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Biocatalysis engineering: the big picture

Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c6cs00854b

Roger A. Sheldon*ab and Pedro C. Pereirab

In this tutorial review we describe a holistic approach to the invention, development and optimisation of
biotransformations utilising isolated enzymes. Increasing attention to applied biocatalysis is motivated by
its numerous economic and environmental benefits. Biocatalysis engineering concerns the development
Received 28th November 2016 of enzymatic systems as a whole, which entails engineering its dierent components: substrate
DOI: 10.1039/c6cs00854b engineering, medium engineering, protein (enzyme) engineering, biocatalyst (formulation) engineering,
biocatalytic cascade engineering and reactor engineering.

Key learning points

(1) A historical and state of the art overview of applied biocatalysis.
(2) The advantages and limitations of biocatalysis.
(3) The dierent components of biocatalysis engineering: substrate, medium, protein, biocatalyst and bioreactor engineering.
(4) Examples of the application of biocatalysis engineering in the improvement and invention of biotransformations.
(5) The importance of following a holistic approach where combinations of the dierent components give the optimum results.

1. Introduction Today almost all industrial enzymes are recombinant, with the
exception of those used in food processing.
The use of enzymes, before their existence was even known, Biocatalysis generally refers to the use of enzymes, or
dates back thousands of years to bread- and cheese-making, enzyme containing cells, in chemical transformations. There
beer brewing and wine-making. Food and beverage processing are basically two types of biotransformations: those involving
together with animal feed and detergents still account for more growing (microbial) cells and resting cells, respectively. The
than 60% of the total enzyme market, the remainder consisting former are fermentations, the main goal of which, in vivo, is
mainly of starch processing, leather, and pulp and paper, and to produce more microbial cells but in vitro the objective
this is reflected in the three highest volume industrial enzymes is generally the production of chemical products. Buchner
being proteases, amylases, and glucose isomerase.1 The first showed in 1897 that the degradation of glucose into ethanol
commercial enzyme preparations were produced in the late by living yeast, found by Pasteur in 1860, didnt actually require
19th and early 20th centuries and include the use of dried living yeast but only the catalytic components he extracted from
calves stomachs in cheese manufacture and pancreatic extracts the cells. Nonetheless, the term fermentation continued
in laundry cleaning. It was the development of recombinant to be used for transformations with growing microorganisms.
DNA technology in the 1970s, however, which provided the The catalytically active substances present in cell extracts,
basis for the shift from the traditional animal and plant sources later shown to be proteins, were given the name en-zymes,
to much more ecient production with recombinant micro- meaning in-yeast. While acknowledging that advances in
organisms, thus aording cheaper and higher purity enzymes. metabolic pathway engineering and the underpinning synthetic
biology2 have revolutionised the microbial production of chemical
Molecular Sciences Institute, School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, and pharmaceutical products, in this review we will focus on
Johannesburg 2050, South Africa. E-mail:; the use of isolated enzymes as biocatalysts.
Tel: +27 11-7176727
Organic synthesis with the aid of enzymes has been known
Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Section BOC, van der
Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ, Delft, The Netherlands. E-mail:;
since the early 20th century but until fairly recently, with
Fax: +31 (0)15 2781415; Tel: +31 (0)15 2782675 some notable exceptions, such as the synthesis of beta lactam
Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6cs00854b antibiotics,3 was not widely used in industrial processes.

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This situation changed in the mid-1980s following two low cost. Consequently, more enzymes are available and they
coincidental developments. First, the landmark publication can be produced for commercially acceptable prices, making
by Zaks and Klibanov4 in 1984, describing enzymatic catalysis the notion that enzymes are expensive obsolete.
at 100 1C in organic media, demonstrated that many enzymes Furthermore, protein engineering techniques, such as directed
were actually more thermally stable in organic solvents, such as (in vitro) evolution,6 have enabled the engineering of enzymes
toluene, than in water. This was a revelation for most synthetic such that they exhibit pre-defined properties with regard to,
organic chemists since conventional wisdom held that enzymes inter alia, substrate specificity, activity, selectivity, stability and
work well only in water. It led to the realisation among organic pH optimum. Lastly, the development of eective immobilisation
chemists that biocatalysis had a much broader scope in organic techniques has improved their operational stability and cost-
synthesis than was previously imagined, totally and lastingly eectiveness by facilitating recovery and recycling.7
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

changing the biocatalysis landscape. Second, at about the same Consequently, in the last decade biocatalysis has been
time, recognition of the importance of stereoisomerism in drug integrated into mainstream organic synthesis, particularly in the
action signaled the advent of regulations by, for example, pharmaceutical industry.8 Indeed, Turner and OReilly9 proposed the
the FDA which required that producers separate and test both introduction of guidelines and rules for biocatalytic retrosynthesis
enantiomers of chiral drugs. In commercial practice this to aid synthetic chemists in identifying where biocatalysts could be
generally led to the decision to produce and market the drug applied to the synthesis of target molecules.
as a single, active enantiomer. It created a need for cost- The broad application of biocatalysis can also be attributed to its
eective methods for enantioselective synthesis and biocatalytic numerous environmental and economic benefits. Enzymes are
methods were obvious candidates since enzymes are usually natures sustainable catalysts. They are derived from renewable
highly enantioselective. resources and are biocompatible, biodegradable, essentially non-
Hence, biocatalysis evolved from an academic curiosity to an hazardous and non-toxic. Biocatalysis avoids the use of scarce
industrially attractive technology for the enantioselective synth- precious metals and the associated, often prohibitive, costs of
esis of APIs.5 However, in the early 1990s a major obstacle to removing traces of noble metals, to an acceptable ppm level, from
their widespread use was the number of commercially available end products. Enzymatic reactions are performed under mild
enzymes. This was largely limited to those already in use in the conditions (physiological pH and ambient temperature and
food and beverages and detergent industries: mainly proteases, pressure) in water, often without the need for functional-group
lipases, esterases and glycosidases, often from animal origin. activation and protection and deprotection steps required
Over the last two decades this situation has changed dramati- in conventional organic syntheses. This translates to shorter
cally thanks to modern biotechnology. As a result of high syntheses, higher selectivities and purer products in processes
throughput DNA sequencing, more than 20 000 whole genome that are more resource and energy ecient and generate less
sequences have become publicly available. Thanks to advances waste than conventional routes. Moreover, enzymatic processes
in recombinant DNA technology it is now possible to identify a can be conducted in standard multi-purpose batch reactors and,
target gene, by in silico analysis of a genome sequence data hence, do not require any extra investment, e.g. for high-pressure
base, have the gene synthesised chemically within weeks, ready equipment. Lastly, most enzymatic reactions are conducted
for cloning into a host production organism and at relatively under roughly the same conditions of temperature and pressure

