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Businnes Plan

Prepared by:
Ananda Aqilla Zulfa
September 27, 2016
Our products is a cleaning solution and restoration that specialize in washing
and care goods supporting household; such as carpets, sofas, beds and floors.
Additionally, because we are engaged in services, the main thing we noticed is to
provide the best service for customers. With friendly service, fast, and can be
tailored to customer needs, we are optimistic will become a reliable provider of
services in Batam.
Viewed from a similar lack of hygiene services and the people who still do the
cleaning personally, we believe the presence of cleaning services we provide will
greatly assist and facilitate in the execution of the cleaning. With the lack of
competition will be one of the attractions within the scope of this business.

The Business
Business name : Be+ Bersih (A+ Cleaning and Restoration)
Business structure : Partnership company

Business location : Batam, Kepulauan Riau - Indonesia

Date established : To be affirmative

Business owner :

Ananda Zulfa
Owner / General Manager
(+62) 812 7765 5666
Jl. Punai 7 No. 12
Kurnia Djaya alam
Batam Centre, Batam 29464
Kep. Riau Indonesia

Relevant owner experience:

I am a professional housekeeper with over 15 years work experience in

5 stars hotel industry and a person who likes to have a new challenge and
willing to learn new things. My last position was Hotel Manager in Grand
Malioboro Jambi, Indonesia and my job task is involves all aspects in the
Hotel Operations.

Having a work experience in Indonesia, Middle East and North Iraq. 4

times as pre opening team hotels. Good trainer, loyal, friendly, flexible and
well organized, dedicated worker, focusing on guest satisfaction, enthusiastic
also confident who always set and leading the team and communicative
with the costumer, interesting in laundry specialist, floor cristalized, and art of
towel and wedding decorations, hard worker and open mind with new idea.
Fluent in English, Bahasa Indonesia, Malay and Japanese are basic in spoken.
Thrive in a multi-cultural environment.

I believe that I have exceptional cleaning skills which make me

comfortable while performing different kinds of cleaning and sanitization.
Because of these skills, I have the capability to provide exceptional cleaning
and restoration services.

Business Facts
What is steam cleaning?
Dry steam process carried out by conduction. Heat absorbed by the outer
surface of the item is then forwarded to the next layer. Finally, all the items reach the
right temperature required for sanitation. The right temperature for cleaning steam
spring bed is 230 degrees F for 2 hours. Heat destroys microorganisms by causing
coagulation of protein or fat breakdown in the fabric.

Is the process of steam cleaning kills bed bugs (bug mattress / bedbug)?
Yes, the thermal death point to kill all life cycle stages of bed bugs is 113-118
degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes. It is important to note that our process is
completely chemical free. We can kill bed bugs, but if you do not do prevention first
in total, they are likely to re-infect.

What is left on your mattress?

Mites, dust, allergens, bacteria, ticks and excretions is one of the most
common things found on the mattress. Basically anything that happens with your
contacts outside the home will carry over into the home. In addition, animals can
also carry pests such as fleas into your home.

How dry steam destroying infestation / proliferation of pests or Germs?

Mites (kharpa larve), dust (dust), flea carpet (carpet beetle), tick cloth (cloths
moths), bug mattress (bed bugs), and all other microorganisms have a thermal
death point. Steam temperatures of extreme heat is a proven solution to eradicate
the microorganisms. Steam celaning kill pests by reacting with and oxidizing them to
breed. The speed and intensity of the steam dry, not giving time and allow pests to
save water as a way to survive and proliferate.

The Business Infestation (Hama/Kuman) :

Bed Bugs
Bedbugs lurk in cracks and crevices, they live by sucking human blood for centuries.
Although they are not known to transmit disease or pose serious health risks, these
parasites can leave itchy bites and unsightly. However, bedbugs do not always
leave a mark. The best way to tell if you have a bedbug infestation is to look directly
creature about the size of an apple seed this. Unfortunately, after bedbugs live in
your home and business, they can be difficult to eradicate without professional help.

