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Journal for Research | Volume 03| Issue 01 | March 2017

ISSN: 2395-7549

Security Based Issues in View of Cloud Based

Storage System
Grusha Chouhan Ankit Upadhyay
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore, India Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore, India

Anuradha Deolase Prashant Lakkadwala

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore, India Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore, India

With growing awareness and concerns regarding to cloud computing and information security, there is a growing awareness and
usage of security algorithms into data systems and processes. Confidentiality means the data is understandable to the receiver
only for all others it would be waste; it helps in preventing the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information. Integrity means
data received by receiver should be in the same form, the sender sends it; integrity helps in preventing modification from
unauthorized user. Availability refers to assurance that user has access to information anytime and to any network. In the cloud
confidentiality is obtained by cryptography. Cryptography is technique of converting data into unreadable form during storage
and transmission, so that it appears waste to intruders. In the cloud integrity can be checked using a message authentication code
(MAC) algorithm. Also by the help of calculating the hashing value. But both methods are not practically possible for large
amount of data. Here symmetric algorithms (like IDEA, Blowfish, and DES) and asymmetric algorithms (like RSA,
Homomorphic) are used for cloud based services that require data encryption. While sending data and during storage data is
under threat because any unauthorized user can access it, modify it, so there is need to secure data. Any data is secure, if it
fulfills three conditions i.e., Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. There is a need to find a way to check data integrity while
saving bandwidth and computation power. Remote data auditing, by which the data integrity or correctness of remotely stored
data is investigated, has been given more attention recently.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Information Security, Security Based Issues


Cloud computing is mainly used for data storage. Here the data is stored on multiple third-party servers [2]. The user sees a virtual
server; it appears as if the data is stored in a particular place with a specific name, when storing the data. This doesnt exist in
reality. Its just used to reference the virtual space of the cloud. In reality, the users data could be stored on any one or more of
the computers used to create the cloud. Three important conditions for the data security over the cloud are (i) Confidentiality [8],
(ii) Integrity [4], (iii) Availability [5][8]. Understanding cloud security risks is related to understanding the relationships and
dependencies between cloud computing models and how they are deployed. IaaS [5][9] forms the foundation of the service model
architecture, PaaS builds upon IaaS, and SaaS[5][9] in turn builds upon PaaS[5][9]; and information security issues and risks are
inherited just as capabilities are.
Cloud allows users to achieve the power of computing which beats their own physical domain. It leads to many security
problems. The cloud service provider for cloud makes sure that the customer does not face any problem such as loss of data or
data theft. Cloud computing infrastructures use new technologies and services, most of which havent been fully evaluated with
respect to security [9].
Cryptography can be seen as a method of storing and disguising confidential data in a cryptic form so that only those for
whom it is intended can read it and are able to communicate information in the presence of an adversary and the security
algorithms mitigate security issues by use of cryptography, authentication and distributing keys securely. Cryptography is thus
the science of making data and messages secure by converting the end user data to be sent into cryptic non-readable form and
encrypting or scrambling the plaintext by taking user data or that referred to as clear text and converting it into cipher text and
then performing decryption which is reverting back to the original plain text. Cryptography is used for providing the following
Data Integrity: information has value only if it is correct, this refers to maintaining and assuring the accuracy and
consistency of data, its implementation for computer systems that store use data, processes, or retrieve that data [4].
Authentication for determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be [3].
Non Repudiation: is the assurance that a party, contract or someone cannot deny the authenticity of their signature and
sending a message that they originated [2].

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Security Based Issues in View of Cloud Based Storage System
(J4R/ Volume 03 / Issue 01 / 016)

Confidentiality: relates to loss of privacy, unauthorized access to information and identity theft [8]

Fig. 1: Cloud Computing Solutions


The security concerns are end user data security, network traffic, file systems [7], and host machine security which cryptography
can resolve to some extent and thus helps organizations in their reluctant acceptance of Cloud Computing [7]. There are various
security issues that arise in the Cloud:
Ensuring Secure Data Transfer: In a Cloud environment, the physical location and reach are not under end user control of
where the resources are hosted [8].
Ensuring Secure Interface: integrity of information during transfer, storage and retrieval needs to be ensured over the
unsecure internet [8].
Have Separation of data: privacy issues arise when personal data is accessed by Cloud providers or boundaries between
personal and corporate data do not have clearly defined policies.
Secure Stored Data: question mark on controlling the encryption and decryption by either the end user or the Cloud Service
User Access Control: for web based transactions (PCI DSS), web data logs need to be provided to compliance auditors and
security managers [8].

