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Journal of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177 186

Extraction of coriander seed oil by CO2 and propane at

super- and subcritical conditions
V. Illes a, H.G. Daood b,*, S. Perneczki c, L. Szokonya a, M. Then d
Department of Chemical Engineering, Uni6ersity of Veszprem, Veszprem, Hungary
Central Food Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary
National Judicial and Toxicological Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Pharmacognosy, Semmelweis Uni6ersity of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

Received 22 July 1999; received in revised form 17 November 1999; accepted 17 November 1999


Oil extraction from coriander seed was studied with carbon dioxide and propane as solvents, under sub- and
supercritical conditions. The ratio of solvent to seed (g/g) required to achieve a complete oil extraction was between
20 and 40 using CO2 at pressures of 200 and 300 bar and temperature of 35C. A complete oil recovery could be
attained with propane or propane-rich solvents at 25C and 50, 80 and 100 bar. The ratio of solvent to seed needed
to approach maximum extraction was varied between 1.3 and 2.5. The solvating power of propane and propane-con-
taining solvents was proved to be much higher than that of CO2. The fractions trapped in the initial period of
extraction with CO2 were rich in essential oils. It was stated that the content and composition of essential oils in the
extracts can be influenced by modifying the solvent composition and changing the extraction conditions, which had
negligible effect on the fatty acid composition of the recovered oils. The changes in the tocopherol content of the
extracts as a function of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) conditions are also investigated in the present work.
2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supercritical extraction; Coriander seed; Essential oils; Fatty acids; Tocopherols

1. Introduction 2% of essential oils can be recovered from the

coriander seed, which contains mainly a-linalool
Coriander seeds (Coriandrum satium L.) are [1].
widely used as a seasoning agent in liqueurs, teas, Steam distillation has traditionally been applied
meat products and pickles. The coriander seed for essential oils recovery from plant materials.
contains essential oils, triglycerides, sugars, One of the disadvantages of the hydro-distillation
proteins and vitamin C. By distillation only 0.5 methods is that essential oils undergo chemical
alterations and the heat-sensitive compounds can
* Corresponding author. Present address: Herman Otto u. easily be destroyed. Therefore, the quality of the
15, 1022 Budapest, Hungary. Fax: + 36-1-2129853. essential oil extracts is extremely impaired.

0896-8446/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 6 - 8 4 4 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 4 9 - 2
178 V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186

The other method applied for oil recovery Germany) pumped the liquid solvent through a
from plant materials uses organic solvent extrac- buffer vessel into the thermostated extraction
tion, which has limitations with regard to the column. The pressure of the solvent was con-
loss of valuable volatiles during vacuum evapo- trolled with a backpressure valve. The solute-
ration of solvent, and difficulty in obtaining sol- rich compressed gas was expanded through a
vent free extracts [2,3]. These disadvantages can heated needle valve to atmospheric pressure.
be avoided if the extraction is carried out by The extract was trapped in a cooled vessel and
compressed gases. Over the last 15 20 years in the amount of solvent gas also measured. More
the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical indus- details on apparatus and method have been re-
tries, extraction of some materials using com- ported previously [11].
pressed gases has been investigated [4 9]. The fatty acid and essential oil composition of
Carbon dioxide alone or with solubility the extracts was analyzed by gas chromatogra-
modifiers has been widely used as solvent in the phy (GC). Before analysis the glycerin-esters of
supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of plant ma- triglyceride were converted into methyl-esters ac-
terials. Ethane, propane, ethylene, dinitrogen ox- cording to the Hungarian Standard methods:
ide etc. have also been recommended as solvents
No-19929-86 and No-195228-86. The conditions
under sub- or supercritical conditions for SFE
for the GC analysis were as follows:
Extraction of coriander seed has been carried
Sample: Essential oil Triglyceride
out by CO2 at near supercritical condition
Column: 3% OV-17 10% GPBE
[12,13]. The extract, by such a process, was es-
Chromosorb 2300
sential oil. To achieve total oil extraction, other
WAW Chromosorb
types of solvents at higher pressure are needed.
In the present work extraction of coriander
Temperature: 50200C 160C
seed, by CO2 and propane under sub- and su-
N2: 1.5105 Pa 1.5105 Pa
percritical conditions was studied with special
O2: 50 ml/min 50 ml/min
focus on the effect of different parameters on
H2: 50 ml/min 50 ml/min
the yield, essential oil content and fatty acid
Injected vol- 5 ml 5 ml
composition of oils.