Gambar 1.1

Bed bugs are flat, round and reddish brown, about a quarter-inch (7
millimeters) in length. Usually suck the blood of humans during sleep at night (Figure
Several decades ago, bed bugs are nothing new in the developed countries.
But since the early 2000s, infestations have become more common in places like the
United States, Canada, England, Indonesia, and Asia. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States. A study in the journal Nature
Scientific Reports 2013 indicates that bedbugs have evolved ways to resist
Creatures that do not have wings and they can not fly or jump has a narrow
body shape and the ability to live for months without food to make them into pets
parasite number 1 in the world. Bedbugs can easily hide in the seams and folds of
mattresses, hordens, carpets, bags and clothing. They also hide behind crevices
wooden floor and in the beds, and furniture. Bed bugs are sucking the blood of an
adult person to crawl more than 100 feet (30 meters) at night, but usually creep no
more than 8 feet (2.4 m) from the place.Bed bugs berkembang biak dengan
strategi mengerikan yang bernama "inseminasi traumatis," di mana jantan menusuk
perut betina dan menyuntikkan sperma ke dalam luka nya. Selama siklus hidup
mereka, seekor betina dapat meletakkan lebih dari 200 telur, yang menetas melalui
proses "nimfa" tahap sebelum mencapai bentuk dewasa mereka.

Bed bugs bites

Bedbugs feed on human blood (although some species choose to suck the
blood of mammals and birds) by inserting a sharp proboscis, or part, into the victim's
skin, which become engorged with blood in just 5 minutes.
The insects are active at night, though not exclusively nocturnal bed bugs.
Bedbugs attracted by warmth, humidity and carbon dioxide released from the
creature or warm-blooded animals. When people sleep, bedbugs often bite in warm
areas of the body such as the face, neck, back, legs and arms. Not only in adult
humans alone, to toddlers too.
Bed bugs bites can look very similar to bites from other insects such as
mosquitoes and ticks. People also have different reactions, there is no show spots or
bumps or pustules altogether.
Bed bugs bites pose a health risk and an allergic reaction to the bites may
require medical attention. CDC officials said. There are some cases associated with
bedbug infestation of bed bugs or this. Researchers report in the Canadian Medical
Association Journal in 2009 that they found a man of 60 years suffer from anemia
because of blood loss from bedbug bites of bed bugs or this. Another study
published in 1991 in the Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology found that
people with asthma may be more susceptible to allergic reactions from the bite of
bed bugs or bugs.
Excessive scratching because of itching in the area bitten can also increase
the likelihood of secondary skin infections. antiseptic cream or lotion can be used to
ward off infections and antihistamines may be used to treat itching. People whose
homes have been infested with bed bugs may have trouble sleeping because of
fear of being bitten at night, does not escape public places such as hospitals, hotels,
office buildings and schools often must be closed if they are dealing with bed bugs.
Bed bugs identification
You have to look for traces of the insects in the folds of your mattress, sofa,
floor and other places where they tend to hide. You may be able to find a dry thin
skin, which is left behind after molting that looks smaller and thinner. They also left,
the dark spots of blood impurities small stuffed them into the mattress and
furniture.Bed bugs often attack new areas such as clothing, sofa, hordens, luggage,
furniture or bedding. This creature does not distinguish between dirty and clean,
which means that even hospitals, offices an d plant can be prone to bed bugs.
The most at risk tend to get is an inn with high occupant turnover, such as
dormitories, apartment complexes, hotels and homeless shelters that are crowded of
human traffic.
If you find bed bugs, experts recommend contacting a professional
exterminator who has experience dealing with bedbugs. sprayed insecticide
commonly used to treat infestations and pest repellent can also use Nonchemical
method, such as a device to heat the room above 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50
degrees Celsius), a temperature lethal for bedbugs, according to the Mayo Clinic,
University of Minnesota. But you may have to throw the mattress is very full and other
items of furniture.
Face Mites
Demodex folliculorum is a species of ticks or mites face. One parasite /
commensal adult who attacked on the face of adults (which in other words is the
Demodex brevis). When large numbers of Demodex folliculorum found in humans,
these fleas are known as demodicosis. Demodex canis was first discovered in 1840
that cause mange in dogs. Tulk was the first to publish about Demodex in dogs. In
1842, a Frenchman named Berger find folliculorum Demodex in wax.

