsolute in the vial was
GUMS analyses of coal tar samples that had been measured using a Beckman 5000 TD liquid scintillation
extracted with n-butylaminelwater solutions were also counter. The channel window was set to record events
performed by the PETC laboratory. Coal tar samples were with pulse heights from 0 to 670. Quenching was corrected
equilibrated with n-butylaminelwater solutions in 500- automatically with the H# method and an internally stored
mL separatory funnels using a coal tar-to-solvent/water quench curve generated from 14C standard solutions,
solution volume ratio of 1:4. For two of the samples, the obtained from Amersham Corp. Each test vial was counted
coal tar was extracted once. The solvent/water solutions twice and for a sufficient time such that the 2a error in
used were 20% (vol) n-butylamine/80% water and 40% dpm was less than 1% . Measurements were corrected for
(vol) n-butylamine/60% water. For the third sample, the background radiation which averaged 40 dpm in the
coal tar was extracted twice sequentially, each time with laboratory. The random coincidence monitoring (RCM)
fresh 40 5% n-butylamine/water solution, to observe a trend option was used to indicate samples with high numbers
in composition change upon sequential extraction. Over of light-producing events other than radiation, which was
a 24-h period, the mixtures were gently agitated inter- problematic especially for coal tar containing samples. To
mittently to prevent emulsion formation and then settled reduce the measurement error caused by these added
for 24 h to allow phase separation. Samples of the counts, the scintillation vials were stored in the dark for
extracted coal tar phases were collected from the bottom at least 24 h, until the RCM %, the percentage of
of the separatory funnels. GC/MS analyses were per- nonradiation events relative to total light-producing
formed in the manner described above for the PETC events, decreased to less than 1% .
analysis of the original coal tar. The amounts of dissolved For each experiment, the radioactivity concentration
n-butylamine, estimated using thermodynamic LLE model in the water phase, (dpm/mL)w was measured directly.
predictions, were found for all three extracted samples to The radioactivity concentration in the coal tar phase,
be approximately 5% of the weight (11). The GC/MS (dpm/mL)Ct,was estimated from knowledge of the total
results were corrected to represent weight percent relative radioactivity in the system, dpmT, and the volume of coal
to the coal tar portion only, allowing an assessment of the tar, VCt, since the amount of dissolved solute is negligible
change in mass distribution of PAH compounds. relative to the undissolved solute. The coal tar/water
Solute Partitioning in Coal Tar/Water Systems. partition coefficient, Kctlw,was computed by
For each of the three solutes (naphthalene, phenanthrene,
and pyrene), coal tar was spiked with several microliters Cct - (dpm/mL)ctN (dpmT)/VCt
of radioactive solute stock solution giving 100 000-900 000 Kct,w = - (dpm/mL)" - (dpm/mL)" (7)
dpm/mL. Common procedures for LLE experiments
involve mixing the two liquids in a vial and then agitating,
settling, and analyzing each phase. Variations on this The solute's aqueous solubility, Cw, was computed from
approach were tried for coal tadwater systems, but these the aqueous concentration of the radiolabeled solute

