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AND THE FOOL Cpa CKSU Em sstnlog BEYOND 7/HE ae shee! Heavy Metals definitive ge to Magic and ee een eae Fe ete con Detar te en ete ee coe ee ee Tranrseioeehniiosips. seer iene ei ee ee ae ae Eo ete ee ST Poe ete ‘hiscollar youre too elose to avoid his grinning, Sa en eco Deir oe ees Sees erp er en ntl Perey este cee ene ity Peer nen Se eet co Se ee ee eet eee eT See ed Pa arene irnppen anne) Ree eee en ees ee eee ees eon es background racket But the mysteries ofthe Ape er eee ety simply nots, Sec mes pomeoten tenement LC nny ges8e) I Ne ra strated, ay Le eas ee re eee ree ed Peer Nees ire Ener nae will berellably distorted, misrepresented, twisted, ec es en eee ee ea Se er sng Pern ee eee et eres ee en ce ne See a eee CL oad Peeennner seis keene rin i ner Peete trees ‘what is happening when we practise Mags De ne een Se eae ee es co Careers ee ny Re ee me og Reecenensr ined ree eee Cee a winningraneaction, an drole anakedance, Se ee nena en eee eee eee eter ead Isitall jus sefdeluding New Age supernatural rere ro “You're much more IN CHARGE of your own life than you may have been led to believe.” ee eed es sa tn eens Pao erti Tony cece Soren eet ees See aoe cee er Peete Sree ered een on cet Peet ne reese) eet this simple statement will Peer ery Preto! Pree eee Te Parent neers Perera eet eee re Bee en eerie allthings CE en eed Cremer Popes srs Se ees eee ey pena Mey rire ee eee eee eet Cee Se ners oie ein rtioten Peer ere eee ee re Magle will clarify and resolve Eee Tones ever errr crete Cees Soren Preteen ces Poetry Perma a) Seer ea os Pn ‘Thinkofour weather fore- eee nae ee pee ener Pen aerreny eit Breanne’ Soe eee eee eet See eae See ee per reer eee carer eran eee on inate ee errs Egypt say, this commonsense Seer era re areas ee eT) Eessppene vay pena preneeeen ens ee interpreted as. prophetic eee eed Pe nee hewerrnn ny perenne toreeeeten ery ree eee eee See eet Parent Poe seers Pen ete Pe ete es By paying close atendon, centers ‘others may miss, We make new eens een ae saree Ce ee en eer) Cra eres Emer fer ereeee ferrene ee res Ce Sc oo meter oe eed CO een eae ere ee ee eee eet eet yy work ofthe eee eT een ena ene ee ee ee eae ee eet eee ee ore ee eed in an updated Western, wesponizing the practice of Mage forthe purposes of entertainment ee ee eee eee professional unless he she had proven hirselfeapable of with= SS eee ec eeete amr eee es eter ‘blazing bullding to dispatch multiple armed asalant, Neverthe- Pee et ened fzzing dimensional portals in mid-ai are accused of not being “real” Ce ene toi) What's Will and what des it have todo with Magle? Willis that focused and directed application of the human imaginative eee eee ete cate en pene ers See ee eee ene? a ees ee eed Without wil, no-one could give up cigarettes or boozer force Pre renmernr heen eanenk Oty PTS eae riererr ne eens the quality that allows usto tur our insubstantial musings into real cos eee ee ee eed takes many fort but here it athe bottorales repotory of every Unfinished novel every abandoned plan, every aborted child every Sener Mag ress in he power to shepherd an intangible shought across the perilous devouring gap ofthe Abyss into the world of manfesta- ar eer eet es Scene eee or eens nes ery SO eee oe ees eee ees Will isalso predicdve—we may announce our intent to make a work of er eee tees oon eer ery Se eee aces ee ee eed Sea eee ee ‘When we do Mage, we are deliberately stimulating and encouraging “non-ondinary” states of consciousness which allow us to channel Will Ce ee eee ee are invariably inducing psychedelic “tips” when we do Magle: [peroren perry eeprom vet reer Greek word for knowledge or understanding “Knowledge” is also the English translation ofthe Hebrew word Daath, the Abyss. Gnosis isa Se aes ee oe he ee ac ose steerer ty ee eet ee like meditation, cestasis seeks to overload the senses s powerfully that reflective conscious thought is momentarily erased by the intensity of Seer ero ee en eee ener ey eee cee eect een ee eee ec Pere eee ee ne ee ‘ual Magilan must understand that he orshe soften breaking the law by resorting to thete methods of gnosis and proceed with due cauton, ee eee een eee coon seed eee ee eee ee eee he ae ei cres Ferrer ienntepnn eh er ereyT Nt