These mites are found in human hair follicles, usually found in larger quantities
around the cheeks, nose, eyebrows, eyelashes, and forehead. They can also be
found in other parts of the body such as the arms, chest, and ears. This is a small
species of mite that has been thought to contribute to hair loss (even though this
hypothesis is still in debate) and stayed in the pores and hair follicles. Mites vary in
size from 0.1 mm to 0.4 mm long. The mite does not attack internal organs. Under
normal conditions, they are harmless, and are classified as commensals (benefit
mites do not harm) rather than parasitic (where the host is harmed), even in
conditions of plague (demodicosis) they can be dangerous as his case scabies.
Demodex folliculorum, semi-transparent elongated organisms consisting of
head, neck, body, and tail. Demodex folliculorum is like a worm, with small claws,
and scales all over their bodies that allow the anchor in the hair follicle.
Demodex folliculorum adult can be measured 0.1 mm to 0.4 mm and has four
pairs of short legs near the head and neck region. However, as a larva or nymph,
Demodex folliculorum resemble adults but have three pairs of short legs near the

head and neck region.

Demodex folliculorum vs Demodex brevis

Both folliculorum Demodex and Demodex brevis normally found in the human
face. Demodex folliculorum located in the hair follicle, while Demodex brevis survive
in sebaceous glands adjacent to the hair follicles. For example, around the eye
area, Demodex folliculorum found in the follicles of the eyelashes. Instead, Demodex
brevis inhabits the sebaceous glands of eyelashes and the meibomian glands.
Demodex brevis first separated from folliculorum demodex in 1963 by Akbulatova.

Life Circles

The entire life cycle of D. folliculorum took place within a span of 18-24 days
on the host. During the day, they feed on dead skin cells in the hair follicle. At night,
they come to the surface to mate and lay eggs in the hair follicle. An adult female
lays 20-24 eggs in a single hair follicle; as they grow they become solid, and develop
into larvae. The larvae then washed with sebaceous flow, which is produced by
sebaceous glands host, into the mouth of the hair follicle where they grow into
adulthood. It takes seven days for the larvae develop into adults who are ready to
reproduce sexually.

Whom is Affects
Demodex mites obtained immediately after birth and is considered normal skin flora
are increasing in number due to the development of human age. Almost everyone
has a certain level of Demodex mites in their skin. heavy infestation of Demodex can
arrive in adolescence, and can last until middle age. The increase in their food
supply (sebaceous glands proliferate during puberty) explain the increased
infestation of mites during adolescence. Hair follicles in all adults were full, but the
distribution varies mites, which have a different impact on each person. Men are
often more likely to have a heavy infestation than women because they have more
sebaceous glands, resulting in more food for mites.
Demodex mites can move through Beds, Pillows and Apparel. A 2014 study found
that 100% of age 18 years and over have DNA mites on their faces, suggesting that
mites universal adult human population.
Carpet Beetle
Carpet beetles are pests that eat from or destroy things in your house are
made from animals. They can be found from the garbage home until you goose
feather pillows. These beetles earned the name "Beetle Capet / carpet beetle"
because the infestation is common in rugs made from wool. carpet beetles will eat
wool fabric, and also occupy a synthetic fabric that is commonly used in carpet
Infestation is most often the result of a wild population of carpet beetles
migrate to cooler areas in summer. Areas of the cooler can be anything from the
office, the warehouse up to the rooms of the house. Infestation can start in small
areas such as household laundry bag in the corner and moving outward to the rest
of your home.

Carpet Beetle Infestation

Investment carpet beetles tend to occur in homes that utilize mostly synthetic
fabrics. synthetic carpets, hordens, and clothing. It would be easy to get rid of
carpet beetles by using steam washing method and the use of chemical properly.
However, the carpet beetle can still thrive in a home environment, depending on
other factors. Example, a dog or cat hair gathered in a corner or under the sofa can
be a breeding ground very quickly. In public places to check for infestation under
furniture, the bottom of the trash can, HVAC intake vents and the container where
your pet food.
Carpet Beetle Health Concern
Carpet beetle is not capable of biting humans by means of plugging in their
jaws, because it is not big enough to cause a painful bite and they do not carry
poison. Because there are almost no health problems caused by the bite of carpet
However, there are potential health concerns as carpet beetles get access
to human food. Cross-contamination of food (Food Cross Contamination) can be a
great risk in this situation and this should be taken seriously.

Clothes moths
Clothes moths are one of the few insect several types of fabrics. Below are facts
about the clothes moth is more important:
Only larvae that damage.
Moths will eat woolen garments, woolen carpets, furniture, wall hangings,
hats, dolls and toys (especially imports), full fluffy products such as blankets
and coats.
Moths will not eat: vegetable products, silk (although the larvae can "cut" to
take advantage of the cocoon) or a meal in the kitchen.
Moth avoid direct light - they usually occupy the articles kept in the dark and
do not move often.
The moth can infest the entire house if left untreated.
Left to Right : Webmaking Ngengat, CASEMAKING Ngengat dan Moth Larva

There are two types of moths that damage clothing:

Webmaker Moth:

Webmaker moth is the most common species is rampant in homes and offices in
major cities that power is high humidity.