Roger Sheldon ( is Pedro Cherando Pereira graduated

a recognised authority on Green in chemical engineering at the
Chemistry. He developed the E Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon,
factor for assessing the environ- Portugal), specializing in bio-
mental impact of chemical technology and doing his research
processes. He is currently Distin- graduation project with Prof.
guished Professor of Biocatalysis Sheldons group, at the Technical
Engineering at the University of University of Delft (The
the Witwatersrand (SA). He Netherlands). After graduating, he
received the RSC 2010 Green conducted organic chemistry
Chemistry Award and the Biocat research at the same University
2010 lifetime achievement. He was in Lisbon with Prof. M. M.
Roger A. Sheldon elected a Fellow of the Royal Pedro C. Pereira Marques, but later returned to
Society in 2015. He has a PhD Prof. Sheldons group, where he
and DSc from Leicester University (UK) and was Professor at Delft obtained his PhD (Biocatalysis Engineering: Developing Enzymatic
University (NL) (19912007), CEO of CLEA Technologies (2006 Systems) and a post-doc fellowship. Outside academia, he worked
2015), VP R&D at DSM-Andeno (19801990) and with Shell Research several years with ViaZym, a biotech company, as an enzyme
Amsterdam (19691980). technology scientist.

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and, hence, it is relatively easy to integrate multiple reactions biocatalyst is merely one part. In this tutorial we shall describe
into eco-ecient catalytic cascade processes (see later). dierent strategies for biocatalysis engineering aimed at
Wild-type enzymes have evolved over millions of years to be improving existing biotransformations or creating new ones.
able to convert their natural substrates in high rates in vivo. It These include engineering of the substrate, the reaction
is not surprising therefore, that they have a problem with medium, the protein, and post-translational modification of
sustaining a high activity and productivity with non-natural the enzyme. Finally, reactor engineering in combination with
substrates under more challenging conditions in vitro, such downstream processing facilitates product recovery and re-use
as high substrate concentrations and non-aqueous media. of the biocatalyst. Hence, the holistic approach of biocatalysis
Nonetheless, spectacular results have been obtained in some engineering can aord an environmentally and economically
cases with wild-type enzymes. An early example is the enzymatic viable biotransformation by optimising all the variables.
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

synthesis, developed and commercialised by DSM-Andeno in the

1980s, of the key chiral intermediate in the manufacture of the
2. Substrate engineering
anti-hypertensive drug, diltiazem. It involved a highly enantio-
selective hydrolysis of a chiral glycidate ester catalysed by Substrate engineering involves varying the substrate structure,
Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (E.C., otherwise known leading to both the optimisation of existing biotransformations
as lipolase (Fig. 1a),10 an inexpensive, readily available enzyme and the invention of new ones. It is often referred to as the use
used in a wide variety of industrial applications. of non-natural substrates, which gave rise to the term enzyme
More recently, Pfizer developed an extremely eective promiscuity.12 A powerful consequence of this property is that it
chemoenzymatic process (Fig. 1b), using the same lipase, for can lead to the discovery of totally dierent reaction types.
the manufacture of pregabalin,11 the active ingredient of the Knowledge of the reaction mechanism is almost a conditio sine
CNS drug Lyricas. The key enzymatic step was conducted at an qua non for designing a strategy for substrate engineering. For
impressive 3 M (765 g L 1) substrate concentration in a largely example, the in vivo hydrolysis of triglycerides, to a mixture of
aqueous process with dramatically reduced organic solvent glycerol and fatty acids, is catalysed by lipases. These enzymes
usage. Compared to the first generation manufacturing process, belong to the group of serine proteases, a common feature of
the new one aorded a higher yield and a five-fold reduction in which is the involvement of a serinehistidineaspartate triad
the E factor from 86 to 17. in the so-called electron relay mechanism (Fig. 2). The acyl
Notwithstanding these and other impressive examples enzyme intermediate is formed by reaction of the substrate
of the industrial application of wild-type enzymes, with most with the OH group of a serine residue in the active site which is
non-natural substrates optimisation of the biocatalytic step is assisted by the His and Asp groups. Subsequent reaction of the
necessary for commercial viability. Enter biocatalysis engineering acylenzyme intermediate with water affords the free fatty acid.
which is concerned with optimisation of the use of enzymes as Close inspection of this mechanism easily leads to the idea that
catalysts, either by modifying the enzyme or the reaction system. other, non-natural nucleophiles (acyl acceptors) could possibly
A biocatalytic process comprises many variables, of which the be used instead of water.

Fig. 1 Diltiazem and pregabalin processes.

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amides from esters. However, the use of the simplest nitrogen

nucleophile, ammonia, had not been described. Hence, a new
enzymatic reaction, ester ammoniolysis, was invented when
ethyl octanoate was allowed to react with a saturated solution of
ammonia in tert-butanol in the presence of lipases (Fig. 3a).13
Most lipases showed some activity but Candida antarctica
lipase B (CaLB) and Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (lipolase)
were the most active. The method was used,14 for example, to
produce white crystals of oleic acid amide in 94% yield by
reaction of olive oil (triolein) with a saturated solution of
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

ammonia in tert-butanol at 60 1C (Fig. 3b). Amides could

also be prepared from the corresponding acids in a one-pot
procedure involving CaLB catalysed esterification followed by
CaLB catalysed ammoniolysis of the resulting ester.
Enzymatic ammoniolysis is also an eective method for
the kinetic resolution of chiral carboxylic acid esters and
ammoniolysis of amino acid esters, catalysed by both lipases
and serine proteases, aord the corresponding amino amides.
For example racemic phenylglycine methyl ester was converted
to D-phenylglycine amide, an intermediate in the manufacture
of semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins (Fig. 3c).14
Another striking example of non-natural nucleophiles in an
enzymatic reaction involves halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDHs).
In vivo HHDHs catalyse the ring closure of chlorohydrins to
Fig. 2 The electron relay mechanism.
epoxides and the reverse reaction: ring opening of an epoxide
with chloride ion (Fig. 4). The mechanism involves a halide ion
Indeed, it was already known in the early 1990s that amines, binding site and one might expect that halide ion could be
could be used as the nucleophile, leading to the formation of exchanged with other nucleophiles which could subsequently

Fig. 3 Enzymatic ester ammoniolysis.