2834 Environ. Scl. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993

relative to the total radioactivity, and an estimate of the The volume fraction of component i in the cy phase,
total amount of the solute in the system, mT: vE, is computed by
c w = (dpm/mL)w 1ooomT (8)
where (dpm/mL); is the measured concentration of
where C W is in milligrams per liter with mT in milligrams. radioactive i in the cy phase, dpm' is the total radioac-
mT was computed from the wt % of the compound in the tivity in the system, and Vi is the total volume of i in the
coal tar, the volume of coal tar, and the density of the coal system in milliliters. The subscript i denotes the com-
tar. ponent, either water (w) or solvent (s), and the superscript
Solute Partitioning in Coal Tar/n-Butylamine/ cy denotes either the solvent/water phase (sw) or the coal
Water Systems, In 50-mL centrifuge tubes, coal tar tar phase (ct). The volume fraction of the coal tar
spiked with 14C-labeledsolute was added to n-butylamine/ pseudocomponent in each phase is calculated by the
water solution. A range of solvent concentrations were difference from unity:
used. In all cases, the coal tar-to-solvent/water solution
volume ratio was 1:4. For each of the three solutes, at v f c t = 1- vfs* - VfW*
each solvent concentration, replicate experiments were
performed. The mixture was brought to equilibrium at Throughout, when the symbol ct is used as a superscript
25 "C over a period of 24 h. Since vigorous agitation led it refers to the coal tar phase, and when used as a subscript
to emulsion formation, the vials were agitated intermit- it refers to the coal tar pseudocomponent. Since both
tently (II). After centrifugation, the solvent/water phase phases were sampled, these calculations do not require
was sampled with a syringe and expressed through a 0.2- the relative phase volumes, which changed significantly
pm Teflon filter, discarding the first milliliter to precon- for high solvent systems.
dition the filter. The filtering step removed any suspended Each experimentally determined tie line is the result of
coal tar, giving a clear filtrate. Coal tar phases were a single or duplicate measurements of solvent and water
sampled by decanting the solvent/water phase from the partitioning. The experiments were designed so that the
vial and injecting a syringe into the coal tar. The sampled relative standard deviations (a,/x) from random error
coal tar was checked for emulsification by expressing
through a fine needle; emulsions were evidenced by
associated with vc and vr*, measurements were less than
2% (see ref 11). Because eq 10 is additive, the relative
expulsion of intermittent slugs of solvent/water phase.
Observations from such systems were not used. The coal
standard deviation for random error in vet
is not ap-
proximated by a constant value; the absolute standard
tar phase sample was diluted by a factor of 30-40 in
n-butylamine before adding to the scintillation counting
deviation for each vet is approximated by uu2 = ( c ~ ,+, ~
a2 )112,assuming Gaussian distributions for error terms.
cocktail to lighten its color and reduce quenching for more UG
accurate liquid scintillation counting. Dilution was also For very small values of $2, the random errors likely
necessary for solvent/water phase samples that were very have skewed distributions, so this analysis is only an
dark due to significant coal tar dissolution. The solute approximation.
partition coefficient,Kdlsw,was computed similarly to Kdlw Quantitative tie line data were difficult to obtain near
(eq 7), except that for these experiments (dpm/mL)ct was the plait points of the ternary phase diagrams due to
measured directly. sampling difficulties which resulted because the two liquid
CoalTar/Solvent/Water Phase Equilibria. For the phases were very similar in composition and thus similar
three solvents, n-butylamine, acetone, and 2-propanol, in appearance, and often one of the phases was present in
LLE of coal tar/solvent/water systemswas experimentally a very small quantity. For overall compositions thought
determined for a range of compositions that resulted in to be near the plait point, an additional series of exper-
two-phase systems. To determine a single tie line of the imental systems was visually examined for heterogeneity
ternary phase diagram, an overall composition of coal tar/ to identify compositions that are conclusively within the
solvent/water was chosen. Parallel experimental systems two-phase composition region. Heterogeneity was ob-
were set up: one using 14C-labeledsolvent and one using served by slight color differencesbetween phases, by light
tritiated water. For the solvent partitioning experiments, reflected from the interphase meniscus,and by overturning
the solvent/water solution and a spike of 14C-labeled the vial to see a thicker coal tar phase clinging to the
solvent stock solution were mixed in a 35- or 50-mL glassware. Tests were continued, moving toward the
centrifuge tube such that the total level of radioactive expected direction of the plait point, until a composition
solvent, dpm:, was in the range of (5 X 106)-(9 x 107) was found beyond which two phases could not be visually
dpm. For the water partitioning experiments, 0.5-1 mL discerned. This point is referred to here as a two-phase
of tritiated water stock solution was added to the solvent/ check point.
water solution resulting in a total water radioactivity, Water Solubility in Coal Tar. In experiments where
dpm:, on the order of 5 X lo8 dpm. Coal tar was added, coal tar is mixed with water containing a spike of tritiated
and the vials were equilibrated, centrifuged, and sampled water, the concentration of radioactivity in the coal tar
in the manner described above. The solvent/water phase phase can, in principle, be used to compute the volume
samples for the vials containing 3H had to be diluted fraction of water using eq 9. While this method was
because of the high dpm: needed for these experiments, successfully applied to systems containing solvents, it was
For liquid scintillation counting of these samples, the not practically applied to coal tar/water systems since the
channel window was set for pulse heights of 0-400. The amount of tritiated water in coal tar was at or below the
H#quench curve was generated from 3Hstandard solutions analytical detection limit due to the low solubility and to
from NEN Research Products of DuPont Co. the large dilution necessaryto count coal tar phase samples.

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993 2835

Naphthalene 1-Phenylnaphthalene Pyrene
2-Methyl Naphthalene 3-Methylphenathrene Benzo (c) Phenanthrene
1 -Methyl Naphthalene 2-Methylphenanthrene Benzo (a)Anthracene
Biphenyl 2-Methylarithracene Chrysene + Triphenylene
2-Ethyl Naphthalene 4 H-Cyclopenta [def]phenanthrene Benzo (j) Fluoranthene
1-Ethyl Naphthalene 9-Methylphenanthrene + Benzo (b) Fluoranthene
2,6-Dirnethylnaphthalene 1-Methylphenanthrene Benzo (k) Fluoranthene
Acenaphthylene 2-Phenylnaphthalene Benzo (e)Pyrene
Acenaphthene 9-Ethylphenathrene Benzo (a) Pyrene
Dibenzothiophene 2-Ethylphenathrene Perylene
Phenanthrene Fluoranthene lndeno (1, 2, 3-04 Pyrene
Anthracene Aceanthrylene Picei-te


I I l l l / I / - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72

Time (min.)
Figure 1. Chromatogram of Stroudsburg coal tar with 35 peaks identified.