Moth larvae webmaker:

Approximately 1mm (1/24 inch) long at birth
White or translucent color
Life 55 days to 2 years
Adults Webmaking Moth:
Agency soft pink and golden reddish hair on the head
Feathered wings
On 15 to 30 days
Approximately inches long


CASEMAKING moth is the most common species rampant home in the United States
(although the metropolitan area of Washington, DC seems to have more infestations

Moth larvae CASEMAKING:

Do not exposed to air, they were in "shells"

Create a silk shell where he ate and breed pupate
Pupal stage often hung vertically from the ceiling and a closet shelf.
Smaller than webmaking moth in 1/3 inch to inch long
Brownish with three typical dark spots on the wings
Feathered wings
Living 4 to 6 days
Countermeasures Moth:
Finding the source of infestation point is very important for long-term control. Steam
Cleaning Dry Cleaning full or clothing or fur carpet is strongly recommended. Dry
cleaning of clothing itself will fail if a professional pest control is not done before the
clothes were returned. Consult with your local pest control company for details
regarding proper care of your home.

Of the various types of fungi that grow on the filaments and reproduce by
forming spores. Mushrooms term sometimes used to refer to some kind of fungus on
its common, especially mushrooms at home with white or grayish or mold growing
mattress, platforms and bathrooms. Mushrooms can be grown indoors or outdoors
and thrive in humid, warm, and cold. mushrooms can be found on the surface or
base of each object, environment or season.
The most common type of fungus households were found in the room
included Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, Aspergillus and Stachybotrys
chartarum (also known astachybotrys atra and sometimes referred to as "Fungus
Black") is fungus greenish-black which can also be found in indoors, although less
common than other types of fungi found in the home. Stachybotrys grows on the
surface in households that have a high cellulose content, such as wood, fiberboard,
gypsum board, paper, dust, and lint. There is a type of fungus that can grow on
different substances such as food, mattresses and carpets.
Fungi reproduce by forming tiny spores that are not visible to the naked eye.
Fungal spores are extremely hardy and can survive in conditions where other
parasites can not grow, like in a dry environment and rude. These spores multiply by
air from outdoors and from within the room itself. When mold spores land on surfaces
where moisture is present, the fungus spores can then start to grow.
Outdoor play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter such
as dead trees, compost and leaves. The most common fungus that grows in damp,
dark areas or areas of decaying plant life. Indoors, mold often found in basements,
bathrooms, bedrooms, sofas, mattresses and wooden floors. Indoor fungus has the
potential to cause health problems and can destroy surfaces and objects in which it
is grown.
Damp areas in your home susceptible to mold growth ranging from Drywall,
ceiling, tiles, carpets, furniture, mattresses, roof, door panels and windows,
wallpaper, under the sink, and the area around the pipeline is an example of an
area in the house can be filled by mold if the growing conditions are necessary
Fungus spores from outside can enter the home through open doors,
windows, and vents. It can also be attached to clothing, shoes and pets, and
because it was carried into the room.
Mushrooms can have many different colors and sometimes appear as spots.
In addition, the musty smell may be present. mold growth can also be hidden under
the carpet, inside the foam mattress, on the back side of wallpaper, wood floors,
and behind drywall or paneling. Sauna, greenhouses, and the construction area is a
place where the fungus is commonly found.

Fungi produce irritating substances that can act as allergy-causing

substances (allergens) in sensitive individuals. In addition, some Fungi produce toxic
substances known as mycotoxins. In fact there are several types of fungi that can
produce toxins.
Left to Right : Spores mycotoxins and their effect on humans, animals and food

Bacterial spores are spores or spore-like structures produced by bacteria. These

include endospores, Akinetes, and the spores produced by Actinobacteria and
Azotobacter. Spore formation in bacteria is not the main method of reproduction
but it is just a method of survival that is not profitable.