Fig. 2: Asymmetric encryption-decryption for communication


Security algorithms which are used for cryptography [1][10] are classified in three categories:
Hash key algorithms: Compress data for signing to standard fixed size. Examples include: MD5, SHA
Private Key / Symmetric Algorithms: Use single secret key for encrypting large amount of data and have fast processing
speed. These algorithms use a single secret key that is known to the sender and receiver. RC6, 3DES, Blowfish, AES are
some examples of this algorithms [6][7].
Public Key [8] / Asymmetric Algorithms: Use a key pair for cryptographic process, with public key for encryption and
private for decryption. These algorithms have a high computational cost and thus slow speed if compared to the single key
symmetric algorithms. RSA and Diffie-Hellman are some types of public key algorithms [6][7].

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Security Based Issues in View of Cloud Based Storage System
(J4R/ Volume 03 / Issue 01 / 016)


Data Encryption Standard (DES)

Triple- DES (TDES)
Blowfish Algorithm
Homomorphic Encryption
Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
DES is very commonly used symmetric key algorithm. [6] It was developed by IBM in 1974, but now a days many methods are
found that had proven this algorithm unsecured. A block cipher is a method of encryption text (to produce cipher) in which a
cryptographic key and algorithm are applied to a block of data (for ex: - 64 contiguous bits) at once as a group rather than to one
bit at a time. The main alternative method, used much less frequently is called Stream Cipher. In DES algorithm block cipher
is of 64 bits and key used are 56 out of 64 bits.
Step 1:- The 64-bit plain text block is handed over to an INITIAL PERMUTATION (IP) function.
Step 2:- The initial permutation is performed on plain text.
Step 3:-Next, The initial permutation (IP) produces two halves of the permuted block i.e., Left Plain Text (LPT) and Right Plain
Text (RPT).
Step 4:-Now, each of LPT and RPT go through 64 rounds of encryption process, each with its own key.
Step 5:-In the end, LPT and RPT are rejoined, and a FINAL PERMUTATION (FP) is performed on the combined block.
Step 6:-The result of this process produces 64-bit cipher text.
Triple- DES (TDES)
TDES is enhanced version of DES in TDES the key size is increased to increase i.e. 168 bits the security of data. In TDES only
size of key is increased rest of the working is similar to DES. In TDES three different keys are applied on cipher block i.e. k 1, k
2 and k 3. [6][10]
Step 1:- Encrypt the plain text with key K1. Thus, we have E k1(P).
Step 2:-Decrypt the output of step1 above with key K2. Thus, we have D k2(Ek1(P)).
Step 3:-Finally, Encrypt the output of step 2 again with key K1. Thus, we have E k1(Dk2(Ek1(P))).
Blowfish Algorithm
Blowfish Algorithm is a symmetric key algorithm [6] which was developed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier. In DES key size is small
and can be decrypted easily but in Blowfish algorithm the size of key is large and it can vary from 32 to 448 bits. In Blowfish
algorithm also 64 bits of plain text is divided into two parts of size 32 bits.
Step 1:- Divide X into two blocks: XL and XR, of equal sizes. Thus, both XL and XR will consist of 32 bits each.
Step 2:- For i=1 to 16
Next i
Step 3:- Swap XL, XR (i.e. undo last swap).
Step 4:- XL=XL XOR P18.
Step 5:- Combine XL and XR back into X.
International Data Encryption Algorithm was proposed by James Massey and Xuejia Lai in 1991.It is considered as best
symmetric key algorithm. It accepts 64 bits plain text and key size is 128 bits.
Step 1:-The 64-bit input plain text block is divided into four portions of plain text (each of size 16 bits), P1 to P4.Thus, P1 to P4
are the inputs to the first round of the algorithm. There are eight such rounds. The keys consist of 128 bits.
Step 2:-In each round, six sub keys are generated from the original key. Each of sub keys consists of 16 bits. These six sub keys
are applied are applied to the four input blocks P1 to P4. Thus, for the first round, we will have the six keys k1 to k6. For the
second round we will have k7 to k12.Finally, for the eight round we will have keys k43 to k48.
Step 3:-The final step consists of an OUTPUT TRANSFORMATION, which uses four sub keys (k49-k52).