Table I. Classification of Stroudsburg Coal Tar into are identified with CS; the others having been estimated
Characteristic Groups Using ASTM Method D2007 using average response factors. Summing up the weight
percents in Table 11, this composition analysis accounts
wt% classification
for just under half (46%) of the total coal tar weight, for
34 asphaltenes, the n-pentane insoluble fraction constituent compounds in the molecularweight range from
17 polar compounds, material retained on adsorbent clay after 78 to 278 that produced peak areas sufficiently large and
percolation of the samples in an n-pentane eluent distinct. This analysis cannot account for very high
41 aromatics, material that passes through a column of adsor-
bent clay in an n-pentane eluent but adsorbs on silica gel molecular weight material not quantifiable by G U M S
8 saturates, material in an n-pentane eluent that is not ad- techniques, for trace compounds such as between peaks
sorbed on either the clay or silica gel 9 and 10 in Figure 1, or for compounds that co-elute
resulting in peaks that cannot be separated.
The amount of tritiated water required for precise The predominance of PAHs is consistent with analyses
measurement would have made these experiments ex- of other coal tars (3, 311, the primary group here being
pensive and would have involved much higher than normal naphthalenes accounting for 18% of the total weight of
radioactivity levels employed for routine laboratory work. this coal tar. It is noteworthy that no single compound
It was possible, however, to use information about the accounts for more than 4% of the coal tar weight. The
precision of the experimental method to estimate an upper low concentrations of volatile aromatic compounds such
bound for the water concentration in the coal tar phase. as benzene, xylene, and toluene (BXT), together account-
ing for just under 1wt %. This is consistent with analyses
of certain other coal tars (3) where the BXT fraction
Results and Discussion accounts for about 1wt 5% , and is usually closer to 0.5 wt
%. Volatile aromatics were indeed produced at MGP
Stroudsburg Coal Tar Composition. Results of the facilities, from the volatile fraction of the raw coal and
characteristic group analysis of the Stroudsburg coal tar from the aromatic fraction of certain carburettor oils (32-
are shown in Table I, giving weight fractions and oper- 34). However, these compounds may not be present in
ational definitions. The PAH compounds comprise the significant concentrations in subsurface coal tar because
aromatics fraction and are likely also to be present as very light fractions may have been recovered as byproducts at
high molecular weight compounds in the asphaltenes MGP facilities and because the relative dissolution and
fraction. The results from the PETC chromatographic migration in groundwater of these compounds is higher
analysis of the Stroudsburg coal tar are shown in Figure than for other coal tar constituents. The absence of acid-
1. A total of 280 peaks were found, indicating the extractable organics, such as phenols, is consistent with
complexity of the mixture. The results of the quantifi- what is expected given the method of production that was
cation of compound weight percents from all the chro- used at the Stroudsburg MGP. The process at this plant
matographic analyses are shown in Table 11. The com- employed anthracite coal in a carburetted water gas pro-
pounds that were quantified using calibration standards cess, which did not produce large quantities of oxygenated

2836 Environ. Scl. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993

Table 11. Stroudsburg Coal Tar Composition from GC/MS Table 111. Solubilities in Water-Phase (Experimental and
Analyses Raoults Law Prediction), Coal Tar/Water Partition
Coefficients (Experimental and Raoults Law Prediction),
molecular and Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients for Three
weight wt% Selected Solutes
benzene 78 0.050 log
toluene 92 0.094 C; (mg/L) 1% (KD) log
m-,p-xyleneb 106 0.32 pre- (Kctlw) y e - Wow)
o-xylene 106 0.32 exptlo dicted exptP dicted ref 23
o-xylene 106 0.41 naphthalene 3.3f 0.2 3.9 3.81 f 0.03 3.7 3.37
naphthalene 128 2.16 (CS)II phenanthrene 0.68 f 0.06 0.16 4.49 f 0.04 5.1 4.57
2-methylnaphthalene 142 3.75 PFene 0.08f 0.03 0.014 4.8f 0.2 5.6 5.18
1-methylnaphthalene 142 3.80 (CS)
acenaphthylene 152 0.68 0 Experimental values are shown with 3u (99% confidence)random

biphenyl 154 0.50 (CS) error estimates.