They have a number of features:

They can tolerate extreme drought.
Some can not be killed even at temperatures below zero.
Some can spread toxic chemicals, such as Cry toxin synthesized by Bacillus

Bacterial spores are very strong survive. Tetanus and anthrax spores, for example,
can survive in soil for many years. Originally these spores discovered in the 19th
century, when biologists viewed through a microscope, small, round, light body in a
bacterial cell. It persisted even when the bacteria are boiled for five minutes. It kills
bacteria, but not spores. They germinate when conditions are right. Because the
spores are so resistant, they are very contagious. This makes them highly problematic
aspect spore-forming pathogens like Clostridium difficile.

From left to right: Tetanus spores and the effects on humans

From left to right: Anthrax spores and the effects on humans

An allergic reaction is the body's way of responding to an "invader." When the
body perceives foreign substances, called antigens, the immune system is triggered.
The immune system normally protects the body from harmful antigens such as
bacteria and toxins. Overreaction to harmless substances (allergens) is called
hypersensitivity reactions or allergic reactions.
Anything can be an allergen. Dust, pollen, plants, medications (such as
ibuprofen, a sulfa drug such as sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim [Bactrim],
codeine, amoxicillin [Amoxil, Amoxil Pediatric Drops, Moxatag, Trimox], cephalexin
[Keflex]), food (food allergies common including shrimp and other shellfish, peanuts),
insect bites (such as mosquito bites or bee stings), animal dander, viruses, or bacteria
are examples of allergens.
Reactions can occur in one
place, such as a small virus on the
skin, itchy eyes, facial bumps, or
entire face, such as whole body
hives (urticaria). Reactions can
include one or more symptoms.
Most allergic reactions are mild,
such as virus from poison ivy,
mosquito or other bug bites, or
sneezing from hay fever. This type
of reaction depends on a person's
immune system response, which is
sometimes unexpected.
In rare cases, an allergic reaction
can be life threatening (known as
anaphylaxis). The Asthma and
Allergy Foundation of America
(AAFA) estimates that at least one
of the 5000 people in the world
(1.6%), and as many as one in 2000
(5.1%) had anaphylaxis occurs,
resulting in an average of 1860 to
2250 deaths per year.
Cause Allergic Reactions
Almost anything can trigger allergic reactions. The immune system involves
white blood cells, which produce antibodies. When the body is exposed to antigens
(foreign substances such as pollen that can trigger an immune response), a complex
set of reactions begins. White blood cells produce antibodies specific to the antigen.
This is called "sensitization."
Antibody task is to help the white blood cells detect and destroy substances
that cause disease. In an allergic reaction, immunoglobulin antibody belongs to the
class known as immunoglobulin E, or IgE.
These kinds of antibodies to encourage the production and release of
chemicals and hormones called "mediators". Mediators have effects on organs
other than the local network and enable more white blood cells. This is an effect
that causes the symptoms of a reaction.
Histamine is one of the more well-known allergy mediators produced by the
If the release of mediators is sudden, allergic reactions may also be sudden
and more severe, and anaphylaxis may occur. Allergic reactions are unique to each
person. a reaction to allergens can vary. Some people will have an allergic reaction
immediately; And there were his reactions take time to develop.
There are more than 160 food allergy. certain foods are common allergens,
including peanuts, strawberries, oysters, shrimp, milk, and wheat. And there is also
that of vaccines and medicines (antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin, aspirin,
ibuprofen, iodine), general anesthesia and local anesthesia, rubber latex (as in
gloves or condoms), dust, pollen, mold, animal feathers and poison ivy are widely
known form of allergens. Other allergens may also include detergents, hair dye,
cosmetics and tattoo ink.
Allergies often occur from bee stings, insect infestation and fire ant stings,
penicillin, and peanuts are known to cause dramatic reactions that can be serious
and involve the whole body. And minor injuries, the temperature of hot or cold air,
exercise, stress, or emotional can also trigger allergic reactions. Exposure to the sun
can cause allergic reactions in some people, often referred to as "sun poisoning."
Often, certain allergens can not be identified unless someone has had a
similar reaction in the past. The risk factors for allergic reactions include certain
medical conditions that can make a person more likely to have an allergic reaction:

A severe allergic reaction in the past

Lung conditions that affect breathing, such as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD)
Nasal polyps
Frequent sinus infections, ear, nose or respiratory tract
Sensitive skin, especially eczema sufferers

