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Research Article

Received: 24 February 2013 Revised: 16 June 2013 Accepted article published: 20 September 2013 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 21 October 2013

( DOI 10.1002/jsfa.6416

Comparison of postmortem proteolysis

between Pekin and Muscovy duck breast
Chien-Chang Liao and Rong-Ghi R Chou

BACKGROUND: Duck muscle is a popular source of red meat in Asia. However, information regarding the postmortem proteolysis
of skeletal muscle between duck species is very limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the postmortem
calpain and desmin degradations between Pekin (PD) and Muscovy (MD) duck breast muscles stored at 5 C.

RESULTS: The pH and /m-calpain activity were not different (P > 0.05) between PD and MD postmortem muscles. However,
-calpain activity and desmin content decreased more rapidly (P < 0.05) in PD than in MD samples.

CONCLUSION: Therefore, our results suggest that the postmortem proteolysis is more rapid and extensive in breast muscle
from PD compared to MD.
c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: duck skeletal muscle; postmortem proteolysis; calpain; desmin

INTRODUCTION therefore, was to compare the postmortem calpain and desmin

Changes in postmortem skeletal muscle stored at refrigerated changes between Pekin and Muscovy duck skeletal muscles stored
temperature have been studied for years. It has been established at 5 C.
that degradation of myofibrillarcytoskeletal proteins is a natural
process that occurs during postmortem conversion of muscle
to meat and continues during storage.1,2 Calcium-dependent MATERIALS AND METHODS
proteases (calpains) are generally thought to be responsible Sample preparation
for this degradation3 although the precise mechanism is not The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, National Chiayi
well-understood. There are two ubiquitous calpains, - and University, approved the use of animals in this study. Mature (13-
/m-calpain, that are present in avian skeletal muscle cells.4,5 It to 14 month-old) male Pekin (PD, an average live weight of approx.
was reported that both calpains were activated and autolysed 4.3 kg) and Muscovy ducks (MD, an average live weight of approx.
in postmortem chicken muscle.6 Recent studies7 reported that 4.2 kg) were obtained from the poultry farm of National Chiayi
-calpain, rather than /m-calpain, activity was correlated University and used in this experiment. After resting overnight
with postmortem degradation of desmin and troponin-T in with sufficient drinking water at 2025 C, six PD and six MD
duck muscle, supporting the essential role of -calpain in the ducks were harvested on same day in a local abattoir according
postmortem proteolysis of skeletal muscles.8 to a standard commercial practice. Both sides of breast muscles
It has been reported that the postmortem degradation (Pectoralis superficialis) were excised from the carcasses at 1 h
could be influenced by a variety of factors.9 Among those postmortem. The breast muscle from each duck was cut into five
equal portions and randomly allocated to five sampling times.
factors, the degradation of postmortem skeletal muscle from
The portions were then vacuum-packed individually and stored at
various mammalian species was frequently compared. Previously,
5 C for 0 (1 h postmortem), 1, 3, 7 and 14 days. At the end of
Koohmaraie et al.10 compared postmortem desmin degradation
each storage period, the samples were quickly cut with a scalpel,
in pork, beef and lamb longissimus muscles and reported that the
immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C
most extensive desmin degradation was found in pork muscle.
until required for subsequent analysis. Each analysis was done
Recently, Soltanizadeh et al.11 showed that postmortem troponin-
twice on samples from each duck at each storage time.
T degradation and appearance of a 30 kDa band were more rapid
in camel than in bovine semi-tendinosus muscle. On the other
hand, among various duck species, Pekin (Anas platyrhynchos)

and Muscovy (Cairina moschata) duck skeletal muscles are very Correspondence to: Rong-Ghi R Chou, Department of Animal Science, National
Chiayi University, 300 University Road, Chiayi City, 60083 Taiwan. E-mail:
popular sources of red meat in Asia. However, differences in the
postmortem degradation of skeletal muscle between these two

species have not been examined so far. The purpose of this study, Department of Animal Science, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan

J Sci Food Agric 2014; 94: 28462849 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry
Postmortem proteolysis of PD and MD muscle

pH measurement weight markers ranging from 4000 to 250 000 (SeeBlue Pre-
A 5 g aliquot from each duck sample was crushed in liquid nitrogen stained Standard, LC5625; Invitrogen Co., Carlsbad, CA, USA)
for the pH determination by the method of Farouk and Swan.12 were used as protein standards. After electrophoresis, proteins
The pH for each sample was measured by a Suntex 470 pH meter were transferred from a 120 g kg1 slab gel to a nitrocellulose
(Suntex Instruments Co., Taiwan) with a glass electrode. membrane by the method of Towbin et al.20 The membrane was
incubated in a 50 g kg1 bovine serum albuminphosphate buffer
solution (BSA-PBS) for 30 min at 37 C and then was washed three
Casein zymography times (5 min each) in a 1 g kg1 BSA-PBS solution at 25 C. A
The procedure used for protein extraction was based on the monoclonal antibody to desmin (Clone DE-U-10, 1:500 dilution)
method of Veiseth et al.13 Briefly, 5 g of each duck sample was was used as a primary antibody. The membrane was incubated
homogenised in three volumes of extraction buffer [100 mmol L1 with the primary antibody for 2 h at room temperature, washed
Tris base, 10 mmol L1 EDTA, 0.5 g kg1 2-mercaptoethanol three times (5 min each) in 1 g kg1 BSA-PBS, incubated with
(MCE), pH 8.3] at 5 C. Homogenates were centrifuged at a secondary antibody, goat anti-mousehorseradish peroxidase
22 000 g for 25 min at 5 C. The protein concentration of (HRP) for 2 h at room temperature, washed twice (5 min each) in
the supernatant was determined by using a modified biuret 1 g kg1 BSA-PBS solution and twice (1 min each) in deionised
method.14 Zymograms were routinely run in 100 g kg1 gels water. The colour was developed by using SIGMAFASTTM 3,3 -
(acrylamide:methylenebisacrylamide, 37.5: 1, w/w) containing 2.1 diaminobenzidine tablets. The primary and secondary antibodies
g kg1 casein (w/v) by the method of Raser et al.15 The sample as well as the SIGMAFASTTM 3,3 -diaminobenzidine tablets were
buffer [150 mmol L1 Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 200 g kg1 glycerol, 0.5 purchased from the SigmaAldrich Company (St. Louis, MO, USA).
g kg1 MCE, 0.2 g kg1 (w/v) bromophenol blue] was added to
the protein extract at a ratio of two parts of the buffer to three
parts of protein extract (v/v). The same amount of protein (250 g) Image analysis
from each sample was loaded onto each well of the casein gels. Two representative casein gels and blots with all samples from
The casein minigels (0.75 mm; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Herculues, each duck (experimental unit) used for image analysis. The bands
CA, USA) were pre-run at 100 V for 15 min, 5 C, with a running in blots or casein gels, which were incubated in the presence of
buffer containing 25 mmol L1 Tris-HCl, 0.5 g kg1 MCE, 192 mmol 4 mmol L1 Ca2+ to activate all calpain isoforms, were digitised
L1 glycine, and 1 mmol L1 EDTA (pH 8.3) before samples were with a scanner (Model J131B; Epson) using Photoshop software.
loaded onto the wells. The gels were run at 100 V for 2 h, 5 C, Each blot or gel included a pooled 0-day Pekin duck sample
and then incubated at room temperature in three changes of a 50 as a reference standard to normalise the band intensities. The
mmol L1 Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) buffer containing 0.5 g kg1 MCE and resulting signals were quantified using ImageJ (version 1.44i,