acenaphthalene 154 1.52 (CS)
2-ethylnaphthalene 156 1.84 (CS)
1-ethylnaphthalene 156 0.45 (CS) ferences as well as environmental factors, as is discussed
2,6-dimethylnaphthalene 156 1.99 (CS) elsewhere (3, 11). Nevertheless, the composition of the
9H-fluorene 166 1.4 Stroudsburg coal tar is typical of liquid coal tars because
1H-phenalene 166 0.4 the constituent compounds represented are commonly
trialkylated naphthalenes 170 4.3
phenanthrene 178 2.12 (CS) found in all coal tars and because the PAH portion is
anthracene 178 0.59 (CS) predominantly composed of naphthalenes. This suggests
methyl-9H-fluorenes 180 1.7 that the experimentaland modelingresults from this study
4-methyl-l,l-biphenyl 184 0.2 may be modestly extended for making predictions about
dibenzothiophene 184 0.22 (CS)
3-methylphenanthrene 192 0.55 other coal tar sites having pumpable liquid coal tar.
2-methylphenanthrene 192 0.43 Coal Tar Solubility in Water. Results of solute
2-methylanthracene 192 0.31 solubility and partitioning in coal tar/water systems are
4H-cyclopenta[deflphenanthrene 192 0.57 shown in Table 111. The experimental values for the
and 9-methylphenanthreneb aqueous solubilities are shown with 3a (99% confidence)
1-methylphenanthrene 192 0.33 (CS)
methyldibenzothiophene 198 0.3 estimates of the random errors based on repeated mea-
fluoranthene 202 0.30 surements, as well as the predicted aqueous solubilities
aceanthrylene 202 0.29 based on the Raoults law approximation (eq 5 ) . Also
pyrene 202 0.50 reported in Table I11 are the measured coal tadwater
1-phenylnaphthalene 204 0.29
2-phenylnaphthalene 204 0.22 partition coefficientswith their estimated 3arandom errors
9-ethylphenanthrene 206 0.17 estimates (log units). Just as the Raoults law assumption
2-ethylphenanthrene 206 0.20 was used to derive an expression for Cy, an expression for
dimethylphenanthrene 206 2.3 the partition coefficient can be derived (see, e.g., ref 15)
methylpyrene 216 3.9
benzo[a]anthracene 228 0.31 (CS) in terms of SF and the molar volume of the organic phase.
acepyrene 228 0.4 The Raoults law estimate of the partition coefficient KD
chrysene and triphenylene b 228 0.27 (CS) was computed for each solute using the average molecular
methylchrysenes 242 4.4 weight of 210 and a density of 0.994 g/mL to compute the
benzopyrenes 252 1.8
picene 278 0.13 (CS) molar volume of the coal tar phase. These values and, for
the sake of comparison, literature values of the octanol/
total 46.46
water partition coefficients are included in Table 111.High
a CS, quantification was by individually run calibration standards. correlation between Kcnwand KO,has been demonstrated
* Elute together. by others (14, 17, 19) and is to be expected given the
correlation between partitioning of solutes in different
wastes as was often true with the coal carbonization immiscible organic/water systems as is commonly de-
processes with bituminous coal (3). scribed as the linear free-energy relationship (35).
The results of average molecular weight determinations Lee et al. (15) found that for several coal tar samples,
of two replicate coal tar samples were 209 and 211, giving and for several PAH compounds, experimentalKdwvalues
an average molecular weight for the Stroudsburg coal tar were generally within a factor of 2 of predicted KDs.In
of 210. This is relatively high compared to the compounds logarithmic units, this corresponds to zt0.30. This agree-
in Table I1that have been quantified by GC/MS, indicating ment implies that even though the coal tar phase is a
that the majority of the mass that has not been accounted complex mixture it can be modeled as ideal in the Raoults
for in the GC/MS analysis lies in the high molecular weight law sense which assumes that the molecular interactions
range. The average molecular weight of the Stroudsburg are equivalent to those in a pure organic liquid. For this
coal tar is low relative to the range of average coal tar investigation, the agreement between experimental and
molecular weights of 230-1600 from a study of MGP site Raoults law predictions are good for naphthalene, but
tar residues (311, but that study was not limited to free- the measured Ciw and Kctlwof phenanthrene and pyrene
flowing, liquid coal tars as is present at Stroudsburg. indicate higher aqueous solubilities tha predicted by
Additional data that characterize the Stroudsburg coal Raoults law. The difference between log KDand log Kctlw
tar are a viscosity of 9.93 CP (30 C), determined by for pyrene corresponds to a Raoults law estimate of the
capillary viscometry, and a density of 0.994 g/mL (30 C), partition coefficient five times greater than the measured
determined using hydrometers (11). value. The discrepancies for phenanthrene and pyrene
Coal tars vary from site to site in terms of composition are not likely due to an inaccurate coal tar molar volume
and physical properties, resulting from production dif- estimate since this would have resulted in a constant bias

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993 2837

Table IV. Calculation of the Bulk Solubility of Coal Tar in Water (25 C) from Estimates of Constituent Solubilities
Using eq 5.
X? S: (mg/L) P/tS)pwe i (mg/L)
benzene 1.35 X 103 1780 1 2.4
toleuene 2.15 X 10-9 515 1 1.1
m-xylene 3.17 X 10-9 160 1 0.51
p-xylene 3.17 X 103 215 1 0.68
o-xylene 8.12 f 103 220 1 1.8
naphthalene 3.54 x 10-2 31 3.53 3.9
2-methylnaphthalene 5.55 x 10-2 25 1.24 1.7
1-methylnaphthalene 5.62 X 28 1 1.6
acenaphthylene 9.39 x 103 16.1 4.61 0.70
biphenyl 6.82 X 103 7 2.85 0.14
acenaphthalene 2.07 X 10-2 3.80 5.05 0.40
2-ethylnaphthalene 2.48 X 10-2 8 1 0.20
1-ethylnaphthalene 6.06 X 10-9 10.1 1 0.061
2,6-dimethylnaphthalene 2.68 X 10-2 1.7 6.62 0.30
9H-fluorene 1.77 X 1.9 7.94 0.27
trialkylated naphthalene 5.31 X le2 2.1 2.43 0.27
phenanthrene 2.50 X 10-2 1.10 5.65 0.16
anthracene 6.96 X 103 0.045 11.5 0.024
methyl-9H-fluorenes 1.98 X 1.09 3.92 0.085
4-methyl-l,l-biphenyl 2.28 X 10-9 4.05 1.59 0.015
2-methylanthracene 3.39 f 103 0.03 66.2 0.0067
1-methylphenanthrene 3.61 X 103 0.27 9.35 0.0091
fluoranthene 3.12 X 10-9 0.26 7.09 0.0058
pyrene 5.20 X 103 0.132 19.8 0.014
benzo[a]anthracene 2.86 X 103 0.011 21.6 0.00068
chrysene 1.24 X 0.002 189 0.00047
triphenylene 1.24 X 10-3 0.043 52.6 0.0028
benzopyrenes 1.50 X 0.004 32.3 0.0019
total 0.42 16.3
Pure compound aqueous solubilities and fugacity ratios are from ref 23.