Anaphylaxis is a term for any combination of allergic symptoms that quickly,

or suddenly, and potentially life-threatening. One of the signs of anaphylaxis is shock.
Shock has a very specific meaning in medicine. Shock may cause death. The organs
of the body does not get enough blood due to very low blood pressure. People in
shock may be pale or red, sweaty or dry, confused, anxious, or is unconscious or
unable to breathe.
Shock caused by sudden dilation of blood vessels. This is caused by the action
of the mediators of allergy. If blood pressure reduction is sudden and drastic, can
cause unconsciousness, and even heart attacks and kematian.Gejala and signs of
an allergic reaction following things:

Skin irritations, redness, itching, swelling, blistering, weeping, crusting,

rash, eruptions, or hives (itchy bumps or welts)
Lungs: wheezing, tightness, coughing, or shortness of breath
Head: swelling or bumps on the face and neck, eyelids, lips, tongue, or
throat, hoarseness, headache
Nose: nasal congestion, runny nose (clear, thin discharge), sneezing
Eyes: red (red), itching, swelling, or aqueous or swelling around the
face and eye area
Stomach: pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or bloody diarrhea
Other: fatigue, sore throat

The Products
Based on the understanding of the investment can be concluded that the
cleanliness and care for furniture and your home is in need, then the things that we
set a :

Be+ Bersih (A+ Cleaning and Restoration)

Be+ Bersih Offering products with the latest innovations, such as:

Spring bed Spotting & Steam Wash,

Baby Spring bed Spotting & Steam Wash,
Leather Sofa Steam Wash (No. Spotting),
Velvet Sofa Spotting & Steam Wash,
Polyurethane (PU Leather) Sofa Spotting & Steam Wash,
Basic Fabric Sofa Spotting & Steam Wash,
Curtains / Draperies Hot Steam Cleaning,
Carpet / Rug Spotting & Steam Cleaning,
Bed Cover / Duvet Spotting & Steam Wash
Floor Marble Wash & Shine,
Ceramics Wash & Shine, and
Wooden Floor / Parquet Refinish & Shine
AC Service
Standing AC and Outdoor Water Fan rent

Be+ Bersih will provide the services below, with pick-up and delivery services for free
to Batam area:
Door to Door Service
Washing Home Service
On call service
On the road service (in future)
The Objective
Be+ Bersih is seeking to attain an partnership in order to start up and expand
business operations, implement a medium advertising campaign and
primarily to upgrade to green-technology equipment.

Be+ Bersih targeting sales forecast gradually increase in the first of 2018. Be+
Bersih projects modest net profits for the first year. The company's second and
third year net profits are expected to grow substantially.

In providing air steam laundry and spotting services for spring beds, carpets,
sofas, and garment alteration also buffing, cristalized and polishing services
for tiles, cerramics, marbels, and granits for customers in the Batam, Riau
Archipelago area and surrounding neighborhood area in future Be+ Bersih
aims to:

Establish sustainable business by the end of the first year after attaining
an invesment.
Have first year total sales in start in second quarter of 2017 in excess of
Rp 100.000.000,00
Producing minimum 30 % net profits yearly growth.
Sales Target
Gross Margin
Net Profit
2016 2017
2018 2019

The Market
Offices, and

The Market Analist

Batam Population, Riau Islands Province increased an average of 100,000
people each year, said Head of the Department of Population and Civil
Registration Batam, Sadri Khairuddin. In the past year, the population growth
97.757 people, the most populous of the newcomers contributed about 65
percent and the local is about 35 percent. Data from Disdukcapil in 2012
showed the number of births reached 33.105 inhabitants and new commers
64. 652 inhabitants. Batam has become the destination of urbanization of
other regions. Generally, migrants wanted to find work and a better life in this
industrial city regions.
Total newcommers arrivals in 2015 is estimated increase as well the increase
in the minimum wage from the Batam city from Rp2,4 million to Rp2.9 million.
Batams Mayor, Ahmad Dahlan said the government would pull through the
expansion of the 12 districts to 20 districts in 2015 as a consequence of the
population increase. Districs in Batam will be expanded in 2015. This is
because the number of residents of Batam are already unstoppable again,
says the City Mayor. If in 2013 Batam population of 1.2 million people, an
estimated total population in 2015 to reach 1.4 million people, so it takes an
additional district and personnel to serve the needs of newcommers.

Batam city has the potential and the actual ability to contribute to the
progress of national economy as well as the surrounding area. Its position is
very close to the newly industrialized countries of Singapore, making this area
has the potential to accommodate the overflow of the economy of the
island state which is already quite advanced it. The economic value of this
area has been undisputed since it was developed in a planned manner by
the government. Up to December 2013, the value of non-oil exports Batam is
US $ 9.36 million as well as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of US $ 7.28 billion.

