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Biodiversity Monitoring Specialist



Central America and Mexico
Education Environment

12 months

Sept. 5, 2017


Before You Apply

Peace Corps Response positions are open to returned Volunteers or U.S. citizens with
significant professional and technical experience.

Project Description
A Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) is needed to serve as a Biodiversity Monitoring
Specialist for the Regin Prioritaria de Conservacin (RPC) Sierra de Vallejo-Ro Ameca,
CONANP in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. With the collaboration of 24 ejidos located in
the Municipalities of Puerto Vallarta, San Sebastin del Oeste, Mascota, in Jalisco and Bahia de
Banderas and Compostela, in Nayarit all within the Regin Prioritaria de Cosnervacin (RPC)
Sierra de Vallejo-Ameca River region, CONANP has implemented a biodiversity monitoring
network system including participatory environmental monitoring. The objectives of this
program are to include the participation of the communities through environmental
monitoring committees to monitor and protect the biodiversity in the area, as well as to obtain
relevant information for decision making in the management of the ecosystems. In synergy
with other federal agencies and local actors, the RPC Sierra de Vallejo-Ro Ameca seeks to
maximize resources and programs geared towards biodiversity conservation. Thus, the
formation of the Biological Monitoring Program will derive relevant information to support the
effectiveness of our conservation efforts and to align other instruments used for conservation,
management and protection of biodiversity developed by environmental agencies which have
an impact on the well-being and maintenance of ecosystems. In coordination with the
participating communities, at least 44 photo-trap cameras will be set up in the region
beginning in November. Results from this biodiversity monitoring program are expected to
provide relevant information on species such as the Jaguar (Panthera onca) classified as
endangered species by the Mexican norm NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, in addition to the five
species of Felines that exist in Mexico and that are represented in the RPC Sierra de Vallejo-
Ro Ameca, as well as the availability of potential wild prey.

A Biodiversity Monitoring Specialist, with at least a degree in the field of environmental

science and at least 5 years experience in natural resource management, is needed to
collaborate with a conservation team formed by CONAFOR staff and members of the
communities in the RPC region. He/she will support implementation of photo-trap cameras,
collaborate in the definition and implementation of a Biodiversity Monitoring Program, and
propose mechanisms to facilitate the collection of information. The PCRV will also assist the
team in analyzing data collected and propose territorial management actions, train community
members participating in monitoring actions, and explore the possibility of co-writing
scientific articles based on this experience. The goal of this assignment is to build the capacity
of RPC Sierra de Vallejo-Ro Ameca to provide technical assistance and facilitate training
workshops to build on the communities conservation knowledge and skill.

Please note these are approximate departure dates and might change.

Volunteer safety is of paramount importance, and the protections of U.S. citizenship promote
volunteer safety. Under Mexican law, anyone born in Mexico who became a U.S. citizen after
1998 or anyone holding dual U.S. and Mexican citizenship is considered a citizen of Mexico, and
not of the United States. If such an individual faced a legal, safety or other emergency
situation in Mexico, the Peace Corps' ability to intervene could be limited. Therefore, the PC
will not place in Mexico individuals who are either dual citizens of Mexico and the U.S. or who
were born in Mexico and became U.S. citizens after 1998. If you fit either of these categories,
we encourage you to look at other opportunities with PC Response.


Regin Prioritaria de Conservacin (RPC) Sierra de Vallejo-Ro Ameca, CONANP (Priority

Region for Conservation)

Required Skills
Degree in environmental science
At least 5 years of professional experience in the field of natural resources management.
Experience in methods of monitoring biodiversity.
Knowledge of wildlife monitoring devices, global positioning systems.
Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and/or systems or tools to analyze
biological information obtained from photo trapping methods would be a plus.
Spanish skills are beneficial, but not required for this position.

The Peace Corps embraces and leverages the diversity of its volunteers as a reflection of
America's diversity. Peace Corps Response is committed to reflecting the diversity of the
United States in the professionals we send into the field to support the mission of world peace
and friendship. Applicants with diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Medical Considerations in Mexico

Mexico may not be able to support Volunteers with the following medical conditions: none

The following medication(s) are not permitted for legal or cultural reasons: Adderall.

Volunteers who should avoid the following food(s) may not be able to serve: none identified.

After arrival in Mexico, Peace Corps provides and applicants are required to have an annual
flu shot and to receive mandatory immunizations.

Before you apply, please also review Important Medical Information for Applicants [PDF] to
learn about other health conditions typically not supported in Peace Corps service.

Does this sound like the position for you?

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Learn what it's like to serve in Mexico

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DEPARTS BY AUG. 21, 2017


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