in log& for all three solutes. The discrepancies are likely such as 1,4,54rimethylnaphthalene.These approxima-
due to measurement error resulting from aqueous-phase tions do not contribute significantly to uncertainty in the
sampling difficulties in systems which may have an oily estimation of qv The aqueous solubilities of these
floating phase and tendencies to form microemulsions. compounds sum to 16.3 mg/L, providing an estimate of
K,, is used in this work solely for comparison with KdlSw, CW,. Converting to volume fraction, this corresponds to
the solute partition coefficient in coal tar/solvent/water uEt = 1.6 X 10-5. Only a portion of the coal tar has been
systems. quantitatively characterized due to analytical limitations;
The coal tadwater partition coefficients vary over orders the sum of the mole fractions used in this calculation is
of magnitude, which is indicative of the variation of 0.42, and the corresponding sum of the weight fractions
aqueous solubilities of the coal tar constituent compounds. is 0.32. However, the majority of the compounds that are
Thus, it is immediately obvious that the constituent com- not analyzable by GC/MS methods are high molecular
pounds do not equally partition to the aqueous phase, and weight compounds which have very small aqueous solu-
eq 2 does not hold for a system with only coal tar and bilities. Their contribution to the sum in eq 6 is negligible.
water. This implies that the application of a thermody- For example, pyrenes aqueous solubility is more than 2
namic model to describe the binary LLE of a coal tar/ orders of magnitude less than that of naphthalene. Also,
water system is not strictly valid since the coal tar this calculation is limited by the availability of solubility
component of the equilibrated water phase does not have data for constituent compounds. Again, the more soluble
the same composition as the coal tar component in the compounds are the ones for which data are available.
coal tar phase. A following section discusses the validity When estimating properties of mixtures, the approach
of the pseudocomponent simplification for ternary systems of selecting a representative compound is often used. The
which include solvent. premise of this method is that there is a single constituent
Estimation of the bulk solubility of coal tar in water, compound whose property is representative of the bulk
Cz,was accomplished using the predicted aqueous sol- property of the mixture as a whole. While this method is
ubilities of constituent compounds based on Raoults law tempting because of its simplicity, the above calculation
(eq 6). Data for this calculation are shown in Table IV, indicates that it is not immediately obvious how a
for compounds which had been quantified (Table 11) and representative compound would be chosen. Since all the
for which solubility data and fugacity ratios were available coal tar constituents are present in small quantities, a
from the literature (23). For co-eluting compounds, e.g. representative compound cannot be chosen on the basis
m- and p-xylene, the weight fractions were taken to be of predominance. Alternatively, the selection of a rep-
half of the total for both, effectively using an equally- resentative compound based on a close match with the
weighted average aqueous solubilityfor these compounds. number-average molecular weight of coal tar leads to a
For quantified groups with limited data available, such as low bias for CW,. The compound with available aqueous
trialkylated naphthalenes, solubility and fugacity ratio solubility data, whose molecular weight most closely
data for a reported compound in the group were used, matches 210, is 9,lO-dimethylanthracenewith a molecular

2838 Envlron. Scl. Technol., VoI. 27, No. 13, 1993

weight of 206 and subcooled liquid solubility of 2 mg/L at L """"Y

A pyrene
25 "C (23),which is significantly less than 16 mg/L, the
0 phenanthrene
estimated CW,based on eq 6. For a mixture with relatively 10000
evenly distributed weight, the selection of a representative 0 naphthalene
compound based on molecular weight is inherently biased 0
low because there is an approximate logarithmic relation
between aqueous solubilities and molecular weight for
nonpolar hydrocarbons, and thus the averages do not
correspond with each other. For purposes of predicting
aqueous solubility, fluorene is more representative of the
Stroudsburg coal tar mixture, with a subcooled liquid !
aqueous solubility of 15.1 mg/L and a molecular weight 4
of 166 (23). lo!