Batam city economic growth in 2013 is estimated 8,39% higher than the
growth rate of the national economy. Therefore this region serve as a driver of
national economic growth and for the Riau Islands Province as well. The
economy sectors that driving of the economy pulse of Batam included the
communications, electricity, water and gas, banking sector and the industrial
sector over the ship, trade and services sectors. Products produced not only
for the public consumption as Batam and Indonesia, but also an export
commodity for another country.

Batam City Government as implementer of Batam together with the House of

Representatives as well with the participation on of Batam City Authority
Board in continuing development is committed to promoting investment and
economic growth in Btam City. This is evidenced by the memorandum of the
three agencies, which is then expected creation of Batam sustainable
development. Batam along with Bintan and Karimun now achieved status as
a Special Economic Zone (SEZ). By this is expected to increase investment in
Batam is ultimately intended to increase social welfare.
As you can see, we have provided some data about the size of population,
genders, number of families and their house hold income. According to the
information which is provided by BP Batam of Statistics, the total number of
population in Batam city is 1,031,121 people which are recently living in all
private dwellings with 726,004 people. The average people per household are
2.6 percent and the monthly household income is Rp 6.500.000,00

For all the information, we are finally concluded that the business we have
planned to organize is perfect for the Batam city after analyzing the size of
population and their monthly income. I hope with this analyze and research
we are in right track to achieve our business goal.

Bp Batam Bureau Of Statistic available at :

The S.W.O.T

Door-to-door service: The quality of being strong. We offer a door to door

service for Laundry cleaning providing another choice for customers. Visit
offices, work places and corporate organizations and let them know the type
of services that we offers.
Quick and convenient: We offer a quick and convenient service in order to
save a customers time. It is a very lucrative business, as not everyone that
puts on spring bed and garment has the time to do the laundry involved
thereafter. Many people have a tight schedule, so they consider it a waste of
time doing cleaning by them self. This is the reason why you stand a chance
of making a lot of money because this people will definitely seek your
Reasonable prices
Attractive discount and packages program: We offer a special discount offer
for our valuable and regular customers. As Cleaning and Threatment
business is an easy and convenient to start and it is not a capital or
management intensive. And we make importance of Superior customer
The state or quality of being weak, lack of strength.
New: We are creating a new business so the cost would be higher and there
will be no profit making for several months.
Small form of business: Our business is a small form of business and if our
location of the service isnt a good place it will not be convenient for people
to come and serve our service.
No experiences: Competition from already established business. Less
experience than competitors. A limited marketing budget needed to create
brand awareness.
Cost: Cost of transferring for delivery service and a limited marketing budget
needed to create brand awareness and the hours of operation needed.

Laundrys price is cheaper than others which help to attract more customers.
We can have a walk in facility at our laundry service.
Opportunity from busy people who dont have time to do their own laundry
themselves and we can change our business location in the city area or near
to the city.
Increasing number of medium and small hotels, spa shop which is good for
our market and increasing of disposable income and changing the daily
Relatively high rates of return on your investment are possible and large
target market.
Minimal time and labor are involved and participation in a steadily growing

Other competitors: Bigger Company services and other new business that
enters the business world. Future/Potential competition from a large
franchised business.
No profit in first 3-6 month: As our business is using high quality machines and
many kinds. The cost of the machines is high so there cannot be no profit for
the first 3 to 6 month, or several months.
A large increase in home built in the area that will decrease the reliance of
the service.

The Future
Vision statement:
Creating a A+ cleaning and restoration services of the highest quality in
specialist cleaning and floor care. By providing friendly customer service, fast,
and can be tailored to customer needs coupled together in a package offer
and attractive prices.
Become a trusted partner and reliable in Batam, Riau Islands and in future in
Which specializes in providing systems for the maintenance of cleanliness and
washing mattresses, carpets, sofas and fabric window treatments also included
glazing washing and floor tiles, ceramic, marble, granite, and wood flooring to
customers in Batam and surrounding area.
As the business grows, we are targeting:
Building a stable business at the end of the first year after getting investment.
Obtain the total sales in the first year of Rp 100,000,000.00
Producing at least 30 % revenue gain per year

By implementing the advertising campaign developed as an environmentally

friendly technology. We are targeting sales forecast to increase in early 2017, with
the certainty of income gains in the first year. In the second and third years of this
business is expected to benefit from the increased stability.