The different fatty acids and essential oils

were identified by injection of standard solu-
2. Materials and methods
tions, which were also used for quantitative
Technical grade carbon dioxide and propane determinations.
(of 99.95% purity) were purchased from Messer For the determination of tocopherols, the
Griesheim Hungaria (Budapest, Hungary). The high-performance liquid chromatographic
commercial quality coriander seeds were ground (HPLC) method, which has been validated for
so as to pass through a 20-mesh sieve before the plant oils by Speek and his co-workers [14] was
extraction. Standard fatty acids (methyl esters), used. After saponification, the tocopherols were
tocopherols, linalool, geranyl acetate and linalyl separated on Si-100-S normal-phase column
acetate were purchased from Sigma (St Louis, (from BST, Budapest) and fluorometrically de-
MO). tected (Shimadzu Model RF-353 HPLC Detec-
The extraction experiments were performed in tor) at 290- and 320-nm excitation and emission
a high-pressure, flow-up apparatus, in which oil wavelengths, respectively. Identification and
solubilization by the different solvents takes qualitative determination of tocopherols was
place in adynamic mode. A model EL-1 mem- based on comparison of retention times with
brane pump (from LEWA Herbertott, Leonberg, those of standard solutions.
V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186 179

3. Results and discussion The gas volume at the absolute temperature 273
K and 1 bar was calculated using the Peng-
The extraction was carried out with CO2 super- Robinson equation of state [15]. After normaliza-
critical conditions (35C, and 100 350 bar) and tion of gas volume, the mass of gas and
subcritical conditions (25C and 100 bar), while gas-mixture could then be determined.
subcritical conditions were applied for extraction
with propane or propane-containing solvent. 3.1. Extraction by CO2

The relationship between solvent use and

amount of extract obtained from 100 g coriander
seed at different temperatures and pressures is
shown in Fig. 1. Complete extraction could be
achieved at 35C and 200 and 300 bar in 2.0 and
1.5 h, respectively. The extract consist of, besides
essential oils, triglycerides (glycerol esters of fatty
acids) and waxes. Under subcritical conditions
(25C and 100 bar) the oil solvating capacity of
SF-CO2 was substantially decreased so that a
complete extraction could be achieved in  6 h.
At 100 bar and 35C the solvating power of
SF-CO2 was so low that 100 g of the solvent
solubilized only 0.03 g of oil (Fig. 2).
The first fraction of subcritical extraction with
CO2 (at 15% extraction degree) was composed
mainly of essential oils. As the pressure was raised
to 200 bar the yield of the non-volatile oils was
Fig. 1. Effect of pressure on the extraction of oil from corian- markedly increased with observable reduction in
der seeds as a function of the solvent/seed ratio using SF-CO2.
the solubility of essential oils. The oil solubility
increased to 1.08 g/100 g CO2 when the extraction
was performed at 350 bar. The maximum amount
extracted from 100 g coriander seed was 15.3 g at
200 bar and 16.4 g at 300 bar when the tempera-
ture was 35C.