Water Solubility in Coal Tar. The solubility of water I

in coal tar is of interest because together with coal tar 0 20 40 60 80 0
solubility in water this completelycharacterizes the mutual
volume % n-butylamine in initial
solubility of these two components. This is useful for solvent/water solution
calibration of the binary molecular interaction parameters
Flgure 2. Solute partitioning in coal tar/n-butylamlne/water systems
in a thermodynamic model describing coal tar/solvent/ with 20% (vol) coal tar overall.
water phase equilibria ( I I , 2 2 ) . An upper bound estimate
of 0.001 was obtained for uc (11). Conversion to mole
fraction gives an upper bound estimate for x$ of 0.01,
hancement of solubility in a given cosolvent solution. In
terms of partition coefficients, this corresponds to a more
which is comparable to water solubilities in other organic significant decrease in K values with increasing solvent
liquids of 0.0030 for water in benzene and 0.0034 in concentration for more hydrophobic compounds. This is,
1-methylnaphthalene (36). in fact, what is shown in Figure 2 for K,t/,,. Thus, for
Solvent Selection. A literature survey of organic systems with appreciable n-butylamine (>lo% with
compounds used as solvents was conducted to identify an respect to the solvent/water solution), the condition for
initial list of 13 water-miscible solvents with suitable similar compositions of dissolved and undissolved coal
properties for use in a solvent extraction site remediation tar, i.e., eq 2, is satisfied. Since the validation of the
system. As described elsewhere (3, criteria for initial pseudocomponent simplification depends on similarity of
selection included the following: suitable chemical prop- K&,,, values, these results may be extended to other coal
erties for separation from coal tar and water by distillation, tars with similar constituencies of PAH compounds. Coal
relatively low volatility and flammability for industrial tars that contain acidic compounds, such as phenols, and
safety and handling, commercial availability, and biode- basic compounds such as anilines may not be suitable for
gradability. The 13 solvents were evaluated in laboratory this simplification since the solubilities and hydrogen-
screening tests to assess their capacity to dissolve coal tar bonding characteristics of these compounds are very
and their effect on the physicochemical properties of the different from those of the neutral fraction (17,35).
coal tar phase. As a result of this work, three solvents The underlying premise of the pseudocomponent sim-
were identified for evaluation for potential use in asolvent plification was further tested by studying the effect of
extraction coal tar remediation process: n-butylamine, n-butylaminelwater extractions on the composition of the
acetone, and 2-propanol. coal tar phase. The weight percents of 27 compounds were
Pseudocomponent Simplification. As discussed ear- quantified for this analysis. The compositions of the coal
lier, the validity of thermodynamic modeling of coal tar/ tar phases, corrected for fractions of dissolved n-butyl-
solvent/water phase equilibria as ternary LLE depends amine, are presented as weight percent distributions over
on the extent to which the composition of the dissolved molecular weight in Figure 3. In Figure 3a, the compo-
coal tar component is the same as that of the undissolved sitions of coal tar samples that were singly extracted with
coal tar. Experimental solute partitioning observations either 20% or 40% n-butylaminelwater solutions are
in coal tarln-butylaminelwater systems are presented in shown relative to the original coal tar composition as
Figure 2. The data points shown on the ordinate, for 0% reported in Table 11. In Figure 3b, the compositions of a
solvent, are the coal tar/water partition coefficient data coal tar sample that had been sequentially extracted once,
(Table 111). With increasing amounts of n-butylamine in then again with a solvent/water solution of 40% (vol)
the solvent/water solution, the partition coefficients for n-butylamine are shown relative to the original coal tar.
all three solutes approach a comparable value. This The total mass accounted for in each of the extracted coal
observation indicates that the effect of n-butylamine on tar samples was approximately 16%. Note that true
each compound is different. Specifically, with increasing histograms of the coal tar mass distribution over molecular
concentration of solvent the enhancement of the solute weight would likely have long tails extending beyond
partitioning to the solvent/water phase is greater for molecular weight 280.
compounds such as pyrene than for compounds such as The changes in compound weight percentages from the
naphthalene. This is consistent with what has been original coal tar and extracted coal tar samples depicted
observed in studies of cosolvents on PAH solubilities in in Figure 3 range from reductions of 15% to 92 % ,but the
which the cosolvency power, represented by u, the slope majority of the reductions are about 50%. Given that the
of the log-linear solubility curve, is theoretically predicted initial weight percentages were already small (<4%),the
and experimentally verified (29,37)to be proportional to reductions are not significant in an absolute sense. The
the logarithm of the solute's KO,. In other words, the effect of extracting with a 20% n-butylamine solution or
more hydrophobic compounds experience a larger en- with a 40% n-butylamine solution is practically the same
Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 13, I993 2899
Table V. Experimental Measurements of Component Volume Fractions in Solvent/Water and Coal Tar Phases.

Solvent = n-Butylamine
0.048 (0.014) 0.052 (0.001) 0.900 (0.014) 0.959 (0.001) 0.029 (0.001) 0.012 (0.0002)
0.080 (0.013) 0.113 (0.001) 0.807 (0.013) 0.920 (0.001) 0.058 (0.001) 0.022 (0.0004)
0.065 (0.009) 0.165 (0.002) 0.770 (0.009) 0.899 (0.002) 0.073 (0.001) 0.028 (0.0004)
0.106 (0.011) 0.300 (0.005) 0.594 (0.009) 0.910 (0.001) 0.070 (0.001) 0.020 (0.0004)
0.106 (0.008) 0.398 (0.006) 0.496 (0.006) 0.893 (0.002) 0.087 (0.002) 0.020 (0.0003)
0.162 (0.007) 0.456 (0.005) 0.382 (0.004) 0.891 (0.001) 0.090 (0.001) 0.019 (0.0003)
0.196 (0.007) 0.500 (0.006) 0.304 (0.003) 0.887 (0.001) 0.095 (0.001) 0.018 (0.0003)
0.352 (0.008) 0.465 (0.007) 0.183 (0.003) 0.841 (0.003) 0.133 (0.003) 0.026 (0.0005)
Solvent.= Acet.nna