The Chemicals
The Chemicals used provided from our Join Marcom Jhonson Diversey by
Sealed Air Group as below :

Clax Activ 4AP1

Clax FER 7VL1
Clax Protein 7SL1
Taski R2
Taski R4
Taski TR 101
Taski TR 103
Jontec Futur
Jontec Resitol
Jontec Terranova
Omni Spray
Sprint Flower
Carpet Powder
The Equipment and Utensil
No. Gambar Fungsi Availability
Z Carpet Cleaner Small Membersihkan
A karpet

Z Blower 40 c
B Mengeluarkan
udara panas

C Z Brush & Polish 1100 rpm Membersihkan

karpet dan lantai,
Wax removing,
Low speed
pengkristalan dan
Polishing untuk
berbagai macam
tipe lantai,
permukaan lantai
pengoperasian di
hotel, perkantora,
restoran, dan
exhibition hall
D Z Carpet Extractor Big
Menyedot ait dan
debu yang
tertinggal setelah
n kekuatan besar

E Z Carpet Extractor Small Menyedot air dan

debu yang
tertinggal setelah
karpet dan sofa
dengan efisien

F Dry Foam Sofa Machine

Mengeluarkan dry
foam yang
dengan sikat
yang dapat
berputar dan
mesin penyedot
yang kuat

G Foam Machine

foam dengan
jumlah besar
pemakaian air
H Sanding Machine

Mesin amplas

Spray Gun with Tank


vernis dengan
tekanan tinggi
J Steam Cleaner Ultrasonic

Menghasilkan uap
spring bed, sofa,
Uap yang di
hasilkan sampai
40 C

Z Compressor 220 v

Alat pemompa
angin untuk
sprayer gun
The Price List
Sofa STANDARD (Released per seat Rp 40.000,00
Seater) per seat Rp 35.000,00
Sofa STANDARD (Permanent per seat Rp 45.000,00
Seater) per seat Rp 40.000,00
Sofa JUMBO (Released Seater) per seat Rp 90.000,00
Sofa JUMBO (Permanent per seat Rp 95.000,00
Seater) per piece Rp 100.000,00
Sofa OSCAR (Kulit Sintetik) + 1 unit Rp 150.000,00
Polishing 1 unit Rp 200.000,00
Sofa LEATHER (Kulit) + Polishing per seat Rp 250.000,00
Sofa Cushion / BANTALAN per seat Rp 30.000,00
Standard Sofa Bed per unit Rp 250.000,00
Jumbo Sofa Bed per unit Rp 300.000,00
SINGLE Matras Only Rp 150.000,00
QUEEN Matras Only Rp 200.000,00
KING Matras Only Rp 250.000,00
SINGLE 1 set (2x1,2m) Rp 250.000,00
QUEEN 1 set (2x1,8m) Rp 300.000,00
KING 1 set (2x2m) Rp 350.000,00
QUEEN 1 set (2x1,6m) Rp 250.000,00
Latex, King Koil Terhitung 1 set Rp 350.000,00
Karpet Kantor up to 1000 m Rp 8.000,00
Karpet Kantor 500 m - 1000 m Rp 10.000,00
Karpet Kantor 100 m - 500 m Rp 12.500,00
Karpet Lantai per m Rp 15.000,00
Karpet Permadani per m Rp 25.000,00
Karpet Tangga per m Rp 12.500,00
Vitrage Steam + Bongkar Pasang/ Rp 15.000,00
Gorden Tebal Steam + Bongkar Pasang / m Rp 15.000,00
Gorden Tipis Steam + Bongkar Pasang / m Rp 12.500,00
Gorden Double Steam + Bongkar Pasang / m Rp 17.500,00
Kursi Kantor large Rp 40.000,00
Kursi Kantor Kulit large Rp 60.000,00
Kursi Kantor Kulit middle Rp 50.000,00
Kursi Kantor standard Rp 35.000,00
Cuci Floor Tiles per m Rp 12.000,00
Polish Floor Tiles per m Rp 17.500,00
Cuci Lantai Ceramics per m Rp 15.000,00
Polish Lantai Ceramics per m Rp 22.000,00
Polish Marble wash + polish / m Rp 40.000,00
Polish Granit wash + polish / m Rp 45.000,00
Polish Lantai Kayu / Wax sanding+polish/m Rp 50.000,00

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