3.2. Extraction with propane

The results of propane extraction at 25C, and

50 and 80 bar are shown in Fig. 3. After a steep
increase, the extraction curve reached a plateau
giving the maximum oil yield. The oil solubility in
propane was so high that a ratio of solvent/seed
of 1.5 was all that required for the implementa-
tion of complete extraction of oil. The maximal
amount of oil extracted from 100 g seed ranged
between 15.4 g and 16.9 g. These values were
similar to those approached using supercritical
Fig. 2. Effect of extraction pressure on the amount of oil (gE) CO2 or propane rich solvent mixture. Because the
dissolved in 100 g of SC-CO2 at 35C. solvent is not capable of penetrating into the inner
180 V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186

3.3. Comparison between CO2 and propane


Fig. 4 illustrates the influence of extraction

conditions on oil recovery using propane and CO2
solvents. Very steep increase in oil solubility in
propane was observed as a function of the solvent
used. In the case of SC-CO2 (supercritical carbon
dioxide) the extraction curves indicated a more
limited removal of the oil.
The ratio of solvent/solid required for complete
extraction of coriander seed oil by SC-CO2 was 40
and 20 when a pressure of 200 and 300 bar was
applied, respectively, at 35C. This ratio decreased
to 2.6 using a mixture of 2:1 propane-CO2. In case
of pure propane, under subcritical conditions, a
ratio of 1.3 and 1.5 was needed for the implemen-
Fig. 3. Supercritical propane extraction of coriander seed oil as tation of complete extraction at 80 and 50 bar,
a function of the solvent/solid ratio at different pressures.
respectively. Such experimental data agree with
those published earlier [811], which concern ex-
traction capacity of propane-rich solvents. Ac-
cordingly, small proportions of propane-rich CO2
are needed to achieve complete recovery of oils
from plant materials. From the economic point of
view it is of great interest that the ratio of
propane/seed is several times lower than the ratio
of CO2/seeds, thus, the use of propane can sub-
stantially reduce the cost of extraction technology.

Fig. 4. Extraction of oil from coriander seeds by CO2,

propane-CO2 and propane at different super- and subcritical

layers of the ground seeds, it cannot totally sol-

vate the oil. Thus, the quantity of the solubi-
lized oil decreased with the progress of
extraction process. The estimated time to com- Fig. 5. Extraction of essential oil from coriander seeds as a
plete the extraction with subcritical propane is function of oil output using different solvents at different
50 70 min. conditions.
V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186 181

extracts as a function of increased output of oil.

With SC-CO2, irrespective of pressure and tem-
perature, the essential oil content of the extract
rapidly decreased in accord with the increased
quantity of the recovered oil. The oil obtained
with 1015% yield contained 7080% of the total
essential oils. At 30% extraction, the essential oil
content decreased to 38%, further on it fluctu-
ated between 1 and 2%. This means that essential
oils are first solubilized by SC-CO2 and their
extraction is practically completed by the time
that 30% of the oil is recovered. The essential oil
composition of coriander oil obtained at three
different times of extraction is shown in Fig. 6.
When the extraction was performed with
propane or propane-rich solvent, oil solubility
Fig. 6. Gas chromatography profiles of essential oils from was so high that 35% of the total oil was recov-
coriander seeds at different extraction degrees. For explana-
ered in less than 10 min. At this degree of extrac-
tion of 2/A, B, C see Table 1.1, D-linalool; 2, geranyl acetate;
3, linalyl acetate.
tion, the oil contained 515% of the total
essential oils. With 5560% extraction degree, the
concentration of essential oils increased to 20
85% and then gradually decreased to 10%. The
difference between SC-CO2- and subcritical
propane-extracted oils in their essential oil con-
tent can be explained by the fact that the oil
solubilization rate of SC-CO2 is constant and
much lower than that of propane. The later re-
moves volatile and non-volatile fractions from the
seeds within a short time giving no possibility for
fractionation. Fractionation of coriander oil into
volatile and non-volatile oils is possible with SC-
CO2 particularly at subcritical conditions (25C
and 100 bar). From these results it can be con-
cluded that subcritical propane is more powerful
than SC-CO2 in solvating of oils, but due to its
high extraction rate the separation of essential oils
is practically not possible under the given
Fig. 7. Change in the essential oil content (%) as a function of Fig. 7 shows the extraction curves of two main
extraction degree (%) using CO2, propane-CO2 and propane at components of essential oil fraction, using three
different super- and subcritical conditions. different solvents at different conditions. The
slope of the SC-CO2 extraction curve of D-linalool
3.4. E6aluation of the quality of extracts is similar to that found for the total essential oils
(as shown in Fig. 5). The concentration decreased
Table 1 summarizes the data on essential oil rapidly from 70% to 45% of the total when the
composition and content of coriander oils recov- oil yield approached 35% and to 01% with
ered under different conditions, while Fig. 5 illus- longer extraction time. In case of propane or
trates the change in the essential oil content of the propane-containing solvent mixture, the concen-
Table 1
Content of the major volatile compounds in coriander oils extracted by CO2, propane and CO2+propane super- and subcritical conditionsa