Solvent = 2-Propanol
0.001 (0.014) 0.160 (0.002) 0.839 (0.014) 0.928 (0.001i 0.070 (0.001) 0.002 (0.0004)
0.041 (0.008) 0.297 (0.003) 0.662 (0.007) 0.888 (0.002) 0.107 (0.002) 0.005 (0.0007)
0.048 (0.007) 0.485 (0.005) 0.467 (0.005) 0.850 (0.002) 0.144 (0.002) 0.006 (0.0009)
0.041 (0.007) 0.620 (0.006) 0.339 (0.004) 0.814 (0.003) 0.179 (0.003) 0.007 (0.0009)
0.075 (0.010) 0.699 (0.009) 0.226 (0.004) 0.743 (0.005) 0.251 (0.005) 0.006 (0.0011)
L1 10 error estimates are indicated in parentheses

molecular weight

Flgure 4. Experimental coal tarlRbutyhminelwater ternary phase

diagram. Error bars on solventlwater phase tie line end points are 30
random error estimates; the errors on the coal tar phase end polnts
are insignificant. The shaded circle is the two-phase check point.

The primary conclusion to be drawn from this analysis

is that there is not a large change in coal tar composition
uponextractionwith n-butylaminelwater solutions. These
molecular weight studies indicate that theassumptionof coaltar partitioning
Flgure 3. Weight percent distributions of coal tar samples that have as a single component in coal tarlsolventlwater systems
been extracted with Rbutylaminelwater solutions. is plausible.
Coal Tar/Solvent/Water Ternary LLE. For each
with regard to weight percent distribution. Furthermore, of the three solvents, experimental results of coal tar/
no significant difference in composition is observed for solvent/water phase equilibria are presented in Table V
the coal tar sample that has been extracted once and then as volume fractions of the three components. The data
again. Another important observation is that, in the are presented as tie lines on ternary phase diagrams in
molecular weight range of 128-278, the effectof extraction Figures 4-6, for n-butylamine, acetone, and 2-propanol,
on weight percent does not vary with molecular weight. respectively. Inaternarydiagram, theaxisforaparticular
That is, the compounds in this range are being extracted component is a line drawn from the apex (100% of that
to the same extent, supporting the solute partitioning component) perpendicular to the opposite triangular face
observations shown in Figure 2 for three solutes. The (0% of that component). The triangular space is divided
decrease in weight percentages in the 128-278 molecular intotwo regions representingmixturesthat are completely
weight range signifies an increase in weight percentages miscible and mixtures that separate into two phases. Tie
of compoundsbeyond this range. The cumulative increase lines within the immiscible region connect points that
in the unquantified portion of the coal tar is estimated to indicate the equilibrium compositions of the two immis-
be 9% based on a summation of the decreases in mass of cible phases resulting for any overall composition repre-
the quantified compounds. Spread over a large number sented by a point on the tie line.
of compounds, this represents only a slight increase in The error bars that are shown in Figures 4-6 are 30
relative abundance of each compound. (99% confidence) random error estimates calculated from
2840 Environ. SCI. Technol.. Vol. 27. NO. 13. 1993
acetone I


FlgunS. Experlmntalcoaitar/aCB1one/watBrternaryphasediagram.
Error bars on soiventlwater phase tie line end points are 30 random
error estimates: the errors on the coal tar phase end point are

insignificant.The shaded circle is the two-phase check point.
pro pa no^
Figure 7. Three-dimensional error space as determined by error bars
for vf, vis. and vf,