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aording a cyclopropane. This proved to be the case: reaction of

styrene with ethyl diazo acetate, in the presence of 0.2 mole%
of P450BM3 aorded the expected cyclopropane carboxylic
ester (Fig. 5).
Finally, it is worth emphasizing that substrate engineering
can be approached in a systematic way based on an eective
combination of a knowledge of the three dimensional structure
of the active site of the enzyme and the mechanism of the
enzymatic transformation with a good understanding of
organic reaction mechanisms in general.
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

3. Medium engineering
Fig. 4 Epoxide ring opening reactions catalysed by HHDH. As we already noted (see above), the 1984 paper of Zaks
and Klibanov served as a wake-up call to organic chemists.
Enzymes generally function optimally in water but they are also
react with the epoxide. Indeed, HHDHs are highly promiscuous active in organic solvents. Indeed, biocatalysis in organic media
enzymes that can accept at least nine other anions as nucleo- has several benefits: many organic substrates are at best
philes in the enantioselective ring opening of epoxides,15 only sparingly soluble in water, and some reactions e.g. (trans)-
forming the basis for the highly enantioselective synthesis of esterifications and amidations, cannot be conducted in water
a broad range of b-substituted alcohols. The use of cyanide ion owing to equilibrium limitations and/or competing product
as the nucleophile, for example, is particularly interesting as it hydrolysis. Additional benefits of non-aqueous biocatalysis are
generates a new CC bond. It has been applied in a process, easier product recovery from volatile organic solvents and
commercialised by Codexis, for the synthesis of a key inter- elimination of microbial contamination. In short, engineering
mediate in the manufacture of atorvastatin,16 the active ingre- of the reaction medium can be used to optimise the synthetic
dient of Pfizers cholesterol lowering agent Lipitor (Fig. 4). potential of biocatalytic transformations.
A more recent, remarkable example of enzyme promiscuity Although enzymes are able to perform as suspensions in
designed by intuitive, mechanism-based substrate engineering organic solvents, their catalytic eciencies are generally two
is cyclopropanation via carbene transfer catalysed by an engi- orders of magnitude lower than those observed in water. It
neered cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase.17 In vivo should be noted, however, that it is dicult to meaningfully
these enzymes catalyse the aerobic oxidation of a wide variety of compare the rates of reactions conducted in a homogeneous
organic substrates via a high-valent oxo-iron species as the enzyme solution in water with reactions catalysed by the same
active oxidant. Reaction of the latter with an olefin leads to enzyme as a heterogeneous suspension of a solid in an organic
transfer of the oxygen atom (oxene transfer) to the double bond, solvent. Moreover, the environmental issues associated with
aording an epoxide (Fig. 5). By analogy, the formation of a high- the use of volatile organic solvents (VOCs) represent another
valent iron-carbenoid species from a diazo ester as a co-substrate drawback of reactions in organic media. In this context it
was envisaged. Reaction of this putative intermediate with an should also be mentioned that many biocatalytic reactions
olefin would result in carbene transfer to the double bond, are performed, both on laboratory and industrial scale, in an

Fig. 5 Enzymatic cyclopropanation by carbene transfer.

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aqueous biphasic system, consisting of a, preferably environ- suspension of CaLB in anhydrous [bmim][PF6] and [bmim][BF4].20
mentally attractive, organic solvent and water. The reaction To ensure that they were anhydrous, both the IL and the enzyme
takes place in the aqueous phase and the substrate and product were dried over phosphorus pentoxide prior to use. Although the
are dissolved primarily in the organic phase. A good example is rates were only marginally higher than those observed in the best
the three enzyme process for atorvastatin intermediate referred organic solvents these results demonstrated the compatibility
to earlier which is conducted in aqueous ethyl acetate. of enzymes with ILs and marked the advent of prolific studies
The best solvent is no solvent but if a solvent (diluent) is of biocatalysis in ILs in the next 15 years.
needed supercritical carbon dioxide, scCO2, is a potentially The use of ILs as reaction media can also result in increased
attractive alternative to VOCs. It is non-flammable, non-toxic enantioselectivity or stability resulting from conformational
and is the only readily available, inexpensive solvent that is changes of enzymes in IL media. Based on their ability to dissolve
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

