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Relational Algebra:-
The relational algebra is procedural query language . It
consists of a set of operations that take one or two relation as input and
produce a new relation as their result. The fundamental operations in the
relational algebra are select,project,Union, set difference,Cartesian product
and Rename.In addition to the fundamental operations there are several
other operations namely set intersection,natural join, division and
assignment. These operations will be defined in term of the fundamental

Fundamental operations:-
Select, project and rename operation are called unary
operations because the operate on one relation. The other three operations
operate on pair of relations are therefore called binary operations.

Select operation:-
Select operation selects tuples that satisfy a given predicate.we use the
greek letter sigma(σ) to denote selection. The predicate appears as a
subscript to σ. The argument relation is given in parenthescs following the
σ.thus ,to select those tuples of the loan relation where the branch is “SBI
DB Road”.

σbranch_name=”SBI DB Road”^Amount>1200(loan)

Branch_name Loan_number Amount

SBI DB Road L-15 1500

SBI DB Road L-20 1700

SBI DB Road L-17 2000

In genral we allow comparisons using =,!=,<,<=,>,>= in the selection


Project operation:-

The project operation allows us to produce this relation. the

project operation is unary operation that returns its argument relation.
projection is denoted by the greek letter pi(π). we list those attributes that
we wish to appear in the result as a subscript to π. The argument relation
follow in parantheses. Thus the query to list all loan numbers and amount of
loan can be written as


Loan_numb Amoun

er t

L-10 1000

L-15 1500

L-20 1700

L-17 2000

Composition of Relational operations:-


C_Name C_Street C_City

Amit Manas Nagar Madhepura

Sumit Manas Nagar Madhepura

Ajit Santi Nagar Saharsa

Alok Santi Nagar Saharsa

Rahul Mahendhru Patna

(σ (Customer))


Cartesian- Product
Operation:- Amit

The Cartesian –
Product Operation denoted by
a Cross(Х) allows us to
Combine information from any two relation .We write the Cartesian product
of relation r1 and r2 as r1 Х r2 .

C_Name Loan_number

Amit L-17

Sumit L-29

Ajit L-22

Branch_Name Loan_number Amount

SBI DB Road L-17 1000

SBI City L-29 2000

SBI Main L-30 3000

σBranch_Name=”SBI DB Road”(BorrowerХLoan)

Natural-join operation:-
C_Name Borrower.Loan_number Branch_name Loan.Loan_number Amount

Amit L-17 SBI DB Road L-17 1000

Sumit L-29 SBI DB Road L-17 1000

Ajit L-22 SBI DB Road L-17 1000

The Natural join is a binary operation that allow us to combine

certain selections and a Cartesian product into one operation. It is
denoted by the join symbol . The natural join operation forms a Cartesian
product of its two argument performs a selection forcing equality on those
attributes that appear in both relation schemas and finally removes duplicate

Find the names of all customers who have a loan at the bank and find the amount
of the loan. This query can be expressed using the natural join as follows:-
Πc_Name ,Loan_number,Amount(Borrower Loan)

C_Name Loan_number Amount
Amit L-17 1000
Sumit L-29 2000
Ajit L-22 3000

A JOIN is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values
common to each. ANSI standard SQL specifies four types of JOINs:
INNER, OUTER, LEFT, and RIGHT. In special cases, a table (base
table, view, or joined table) can JOIN to itself in a self-join.


C_Name Loan_number

Amit L-17

Sumit L-29
Ajit L-22

Branch_Name Loan_number Amount

SBI DB Road L-17 1000

SBI City L-29 2000

SBI Main L-30 3000

Sql Query:- select*from Loan inner join Borrower on



Algebra:- ∏Branch_name,Loan.Loan_number,C_name,Amount,Borrower.Loan_number

(σBorrower.Loan_number=Loan.Loan_number Borrower Loan))


Branch_name Loan_number Amount C_name Loan_number

SBI DB Road L-17 1000 Amit L-17

SBI City L-29 2000 Sumit L-29

Left outer join:-

The result of a left outer join (or simply left join) for table A and B always
contains all records of the "left" table (A), even if the join-condition does not
find any matching record in the "right" table (B). This means that if the ON
clause matches 0 (zero) records in B, the join will still return a row in the
result—but with NULL in each column from B. This means that a left outer
join returns all the values from the left table, plus matched values from the
right table (or NULL in case of no matching join predicate). If the left table
returns one row and the right table returns more than one matching row for
it, the values in the left table will be repeated for each distinct row on the
right table.