precision of ut": diminishes when it is much smaller than

uc" or .rew. As a result, relative errors greater than 100%
result for very small values of $7. In general, this
method provides a means of determining LLE of coal tar/
solvent/water systems with measurements on the order of
volume percents. Below ut": estimates of about 0.05,
order of magnitude precision can be expected. Even with
this level of precision, the data in Table V show that, even
with small amounts of solvent, coal tar solubility is
Figure 6. Experimental coal tarl2-propanoilwater ternary phase
diagram. Error bars on soiventlwater phase tie line end points are 3c appreciable relative to its bulk solubility in water.
random enw estimates: the errors on the coal tar phase end points QualitativeTests for Heterogeneity. The plait point
are lnsigniflcant.The shaded circle is the two-phase check point. is the point on a ternary phase diagram where the tie line
end points converge, and the two phases have identical
the standard deviations in Table V. Only the error bars composition. Qualitative tests performed on compositions
for the solventlwater end points of each tie line are near the plait point were done to gain additional infor-
displayed since the error bars for the coal tar phase end mation about the boundaries of the two-phase regions.
points are insignificant. Since the relative errors for The two-phasecheckpoints, shown asgray dots in Figures
u t w and ucw are roughly constant a t 1-2 % ,the size of the 4-6, were found to be the same for the acetone and
2-propanolsystems: 10% coal tar, 80% solvent, and 10%
absolute error increases with the magnitude of the ucw or
urww measurement value. Three-dimensional error dis-
water. It is expected that there are compositions slightly
above this point that are also heterogeneous, but visual
play on a ternary phase diagram must be viewed carefully
inspection of these systems were not conclusive because
to accurately visualize the size of the error space. The 3u
of the small overall volume of coal tar. For n-butylamine,
error space can be approximated on the ternary phase
the region thought to contain the plait point was checked
diagram by a hexagon bounded by the ends of the three
for heterogeneity, but determination of the two phases
error bars as shown in Figure 7a. For points with large
becameimpossiblewithsimplevisualtests. Apoint (shown
error bars in two dimensions but with a small error bar in
in Figure 4) with 80% n-butylamine in the solvent/water
the third dimension, the error space is more like a thick
solution, with overall composition of 30% coal tar, 56%
bar (Figure 7b). For example, the solvent/water endpoint
n-butylamine, and 14% water, was found to be two phases.
of the bottom tie line on the n-butylamine ternary phase
Although this point is not expected to be near the plait
diagram has a small error in the ucw dimension. The point, it provides further information about the upper
resulting error space is a horizontal bar roughly parallel boundary of the curve. Note that the uppermost tie line
with the tie line. This suggests that the slope of the tie in Figure 4 is not consistent with this observation, since
line has been precisely determined, and the uncertainty the solventlwater end point does not extend high enough
due to random error lies in the position of the end point to be in line with the two-phase observation. The error
along this line. bars calculated based on random experimental error do
The representation of coal tar as a single component in not account for this discrepancy, suggesting a systematic
a ternary system allowed the bulk dissolution behavior of error likely attributable to errors in solvent/water phase
coal tar to be indirectly observed by measuring the sampling, given the difficulty in distinguishing between
partitioning behavior of the other two components. Since the two phases.
the estimated error in uf": will always be greater than the Plait points exist for ternary systems that have only one
larger of the error in u t w or .Ew.the measurement partially miscible pair (type I ternary system). In this

Envlron. Sci. Technol.. VoI. 27. NO. 13. 1993 2841

case, the coal tadwater pair is known to be immiscible, all solvents studied, n-butylamine was shown to have the
three solvent/water pairs are miscible, and the coal tar/ smallest two-phase region and enhance the solubility of
solvent pairs are assumed to be miscible based on visual coal tar to the largest extent. While it is not directly
observations that fail to identify two phases. For n-bu- apparent from the ternary phase diagrams, coal tar
tylamine, an attempt was made to verify this assumption dissolution in solvent/water solutions containing acetone
without reliance on visual observations (11). Coal tar/ or 2-propanol is appreciable in terms of being orders of
n-butylamine mixtures were prepared with spikes of magnitude higher than the bulk coal tar solubility in water.
radiolabeled solvent. These tests were done in separatory The coal tar/solvent/water phase equilibria provide the
funnels to facilitate sampling from the bottom of the vial, necessary equilibrium chemistry for predicting mass
which would contain the coal tar phase if indeed two phases transfer limitations in porous media (8) and in solvent
were present. The measured concentrations of radiola- extraction process modeling (9). Furthermore, these data
beled solvent in samples from the top and the bottom of are used to determine parameters for a semi-empirical
the vial and the overall concentration were found to be thermodynamic model describing ternary LLE of highly
within experimental error of each other, suggesting single- nonideal liquid mixtures (11,12).
phase systems. The conclusion can be drawn that coal
tarln-butylamine is a completely miscible pair and that Acknowledgments
some water must be present to result in phase separation.
Solvent Effectiveness. The information in a ternary Mr. James Villaume of Pennsylvania Power and Light,
phase diagram provides a useful metric for assessment of Mr. Curt Kramer of Atlantic Environmental Services, and
the effectiveness of a solvent, and it provides necessary Dr. David Nakles and Mr. Robert Weightman of Reme-
quantitative data for larger scale process modeling (8,9). diation Technologies Inc. assisted in enabling coal tar
The simplest piece of information from the ternary phase sample collection. Dr. Curt White and Ms. Louise Douglas
diagram is the vertical height of the two-phase region, of the U S . DOE Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center,
delineated by the end points of the tie lines. The two- Coal Science Division, and Dr. Edward C. Nelson and Dr.
phase region for n-butylamine is smaller than for acetone Ingeborg D. Bossert of Texaco Research Center, Beacon,
and 2-propanol, indicating that less solvent is required to NY, arranged for chromatographic analyses. Mr. Zhong-
completely dissolve coal tar. For example, on the n-bu- Bao Liu assisted with solute partitioning measurements.
tylamine diagram, it is shown that if the overall compo- The authors thank Dr. David Dzombak and Dr. Babu Nott
sition of a mixture is 20 % coal tar, 56% solvent, and 24% for their review of this manuscript. The Electric Power
water (i.e., 70% solvent-to-water ratio), then the mixture Research Institute was the primary sponsor for this
research project through contract RP 3072-2. Dr. Babu
is completely miscible. Another indicator of the effec- Nott was the project manager. Additional fellowship
tiveness of a solvent is the amount of coal tar dissolved in support was provided by the Patricia Harris Government
the solvent/water phase, as indicated by the position of Opportunities Program.
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