renner eSrteen ne eet ere ete ‘Onc ofthe interesting things about doing magle while high on acid een en Ne Xe eer et ‘overloaded mind of the paychedelics user would clash with the saber Pent ee h eenteeer eet eee vere Peeree erent regi eee eat res cordance with ritual procedure, not Kali or Asmodeus. Only a personal ‘observation but te practice of Magle tends to organise and divect the Pech ion ney SOT eet ‘The univers in which we live, and from whose constituent atoms ‘ur hodies have been recycled since the daw ofifeon Earth, has no Sena ae erent ere eee Everything we sec and experience f simply the ongoing, arbitrary ee ee eee nea eee Nae ccna ‘motion deterred and measured by the expansion of the universe per eee ety es eee ees ee ee ee sense of ourselves sa ie a cheat letdown; We are only hideously Para ar oetinen ere ever rep nncernert | lightning, waiting io decay and die and he re-absorbed into the churn ‘of matter, dst and rain that is materiality ‘There x no meaning: No-one recording our acts, or judging ws, and nothing cares. Weare alone excep forthe other lonely dying bags of Pere een nt ae en eet ey Prone er eee et (Om the strictly “Mater” side of our experiential triangle there appears tobe NOPOINT AT ALL and wo the hes of our present scientific POS ae en eee ee ee es ne er ere Se eee ees eee ee Rue estat) _ eG NDE Lets tum our gaze from the mactocotm tothe microcosm Inade us Pere ec eat erent ee eet een) ‘which we are all familiar from our daydreams, night dreams and mo- Se ee ee eee Ce a ee eet peeeeen oir nore nye net eran ene er eer een ceene ety ay ‘of YOU, ME, or US, transforms our allegedly blind clockwork cosmos into something much more than mere physics and chemistry ‘Ad consciousness and the worl becomes pregnant with potential, ‘possibilty, wonder, error nel ave. Our need to comprehend their poieniniinens pope neler ners OPTS TOUT] pore ernie tener a aren a graphic blush, our acknowledgement ofa bestty and organization that Sent en et ee eee een ery Ce ee ee eS ee en ee er Ce eg ere tee Fetched to suggest that everything has something to tell us. Everywhere ‘we lok, there is something to learn. fractal, infinite profusion of| ent een ee en ener st ar pee rernanteia er mre Acenr ets Peerenc ny nee tc en eae Se ee ee ee sophisticated holographic conscious selFawatenese which enables us Parnes bec apeeen ey teers Taira rene ‘conceptual. Our sel awareness allows us acces to higher dimensions eee ee ees en eer ee te cece ee een en eet! aon Re ee ey eee NCES ed Fee ee et enc ne ene Pee ee need ae he ere eer eee thing we know to be real fs amenable to weighing and measuring Re ne ee eee ee ‘of etence outside our prodigious imaginations and capacty for ee eer een ee ey ee cen teens eee ee Se ee ar ey Ri ereena ie itc ty eae Ren Tee Sree Teens rece eae tS ent ee ere ee te eet) Ps ee eee nC ee er er ees ‘or tons, ofthe meaning of Hamlet? ‘The truths that not one ofthe many “meanings” of Hamlet can be ea Rene era ets ey Pree reerarmeee ioe renter vrmcnanr TCeed Hamlet exists; the Meaning of Hamlet cannot be exorcised by Empir- See ed aera ned Se et ee ee ce eae Ber Tei) ee ee ee ee spectre, companion tothe Bogeyman, sidekick to Will ° The Wisp. ‘The meaning of Hamlet, while undeniably and demonstrably areal ce ee ee ee ene es en ee ete Per eripren te heenet onvcyeenenig weer nrrney] expllcation ofthis utterly immaterial thing”. We may hestiate to call Pee eee cee tee rey ee ener eed Ss ee eee ee ee eee eter Peet a ee en a eee lions have undoubtedly perished in defense, orn the name, of God, ec at eee God too sewn ofthe sae substance from which we have fashioned. the meaning of Hamlet, the idea of Frcedom,or the Rights of Man; era os it ee teen et except profound culturally ubiquitous agreement to acknowledge enema een Ret ie eee Pe merern Weve Aper eke er ee eer bully boys to do the work ofits venomous militant wing. A warning tus and a reminder ifnothing else that some ghosts can Pras See ae er eee ere eee {isthe most Maglcal decision we can make; meaning Is what conjures something from nothing. Meaning does no objectively exist, yet we SS en Le ee ne as provides Magle with the mercurial elusive shftness that contributes ee nee eet ee Aeception and sex. Pe ee cee enc et Pree eee ern ee ee nee ene