supercritical under conditions (31 1C and 7.4 MPa) which are large amounts of highly polar substrates they are potentially
conducive to biocatalysis. In short, a natural catalyst in a interesting media for biotransformations of carbohydrates,
natural solvent. Furthermore, supercritical fluids combine the nucleosides and polysaccharides which are, at best, only
solubilising capacity of a liquid with the low viscosity of a gas, sparingly soluble in common organic solvents.
resulting in high rates of mass transfer, and the product can be An important driver for using ILs is the possibility of
recovered by simply reducing the pressure. Enzymes generally replacing VOCs with non-volatile ILs, thereby circumventing
exhibit good activity and stability in scCO2 but there are two the risk of air pollution. However, ILs have significant solubility
properties which can have a detrimental eect: (i) amino groups in water and first generation ILs, such as dialkylimidazolium
in lysine residues can react with CO2 to aord carbamates, and and tetraalkylammonium salts exhibit aquatic ecotoxicity and
(ii) CO2 can react with water to give carbonic acid resulting in a poor biodegradability. Moreover, their preparation often involves
drop in pH. circuitous processes, making them prohibitively expensive.
Immobilisation of the enzyme using the CLEA methodology Hence, the current trend is towards the rational design of task
(see later) suppresses inactivation by converting free amino specific, biocompatible ILs that combine cost-eectiveness with
groups on the surface. In the kinetic resolution of 1-phenyl- a low environmental footprint. Cholinium ILs, for example, are
ethanol by CaLB-CLEA catalysed transesterification in scCO2 in prepared by reaction of inexpensive choline hydroxide with a
continuous mode, reaction rates were higher than those wide variety of carboxylic acids or amino acids.21
observed in n-hexane.18 A benefit of using liquid CO2 is that Another class of IL comprises the protic ionic liquids (PILs).
it can be maintained under relatively modest pressure (4.5 MPa The latter are easily prepared, by simply mixing a tertiary amine
at 10 1C). In another recent development transesterification of with a (carboxylic) acid, and exhibit better biodegradability and
triglycerides in scCO2 catalysed by lipases immobilised in lower toxicity than the corresponding quaternary ammonium
monoliths in packed bed reactors was used for continuous salts. Moreover, they have suitable H-bond donating properties
biodiesel production.19 for interaction with and stabilisation of enzymes and, when
The activity of enzymes in organic solvents can be increased combined with carboxylate anions, they are self-buering. PILs
by lyophilisation in the presence of relatively large amounts of derived from a variety of tertiary amines and carboxylic acids
salts such as potassium chloride. This led to the idea that were successfully used, for example, as the reaction medium for
suspension of an enzyme in a room temperature ionic liquid enantioselective transesterification of a-methyl benzyl alcohol
(IL), with its salt- and water-like character, could aord signifi- (Fig. 7) catalysed by CaLB-CLEA (see Section 5).22
cant rate enhancements compared to organic solvents. ILs are An important issue regarding reactions in ILs is: how can the
composed entirely of ions and are liquid at or close to ambient product be separated from the ionic liquid? An attractive option
temperature. They have been widely advocated as potentially is to use supercritical carbon dioxide, scCO2, to extract the
attractive alternatives to volatile organic solvents (VOCs). product. The IL has no measurable solubility in scCO2 but
The first examples of biocatalysis in a water-free IL are the latter is highly soluble in the IL phase and can extract
the transesterifications and amidations (Fig. 6) catalysed by a hydrophobic molecules. This provides the basis for biphasic

Fig. 6 Biocatalysis in water-free ILs.

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Fig. 8 Examples of cholinium ILs and DESs.

Fig. 7 CaLB-CLEA catalysed transesterification in PILs.

preventing its diusion into the core of the protein. A further
biocatalysis in which the scCO2 acts as a mobile phase for the surprising observation was that transesterifications in ChCl/Gly
continuous removal of products from the IL.23 The product is (8 M glycerol) gave more than 90% conversion with o0.5%
obtained by decompression of the scCO2 which can be recycled glyceryl ester formation, which can similarly be explained by
by recompression. The concept was applied, for example, to assuming that the glycerol is hydrogen-bonded to the ChCl,
the CaLB catalysed kinetic resolution of 1-phenylethanol in preventing its access to the active site.
high enantioselectivities (ee 4 99.9%) and with good opera-
tional stability. 4. Protein engineering
In addition to second generation ILs and PILs another class
of neoteric solvents has emerged in recent years: so-called deep As noted above, wild-type enzymes are often not eective with
eutectic solvents (DES).24 They are easy to synthesise, by mixing non-natural substrates under the harsh conditions of industrial
certain solid salts, in dierent proportions, with a hydrogen processes which leads to low selectivities, activities and volumetric
bond donor (HBD) such as urea and glycerol, and gently heating productivities. Hence, they need to be re-designed to give high
the mixture. For example combining choline chloride (m.p. space time yields and high selectivities at high substrate concen-
302 1C) with urea (m.p. 132 1C) aords a DES with a melting trations and low enzyme loadings. Moreover, this process should
point of 12 1C. They have similar properties to ILs and, because not take millions of years. This can be achieved using directed
they are generally made from naturally occurring, biocompatible evolution, also known as in vitro evolution or evolution in the test
substrates, they are non-toxic and biodegradable. Choline tube, to generate libraries of mutant enzymes to be screened
chloride (ChCl), for example, is a readily available, inexpensive for improved properties. Alternatively, space-time yields can be
feed additive produced in 41 mio tonnes per annum, urea is a increased by simply using higher enzyme concentrations but,
common fertiliser and glycerol is a byproduct of biodiesel in addition to being less economical, this generally leads to
manufacture. Hence, ChCl/urea (ChCl/U; 1 : 2 molar ratio) and problems in down-stream processing owing to the formation of
ChCl/glycerol (Ch/Gly; 1 : 2) are readily available, inexpensive, dicult to separate emulsions.
biocompatible and biodegradable. DESs have also been prepared Rational design by site-directed mutagenesis (SDM), a genetic
from ChCl and a variety of renewable HBDs such as lactic acid, engineering tool introduced by Smith and coworkers26 in the
amino acids and carbohydrates (Fig. 8). late 1970s, involves the creation of so-called point mutations
Kazlauskas and coworkers25 first reported that various whereby a given amino acid at a predetermined site in the
hydrolases show excellent activity retention in DESs. For protein is replaced by one of the other 19 canonical amino acids.
example, immobilised CaLB (Novozym 435) catalysed the trans- An important shortcoming of SDM is that detailed information
esterification and amidation of ethyl valerate with 1-butanol is required regarding the three dimensional structure and
and 1-butylamine, respectively (Fig. 9) in ChCl/U (1 : 2) and mechanism of the enzyme. In contrast, random mutagenesis
ChCl/Gly (1 : 2), exhibiting conversions comparable with those requires no structural information and in the early 1990s error-
observed in toluene. These results were surprising since urea is prone polymerase chain reaction, ep-PCR, was used to generate
known to be a potent protein denaturant. A plausible explana- libraries of mutants. A seminal paper, published by the group
tion is that the urea is hydrogen bonded to the ChCl thus of Arnold27 in 1993, involved the use of ep-PCR to generate

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Fig. 9 Biocatalysis in deep eutectic solvents.