4 mmol L1 CaCl2 with slow shaking for 1 h. This was followed by made by Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, MD, USA).
16 h incubation in the same buffer at 37 C. The gels were then The activities of -calpain and /m-calpain, as well as the desmin
stained for 2 h with Coomassie blue (R-350) and destained with contents in 1-, 3-, 7- and 14-day postmortem PD samples and at
200 g kg1 methanol and 70 g kg1 acetic acid. 0-, 1-, 3-, 7- and 14-day postmortem MD samples were determined
and compared to those in 0-day PD samples, respectively. The
results were expressed as percentages of the 0-day PD samples.
Western blot analysis
Breast myofibrils were isolated at 2 C by using differential
centrifugation according to the method of Goll et al.16 with the Statistical analysis
modifications by Huff-Lonergan et al.17 Briefly, 10 g of each sample A split-plot design was used in this study. Whole units were
were homogenised in 10 volumes of a standard salt solution buffer the breast muscles from each avian species and sub-units
(100 mmol L1 KCl, 20 mmol L1 potassium phosphate, pH 6.8, 2 were the muscle samples taken at each sampling time. All data
mmol L1 MgCl2 , 2 mmol L1 EGTA, 1 mmol L1 NaN3 ). After the were analysed using the Mixed Model procedure of SAS (PROC
second wash with 100 mmol L1 KCl solution and centrifugation Mixed).21 The model included avian species, time postmortem and
with 10 g kg1 Triton X-100 (v/v), 100 mmol L1 KCl, 2 mmol L1 their interaction (species time postmortem) for fixed effects and
MgCl2 , 1 mmol L1 EGTA, 1 mmol L1 NaN3 , and 20 mmol L1 birds for random effects. A Tukeys honestly significant difference
potassium phosphate, pH 6.9, re-suspension of the myofibrils in test was used to compare multiple means.
all succeeding steps was accomplished by vigorous stirring with
a small plastic spatula. Following the final wash with 100 mmol
L1 KC1, the myofibrils were washed twice by re-suspension in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
10 volumes (w/v; weight in grams of the original ground muscle The objective of this study was to compare the difference in
sample) of 5 mmol L1 Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, and were centrifuged at postmortem calpain and desmin degradation between Pekin (PD)
3020 g for 10 min. Following the second 5 mmol L1 Tris-HC1, and Muscoy (MD) ducks. The ANOVA indicated that time was a
pH 8.0, wash, the myofibrils were re-suspended in four volumes significant source of variance for all traits (Table 1). Species and
(w/v; weight in grams of the original ground muscle sample) species time were significant sources of variance for -calpain
of 5 mmol L1 Tris-HC1, pH 8.0. The protein concentration of activity and presence of intact desmin.
myofibrils was determined by using a modified Biuret method.14 Results shown in Fig. 1 indicated that breast muscle pH was
Myofibril samples for SDS-PAGE were prepared by the method not different (P > 0.05) between PD and MD samples. However, pH
of Fritz and Greaser.18 The SDS-PAGE was performed in a 120 g declined (P < 0.001) from 6.43 on day 0 to 5.96 on day 1 for sam-
kg1 Tris-glycine slab gel (acrylamide:methylene bisacrylamide, ples from both types of duck. Breast muscle pH stabilised from days
37.5: 1, w/w) by the method of Laemmli.19 The protein (150 1 to 14 as values from these sampling days, as well as between these