reese Ti eee hee cnn ‘Sticking with this les demonstrate how a truly Magleal or talismanie Perens eet Seen ee cent en Say Se eee ees ‘made, Give it Meaning, There are many ways to accomplish ths, For Keep itelose to you atall ies Eaten Ron an esered Peers ey eee ar era Bena repeenmnrariie poeetory Tell your new partner how much eee et Tover how much the object now poreererer re mnie eres eee Pore et en Peed Pot ere Dees ee ee eee ee Coe as Perr nper ernest ornt ny Seon esr Eee eee te er Carns eer et Soret eee observe thatthe objet bocomes Cee ea cena ea poe eterna Poe nreenneseneneret Preheat eared Pe eee een el See eects Pate ree et ene Pee eet nner’ Ce er Cee pecsererrerns ert rons pee eet) ee er erations and it will squire the Pern rant hs pee rs Preeti ans Rn ad So cee ee es ee eter Bee rns meee ng eee) Pee eee ce ed allof uso make specific henei- Erp nerenrpetsve seh Ty ee ers Peter ts Se ere erent ee Seer Parpene mney net Sener Se eee et finer ety the human organiam and shows up in every human culture, why pone eee i ens if eee eer eats ‘ Preeti eed Breer et ee ns eee econ ene rey peer eee eid Peete en] some of them spend ifecimes Peeeeee en aC orate ener errr eer oc Man Neo) Peer rer Porn’ eee rer omens Peete See Pe ere pean er ren) Poe ee ed coed “The Maglian “imagines” cede a fa Ernie tee erates ere Seer ene) ees Eee ented Eee er porsche} ees eet en Perens eee errr erh tg higher dimensional aspects of ene ur sath are mad eo Se Srnec SS Parner peeiotse perrere peeneee Fin savory imagine hoe ci eS — ad pty ae Front cae pemeiet eer pereaor ra Peers ey Peseta ee rea So ee eee ean fe eee ered eee eet ed Senn ens Dee unre perenne Peewee eer ett) ees Se ee Soe en erera ees ee es ee een) Cre eae never break, even when conter- Ree erreepernie _ ‘We ean see the past, our dead es Sen a eee ennai Peery Ler es peer nerer ig a eee ene SU meen rent ee ents ey ene een ee ees epee er tinas Pea Cs enn cee allteral undeniable doorway to Per eens “backwards” atthe spacein your Sn eet ea cine eee ees ee een ton Perini! Peete ee peer nr eects Pee eee ts Se rag ot eG eas ek ea eer Pe eee oo eee eee eee eeenent ets . Pe eae A aed ee ey cee f H oon Thoth, Ganesh, Metron, Odin, Treen cet tee ere pare tenet een (cere? Pane tone Rv Ieeyey ere cat eee ee ae en Pensa ear! cat eee eters Peemarem eens) panes Ce eee eos ieee PA enone ner ed sorting speed or cocalne, Recal- ee ees ee een ‘ill bring your nervous system pore ner peer ees merry a ee eee Peer eee te reverent ny Paascen renters) pier eae ad ‘Naw, ora classic record shaped Deer eae es id See Lees tee eed to be great but i youtw lucky or rete is Cees ie terry Pe eeyer es ene eed pec ee eee ees resent et ered eerie aes eer Ce ee Cee aay Une var state of mind. Weareall familar wwithit en eed ieee renee Bs eaten eect] ea ae Pere eee oe eveer eren Te Pe ee ees | angen ie Sanne eee Se at renee eat Pee eee Babylonians called "Nab, the erate Pa en Pee Pee ney n nL ee PC eee ee fone ett eee cao ec etre eee eee eee eee ce) ee hee er ee coherent sate of consciousness” it shoud hecome easier for even the pee natn ee eee ee formulae o actions designed to provoke and sustain focused emotions ‘Tofind oneself nthe gip of any of these primary-colours ofthe Hu Pen eee cere ee cee nl eee by what they used to calla god. Consider this analogous to running ee eee ee ee ae at Pee eet eh eer Sone en eae PL ec ee eee ee ee ted et eae eee oe Pee ny Doerner Se a ete Rn ee ea eee ee ea es CR ee aoe Le tethod which allows you to return to conventional awareness after eres “There are numerous elaborate and well-constructed rituals which ‘work io ring your consciousness ack the Foursquare world of lerents, jobs and material responstbites that ls Malkuth, You can oereee acti ee aT eed Poe eee aac eeemtt Ne ert “Magi, Some Magicians have access to a dedicated room or space, oth ee et ee ee eS Se ees te ee eee Speen eects eee ete ee ee rece ee eee teeter eres eee ee ‘vast wooden castle rampart with vampire teeth portcllis fangs of mee ea cn ee eS) es a eeenee foeteeneee meersrnet rT rete teenie i poet ern Ce ee ae et ee ee ee eee eee eet atte eg oe Peeper ee eemrensee Tr nines ert Ser Cardinal map dicections, you wll now place images of the guardians ee ee eer en revered ancestors, Wise old Uncle Tom. Tough, kind