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mutants of subtilisin E, an industrially important serine protease,

with increased stability in organic solvents such as DMF.
Although ep-PCR is an eective means to introduce changes
into a protein, in natural evolution the eect is amplified by an
additional mechanism: recombination. Hence, techniques
were developed to mimic the latter in vitro. A landmark in the
development of directed evolution was the report by Stemmer
in 1994, of DNA shuing.28 In this technique DNase is used to
fragment a set of parent genes and a primer-free PCR step
recombines fragments from diverse parent genes into new
chimeras which can then be cloned into an expression vector
and screened. This sequence can then be repeated until mutant
enzymes with the sought after improved properties are obtained
Fig. 10 Three enzyme process for atorvastatin intermediate.
in a Darwinian type evolution in vitro. Although early studies
of directed evolution were mainly focused on increasing the
stabilities of enzymes the involvement of organic chemists Table 1 Evolution of a KRED/GDH biocatalyst
turned attention to improving another important property of
Parameter Wild-type Best variant
enzymes, namely stereoselectivity. A pioneering, proof-of-concept
for improving enantioselectivity by directed evolution was TTN catalyst 3000 4100 000
TTN NADP 4000 420 000
reported by Reetz and Jaeger and coworkers29 in 1997. STY (g L 1 day 1) 80 600
Over the subsequent decades DNA shuing, and other Yield (%) 80 495
directed evolution strategies have been widely applied in ee (%) 99.8 499.9
[Enzyme] (g L 1) 100
the improvement of existing activities30 and evolving new [Substrate] (g L 1) 80 200
activities of enzymes.31 Indeed, it is now possible to predefine Reaction time (h) 24 10
the parameters of the dream process and then use directed Phase separation 41 h ca. 1 min
Work-up Complex Very simple
evolution to modify the biocatalyst to fit it. This contrasts
dramatically with the traditional approach of modifying the
process to fit the commercially available biocatalyst. Indeed, exhibited by the wild-type KRED. The parameters of the wild-type
key advances in DNA sequencing and gene synthesis, in combi- KRED/GDH combination are compared with the best variant,
nation with directed evolution techniques, have paved the way obtained after several rounds of DNA shuing, in Table 1. Because
for the widespread industrial application of biocatalysis, parti- of the much lower enzyme loading, no emulsion problems were
cularly in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients encountered and phase separation required less than one minute.
(APIs), in the last decade.32 A pertinent example is the two-step, Similarly, the activity of the wild-type HHDH in the hydro-
three enzyme process for the synthesis of a key intermediate for cyanation step was extremely low and the enzyme showed poor
atorvastatin (Fig. 10) in which a key step is a HHDH catalysed stability in the presence of substrate and product and strong
conversion of a chlorohydrin to a cyanohydrin (see Section 2).16 product inhibition. After many rounds of DNA shuing and
Proof-of-concept on a lab scale was obtained with the wild-type screening, in the presence of increasing product concentrations,
KRED, GDH and HHDH. In the first step the chlorohydrin the inhibition was largely overcome and the HHDH activity
product was obtained in 85% yield and 499.5% ee. increased 42500 fold. The wild-type HHDH is compared with
However, the activities were too low for commercial viability the best variant in Table 2. The substrate loading was increased
and the use of high enzyme loadings led to emulsion formation from 20 to 140 g L 1, the enzyme loading reduced from 30 to
and problematical product recovery. DNA shuing was used16 1.2 g L 1 and the reaction time to completion from 72 to 5 h.
to improve the activity and stability of the KRED and the This process was substantially greener than previous pro-
GDH, while maintaining the nearly perfect enantioselectivity cesses when assessed according to the twelve principles of green

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Table 2 Evolution of a HHDH biocatalyst by DNA shuing required and were subject to acetone inhibition. Subsequent
directed evolution using DNA shuffling was focused on improv-
Parameter Process design Wild-type Best variant
ing the activity and stability. After an initial three rounds
[Substrate] (g L ) 120 20 140 of evolution the product/enzyme mass ratio was improved 400
[Enzyme] (g L 1) 1.5 30 1.2
Catalyst productivity (g g 1) 80 0.7 117 fold from 1 : 50 to 8 : 1. Further improvements were obtained
STY (g L 1 day 1) 4360 7 672 by optimising the reaction medium to a toluene/water mixture
Isolated yield (%) 490 67 92 and raising the reaction temperature to 40 1C. The final variant
Chemical purity (%) 498 498 498
ee (%) 499.5 499.5 499.5 exhibited a 3000-fold improvement and the process could be
Reaction time (h) 8 72 5 performed in a slurry-to-slurry mode at 100 g L 1 substrate
Phase separation (min) o10 460 o1
loading and 3 g L 1 enzyme concentration in 24 h at 45 1C,
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

affording the (S)-hydroxy ester in 495% yield and 499.9% ee.