SQL Query:- Select * From Loan Left outer join Borrower on


Relational Algebra:-

σ (Borrower= Loan)
( Loan.Loan_number=Borrower.Loan_number )


Branch_name Loan_number Amount C_name Loan_number

SBI DB Road L-17 1000 Amit L-17
SBI City L-29 2000 Sumit L-19
SBI Main L-30 3000 Null Null
Right outer joins:-
A right outer join (or right join) closely resembles a left outer join, except
with the treatment of the tables reversed. Every row from the "right" table
(B) will appear in the joined table at least once. If no matching row from the
"left" table (A) exists, NULL will appear in columns from A for those records
that have no match in A.
A right outer join returns all the values from the right table and matched
values from the left table (NULL in case of no matching join predicate).


SQL Query:- Select * From Loan right outer join Borrower on


Relational Algebra:-

σ (Borrower =Loan)
( Loan.Loan_number=Borrower.Loan_number )


Branch_name Loan_number Amount C_name Loan_number

SBI DB Road L-17 1000 Amit L-17
SBI City L-29 2000 Sumit L-19
Null Null Null Ajit L-22

Full outer join:-

A full outer join combines the results of both left and right outer joins. The
joined table will contain all records from both tables, and fill in NULLs for
missing matches on either side.


SQL Query:- Select * From Loan full outer join Borrower on


Relational Algebra:-

σ (Borrower = =Loan)
( Loan.Loan_number=Borrower.Loan_number )

Branch_name Loan_number Amount C_name Loan_number

SBI DB Road L-17 1000 Amit L-17
SBI City L-29 2000 Sumit L-19
Null Null Null Ajit L-22
SBI Main L-30 3000 Null Null
θ-join and equijoin:-

Suppose a customer wants to buy a car and a boat, but she doesn't want to
spend more money for the boat than for the car. The θ-join on the relation
CarPrice ≥ BoatPrice produces a table with all the possible options.

Car Boat
CarMo CarPri BoatMo BoatPri
del ce del ce CarMo CarPri BoatMo BoatPri
CarA 20'000 Boat1 10'000 del ce del ce
CarB 30'000 Boat2 40'000 CarA 20'000 Boat1 10'000
CarC 50'000 Boat3 60'000 CarB 30'000 Boat1 10'000
CarC 50'000 Boat1 10'000
CarC 50'000 Boat2 40'000

If we want to combine tuples from two relations where the combination

condition is not simply the equality of shared attributes then it is convenient
to have a more general form of join operator, which is the θ-join (or theta-
join). The θ-join is a binary operator that is written as θ is a binary relation
in the set {<, ≤, =, >, ≥} and R and S are relations. The result of this
operation consists of all combinations of tuples in R and S that satisfy the
relation θ. The result of the θ-join is defined only if the headers of S and R
are disjoint, that is, do not contain a common attribute.

The simulation of this operation in the fundamental operations is therefore

as follows:

R φ S = σφ(R × S)

In case the operator θ is the equality operator (=) then this join is also
called an equijoin.
Note, however, that a computer language that supports the natural join and
rename operators does not need θ-join as well, as this can be achieved by
selection from the result of a natural join (which degenerates to Cartesian
product when there are no shared attributes).

Set Difference operation:-

The set- Difference operation denoted by (-) allow us to find tuples that are
in one relation but are not in another . the expression r-s result in a relation
containing those tuples in r but in s.


C_Name Loan_number

Amit L-17

Sumit L-29

Ajit L-22


C_name Account_number
Amit A-125
Sumit A-120
Manish A-110
Ajit A-112
Alok A-111



Union Operation:-

∏C_name(Depositor) ∏C_name(Borrower)



Intersection Operation:-

∏C_name(Depositor) ∏C_name(Borrower)

Result:- C_name




Relational Calculus:-

A query in tuple relational calculus is expressed as

{ t | p(t) }

i.e if is the set of all tuples t such that predicate p is true for t.

Mathematical logic:-

t r (Q(t))
Means there exist a tuples t in relation r such that predicate Q(t)
is true.

{t| s Loan(t[Loan_number]=s[Loan_number]^s[Amount]>1200)}

We read the preceding expression as the set of all tuple t such that there
exists a tuple s in relation loan for which the value of t and s for the
Loan_number attributes are equal and the value of s for the amount
attribute is greater then 1200.

We build up formulae from atoms using the following Rules:-

 An atom is aformula.

 If p1 and p2 are formula, then so are p1v p2 ,P1^P2 and P1=>p2.

 If P1(s) is formula containing a free tuple variable s, and r is a

relation then

s r (p1(s)) and s r (p1(s) Are

also formula.

Domain Relational Calculus:- An expression in the domain

relational Calculus is of the form

{ <x1,x2,………..xn> | p(x1,x2,…….xn) }

Where x1,x2,………..xn represent domain variables. P represents a formula

composed of atom as was the case in the tuple relational calculus.An atom in
the domain relational calculus has one of the following forms:-

 <x1,x2,………..xn> r where r is a relation on n attributes and

x1,x2,………..xn are domain variables or domain constants.
 X(-)y where x and y are domain variable and (-) is comparsion


Find the Branch_name, Loan_number and Amount for Loan over 1200

{<b, l, a>|<b, l, a> Loan ^ a> 1200}

Where b is a Branch_name.

l is a loan_number.

a is a Amount.

