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Trolley Mounted Fire Extinguishers DCP Trolley Mounted Highly mobile, those units permit a snglo operator quick accoss to extinguishing of fires that would normal requ KANEX worl operators wit large hand portables. MECHANICAL FOAM Type Trolley Mounted ‘SOK. ‘Sedum Barbone “Sedum Biearbonate ‘Sedum Biebonate 25.90 806 40-50 %00 50-60 580 980 mm Approx 1020 mm Approx 1080 mm Agprox 300 men Aprox 400 mm Appr 400 mn Appr. 88 Ko 107 Ko 146 Ka 39 Ke ska 1B 1Séar Star See Sokal s0kaiom2 Whalen 30°C 9 55° Features a combination of mebilly, person operation & rekiling power. ANEX Units utile a regulator to maintain a consistent operating pressure and low ‘throughout the total extinguisher dlacharge, MODEL KEM 50 itr KEM 180 ltr avaciy I sol 190 rae caerge toe i a-womeSSSS*dSSSS ee Hei eta ase 1285 mm 1860 mm Daatr L 300 rm 420 mm ts wos 87 Ka 2899 Evatt st Ke 00 9 ‘Weng Presi 20° I 14 tale 4 wgient Teal Prosiee Wkaiona s0kgleme (pean tenpeaire C10 65°C WATER Type Trolley Mounted Foaturesa combination of mebilly, person oporation &freilng power. MANEX Units tle a re tvoughout the total extinguser discharge, cogulator to mairtain a consistent operating pressure and flow WSC t0H85'C CO: Type Trolley Mounted KANEX C02 GAS extinguishers ar characterized by ther hgh performance for res inving an electrical ek ike computers, aioe equoment and generators ‘etc, 602 is non-conductive, clean and sate, ensuring minimal damage to elstricalequipmant and furrshings. 85 K9 Ko 25K9 30-2006 18-38566 20-6006 880 250mm “185mm 140 10 nem 440 10 rm 232 10 nm 25 Ka or 23K 294g or 32K 8 ag or 69K Mskgart65Ko 20K9 0" 234g 285 Ka or 465K 250 Kole 250 Kalen 250 Kole BoC 6 +55°C 19

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