chemistry. The E factor (kg waste per kg product) for the overall Yet another protein engineering tour de force is provided by
process is 5.8 if water is excluded and 18 if it is included. The the synthesis of the key intermediate for sitagliptin, the active
main contributors to the E factor are solvent (ethyl and butyl ingredient of the antidiabetic agent, Januvia. Teams at Codexis
acetates) losses (51%), sodium gluconate (25%) and NaCl and and Merck used a palette of protein engineering techniques,
Na2SO4 (combined 22%). The three enzymes and the NADP to develop a transaminase for the conversion of the ketone
cofactor accounted for o1% of the waste. The dramatic improve- precursor to sitagliptin (Fig. 12).35 The starting point was
ment in the key properties of the three enzymes is the epitome of an (R)-selective transaminase (TA), possessing the necessary
the power of directed evolution in enabling green-by-design, catalytic machinery to perform the desired transformation but
economically viable biocatalytic processes that would otherwise which lacked any activity towards the prositagliptin substrate.
have remained laboratory curiosities. A combination of computer-aided catalyst design of the active
In the last decade KRED catalysed ketone reductions have site and site saturation mutagenesis was used to produce a
become economically and environmentally attractive alternatives transaminase that, at an enzyme loading of 10 g L 1 and a
to stoichiometric reductions with chiral borane reagents and substrate loading of 2 g L 1 gave 0.7% conversion in 24 h.
rhodium catalysed asymmetric hydrogenations.33 The success As with the montelukast example the prositagliptin is only
of KRED catalysed reductions is largely a result of the develop- sparingly soluble (o1 g L 1) in water, necessitating substantial
ment of eective cofactor regeneration systems and the use of amounts of DMSO as a cosolvent.
protein engineering to improve their catalytic properties and, In order to achieve the parameters required for commercial
hence, commercial viability. A striking example of the latter is viability the enzyme characteristics had to be improved to
provided by the synthesis of the key intermediate in the manu- withstand the harsh conditions of 100 g L 1 substrate, 1 M
facture of montelukast, the active ingredient of Singulair, an isopropylamine, 425% DMSO, a temperature of 440 1C for
anti-asthmatic agent. No commercially available KRED showed 24 h to give a product with 499.9% ee. This was achieved using
any activity towards the ketone substrate (Fig. 11).34 The very low directed evolution with, inter alia, DNA shuing. The final
solubility of the ketone substrate, even in waterorganic solvent variant contained 27 mutations and, of the 17 noncatalytically
mixtures, was a limiting factor. An initial screening of KREDs essential amino acids predicted to interact with the substrate,
afforded a few with 499.9% (S)-selectivity, using isopropanol for 10 were mutated. Using 6 g L 1 of this variant in 50% DMSO
cofactor regeneration. However, activities were three orders of at 45 1C, 100 g L 1 substrate was converted to sitagliptin of
magnitude lower than that required for commercial viability and 499.95% ee (the other isomer was below detection level) in
the enzymes were unstable at the high level of organic solvents 92% yield. Compared with the rhodium catalysed asymmetric
hydrogenation of an eneamine which it replaced, the biocatalytic
process provided a 13% increase in overall yield, a 53% increase
in productivity (kg L 1 day 1), a 19% reduction in E factor, the
elimination of all heavy metals and a reduction in total manu-
facturing costs. Moreover, the biocatalytic process is conducted in
standard multipurpose reactors obviating the need for specialised
high pressure hydrogenation equipment. Furthermore, the
enzymes developed for sitagliptin synthesis were shown to have
broad scope in the synthesis of chiral amines, which is of general
interest in the pharmaceutical industry.

5. Biocatalyst engineering
Having identified an enzyme for the targeted transformation,
optimised its properties using substrate, medium and protein
Fig. 11 Montelukast intermediate by KRED reduction. engineering techniques, the enzyme is expressed in a microbial

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Fig. 12 Synthesis of sitagliptin by biocatalytic transamination.

production host with a GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) status to to be remarkably robust in dry isopropyl acetate at 50 1C, with a
enable its overproduction in large amounts at relatively low cost. deactivation rate of 0.5% h 1 over 6 days. When water-saturated
The next step is to identify an eective formulation of the enzyme. isopropyl acetate was used no deactivation was observed over the
Enzymes are soluble in water and it is dicult and costly to recover same time period and 10 consecutive cycles were obtained, with
them from aqueous euents, although this can be achieved using no detectable loss of activity over a 200 h period. In contrast, the
ultrafiltration. Hence, many enzymes are used on a single use, soluble TA was completely denatured and showed no activity in
throw-away basis. The enzyme costs per kg of product can be the organic solvent.
substantially reduced by immobilisation of the enzyme to form a The combination of increased stability and reuse of the
free-flowing powder, i.e. by creating a heterogeneous catalyst to immobilised TA aorded a 490% reduction in the enzyme
enable catalyst recovery and reuse,7 thereby resulting in process loading compared to the soluble enzyme. Interestingly, the
simplification combined with a higher product quality and a immobilised TA was used successfully in the synthesis of chiral
smaller environmental footprint. It constitutes post-translational amines, in high enantiomeric purity, from the corresponding
biocatalyst engineering, as opposed to (pre-translational) protein ketone precursors. The use of an organic solvent represents a
engineering. Additionally, enzyme immobilisation generally significant advantage compared to the aqueous protocol which
results in increased stability, by suppressing the unfolding requires the use of buer and continuous pH control during
and, hence, denaturation of the enzyme. This enables, in turn, the reaction. Organic solvent is then used to extract the product
the use of a much broader choice of solvents. and the mixture filtered to remove the denatured enzyme. The
A case in point is the aforementioned (R)-selective trans- remaining aqueous euent constitutes a solvent contaminated
aminase (TA) developed, using a combination of computer-aided waste stream. In contrast, the use of an immobilised enzyme in
modelling and directed evolution, for the synthesis of sitagliptin. an environmentally attractive organic solvent obviates the need
The optimum protocol involved the use of aqueous DMSO as the for buer, continuous pH control and laborious removal of the
reaction medium. Subsequently, Merck scientists36 investigated denatured enzyme. This substantially simplifies the work-up
the immobilisation of the TA on a variety of polymer-based and reduces the processing time and the amount of waste
resins and compared the immobilisates with the lyophilised free generated. Moreover, the enzyme can be reused over and over
TA. The best results were obtained using the TA adsorbed on a again and the bottom line is a more commercially attractive
highly hydrophobic octadecyl functionalised polymethacrylate process than the rhodium catalysed asymmetric hydrogenation
resin with 4% loading of the TA, resulting in 45% activity of an enamine which it replaced.
recovery. The immobilised TA was shown to be active in a variety Enzyme immobilisation usually results in some loss of activity,
of organic solvents, the best results being obtained in the compared with the soluble enzyme, but this is more than
environmentally attractive, isopropyl acetate which combined a compensated by the increase in stability coupled with reusability
favourable solubility of the ketone substrate with increased which can aord dramatic cost reductions.1 Two important
stability of the TA compared to other solvents. The TA was found landmarks were the immobilisation of glucose isomerase and