Granny Super: ee er eee aes een eer ees een Tey ary as fundamental forces ofthe universe, the four elements and directions, cect eee eee eee Tc ‘These four corners define the limits of the Magical scale model ofthe ere ane rnin ee] eee eee rent corti Pasir near te fey savers hue where ort vat eg Jknown as holographic self-similarity (where each fragment a hologram ene eae eee eee eee ees ae Je mirrored in the real, ora macracosmic world. Seen ee Itcan beas simple or as elaborate a you fool you noed to achieve the ee een whieh involves no props or disguises and gets straight downto Deen ea err eee eer mr] eee en re ec eee ec ee een) See eee nt ae Dene Poa Ses ST ee ets Pete een tentt pr ecrerry ee erry eet eee ht eee eee eee re-entering the eal world where | and always TAKE THE PISS. you may be judged for your mad ideas and weird behaviour Set Relentlesly question andlorin- down your experiences inthe Peierierenen eE ee eon ter een aa mre eet een sce ‘creative include thom inastory | own,and those of people you rd ee ees eee eer eee on eae eee ee i en rete ee eT i Petree esters develop a high-altudekalekdo- er eae Se ete eet een ee eee Re eee ee era eee ere aT beer ne opener rhe Peover rermer a eee enters ere) Examine as many alternate ways ee eee ee eee eect eee ces Thiererer perenne on Sn) eens ae ea ee een penne seers tron eee ers eee eer ea ts oes ee eres pee eee Pea rere neces laugh with friends. Donoc think habits and patterns, and use the St ees cae ees eet eee eet ea La eee Case ea ee eS ene iat heer heer a mee eens ts os Cee) ees Cents roe Pre Mee ee eed topay the bills, feed your lovely ce eee ears what Magicisand what | your gran in the hospice witha fener «and, Also perform Magleal devo- Perec erences ee eee et er eee ey eres eee eens Cad rors ne Tee eee meen cc eee Car ent) Eres en Aendtoweed outthe | Be inspired by and always earn Pees eect ity Peer en oa ray Re cents pe ee ec er Se || SS Cee ey Steere en eee Pee ees ee coors Ce on ee a eee ee ee) DPS percent mre peetrerererr os few pointers: Pee Pee ae heen aoe ed ee eee ee Ts Perera ened nos cee eee er Peeters eens ree es Perec Pr eeseree ena nee end eee Poor eee at ney Pee sere ies eres Pee ey en eens ter) cd eee Perron einen erent aes TNS Ce ne Pet eee See ee ees Petes Pee revrece rere Srna ence eg Pore Seen eee eens the Dorling Kindersley Science peee en niet ee tr SCs See eee en een een ts pemrene ry errerty crete Peeee ee ts eee id ee ee Poems See Py eect ca Pron Rtn eea weer taa ng ore een ctr eas Te es ces reed prereset Peni arene ‘where along the way and now ee ee) rea oan cos Pee Peete eran ete eee perl er cer cement nts Pr eres peer ire erent Sea Se as Serer rt as ‘of blood when summoning cere aee Pee fora Mars ritual. Acan of Red Bull can help summon Hermes Sueno) cae eae eee es iver arenes es Premeeeterts noe ear eer eet rent eet) eer nin Poe some) elena) ete eee cs eer et eee cet WAND -STRENGTHOF Soy See er) ses Seer cree rer cette ee eer girs ers eee ny ee verry Poe eee Tees ore eee eo ee Pareeeeer tert eee symphony isthe world Your Sener eee sonnet ni Pearce orn eee te eee eee Parente! ren rd Se eee pemrmenvern tyr ny eeeetteer nth 7 Se ete ey een ee er ee ts angela and symbolic beings -that show increasingly finer deal Famillarise yourself with the basic shamanie three worlds model, the four-quarter elemental model (which shows up everywhere ~ from ee eee ee Worlds of Qabalab, the Four Quadrants and the Transactional Analy ere son eerste een Peer eet eee teen ears ea Timothy Leary’ "Circuits", Spiral Dynamics and Chaos. Study the ten Pee ene Men eee ec lifetime but it's well worth fo, the 30 Aethyrs ofthe Enochian system, Cave ene ne eer Cee oe eet ee ee ee ry ee tet eee ert tc ty forms of Magle practised by shamans, witches and sorceress over the a m ‘centuries and even millennia, sich as Australian Aboriginal dream- Pies ee ent ee erence Peat Hone women ae NCS eee ar errr ety Pee eee enn ent ere willing to absorb and synthesize ofall this contradictory information Seed eaten eet a ‘Subscribe to New Scents or Scientic American and malntaln a good Renee eee er et eee eee ‘theory, multiverse theory ll the frontier disciplines are fertile ground ee ee ee en ee een oo er

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