g) from each sample was loaded onto each well. Molecular days, were not different from each other (P > 0.05). These results

J Sci Food Agric 2014; 94: 28462849 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry C-C Liao, R-G R Chou

Table 1. Analysis of variance of fixed effectsa

Relative -calpain activity, %

-Calpain /m-Calpain 100
Effect df pH activity activity Desmin

Species (S) 1 0.30 75.61 0.20 24.91 75

Time (T) 4 108.73 217.32 19.93 43.09
ST 4 0.74 28.32 0.78 6.98 50
a F-values.
< 0.05 < 0.01 < 0.001 25

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Postmortem time, day

6.5 Figure 3. Postmortem changes in -calpain activity of Pekin (PD) and

Muscovy (MD) duck muscle samples stored at 5 C. Activity is expressed

as the percentage of the 0-day PD -calpain activity, which was taken as

100%. SEM = 3.2%. Black squares, PD; white squares, MD.

5.5 125
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Relative /m-calpain activity, %

Postmortem time, day
Figure 1. Postmortem changes in pH of Pekin (PD) and Muscovy (MD)
breast muscles stored at 5 C. Each point is the average of six replications
(n = 6). SEM = 0.065. Black squares, PD; white squares, MD.



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Postmortem time, day
Figure 2. Zymograms showing, in the presence of 4 mmol L1 calcium,
postmortem changes in - and /m-calpain activities in PD (a) and MD (b) Figure 4. Postmortem changes in /m-calpain activity of Pekin (PD) and
duck samples stored at 5 C. Lane 1, 0-day samples; lane 2, 1-day samples; Muscovy (MD) duck samples stored at 5 C. Activity is expressed as the
lane 3, 3-day samples; lane 4, 7-day samples; lane 5, 14-day samples. percentage of the 0-day PD /m-calpain activity, which was taken as 100%.
= -calpain; /m = /m-calpain. SEM = 5.7%. Black squares, PD; white squares, MD.

indicated that the rate of postmortem pH decline measured at 1 h activity was 84% of the 0-day -calpain activity in PD samples
postmortem was very similar in PD and MD muscles stored at 5 C. (P = 0.017) and was reduced to 59% by day 1 (P < 0.0001). When
In good agreement with a previous study,7 results of casein compared with the 0-day PD -calpain activity, the MD -calpain
zymograms presented in Fig. 2 showed that the upper and the was further reduced to 45% (P = 0.0139) in 3-day samples, to
bottom rows of bands were - and /m-calpain bands in the 35% (P = 0.541) in 7-day samples and to 22% (P = 0.152) in
presence of 4 mmol L1 Ca2+ , respectively. The -calpain band 14 day samples. However, the -calpain activity in the 3-day MD
disappeared in 7-day and 14-day PD samples (Fig. 2a), but it samples was significantly (P = 0.0003) higher than that in the 14-
remained visible in 14-day MD samples (Fig. 2b). On the other day MD samples. These results indicate that -calpain activation
hand, the /m-calpain bands were clearly present in both PD and and autolysis were more rapid and extensive in PD than in MD
MD samples during the entire 14 days of postmortem storage samples.
(Fig. 2). However, a faint band just below the /m-calpain band Figure 4 shows there were almost identical changes in /m-
in 3-day PD and MD samples began to appear on the casein gels calpain activity in PD and MD samples rather than the distinct
(Fig. 2). Previous studies7 reported that this band is likely to be a differences in -calpain activity shown in Fig. 3. The /m-calpain
degradation product of /m-calpain in postmortem duck muscle. activity in 0-day PD samples, which was taken as 100%, and
When the zymograms in Fig. 2 were subjected to image analysis, MD samples, which was 98% of the 0-day PD samples, initially
the results presented in Fig. 3 indicated that the -calpain activity in reduced (P < 0.001) to 85 and 86% in 1-day PD and MD samples,
0-day PD samples, which was taken as 100%, was higher (P = 0.017) respectively, indicating that the /m-calpain activation and
than that in 0-day MD samples, which was 84% of the 0-day PD autolysis had occur. The /m-calpain activity showed no further
samples. As postmortem time proceeded, the -calpain activity decrease (P > 0.05) from day 1 to day 14 and reached 70% in
rapidly decreased (P < 0.0001) to 31% and to 14% of the 0-day both PD and MD samples, suggesting a similar rate of /m-calpain
PD -calpain activity in 1-day and 3-day PD samples, respectively. autolysis that had occurred in both duck muscles stored at 5 C.
Subsequently, there was little -calpain activity in 7- and 14- Desmin, a calpain-sensitive protein, is very susceptible to

day PD samples. In MD samples, however, the 0-day -calpain degradation in skeletal muscles22,23 during postmortem storage. 
c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2014; 94: 28462849
Postmortem proteolysis of PD and MD muscle

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J Sci Food Agric 2014; 94: 28462849 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry

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