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penicillin G amidase. Glucose isomerase catalyses the isomer-

isation of D-glucose to D-fructose and is one of the most impor-
tant industrial enzymes in use today, driven by the extensive use
of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener in food and
beverages. The immobilisation of glucose isomerase dates back
more than 50 years and all current commercial applications
involve the use of an immobilised form. It is the largest process
involving an immobilised enzyme; more than 500 tons are used
to produce ca. 106 tons of HFCS, corresponding to productivities
of 410.000 kg kg 1, on an annual basis. Penicillin G amidase
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

(PGA) catalyses the hydrolysis of penicillin G to 6-amino peni-

Fig. 13 Cross-linked enzyme aggregates.
cillanic acid (6-APA), a key intermediate in the manufacture of
penicillins and cephalosporins with an annual production of
12 000 tons.3 Productivities of 600 kg kg 1 are obtained and are salt, such as ammonium sulfate, or a water miscible organic
necessary for commercial viability. It is worth emphasizing that solvent or polymer, followed by cross-linking with a bifunctional
the two products, HFCS and 6-APA, have very dierent values but reagent. Precipitation of the enzyme aords physical aggregates
so do the respective enzymes. Penicillin G amidase is a more of enzyme molecules, held together by non-covalent bonding
expensive enzyme than glucose isomerase. Hence, in both cases without perturbation of their tertiary structure, that is without
high productivities are needed to achieve economic viability. denaturation. Subsequent cross-linking of these aggregates
Methods for enzyme immobilisation can be divided into three renders them permanently insoluble while maintaining their
categories: binding to a solid support (carrier), entrapment and pre-organised superstructure, and, hence their catalytic activity
cross-linking. Binding to a prefabricated support can be physical (Fig. 13). Selective precipitation from an aqueous medium is
(e.g. hydrophobic), ionic, or covalent. Physical binding is often often used to purify enzymes and, hence, the CLEA methodology
too weak to keep the enzyme fixed to the carrier under rigorous essentially combines purification and immobilisation into a
industrial conditions of high reactant and product concentra- single unit operation that does not require a highly pure enzyme.
tions and high ionic strength (for an exception see the example of It can be used, for example, for the direct immobilisation of an
the immobilised TA discussed above). Ionic binding is generally enzyme from crude cell lysate. Glutaraldehyde is generally the
stronger and covalent binding precludes leaching of the enzyme cross-linker of choice as it is inexpensive and readily available in
from the surface but has the disadvantage that if the enzyme is commercial quantities.
irreversibly deactivated, both the enzyme and the (often costly) The methodology has been commercialised by CLEA Tech-
support are rendered unusable. Typical supports are synthetic nologies ( and has been applied to a
resins, biopolymers, such as polysaccharides, or inorganic solids broad range of hydrolases, oxidoreductases, lyases and trans-
such as (mesoporous) silicas.7 ferases. In a further elaboration, smart magnetic CLEAs were
Entrapment involves inclusion of an enzyme in an organic prepared by conducting the cross-linking in the presence of
or inorganic polymer matrix, such as polyacrylamide and silica functionalised magnetic particles.38 These mCLEAs can be separated
solgel, respectively, or a membrane device such as a hollow magnetically on an industrial scale, using standard commercial
fiber or a microcapsule. Physical constraints generally are equipment, to aord novel combinations of bioconversions and
too weak, however, to prevent enzyme leakage entirely and downstream processing. It is particularly eective for applications
additional covalent attachment is often required. Entrapment involving suspended solids where separation of the immobilised
generally requires the synthesis of the polymeric matrix in the enzyme from other solids is problematical. Magnetic CLEAs,
presence of the enzyme. can be used, for example, in the conversion of lignocellulose to
The use of a carrier inevitably leads to dilution of activity, 2nd generation biofuels.39
owing to the introduction of a large portion of non-catalytic Interestingly, two or more enzymes can be co-immobilised
ballast, ranging from 90% to 499%, resulting in lower space- in a so-called combi-CLEA by co-precipitating the enzymes from
time yields and productivities. Increasing the enzyme loading aqueous buer and cross linking the aggregates. For example, a
doesnt help as loss of activity occurs because some of the combi-CLEA of a KRED and GDH was developed40 and used
enzyme molecules become inaccessible when they consist of repeatedly in the reduction of the keto ester in the synthesis of the
multiple layers on the carrier surface or are situated deeply key atorvastatin intermediate discussed in Section 4. It proved
within the carrier pores. Consequently, there is an increasing to be a robust regeneration system for the pyridine nucleotide
interest in carrier-free immobilised enzymes, such as cross- co-factor, exhibiting increased thermal and pH stability, high
linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs)37 which oer clear advan- substrate tolerance and long-term operational stability. The
tages: high catalyst and volume productivities, high stability authors predicted that the technology would be widely applied
and low production costs owing to the exclusion of an addi- in the cost-eective production of chiral alcohols.
tional (expensive) carrier. Combi-CLEAs are also finding applications in food and
CLEAs are prepared by simply precipitating the enzyme from beverages processing. For example, Wilson and coworkers
a solution in aqueous buer, at the optimum pH, by adding a used a combi-CLEA of two glycosidases, a-L-arabinosidase and

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b-glucosidase, for aroma enhancement in wine.41 Similarly, a Manihot esculenta, a non-selective nitrilase from Pseudomonas
trienzyme magnetic combi-CLEA of an a-amylase, pectinase fluotrescens EBC 191 and an amidase from Rhodococcus
and cellulase was used for clarification of fruit juices.42 erythropolis, which catalysed the enantioselective conversion of
benzaldehyde to (S)-mandelic acid in 90% yield and 499% ee
(Fig. 14).44 It was originally developed as a hydroxynitrile lyase/
6. Biocatalytic cascade processes: nitrilase bienzyme combi-CLEA but large amounts of the corres-
cell-free synthetic biology ponding amide were formed as a byproduct of the nitrilase-
catalysed hydrolysis and an amidase was added to convert the
Brevity is the soul of synthesis and the ultimate in green
amide side product to the acid. Rates were higher than with
catalytic methodologies is to telescope multi-step syntheses
mixtures of the respective CLEAs.
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

