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Ectasia- dilatation
Bronkos- airways
Irreversible dilation that involves the lung in
either focal or diffuse manner.
Can arise from infectious and non-infectious
o Radiographic patterns and distribution
may provide clues to diagnosis,
management and prognosis.
Cylindrical bronchiectasis
- Failure of the involved o Upper lung fields: cystic fibrosis, post
airways to taper radiation fibrosis
progressively in their o Middle lung fields: nontuberculous
distal course. mycobacteria congenital
- Bronchial walls are (dyskinetic/immotile cilia syndrome)
smooth or regular. o Lower lung fields: chronic recurrent
Varicoid bronchiectasis aspiration (esophageal motility
- Irregular dilatation, disorder, end stage fibrotic disease,
narrowing and pulmonary fibrosis)
outpouching of the o Central airway: allergic
airways. bronchopulmonary aspergillosis,
Cystic/Saccular bronchiectasis cartilage deficiency (mounier- Kuhn
- Focal or cystic syndrome), William Campbells
distortion of the distal syndrome.
airways o As a sequalae of granulomatous
- Isolated infection in increased tuberculosis
- Confluent (honeycomb burden:
pattern) Focal:
Etiology a. Extrinsic compression of
enlarged granulomatous
lymph node.
b. Intrinsic obstruction of
a. Parenchymal destruction
from infection
o Varies with etiology
o CF-late adolescence or early adulthood.
o MAC infection nonsmoking women
more than 50 y/o
o Incidence increases with age
o More common among women.
Vicious Cycle Hypothesis
o Susceptibility to infection and poor
mucocillary clearance result in microbial
colonization of the bronchial tree.
o Presence of microbes incites continuous
chronic inflammation ->damage to
airway wall -> impairment of secretion
and microbial clearance ->ongoing
propagation of infectious/inflammatory o More specific findings:
cycle. a. Airway dilation TRAM- TACKS or
Pathophysiology SIGNET RING SIGN
b. Lack of bronchial tapering
c. Bronchial wall thickening in dilated
d. Inspissated secretions TREE IN
BUD pattern
e. Cysts emanating from the bronchial
o Bronchoscopy to exclude airway
obstruction by an underlying mass or
foreign body.
o Analysis for major etiologies
o Pulmonary function tests for functional
o Directed at control of active infection
and improvement of airway clearance.
o Antimicrobial therapy
o 2 prerequisites: - Target causative agent
a. Infectious insult or presumptive
b. Impairment of drainage, airway pathogen in acute
obstruction and or a defect in host exacerbation for 7-10
defense. days.
o Release of proteases, reactive oxygen - NTM infection-
species, and proinflammatory cytokines macrolide combined
from small airways. with rifampin and
o Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency: loss of ethambutol.
proteases vs. neutrophil elastase and - NTM diagnostic
bacteria. criteria:
o Small-airway inflammation and larger a. At least 2 sputum
airway destruction. samples positive on
o Dilation, loss of elastin, smooth muscle culture
and cartilage. b. At least 1 BAL fluid
Clinical Manifestations positive on CS
o Recurrent LRI c. Biopsy sample with
o Cough histopathologic
o Sputum features of NTM
Copious (.200ml) and 1 positive
Purulent sputum CS
Foul smelling d. Pleural fluid
Hemoptysis positive on CS
o Auscultation o Airway hygiene
Wheezes - Mucous mobilizing
Crackles methods
o If widespread: dyspnea a. Inhaled B agonists
o Clubbing of fingers and or
o Increase pulmonary blood pressure -> anticholinergic
Cor pulmonale bronchodilators
High Resolution Ct-Scan b. Hypertonic saline or
o Gold standard for testing mannitol inhalation
c. DNAse (in CF- o Vaccination of patients with chronic
related Bxtsis) respiratory conditions
d. N Acetylcysteine o Smoking cessation
- Tracheobronchial o Suggestive treatment with antibiotics:
clearing techniques - Daily oral antibiotic
a. Mechanical valve treatment (e.g.
devices Ciprofloxacin) for 1-2
b. Postural drainage weeks/month.
c. Chest - Rotating antibiotics
physiotherapy - Daily or three times
d. Therapeutic vest weekly use of
o Anti-inflammatory Airway macrolide antibiotics
Management - Aeorsolization of an
- Alleviated dyspnea, antibiotic (tobramycin)
deceased need for - Intermittent
bronchodilators, intravenous antibiotics
reduced sputum
- Systemic steroids (esp.