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Security Based Issues in View of Cloud Based Storage System
(J4R/ Volume 03 / Issue 01 / 016)

Step 4:-The final output produced is the output produced by the output transformation step, which is four blocks of cipher text
named C1 to C4 (each consisting of 16 bits).
Step 5:-These are combined to form the final 64-bit cipher-text block.
Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic encryption uses asymmetric key algorithm in which two different keys are used for encryption and decryption i.e.
public key and private key . In mathematics homomorphic means conversion of one data set to another, without losing its
relation between them. In homomorpic complex mathematics functions are applied to encrypt the data and similar but reverse
operation is applied to decrypt the data.
RSA was invented by Ranold Fivest, Adi Shamir [3] and Leonard Adleman in 1977. RSA is also an asymmetric algorithm. [6][10]
Functioning of RSA is based on multiplication of two large numbers. Two large prime numbers are generated and multiplied.
After multiplying two numbers, modulus is calculated the number that is generated is used as the public and private key. The two
numbers that are used for multiplication-one of them is public other is private.
Step 1:-Choose two large numbers P and Q.
Step 2:-Calculate N+P*Q.
Step 3:-Select the public key (i.e. the encryption key) E such that it is not a factor of (P-1) and (Q-1).
Step 4:-Select the private key (i.e. the decryption key) D such that the following equation is true:
(D*E) mod (P-1)*(Q-1)=1
Step 5:-For encryption, calculate the cipher text t CT from the plain text PT as follows:
CT=PTE mod N
Step 6:-Send CT as the cipher text to the receiver.
Step 7:-For decryption, calculate the plain text PT from the cipher text CT as follows: PT=CT D mod N
Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange
Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm was developed by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976. Diffie Hellman also
required two different keys [6]. In Diffie Hellman Key Exchange, a shared secret key established, that is used that is used for
communication over the public network [10].
Step 1:-Firstly, Alice and Bob agree on two large prime numbers, n and g. These two integers need not be kept secret. Alice and
bob can use an insecure channel to agree on them.
Step 2:-Alice chooses another large random number x, and calculates A such that:
A=gx mod n
Step 3:-Alice sends the number A to Bob.
Step4:-Bob independently chooses another large random integer y and calculates B such that:
B=gy mod n
Step 5:-Bob sends the number B to Alice.
Step 6:-A now computes the secret key k1 as follows:
K1=Bx mod n
Step 7:-B now computes the secret key K2 as follows:
K2=Ay mod n


The system will contribute in the designing and development of a user space cryptographic file system. The design goal will
mainly focus on the security of the file system. The system will be very convenient to the user and the independenbility will be
achieved with the help of java technology which is highly portable.

[1] Cloud Security Algorithms International Journal of Security and its Applications, Vol. 9, No.10 (2015), pp.353-360
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[3] Mandar Kadam, Stewyn Chaudhary, Bony Carvalho, Security Approach for Multi-Cloud Data Storage International Journal of Computer Applications
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[4] Identifying Data Integrity in the Cloud Storage International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 2, No 1, March 2012
[5] TREM: A New Cloud Security Algorithm International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 5, Issue 4,
April 2016
[6] Randeep Kaur , Supriya Kinger Analysis of Security Algorithms in Cloud Computing International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering
& Management (IJAIEM) Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014

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Security Based Issues in View of Cloud Based Storage System
(J4R/ Volume 03 / Issue 01 / 016)

[7] S. P. Jaikar, M. V. Nimbalkar, Verifying Data Integrity in Cloud, International Journal of Applied Information Systems Volume 3 No.1, July2012
[8] Sultan Aldossary, William Allen Data Security, Privacy, Availability and Integrity in Cloud Computing: Issues and Current Solutions International
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[9] Security Issues and Security Algorithms in Cloud Computing International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software
Engineering Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2012
[10] Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS 2016), Procedia Computer Science
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[11] Upadhyay and P. Lakkadwala, "Secure live migration of VM's in Cloud Computing: A survey," Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization
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[12] Upadhyay, A.; Lakkadwala, P., "Performance evolution of higher reliability task in cloud computing," 2014 Conference on IT in Business, Industry and
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[13] Palkesh Soni, Ankit Upadhyay, Arvind Maheshwari and Prashant Lakkadwala, Security Related Issues in Cloud Computing: A Survey, IJIRST
International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 2 | Issue 11 | April 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010.

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