Runs Extraction parameters Essential oil content, % Volatiles, %

P (bar) T (C) Solvent Extraction degree, % D-Linalool Geranyl acetate Linalyl acetate

A 250 35 CO2 15.3 80.0 70.0 7 0.3
A 250 35 CO2 11.9 70.0 70.0 7 0.1
B 21.7 10.0 49.0 7 0.3

V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186

C 30.7 5.0 Traces Traces Traces
D 45.8 1.0 Traces Traces Traces
A 300 35 CO2 18.3 20.0 70.0 0.2 0.1
B 31.4 10.0 12.0 10.0 9.0
A 300 35 CO2 15.4 45.0 70.0 0.2 0.1
B 27.1 5.0 22.0 1.1 0.4
C 31.9 2.0 14.0 1.7 0.6
A 300 35 CO2 22.6 25.0 66.0 6.5 Traces
BE 83.1 2.0 Traces Traces Traces
A 200 35 CO2 15.9 25.0 59.0 7.2 Traces
BC 35.8 2.5 Traces Traces Traces
AK 100 25 CO2 15.2 35.0 69.1 2.9 3.1
LN 33.3 Traces 0.1 Traces Traces
AD 100 28 C3H8+CO2 100.0 20.0 61.0 10.0 Traces
A 80 28 C3H8+CO2 59.2 30.0 74.0 2.0 Traces
BD 100.0 20.0 54.0 6.0 Traces
A 100 25 C3H8+CO2 37.7 10.0 71.0 3.6 2.5
BH 99.6 1.0 60.1 Traces Traces
V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186
Table 1 (Continued)

Runs Extraction parameters Essential oil content, % Volatiles, %

P (bar) T (C) Solvent Extraction degree, % D-Linalool Geranyl acetate Linalyl acetate

A 80 25 C3H8+CO2 34.8 5.0 60.3 5.4 Trace
BG 99.8 8.0 63.0 0.5 0.3
A 50 25 C3H8+CO2 38.5 15.0 64.0 3.0 Trace
BH 100.0 10.0 64.0 0.3 0.3

A, B, C represent the samples taken in each extraction run under the given conditions. In propane+CO2 solvent a ratio of 2:1 was used.