ABPA, autoimmune) LUNG ABSCESS
- Inhaled steroids Microbial infection of the lung resulting to
- Macrolide antibiotics necrosis of pulmonary parenchyma
- NSAIDs Necrotizing pneumonia/lung gangrene: multiple
o Surgery small pulmonary abscesses, usually from a more
- Resection of focal area virulent infection.
of suppuration in some Classification:
refractory cases o Based on clinical and pathologic
- Lung transplantation in features (duration of underlying lesion,
advanced cases. responsible microbe)
Complications o Acute: <4-6 weeks; Chronic: >4-6 weeks
o Microbial resistance to antibiotics ins o Secondary: with underlying pulmonary
severe cases lesion, tumor or systemic condition.
o Recurrent infection may lead to injury o Nonspecific: no likely pathogen isolated
of superficial mucosal vessels - from sputum
>bleeding/hemoptysis o Putrid: anaerobic bacterial lung abscess
o Massive hemoptysis may require Etiology:
intubation, bronchial artery o Aspiration-Prone Host
emobilization and surgery in severe - Anaerobic bacteria plus
cases. microaerophilic and or
Prognosis anaerobic streptococci,
o Outcomes vary widely with underlying Gemella spp.
etiology and presence of exacerbations. - Embolic (endovascular)
o Decline in lung function in non-CF lesions: Staphylococcus
bronchiectasis similar to COPD patients, aureus, Pseudomonas
with FEV1 declining by 50-55ml per year aeruginosa,
as opposed to 20-30ml for healthy Fusobacterium
controls. necrophorum
Prevention - Endemic fungi:
o Reversal of underlying immunodeficient Histoplasma,
state (e.g. gamma-globulin Blastomyces,
administration or immunoglobulin Coccidioides spp.
deficient patients)
- Mycobacteria: o Transthoracic needle aspiration
M.tuberculosis, Treatment
M.kansaii, M. avium o Depends on presumed or established
o Immunocompromised Host pathology
- M. tuberculosis, a. Anaerobic infection:
Nocardia asteroids, Clindamycin, B
Rhodococcus equi, lactam/Blactamase
Legionella spp, P inhibitor, carbaenems
aeruginosa, b. Staphylococcus aureus:
Enterobacteriacease Vancomycin, linezolid
(klebsiella pneumoniae, c. Aerobic gram-negative:
Aspergillus spp, Carbapenems or B lactams
Cryptococcus spp. combined with
o Previously healthy Host aminoglycosides,
- Bacteria: S.aureus, Fluoroquinolones.
S.milleri, o Bronchoscopy or chest CT- for atypical
K.pneumoniae, Group A presentation unresponsive to treatment
streptococcus, Gemella, o Quantitative bacteriologic studies/BAL
Legionella, Actinomyce o Surgery
spp. - Reserved for 10-12%
- Parasites: Entamoeba - Failure to respond to
histolytica, medical treatment
Paragonimus - Suspected
westermani, neoplasm/obstruction
Stringyloides stercoralis - Hemorrhage
Clinical Features: - Lobectomy
o Indolent infection evolving over several - Percutaneous drainage
weeks in a host hos has predisposition Response to therapy
to aspiration. o Causes of failure of medical
o Periodontal infection with pyorrhea or management
gingivitis. - Failure to drain pleural
o Anaerobes and aerobic microaerophilic collection
streptococci that colonize the upper - Inappropriate
airways. antimicrobial therapy
Clinical Manifestations - Obstructed bronchus
o Cough - GIANT abscess>6cm
o Fatigue - Resistant pathogen
o Sputum production - Immunocompromised
o Fever host
o Chills-uncommon
o Weight loss
o Anemia
o Putrid smelling sputum
o Pleurisy
o Imaging: CXR or chest CT
- Lymphadenopathy:
suggests alternative
o Microbiologic studies (GS/CS)
o Pleural fluid
o Quantitative bronchoalveolar lavage
o Transtracheal aspiration

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