A key is a single or combination of multiple fields. Its purpose is to access or
retrieve data rows from table according to the requirement. The keys are
defined in tables to access or sequence the stored data quickly and
smoothly. They are also used to create links between different tables.

Types of Keys
The following tables or relations will be used to define different types of

Primary Key:-
The attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a row or
record in a relation is known as primary key.

Secondary key:-
A field or combination of fields that is basis for retrieval is known as
secondary key. Secondary key is a non-unique field. One secondary key
value may refer to many records.

Candidate Key or Alternate key:-

A relation can have only one primary key. It may contain many fields or
combination of fields that can be used as primary key. One field or
combination of fields is used as primary key. The fields or combination of
fields that are not used as primary key are known as candidate key or
alternate key.
Composite key or concatenate key:-
A primary key that consists of two or more attributes is known as composite

Sort Or control key:-

A field or combination of fields that is used to physically sequence the
stored data called sort key. It is also known s control key.

Foreign Key:-
A foreign key is an attribute or combination of attribute in a relation whose
value match a primary key in another relation. The table in which foreign
key is created is called as dependent table. The table to which foreign key is
refers is known as parent table.

Codd’s Rules:-
Dr. E.F. Codd, an IBM researcher, first developed the relational data model
in 1970. In 1985, Dr. Codd published a list of 12 rules that concisely define
an ideal relational database, which have provided a guideline for the design
of all relational database systems ever since.

1.Data is Presented in Tables

• A set of related tables forms a database and all data is represented as

• Data within a cell is atomic.

• The relationships among tables are logical; there are no physical

relationships among tables.

• Relation ship is value based.

2. Data is Logically Accessible

• A relational database does not reference data by physical location;
there is no such thing as the ‘fifth row in the customers table'

• Each piece of data must be logically accessible by referencing

1) a table

2) a primary or unique key value

3) a column

3. Nulls are Treated Uniformly As Unknown

• Null must always be interpreted as an unknown value

• Null means no value has been entered; the value is not known

• unknown' is not the same thing as an empty string ("") or zero

4. Database is Self-Describing
• In addition to user data, a relational database contains data about

• There are two types of tables in a RDBMS: user tables that contain the
'working' data and system tables contain data about the database

• Metadata is data that describes the structure of the database itself and
includes object definitions (tables, indexes, stored procedures, etc.)
and how they relate to each other

• The collection of system tables is also referred to as the system

catalog or data dictionary

• System tables can be accessed in the same manner as user tables.

5. A Single Language is Used to Communicate with the

Database Management System
• There must be a single language that handles all communication with
the database management system.
• RDBMS may support many languages, but there should be a single
language which should provide all the Relation operations.

• SQL is industry standard.

6. Provides Alternatives for Viewing Data

• A relational database must not be limited to source tables when
presenting data to the user

• Views are virtual tables or abstractions of the source tables

• A view is an alternative way of looking at data from one or more tables

• A view definition does not duplicate data; a view is not a copy of the
data in the source tables

• Once created, a view can be manipulated in the same way as a source


• If you change data in a view, you are changing the underlying data in
the source table (although there are limits on how data can be
modified from a view)

• Views allow the creation of ‘custom tables’ that are tailored to special

7. Supports Relational Operations

• Rows are treated as sets for data manipulation operations (SELECT,

• A relational database must support basic relational algebra operations

(selection, projection; & join ) and set operations (union, intersection,
division, and difference)

• Set operations and relational algebra are used to operate on 'relations'

(tables) to produce other relations

8. Physical Data Independence

• Applications that access data in a relational database must be
unaffected by changes in the way the data is physically stored (i.e.,
the physical structure)
9. Logical Data Independence
• The database schema or structure of tables and relationships
(logical) can change without having to re-create the database or
the applications that use it

10. Data Integrity Is a Function of the DBMS

• In order to be considered relational, data integrity must be an internal
function of the DBMS; not the application program

• Data integrity means the consistency and accuracy of the data in the
database (i.e., keeping the garbage out of the database)

11. Supports Distributed Operations

• Data in a relational database can be stored centrally or distributed

• Users can join data from tables on different servers (distributed

queries) and from other relational databases (heterogeneous queries)

• Data integrity must be maintained regardless of the number of copies

of data and where it resides

12. Data Integrity Cannot be Subverted

• There cannot be other paths into the database that subvert data
integrity; in other words, you can't get in the 'back door' and change
the data in such a manner as data integrity is violated.

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