184 V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186

tration of D-linalool fluctuated between 60 and and 2528C) was efficient in solvating the to-
70% in the oils recovered at extraction degree of copherols with the exception of d-tocopherol.
35 100%. With regard to geranyl-acetate (irre- The solvent efficiency increased substantially
spective of solvent type and extraction condi- when the temperature was adjusted to 25C, in-
tions) its concentration in the extracts was dicating that subcritical conditions suit extrac-
5% at any extraction degree. tion of tocopherol from the coriander seeds.
Tocopherol content and fatty acid composi- This was also found for application of propane
tion are the other important quality attributes of at subcritical conditions, which gave similar re-
coriander oil. The effect of extraction conditions sults to those obtained with CO2 + propane at
on these moieties is given in Table 2, while Fig. 100 bar and 25C.
8 describes the relationship between extraction The changes in extraction conditions and sol-
degree (yield %) and content of the major fatty vent type had a slight effect on fatty acid con-
acids in the oil. Extraction with CO2 at super- tent and composition of the extracts (Table 2
critical conditions yielded oils containing the and Fig. 8). Increasing the extraction degree up
lowest levels of a- and b +g-tocopherols (under to 40% caused stearic acid to decrease, and later
the given conditions the behavior of d-toco- during the extraction, its concentration fluctu-
pherol was not understood). It is of interest that ated between 1 and 2%. Though unlikely, oleic
application of CO2 at subcritical conditions acid (C18:1) tended to increase from 65 to 79%
(100 200 bar and 25C) resulted in an increased when the oil yield was increased to 40%, but at
concentration of a-tocopherol (the main compo- higher extraction degree its concentration re-
nent of vitamin E) in the oil. The average con- mained unchanged. The concentration of the es-
centration of a-tocopherol increased from 2.4 sential fatty acid (linoleic, C18:2) was only
mg/g in SC-CO2-extracted oils to 5.2 mg/g in slightly affected by the extraction conditions and
oils recovered by CO2 at mild conditions. A increased degree of extraction.
similar trend was observed with the b +g-toco-
The combined use of CO2 and propane under
subcritical extraction conditions (80 100 bar 4. Conclusion

According to the results of the present

study, an oil with high biological and commer-
cial value can be produced with compressed
gases at super- or subcritical conditions. The
changes in the extraction conditions and/or
modification of solvent composition can sub-
stantially influence the essential oil and toco-
pherol content of coriander seed oil. Fatty acid
composition of the extracts was hardly affected
by the changes in the extraction conditions.
While supercritical conditions are essentially re-
quired for the complete extraction of essential
oils, mild subcritical conditions with CO2,
CO2 + propane and propane are sufficient to ex-
tract tocopherols and triglycerides from corian-
der seeds. The ratio of solvent/seeds needed for
Fig. 8. Change in fatty acid content (%) as a function of the implementation of complete extraction of oil
extraction degree (%) using CO2, propane-CO2 and propane at was 2040 and 1.52.5, for CO2 and propane,
different super- and subcritical conditions. respectively.
Table 2
Tocopherol and fatty acid content of coriander extracted by CO2, propane and CO2+propane at super- and subcritical conditionsa

Measurement Extraction parameters Tocopherol content, mg/g oil Fatty acid content, %

P (bar) T (C) Solvent Extraction degree, % a-Tocopherol b+g-Tocopherol d-Tocopherol C16:0 C18:1 C18:1 C18:2

A 250 35 CO2 15.3 2.4 3.9 1.4 5.0 5.0 67.0 17.0
A 300 35 CO2 15.4 4.0 5.0 68.0 14.0

V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186

A 300 35 CO2 22.6 5.6 0.8 70.3 20.1
BE 83.1 8.0 11.3 3.6 4.2 0.8 69.1 18.1
A 200 35 CO2 15.9 2.1 0.4 65.3 19.3
B, C 35.8 2.1 4.1 0.8 3.6 0.9 77.8 16.9
AK 100 25 CO2 15.2 6.2 10.9 2.2 5.0 Trace 76.5 17.7
LN 33.3 4.2 7.2 3.2 3.9 Trace 77.1 18.3
AD 100 28 C 3H 8 100.0 5.6 6.7 1.8 3.0 2.0 70.0 15.0
+ CO2
BD 80 28 C3H8 100.0 3.0 2.0 70.0 16.0
+ CO2
A 100 25 C 3H 8 37.7 3.7 Trace 80.1 15.9
+ CO2
BH 99.6 7.4 12.4 1.3 3.3 Trace 79.7 16.4
A 80 25 C 3H 8 34.8 3.4 0.7 79.2 16.1
+ CO2
BG 99.8 6.0 12.6 2.2 3.7 0.7 78.1 16.7
A 50 25 C3H8 38.5 4.5 0.7 77.1 16.5
BH 100.0 7.4 12.4 5.7 0.7 77.1 16.2

A, B, C represent the samples taken in each extraction run under given conditions.
186 V. Illes et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 17 (2000) 177186

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