into one-pot catalytic cascades obviating the need for time-

consuming isolation and purification of intermediates. This is
truly emulating the elegant orchestration of enzymatic steps in
metabolic pathways in the living cell. Such cascading syntheses
7. Reactor engineering and down-
have several advantages: fewer unit operations, less solvent, stream processing
and reactor volume, shorter cycle times, higher volumetric and
In the context of down-stream processing we note that sub-
space time yields and less waste, which translates to substantial
stantial cost reductions of biocatalytic processes can often be
economic and environmental benefits. Furthermore, coupling
achieved by employing in situ product removal (ISPR), which
of reactions can be used to drive equilibria towards product
can shift unfavourable equilibria and circumvent product
thus avoiding the need for excess reagents. On the other hand,
inhibition and degradation of labile products. However, in this
there are problems to be overcome: catalysts are often incom-
article we have concentrated on the integration of enzyme
patible with each other and optimum conditions can be very
formulation, enzyme reactor configuration and downstream
dierent and catalyst recovery and recycle complicated. Nature
processing as a means to optimising biocatalytic processes.
solves the incompatibility problem by compartmentalising
The choice of reactor configuration is intimately connected
enzymes in dierent parts of the cell. Hence, compartmentalisa-
with downstream processing and is largely influenced by the
tion via immobilisation can be the solution in enzymatic cascades.
industry segment and characteristic product volumes. In the
Moreover, biocatalytic processes generally proceed under roughly
pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries product volumes
the same conditions in water at ambient temperature and
are relatively small and processes are generally conducted in
pressure facilitating their integration in cascade processes.
multi-purpose stirred tank reactors (STRs), equipped with a
Biocatalytic cascade processes have become a focus of atten-
propeller stirrer. When the process involves the cost-eective
tion in recent years, largely motivated by the envisaged environ-
application of an immobilised enzyme, filtration or centrifuga-
mental and economic benefits.43 The rates of sequential
tion is generally used to recover and reuse the biocatalyst.
biocatalytic cascades can be substantially increased by simulating
A problem that is often encountered in the use of STRs is
the close proximity of the enzymes extant in microbial cells by
mechanical attrition of the immobilised enzyme, resulting
co-immobilisation of the respective enzymes in, for example,
from shear forces caused by the propeller stirrer, leading to
combi-CLEAs such as the KREDGDH combi-CLEA discussed
the formation of pulverised particles which are dicult to
in Section 5. An example of a cascade involving a combi-CLEA is
separate. Several concepts have been used to cope with this
the trienzyme CLEA consisting of a (S)-hydroxynitrile lyase from
problem. For example, in a membrane slurry reactor (MSR),
which can easily be implemented by making minor modifica-
tions to an existing STR, the immobilised enzyme is retained
inside the reactor because it is too large to pass through the
pores of a membrane patch in the reactor wall. In contrast, the
substrate and product can be pumped in and out of the reactor.
The MSR concept enables the use of a broad range of catalyst
particle sizes including the relatively small particles of CLEAs.
High catalyst loadings, longer catalyst life-times owing to
less mechanical stress, and high volumetric and catalyst pro-
ductivities are some of the many advantages of this system. The
biotransformation and catalyst separation are combined into
a single operation. Its practical utility was demonstrated in
the industrially important hydrolysis of penicillin G to 6-APA
catalysed by penicillin G amidase CLEA.45
The tea-bag concept for containing solid catalysts was
originally used by Houghten46 in the combinatorial synthesis
Fig. 14 Conversion of benzaldehyde to (S)-mandelic acid with a trienzyme- of peptides. A polystyrene-based resin catalyst was contained in
CLEA. solvent-permeable polypropylene bags which were dangled as

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tea bags in the reaction solution. The so-called perfusion basket lignocellulose, in the production of first and second generation
reactor (BR) constitutes a refinement of the tea bag concept. biofuels, respectively. In the production of bioethanol, for
It consists of a metallic filtration membrane-like module that example, the hydrolysis step and the subsequent fermentation
retains the immobilised biocatalyst. The BR was used success- can be integrated in a one-pot simultaneous saccharification
fully, for example, in the degradation of endocrine-disrupting and fermentation (SSF) process. As already discussed in
chemicals in aqueous euents catalysed by laccase-CLEAs.47 Section 5, in this case smart magnetic CLEAs of the hydrolytic
Another variation on this theme is the spinning basket enzymes could be used to enable their facile recovery and reuse,
reactor which was used in the enzymatic degumming of rice with obvious cost benefits.
bran oil catalysed by an immobilised lecitase.48 In yet another
elaboration, a rotating flow cell reactor, consisting of a catalyst-
Published on 13 March 2017. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 13/03/2017 16:02:53.

containing compartment attached to a propeller stirrer, was 8. Conclusions and prospects

developed by the company SpinChem ( It
Buchners studies on cell-free biotransformations, for which
was used, for example, by Bornscheuer and coworkers in a
he received the Nobel Prize, was a sign of times to come.
transamination catalysed by an immobilised transaminase.49
Biocatalysis has benefitted enormously from advances in mole-
An important benefit of this novel variation on the basket
cular biology and biotechnology and has become a mainstream
reactor is that, in addition to protecting the biocatalyst from
technology for the sustainable production of chemicals, from
shear forces caused by the stirrer, it greatly accelerates mass
pharmaceutical ingredients to other specialty chemicals and
transfer, thus aording substantially higher reaction rates and
even bulk chemicals, and applications in food and beverage
creating the possibility to use much smaller reactors.
processing. Moreover, applications of biocatalysis are expected
Alternatively, the attrition of immobilised enzymes, as a result
to increase even further in the future as a result of the transi-
of mechanical stirring, can be circumvented by using a bubble
tion from an unsustainable economy based on fossil fuels to a
column reactor (BCR). Liese and coworkers, for example, used a
sustainable bio-based economy. Hence, there is a continuing
bubble column reactor to conduct the Novozym 435 catalysed
need for optimisation of biotransformations from both an
esterification of polyols under solvent-free conditions.50 The pro-
economic and environmental viewpoint. We expect that the holistic
ducts are so-called emollient esters used as cosmetic ingredients.
approach of biocatalysis engineering will play an important
Commercially viable production of these highly viscous materials
enabling role in this development.
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